I’d like to cunt directors who have to stick whites , blacks, chinese , lesbians, gays , half bakes and trans into their shows . I recently watched the American series Siren about a mermaid and fuck me .. she had a sister who was kidnapped, and yep she’s black . Why ? Why why why … grrrrrrrrrrrrr
The rest of the cast .. white hero , black girlfriend, annoying Chinese guy friend …..
I lasted til episode 3 but please no applause ..
And then you have Lesbian Street , I mean Coronation street. ..
Need i go on ….
Nominated by Cunt Care Less
Unless your the one making Black Panther……….
Inclusive my arse. None of them is in a wheelchair. This show is clearly prejudiced against the disabled.
Evil cunts.
I am very disappointed there’s no black Lesbian in a wheelchair with learning disabilities and who is inclined to self harm and lick windows. Its very apparent they have not thought this through.
If that blonde creature over the right side of the screen is a) a man and b) heterosexual, I’ll eat a whole bag of dicks. No hetero, cis gender, white men allowed in this diverse cast apparently.
It’s not the diversity (of whatever group) it’s the fact that it simply doesn’t reflect reality and – the galling bit – is that this fantasy is promoted as the norm when it simply isn’t true.
Are there mixed race couples? Yes there are but not every couple is mixed race like they seem to be in the adverts.
Programmes like NeverEnders in the sarf could promote their fair share of mixed race couples (of whatever ethnicity) because that is reflective – not every couple but more than what you would find in say Emmerdull Farm, out in the rural wilds of North Yorkshire. That’s not “waycist” it’s just a simple fact.
I know one bloke who is gay. He’s open about it but doesn’t bounce around like some Graham Norton on a space hopper cunt! And yet – even in a village as small as Emmerdull – there’s dozens of the cunts prancing about petting one another in the Woolpack, everyone’s friends, and no cunt bats an eye.
Let me tell you now, even in this day and age, most North Yorkshire Moors villages that Emmerdull is supposed to represent are more like those of the “Slaughtered Lamb” variety (of American Werewolf in London fame) than a rainbow Calypso bar “darn sarf” and yet there they are, Amos and Seth types, all happy-happy with the sausage-hiders and bean-flickers.
It simply doesn’t reflect reality.
Then we have the transbenders. Do they exist? Yes they do.
Have I ever met one? Well if I have I didn’t know it (isn’t that the idea, and the greatest of compliments to them??) and I’ve been up and down the length and breadth of this cuntry more times than the Flying Scotsman.
And yet there’s at least three of these cunts in every show with more than six in the cast, in various pre/post op states, all overtly promoting themselves as transbenders, including – you guessed it – Emmerdull.
Chuck in a liberal amount of raspberries (whose chariots never seem get stuck in the clarty fields of Emmerdull, even when they are the vet – another true to life reality, eh) and “ay voila”! You have everything you need for modern TV/Movie/Advertising cast!
What a total bunch of cunt!
And it’s not us mature folk who know the score, know the reality, it’s youngsters who are being brainwashed into this fiction being reality: “Oh shit, I’m not gay!?! I like girls! There must be something wrong with me!” – “Mum, Dad? Why are you two of the same ethnic background?” – “Why have I got a Mum and Dad? Aren’t you supposed to be both men or women with preferably one being a post-op from a previous sex!?!”
That’s the dangerous bullshit propaganda these media cunts are pushing in their libtard agenda on our impressionable youngsters!
And do you know which sector of society is NOT taken in by all this bullshit? Why that would be our future Kalifate “peaceful” rulers. They don’t tolerate any of this bullshit and are happy to do so because they know that none of the libtards will call them out on it because – as “peacefuls” – they sit atop the virtue-signalling hierarchy and therefore no matter what they say or do, they know they’re untouchable.
Enjoyed reading that Rebel. Spot on in all matters. Particularly that fucking Emilydale shite!
Rebel on a roll!
?. ?
If NeverEnders was actually to show a true depiction of the east end of London, at least two thirds of the cast would be speaking Arabic. And if Emmerdull ever had anti-gay, racist character, you can guarantee that HE, would be a white man, with a shaved head and dozens of tattoos, who was as thick as pig shit and continually boasted about supporting UKIP and voting to leave the EU. He’d also be single, because no woman would want to be seen dead with him.
As for the mixed race couples in adverts, yes, there are far too many. And I say that as a man who is married to a black woman. It seems that advertising companies think we’ll be swayed into buying the shit they sell by the sight of a white man married to a black woman, or black man married to a white woman. The other annoying thing that they do, is portray all men being complete retards, while the woman ALWAYS have the IQ of Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein combined. Has your washing machine broken down? Blame your husband, he’s a fucking moron, who put your dirty dishes in it, instead of your laundry. Wonder why your husband always smells of flowers? It’s because the thick cunt thinks the air freshener is deodorant. Does your dog need to be walked? Better do it yourself, because your dozy prick of a husband will mistake your children for your Labrador.
