It’s time for snowflakes to receive another cunting, they’ve earned it.
It’s emerged Oxford University has removed a photograph of Theresa May from the wall of women at her old geography department, after whingeing prick snowflakes protested about her creating a ‘hostile environment policy’ while at the Home office. They complained that she was a ‘contentious figure in a department with many EU citizens and de-colonial scholars’. Well boo-fucking-hoo. While the photo was initially removed, it seems that someone at Oxford has at least some common sense, and it’s being reported that the photo is now back on the wall. For how long remains to be seen. Still, it’s a small victory for sanity.
It’s bad enough that these little shits complain about the most trivial things, but what really makes me angry, is that the University authorities, councils, schools, in all publicly funded organisations give in to their dickery. What they should be doing is telling them, in the words of Samuel L Jackson; “Welcome to the real world motherfuckers. People have opinions that differ from yours. Learn the fuck to live it, because that will never change. Nobody gives a fuck if you’re offended. Nobody gives a fuck if a differing opinion upsets you or makes you tremble in fear. We would be living in a motherfucking shithole if everyone thought like you pussies”.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
I suppose these rich, privileged toffee nosed cunts think that The Hunchback is Hitler and Mussolini rolled into one, or, god forbid, Trump, the devil himself. Their mums should give them a good telling off and make them eat their vegetables.
There! I’ve said it I just don’t care. No ice cream for a week either!
vegan, lactose free free trade nit made in Israel and with no nuts and gluten free ice cream.
Treesa has a degree in geography ??
For someone that can’t find her arse without a whole dept. of cyril & sybil servants to assist her, that is quite an achievement.
So they had Appeaser May’s photo taken down because of “hostile environment policy”?
Now if they had wanted it taken down because she is a “useless cunt” then they would’ve gone up in my estimates!
Theresa May couldn’t create a fart after a hefty biryani let alone a hostile environment.
Being of the younger crowd I actually feel sorry for them in a way. Well not really, but they stood no chance against the toxic combination of toxic parenting and early internet use. They are a failed 21st century social experiment.
We will see a rabid vegan feminist prime minister within 40 years, with a matching tumblr page that would make Trumps tweeting habits seem mild.
Unfortunately that would still make it more useful than Theresa the Appeaser
Unfortunately, I am a member of said generation and can confirm that the vast majority of them are indeed cunts to the letter. Thankfully though I’m far more like my dad in terms of politics and attitude (he’s 53) than I am like most others in this shithole of a generation.
Is that Samuel L. Jackson quote real? Fucking ace – it’s practically Churchillian!
“We shall fight them in their safe spaces, we shall fight them in their Gender Studies lectures and unisex toilets, we shall fight them in their vegan gluten free pop-up cafes”.
Don’t get too carried away with SLJ, Ruff Tuff. He’s one of the cunts who said he’d leave the US if Tango Man won the election. Well, Tango did win and where’s that motherfucker Jackson now? Yep, still on American soil. Which makes him a cunt.
Cheers I.Y. – I knew there had to be a catch somewhere…
An aquaitance of mine was recently berated by her granddaughter – the usual “you have stolen my future, houses unaffordable, blah blah….” Thankfully, said grandmother was unimpressed as the darling snowflake always has to have the latest cuntphone and is never seen without a trendy coffee.
I wish this generation would look up from their screens and realise the world is shit unless you take an active part in it rather than retreat to coffee shop to stroke your cunty beard.
Talking of beards, an insider has told me that the RAF is considering relaxing the rules on shaving because, apparently, snowflakes will not join because they will be required to remove their face fuzz. As if we need hipster cunts to join ” The Few”. Cunts.
Nearly killed one on a zebra crossing this morning. If I’d been in a car I would have done, but my brakes are much better than a car’s, and I was awake. Cunt (amazingly, without phone) didn’t even look before stepping off the pavement and sauntering across. Someone -preferably with bull bars – will get him eventually, I hope.
Thought Sikhs were allowed to retain their beards in the Forces? OK, not at all the same thing, by any stretch of the imagination. Sikhs have the right idea, and earn their privileges the hard way. Hope they object.
Yeah the Sikhs are allowed to have beards although it kind of renders the CBRN respirator useless as you can’t form a nice tight seal.
CBRN – That’s NBC to the old cunters here.
Ben Shapiro on YT addresses millennials and Generation Snowflake quite often on his speaking circuit of college campuses. His assessment of prolonging adolescence indefinitely and college is not a break from reality but the new reality and therefore make all of human life like college is on the money.
I’ll give the French their due. When my old man and his cousin went over for the commemoration ceremony years ago they were treated like royalty. Both gone now, they’d be turning in their graves if they could see the fuck up this country has become.
Putin and the Peacefuls (great name for a band) must be laughing their socks off. They don’t have to do anything, we are destroying ourselves from within.
Today’s snowflakes – something else to thank Blair and his policies of mediocracy for.
Empire to decadence in less than a century. May be a record.
“Empire to Decadence” – great name for P & the Ps first album!
I can manage three guitar chords and a tabla riff – how about you? We probably need a bassist and synth man too. Must have own Stylophone.
I can hit things and make profane guttural vocal utterances.
I was in a noise producing unit called The Lilliput Men in the 1970s, and am still sitting on 35 hours of unreleased greatest hits tapes, which will be uploaded to Youtube if I ever get round to finding out how, or can be fucking arsed.
Btw, I put my Stylophone through a fuzz/cry baby wah-wah & 50 watt Marshall turned up to 11, if that’s any use.
Didn’t you get to No. 11 in Andorra? With ‘(Fuck You Cunts I’m) Going For A Dump?’ Epic stuff, RTC. I think you should do a comeback gig.
Rolf Harris must have a few thousand Stylophones left knocking about somewhere.
