Having just returned to the UK from a 3.5 year overseas job what the fucking hell has happened to the populous?
Walking around Asda was a culture shock to say the least. As a native of the land I was in the minority speaking English, at least 65% were banging on Russian and the remainder could barely string a sentence together in English, the utter fucktardedness of them. Perhaps the neck tattoos are causing a brain problem making these people similar in IQ to my turds. But above all what the fucking fuck have people been eating? Fat cunts everywhere, not a bit overweight like most caused from crap diet, kids, long hours, work life balance, I’m talking 10 bastard stone overweight. The place had more fucking skin in it than a tanning factory. Sweaty fat women in joggers with huge gunts, blokes in electric chairs, equally fat buying ready meals and Asda lager.
How do you get that fat? It must cost a fortune in food and bog paper, no wonder the roads are fucked with the amount of shit flowing through the UK sewage system, that’s what causing the potholes, underground turd vibration. Obviously is not the fault of these sweaty fat useless shit stains that they are shovelling 20 chickens a day down there huge necks, no doubt some stress, bullying, trauma has caused them to get like this and the NHS MUST provide gastric banding immediately.
Come year zero when I rise to power you an be sure the NHS will not be providing any gastric banding as self inflicted problems are exactly that, self inflicted so fuck off now and stop eating.
Nominated by Thorax Cockslammer
What do you expect when during the recent problems at KFC ( delivery issues or something) the news was showing a closed storefront and just then a ” first generation” family walked up and pulled the door. The door doesn’t budge……. Cue the most scared and confused faces from the children you have ever seen in your life, heads and eyes darting between their fathers face and the KFC front door unable to comprehend where their next meal was coming from. Takeaways used to be treat when I was a kid . It’s the staple diet of most of the fat cunts nowadays
Remember this cunt?
Part of me thinks it must be been a wind up, but then there are cunts out there stupid enough to call 999 for kfc being closed.
For fuck’s sake. I fear for the future of this country when you have thick cunts like calling the police over the most ridiculous things. KFC was shut? Consider it a fucking blessing.
The cuntry is fucked my friends. Totally, utterly. Top cunting Thorax.
Thank whatever higher being you believe in for ISAC. At least here the remaining sane ones amongst us can vent our spleens and reminisce about normal.
DF, QDM, Asimiple, Deploy, The General etc etc, I salute you all and thank you for help me stay sane.
Situation not helped by the fact that the cuuuuuunts just sit immobilised on their morbidly obese arses, waiting for the virtue-semaphoring deliverpoo hipster-twat to knock at the door
Some of these obese bastards could easily be mistaken for Michelin Man or Jabba the Hutt. Don’t get too close as you may be sucked into their vacuum coming from their many rolls of blubber; the only thing keeping the smell of months old food from wafting out to a ten mile radius. These cunts are a massive drain on resources and it should be legal to take them down with a harpoon. Maybe they could turn it into a sport. Also, fuck fat acceptance. These fatty apologists drumming out excuse after excuse on behalf of all the obese gargantuans who do nothing but sit in all day watching daytime tele and consuming enough food to feed an entire village within the space of an afternoon. The snowflakes who defend them are just as bad as we know. No sympathy for any of them. Feed them to the zoo animals I say.
As I mentioned in my Fatties nomination #1 there are cunts out there saying its because I have a medical condition called obesity – what cunts.
Anyone who has genuine conditions (and there are some real ones!) has my sympathy but the general bunch of blubbers are a fucking disgrace to humanity.
Fuck them.
(Royalty in the post Dick)
The problem is that fat acceptance has become normalised in our society, so these people feel like they don’t have to take responsibility for their weight issues. I used to be 15 stone and bordering on obese for my height but guess what – I took responsibility for my problems and managed to lose over 5 stone in the end (although I’ve since put some weight back on in muscle mass). If only these lazy slobs did the same we wouldn’t have such a problem with obesity in this country, and I have nothing but complete disdain for those cunts who can’t be asked to improve themselves.
