Windrush [2]

Sorry – more I have to get off my chest. The mainstream media are in frothing, frenzied masturbatory frenzy over the Windrush issue. Yes it is bad that documents were not preserved and the Home Office deserve a good kicking.

But this is a consequence of the uncontrolled immigration that is drowning the country and has been since that twat Blair and his useless sidekicks Straw and Blunkett opened up our borders to unlimited immigration. OF COURSE THERE IS GOING TO BE A BACKLASH – WHAT DID THEY EXPECT??? And in pursuing the policy they did, they’ve put race relations back decades. Well done you useless bastards.

And now the MSM have piled in, drowning in self-loathing and chastising every white listener and non-listener in the country. Via a megaphone they are branding every White Briton a filthy, Nazi-sympathising racists. Those guilty among others: Iain Dale, Sheilah Fogherty, James ‘the prick o’Broin (naturally), a twat called Nick Abbott who does a graveyard slot on Friday and Saturday nights for sad lonely men and widows who don’t have a life (and neither does he presumably which is why he is on then).


Nominated by, Ben Philips


65 thoughts on “Windrush [2]

  1. It seems all and sundry are twisting this fiasco to suit their own agenda.
    What a shame the fucking Windrush didn’t hit a loose mine left over from the war on the way here.

  2. I don’t understand how,if they have no proof of right of residence, they’ve managed to access benefits,health-services,schools etc. and pay taxes. They must have been in the system for years. It can’t be that hard to track their benefit/tax etc. records and use that as proof of their right to be here.

    • You would have certainly thought so Dick, hardly fucking rocket science is it.

      Mind you the current government is floundering like a flushed turd and things that most normal people would consider to be rational, logical, reasonable and straightforward seem to be too much for them to manage or comprehend.

      Useless fuckwits.

    • You can bet your life if any of them owed 20p in income tax the fucking government wouldn’t question that they live here rightfully. Remind me never to accept any invite from a governmet department.

    • I think the issue was that when the blambo cunts floated in on the good ship Whingerush they were issued with temporary visas and requested to renew them for permanent status and passports. Life went on until of course they needed access to all the stuff that the blambos are fond of – benefits and housing. When asked for the relevant paperwork they couldn’t produce it because the lazy cunts hadn’t renewed their original bill of shipment (visa). As I type I flicked on to channel 4 and the news is on. Apparently Jamaica is attempting to claim money, and lots of it, for the UK and the World for “exploiting its talents” and paying nothing for it. A quote “in the 21st Century the world has exploited black peoples talents for profits without paying for the privilege”. I think I am going to fucking spew my ring up. Channel 4 news is a one hour whingefest.

      • Channel 4 news has for a long time been the worst news programme on air. For political correctness they even have a hijab wearing newsreader FFS. Fatima Mingey.

      • Fuck me – I thought you were joking!… her name really is MINGEy…

      • Exploiting talents? Only in Jamaica could we find a spare 497 bus drivers, I wonder how many were taken by the rest of the countries around the world.

        If only we hadn’t dragged these people away, things could have been so different for them?

        I don’t believe that for a minute.

    • That’s far too simple DF!!
      They used to say the sun never set on the British empire!!
      Now we cannot organise a piss up in a brewery!!
      Maybe in the future people will talk about Britain as they do about Egypt!! How did those useless Cunts build pyramids?
      We’re fucked!!

      • Maybe the Windrush subtext is: UK Government (and opposition) clearly too incompetent to manage being independent, therefore best to cancel Brexit and stick with 4th Reich after all…

    • The Home Office is and has been for decades, totally incompetent. Useless Home Secretaries heading up clueless civil servants.

      • What this country needs to do is to scrap fucking everything (starting with the Home Office and the NHS) and start again from scratch. Far easier than trying to sort out the mess that we have at present.

        Unfortunately whether we are governed by the Germans at in Brussels or by our own pathetic spineless, clueless government here, as things stand in the short term this country is well and truly fucked.

        Successive governments and cunt politicians to blame for the mess we find ourselves in. Nobody else.

  3. Question Time tonight …..Chi Onwurah, whingeing remainer labour MP, and the nauseating , smarmy, highly punchable, brexit hating Blairite “comedian , Matt Forde (utter cunt). I’ll pass.

    • My first experience of Forde, but boy did he let me know he’s a right cunt without a doubt.

  4. EMERGENCY CUNTING REQUEST: Mourners at the funeral for the tinker who died trying to bugle an OAP attacked journalists at the funeral. UTTER FERRAL THICK UNEDUCATED COCKWOMBLING SCUM CUNTS.

    • And the plod told the journalists to leave because they were “at risk of violence”; yes, from the scum you’re supposed to control, you useless bastards.