Makes you wonder how the human advanced to the level we’re at when, according to adverts, all men have the IQ of a mouldy lettuce
Often wonder if the creator of Emmerdull a) spoke French and b) had a sense of humour, as the French verb “Emmerder” means “to bullshit”.
Just saying…
Odd about that pantomime eggand woman Kim in Neverenders… She seems as dumb as fuck, irritating, venal…
A pretty good portrayal of many of her type.
Vince Cable just on Good Morning Britain.
What a deluded and confused irrelevant old tosspot he is.
Is he trying to flog a book? That’s usually why useless old has-beens/never-were’s pop up on morning telly…
More ineffable ullage from the Cardiff Bay Home for the Weak & Incontinent…
Carwyn Jones (cunt) calls Leanne Woods (there’s a good Lesbo St. name) “Jacob Rees-Mogg”…
Ms Woods of the Pointless Party says”Oooooh, that’s offensive and nasty; I is a wimminz, this is patronising.”
Doh !! Politics is not for the thin-skinned. Stupid bastards.
I fear that down Cardiff Bay, it’s time for more Kia-Ora and a change of rubber sheets on the cots. Just make sure the inmates are secured, and can’t escape…
Vaughan Gething is an uppity little cunt. Have I ever said that before ? Wonder if his da was a bus driver…
That’s the Cunt calling the Cunt a cunt. Jones and Woods are utterly pointless and deluded. They should put Cardiff Bay back to the good old days of Bute St and the docks. Some good clubs and boozers down there back in the day.
Mr B,, Cable is trying, probably, to flog some sort of “cark-it contract” to himself.
With any luck…
I can never tell him apart from that Ming Campbell cunt anyway.
(Isn’t he another pointless old fart who spouts endless bollocks whilst living in luxury on the public tab?)
Ming the Mong indeed…Where is he now ?? Still wilfully continuing to live ? Bastard.
Let me guess, the squinty eyed cunt said that all Brexiteers are old people, who are racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic, and that we’re to blame for every bad thing that’s ever happened. The man should be wearing a strait jacket.
You can’t escape this diverse casting old bollocks. It’s everywhere. Films, series and adverts. Even bloody exam papers. I remember years ago an old exam paper saying: “Ahmed has x number of apples. He eats x. How many has he got left” or some shite along those lines. In reality, Ahmed was probably busy slaughtering goats for pleasure. Or people.
in reality Ahmed wouldn’t eat apples. He’d be more likely to be eating Baklava and smoking shisha.
Or more likely ahmed would be beating one of his wives within an inch of her life, then off to the ‘stoning of the adulteress’ competition before watching ‘chucking a poof off the roof’ reality tv show before retiring home to shag a goat.
Excellent comment DB. I’d much rather watch that on my screen than the current PC multi racial old cobblers.
It has jammed its festered tentacles into the minds of HR and marketing teams of all major business and large organisations too, like some kind of contagious mental virus that immediately renders the victim to the gtand status of imbecilic cunt.
Can’t remember the last time I picked up a brochure, magazine, document, or other glossy rag of wank that didn’t have some super diverse smiling family or group of soulless corporate cunts of every shade, orientation, and state of cuntitude.
If there was a straight white guy he was always either ginger or a middle aged balding ball-less cunt.
Why is it, that Marvel hero Captain America, always manages to avoid Captain Vietnam..?
Is no one on here ‘ celebrating diversity’ ?. If one doesn’t feel inclined to do that are you automatically a racist?
Great story this. Love the way that the heroic Frenchmen bolt for the car leaving the woman to gather up and carry the youngest child…Vive La France.
“What were they thinking? French family is forced to flee for their lives when they are chased by cheetahs after getting OUT of their car in Dutch safari park”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5717019/Family-chased-cheetahs-getting-car-Dutch-safari-park.html#ixzz5FBfCQql7
Please don’t discourage the two-legged meals from assisting natural selection. I have a particular interest in this. Thank you
Those cunts are as thick as pig shit. And I suppose the cheetahs would have ended up being shot if they’d done what they’re supposed to do and dined on the daft bastards.
We’ll be debating this shite when the next war starts.
Boy are we fucked.
The main problem with over representation of ‘diverse’ people in the media is that most of the arseholes who make these ads, films and tv programmes live in Londonistan and they are all cunts. I’m really fed up (although my piss has never boiled yet – must see the doctor) with this totally unrepresentative take on British society. I live in the North East, near the Scottish Border, and there are very few ethnic people here. You wouldn’t think so however, when watching the local tv news, as they seem to deliberately pick ‘diverse’ cunts to interview. Bunch of cunts. Don’t like politicians either. Or journalists, especially Guardian and Independent ones.