As a sidenote, the NHS should stop providing treatment for these lazy fuckers – and for that matter anyone who’s willingly caused their own health issues. Not only would it save money but it might shock the fat cunts into doing something.
Agree OC
And along with no more free gastric banding or liposuction, NHS will treat only properly ill cunts when I rise to power. No more free silicone beef-ups, apart from for breast cancer patients. No free tattoo removals, no free IVF, no free gender reassignments… placebos to replace Homeopathy… all non UK nationals to be charged full market rate. PFI & Carillion type contracts will be ‘renegotiated’, bureaucracy can fuck of altogether, recreational drugs free to me on demand.
Agreed, OC. I would also make it illegal for clothes manufacturers to make that size of garment.
Ugh….the prospect of Flabbot naked ! Yuk !
Fear not Komodo, she could borrow a pair of Mrs Batmanjelly’s Mr Blobby curtains, as ripped from the kiddies bedroom suite in the Hendon ‘White House’ prior to eviction.
Alan Tentyob knows nuthin’ abaaaatt it!
Goddamnit! That was meant for Asimplearsehole – my eyesight is fucked, mistook your helicopter for a lizard!
Apologies all round.
Oh come on ASA, it’s like when you’re a kid; you really don’t want to pick up a slug, but you know you just have to, just to see what it’s like. Same with seeing Flabbott bare arsed…
My belly started to get a bit flabby and i started to get tits from all the beer and burgers but I’ve been eating horrible, healthy shit lately and exercising so I’m starting to fit into my old clothes again and I feel much better.
…except the hunger and constant lusting after fish & chips (only 1 takeaway a week now) ?☹
Terrified of ending up like the cunt in the picture, though I already have the skiddies ?
Great pic admin …. ?
The “people of Walmart” vids on YT are good for a laugh, freaks, fatties and WTF’s?
Fish and chips once a week is spot on ! No guilt necessary, and it supports UK fishing industry.
Good luck with the diet, been there myself, at one stage pet rabbits were eating more than me… But you DO feel better, and getting back into your old clothes is good !
It’s been this way for a while, Thorax.
I visited home several years ago and happened to be in my old school town during the lunch hour. Lots of school kids about and from what I saw, I’d say most were chubby and a few reminded me of the old ‘weebles wobble but they don’t fall down’ commercial. I also saw several ‘off white’ skin tones coupled with some foreign lingo. We’re not talking some major town or city here. Just an out of the way town in fairest East Sussex. Shocking!
Ever seen two fat parents waddling around with their ripped, fit, toned and healthy kids? Nope, me neither. Fat parents = fat kids. Now I hate kids, but over feeding them so they mirror the proportions of their gargantuan lard arse parents is child abuse, surely? Fact is, you don’t get THAT big by accident. It’s a lifestyle that includes the consistent abuse of food. Don’t they have PE in schools anymore?
The cunts order a bucket of chicken and large fries, then have the front to ask for ‘diet’ coke….
How come these airlines wanna charge me extra when my baggage is a gram over the limit, yet the half-tonner sitting across the aisle, pays the same ticket price as me….
I couldn’t agree more, but apparently it’s discrimination.
I’m not entirely comfortable with this cunting as I’m a fat bastard, albeit not on the colossal scale of the picture. I went from 10st to 18 in less than a year because of an undiagnosed thyroid deficiency (my useless cunt of a GP never even thought to question that sort of weight gain) and moderate exercise and dieting has successfully shifted absolutely fucking none of it. It’s a bit of a catch-22 since the sort of exercise that would apparently work best is something that I simply can’t do because of the stupid space-hopper shape I am and the fact that my reward for stopping smoking was to develop asthma. I still class myself as a fat cunt but I refuse to take all the credit for it, and I’m sure there are many in the same position. It doesn’t however, stop the looks of ‘who ate all the pies’ I get on my daily waddle to get a paper, and as for takeaways we’re lucky if we manage one every 3 months and that’s very much an unusual treat.
You have a medical condition that was beyond your control. TC is targeting a different category. It’s no fun being overweight due to any number of illnesses. Hope your T3 is sorted!
