Someone close to me was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She noticed a tiny lump in her breast smaller than a pea. It turned out to be a very aggressive form and she underwent a year of chemo and has had a double mastectomy. She’s a hero and I admire her for her strength through the ordeal.
What all woman know is if you have tits they can kill you ! You need to take some responsibility for your health and if you are over weight, drink excessively, smoke, or don’t check your tits or nuts you increase your chances of dying early.
I have always disagreed with statements such as ‘binge drinking kills x amount of people per year’. If we are all destined to die it’s not the drinking that killed you. It merely brought on an early death.
All these woman who are now on the outrage warpath because they didn’t receive a letter reminding them to go have their tits checked, are fucking irresponsible blame shifters. How fucking stupid do you have to be that by the time you reach about 70 years old you can’t rmember to go for a check up every few years !
Fuck ! Now some of their families want someone to pay. We already paid our taxes so the stupid cow could receive expensive treatment because she was too lazy or stupid to cop a feel for herself and go to the doctor if she felt something abnormal. They also want us to pay for a new flat screen TV, a car, a few holidays and a holiday home by the beach.
It’s a bit like those Windrush cunts ! 40+ fucking years they had to sort out some sort of document to prove they are here legally. But no ! Eating fucking cheekin was more important for the useless layabout cunts. Not only do a lot of them milk the system for every ounce of flesh they can, they also want financial compensation because they turned out to be useless, lazy and irresponsible cunts.
Evert time I watch the news and I hear someone say ‘it’s the governments fault’ I literally want to reach into the screen and throttle the cunts. Take some responsibility for yourself or you might die early !
Nominated by, Cunt Vader
Lost my late wife 19 years ago in September 1999 to breast cancer at the aged of 41. In January 1997 I discovered a tiny lump in her breast and told her to go to the doctors as soon as possible.which she did. Referred to Ipswich Hospital straight away. Tests and a biopsy showed pretty quickly and conclusively that she had an aggressive form of cancer, and that her surviving more than 5 years was less than 40%.
She received immediate expensive ground breaking “trial” treatment (originating from the USA) from the Ipswich Hospital oncology department led by Dr John Levay (who sadly died of cancer himself in 2008 aged 51) at a minimum cost of £125,000 to the HNS, which back then was a considerable amount of money. A fantastic effort was made to save her and for that I thank the NHS and Ipswich Hospital.
Given the all clear in August of 1997, the cancer returned in mid 1999 in the form of brain cancer, thankfully the end was relatively quick and hopefully painless for her.
My wife took great care of herself, a fun and generous person, a lifelong non-smoker, vegetarian for about 18 years, low on dairy and suger and a very occasional drinker (usually a glass of wine or a pint of beer). Very warm and outgoing and a great wife and mother to our children. Absolutely no history of cancer in her family, however she always took good care of herself.
Was told to be positive after being given the initial diagnosis which she (and our family) did, however in my opinion it made no difference to the final outcome. Reckon she was just very unlucky.
I do get very annoyed when watching GP’s- Behind closed doors (which my current wife enjoys) when about half of the patients with problems appear to be self inflicted, either overweight, on drugs, heavy smokers. In my humble opinion, they should be refused access to the NHS if they are not prepared to take some responsibility for themselves or do as the doctors advise. Attention seeking selfish weak willed cunts who should know better.
Mrs Benny MkII was also diagnosed, they missed the lump on the needle biopsy and told her to go on holiday, when she came back the lump was the size of a goose egg.
Mrs Benny was a bit of a snowflake and I bullied her into both chemo and radio therapy, I can understand not wanting to have treatment that makes you so ill, then we had the surgery and rebuild, then the implants failed and a further rebuild.
She survived it all, something that I would describe as a very traumatic experience, having your body poisoned, disfigured, meeting other sufferers, making friends, going to their funerals.
The cancer club sucks.
( I should mention we are no longer together)
Really sorry to hear that Lord Benny
As you say it is an incredibly difficult and traumatic thing to go through and puts a tremendous pressure on a relationship in many ways.
