Nominated by, Mananaan
then an additional comment by Lord benny.
I would like to add to this cunting, having recently moved my Girlfriend registered her car at the new address, she received a nice new V5 and a refund on her car tax because despite ticking the change of address box they decided she was the “new owner” and canceled the car tax!
so pay double bubble yourself for one month!
utter cunts!!!!
A completely ridiculous system that makes it a completely unnecessary faff. If you buy a car say on the 30th or 31st of that month or earlier, you have to pay tax for that whole month, irrespective of the fact you are being taxed for a period that predates your ownership of the vehicle.
McLoughlin appears to be your typical, clueless overnourished knight of the realm. Best use for him would be a speedhump. Cunt.
And the cunt used to be a Miner !!!!!!! Treacherous Bastard.!
A scab miner.
Here’s a top tip, fellow cunters. If you have to call the DVLA, you can spend fucking ages in their idiotic “press 1 to do x, 2 to do y” phone system, causing unnecessary frustration. Instead, when you call the 0300 number, don’t select any option. After a few seconds, it’ll tell you that you *must* select an option. Ignore that twice more, and you’ll put straight through to a human. Well, as close to a human as a surly cave-dwelling taff can be!
I started receiving parking fines delivered to my address, for the previous occupant. She hadn’t informed the DVLA of change of address etc.
I told the issuing authority, the local council. They said I had to call the DVLA directly.
Hahah, I replied. Have you ever tried getting through to those bastards? In that case you can do one. I put phone down and any more fines got binned.
Cunts the lot of em.
Licence? Tax? Insurance? MOT?
No speak English.
Good little cunting this, and on topic on the day they announce the MOT test is to get harder.
Apparently the harder test is being brought in to help inform people about how safe their vehicle is to drive. Mmmm now call me a cunt, but as I’ve posted on here before the ability to drive a car is at the very limit of most people’s capability judging by the horrors I see on the roads on a daily basis. These same individuals certainly ain’t going to express any interest in the fact the exhaust is corroding through, the brakes are 5mm below safe limits or there is misaligned headlamp bulb on the near-side.
They’ll only be interested if they can post something on faecesbook or Twatter whilst waiting in the garage reception area saying, ‘at the garage LOLS car failed MOT, bloke with large spanner now looking at it#meetoo LOLS’
Or some such shit.
How many peacefulls or sand dwellers are taxing, insuring and MOTing their vehicles I wonder?
Are camels even road legal?
I think camels don’t meet our stringent emission standards.
Neither do their riders…
A peaceful applied for a licence to tax his camel, but they would’nt give him one, unless he could
tell him the animal’s sex.
This baffled him for a while until he managed to
remember that while riding it down the road in
Bradford he had heard a bloke saying to his mate….’Hey look at that cunt on that camel’….so
he was able to get his camel taxed, at last.
And would, by any chance, the price of the MOT be going up too?
More trying to punish the people that can’t afford a shiny new car when if they really want to improve road safety they should ban people that keep having accidents.
And drink drivers.
And cyclists.
And women.
And Indians.
And Addison Lee cab drivers ….
The whole exercise is indeed about flogging new “eco-cars” (average life expectancy seven years if you are lucky) and ridding the roads of the less well off and their older motors that have lasted far too long.
Clearing the way for all the Tristans and Jemimahs in their disposable plastic environmentally friendly (is it fuck!) Eco cunt wagons.
Eco-car, one’s arse. While a Scalextric may emit no CO2, building the bastard does, in spades, as, in this country, does generating the electricity with which it is charged, as does mining and extracting the lithium used in the batteries which mean you’re paying to drag round half a ton more weight than a petrol car does.
Delighted to see that the new MOT doesn’t impact bikes significantly, except if you’ve got aftermarket HID lights, get the fuckers replaced.
My old Honda bike is tax and MOT exempt.
Entering Kryten style “smug-mode”…
If you’ve kept the thing running for 40 years, it is no more than your due, Sir.
And they realise they’ve dropped a bollock
by having so many zero rated cars & 30
quid fuckers.
Cunts the lot of them…..could’nt run a brew
up in a pizzerie.
I wonder why this fat sack of shit resigned as Chairman of the Conservative Party in January?
Anyone got any dirt on the cunt?
This stupid wedding has left me speechless just what the fuck is going on with this stupid shite? someone explain to me Markles bold feminist message and black power shitshow, the black bishop quoting MLK and talking about slavery and the power of love
“Meghn Markle will make a striking feminist statement in her wedding to Prince Harry on Saturday, choosing not to be chaperoned for much of the procession down the aisle of St. George’s by Prince Charles”
Thats not a fucking striking feminist message wtf her fat daddy couldn’t come because he has a bad heart and she was all black powerry saying “I don’t need no man walking me down the aisle I’m a grown ass black woman mistah” like how is that a feminist message?! The royal wedding just got BLACKED yesterday and is now a mockery of a once faded ruling monarchy hope you are happy you little ginger shit!