Again @ Moggie. Asthma following smoking cessation. SNAP! I smoked for 50 fucking years, never had a cough and never short of breath. Quit in Jan 2017 and my chest is fucked , asthmatic and also overweight. Quit smoking for health ? Bollocks…I wish I never stopped ! 30 Regal KS per day….
I can only say that it gets better with time. I stopped smoking nearly 9 years ago and, with exercise, my breathing has improved beyond all reasonable expectations after 30+ fags a day for 35 years, not to mention the vast quantities of alcohol which I now also put limits on. The ironic thing was a medical study I undertook a couple of years ago which was supposed to study the effects of exercise or diet on the heart in diabetics (another daily favourite of mine). I got the exercise side of the study and although my heart was really healthy, both before and after, my blood health went down the toilet after the 3 month study. Exercise is the killer, not kebabs!
Took at least 5 years for the health benefits of stopping smoking to become apparent in my case, though the financial benefits were obvious immediately. Stick with it Asim, you’ll thank yourself in the long run!
Cheers Ruff Tuff 1
Love that picture….
Only in America.
That’s not you is it general …. ???
Off topic but…
It’s just been brought to my attention that attendance at Steam Engine rallies is overwhelmingly white… 98.3% in fact! Surely something must be done to correct this blatant kick in the teeth for diversity.
Also, how come the weather cunts keep talking about thunderstorms in the South? I haven’t noticed any – I’d welcome one right now… Seems the fucks can’t even tell you accurately how the weather’s been, let alone forecast it! Have weathermen* ever been cunted here?
* I don’t mean the terrorist group.
Proms in the Park….. Only two non whites…..
RuffTuff, you obviously don’t live in Kent. On Saturday night we had a superb magic show in the sky which persisted beautifully for hours. It was wonderful, superb, a sublime example of Nature’s beauty.
Also, fat people are cunts.
I’m in Suffolk… not a fucking murmur.
Yes, fat people are cunts. Though I’m prepared to make an exception in moggie63’s case…
Thanks for that ruff. I suspect I’m still a cunt though.
Captain, I thought you were talking about the lovely Diane there for a second or two…
Fran, the only magical weather effect that bitch could do would be if there were a sale on at her local curry house. The consequence would be:
? Hurricane Diane?
My little boy is 4 years old and has delayed development due to a 10 week premature birth and complications, however he is a cheeky monkey, but tends to say what he sees as he yet has no social awareness. In our local Spasda there is one of the floor workers who is as wide as he is tall; he waddles around with a broom and dustpan, pretending to be working hard.
Anyway, last week I was shopping and pushing the boy around on the trolley when we arrived at the bakery section and we were confronted by the gargantuan with his dustpan and brush. My son took one look at him and squealed “Humpty Dumpty”.
Fuck me, if looks could kill. Couldn’t help but push the trolley away sharpish whilst trying to keep a straight face.
From the mouths of kiddies…..
Made me chuckle Paul, don’t change him too much. We need more young uns prepared to call a spade a spade…
Delayed development my arse. Fucking perceptive for a four year old.
Henry the 8th had more chins than a chingchongchow phonebook. Plus some of those despots and leaders of starving African nations aren’t exactly trim. Kim Jim Uno is a right porker and waddles like a penguin despite his entire country subsisting on dirt and a good whipping.
Gluttony exists regardless of wealth levels. It’s a failure of character. And lord knows we are failing at that in this fat cunt of a country.
In the 18th century being fat (ie being able to lay your hands on more than you needed) was a sign of affluence and social status. I am wondering if this hasn’t returned in chav form. And then there’s the notion that only dog owners actually walk anywhere if they can help it. And even some of them simply drive the SUV to the edge of a field and let the dog get on with it.Then there’s the misperception that a mild feeling of hunger means you have to eat something every time you feel it. It doesn’t. It means your stomach is back online after digesting the last lot, and nothing more. But on the whole, blame the parents and the all-pervasive advertising of dietary nuclear weapons. A third of kids leaving primary school are overweight. In my time I doubt if it was a thirtieth.
don’t forget ! piss boiling time at 9pm on C4 tonight . that Afua Hirsch specimen looks around desperately for reasons to get all upset.
Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Remember: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Be there or be square.
I might have to watch it but without ISAC to vent my vitriol as I go, I’ll probably explode.
I can’t even see her face now without dropping a bollock, I think this program will be too much for me.
Recording it. Will need frequent breaks. Blood pressure liable to reach dangerous levels otherwise.
On a side note, have any Peaceful types turned up in Liege to offer to hug you, apropos of Fucking Nothing … of course, it’s all part of living in a big city, as the metropolitan elite like to point out…
Doine my neck orf the woods there was the sweetest little apple orchard (trees all centuries old stock, ancient varieties) with a breathtaking view over the Black Mountains. Rural paradise then over night some Roma cunts in diggers trash it all. Turns out the cunt farmer has accepted a compulsory purchase from the swivel eyed bastards at the council to build a block orf “social” housing for the unfortunates orf the London Borough orf Harringay. Payola all round, boxes ticked, housing problem disguised for the moment.
Problem is all these cunts have got special needs and it is the host council and the local ratepayer (Yours Truly) that have got to cough up. Some fat bastard got wedged in the khazi and the fire brigade had to take a wall down to get the cunt out. Then it was hydraulic lifting gear to get the blobby tosser into a specialised widened ambulance and then the dedicated (ie extra wide doors and reinforced beds) obese ward orf our grossly underfunded local hospital.
All that bespoke equipment, staff and time for one gross git. Ironically the SAS are based down here (you’ve not read that) and do they have every latest medical advance at their disposal? Like fuck.
Bugger computer glitch.Last line should read:
Ironically the SAS are based down here (you’ve not read that), some orf the hardest looking little bastards in the country. On return from ops do they have every latest medical advance at their disposal? Like fuck.
I don’t recall too many people with thyroid problems on tv when Michael Buerk was in Ethiopia reporting in the 80s .
Face it fat bastards, you are just greedy cunts
I don’t recall too many with cancer either. One week I had nothing to eat but just drank water and still put on a pound. Perhaps you’d care to explain that, genius.
Could we INDUCE thyroid problems in the African skinnies? Can’t be impossible.
Plus, have you ever noticed, when the parents bring their starving runts to the (foreign paid-for) hospital, the KIDS have bones sticking out all over the shop, but the bastard parents haven’t missed any pies. Child-abusing CUNTS!!!
Don’t forget all the IVF they must have had as you never see a bloke.
You’re not wrong, there are far more fat bastards around today than there were when I was a kid, back in the 80’s. It can’t be a coincidence that it corresponds to an increase in fast food takeaways either. In the town near where I live, there’s a McDonald’s, Domino’s, KFC, Burger King and TEN raghead owned fast food takeaways. And despite the numerous cookery shows on TV, few people seem to know how to cook anymore, or are too lazy to cook.
The fat fuck who lives next door to my mother regularly orders takeaways. And despite the fact he has only an aged Staffy for company, he never orders just one thing. When her orders pizza, the greedy cunt gets THREE large pizzas, and a fucking garlic bread. The other day, he came home with THREE carrier bags full of KFC. If he wants to eat himself to death, I don’t fucking care. We’re talking about a cunt who claims to be blind, and even goes out in dark glasses and carrying a white stick, yet can see well enough to drive his massive mobility scooter at night, and picks up his dog’s shit with his bare hands. My problem, is that he feeds the dog the same crap that he buys. I had a go at yesterday for giving the poor little bastard a full chicken breast from KFC. Both he and the dog are as fat as hippo’s.
He picks up his dog’s shit? Shurely shome mishtake… that’s the mark of a responsible dog owner, innit?
Guess it depends if he licks his fingers afterwards…
How many responsible owners do it with their BARE HANDS? No bags, no tissue paper, just his bare hands.
Extremely unhygienic responsible owners would be my guess. As long as they clear it up I don’t care what they use. ?
