Kehinde Andrews deserves a cunting. If you don’t know who this little cunt is, he’s a professor in ‘Black Studies’ at the University of Birmingham who has made his entire career off of demonising this country and the overwhelming majority of largely good people in it for being ‘waycist’. Just as an example, here’s his latest race baiting shit on the equally cuntish BBC Three (try not to smash your screen)
And on top of this, he has also written several articles for (surprise surprise) the Groaniad and has made several appearances on the BBC. But of course, despite his vehemently anti British sentiment he loves receiving all the perks of living here and all the money he is able to make here from his vile, racist rhetoric. So, Kehinde Andrews – either be grateful for the opportunities you have received here, or fuck off and go back to Nigeria – because you sure as hell wouldn’t have gotten those opportunities in that shithole. Cunt.
Nominated by Opinionated Cunt
Another heart-warming appreciation of the England flag during the World Cup.
This time by a Professor from Birmingham. A Professor in “Black Studies” – surprise, surprise!
Yeah we’re such waycist cunts he became a Professor didn’t he! No doubt he missed the CSE on “Irony”. Cunt!
No time for racist cunts full stop.
Stop trying to destroy this country- if you don’t like it here go somewhere else to live. Simple.
The stupid cunt looks like one of those tin pot African dictators! Hes only missing a few medals…
IF England is so waycist May I suggest he fucks off back to Lagos!! I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t misss him…..
cunts like him get me ticking….
What really gets me is those that protest about racism or a lack of opportunities or oppression only do so from the most liberal and tolerant societies in the World, namely those in the West.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
Peter Tatchell has cunt tendencies but at least he went to Russia to protest the inequalities suffered by woofters in Russian society, he did so at great danger to himself and got a bit of a kicking but fucking hats off for running into the fire.
He was also calling out Peacefuls for what they are many years ago.
Is that a uniform? Whose? Maybe he’s the Nigerian Army Major who was offering me a share in the $30M in an abandoned safe to which he has the combination? Memo to self, must send him the $100k handling charge asap.
Tbh I’m amazed he hasn’t appeared on this site until now. He’s easily as bad as the likes of Owen Jones and Afua Hirsch – possibly even worse. My piss boileth whenever the cunt spouts his racist filth.
Probably enjoys regular scat threesomes with fellow anti white, anti British racists, Hirsch and Sarapongo.
It’s got to the stage where these cunts don’t even manage to get my dander up anymore.
They just bore me.
This cunt and Hirsch etc. continually banging on about the Empire and the like. Someone tell the cunt we played no part in its building. Actions of generations past, nothing to do with me, but despite nobody giving a fuck about it nowdays, these cunts won’t let it go.
I’ll make a deal with Kehinde, if he stops commenting on Britain’s old news, long forgotten Empire building, I won’t mention his ancestors eating missionaries….
If it looks like a CUNT and
acts like a CUNT
and probably smells like a CUNT…………..
Here’s something this Andrews fucker would approve of. Some services charity is holding a fund raising screening of “Zulu” in a Folkestone cinema on Saturday. 28 local busybodies have written to the Council demanding it be banned because of it’s “ inaccuracies and racist undertones.”
Believe it or not the Council have told them to go and fuck themselves. The Council bod said “it’s not my job to tell people what they can and can’t watch.”
No doubt these 28 bastards ( all white, beardy middle class tossers no doubt ) will be there with their placards shouting “raaay-sist” at any cunt who’s attention they can attract.
I suppose the fact that the film was made with the full co-operation of real Zulus, including their chief who became good friends with Stanly Baker and other cast members, doesn’t get mentioned.
An inconvenient truth…?
Am glad to hear that Folkestone is holding up…
I had a couple of great-aunts, or similar, there…
Vicious old bats. Would heve done wet sjamboks and rubber necklaces on these types.
Too many of these cunts moaning about Britain as how “shit” it is. As Willie said, fuck off if you don’t like it here.
Last summer we had a couple of Czechs come over as one of them was the brother of my uncle’s wife. We had them over and catered for them; only for them to spend the whole time slagging this country off. What a cheek. Sorry I forgot what a great country the Czech Republic is. Cunts.
I work with a bloke from the Czech Republic , he says he would never return there. It’s a fuckin depressing shit house and Prague is run by the Russian Mafia. I went there a couple of years ago, was full of Czech fat bearded bastards with no manners.
It honestly baffles me that such courses exist.
About as interesting as watching black paint dry…
I’ve been to the Czech Republic a couple of times and I can assure you it’s a fucking cunthole.
Besides anything else you don’t go to other people’s countries and start slagging it off, no matter what you think personally.
I suppose we’re seen as a soft touch now and you can come here and say and do as you like, as evidenced by this Andrews cunt and his fellow travellers.
