Closing half London’s police stations

Suckdick announced in November 2017 the closure of 37 (half) of London’s police stations.

This is apparently because under Theresa May’s leadership this government does not seemingly have enough money for the essentials and have cut police funding. This is very strange as there seems to plenty of examples of money being wasted on far less important matters.

The potential closures come at a time where knife and gun crimes are at an all time high, and where the London murder rate is higher than New Yorks for the first time. We have more Eastern European immigration that we can possibly cope with, and the crimes they have brought with them. This is also coming at a time when the country is on high alert for terrorism.

Suckdick is hopelessly out of his depth as London mayor, and if this is not enough he is taking every opportunity to make as much political capital out of this and any other situation as he possibly can.

To assist him he has a hopelessly and Ineffective out of her depth Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick, who despite the dramatic Increase in murders on the streets and who recently stated that moped related crime being 30 times higher in 2017 than in 2012 insists are not out of control.

Commissioner of the London Fire service is Dany Cotton, yet another person totally out of their depth. Grenfell saw fire engines arrive with ladders not tall enough to reach the top floors, radio communications with fire fighters not working, and incorrect advice to tenants to stay in their homes.

In Theresa May, Suckdick, Cressida Dick and Dany Cotton it is easy to see that none of these individuals are anywhere near being up to their respective jobs.

At a time where the PC brigade are pissing just about everyone off, Peacefuls are being given preferential treatment, immigrants pouring in not attempting to inoergrate and the government are defying the will of the people and ensuring Brexit does not happen, tensions are running at boiling point.

It is hardly rocket science to work out that things will further deteriorate in London and surrounding areas as the inept clowns in charge are far more interested in political point scoring than the well being of the people they are elected to protect.

Glad that I no longer live in London, deciding to move out 25 years ago. I feel sorry for the decent honest law abiding tax payers who live there because nobody in authority really cares about them any more. Easier to pay lip service than to do anything about it.

Theresa May, Suckdick, Cressida Dick and Dany Cotton- you are all a disgrace.

Nominated by Wille Stroker

Sadiq Khan – much criticised on this esteemed site – has hit a new low in the cunt stakes.

Closing police stations on the capital whilst crime is on the increase is a fucking disgrace – but what do you expect from a London mayor who is more interested in playing party politics than protecting the people who elected him?

Nominated by Pedantic Cunt

84 thoughts on “Closing half London’s police stations

  1. I’m with the cunting but not the criticism of the London fire brigade. They were dealing with an unprecedented incident. And they can only be as good as the information they were receiving on the ground, which was all over the place as you’d expect during a calamity of this magnitude. Also, there is not a ladder in the world that could have reached them top floors of GT. They put their lives on the line for under 30 grand a year and I think including them in the cunting is a bit harsh.

    • Fair do’s M.R. re ladders… but as with police, believe there are serious legitimate criticisms of fire brigade that require addressing. Will leave learned counsel Heinz Hammer to present case for the prosecution, should he so choose to….

    • In no way am I cunting the bravery and dedication of the firefighters themselves, just the weak leadership, apparent disorganisation and equipment supplied either not working or being up to the job.

      This is something we also see in the armed forces.

      The very least the firefighters should expect is for their communication radios to work.

    • The FRS are paid to deal with “unprecedented incidents.” Its sort of what they do, They are the most underused of the emergency services, and by comparison with the Polis and Paramedics are lavishly equipped. They are allowed this leeway on the grounds that “Come the day of days ” they will perform. Well, the day of days came, and they failed to manage the response. And said “Its not fair, it was really difficult..”. Yes , it was. Thats sort of your rationale for existence. A failure to manage, inability to adjust mindset to changed conditions, lack of clear direction. But there should be not criticism, because it “not fair..” Guess what, life is not fair… lets all cheer until next time when strangely it happens again……

    • I wouldn’t blame the frontline fire fighters but the incompetence of the leadership is totally unforgivable.
      When I was a kid they taught us that in a fire, the first thing you do is GET OUT.
      Don’t stop to pick anything up, don’t run or panic but GET THE FUCK OUT.