I went into autopilot mode and continued working in London however it had a detrimental effect on one of my daughters who has never really recovered as she was only 10 when her mother died. Her younger sister (who was 8) has managed to cope with life far better, and if anything has made her stronger and more independent.
As you say, the cancer club well and truly sucks.
Sorry to hear such a sad loss WillieStroker.
No words can ever make it better. We do ( on this site ) care.
Thanks ASA
The people who post on here are on the whole intelligent, sane, logical and passionate people, whom I can totally relate to in this crazy world in which we live.
Know where you’re coming from Willie. Lost my wonderful wife in 2008 aged 44. My lad was 6 at the time. The day I had to tell him his mum was gone destroyed me.
keep well friend.
Likewise Cuntsville, and your son.
I feel for you brother.
It’s strange how people that live very cleanly can be struck down, yet some with terrible lifestyles continue living.
As I approach my 40’s (very close) I’ve been thinking much more about my health and mortality.
Gave up smoking 4 months ago and it’s still fucking hard, especially when I’m down the pub smelling all the delightful smoke … hell I’m dribbling just thinking about it … but it’s easy to forget how bad things can be if nature decides to kick you in the bollocks.
Hang in there DTS, I kicked the habit about 17 years ago and the only regret I have is that I started in the first place. I read the Allen Carr book once in stages 2 years prior to stopping and again maybe about 6 months before.
I focused on how much of my hard earned was getting handed straight back to the goverment for my pleasure and the thought of not being fit enough in the future to go down the park with any grandchildren I might have like my father in law, he has had poor health likely smoking related and he was told by doc to stop about 25 years ago and it was the mother in law who played football & tennis with the kids. He couldn’t & still hasn’t stopped smoking. All you got was Ive smoked since 14, I’m to old to stop.
His daughter (her indoors) also still smokes and is as pigheaded in her attitude towards stopping. As we get older it pisses me off as it will be like role reversal of her parents. She will end up like him and I will be left doing everything with grandchildren etc.
I’m actually becoming very bitter about it now often thinking of being left alone in years to come due to her selfishness. The money situation due to my being off work hasn’t had any effect on her either. Its probably as well I don’t look at her credit card statement or it would be me in a box with a heart attack, though she tells me that it’s her problem & not mine.
Ever had a time in life you could easily just run away?
Agree with Bob – hang in there Deploy, I gave up 35 years ago and calculate I would have spent £73,000 on tabs if I had not. The health benefits of course are incalculable.
It took over a year before I felt I’d escaped the evil weed. Most of it is psychological. Don’t let your mind fool you into thinking “just one tab or puff can’t do any harm” etc.
Also endorse Alan Carr’s book ‘Easy Way To Stop Smoking’, is is an invaluable aid, wish I’d read it when I was giving up!
Sad to hear of your loss and taken from you so young makes it all the more heartbreaking to hear.
Her indoors cousin lost his wife just before last Christmas around the age your wife was following a second fight against cancer. Due to her age she had eggs frozen earlier for future IVF treatment which they hoped to use as she strangely had been given the all clear a month prior to it’s return. She fought a month before being taken.
It’s a fast aggressive cunt of an illness that spares few in it’s path, why? I can’t understand when we can whip out a cure pronto for Ebola and Zika etc but years have been spent on this one.
Them GP programs boil my piss I’m afraid to say. Between programs of it’s nature and born every minute type things that are on my screen when I return back with the dog most evenings. I’ve got a phobia about hospitals though having nightmares about dying on the operating table from a young age.
This is despite never being in hospital other than in & out of A&E until I had to go under the knife twice so far following an industrial accident.
A lady where I live had it, and went through the gruelling treatment. She said (after it was over) that if she’d known what was coming she’d have opted for palliative care and out. Haven’t seen her for a bit, but last I heard she was fine, and volunteering at the hospital, so, hopefully, a happy ending. Cancer’s a cunt, and breast cancer’s a horrible cunt.