“You gotta accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative…”
Except when it comes to British history and the generations of indigenous whites prepared to lay down their lives so future generations could live in freedom and democracy and enjoy hard fought for rights which cunts like Andrews (bit of cultural appropriation there methinks) can’t get round his sub-primate brain or otherwise wants to destroy.
Bottom line: no good whitey deed goes unpunished.
Fuck off to the totalitarian shithole of your choice if you find British culture so repulsive and can’t integrate enough to appreciate the benefits of living in civilised and still relatively free country.
I thought I recognised him from somewhere. Here he is arguing with Nigel Farage on GMTV on St. George’s day……
I’m not a violent person but would like to punch his fucking lights out. Strangely I have the same feeling whenever there is a Guardian columnist on.
Annoying twat.
Same here. But this cunt takes it to a new level. It’s not the far right he hates, it’s English culture in general. He hates English culture and wants it to disappear. He should disappear. I bet he loves the hammer and sickle flag. Much more appropriate symbol for him!
Awwww Waycist Shamist, simply don’t take any notice of these insane chippy cultural Marxist cunts now,not that I ever did,I feel a turn in the tide soon,the cultural Marxism is in overdrive in every aspect of our lifes,the bubble will burst,it’s just silly now and makes me dig my heels in even more…’s just daft I tell thee…..
I know, typical hypocrisy. The lowest form of scum-sucking vermin. Notice how in the clip posted by Opinionated Cunt he claims “i don’t go in pubs with England flags”. Really? So during the World Cup, no pub then? Bullshit!! Just another fucking lying prick with a victimhood complex. Words cannot express my loathing for that cunt. You can see behind his bullshit. And Nigel Farage is dead right. Take it back, and don’t let pricks on either side misappropriate it or ban it.
I’m with JRC. It’s reached a point where I just do not care about these phoney causes anymore. Racism, sexism, transphobia etc…. they can all fuck off – I don’t care what those whingers been through. They’ve drained all the sympathy out of me.
By the way, the above post was supposed to be my reply to Smasher.
A double whammy. Kehinde Andrews and Afua Hirsch. Talking about the royal wedding. Suppose that makes it a triple whammy.
Get these cunts off of our screens FFS.
Wait, BOTH of them?! That’s my worst nightmare come true!
Ha! I knew the scumbags would have been up each other’s buttholes at some point. Flies attracted to shit, except without the flies. Turns my stomach to think what they get up to when no fucker’s looking… apart from Sarpongo with the camera.
Cherry picking racist, regarding his comments on slavery.
No mention on the blacks having black slaves for centuries in Africa, or the blacks selling blacks into slavery. Conveniently overlooked.
BLM, black studies, blackest thing on TV, finding this all very confusing as there isn’t a black person on the planet.
Granted, some east Africans and some Aussie aboriginals are very dark but never black, their hair is, but not skin colour, you can clearly see the difference.
To prove the point, place a small peice of jet black insulating tape on their face, although I wouldn’t advise it, because when I did, it caused nothing but trouble….
Did you put it over their mouth and nose?
Black Duck Tape® Is extremely effective, I use it on the wife.
Er, you mean ‘DUCT’ Tape, you cunt.
Who are you to call me a fucking cunt, cunt? It’s fucking Duck tape cunt. Can’t you fucking read? Should’ve gone to fucking Specsavers. Cunt.
The upsurge in racism can be laid like a fresh turd at the doorstep of that infected pus filled boil on the glorious history of our island, blair and his acolytes
This cunt thinks he’s the king of the swingers (whoa!), the jungle VIP…
He’s just jealous ………….
‘ Oh oobi do,
I wanna be like you oo oo’
Professor of black studies?
Module 1: drug dealing.
module 2: Having kids with stupid names and never paying for them.
Module 3: applied fraud
Module 4: blaming whitey for all your problems
FUCK OFF BACK TO THE PLANTATION. That cotton wont pick itself.
You missed a module. In between drug dealing and having kids with stupid names should be mugging people.
Gang shootings should be added in there as well.
Cultural Appropriation of every aspect of WASP inventiveness.
You missed de stabbings. Dat dem bees raciss. Muh dik rape n sheet not bees dare needer.
Waddymelon pickin’ and grape juice drinkin’ not dare needer.
you can quote me on this,
I have lived abroad a couple of times, on one occasion I was not paticularly keen on the president of one of the places and being the way I am, I may have mentioned it a few times too often.
I recall a friendly conversation with a member of the local services that went like this ” If you say things like that, I can not be responsible for your saftey” which translates to shut up or you are going for a walk in the woods and you are not coming back.
