Fuck these snowflake cunts. Bunch of shitheads are fine with the Chinese President visiting (A man who recently declared himself President for life, and who regularly locks up political opponents) but are horrified at the prospect of a Democratically elected President, voted in by ordinary Americans, visiting that Countries closest ally. You couldn’t make it up. I think a lot of this nonsense has to do with the power of fashion and the need for people to conform to whatever fashionable opinion is currently in trend. That’s why you get pea brain cunts like Gary Lineker, Lily Allen and other celebricunts at these protests. They see it as a way to display their virtue without having to do anything.
It’s very fashionable these days to be pro-LGBTGEVJHDHBD, pro-immigrant, equality etc etc Trump couldn’t give a fuck about these things. And since the snowflakes hate anyone who dares disagree with them they’ll protest his visit. Shitheads.
Another thing is just how thick these protesters are. Rebel media interviewed a few of the participants at the last protests and they could barely string a sentence together, let alone provide a justification for their opposition to Trump.
Btw, I was very close to nominating Owen Jones (Of course, he’s organizing the protest) for a second time in one week but I’ll leave that to a fellow cunter.
Nominated by An Irish cunt
With friends like Giuliani he doesn’t need enemies .
I’m hoping to welcome trump, and hopefully bash some snowflakes after. Unfortunately I’ll be a northerner by then so I’ll have to travel.
Got a “trump 2020” t shirt on order so I’ll keep an eye on the date and see what I can do.
The potus is welcome here. God bless the USA.
… can’t imagine a better day than battering the trump protesters.
I really hope he gets a Nobel prize first… that’ll really piss em off … Barak o’bummer got it for a lot less.
… well for nothing.
Would love to go on the ‘flake stomp and show welcome for the POTUS, however health & funds aside, I’m betting snowflakes across the country & EU have swarmed up all decent accommodation if only to keep supporters away.
Maybe he will announce some other places while he is here. I just hope he gets the warm welcome a great nation and allies leader deserves.
Imagine welcoming Clinton?, I hate everything them cunts have done to America but if the American people had elected her, I wouldn’t have dreamt of protesting at a GB visit despite the dirty deals the cunts have done around the globe to line their pockets.
Insulting a POTUS in my opinion, is potentially an insult to the majority who elected them.
We need all the friends we can get in this world.
You lot will like this cartoon from last Sunday’s Times…
Fuck Snowflakes
Fuck Owen Nancy boy Jones
Fuck Labour
God bless the Queen
God bless the State of Israel and God bless America.
I will be there to welcome POTUS. Any snowflake who gets in my way will be running to their safe space when I trigger them. Donald Trump: The greatest US president in the history of the world:period.
Fucking hell Krav.
Yeah, go Krav. Don’t hold back now.
Major difference between Trump and May- one gets things done whilst the other doesn’t.
You have to respect Trump for not backing down, having the strength of his convictions, for trying something different and for ignoring the PC brigade.
Very refreshing.
Would you suck Trumps ding dong kravdarth?
I hope Trump is antiwar I would rather Trump suck a ding dong then get the world in another WW3/ or a Iraq type situation and mostly I hope he deports mexicunts an builds the wall.
Except he really back pedaled on a few things, he really fucked up with the omnibus bill if he doesn’t veto that hes a 1 term president forsure
Thing about Trump haters lately is the nasty lies! the false accusations is bad enough or the stupid russian election meddling lies
But Like Stop saying Trump sucked a ding dong! trump isn’t sucking any ding dongs you bunch of poofy nancyboys and even if he was that doesn’t make him gay …. I think hahaha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HPcpEwsObM Trump never sucked a dammn ding dong…. EVER! Okie dokie?!
That’s the way of the left. They can’t argue with facts and logic, so they resort to hurling personal insults. They’re so thick, they don’t even realise that it just makes them look like a bunch of immature morons. Which, ironically, is exactly what they are.
Another thing that gets me is the way they go on about the covert recording of the “just grab ’em by the pussy” and branding him a womaniser etc.
Like if they had his money, they wouldn’t be out socialising with the opposite sex.
I bet there is a high percentage of women who envy his wife too. I say he’s done alright for himself.
Imagine all them cunts like the cunt in Canada, them snowflakey ‘Incel cunts’?
Bet they hate the fact Trump has landed the women he has and the wife standing by his side.