      Whatever moron decided that staying put while a building burns below you, knowing full well that if the fire spreads you don’t have a ladder long enough to conduct a rescue, is a useless, incompetent cunt and shouldn’t be allowed to remain in any position of responsibility.

      It’s not hindsight, even children know that in a fire, first and foremost, you need to get out. Immediately.

      Heads should roll for that kind if negligence.

      • It’s not rocket science. More akin to potty training.

        Mind you, some kids don’t even get that these days.

  2. Don’t know how much truth there is in this but it’s being said on the net that the Met Police were broadcasting over the tannoy at London Bridge station that the Tommy Robinson march had been cancelled (it hadn’t)

    • The pigs were jamming the live streams so it was difficult to see properly but it looked a bit tasty at times.

      • I admire your faith in your polizei DtS but unlike in certain states “our” ( whoever the fuck that is these days ) strangely dont have the technical capacity to do this, I know, its very disappointing,,,,,

      • Just seemed weird to me that every single one was jumbled, it wouldn’t surprise me but you’re probably right …
        As for my faith in the police, I’ve totally lost it.
        I used to have massive respect for the pigs but after them allowing white girls to be extorted, blackmailed and then gang raped by Muslims just to promote “diversity” I now see them as the enemy.
        It’s obvious to me that they’re now trying to cover up their cover up and the higher ups are using the law to save their own necks.
        Inspectors, superintendents, sergeants, cunstables… all have a hand in it and it fucking stinks to high heaven.
        How many filthy politicians and pigs are going to go to prison for this?
        I suspect the answer is none..

  3. This is terrible news.
    Who’s going to protect the Muzzies from racism and reprisals after they run down the next lot of poor fuckers walking across a bridge….

  4. Chicago come to England.

    Welcome to the Brave New World of Multicultural Municipal Government. If the destruction of Western Civilization is to be achieved…and the Utopian goal of One World Egalitarianism is to be realised you need to be more like Baghdad…Beirut…Khartoum…or any one of a number of Shitholian cesspools.

    Let the masses waller in chaos whilst we celebrate the first Black Princess and the joys of Royal Diversity. Pit race against race whilst we eagerly await the birth of another Royal Parasite. Brand the Brexiteers* racists whilst we scream “Ali open the snackbar!”

    “Yeah, my blood’s so mad, feels like coagulatin’,
    I’m sittin’ here, just contemplating’,
    I can’t twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
    Handful of Senators don’t pass no regulation,
    And the marches alone can’t bring integration,
    When human respect is disintegratin’,
    This whole crazy world is too frustratin’,
    And you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
    Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction”.
    -Barry McGuire, “Eve of Destruction”

    ??. ?.

    *I made up another word. ?

    • This ain’t the Garden of Eden
      There ain’t no angels above
      And things ain’t like what they used to be
      And this ain’t the Summer of Love…

      (Blue Oyster Cult, 1976)

  5. Richard…you almost had it right the first time…

    Except…it’s Islam-O-phobia not Islam-I-phobia and there’s no alleged about it.

    ?. ?

  6. You know, Boris was a pretty decent mayor in his own right but compared to Citizen Khant he looks like Churchill.

    • The dump that I took this morning looks like Churchill compared to that useless khunt.

  7. That photo of those two grinning , box ticking cunts, with London in the background, is the most depressing thing i’ve seen in a long time.

  8. If you wish to destabilize a society, then you provide an environment for those criminal elements who would exploit that opportunity. Khan knows exactly what he is doing. He is a cunt. He always has been a cunt. And always will be a cunt. Because he IS a cunt. Cunt!

    • @ASA

      We are singing from the same “hymnal” (if you will) my friend.

      ?. ?

