Paul (Wank) Staines, aka Guido Fawkes deserves a cunting. This fat cunt often criticises those on the political left for name calling and insulting those on the right. Today, (Tuesday 29th May), he went into hypocrite mode by calling Tommy Robinson’s supporters “knuckledraggers”. Now I’m a big boy, so name calling isn’t something I get overly upset about. But I do get quite annoyed by hypocrisy. By insulting people who are using their human right to protest at the ridiculously harsh sentencing of a man exercising HIS right to freedom of speech, Staines has given up his right to criticise others for their insults.
The Guido Fawkes blog used to be a reasonably interesting read. Over the year or so though, Staines seems to have disappeared up his arse, believing that he’s more important than he actually is. Even more recently, he’s taken to turn off the comments on certain posts. And he’s even started deleting perfectly reasonable (to those of us who still have a fully functioning sense of perspective) comments. And this is someone who criticises politicians for trying to suppress freedom of speech.
Paul Staines, you are a cunt.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
Guido Fawkes and Old Holborn. Two perfectly formed cunts in a pod.
Both used to be relatively amusing and informative but Holby self-detonated after trolling about the Hillsborough disaster and having had his pants taken down.
A bit like many famous slebs, these cunts start believing in their own virtual immortality. You don’t hear much about Holby now and Guido is just a knob.
Ol Hobknob didn’t take too kindly to my suggestion that perhaps those who have come here from the land of dirt, famine, and tribal warfare, may not share our more cultured state of mind and are physiologically disposed to more impulsive and potentially violent outbursts.
Mind you none of the twatters did. The idea that we may not all be equal is just too far out apparently.
Worse than a knob – I think he has had the hard word from his lawyer. He went on a rant about Owen (I take it up the shitter) Jones and the man child called him out. Since then, what was a pretty good read and rant has now turned into every post being moderated.
Fat cunt reckons he doesn’t need a comments section as (in his own words) his site has a regular readership that keeps his sponsors sufficiently placated and his “smart” readers don’t comment.
Its as bland as slice of dried bread now. His tirade on Tommy Robinson was the end for me. Cunts like hook hand Hamsah walked around preaching death and destruction to the infidel for years and we were paying the fat cunts mortgage and keeping his pig ugly brood in a house in South Londonistan before the old bill copped him. Tommy was arrested, charged and jailed the same day – wrong colour Tommy Lad and a white Christian to boot – no fucking chance with this fucked up piss poor country with the tail wagging the dog.
Fucking Hell, channel 4 news is just wall to wall blambo tales of woe and all white English working class men are racist cunts. I wish Donald would wake up in a stupor one evening and press the “vaporise the Middle East” button. He could pardon himself.
Needs a rocket up his arse.
Yes, a Saturn V sized rocket.
Staines’s blog now has a more severe moderation policy than the fucking Guardian. Its clear he has sold out. Establishment cunt.
Deserves a cunting if only for those desperately unfunny Monday morning cartoons. He’s been publishing them for years and the standard of wit and drawing remains several thousand feet below piss poor. And doesn’t he get in a tizz when someone points it out to him. Fat, humourless cunt.
Tommy Robinson is a fucking hero.
Once again as an Americunt I had no idea who this cunt is…and I had a hard time taking a guy named Guido Fawkes seriously. So of course I Googled the cunt.
Mr. Staines is a friggin’ spud muncher! Half spud muncher by birth…full blown spud muncher by a fist full of alcohol related criminal convictions. (At least 3 for drunk driving…and at least 2 drivng suspensions.). After his last conviction and suspension, the judge asked him if he had an alcohol problem. His answer…”probably”. There’s a bit of Irish understatement for you.
I don’t care if he was born in London…he’s a drunken finnian cunt…it’s in his blood.
??. ?.
Amen Cuntflap!
Repeated convictions…convictions mind you…just the times he got caught…makes him a potentially murderous cunt.
And as you so correctly pointed out his flippancy in the matter makes him a special kind of cunt.
?. ?. ?
No idea who this cunt is but if he’s really Guido Fawkes then he could start by doing the decent thing and finishing the job he started 300-odd years ago!
Turbulent priest Justin Welby has gone full AC Grayling, calling the EU “the greatest dream realised for human beings since the fall of the Western Roman Empire” in an address to European churches in Serbia.