Top cunting AIC. Now is the time for one of our peaceful citizens to get some ruck sack action or have a little mosey through the crowds with 7 and a half tons of the finest transport vehicle.
No doubt the the green and red haired badge wearers will still protest the peacefuls right to do it.
Thick as pig shit in a fucking green bottle.
I was watching Cunstion Time last night which started in with the Trump bashing immediately.
The cunt who asked the question (“Does Donald Trump deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?) looked to be a hated middle-aged white man in his early 50’s.
After the cunts on the panel spouted their vitriol they went back to the bloke and I was thinking: “Go on son, stick it to the cunts!” – but I was absolutely horrified with the response from someone (so fucking gullible) from my generation.
He said: “I think we should protest the Trump visit because he promotes divisiveness and intolerance where we have embraced multiculturalism and immigration and need to stand together…”
I gave up half way through and switched over as the vomit was rising in my throat. They no longer state what the person does who’s asking the question (like they used to do) but if I was a betting man I’d have a grand on this cunt being in the libtard education system. I can see no other explanation for it.
What these cunts don’t get is the fact that folk voted for Trump, not because of the man, but because in the states – like here – people are so fed up of the political elite/political class that voting for anyone – even Trump – is far more preferable that 4 more years of political nothingness from a career politician from either side of Capitol Hill.
The hell of it is, while he’s a teacake short of tiffin, the yanks should have see this as a real opportunity to stick it to the politicos and affect real change in their country.
Even before he officially took office he saved 2,000 jobs at the Ford Motor Company from being shifted to some shithole. He’d like to do more of this and protect his country’s sovereignty (which is “waycist”) from an illegal invasion from the south (facilitated by Mexico) but for doing that he’s baaaad.
The political elite imploded on itself and so the main focus – in order to disrupt Trump’s tenure in office at every junction – has not been looking at themselves as to why they lost so miserably, but non-existent Russian collusion and now that’s fallen flat on its arse, the Stormy Daniels affair that no one gives a shit about outside of Congress or the libtard media (also still “ass hurt” that their favourite cunt – Killary Clinton – didn’t get into power).
Liking Trump or not has no relevance, you respect the office not necessarily the man. He is the President of the United States, he is the leader of the free world, he is the leader of our greatest world ally and he is also the leader of a country with whom we wish to increase diplomatic and trade relations.
His visit to the UK should be treated as a state visit and he should be afforded all of the pomp and circumstance that entails!
It’s a disgrace that it isn’t (yet even more weakness by Appeaser May). Especially when we afford dictators and corrupt leaders of the world’s shitholes the same courtesy (that no libtard cunt bats an eye about)!
Summed it up perfectly RWAC.
Spot in Rebel
I was fucking raging when Hillary was globetrotting selling her fucking book ” what happened ” or some shit like that and not one tv presenter asked her ” so you lost a 60% lead in the poles to a tv personality and list a nailed on election . …. shouldn’t you be highly embarrassed? And never show your face? ” .. no… they all nodded along while she spouted shit on Russia and the dub
The yanks voted for any bullshiter that offered at least an America first stance you stupid corrupt inept insidious devious cunt
Lost not list and fbi not dub sorry
The crooked cunt made a point of coming here with her book to cause trouble before the Trump visit that didn’t happen. She was given way too much airtime by the good old Al Beeb on shit showe like Norton and One show to name two I remember.
A ploy to fire up and energise the snowflakes if I ever saw one. Just watch what the media hit out with once the royal wedding circus is out the way.
“We have embraced multiculturalism and immigration”?, that comment alone shows what a thick cunt he is. “WE” have NOT embraced multiculturalism and immigration, WE had multiculturalism and immigration forced on us by that evil, traitorous cunt, Blair. The cunt didn’t even have the decency to ask us, the British people for our permission.
Cunts like the one you described think multiculturalism is fantastic, because they don’t have to deal with the effects of it.
When to have cunts like this sending out shit to the flakes about how “we” aren’t being multicultural enough, embracing diversity, making out brexit has been a racist protest etc.
I’m sorry but I class the stuff that flows from this one, afua hirsch and Co at the graundain pretty close if not hate speech. I would be locked up for preaching if i were to take their view and reversed its content
The difference is that for all I’m pissed off hearing it, I wouldn’t stoop to the level of theirs and complain as I allow free speech but they would rather we retaliate so they can fire the racist cries.
