Professional YouTubers need to be pencilled in for some serious fucking straight talking.
Back in the dim-and-distant, sun-drenched vista of 2006 or so, this cracking new website called YouTube appeared which allowed people to share their videos; usually long-forgotten VHS crackly bollocks or the like. Harmless fun for real people, not yet infected with the twin-cancers of social media online validation needs and the nadir of reality television.
Then, as with everything online, it became big, became all about the moolah, the advertising. Bought by Google, this marked the almost certain death-knell of the site for any genuine fun or creativity. Worst of all, it bred the Frankenstein’s monster of modern times – the professional YouTuber.
These cunts follow a very strict template:
– Loud and overbearing? Check.
– Lots of infantile stupidity in vomit-crayola colours? Check.
– Apeing anything and everything in popular culture? Check.
– Promoting the latest tat and shit merchandise from corporate brands? Check
– Earn millions of $$$ in the process? Cheque and mate, cunt.
The burden of approaching middle-age is that family members of teenage years or thereabouts deluge you with their inescapable shite. And in this era, included are YouTube ‘stars’. With nephews, nieces and cuntsins aplenty, there is never a device or computer left without one of these barking simpletons screaming at the onlooker. I therefore sadly know far more about these fucking YouTubers than I ever should.
As one example, let’s look at our very own British whitebread snowflake princess ‘Zoella’. This cunt has become a multi-millionaire whilst still in her twenties, thanks to her beauty ‘vlogging’ and the tacky crap featured on her channel. The cunt wrote a book, called, I don’t know, ‘The Life and Times of a Bath Bomb Loving Shitcunt’, or something. Anyway, it turns out that large parts of this book (i.e. all of it) were not actually written by her at all, despite the heavy promotion. Hey, most zlebs have ghostwriters for their autobiographies, that isn’t uncommon. Difference here is that this shit-book was actually a ‘novel’. Promoted as hers. And she basically wrote fuck all of it. This fraud became a moderately big story here.
Following this, she did what all millenials do when the heat in the Aga becomes unbearable – she fled the fucking scene, citing the need for a ‘break’ and the good ole’ hasty retreat beat to the lavender and jasmine scented safe space.
This just demonstrates the problem with ‘professional YouTubers’. They forget that their fame and popularity is all thanks to the me-too culture of instant gratification in the form a fucking thumbs up. No talent of any kind is required – you can simply be an autisitc black kid from Sarf Landan reviewing pizza – it’s all about the currency of LOL. So when these cunts try their hand at anything which does require actual, real ability, then they fail, and fail badly – or, they simply get someone else to do the real work. Other YouTube cunts have attempted to release films which were reviewed and recieved as poorly as you would expect. The commercial shite they push and the corporate cock they take deep enough to tickle the appendix reminds us just what a cynical fucking industry the whole field has become. And since it is Google-owned, you can expect any attempts to search for anything you might really want to watch to be headed in the results by promoted, unrelated shite like Shane Dawson eating his own fucking ear wax or something similar.
The link below is of a professional YouTuber who one niece loves. Obama appeared in one of her videos. I will simply say nothing and instead let the exceptional talent shine through and do the talking.
So a major cunting for these neon-painted, shrill loudmouth cunts who continue to give kids an early start into their own millenial cuntdom. I know my own younger family members are rapidly heading down that path and for me, it is a race to the grave before having to face the sheer magnitude of their future adult cuntdom.
nominated by. The Empire Cunts Back
The prototype of all these talentless social media ‘celebrities’ was Diana Spencer. If she was still alive I bet she would be on Celebrity Big Brother and have her own YouTube channel.
I fucking hate ‘celebrity’ no-mark cunts. My least favourite is the multitalentless Rough Spice but her squeaky-voiced cunt of a husband tweeting shit to a man he betrayed came a close second.
Off topic, this is funny…
That’s actually very funny?
A welcome antidote to that cunt featured above.
It’s De-Evolution in our time.
Heil Hogan cunters hope you have a great workout today
I’ve never even watched the videos but am aware that there is some little aspiring architect cunt that has amassed millions of YouTube hits simply from going around reviewing the ouvre of London’s plentiful bounty of chiggun shops.
Fucking hell, it’s just gone 8am and I’ve just had my first cunt of the day.
Who the fuck does that gimp think she’s appealing to.
Bring back Floella Benjamin at least she appealed to kids.
Jesus WTF!