    • Evening Krav….spot on there…feral scum the lot of them, and , if they can afford £100,000 for a funeral, then why do the fuckers get benefits? And do they pay tax? Nah….course not! Cunts.

  5. From what I’m reading, the pikeys turned up en masse with the type of funeral you’d usually expect to see for a head of state, flipped the bird, threw eggs and stones and one of them got lifted for assaulting some cunt.

    I can’t for the life of me think why people don’t like them……

    • I fucking hate the bastards and am eagerly awaiting an outbreak of pikey ebola. Fucking vermin.

      • Only good pikey is the kind that David Vincent is now – carked and rotting in hell!

      • David Vincent a pikey? Thought he was yank vocalist in death metal band Morbid Angel…

      • Was David Vincent not the cunt from The Invaders?

        Never watched the cunt but seem to remember the intro where a voice over said “David Vincent knows they are here, he has seen them…..”

        See, someone else saw the Ferenghi going into Rohingya.

      • Yes, well spotted Basement. The series was rerun relatively recently on tv, quite good for the period.

      • Might give it a go. Quin Martin production too I think. With hindsight some of their stuff pretty good then are now very good in comparison to the continual flow of shit streamed at us from today’s stations.

    • Some newspapers have reported the cost of this pikey cunts funeral could be upwards of fifty grand, no doubt they’ll recoup something after they steal the cemetery gates, but they must be selling a shit load of clothes pegs.

      Fuck him…hedgehog vol-au-vents all round….

      • No doubt their criminal activity has upped over the last few weeks in preparation for payments and will increase through the summer. They probably have a special arrangement with certain funeral places like they do with wedding ceremony stuff.

        Wouldn’t surprise me if we paid for it though through some claim for criminal compensation from our pathetic weak criminal justice & law systems.

        What I can’t get over is the cunt was lying rotting away in ‘state’ in a makeshift gazebo made from manly old tarpaulins in some cunts garden for some three or four days.

        Any counters sign the book of condolences?…

        Thought not, as DF would say Fuck them & fuck the carked cunt too.

      • Those ‘manly’ tarpaulins were meant to be ‘manky’ tarpaulins, looked filthy as fuck.

      • Have you ever noticed that some of the world’s worst cunts, are given the “best funerals”? It’s all a fucking money making ruse by the funeral industry and an attempt by the relatives of a mega-cunt to project their “empathy” for an arseo’l of their own. My mate, a long term piss head cunt, worked in the death industry part time, they recycle every bit of metal trimming of the snuff box at the crem and resell em full price to the next dead punter’s relatives. Fucking scamming bastards. Let’s hope they make an exception for pikey boy and smelt his rotten bones with the cheap jack trimmings, coz who the fuck would want his old hardware on their box, even when dead.

      • I suspected that they took you out the coffin and recycled the full thing, otherwise how do all the ashes from the coffin & body end up in a rather small jar?

        Or am I being a bit thick here?

  6. They were denied access to certain services because said services were required to check that those using them were ENTITLED to use them.
    The windrish were entitled to access to those services but didn’t have the paperwork.

    Why didn’t they have the paperwork?

    ….Coz the lazy cunts didn’t follow the correct procedures and couldn’t be fucking arsed to fill out the forms and get their paperwork in order.

    The government were shite as usual as they didn’t give them the correct advice and didn’t FORCE them to fill out the appropriate paperwork, but the “victims” themselves MUST take their share of the responsibility for not bothering to apply for the relevant permits and residency papers.

    I’m on the side of the windrush people as they are entitled to be here and I’m sure that most are just the kind of people that we are happy to have here.
    But these white lefty cunts and David “Look at me I’m black, look at me I’m black, look at me I’m black” Lammy are only after political, lefty brownie points and their virtue signalling is almost as sickening as that Starbucks shite.

    I sometimes wonder if we’re the only sain cunts left …
    Us and kanye… ?

    • Spot on Deploy – with you 100%.

      Btw, you are the sainest amongst us…

    • I’m sorry Senòr Sausage but isn’t pointing out the bleeding obvious “waycist” these days (if the advice is intended for the “Culturally Enriched”)?

      • EVERYTHING is “waysist” these days mate.
        The line got burred to a smudge ages ago.
        I voted UKIP yesterday… so I’m branded “waysist” anyway so fuck it.

    • Sounds about right DTS but once the LammyFlab Co laid the racism accusation and got the government on the run, the cunts went beyond asking for things to be corrected to demanding money. When compo was agreed the cunts kept going looking for blood. Rudd made an error in pussy footing around instead of just saying of course migration has targets.

      The cunts hoped to get May next and force another general election also affecting EU withdrawal process. Probably Juncker & Co or BLiar & Millar gave Carweazle the idea during one of his frequent trips.