Sometimes I think maybe complaining would be better as the more they spout with no one throwing it back, they pressume they have us scared to speak out and push the boundaries further.
Why should we feel scared to throw back an equal opinion?, no reason other than we know the law would jump to their sides in fear too against us.
They have nearly got every cunt where they want them and it’s killing this country.
The libtard press and their chattering class “intellectual” snowflake affiliates are ideologically opposed to Trump, and are both enraged and humiliated that he was democratically elected.. and thus seek to destroy him. Ironically, their methods ( smears, unbalanced reporting, suppression of inconvenient truths ) do in fact amount to Un-Democratic methods, a bit like you might find in North Korea, or Oceania, for instance…. Trump is far from perfect, but their methods reveal his haters to be a far greater threat than he ever amounts too….
Apologies for the continuing rant, but a good venting is required.. It amuses the Fuck out of me that the liberal metro elite love to pour scorn on Donald ( although at the same time feting and providing royal receptions for sundry tin pot dictators, thugs and tyrant’s ) but come the Wet Arse Hour fall back cowering behind the US… Lets reflrct on “our” ( whoever the Fuck that is these days ) defence policy consists of… we devote a pittance to defence, we reduce our forces to a level that their main value is entertaining Jap tourists outside Windsor Castle, the snowflake Cunts cant/ wont fight for anything ( although they love to make excuses for the usual suspects who attack us ).. Then when it kicks off we scuttle and hide behind the US as they do the heavy lifting… All a bit, well, Hypocritical. Leaving aside legitimate questions on involvement there, look at our laughable efforts in Syria. We have a handful of aircraft on Cyprus, most about 30 years old.. I wonder what the serviceability rate is? I wonder if it’s similar to the serviceability rate on Tri Stars during the Afghan episode? You dont hear much about what they do which is strange for a country “at war”. They seem to fly a lot of armed recces’s over desert but don’t attack anything in case any Fucker gets hurt. They have had the boffins design a special “low collateral” missile that doesnt do a lot of damage, but seem not to use it anyway, you know, just in case it hurts someone. The MoD seem not to have heard about David Galula’s key principle of modern war , namely:- YOU CANT FIGHT WITHOUT ACTUALLY FIGHTING. So we let the Yanks do it. And , to be honest, when it comes to killing people who hate us, we let the Russians do it. Maybe the chattering classes should stick to writing theses on the finer points of the Frankfurt School of liberalism and doing the Guardian crossword puzzle and leave foreign affairs to the Grown-Ups…..
We need him now!
Spot on Richard… I find it abso- Fucking-lutely incredible that, whatever your views, we are leaving the Fourth Reich, and what do we do?? Alienate our most obvious and lucrative friend, ally and market… clearly some form of advanced Economics only known to Libtard Cunts… Maybe they’ll let us know how it turns out???
I love it that in the header pic there is a “Black Lives Matter” banner on display, presumably waved by some dull faced vacant eyed Snowflake Cunt currently having a gender crisis… I don’t seem to have seen many BLM supporters protesting about the recent internal cull on IC3/4’s in Londonistan recently… I wonder why?? Do you think if a Police Trojan Unit capped an armed violent person of colour they may appear, Deus Ex Machinae..???
I have to come out here. I think Trump is a shallow, narcissistic, ignorant cunt. But he is an elected cunt and president of our most important ally. The ally that holds the Russian gangster state in check amongst others. The ally that keeps the world in balance. The protesters are the lowest anti democratic scum of the earth. Their object is to deny free speech and probably fuck up any trade deals as you can bet your life they are remoaners, each and every non gender specific person.
Absolutely… witness breakfast TV last weekend.. one of the discussion panel was a young black female person who gave her occupation as “school teacher. ” Its was apparent from her comments she had imbibed deeply of the fountain of PC, and held standard metro liberal elite views on life, as doubtless now do her “students”.. The presented asked if Donald did at least deserve some credit for breaking the impasse on North Korea.. cue much eye rolling and agitated body language, and the statement ” I refuse to accord any credit to Trump for anything” or WTTE… Clearly a policy issue to her then, the Whatever The Evidence there is to be No Credit… sort of, you know, the blinkered, denial based and some would say fascist approach she seems to object to… Aren’t some people strange? Do you think she looks in a mirror and thinks: ” I’m a Hypocritical Cunt Really…”
There was a female caller on LBC the other night said similar, Trump had no influence, just luck everything fell into place when he was POTUS and talks would still have happened anyway.