The twat blasted “the rise of Euroscepticism, the flames of which are fanned by ‘scare stories’ about migration and refugees”. And he even implied Brexit could destroy the entire continent: “The fact that Christianity survived in Europe does not indicate that it is indestructible, but that God protects the Church that he created and loves”.
What a cunt.
Typical materialist ex oil executive.
Fuck Elton Welsby! He was a shit football commentator, can’t write a decent song anymore, dresses like a cunt and loves it up the bum. Now he’s become a god botherer and a fucking remoaner! Can you be any more of a cunt?
I do hope he’s right about Brexit destroying continental Europe, the bastards have been asking for it for a long time .I for one will rejoice in the plight of these pesky foreigners.
As for Welby, burn him at the stake. That’s what I did to our local vicar many years ago, I enjoyed it immensely.
Good evening.
We burned ours when we found out he didn’t believe in the virgin birth. Goodnight.
That’s awfully orthodox of you, these progressive types need to be rooted out, well done.
Sleep safe in the knowledge that you’re doing the Lords work.
Goodnight .
The Arch Cunt of Bishopbury is just another rich, far left dick head, who thinks the many negative stories about refugees and migrants are, ‘scare’ stories. As with others of his ilk, Welby lives in privilege. In his case, a huge residence that he doesn’t have to pay for, far away from the working class, who have to live with the consequences of mass migration and the ‘wonderful’ multiculturalism that they and refugees bring to OUR streets on a daily basis.
If Welby thinks that the EU is wonderful, then he is clearly someone who despises concepts such as freedom and democracy.
Remember Welby’s big humanitarian promise of using the churches vast wealth to provide short-term loans to the poor at nominal interest rates to quell the abuse of legalised loan-sharks charging 1,000’s% interest?
He promised this in his first few weeks in office. Still waiting…
Probably realised that the scum masses weren’t worth trusting with the money earned from fairytales.
How very Christian of him.
Well remembered. Since then, of course, the Occupy movement has been successfully sidelined and the aftershocks of the Great Bank Fraud have died away. Another opportunity lost for the CofE to justify its existence.
I thought God created the Catholic church not the CofE?
God created everything, including pedantic cunts.
Let’s hope a there’s a RoP-related nut-job coming to a cathedral near him soon.
And the church wonders why it can’t get “bums on seats”…
On the other hand, if your bum is on a seat, insertion is more difficult.
I guess they’d like to see loads of ready-and-waiting bums all poking provocatively towards heaven…
Welby, Cuntuar !!
I’m hoping he’s right when he says Brexit could be the end of Europe but as every prediction from these Remoaner bastards seems to be completely wrong I’m probably gonna be disappointed
Of course he’s got to deliver that kind of guff to the Serbs. Otherwise they will remember they’re mostly Ortho and be Russian sphere-of-influence. Welby, as could have been predicted before he started, is the most establishment and political archbish we’ve had in a long while, and he does the will of the hedge funds.
“The fact that Christianity survived in Europe does not indicate that it is indestructible, but that God protects the Church that he created and loves”.
No you complacent and wholly unchristian cunt. It proves that God loathes the millions of Christians who died fighting each other for their version of a myth.
Know very little about the cunt but I’ve always had a bad gut feeling about the site based on what I’ve heard from people of various political persuasions. Although based on your cunting he seems like the Ana Kasparian of the right (and if you don’t know who that is then you’re very lucky).
Ana “I’m funking better than you” Kasparian.
That’s the one. Nice to actually see one of the authoritarian cunts admit their unearned sense of moral superiority though.
True.She so wants to lick Cenk Uygur’s arsenole clean.
If you want an brilliant evening get some beers and watch highlights from the young turks election coverage of Trumps victory.It is so delectable to see these utter utter cunts squeel and then have a meltdown.
I’ve seen that. Its certainly very entertaining.
Jezbollah now officially endorsing full access to single market.Next it will be 2nd referendum.No cunt should be surprised by this.
What a fucking sorry state our political parties are in.
Everything turning to shite and the cunts in charge are all deluded fuckheads.
Thing is the are more than enough Tory traitors willing to side with Corban bring down the government and let the Liebour Marxists get the keys to number 10.That is unforgivable.I used to be a Tory voter and member but they now make me sick to my stomach.When I was a member I passed off local members by expressing conservative opinions.Many are merely authoritarian social Democrats that pander to the cultural Marxist brigade.