Bellew and Haye…. And thepeople who are actually going to pay Sky to watch these two dickheads?… Yeah, you guessed it…
Them cunts….
Bellew? Haye’s going to be fighting the bear from Jungle Book?
Let’s hope the end result is the same as this Darwin theory-proving fuckwit’s fate:
$450 compo?
Imagine if our state gave out such a princely sum to the ‘uninsured’ of the Grenfell?
The animals would go down in two by two, storming Oxford streets shop windows etc in protest.
The love of my life died from “complications” associated with breast cancer. Complications of course is the key word because the cancer did not kill her.
She was diagnosed late and told her cancer was terminal. She was to!d surgery was not an option nothing could be done. However, treatment (she was told) could prolong her life. So she did it. The whole recommended regimen. For over a year she fought like a cornered tigress. Radiation, chemo, and multiple blood transfusions to deal with her weakened immunity. She progressed to the point where the Dr.’s began to revise their earlier diagnosis. The cancer had stopped spreading and they now felt it could be removed.
Of course my love now lived in her bed. She was so weak she had to be carried to the bath room. She was so sick from chemo she could hardly eat. She had a radiation burn that wouldn’t heal. She took pain pills constantly just to get through the day.
Her immune system was so compromised we all had to wash and use disinfectant before going into her room so she wouldn’t pickup our germs. She developed a stomach infection probably brought on by constipation…probably caused by the pain drugs…probably compounded by the chemo killing good bacteria in her stomach.
Her system was so weak they couldn’t perform the surgery needed and she died from it.
She was the most beautiful, charming, intelligent woman I ever knew. She oozed sexiness from every pore. She was a black woman wand would have loved much of the sentiment expressed here at ISAC.
Two and a half years have passed and I think of her every day.
Shit … my condolences mate.
Thank you DtS.
Sad. and my thoughts with you.
Thank you ASA.
Sad hear of your loss General, as I am of every cunter who posts on here. Between reading others posts and writing my own, ive found that I can still shed a few tears (despite not shedding any for years) and that I’m not the angry bitter emotionless cunt my medication has made me until now.
I won’t be going downstairs to tell her though.
Thoughts with all you counters who have lost loved ones.
Thank you BB.
I understand where you are coming from. I never shed a tear during the whole ordeal. I kept it all in because I felt like I had to be strong. I now find it much easier to cry. And a lot easier to tell those I care about that I love them.
That includes all the cunters here…especially those who have shared their stories. At the risk of sounding corny allow me too paraphrase an old saying. I hate the cunt but love the Cunter.
I can totally understand and relate to that General.
My father died in 1997, and until that point would not consider myself particularly emotional. Since then (and especially following the death of my wife and mother) I find myself getting tearful at the slightest of things or even a very vague connection or memory to those who I have lost. I know it is ridiculous but it is outside of my control. Perhaps just natures way of gradually releasing the pain, or making sure I never forget.
My daughter is currently working in Melbourne, and confided to me recently (April) that she has been having a few health issues since early January. She said she thought it was serious and when I asked she said that she thought it was cancer. For the previous 5 months she had been travelling in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. First doctor was private, he prescribed antibiotics but the symptoms persisted. She then got onto the Australian equivalent of the NHS (although you have to pay 15% of all treatments) and saw a doctor who recommended a blood test. Everything normal. Then an Ultrasound, which was apart from a cyst everything was normal. Probably just something she ate or a bug she picked up but still needs to be sorted out.
I don’t mind telling you that I was worried out of my mind for many days and nights that she had a terminal illness, and being so far away of little help to her (other than financial). My Japanese wife (my daughters step mother) was most unsupportive during my concern, which I am afraid has indicated to me that she is perhaps not a very nice person after all.
I suppose after losing someone very close to you it makes you realise in life what is important and what is totally irrelevant. I feel sympathy for those chasing money and materialistic trinkets as in the overall scheme of things (and in my opinion) these are relatively unimportant. To me family and friends are what makes life worth living, and without them life is never as good again.