Avoid his dodgeridoo.
Sadly not us Komodo, but we were at one stage set to go with a single: ‘Sweets From Strangers’ cw ‘Jean Alexander Stinks’, but the record company pulled the plug at the last minute, forking cunts.
Spookily though, we did have one song called ‘What A Day For A Snowflake’, sung to the tune of ‘Daydream’ by The Lovin’ Spoonful, ha ha.
Naturally it was shit.
1969 – Neil Armstrong walks on the moon….6 photos.
This morning – Girl buys skinny latte in Starbucks…37 photos….
Instead of whining like bitches why don’t these cunts just flob on the photo every time they walk past. A nice big juicy greenie.
That’s what I would do, although for entirely different reasons to these limp wristed cry babies.
I love triggering snowflakes with the use of t-shirts. The looks I get if I wear my brexit t-shirt or my trump t-shirt…… Priceless.
I’m considering getting a bespoke t-shirt done on shirtinator saying #latte sipping, quinoa eating, birkenstock wearing, beard having, guardian reading, lefty, hipster, millennial, snowflake cunts.
That deserves copyrighting, Two. 🙂 But leave out the commas and spaces if you want the flakes to understand it.
Do it, Stink. Just do it. The more triggered snows the better. Let the butt-hurt commence.
Y’all be pleased to hear that James O’Shithead is back from his “hollybobs”…
… but he wants to “keep it friendly this morning”, and is “going to need your help with the heavy lifting”… though “if you’re thinking of phoning in to talk about youth unemployment in Spain, you can save your 10p.”
What a steaming pile of cuntage.
If you’re on twatter search for the Obingo sheet. Good laugh.
Meanwhile, kids in the Middle East are halfway through their jihadi training. This is not going to end well…..
I couldn’t give a fuck if I’ve “stolen their future”,in fact I’m glad. The whole Island and every Cunt on it can sink beneath the waves as far as I’m concerned. I’ve had my time and rather enjoyed it,I care naught that I leave a country overrun with degenerates,weaklings,religious maniacs and the generic “Snowflakes.”
Any family that I might have left are no longer my concern, and if they and the rest of their generation are as clever as they believe,I’m sure that they truly will be living in a wonderful land of milk and honey,where everyone and everything is “nice”. Personally I abhor the thought of living in their idea of Utopia. I’m a Cunt and proud of it. Anyhow,I rather suspect that the future may not be as rosy as they imagine. Good,serves them right.
Fuck them.
Terrific post Dick – us ‘never had it so good’ cunts need to let go… and thank our lucky stars we aren’t being born now or in the recent past. What is happening is no doubt perfectly natural and inevitable, am only glad I’m unlikely to be around to see the full horror of it playing out. Reincarnation permitting…
Some interesting parallels, appears the Romans had to go through 500 years of decline and decadence, plagued by unrest, civil war and political assassinations before eventually being plundered and pillaged by the Visigoths in 410AD, whoever they were.
Got a feeling the future belongs to the Chinks. Apologies for raising the tone of this conversation btw.
Good post, Dick. I feel much the same way. I like to live my life in as much solitude and isolation from other humans as possible. Very few are worthy of my time and/or consideration. That said, there are several posters on here, yourself included, who I’d buy a pint for as a thanks for the laughs and insights into our warped world today. ISAC should get a government grant for providing therapeutic counseling for bitter, twisted cunts like us.
Not having children has an effect too. I have no vested interest in a future where I won’t be alive. When I’m gone, I’m gone. I don’t even have life insurance. I tell Mrs. Yank, if you want a nice big payout as a result of my demise, you pay the fucking premiums. Why should I pay them for a benefit I’ll never enjoy? Duh!
Anyway, as distressing as it seems now, the way snowflakes think and behave will gradually become the new normal. The passing of people like us who think it’s deranged will only accelerate that process. Good luck to them. They’re fucked, they just don’t know it yet.
But I wouldn’t want to be of the current snowflake generation when their brats grow up. The scene will be set for a Weimar – to – Hitler – style sea change by then at the latest, and youth always rebels.
June 6th 1944…. Normandy beach….”Hey lads, hands up if you want to get killed so the future fuckwit snowflake fanny generation can watch Love Island, fuck about on their phones all day and take offence at anything and everything”? ….. “Thought not, back on the boats, boys…Fuck em!”
74 years ago today, a load of “Little Englanders” died invading France to free Europe from the Nazis… They’ll be turning in their graves today looking at the sell out twats and snowflake cunts we have in the UK now….
Exactly, Norm. Never has there been a generation so undeserving of the sacrifices made by those who upheld the Great in Great Britain.
This sums the useless cunts up nicely.
Entitled, jumped up, useless snowflake cunts
I like that one. It’s just what I imagine them to be.
She’s got that annoying as fuck “Vocal Fry”. Mark of a true cunt.
Almost every single one of these cunts will become management consultants and be voting Tory by the time they are 23 when they realise it will ease their path to partner. Utter cunts .
Completely off point, here’s what my distant relative in Australia did to next door’s yappy dog . Strangely heartwarming. Colin the Croc’s a bonzer guy.
I need to borrow Colin. The cunt who lives behind my house lets his yappy mutt out at 2 or 3 in the morning and the little shit just barks at thin air for several minutes before being let back in. Does this wake me up? Yes it fucking does. Death to the wrinkly old bastard and his stupid as shit yap machine. When my cat has a good meowing session in my house, does it disturb anyone else? Nope. Dogs need to fuck off.
Fuck, I’ve just realised what a snowflake I am…
I have this one and wear it with pride…
Malala Yousafzai, an Oxford student, is always in a safe space. It’s called a 2 man security detail provided by the happy-to-oblige tax payer.
Pmsfl at colin grabbing the Wee dug