To put on a bit of theatre or make a film now you only get funded if somebody has eight genders, is mixed race but those races must all be ethnically ambiguous, be a bsl signing wheelchair user with multiple personality disorder. And that’s just for the lead role. The supporting roles must be Arabic speaking Norwegians that cannot have northern European colouring of hair and be happy to undress for tastefully shot orgy scenes. Lines of dialogue: 1. All ensemble cast must be parkour puppeteers, and must be able to hold a tune but not sound musical theatre, and be willing to devise scenes during a workshop performance which will be used for background character exploritary use only and not included in the final product. All applying should include a life dance of exactly one minute and forty two seconds where they encapsulate hackers who gradually pixelise until reforming as an eight byte unicorn farting eastern European spiced ratatouille. If you have a gender please keep that as neutral as possible in our safe environment, as not to offend others. Now, where’s my grant?
You’ve obviously been to one or more of these productions. I hope you don’t mind if I incorporate some of those themes in my forthcoming installation piece, based on 10m cubes of frozen urine being slowly raised to boiling point?
You would get a globell piece warming prize for that. Make sure to have your tux made entirely out of recycled hashtags ready for your acceptances speech.
Diversity is another term for Apartheid… The Black Broadcasting Corporation holding ‘black actresses only’ auditions for the part of Bill the Wonder Horse Black Lezza in Doctor Who? They were basically saying it’s wrong for white actresses to now audition or appear on their programmes… It’s exclusion and prejudice, simple as that… But then the libflake fannies will say ‘But, but Doctor Who is now a white woman!’ And that is more TV Apartheid… After fifty odd years the BBC is also now saying that a white man portraying an iconic character who has always been played by men is now wrong and somehow ‘offensive’… We will be lucky to see a white man play the Doctor ever again… If the character does become male once more, they will either be black, peaceful, or a poove… But can we imagine the ‘Lordy Lord! You i iz racist innit!’ and ‘Vile sexists! Me Too!’ tidal wave of venom if Auntie had said ‘White actresses only’ or replaced a well known female character with a man? Of course we fucking can….
Slightly off-topic, but something about historic sex offences.
Somebody’s been charged with Muffin the Mule.
Deviant bastard.
That hypocritical time’s upping celebrislag, Skanlett Johansscunt, wearing a dress by Harvey Wankstein’s wife? While the media and Twittermongs are yapping on about that, they’re not asking her about her victimising Jimmy Franco, her association with Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, or Uncle Harvey, come to that (cough)…. Cunt she may be, but she’s not as stupid as she looks… OK, she is a stupid cunt… Her PR people aren’t as stupid as they look, that’s better…
Still, what she had on this week was a lot more tasteful than the ‘dress’ she wore when she was with Uncle Harvey… Me Too, eh? Yeah right, ta-ra….
These days it’s all about making as much dosh as poss. If you want to sell a TV series or filmum worldwide, you gotta have a black, a chink, a Yank, an Injun, an ‘all round good egg Peaceful’ (Allah be fucked) and a nice Nip for good measure… all heavily garnished with gender fluid purulence, of course…
And don’t forget to apologise at every opportunity for spawning the most benign, diverse, successful and greatest power the world has ever known – the British Empire!
And that ‘diverse’ Solo film is a pile of putrid pus… For a start, the cunt who plays Han is nothing like Mr Ford… Also (like The Last Jedi and Rogue One) there’s yet another ‘strong’ female character with a Lord Haw Haw accent (that talentless shag machine from Game Of Cunts), there’s the now obligatory sassy and ‘feisty’ black woman, and Lando Calrissian is way more ‘gangsta’ and ‘badass’ than the one played by Billy Dee Williams… It’s now all that Shaft meets Snoop Dog Turd meets Samuel Jackson shite…. Han Solo being in it is just a selling gimmick…. He’s only in it to pull in old Star Wars fans and make newer not there for the original modern fangeeks cream themselves… When the film is actually yet another propaganda vehicle for PC madness, misandry, the Femstapo, and Diversity… Fuck that…
All down to Disney Norman, same as the ruination being heaped on the previously harmless fun Marvel films.
Disney are utter cunts…
Thread jack
Some cunt on radio 2 demanding a memorial on a main road for 20 cows. Yes that’s right , fucking cows that were killed in a road traffic accident . You couldn’t make it up.
Was it Morrissey?
How about an 50-metre high Anthony Gormley “Barbecue of the Cunty” ??
Bancroft, Paula, Unforgotten… you name it and they’ve all got it.Two gay fathers pouring unlimited love on their adopted little girl, the lesbian cop with her lover in Afghanistan. The mixed race couple with a fabulous apartment but with the black man as an emasculated house husband.( most of the scenes have him washing and drying the dishes)
All the gays drive BMWs and all the Lezzies wear lumberjack shirts.
All of the social workers are intelligent and caring and most of the cops don’t give a shit.
The top cop is invariably a woman with a suspicious sexual bent or a slag who will fuck anyone?.
If it’s not a woman then it’s an incompetent male bent on political skulduggery.
There! I’ve covered all of the plot lines for the past five years for all of the drama AND comedy series.
You’ll never get a job with any of these production companies if you don’t pay homage to “all of the above”
The fucking cunts are more discriminatory than any previous generation!
What’s happened to all the ‘Love child of’ jokes?
……like Mo Farrah being the love child of Fatima Whitbread & Father Jack!
Any more fellow cunters?