Biggest problem with flakey cunts is that they still keep referring to things he did years ago before the election instead of facing up to the reality of what he has achieved since election to President.
Trump can never be commended because he was secretly recorded and heard to say he grabbed women by the pussy. Maybe that’s what those women liked, but the flakes won’t consider that.
The Don is what the American system produced.
But I still admire him, and repect him, for many of the reasons stated by yourself an d fellow cunters.
And he is an intellectual titan compared with the fuckwit 48-carat cunts that we are saddled with over here.
Whatever The Don may be, thank Dog he isn’t a brainwashed twattermong.
The biggest bonus is he can’t be bought the way previous cunts were.
I have to admit, I’ve never really liked Trump. However, right now, he’s driving the left even more insane than they usually are, and for that alone, he is fucking epic. May should grow a spine and send a big “FUCK YOU” to every left wing wank stain who infests this country by affording Trump a full state visit. There are more people in the UK who either support Trump or are indifferent towards him, than their are those who hate him.
One of the best sights of last year, was a video that emerged of some fat, ugly, short haired female American student screaming at the top of her lungs because Trump was President. Clinton only became the Democratic Party’s candidate because at least one of the primaries was, allegedly, rigged in her favour. Not that Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump. Donald Trump did not win the election because of the Russians. He won because ordinary American voters hated and mistrusted Hillary.
I hope those soft arses who run the Met are ready for the trouble the left cause when they have their mass mong out, because they will get violent. They always do when they’re on the losing side. It’ll be interesting to see how many of the cunts are ordinary, working class British people. My guess is, not many. The majority of the retards who turn up for this protest will either be foreign trash, or middle class trust funders. Either way, they won’t be doing it in my name #leftwingcunts, #gofuckyourselves.
First let me say IMO Trump is an utter cunt, exactly as he appears, a puffed-up, selfservative, entitled, rich-kid cunt and serial, demonstrable, lying cunt, whose spurious alignment with the American worker and the American redneck, not necessarily the same thing, is a complete fraud for the purpose of getting votes. He’s as corporate as JP Morgan, or its minion, Blair. Any achievements of US foreign and domestic policy in his time, history will record, will have been down to US diplomacy grinding away in the background of Trump being a mad cunt, and undoing or preventing his more idiotic and always uninformed interventions. Though we may be sure that US diplomats will not shrink from correctly assigning the blame for disasters brought on by a Trump initiative it proved impossible to correct.
I realise this may not be the ISAC view, but we are a broad church. Let me sweeten the pill. As head of state of the USA, Trump is fully entitled to visit this country whenever he and we like. Demonstrating against this is futile, counterproductive (Trump loves being hated by lefties – it gives him validity) and completely counter to what Britain used to do best; dispassionate courtesy. Trump is entitled to the respect due to his office, if nothing more. I would like to see a coherent reason for holding this demonstration. There is nothing the Americans do badly (the Middle East, the financial crisis, Israel, global hegemony, poverty and inequality, for starters) that Russia, China, and even the UK on a much tinier scale do not do worse.
Therefore the demonstration is cunt, and fuck it.
The political elite have been trying to reverse the Presidential election from day one in the same way they have been trying to reverse Brexit. As already pointed out every one of these democracy loving demonstrators is s fucking remoaner. Two cheeks of the same diseased and breached arsehole.
In the old days the young used to demonstrate against the rich and powerful, now they lick their arses. How the fuck did that happen?
So … seems to me that UKIP got wiped out yesterday. … oh well.
The illiberal democunts have been hailing their victory and declaring that it proves that everyone wants a “soft brexit” (no such thing).
Just coz Richcunts upon Thames voted remoan, doesn’t mean that the rest of the country feels the same.
Deluded twats need to realise that they’ll do well in rich white areas of London but the country is much bigger than London and the rest of us want to leave.
I would love to just wail on Vince Cuntble …. he has a very punchable face …. and voice … the cunt.
O’Shithead this morning interpreted UKIP’s poor result as proving they were now totally in control of the Tories and behind May’s “hard” Brexit, and therefore redundant…
How thick can you be?! Presumably “hard Brexit” for O’Shithead means anything that isn’t Remain. James O’Shithead – the pus filled cunt that keeps on oozing.
I’ve seen a photo of the new leader-for-five-minutes of UKIP so i’m not surprised they got a kicking.