      Surely as GB is withdrawing from the EU, the only people from GB over there should be from the elected government? Why should , Clegg & Sturgeon etc even need to meet with EU negotiators?

      Meddling cunts.

  7. Nothing to do with anything really , watching the Logie Baird today and a chap came on named Tom Kuntz, it doesnt matter how you spell it Tommy……..

  8. These poor buggers went on holiday to Trinidad or Jamaica and we’re never allowed back in . Now I know why we have a big shortage of bus conductors.

    • Stagecoach should be bailing the cunts and paying the compo.

      If they were employing cunts without documents they must have known and were breaking the law?

    • Did you telly survive?

      John McDonalds turn to wear the hopeless hat for the AlBeeb election special.

      Losing 8 in Nuneaton where Tory gain 9 is not a major loss?


  9. “It is with a heavy heart that I am hanging up my gloves.”

    Rio Ferdinand’s boxing career is over before it began…. Once a cunt, always a fucking cunt…

  10. So, Roman Polanski has finally been expelled from the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences….

    They should ban all his ‘fans’ like Natalie Portmouth, Kunt Winslet, Devil Streep, Ewan McGregcunt, Skanklett Johansscunt, and Whoopi Cuntberg and all…

  11. On the subject of the “Windwush Genewation” I can’t understand their lack of documents either, unless they tell stories of being locked up in Fritzl style basements and just got out or they have deviated off the grid and been working on the illegal market.

    Did they all get off the boat and go register for work somewhere or just disappear and “find their own way”?

    One thing I struggle with is the numbers banded around like 497 on a boat that fucking size when the Mediterranean migrants can get near 100 on little inflatables? WTF?

    It’s my understanding that deportations are non existent so far and cases of ones stuck overseas actually left by choice.

    Some bolted home to sunnier climate with all their savings to retire, intending not to return but now have health issues and want to access NHS but they fucked off without completing the relevant paperwork, as did others who popped back to visit family and some stayed out GB for more than the allowed two year period without completing the required paperwork.

    I think the government is doing the right thing by sorting it out and went the extra in waiving application fees that many were aware of and had been dodging / dancing around. Especially since other migrants paid the expected application fees.

    I believe were very much lower decades ago, just like our passport fees were too.

    I understand there will be cases with different and individual circumstances that need looked at properly, but all cases need the scrutiny to ensure these people have actually the right to be here.

    If they didn’t what’s to stop someone who’s never been here claiming they did in order to access NHS, Welfare payments and a gateway for their kids etc etc?

    As the government pledged to put it right, I only take issue with the Labour scumbags such as Flabbot & Lardy Lammy who are continually using those caught up with no documents for political point scoring to cause upset in parliament process. This combined with the media and their big wooden spoon is intent in forcing this down throats repeatedly straying to incorporate illegals into the conversation.

    People will end up so tired and fed up with this day in, day out and our sympathy will be forced from us leaving us enraged with anger instead.

    Flabbot & Lammy & Co will jump on every angry comment and scream the waycism chants and the “it’s only happening because their black”.

    We had enough of that shit from them since Grenfell, just wait until the money tree starts shaking and the fraudsters come out once again, the fraudsters that are keeping Flabbot & Co in their seats.

  12. I don’t understand this breast screening ‘ scandal ‘. It seems some women weren’t sent invitations to be screened and some may have died because of that. Errrr what exactly was stopping them going to their doctors and demanding a screening ? Did that just not cross their minds ? Are they totally dependent on having a reminder sent to them? Gawd.compo anyone?

    • On the way home from the boozer one afternoon 1987, we cut through one of the supermarket car parks and there was one of them mobile breast screening clinic trailer van things.

      Me and the lads stopped and i knocked the door (hoping to see some tits) and as an older woman answered, i changed my line and enquired about a job claiming I was a bit pissed off in the job I had at the time.

      Crazy cunt chased us off, telling us to fuck off. Clearly, any whisper of being understaffed or unable to find keen & eager people prepared to do the job won’t be fucking washing with me or my old mates.

      Think we actually disturbed her getting her own examined as she was a bit flustered and dishevelled looking, but an ungrateful cunt. I won’t be applying again.

      • You sound like you need arresting for various offences under ther public order act and sexual offences act… drop us your details and I’ll arrangeit, or alternatively I could turn up drunk and scare your mother at her next cancer screening as its clearly so hilarious… Go and have a pie.