Retardation is normalised brother Obey Consume and Conform
In all honesty some youtubers aren’t so bad but I agree there are some cancerous yt channels out there with vapid fame hungry whores with only money and status on their mind
Saw some of these cunts for the first time on the news. Something about adverts or product recommendations.
I have never seen more vacuous, needy, shouty, charisma-free cunts in my life. However, as I have never seen the X Factor, Big Brother, I’m a Cunt Get Me on the Telly etc, I am probably not the best judge.
Deeply depressing. Cunts.
So that’s what Serena Williams does in the off-season. Wouldn’t the Left class a black person scoffing hot wings for ‘entertainment’ as some kind of lazy stereotyping? As TECB mentions its all about the mighty $$$.
Fuck knows how a fluorescent-lipped cunt with a thick neck, ramming hot chiggun down its gullet like a Somalian who hasn’t seen a meal for a month, could be viewed as entertainment.
This is shite to grow a beard to. You can see similar on the street in downtown Peckham, for whomever this is boat floating material.
Note from Admin, Paul we are not particularly PC here but some key words chuck you into moderation, you know which key word you used Please don’t use it, we value your input and having to edit you is arse.
Fair do’s Admin.
Noted and thanks.
Class cunting, TECB.
“Haven’t they got anything better to do?” springs to mind all too readily…
Courtesy of the esteemed Mr. Fiddler, “Fuck them”
So we are all racist are we for voting Brexit?
Have never ever considered myself to be a racist in any shape or form however I do care passionately about what is happening to this once great country which is turning into a complete fucking shithole, overpopulated by scrounging cunts who contribute fuck all and who do not want to fit in or abide by our laws and customs. I also care about the pressure this unregulated flow puts on local services and the effect this has on the indigenous population of this country. This is not what I have read in the media, I have first hand experience.
We have lived in our current house for 25 years. Our local catchment school is excellent and both my daughters went there. My son was refused a place there due to oversubscription. We went to appeal, along with about 190 others who also had the chance). At the appeal there were several sets of parents who were thinking of renting in the area (just to get their children into the school), who could not speak English and needed translators (provided and paid for by our council). Apparently they had the same rights as we did, despite not being born here, not living here, not having paid any taxes, or not speaking the fucking language. Due to the achievements of my son (in academia, music, sport and languages) we were able to demonstrate to the panel that it would disadvantage him more by not attending the school than the school by having him there. We were one of only four who were successful.
I have never judged a person by the colour of their skin, but more importantly what they are like as a person and how they behave in society. I have never blamed immigrants for coming to this great country but I do blame those who have allowed them to do so in such great numbers and without any thought to those already living here of the infrastructure that is in place.
However because of my concerns about practicalities about this once great country I am now being classified as a racist by many.
So I suppose I must be, and going moving foreword feel I am obliged to act like one.
I saw this yesterday – the cunt went on with something along the lines of ‘our immigration policy is racist as we only try to deport black and brown cunts’ – surely that is the whole fucking idea???
What a cunt.
Well that would indeed be racist. The idea is to deport cunts who are here illegally or cunts who have abused their temporary right of residence by committing crimes, i.e. Terrorists, etc. The fact that many of them happen to black or brown is irrelevant.
Most immigrants to the UK, whatever their status, are likely to be black, brown or yellow, because white cunts only make up about 15% of the world’s population anyway. If we did deport based on colour (and obesity and stupidity), Flabbott and Lammy’s feet wouldn’t touch the ground.
If that makes you racist then so be it. I share your sentiments and think it’s a bloody disgrace.
The same type of people who think this oversubscription of schools by 3rd rate civilians, who voted and continue to argue for the importation of more, are the same type who argue against grammar schools and selection by ability. They also generally happen to live in wealthy areas and so conveniently fall into the catchment areas of the top schools – this is selection by money.
Now if this had of been in nominations it would have been racked up and ready to go!
Spot on. If gimmegrunts behave like cunts, well… they’re CUNTS.
When you talk about Supply & Demand in terms of oranges, or televisions, every cunt gets this most simple of equations.
As soon as you use the same principle but with housing, school places and hospital beds, and point out that increasing the supply side of the equation is folly because demand will always outstrip it many-fold – and therefore the only solution is to affect the demand side of the equation – why all of a sudden that no longer computes and is decried as “waycist” in best Abbott and Lammy-esque fashion.
Also any 40yr old “peaceful” or grabby Africunt child is positively discriminated to the head of any queue when our own – on waiting lists for years – get given the Agincore salute.