Jezbollah! 🙂 Nice one!
Oh dear… that means Jezbollah will have to get permission from the European Commission if he wants to subsidise British industry…. and how’s he going to sell continued Freedom of Movement to Labour’s ‘racist Brexit voters’, as Flabbottomus described them?
Been reading about these “terrorist” cunts our security services have so cleverly apprehended. They can brag about it all they like but even Inspector Clouseau could have nicked this bunch of comic book wannabes.
Is this supposed to reassure us and make us feel safer on the streets? Well sorry, but there are plenty more where they came from and they won’t all be serving themseves up on a silver platter.
Here’s to the next candle lit love in.
You heard about MI6’s television advertising campaign? What a load of virtue signalling bollocks. Apparently they’re even going to lower standards in order to allow more wimmin in and make the secret services more diverse – because that’s totally not recklessly dangerous and disastrous for our nation’s security or anything.
I wouldn’t feel safe in my bed if I thought the security services weren’t diverse.
If you want an eye opener as to how unsafe you are In this country, try going through security at Heathrow. Wall to wall snackbars. I’m always ironically amused when I come back at having my British passport inspected and being allowed back into the country of my birth by a peaceful.
So, Loris Karius was apparently concussed during that European Cup Final? And I thought he was just shite…
Even so, I recall my dad telling me about how that cunt, Peter McParland, broke Ray Wood’s jaw in the 57 FA Cup Final…But Wood just came out his goal and played on the wing instead… Another legendary Manchester keeper, Bert Trautmann, played in goal in the 1956 Final with a broken neck…. What soft cunts these modern players really are….And as for the Scouse cunts demanding a rematch, doing all these petitions, and calling for Sergio Ramos’s head? It’s not worthy of the Liverpool FC of old and a million miles away from Shanks, Paisley, Fagan and even Dalglish…. Football is fucked and is now infested with mongs….
Ramos is undoubtedly a fucking cunt who should probably be doing MMA instead of football but demanding a rematch? Come on, that’s just silly.
Ramos vs 84 era Souness on the pitch would have been funny… Hilarious, in fact…..
Who’s the fellow with the nickname The Butcher of Bilbao? Ramos going up against him would be entertaining to see.
Would have been hilarious Souness famously knocked out Alan Kennedy his team mate in training after a bit of a dust up. Mind you old Zinedine Zedane was handy the fucking eyetie cunt bad mouths him so he let him have it. Or classic Eric Cantona best thing ever on a football field dirty Palace cunt got his comeuppance.
Well said Norman. Sure it was St Bob Paisley who said ” if you fall down to cheat a free kick or Penalty you are weak” great put down which unfortunately sums up modern football cunts.
Yeah, they are always telling us they have disrupted x number of terrorist plots every year but they can’t tell us any details for “security reasons”. So how come they are telling us about this one?
Because this one was real and the cunts involved were so pathetically inept even David fucking Blunkett could have spotted them.
When the next bunch of poor bastards get stabbed on the street or blown away on the tube it will be because they were so very clever or funded by the Ivans……or it was the fault of Trump or Brexit.
But don’t worry……lessons will be learned!
Fatso banned almost all commenters, including yours truly, with the name Cunt 2.0 was one of the first to go.
However, found a good crowd over at
Most of the Guido refugees can be found there.
I’m there too. Under a different name though
People like Staines show why isac is so vital.Mo one who posts or is an administration has any agenda or if they do being associated with the site would hinder any agenda.We are anonymous so have no egos to stroke.If 5 people or 5 million people come to the site everyday it makes no difference to us.Staines has fallen into the classic trap of starting out as counter cultural only to be enticed by the liberal establishment. it is a trap most people fall into.Staines will fade into obscurity in a few years.He is pandering to mainstream media consumers who won’t ever have anything to do with him whilst alienating libertarian conservatives who have always been his target audience.It is a bit like the guardian calling Corban a pacifist communist who loves terrorists.It just doesn’t work to take jibes at the key demographic of your outlet.
Staines is the obnoxious spawn of The Sun, and as other cunters have rightly noted, has now disappeared up his own arse. GF is pure comment, no research, and not even funny. I cannot cunt him completely, though, as he still has the odd go at the family Blair, and is loathed by the flake centrist-“left”.
He was the PR man for the Sunrise parties back in the day
not alot of people know that