The funny thing is that the chavs in the underclass always moan about healthy food being ‘expensive’, even though mushy peas are only 16p a tin at Lidl and tinned tomatoes, baked beans, lentils, kidney beans etc are very cheap if you know where to get them. Hell, my local farmers market does excellent prices on fresh fruit and veg that put the supermarkets to shame and there are plenty of markets like that around the UK so these people have no reason to use being poor as an excuse.
It’s an evil myth that healthy eating is expensive. Quite the opposite is true. Lies spread by an unholy alliance of greedy, lazy fatties and cunt processed food manufacturers. Bastards.
Good quality protein is the real cost, which you need. You can do it vegetarian but you need to know what you’re doing. That said it’s not that expensive if you make eating healthy a priority in your life.
Given how utterly fucked the NHS is you’d think people would make more effort to never have to go to hospital. Once anti-biotic resistant bugs really get going soon a lot of cunts are going to die. Nature will trim the fat off for us.
I dunno – at Lidl peanuts are 48p for a 200g bag, cottage cheese is 64p and quark is 65p, as well as kidney beans being under 30p last time I remember. It’s hard to get good quality protein for cheap but once again it’s possible if you know where to look.
Have been getting 1/2 lb bags of Italian -blend ground coffee from Lidl, too. A few days ago, it was on special for £1-26.
Now I’m back on the habit, can’t be arsed with instant.
Also, 830 g blocks of Welsh Cheddar for about £3-50. No worse than any other supermanrket and, IMHO, considerably better. At that price, maybe it’s psychological…
Thanks, OC, for the tips on the other items, shall pick some up. Home Bargains usually good for kidney beans, as well.
ISAC is a truly wonderful site – and I don’t have to endure air-brushed photos of Dawn French, Kirstie Allslopp ot Plastic-Bumley on the front page, either.
Admin’s Wall of Cunt is MUCH classier !
See also: The Aldi Super 6.
You’re welcome HBH. Only started using Lidl last year and the place has been a fucking godsend.
Talking of corpulent, fat bastards…
There’s a rumour that one of Diane Flabbot’s friends gave up smoking by using patches. After being told that they’ve now invented one which helps you lose weight, mightily impressed, The Flabbapotamus races off waddling down to her BUPA, erm, N.H.S. Dr.
“Give me the Weightloss patch” Flaaba demands and is promptly handed the patch. “Now…how do I apply it?” asked The Hut.
“You put it over your fucking mouth!” The Dr. replied.
Since the Flabbott is full of bullshit maybe a dose of MiraLax.
Becoming desperate she said, “Doctor please, I must lose weight. Give me some advice.”
“Don’t eat anything fatty” he responded.
“You mean like my daily pizzas, chicken, cake, pies, and burgers?” she inquired.
“No Fatty,” he replied “Just don’t eat anything!”
Can I be so bold as to cunt Raheem Sterling’s father. Why you may ask ? Well if his own son thinks a tattoo of an automatic machine gun is a fitting tribute to him then he could have been nothing other than a cunt. There, that needed saying.
I’m having bellypork, chips and fried eggs for my dinner,followed by tinned fruit salad and mint ice-cream. I have sophisticated tastes.
I hope you chubbsters enjoy your salads.
I had pork sausages (organic), chips, baked beans (Heinz) and a nice runny fried free range egg. For afters a Mr Kipling black currant pie, blueberries and custard. Only ever have salads occasionally in summer. Fuck them.
One peanut butter sarnie, 3 rows of Lidl milk choc, and a home brewed espresso.
Trying to suss out where the gale-force winds are coming from…
ITV News gave about 10 seconds to Tommy Robinson’s arrest tonight. Now, I feel genuinely sorry for the plastic-munching wildlife in the Galapagos, but, also, just occasionally, other things should take priority.
Particularly as Tommy was arrested last Friday.
UK is now officially a Police state – its a fucking disgrace. Any negativity towards any Peaceful type ideology then it is the slammer for you.
Ohhhhh maaaaaan ….