Sorry guys- too heavy.
My you all have a glorious weekend.
Allow me to paraphrase again:
You ain’t heavy…you’re my brother.
No paraphrase…Prayers, good thoughts and best wishes to your daughter.
This is the saddest correspondence I have seen on this site. Condolences to all.
Hear hear CC – there but for the grace of God go I. I have thankfully been untouched by this cunt of a malady and the people I have known who have been affected have not been close friends or relatives. My sincere and heartfelt condolences to fellow cunters whose lives have been blighted by this awful unforgiving disease. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Yea most of what we do here is in good humour but this one’s a serious one.
Feel bad hearing stories from other cunters’ experiences with this.
Cancer is indeed a cunt. Maybe an even bigger cunt than Tony B.liar…
Definitely makes you count your blessings.
This post has shown a different side to many of us (Group hug every one) we all have bad bits going on or that have gone on and some of us find refuge here (better than shouting at pigeons down the park).
Cancer is a Cunt, a massive Cunt, my first experience was John Wayne, then it faded away until My wife Got it.
Perhaps what needs to be Cunted here is a pet hate of mine, I have previously helped raise money for various “Research” Charities and I do wonder why in this day and age the magic breakthrough and understanding of why the cell mutation has not been resolved and stopped……..
I wont offer a conspiracy theory, just the statement that there is more money to be made in treatment than cure, that’s fact.
I will leave you with that thought and my sympathies to the others who had the misfortune to be in the club.
( I should explain, I didn’t actually know John Wayne it was the first time I had ever heard of Cancer as a child and it killed him, which was quite impressive as I had seen a lot of his films and I thought he was hard to kill )
Old cunts like me all have some form of cancer or other. The best the quack can say is “at your age people die with cancer, not from it”. Oddly enough I do not find that the least bit comforting. Life is a bastard and all you can do is hang on long enough to see all the other bastards you have encountered into the grave first. Result.
Have been there a good few times with me nearest and dearest but it never gets any easier, each death is a unique cunt. Blessings to you Willie and all the others who have had the misery and the courage to “come out”. I still have a blub from time to time, it only takes a memory or a moment of loneliness to hit bottom again. Never be afraid to cry, let it out. Otherwise post it here. We are all cunts together.
Have seen too much of it – Grannie (geriatric breat cancer, didn’t kill her, but she died WITH it, and in fear she could have done without), Great-Aunt (bowel cancer), Grandpa (Leukaemia – I never knew him, as he died when my Da was about 8 years), Mother-in-Law (who was a FAR better person than my mother)…
Cuntcer is indeed a bastard.
Proud to say that after a good few years absence, my daughter is returning to the fold. She was a Superintendent Radiotherapist with the NHS and MacMillan before her son came along and she was forced to take a break due to his medical problems.
She’s currently retraining to get her skills up to date. Cancer is no stranger to the discussions in our household. It is no respecter of age ethnicity or gender.
Welcome back to her Dio. NHS needs every able body. MacMillan nurses are known as the gold standard but as ever demand exceeds supply. In me neck orf the woods bugger all available so had to do ten years of caring orn me Jack Todd. A slow dance with creeping death and officialdom. Still unable to dwell upon it. A bugger.
As you said when I was permitted to join this august body, it is surprisingly therapeutic. All hail to The Eye and your goodself for your parts in ISAC. Must be saving the NHS a fortune (is there a grant available?).
MacMillan were the first people who told me my wife was not going to make it and that I needed professional help looking after her. Apparently my carrying her up and down stairs was unacceptable
Quite strangely, up until that point everyone my wife and I saw during her two and a half year process automatically assumed we knew that things were unlikely to turn out well.
Perhaps because they wanted us to have some optimism.
But thankful for MacMillan being straight, blunt and honest with me as it made me realise to make the very most of our remaining time together.
Really humbling reading your stories, ISAC’ers. And as Benny says, seeing another side of yous.
Takes a cunt to be compassionate.