  9. I dont think anyone is Cunting the rank and file who went in and tried to deal with the problem… I would not relish walking into that, But because the front line diid the decent thing, doesnt mean meaningful questions should not be asked. The staff that did go in apparently had massive issues in comms, direction and kit… they appear not to have been able to fight fire within the structure, they could not address the smoke issues, they initially operated under the Stay Put policy and it is clear they could not rescue people trapped in flats. They may well have reinforced the Stay Put message, at a time when the policy was redundant. They appear to have provided some assistance to people who were self evacuating in any case. They appear to have had a negligable effect on events. That is not calling them Cowards. Its standard post Op analysis. The fact they tried their best is even more reflective on the FRS management of the incident. They exist to deal with stuff like this and they failed. Their decision making and scene management was flawed. They persisted for almost 2 hours in a failed policy and it killed people. Why is this? I dont think they are stupid, or lack training. I think their C3, their command, control and communications is not capable of handling major incidents. You can see this at Manchester, and you can see it at the 7/7 attacks.. the report is there to be viewed..”firemen loitering on stairwells..” You ask why they seem unable to resolve an issue that is now well evidenced. I think it is down to Cultural Arrogance. “We are the experts, we decide how to run this thing, your job is to shut up and after cheer and hero worship..” That worked out well for you didnt it.???

  10. The ultimate irony is that the good Citizen K has always traditionally loathed the Polizei, as the left do when they are not in power. They , probably correctly, perceive the Polise to be loaded to the Centre/ Right, and regard them as an obstacle to assuming power. Hence the very successful attempts to rubbish the Police over many years, most significantly the Laurence campaign,, the net result is you now have a neutered organisation, capable of issuing politically correct platitudes and little else… Well, Citizen, you should be pleased, the reactionaries are reeling and you are vindicated. But, hang on.. it seems you are now in power, Little Man.. and you have no Hard Power to run your ship. Because you neutered it , you short sighted C@@t. Why do you think the average copper would put their life or welfare on the line for a massive dripping Bell-End like you. So your sewer of a city is now in melt down. Best you get it sorted , hadnt you Rat Boy, as with Power goes Responsibilty. Enjoy your time in office You C@@t.

    • If you loathe the police and love the New World Order…then why not use that loathing to establish the NWO that you love? How?

      The formula is…

      Epidemic violence = cut back on the Police. Cutback on police = pandemic violence. Pandemic violence = whatever “crisis” steps are necessary to restore…i.e establish…(New World) order.

      New World Order established = Western Civilization destroyed. Western Civilization destroyed = mission accomplished.

      You have killed 2 birds…along with some useful idiots…with one stone.

      (Or perhaps cracked 2 eggs to make one omelette ?)

  11. It’s not just London closing Police stations. I live in Northumberland where there has been a 27% cut in police wotkforce since 2010. This has resulted in us losing our village police station,followed closely by the nearest town opening virtually just office hours-9 till 5 Monday to Friday.
    We now have police patrolling on an ad hoc basis coming from Cramlington station,a distance of 50+ miles. They have no idea of the area and their speed cars seem pretty unsuitable for such a rural location….as proved by the gentleman who saw them in his rear view mirror as he drove home from the pub and cut up one of the forestry tracks suitable only for timber wagons and the likes of his 4×4. They wisely decided not to rip the bottom out of their high performance vehicle and declined to follow him.

    We have a retained fire crew who I can’t praise too much. They are volunteers who really do contribute to their local community. They may not be quite as fit and well-equipped as the full timers,but I know one thing.they wouldn’t have been standing around lacking leadership or the initiative to act sensibly.

    I get sick of hearing about how cuts just affect London. The rest of the country has had it’s services cut to be bone and beyond in the name of “austerity”,”We’re all in this together”. However that’s a different point which I plan to revisit with a Cunting in the near future.

    I personally think the failure of the fire brigade,and it was a failure,was down to weak leadership caused by the over promotion of individuals lacking the ability to lead a dynamic operation. No individual Officer seems to have had the imagination to see what was unfolding,and so found it easier to retreat to the “Rule Book Says”. I also think that the same could happen with the Police,given the current emphasis on “equality for all..individuality must be suppressed.”

    Remember “Run, Hide and Tell”…Nanny State knows best. Free thinking and responsive action must be stamped out.

    Fuck them.