Schools – given the chance – will promote the progeny of any foreign shithole or Eurotrash over and above the born’n’breds merely to signal how virtuous and inclusive they are – even when that ends up ruining the school. At least they were morally superior, right!
Our cuntry is full to brimming with cunts, and the imports – unlike as is in our nature – are impatient cunts and wany everything their way, now!
And the gutless Govt establishment from local council through to the cabinet don’t give a fuck, why? Because there’ll always be spaces found in the right schools for local authority cunts and the offspring of the cunts at the top go to private schools (Tory, Labour, LibDum, the lot). I don’t blame them because – like anyone – *they* just want what’s best for *their* kids.
However, because these decisions on school places, housing, etc., don’t (and never will) affect them, then it’s easy to roll over like tickled puppies and promote a “from without” agenda rather than promote “from within”.
And illustration of this was that some “peaceful” Shalwah cunt was moaning about *ONLY* having a 6 bedroom house, fully loaded with all the latest gear, when they had 8 kids (all on the nashy o’course) and then – in the same news programme – an (unfortunately white) woman was showing the local reporting team huge swathes of mould in mildew in both of her two bedrooms. The one where she and her husband slept, the other where the baby slept and she was rightly concerned that the kid could pick up respiratory illnesses, etc.
O’course the woman in question and her family was some Jeremy Kyle scum right? Wrong. She was living in military housing and her husband was doing a 3rd tour of Helmand Province!
Alas the MoD and HM Govt have no money for that but they can give a chippy “peaceful” breeding machine a free house and the neck end of £3,000 a month in benefits free of charge!
What in the world is it coming to! Where the fuck is my Common Sense Party!?!
Just thought I’d leave this.
Cunt be upon you, Cuntsville! ?
That cunt is a bit of a cunt all the time.
The amount of shite I see on YouTube is ridiculous. Vlogs about vegan old bollocks food, some cunt doing makeup videos; probably a tranny; and some slapper talking us through her collection of undies. What a load of old cobblers.
Do a search on ‘demonetization rant’ if you need a good laugh after falling into a video k-hole. Never fails to lift my frosty, cuntish spirits.
I’ve just had a good mate go all vegan based on watching too much of that shite. I seriously think he’s been brainwashed. He’s gone from a lad that likes beer and pussy… to a pussy that likes carrots and preaching about cows and some such. Dangerous stuff if you ask me, not as innocuous as you may think. Wouldn’t be suprised if there’s some mk ultra / tavistock type lessons being applied to most of the vids. I’ve banned my youngest from watching any of them (and they won’t circumvent the ban, because I’m an IT consultant and they are whiny little drips). The change was remarkable – almost overnight. Better behaviour, better sleep patterns, reading ability shot up…. I could go on but I think you’ll get my message.
Plants have feelings too!
they cry when you eat them!
And I’ve also heard that ole Flap-Ears talks to his tomato plants…
Must come under the heading of Cruel & Unusual Punishments.
So long as Camillaaaah doesn’t walk naked throught the greenhouse…
Yes, I agree. Very dangerous. I know vegans and they all look gaunt and pale as fuck. Or maybe they’re raging crackheads. Either way it’s hard to tell them apart.
I remember watching that independent woman eat a laddle of cinnamon. Was quite funny, knowing that she probably inhaled some and thus permanently damaged the lining of her lungs.
All the likes and lols in the world won’t get you a pair of replacement lungs. Cunt.
THIS cunt must be the apex of talentless cuntTube entitlement:
‘Anxiety of demonetization?’ It’s a fucking diagnosable malady now! Terminal twatterrhea and idiopathic Instacunt psychosis to follow.
Sorry (not really) we live ve in a world of cunt, kids, but the whole something for nothing thing never lasts, and you are a pathological CUNT to think otherwise. If you get off on random strangers giving you money, consider a respectable trade like pole/lap/cage dancing, busking, or good ol whoring.
Apparently George Osborne has only recently discovered that he is Jewish. Amazing that neither him nor his family were aware of his heritage. Gives me the incentive to investigate my own family tree, Fuck knows what delights lurk just waiting to be uncovered. Who knows?
“George Osborne discovers he is Jewish through his maternal grandmother who came to Britain from Hungary before the war”
Read more:
Do you think Osborne has discovered he’s a cunt yet? Perhaps via an old Etonian bum uncle?
So. Another bloody immigrant. (neatly skirting accusations of antiosbornism)
Brilliant cunting TECB!!
You tube has undoubtedly given a platform for these shouty irritating talentless Cunts to strut their stuff , but as annoying as they are I actually blame the enablers who watch this deluge of vacuous shite!! I’m sure if ignored these Cunts would eventually shrivel up and blow away!!..