This thread has brought out a reality and Sir Limply is on to something profound.
Despite what some might perceive from our rhetoric…which is often (in my opinion) beyond brilliant…Cunters do not cunt out of hate, spite, malice or any other nefarious and faulty reasoning
We are unlike libtards, snowflakes and professional victimologists who simply rail about todays cause celeb out of some misguided notion of PC Virtue Signalling.
We cunters, cunt out of a sense of outrage that is rooted in a recognized reality of actual wrongdoing. We cunt based on a fundamental sense of what is right and what is wrong. And as this thread shows, we care deeply about what is right and what is wrong.
Accordingly, we don’t cunt the righteous…we cunt the wicked.
??. ??. ??. ??. ??
“…Cunters do not cunt out of hate, spite, malice or any other nefarious and faulty reasoning”
I do.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.
“I can’t tell when you’re telling the truth…
“I’m not.”
“How do I know anything you’ve said to me is…?
“You don’t.”
(FZ 1969)
You too? I thought I knew you.
(Maybe I do.)
Think there might be a slight misunderstanding here General – I very much agree with the thrust of your post re “Cunters do not cunt out of hate, spite, malice or any other nefarious and faulty reasoning.” but at the same time cannot always vouch for the purity of motive that informs some or parts of my contributions, and have occasionally been known to lie to myself, if no-one else.
For example, I have posted stuff about Sir Cliff Richard out of hate and possibly nefarious or faulty reasoning that perhaps I should not have. But it gave me a modicum of pleasure so I did it anyway. Cliff can go to hell.
On the other hand I would never knowingly post anything to gratuitously offend a fellow Cunter.
Dick may be the exception in all this that proves the rule…
Oops – I haven’t just offended you have I Dick?
I’m cut to the quick,RTC. 🙂 .
Fair enough and point(s) well taken.
1. I have posted stuff about Michelle “Moochey” Obama and I absolutely despise her. Regardless of the contempt I have for her she deserves the cunting. But your example applies to me as well.
2. With regard to Dick. He may very well be the exception that proves the rule but he does have a heart. It’s black…made of coal…and very very small…but he does have one.
There’s always got to be one.
I was referring to those of us with a soul.
(Fortunately, for some the ISAC rules prohibit cunting a Cunter.)
Cunt away,General……..LOL,LOL, etc.
You know Dick I have recently relocated aged to the Deep South…the very heart of the Old Confederacy. With regard to what the American Civil War…or as they refer to it…the late unpleasantness…their motto is
Forget hell!
Why does this make me think of you?
Wave a white flag? Your little symbols have really got me on the run… a devastating weapon in the hands of a truly unremarkable and unoriginal poster
@General…..Is it because you think of me as Rhett Butler to your Scarlet O’Hara?
🙂 .
This may come as a surprise to you Dick, but when I finish reading your post(s)…I don’t think of you at all.
Oh, I bet you do.
I don’t even know what that little face means,General…Does it mean “wishing you all the best,and thinking of you?”…I bet it does.
You lose!
The z’s are a “universal” symbol for sleeping…as in you bored me with your arrogant drivel and I nodded off and am now copping some z’s.
Wake me if and when you have something meaningful or relevant to say. I wouldn’t want to miss a once in a lifetime occurrence.
@General… Is there a little face conveying verbose,pompous and yet still comfortingly anodyne?. You should precede your offerings with it…..give us all a warning..
There is one…but I don’t see the point as you clearly you won’t know it when you see it.
But I do have one for you to use. ?. Just wave this when you’ve had enough.
Wave a white flag? Your little symbols have really got me on the run… a devastating weapon in the hands of a truly unremarkable and unoriginal poster.
They are rather devastating. They sure have you tied up in knots. All you can do now is resort to insults. Well here’s a synbol I bet even you can understand.
Dear me, another little symbol. Are you too dull to even come up with a few choice words? Normally there’s no stopping your interminable ,pretentious verbal diarrhea, Go on,give it a try….post something concise,interesting or amusing…I know it’ll be a novelty,but give it a try.