    • Points are good..
      Out of interest, the retained/ volunteer fire crews who provide an invaluable service to their communities and are generally well respected in return are in fact sneered at by the full time service and the FBU, who seem to both resent them as “class traitors” for providing cover during the fire strikes, and not being Political enough, The FBU is incredibly politicised and left wing. I wont try to convince anyone, just view their website.
      In general the whole FRS is incredibly divided. The FBU and rank and file hate their management who they seem to regard as class traitors, and also hate retained firemen who the regard as lackeys and scabs. Not quite “londons burning” is it.. with jolly old Bayleaf knocking up a nice Chilli…

    • Good posting Mr Fiddler. Same here. Local police station closed and county forces ops merging.

      A lot more crime locally now, many crimes committed from those reportedly from Ipswich however the surnames would suggest otherwise.

      Limited experience with police however completely satisfied with attitude and response.

      • You make a good point… the closure of local police stations causes public dissatisfaction and loses important community contact and ground intelligence for the Police… this does of course become a virtuous circle for the libtards, who intrinsically are hostile to the Police ( until they assume power of course..) .. the worse it gets, the more political capital can be milked from the situation.
        The ultimate irony is that should the left assume power, the Police may well get a leg up, but it will be enforcing the strictures on political correctness, and not protecting the vulnerable and decent within society as you might expect.

  12. Indeed.. “the Queen commands and we obey..” is the oft quoted military mantra… Well, leaving aside the motivation of the Blair/ Brown government to have their own private Trojan Wars, the military brass have there own cross to be.. Yes, the Chiefs of Staff are public servants, and ultimately go where they are told and fight where they are told… but they are also professionals with a duty to speak Truth to Power, instead of nodding and saying “It’ll probably be ok.. ” Worked out well, didnt it??

    • In full, that’s “It’ll probably be ok as long as I get a directorship with Arms R Us when I retire”

      It’s that ol’ revolving door again.

  13. It seems to me that the government’s mandate for police is to, principally, maintain public order. Knifings, rapes, vehicle thefts or petty burglaries are no longer priority as they are of little detriment to the government’s main directive of public order. If the public knew what most of the snollygosters got up to, there would be a massive rise in public order crimes.

    May is shitting herself on the giant, multicultural powderkeg that is the UK. It will kick off, the only question is when.

    In turn the police can deploy a disproportionate quantity of resources to catching speeding motorists as this earns them direct revenue.

    Where does this leave us? Up cunt creek with a perforated hull.

    • Shamed to admit having to look up definition of a snollygoster.

      Parliament is crammed full of snollygosters

      • I don’t understand why the word even has to exist as ‘MP’ covers all the same definitions.

    • Any government has to maintain public order as a basic element of a civilised society. You seem to regard public stabbings as a separate issue. I would argue they are very much a public order issue.
      Major crime is still a major focus, and I would argue is still well conducted on the whole. The tragedy is that the investigation of “bulk crime”, as the euphemism goes, has largely gone to the wall. You might refer to “petty burglaries”.. I dont think the average citizen who is burgled would agree with you , and I think the average copper would make a good case that burglary remains what is has historically been, a serious offence.
      OK.. speeding. I get it. We all do it. I know I do. We all know its wrong, but resent getting captured. Strangely, there are not the legions of Police you suggest lurking to catch you. The speeding programme is run by the local Road Safety Partnership, a multi Agency programme that includes the Local Council, Highway Authority, Health Service and Fire Service amongst others. The actual capture of speeding unfortunates is almost entirely automated and administered by civilian staff. The revenue is split between the state and the RSP. The average copper is more likely to have received a speeding ticket than to have personally issued one.

      • Not my experience. Three uniformed coppers standing together with a speed gun at 8:35 on a Saturday evening. Positioned on the threshold between a national speed and 30mph boundary. Easy meat.

      • Well clearly you live in an area where the Policing priorities are wildly skewed… I would write to your PCC and make your views known. On a personal note I cant recall having seen 3 coppers stood together other than at a riot.
        Out of interest, the Police do regular “public satisfaction ” surveys of the Public to identify what the local issues are… you might think that disorder, burglary and violence would figure. They dont… its parking issues and… Speeding.