  13. Re. the Windrush “scandal” that suddenly emerged , turns out its gone on for years but suddenly does a pop up… You dont think it’s conveniently timed to divert attention from the racist activities of certain Labourites do you?
    There is little reportage on the detail here… for instance, the subjects involved were in a position to apply for full citizenship many years ago, but some failed to do so? Why is that? Maybe they just didnt want to be UK citizens. Maybe they did not intend to remain here in the longer term. Maybe they just could not be bothered. But they didnt. So, they are not UK Citizens, are they??
    And there is a massive assumption of continued, permanent residence in the UK by these persons and their families.. have they been in “permanent domicile” or have they flitted between here and the Windies as the fancy dictates , presumably geared to the need for medical attention as they get older.
    But we can’t be sure, as the press dont clearly inform us, or give actual examples of real “injustices”.. Strange that as the Press like to style themself as the bulwark of democracy, yet actually behave like something from the Warsaw Pact circa 1949 when anything inconvenient is simply airbrushed away.
    You might think is a Libtard attempt to cripple any attempt at a meaningful immigration policy in accordance with the wishes of what appears to be the wishes of the majority of UK citizens.

  14. If it comes down to the Windrush generation* and pikey cunts with no fixed abode -where are their proofs of residence, eh? – and a taste for other peoples’ property, I’d say it’s a no-brainer. So how about we deport the pikeys in equal numbers to an uninhabited rock in the Antilles and keep the West Indians?

    * One or two of whom I have worked with, and liked immensely…Trinidadians.

    • Pikeys are a protected species and as such above the law. Or so the police and local authorities appear to believe.

      • I think you will find many polis would cheerfully kick the living fuck out of the parasitic anti – social Cunts,, or so I can imagine.

      • Didn’t see the polis rushing into the Star Lane area camp to retrieve Vincents accomplice, Jeeves?

        That extends back to January since when they were both wanted in connection with another crime.

        Do they just put up wild west style wanted posters and hope someone turns them in?

        The polis knew exactly who thus stab victim was and where he was from and his sidekick so they should have dragged them out their caravans in January.

        But no, as we have a force full of cunts that are always applying their lippy and powdering their noses (Izzard types) around 4ft 11″ in height, 21 stone who can’t run in their heels, they just let them be.

        Just like they would have if that old boy had been the unlucky one.

        Polis = not fit for purpose & today’s criminals.

      • Presumably they had to wait for your shafts of wisdom before making an arrest recently… of course they were happy to collude in the attack on an innocent member of the public as you suggest, its well known that “all Police being todays criminals ” are fans of the travelling community and are sworn to protect said vermin… Have you seen your GP lately, or considered doing so? Out of interest, you ever stood on the front line, or are you just the standard pub bore. Mind how you go. Or not, as the case may be. Fucking Massive Yawn. Want to hate a bunch of useless cowardly filth… London Fire Brigade. No Contest.

  15. The rastas and the West Indians are alright… It’s the post Blair Somalifilth and other 57 Bogo-Bogo varieties that need the sack… I know black families who are as British as I am and they are proud to be Brits too… It’s these Can’t work! Won’t work! No speaky English I give you one pound (even if the price is a tenner) Me want Doctor! Me no wait! council indulged every benefit in the book free housing and healthcare plague of Bogos, Peacefuls, and Euromuck that Lucifer Blair landed us with… Sling that load of shite out instead…

  16. Wonder if trump would help arm the rebels seeing he knows it’s a shithole full of no go areas and a bloodbath situation occurs at hospitals due to the use of knives in violent crimes.

    • Your right Bob, I bet the Don would love to arm you, hopefully with instructions to discharge the thing into your own mouth… I love faux guerillas. There easy to kill. ( Sun Tzu- Art of War )

  17. Need to wait and see but it’s technically the same as other countries where the will of the people is not heard due to rigged elections which leads to rebels having to fight to overthrowing theirs.

    Not GB though, oh no. We have a legit election, tell the people opposing the will of the government they won the election but are not delivering.

    It’s really quite serious when you put the whining losers who are mostly immigrants & their supporter snowflakes who want even more of their kind allowed in to make things worse and they don’t want us controlling immigration or telling EU were not taking them in anymore.

    You have to drill down to the facts of what them not leaving the EU really means and how GB has treated / assisted countries with people v gov conflicts.

    Ok to overthrow foreign governments and allow people to displace themselves over here though?

    • Your 100% correct BB, I once spoke to a bloke, it may have been in a pub or it may have been in Rampton, and he/she confirmed its all the Police’s fault… they are sponsored by Max Factor and wont rest until Pikeys have murdered everyone and / or everyone is transgender. I know I would. Ever thought of Dignitas???

  18. Are you organising the uprising? Details to your local Special Branch Please. @leftyfantasistsrUs

  19. Fuck me – the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?! When did that happen…? Jeez.

    • Hi RFC.. This Cunt is a Troll, so Fuck Him/ it off…The clue is it lives in Suusex, presumably Brighton. Should be entertaining when the Crawley branch of Da’Esh start flinging Cunts of the roof of the local civic centre… How we all Laughed…

      • Oh! He seems to have disappeared… a bonio fido nut job? Cheers Heinz.

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