A challenge? OK l’ll give it a try.
This was a thread which showed a human side to a lot of cunters. Many told stories of personal loss and much pain. Well wishes and heart felt condolences were offered.
My point was we…the cunters…as opposed to them…the cunted…are sincere in our beliefs. And as amended by Ruff…and correctly I might add…our motives may not be entirely pure…but they are noble.
For all things there is a time. In my pretentious, excremently verbal way, I was trying to tell you…that in my opinion…this wasn’t the time and place for your vitriolic, hateful bullshit.
There is a time and place for everything. And I must confess I usually enjoy your wit, wisdom and humor. But this time I thought your remarks were out of place.
Fortunately for you, my opinion is worth what you pay for it…absolutely, fucking nothing.
Also I feel like you challenged me. I don’t mind being challenged. Especially, when as the discourse continues, I learn the challenger can dish it out…but can’t take it.
With regard to your opinion of my posts. I give less than a fuck. Read them…don’t read them…again I give less than a fuck.
I realize this wasn’t very concise. But if you go slow and read it in small bits I’m sure you can comprehend it. (I even omitted the emojis that seem to cause you so much consternation.)
OK Aqualung….back to the park bench you go.
Au revoir,
General Cuntster
If we go back to the start,I never disrespected any story. I merely pointed out that I do sometimes “Cunt” subjects without any particular reason. Where in my post did I mention any posters contribution on that subject. Not for the first time,you got hold of the wrong end of the stick,and in your usual pompous manner decided that I had disrespected a post on that thread. You then set youraself up as some holier-than-thou bore,again,as usual.
Point out to me where I disrespected anyone by saying that my “Cuntings” aren’t always from the noblest of motives.
You seem unable to “get” this site,and your weird puritanical self-importance does you no favours.
What has an aqualung got do with anything?
Oh,and it was me that upvoted your post,just because you managed to do without your childish little symbols.
I’ve had my say and you’ve had yours.
The End?
I’m still interested to know how I disrespected any posting. I most certainly made no comment,vitriolic or not,about any posting other than to say that I sometimes “Cunt” people without any good reason. You,as RTC tried to point out to you,had,not for the first time taken it the wrong way.
You accuse me of atacking you,but look back and see who first mentioned “arrogant drivel”. Do you expect me not to return fire?
It’s all very well being sanctimonious,but get your facts right. I disrespected nobodies story,and you imagining,in your own prissy manner,that I did is wrong.
Oh God is this ever going to end?
You wouldn’t”t know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the butt.
Let’s start with the facts..actual facts:
1. I never said you “disrespected any posting”. Those are your words not mine.
What I actually said was; “…I thought your remarks were out of place.”
2. I never accused you of “attacking” me. Once again, your word not mine.
What I actually, said was; “…I feel like you challenged me?”
Resorting to words never used? Who’s being “pompous”, “pretentious” and “holier-than-thou” now?
Pedantic nitpicking about words used won’t alter the fact that your self-righteous fervour got the better of you. You were wrong,that must be obvious even to you by now if you look back to what was originally said.
Oh,and don’t ever again “Cunt” snowflakes.You were in such a rush to virtue signal your piety that you fell into the classic snowflake position of “Oh aren’t I worthy” without getting your facts right.
“When you can’t argue the facts…attack the messenger.”
So long Dickey Ole Chum.
0 I’m not having that. You,as you’ve demonstrated before,aren’t quite as clever as you’d like to imagine. You get caught out and shown up as the sanctimonious blowhard that you so often demonstrate.
You seemed to imagine that your virtue-signalling would come across as worthy. It might have if your hubris hadn’t blinded you to your own shortcomings.
Admin edit: Dick Fiddler and General Cuntster. This has gone on too long and it ends now for both of you.
Lost my mother in law late 2016 to breast cancer, it tore her indoors apart though from discovery to her passing away was about 35 days.