      • Hi Heinz, well if you ask LOCALS, they WILL always say speeding is an issue, because we’re all NIMBYs. Ask the same fuckers if speed’s an issue when they’ve just been nicked a hundred miles from home doing 80 on the motorway, and they (we) will all say “no, it isn’t”. And we’d be right too…

      • I do regard stabbings as as separate issue. As long as it is contained with parts of londonistan and it remains the reserve of a certain demographic then why reverse the stop and search suspension and upset the ruling elite? It is mostly tribal and seldom affects others.

        If there was the genuine political will to solve it, I think we may have seen a bit more activity in recent times.

      • No problem then… Leave it alone as long as its Scum on Scum violence. I get that, and I wont be crying.. but it wont “naturally” remain within “certain areas”… as the persons responsible realise the lack of political will to meet this threat, they will expand, as criminality does in a vacuum, and suddenly its not scum on scum, its a close family member of yours stabbed.
        You know why the Police dont operate a strong stop and search policy..because it is not politically safe to do so. They are doing what the politicos want and you elect the politicos, so arguably you are getting what you want. So we are clear, I would treat these scum in the same way as terrorists and terrorise them in response, but we all know how that would end, dont we?

      • Nor mine. Saw what looked like somebody breaking into a house at the bottom of my garden and rang 999 who said they had nobody available to check it out. I ran round the corner onto the main dual carriageway where I’d seen a policeman on my way home a few minutes earlier and found 3 cars, 2 vans and about a dozen officers running a ‘speed check’ and one of them came back with me. Turned out to be the owner’s son who’d locked himself out and was trying to get through a bedroom window.

  14. Horrific news coming out of Glasgow where police are investigating an incident at a cattery where two cats where allegedly battered to death.

    Those fucking Jocks will deep fry anything….

    • He’s said to be partial to granny snatch or two. What a veritable cuntucopia of cunts.

      • Indeed… Merkel seems to be doing a third rate replay of the famous “Where is Army Detachment Steiner??” scene from “Downfall”. Maybe some of her new “German” citizens can calm her down… Silly Well Meaning But Naive Cunt….

    • Plenty of smug twittertwats commenting on the picture, trying to make out that Mr President looks intimidated by Frau Merkelfurhrer.
      From where I’m standing he looks like he couldn’t give a flying fuck about any of the poison dwarfs surrounding him.
      In fact I think he looks rather pleased with himself…

  15. This is a mock-up surely? Frau Merkel looks like Hitler pouring over his maps and screaming abuse at his limp-dicked Generals. I appreciate the sentiment but I ain’t buying it.

    • Glad to say The Don looks suitably bored with the sour faced Kraut Minger… maybe she smells of fish..??

      • Reckon Trump is suitably unimpressed with both her as a person and supposed leader but mainly because of the fucking carnage resultant from her disastrous immigration experiment.

  16. Today I heard “Sally Traffic” on the AL-BB-CERA say that there was “disruption” around the :Trafalgar Square” area of Londonistan due to “some protest” happening there and the routes towards Westminster.

    Not one mention of Tommy Robinson or his Orwellian incarceration being the cause of said “disruption”.

    Fuck you ABBC!

    When my Common Sense Party comes to fruition, your organisation and your unworthy hangers-on will be the first against the wall!

    You sell-out, treacherous fucking cunts!

    • Sky News had a brief (30 seconds?) report that actually mentioned Tommy Robinson by name – including the reason for protest. Took me slightly by surprise… not sure how many times they repeated it though…

    • Sorry to dissent , but there are many worthy causes knocking about… and Tommy isnt one of them. He was found in contempt previous, and the comments of the judge left him in no doubt of the likely consequences of re-offending. So, like a hyperactive kid hitting a wasps nest, he does it again. The clincher is he didnt dispute the contempt in front of the judge.
      I admire men of principle. I dont admire fools. Tommy is in the latter grouping,

      • So given the ‘protection’ these people are being afforded,how are the facts going to be reported if not by breaking a few rules?

      • Well, I dont know Fillipo.. you should maybe ask the judge… The fact is that any act that degrades the independence of a trial, such as standing outside a court, haranguing and lecturing folk, filming participants to a case, well, strangely it all plays into the hands of the defence who scream “Mistrial”, so that all ended well didnt it. I am not a legal expert but maybe you should sort of trust the guys that do this for a living,,,

      • But how can we put our trust in so called experts when they want to hide the facts of these cases? What is their agenda? What lawful purpose does it serve by keeping these crimes hidden from the general public?