I had salad, some prawns and then raspebbies and blueberries.
Then poached eggs on dry Brown bread toast.
I haven’t had mint ice cream for years …. I’m dribbling.
over The years I’ve put quite a lot of thought into this whole fat issue.
I don’t think there’s a simple answer or indeed a simple cause.
I think it reflects society. A lack of discipline, a lack of respect, a lack of self respect, a lack self awareness, a lack of responsibility, a complete lack of understanding of what really ‘fat free’ means and you could even stretch as far as saying Governments have colluded with the big food producers to keep food cheap so the piss poor low wages paid to the working classes don’t have the impact that higher prices would, being unable to afford decent food caused massive problems for most Governments up until the 1950’s.
How can you complain that you can’t afford to eat when you’re 30 stone? Clearly you can but what ever it is you’re eating it’s cheap shit full of refined sugar that will slowly kill you and ironically makes you more lathargic. Who said sugar gave you energy……..
There’s always been fat people but I think what’s changed is the sheer size and scale we now see.
When I was about 19 or 20 the Sunday Sport used to feature an immense specimen called Gurt Bucket, she was so incredibly fat I thought it was a doctored picture.
But this was around 89/90 and I’d never seen anything so massive in my life but fuck me sideways I look back at that now and can’t believe how real it’s become.
That said so much has changed, we all live much more sedentary life styles, being working class once meant you had a manually intensive job that burnt several thousand calories a day and had a diet that was built around 3 square meals a day and that was it. A treat was fish and chips on a Friday.
Now being working class means a job in a call centre or wiping arses for minimum wage working shitty shift patterns that throw out your body clock and that’s if you’re lucky.
Then we have, as we always do those bastard cunt liberals who create victims out of fatties.
Fatties are victims of Liberals and Liberalism. If you believe being fat isn’t your fault/responsibility and all you see is everyone around you looking the same then fuck me the house wins.
Meanwhile the NHS is having to buy Ambulances with wider doors, specially upgraded suspension, wider beds, stronger winches, spending £3m a day on diabetes drugs mainly caused as a result of obesity.
And of course here’s the kicker, these cunts pay the least into the system but take the most out. I’ve never had an issue with smokers using the NHS as they are the one single group that you can clearly see put far more in than they take out.
The NHS was a great idea, free health care for all at the point of contact but that was in a time of food rationing and diseases caused by poverty, Scurvy, Rickets bla bla bla…..
But diseases caused by poverty that sponsor indulgence?
Fuck me things have gone badly wrong.
Sprints, twice a week. Absolutely eviscerates fat if you do it properly with a good diet. Takes less than 20 minutes inc warm up. All top sprinters look like greek statues.
Or you can toddle along on your treadmill with your fancy jogging gear and end up looking like a weedy starving Ethiopian.
How come there’s never a picture of fat people in any of the Nazi death camp photos, you know, those taken post liberation by the allied soldiers.
Skin and bone every where.
As my old gran said, if you don’t put it in, you won’t put it on.
Assume she meant food.
unfortunately the initial contact with the liberators caused death by over feeding.
after that it was then a program of upping the rations.
How come there was never a photo of gas chambers either ?
The guards blew them up to try and hide what they were doing.
There are plenty of archive pictures taken by the Germans.
Archive pictures of gas chambers taken by Germans? Could you send me a link to source these please as I’ve never come across these before. Thanks.
Meanwhile, in Liege, the post – incident cycle commences.. ( with apologies to Kubler – Ross and ShowaddyWaddy.. )
Step One: Anger, Disbelief, Fear, Frustration..
Step Two: Social Media messages between Snowflakes showing sender holding a candle and looking meaningful/ sad… a bloke turns up at the scene and plays “Imagine” on a piano.
Step Three: The On-Trend Local Authority organise a concert to “celebrate” something or other. Lots of trendies turn up. They light candles and hug each other and take selfies. A peaceful turns up and they all hug him/her. A local liberalista makes a speech as to how the incident “will not divide us “, although it certainly divided the victim’s from their families, so technically the message is incorrect of course…
Step Four: Local militant groups organise a protest about Police oppression of “refugees” although the offender wasn’t a refugee but a criminal.. The left Wing Press announce it is all down to a form of institutionalised racism and the real victims are in fact the terrorists..