Started off as breast cancer which the stupid mare decided to hide & keep to herself (despite a career on NHS wards), she also has some liver problems which were very slowly progressing but had been given a thumbs up on that side.
However I think for some reason she decided to throw in the towel & give up. I think she expected to just go quietly one night while asleep.
By the time her indoors realised a problem and called in the doctor, it had gone quite far and despite best efforts on immediate entry to hospital and a transfer to the cancer specialist hospital, the cancer had spread very quickly and treatment could not halt it’s progress and she passed away following a short period of palliative care with minimal suffering.
A tough few weeks that tore our family apart and between her loss and my injuries and surrounding medical problems were still a million miles away from the family we were. In a way I’m thankful for the cocktail of pills thrust in me by the NHS which numb me, however a drug rehab councillor I meet walking the dog told me before my operation that when the meds are withdrawn, I will then have to deal with stored up trauma.
Life can be a bit of a cunt but when Cancer touches your life or a loved one, it’s a total cunt.
Nearly forgot to say, Mother in Law never smoked or drank on her life as she spent around the early two thirds of her life in uniform bashing her tambourine.
Keep strong Basement, and you will be ok.
Best of luck from us all on ISAC.
Cheers Willie, it’s been a hectic last three years for us. I’m glad I found this site as it’s been the only thing that’s kept me sane at times as her indoors hasn’t been much support to me really which has opened my eyes after 25 years.
She spends a lot of time at her dads as he is finding loss of wife hard and her indoors siblings hardly give a shit about the old fella.
I’m quite glad to see the back of her as she’s been a selfish cunt through my accident rehab. I got to a point I would rather do without than ask her to do something. I fear I will flip once mended and off the pills though.
In 2004 my doctor persuaded me to start on some anti depressants which I had been very reluctant to start on. Took them for about 6 months or so. Up to me to judge the amount I took- but up top a maximum of 4 per day. Don’t think I ever took more than three though, and that was rare.
Found they really helped with the troughs that I often felt, and I decided one day just to stop taking them. Never been back and I feel stronger now knowing that hopefully the worst is over.
Yes, you learn a lot about people when the chips are down and who your real friends are. When my wife died, a handful of brokers who I had regular dealings with whom I expected to say something didn’t , whilst many more who I hardly knew expressed their condolences. A very strange and eye opening experience.
So long as you have a few friends who care about you, you will be ok.
Keep strong Basement.
Theres no doubting a bad run of events haven’t exactly put a big smile on my face, about a year back the Doc suggested something to perk me up a bit, though cant with current pain relief so would need to wean me off current cocktail and start on another.
As I was due to go in for surgery, he wanted to keep me on max pain relief until I had been done & through physiotherapy. As problems still existed, I continued on the same pills until after the second operation as it was the best combination out of half a dozen others tried. Having gone through this and another round of physio and still having problems so I am waiting further scans to decide next course of action.
Unfortunately, the pills as good as they are with pain also have some horrible side effects contributing to being pissed off a bit. Not having independence of being able to drive & relying on people for stuff isn’t something I’m used to or enjoying. Just one of lifes little challenges at the basement!
All part of god’s divine beneficence, the sadistic, psychopathic BASTARD CUNT.
DEREK: You going to go out laughing, are you?
CLIVE: No, I’m going out fucking…..
DEREK: Fucking shitting yourself with fear!
CLIVE: Shitting myself with fucking fear and fucking cancer, which God so kindly provided.
Without that we wouldn’t have a way to die, would we? Fucking good of him, not to torment us with being eternally young and being able to fuck everyone. No! He gave us this great gift of fucking cancer, that’s very kind. I wouldn’t have thought of that if I’d been creating the Universe, would you? Bung in cancer? No, I’d have left that out.
Breast cancer is a cruel cunt. My mum was diagnosed about 20 years ago and lost a breast. She is still with us today, she must be one of the lucky ones.
I have also lost two aunts a grandmother and grandfather to the big C.
Cancer is a massive, massive CUNT as it seems to prey on the nicest, most harmless people and steals them from the folk who care about them above all else.