      • Not sure Mate… Ring up your local Crown Court and ask the drone that answers…

      • No one seems to have fucked over the BBC for their coverage of Rolf Harris and Harry Webb, which could (as opposed to Tommy’s shenanigins) have REALLY prejudiced a trial.

      • would these ‘ guys who do it for a living’ be part of the same institutions who turned a blind eye to this abuse for decades? Really?

      • Exactly PTMW. In an ideal world we could put our trust in the police,the legal system,politicians and the like.But when they themselves seem to be singing from a different hymn sheet,for purposes unknown,who then do we turn to? Without the likes of Tommy Robinson I feel we would be even more in the dark,which for whatever reasons they have,is where they want to keep us.

      • I agree with much of what Tommy Robinson says however think he was foolish to breach a court order knowing the authorities were out to silence him. Played into their hands by giving him the the ammunition they needed.

        I think his interview in Holland was truly one of the most disturbing I have ever seen, however he needs to box clever and choose which battles he stands a chance of winning.

        There will be a huge media and public outcry if justice regarding this case is not administered by the justice system, his presence and commentary was simply not required.

      • Agreed Willie,but that outcry en masse is fuelled by common knowledge.Would there have been enough publicity without TR’s involvement?

    • Oddly enough, I think there is a slime terrorist Al-Quds march in London today.

      So freedom of speech isn’t dead – so long as you’re a psychotic, inbred, hate-filled slime, kiddy-raping cuuuunt.

      Glad that’s sorted.

      Bet the newt-fondler will be there waving a jezbollah flag.

      Al-Quds sounds a bit like a soap powder, but these cunts seem to be soap-dodgers, so it wouldn’t sell very well !

  17. Reading the Telegraph today took truly piss boiling effort. Where is the Twatter Storm over the heinous assault on Iris Warner? I suppose millennial cunts are too busy watching Love Island. Meanwhile, I have doubts about wearing my hard-earned Rolex on the streets of London in case I have to it hand over to a moped riding architect.

    Close the borders. Switch off benefits. Let’s sort it out.

    • The main reason there wont be a TwatStorm over this is because the general public on the whole find it scary and as such turn away and do other stuff.. like watching “Love Island”. I think its called being in denial. To be clear, I dont think its a recent thing and I think there have always been violent sick Cunts that will seize the opportunity to do this sort of thing, Once upon a time you had a Police Force that would 1) Severely Hurt such Cunts and 2) Get them locked up forever , but now apparently that is not a socially acceptable attitude, and as the public cant be wrong it must all be part of lifes rich tapestry…..

      • Thanks Heinz. I realise now that I must be a judgemental cunt who has forgotten to appreciate life’s rich tapestry. I’ll sign myself up for remedial unconscious bias training and see if that makes a difference. Or go to Spec Savers for a pair of rose tinted spectacles – polarizing ones that blot out cunts when you turn 90 degrees to them.

    • I read a Telegraph farticle on the web a few weeks back, it was so libtardy I thought I’d navigated to The Groaniad by mishtake…

  18. Sadiq Khunt wants the camelbuggering sandfilth to take over London and run amok… The less plod the better as far as he is concerned… The man is pure fucking evil and a terrorist apologist….

  19. Sad Dick Cunt is chomping at the bit for CorDustbin to win the next election, knowing he’s in his 70s and will probably cark it during his tenure, so that he can become Muslim PM of Britain. And boy then would the fun begin. He is the ultimate in taqqiya or whatever they call it – you can literally hear him rubbing his hands together with glee at the prospect of turning the UK into Hellistan overnight. The one thing that gives me solace is that I can afford to move somewhere else, and then I’d watch the scenes of liberal FuckCunts being dragged out into the streets off to convert whilst pleading in abject dismay, “but we were nice to you and stuck up for you”. I’d even afford myself the luxury of literally pissing myself laughing.

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