Rinse and Repeat…..
Sums it up beautifully Heinz !
I would like to cunt the establishment shill website known as order order. Anyone who has visited it recently will know why. He seem to be deliberately killing off his website by alienating his core audience. What a cunt.
I decided that I wouldn’t watch that prize cunt Afua Hirsch insult and belittle our history and culture on channel 4 tonight but changed my mind through boredom.
Big mistake.
Some cuck lefty arse licking (feminist, no doubt) TWAT just desecrated a public monument by sticking in some arse kissy sign about slavery on it.
Afua the CCCCUUUUNNNTTT said that it’s a shame that they have to go outside the law to do this kind of thing.
Desecrating a public memorial is perfectly acceptable to you then…
So you won’t mind if I go take a big steamy shite on Nelson Mandela’s grave then? …. no?
Now they’re talking about the halimo hussein escapade.
…. I don’t think I’ll survive this ….
… The pressure ….
If I’m ever unfortunate enough to end up in Londonistan (urgh, perish the thought) then I shall at least make a point of visiting the tomb of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetary.
And having a long, satisfying, steaming piss up it…
I watched it and found it all rather pathetic. There’s no doubt that she is a cunt , but she’s a lightweight , silly cow.
Now she’s moaning that Churchill didn’t help the starving Indians in 1943.
….When we were at WAR with the fucking nazi’s.
He didn’t cause the famine..
How many Indians did YOU save Afua you shit throwing racist cunt.
Agreed. Turn off the shit pump. No entertainment, just propaganda.
And cunts…
I’ve got to turn it off.
Now they have some cunt going around giving sperm to chavs so that they can have kids that they can’t afford.
I’d send him the fuckin bill ….
…. it was close there cuntflap, I almost went supernova a few times.
Spot on. I saw the trailer, and decided to save electrons and my sanity.
Because, as someone above said, “Rinse and repeat”…
We all know what their agenda is. Switch off in droves. Don’t even let the scum have the satisfaction of knowing that they wind us up !
She also conveniently forgot to mention that a lot of Indians fought for the Japs , the cunts.
She just hates britain.
How many innocent cunts did your poster boy Mandela kill?
She’ll try to convince everyone that he was locked up for nothing by the evil white man.
He was a fucking terrorist and was locked up for murder.
….he’d have been fucking hung if I’d been in charge.
…And you wanna mug off Nelson and Churchill?
Hirch is off the telly now …
*deep breath*
*deep breath* ……
Seems that Britain is the target for any shit throwing attention seeker.
Go to Italy and demand they destroy the statues of Roman emperors and generals, France and Napoleon or Spain and the conquistadors and see how far she gets.
Exactly. Her example was that Germany doesn’t celebrate the nazi’s anymore.
I should fuckin think so.
…Maybe she need it explaining to her that Churchill fought AGAINST the nazi’s.
Her grandfather, who fled Berlin in 1938, must be turning in his grave at his granddaughter’s extreme disrespect for the country that gave him sanctuary.
The same country that now affords her the freedom to abuse the rights hard won by its ancestors (99% white incidentally), shitting on Western culture and Britain’s great National heritage.
Fuck off and shit on your Ghanaian ancestors if you have to shit on someone, you racist, man hating harridan cunt.
Channel 4 have always been cunts, even more in some respects than the Bolshevik Broadcasting Company.
They even removed plot elements from episodes of The Simpsons that didn’t fit their agenda.
The fucking Simpsons for fucks sake…
You can tell what lefty cunts they are by the fact that they have someone that can’t talk properly reading the announcements…
Pc cunts.
Like having a hand model with a mangled hand or a footballer with 1 fuckin leg.
I wonder, if when it first aired, Buck House switched on the Magic Rectangle, waiting for Wallis to appear…