Have they divorced yet?
Whachoo talkin’ dee-vorce? Dey jus jumped da broom! Now dey Finna start a fam”ly. Don’t be axon no foo questions you cracka ass motherfucka.
Captain Magnamious my ass! Mo like Captain Ignoramious.
? ?.
I think someone hacked my account.
General, have you received my cheque to help that Nigerian princess yet? I can’t wait to be a millionaire.
Dis ain’t da First Bank o’ Wakanda and we don’t be doin’ no checks in da hood white boy. Y’all best have cash oh we bust a cap on yo pasty white ass! You unnerstan what I’m sayin?
I suspect the Royal Lawyers are looking at a plan right now.
I saw it but I only like it for the parade.
I love watching the soldiers on horseback with their swords and all the gear on as the crowds cheer and wave flags.
The rest is such a load of wank.
The SJW’s are creaming their pants at the fact that she’s black (even though she’s not) and a feminist activist (or annoying, loud mouthed, cunt as working class people would call it).
They’re all fawning over the fact that the church was full of celebrities and especially black celebrities.
I think they’re missing the fact that if the royals get dragged more towards the celebrity domain they’ll lose all credibility and they won’t last long.
Celebrities are throw-away items and most are useless cunts that are only rich because for some reason society rewards cunts that can sing a song, kick a ball, or mince around in a silly costume rather that people that actually achieve something.
The monarchy are supposed to be separate from “popular culture”. They’re supposed to be a reminder of our history and traditions, NOT a means to signal our diversity and multicunturalism to other SJW cunts around the world.
Fair play to Harry, he can marry who he wants, I just hope the royals don’t now turn into SJW, virtue signalling, minor celebrities.
I didn’t usually mind a royal wedding as we get a day off and it raises the countries morale and gives us an excuse to show off to the “lesser” countries (ie. ALLl of the rest of them (Sorry general ?)), but this one was just taken over by the race issue so I tuned out weeks ago.
” she’s black, she’s black, she’s black, she’s black, she’s black, she’s black…..”
..she’s doesn’t look very black to me …
” she’s black, she’s black, she’s black, she’s black, she’s black…..”
They should have blacked her up for the ceremony. Instead she looked whiter than Harry! Talk about having your cake and eating it…
….Cultural appropriation….
No offense taken my friend. As a “lesser nation” one of the things we can do is export our savages as breeding stock for your blue bloods.
How do you like us now?
?. ?. ??
The royals will do anything to keep the “firm” relevant and publicise the brand.
I saw Harry in Spearmint Rhino, stuffing pictures of his granny into a strippers g-string….
And Prince Charles is the new face of Morrisons Wonky Fruit and Veg range.
Another overpaid incopentent bell end ….
Where do we get these cunts from?
And how come almost EVERY time someone in this country tries to improve things they just make them worse. … and why doesn’t someone stop them and tell them that they’re shit and fired?
Anyone else fucked off at sky rearranging the channels on the hd box?
The discovery channels were all together with the +1 channel next to it’s parent channel so that if you’re scrolling and you’ve missed the start you can just flick onto +1.
Not anymore.
Now if I want to watch history or science I have to wade through fucking MTV and other similar brain rotting bollocks.
And the +1 channels are now grouped in outer space somewhere, only ever to be found by mistake and by random chance.
What fuckin useless, clueless, brain dead CUNT came up with it and which even bigger cunt said “yea good idea, we’ll do that”.
The world is going backwards ….
Maybe we need Yellowstone to go off or something… bring back natural selection for a while.
Partly explains why Brexit is disappearing up its own arse. That and the deliberate scuppering by our powers that be.
Hopefully Italy and Hungary will have the balls we lack to stick two fingers up to the cunts.
Why should Britain tremble when we have educators such as this fine specimen
The transgender thought police: Children as young as FOUR are being told by head teacher at ‘trans-friendly’ primary school to tell on pupils who ‘misgender’ their classmates
Read more:
As someone once said…
“Give me the child and I will give you the… stormtrooper”
First there were Black Shirts, then Brown Shirts. Next will come the Pink Shirts…
Have you seen the headmaster’s hair? Cultural appropriation isn’t it?
What a quandary for the fat libtard cunt.
This has left me with some level of cognitive dissonance. Like everyone on here , hating the peacefuls is a given but they’d never allow this at one of their schools. Not sure what is worse being a SJW libtard cunt snowflake or letting something imaginary guide your , usually stone age, behaviour.
A headmaster called Ben Tull ?? More like Bent Hole…
Wankpuffins rule the World !
Fucking dirty fat kiddy fiddling cunt. I wouldn’t let any kid go within a mile of that sick bastard.
The cunt wants locking up. What the fuck is happening to this country ?
Gotta keep them sheep shagging Welsh cunts at the DVLA in work somehow?
Pmsfl @ # WANKPUFFIN !!!!!!
Sorry about @ & # I have no fuckin idea what these mean but folk use them