It looks like some cunt has dug up Dale Winton’s corpse.
Oddly enough, apart from Nigel, he’s the best they’ve had. Too late though… he should have taken over after Nigel resigned.
Cable is an utter cunt as is anyone holding one of those old winning here placards. More like whining here.
The lib dems were plodding along doing not bad, but the first chance of a sniff of power, Clegg jumped the wrong way and formed a coalition which meant shafting his core support, undoing years of party building gone to ruin in a flash.
I didn’t vote Lib Dem ever but felt for those he shat on, I knew the minute the smug cunt came out as Scamerons personal little arsewiper.
Vince is a shite smelling, shaky old bastard who will do the same in a heartbeat given the chance. He’s busy licking ET Pukeass’s arse at every chance and she’s working the wrinkled cocked cunt like a puppet. Cunt.
Funny how the fact that UKIP bearly fielded any candidates seems to be being overlooked by every single piece of shit ‘news’ outlet.
They were and are masters of their own downfall but a ‘wipeout’ makes a much better headline, especially when that’s the collective media agenda.
Fuck, UKIP are the most successful single issue protest party of all time, funny how that seems to be overlooked.
Winnie Mandela had a way with people that Cable the Traitor deserves seeing he thinks it’s a Goodyear.
Something like a picture of Trump crushing a snowflake crystal shape with a slogan like “Break the Flake” or “Crush the flake for Britains sake” would really get them flakey cunts going.
Hats with “Make Britain Flake Free Again” would go down well too I reckon.
Theresa May is NOT my Prime Minister.
Good one General. She most certainly is not but I don’t suppose you’ll be marching through Washington, with a load of scruffy cunts, crying about what a useless bitch she is.
That I would VERY much like to see!
To paraphrase a sketch from “Not the Nine o Clock News” (a UK comedy program from many years ago…)
I might add…
“Excuse me General, was that your jellyfish??”
You could be on the next Albeeb QT with that statement.
Do you get Question Time over there?
Assuming that question was directed at me:
I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave some moments ago.
Notable points of cuntishness of the Labour party;
Cunt McDonnell taken off air on BBC election show during the night after argument with Claire Perry who totally tore him a new arsehole, leading to both of them replaced while reporting from one of the counts. What a cunt.
Jess Cuntflapps getting interviewed by Sly’s Adam Bolton, god the answer to questions such as what went wrong?, what can they do now? Etc. Vague statements in ‘Abbotesque speak’ Shows what a useless cunt with no clue she is. Just a mouthy cunt.
My final moment goes to old Catweazle himself who decided to fuck off out of London ASAP to Plymouth to celebrate a victory down on the Hoe.
Note the surrounding scene, not a peaceful, a parking Stanley or a cocoon in sight. He was like a little boy lost without his darktanians and he may want to take something from that victory when Londonistan caused him shame in not painting the town red.
My three Cuntateers for the day!
For a long time I had an issue with the Don over his use of Twatter and couldn’t understand his game, but now I think I get it… The chattering Filth like to feel in control, to be the Cunt doing the interrogating… which is why Frau May regularly allows herself to be ritually torn apart by various Grauniad subscribing Cunts… Trump wisely cuts the Cunts out of the Loop. If they get to a News Conference he will publicly show them contempt, and with Twatter he simply short circuits the whole circus and gives his message direct… the Useful Idiots of the Press are sidelined, and left reacting rather than setting the agenda… Excellent.
I think you make a shrewd and excellent point. I too often wondered why Trump continuously used Twatter until I realized the Libtard press and the sheeple who watch them are absolutely obsessed with anything he says.
It is said the hand is quicker than the eye…in this case the tweet is quicker than the brain.
My comment on the Bell-End Cable went to the wrong comment string… apologies General…
No worries HH.
I used to cringe with his twitter outbursts but it seems to have an effect.
He set out where he stood with the media and he had no tolerance for twisted words or fake news and cut off certain cunts at his press conferences.
In turn, he works the media and not the media work him. He probably saw that it doesn’t do Teresa May any good. Pity she doesn’t.
Theresa May couldn’t play the media if they had Steinway and Sons written across their collective foreheads.
Yeah, he should be telling everyone how much she loved getting ‘grabbed by the pussy’ and refer anyone in doubt to her films she was in.
No lies or bullshit required.