As far as I’m concerned anybody vlogging needs a flogging!!
You only have to look at your Tv listings to see how this tsunami of insidious crap has taken over, with shows like X factor, ex on the beach, Geordie shore, love island, America’s next top model , teen mum and the Kardashian’s its a turd infested reservoir that’s being drunk dry by a generation of absolute cretins!!!
In a many ways I agree with this excellent cunting but in many ways I have to disagree.
Yes youtube is packed to the rafters with totally talentless twats (like the cunt in the clip) but also is a source of ideas, discussions and content that you would NEVER hear on the beebistan or msm.
Take the march for freedom the other day, not a fucking peep from the msm about it …
Tens of thousands of people marching through London for fee speech. A huge stage and pa system set up right outside 10 downing street. Speeches from Tommy Robinson, sargon of akaad, Milo, Gavin McInnis and others, and the msm didn’t mention it at all.
Tbh I rarely watch the telly these days and mainly watch youtube.
My favourites are:
Red pill Phil (check out the video of him telling an antifa corbynista twat what for )
Sargon of akaad … ‘this week in stupid’ is always a highlight of my week,
The Rubin report (the one with Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro is one of my favourites ),
Voltaire’s ghost,
Gavin McInnis,
Paul Joseph Watson,
Louder with Crowder…
There’s alot on YouTube that the main channels would NEVER show coz it doesn’t fit their narrative, so on the whole I respect youtubers more that main stream journalists.
….and where the fuck else you gonna watch drunk Russians fighting? …
They’re the REAL stars of Youtube.
Well cunted by the way ecb.
Great post…. and great nom for that matter – I too am split.
For all I know, most of the stuff on Youtube is probably cretinous sub-primate snowflakery, but I don’t watch it. I have however benefited enormously from stuff I’ve chosen to search out and watch.
It’s like people… 98% are cunts, doesn’t mean you have to invite them into your life.
Agree DTS .
It’s not all bad, love Jordan Peterson!! Fucking class…
and who doesn’t like all the street brawls ? ……
I watched approximately half of the video in the excellent cunting before I had to switch off before I barfed myself inside out. I blame you all if I die of malnutrition as a result of seeing that video in my head anytime food is put in front of my traumatised eyeballs.
I think everything that should have been said has been said on the subject of those seeking to gain money from people watching them spew so I’ll note some of the other points that angered me.
* I do not ever wish to see chewed food inside your gaping cake hole or you scrubbing your tongue with an IceCube. Ever.
* I do not want to see you puke, dribble, have any leaking things fall out of your facial orifice and there is no excuse for it unless you are in a porno.
* I’m sick of people looking down their nose at me like I’m racist for not liking super spicy food, simply because I am white. Chickens died here, have some respect.
* Who makes these ‘hot wing’ atrocities and why are they not contributing to he NHS directly. I swear the disgusting morsals must have caused ulcers and organ failure.
* Why didn’t this mush for brains pillock not know water does not cool down chilli? You actually missed the only learning opportunity possible.
* Failure to complete the task should have come with a punishment. The fact she didn’t get an electric shock at her first chunder is shoddy filmmaking. If you tune into a speed eating contest, you want to see one. I hope any future employers take note of your lack of dedication to your task.
* if you earned any money from that video I hope it is donated to a worthy charity.
The ones that used to frost my ass were from FACTS. A bunch of spud munching, gender neutral, bog jumping, Gaelic, mackrel snappers, bashing America, Trump and anything English, all the while acting like they were erudite, cosmopolitan hipsters.
Too bad these cunts aren’t in the IRA. One look at the Black and Tans* and they’d go running for their safe spaces.
*By referring to the Black and Tans I don’t mean the peaceful inhabitants of Londonistan. Although the “Royal Regiment of Peacefulls” does have kind of a ring to it. Meghan Markel could be their Colonial.
She could be their 4-legged mascot…
Damn auto correct.
She could be their elected ceremonial Colonel. Like the Blues or the Buffs they could be nicknamed The Snackbars.
Talking of ‘Youtube Stars’, Zoella is a fucking 42 karat cunt….
The start of this inane YouTube spassery, was that baldydrip with his 2 sprogs…..’Charley bit myfinger’…fuckin lame humour…revered by cybertwats as funny…It was fuckinshit….shifting a gear…is it me but the women on One every minute…are fat munters…how they got knocked up is a cosmic puzzle.