I took the hint and left the country and slag them off from a safe distance (bunch of robbing, lying, colaborating ex comunists, who fucked everything up)
Now that democracy! and the only thing they did was reverse their flag to change from a fashist to comunist state!
(they also have no coloured chappies there either, or pikeys for that matter)
Some days I don’t who to despise more: uppities or peacefuls. A billion of each less in the world would be a good start.
Cheeky bastard, dragging my maternal family name through the mud. If he hates us whiteys so much he should use a proper Nigerian name or something not pass himself off as a relative of mine. It’s not the fact that he is non white its because he is a complete and utter cunt to the power of 20.
If I had a pub I’d definitely have an England flag flying. Wouldn’t want this cunt crossing the threshold.
Just fuck off Andrews.
Evening Jack.
Someone should lace Andrews’ liver salts with Draino.
Good evening Ruff. A sound idea.
By the way – for those of you unfamiliar with this cunt, I sincerely apologise for introducing you to him.
He is no looker, either!
Most of the cultural authoritarians aren’t. Seriously, aside from potentially Emma Watson have you ever seen an attractive SJW?
Strictly for research purposes, I would like to see Owen Jones’ cone face.
are there any Professors of ‘ White Studies ‘ ? if not why not?
Cos dat be raciss n sheet. Nomesayin?
Yous cants has de honky classes – dey bees havin de whitey hood wid de slits n sheet.
Course not, silly ! Cos it would be raaaaaycist, innit
I think they come under the default heading: Proper Studies.
That was what I was thinking (Professor of White Studies), there’d be hell on!
We’re supposed to continually apologise for being successful, having good ideas and being half fucking decent in a ruck throughout the ages.
This was born of necessity because he who had the best armies, weaponry and military acumen won the spoils.
We got bounced by the Romans – who took a number of English slaves – so should we descend on Italy crying about how bad it was for us back then?
How about the Normans? Those cunts treat Anglo Saxons – both commoner and nobility – like shit. Should we descend on France and demand reparations for 1066?
No, we toughed up and made sure no other cunt invaded our land (well apart from the legalised EU invasion and the hand-wringing invasion of illegals – that no modern cunt in power wants to do anything about o’course)!
The thing is that Africa was so vast and so rich in natural resources like wildlife and fertile lands that – until the late 19th century – tribal sub-Saharan Africans didn’t have to fight tooth and nail to eek out a living, they had everything they needed on their doorsteps.
Slavery was a bad thing but we banned that nearly 200yrs ago – the first western country to do so – so how the fuck am I responsible for:
a) Something that’s over 200yrs old.
b) Something I had no control over.
c) Something which other African countries were doing far more to each other (especially North African countries) than we ever did (oh but we can’t talk about that cos that’s just “cultural” isn’t it).
d) Your lot being fucking useless in a ruck.
The “victim” mentality does no one any good especially the cunts being brainwashed into thinking they’re “victims” (whether race, religion, sexuality or gender), you either learn from that experience and come out of it stronger or you wallow in the depths of self pity, blame every cunt for you – basically – being a lazy cunt, and expect special privilege/dispensation for being – essentially – a weak-minded cunt!
When I was at school I had a mixed-race mate (just like our very own B&W Cunt). Was he my “black” (or white) mate? No. He was my “best” mate. Colour never came into it because I never saw colour, just a mate.
Unfortunately Kehinde, all you see is COLOUR, and that’s YOUR problem not mine! What a shallow, vacuous prick you are!
All I say to you – Professor Kehinde Andrews – is that it’s a pity that Wakanda was only discovered 6 months ago because had they stepped forward across the ages they’d have beat every cunt coming!
And if that still doesn’t suit, and the St. George’s Cross is so repugnant to you, then M’Tembe has a pint of warm bison piss waiting for you, for when you leave this nasty, waycist shithole and return back to the paradise of your forefathers!
Cunts like Kehinde Andrews and their divisive, shitty little studies should be regarded about as seriously as an Uncle Remus tale from the plantation.
What pisses me off in this country is that racial equality is not equality at all. It is a complete inequality, state-sponsored and biased against the indigenous white man.
These cunts must surely see that their continuing efforts are creating tension and stoking racism in this country, which is counter-productive to what they are supposedly aiming to achieve. However, I don’t believe the likes of Andrews want equality; they are just as racist and look forward to the dawn of dominance; black oppressing white.
I would love to see the cunt swing from a lamp-post.
The white man in the west is far too fucking stupid and passive to see what is actually unfolding in front of him.
lol. you couldnt make it up !
When I am Supreme Leader I will reopen the coal mines for the express purpose of making everyone in any social science department anywhere hack coal out of a narrow seam with a pickaxe and tow the filled trucks back to the shaft on their hands and knees. In the dark. And defy any of them to make a song and dance about colour at the end of their 15-hour shift.