I was thinking about “Hate-filled” members of the communidee this am, over breakfast…
Specifically those that hate our canine and porcine friends.
I would advise anyone and everyone who could, to adopt a pair of piglets to keep in the garden, and a very rough-looking dog as protection. NB. I am NOT advocating that you invite The Flabbott or Lady Squeegee to move in, although they look as rough a pair of dogs / pigs as could be imagined.
Failing that, a sound-effects box, and a wooden shack and a bit of mud might provide a suitably worrying illusion that would discourage pig & dog-haters from moving in next door.
Surely the cunts could be done for hatred ?
Could they be done for hatred? Probably only if they fit the category of IC1….
This might be the reason behind the surge in dogs poisoned in my area, mostly in their own gardens.
Any cunt kills my dog, it’s an eye for an eye I’m afraid if I find out who. He’s been my other pillar of strength aside ISAC and who knows what I could do under these crazy drugs they have me on, after all my doctor has told me not to sign any documents or commit to making any important decisions.
The snowflakes don’t know when they’re well off – Nixon gunned down students on campus! Not to mention drafting them into the army to kill and be killed by gooks in Vietnam… Pathetic whinging cunts.
Well, I like your point RTC… but would add the following… most of the prosperous kids ( Snowflakes ) did not go.. they got college deferments , or, as an absolute last call, Fucked Off to Canada, all paid for by mom and dad.. the people that got drafted were blue collar kids , often from go nowhere towns … they fought well, contrary to popular legend.. the breakdown in discipline and drug taking was largely in the rear areas amongst support troops, the TIC ( Troops In Contact ) fought some savage battles against NVA Bunker positions at Dak To in 67 and Hamburger Hillin 69..
My point is this. For better or worse you will always find in any nation a certain type of person who will rise to the challenge and Fight. despite the cringing whinging nature of the Heimat… it was thus with French troops in Indo China in 1953/4 at Dien Bien Phu, and thus the wheel turns. I know who’s company I would rather die in. And it’s not the Gurning Filth the al-bbc love to celebrate…
Agree Heinz, and political classes were especially adroit at dodging the draft, keeping their kids from serving (Bush, Clinton, Trump, etc.).
But snowflakes don’t just comprise “prosperous kids” these days – snowflakery is endemic! Cuts across all classes.
Indeed Sir… Snowflakeism and General Cuntitude is indeed endemic.. I do of course loathe them, but I also enjoy listening to the excuses they make on behalf of the peaceful and misunderstood brigade who aim to slaughter said Gurning Cunts and overly solicitous Families.. How We All Laughed.. Soft Weak Fucking Cunts.
Just heard that Ian Dale is not looking forward to being on newsnight later alongside Owen Jones who is claiming a great historical night for Labour..best ever?
Will some cunt tell him Labour is finished with the little turncoat cunt?
I would tweet Ian Dale at LBC but the basement bob got my first & only twitter account created locked out by either one of the Lammy, Lucas, Flabbot, Sturgeon cunts who seem to have got me banned despite nothing more than highlighting points with clear evidence and quotes they made themselves and u-turned or lied about happening.
Can you actually find out the specific reason why you get booted out?
I had a few fun nights and gathered a fair support. Highlights were putting every Grenfell fraudster convicted on Lardy Lammys page for their “negative impact” on the genuine Grenfell victims and the stealing of da moanies. The flakes were going wild in support 😀
I’m betting it was him.
Indeed. The post Grenfell report is eagerly awaited. Especially on the activities of the faux heroic but very left wing fire brigade, who issue strange counter intuitive advice to sit tight in an inferno then strangely, oddly , fail to rescue you. Although its not their fault. They were “just following orders.” As you do. What a bunch of total Fucking Cowardly Post-Incident Crying Useless Cunts. They make Highways Agency Patrol Units look like Special Forces. Just Saying…
Noticed Albeeb Leprechaun cunt Norton opens his show…
First jokes about Rudd.
Secondly, tears into Trump.
I changed the channel before we got some brexit & Teresa may stuff.
It’s like every fucking program. I mentioned this to her indoors and she said brexit is even mentioned in eastenders etc and not just factual / talk shows.
I see Who wants to be a millionaire is back on itv, presented by Jeremy clarkson. I wonder if they will have the show stoop to Albeeb level mentioning these things?
I’m betting they don’t. Its a good job her indoors pays the tv licence because I wouldn’t pay a penny of mine to the cunts.