Afua Hirsch [3]

Afua Hirsch and other White hating race baiters are deserving of a cunting. For anyone who doesn’t know, Hirsch is a mixed race, half English half Ganaian bitch, who is a writer for the Grauniad, Lawyer and Human Rights cheerleader. She made headlines and caused outrage in August last year for calling for Nelson’s Column last year on the grounds that Nelson was a white supremacist who supported slavery. What? Fucking what?

The statue was erected because Nelson was a huge naval hero, who died while fighting the French. His political opinions were, and as far as I’m concerned, still are, irrelevant. He saved this country from Bonaparte, THAT is why he has a huge statue. White supremacy? No, Nelson lived during a time that Britain was an almost entirely white country. No diversity, no multiculturalism or any other of that kind of bullshit back then. He was one of our greatest warriors, and he was honoured as such.

Now, thanks to Hirsch, Historic England are going to be holding a debate on whether to keep statues of people like Nelson, Cecil Rhodes etc, or to tear them down. This PC bullshit has become so prevalent in politicis, the arts, sport etcetera, that I was not in any way surprised to hear that Historic England was planning this shite. What really grinds my gears though, is that Historic England are supposed to be the custodians and caretakers of ALL monuments in England, and as a publicly funded body, it is completely outside of their remit to be holding such a debate.

It’s a sign of how much the far left have infested the public sector that Historic England would even consider holding such a debate. Tear down Nelson’s Column? The very thought is preposterous. Yet there are plenty of people on the left who would be happy to see it happen. This is no different to what happened in the US last year, when a number of statues of prominent Confederates were torn, despite large protests, including many black people.

I’m sick to the fucking back teeth of British hating cock gobblers, especially black and mixed race cunts, telling me that I should be ashamed of the UK’s history, and that I’m subconsciously racist, and got where I am through ‘White privilege’. First of all, FUCK YOU!. You don’t know me, how dare you make that accusation. Secondly, the fact I’ve been happily married to a black woman of Nigerian descent since I was 19, nearly 26 years, should be more than enough proof that I am NOT racist, subconsciously or otherwise. Not that I need to prove it. And third, I enlisted in the British Army at the age of 16. I worked my way up the ranks, from Gunner to Major, through sheer hard work and determination. How did the ‘White privilege’ you cunts accuse us White people of having, benefit me in anyway?

On top of that, my wife and I played the stock markets for many years. Consequently, we’re now in a great financial position. We’re not millionaires, but we are lucky enough that neither of us, at the age of 45, has to work. So called White privilege didn’t get us that, it was hard work and trial and error. When we started on the Stock Markets, we didn’t have the first fucking clue what we were doing. We learned, the hard way, how to make money out of it. And we lost a fair few quid in the process. I resent ignorant cunts, particularly the likes of Hirsch, who was born into a well to do family, telling me I got where I am because I’m White.

My dad worked as bus and coach driver, my mum was a school dinner lady. I went to a state funded school, like the vast majority of people. I didn’t get the chance to go to Oxford, like Hirsch did. I’ve had to work for what I have. And I’ve had to work fucking hard. In what way, through my working life, could I possibly be described as ‘privileged’, because of the colour of my skin? I’ve earned what I now have.

For the past few years, it’s become increasingly trendy for lefties, especially those who are non-White, to accuse the majority of the British people who are White, of being privileged, because we happen to be White. And they are often aided by soppy, self-hating, middle class White ass lickers, who demand that we apologise and be ashamed of, the actions of our forefathers. Well, I refuse. I absolutely fucking REFUSE, to apologise or be ashamed of events that I am not responsible for.

I was not involved in slavery. But a lot of black slave traders made a living out of it, something that lefties ALWAYS conveniently ignore. I had nothing to do with building the British Empire. In fact, the Empire was dead by the time I was born, in 1973. I have done nothing to be ashamed of, or apologise for. And my ethnicity certainly hasn’t helped me in way. In fact in this day and age, it’s a definite hindrance.

White privilege is a myth. It’s a lie, perpetuated by middle and upper class lefties, who hate the British and feel ashamed to have been born into genuine privilege. And by some Black people, who like to use White people as a convenient scapegoat for their own shortcomings. It’s a fact that in 21st Century Britain, the worst thing you can be, is a White, heterosexual male. We are the root of all evil. We are to blame for the majority of Black and Asian people living in ‘ghetto’s’ and not having any chances in life. Except, that’s a lie.

The fact is, young Blacks and Asians get far more chances to succeed than White youths. The BBC recently advertised internships for young people from Black, Asian or other ethnic minority groups. Young White people were not allowed. Despite a large number of protests and accusations of racism, the BBC pressed ahead. And that’s only one example of the public sector bias that now exists. Black and Asian youths have more chances to succeed now than they ever did, often at the expense of White youths. The reason that many Black and Asian youths DON’T succeed, is because they don’t want to. Even when they get chances handed to them on a silver platter, they’d still rather sit back and blame ‘Whitey’ for all their problems. I’m not saying that all White youths are different, many are just as lazy. But these days, the only people Black and Asian youths can blame for not succeeding in life, is themselves.


92 thoughts on “Afua Hirsch [3]

  1. Another f added to a y and ‘A hairy chuff’ would be a fitting anagram of her name.

    Race baiting, socialist glob of dried gibbon wank with Wurzel Gummidge hair.

    I bet the cunt waffles on in Wurzelees so anyone with an IQ exceeding 100 pays not a jot of attention.

  2. Every day I wake up and thank the universe for my white privalige. I am so ,so lucky that I am so favoured above peacefuls, etc, etc, etc ad infinitum. Oh bollocks only a sick dream! In the words of Father Jack drink, drink fecking drink.
    The only way to cope when the shit tide comes galloping in.

  3. Multi-culturalism has morphed into a new religion and every religion has it’s priests/priestesses, they are always the extreme ones that push their new religion.
    New religions must be aggressive to survive, the early Christians, for example, while advocating love & peace, were also busy smashing down the old religions across the ME and persecuting those who disagreed with their cult, until and after Christianity went mainstream.
    The same statue of Athena in Palmyra, Syria, that was vandalised by the Christians in the 4th Century, was once again decapitated by ISIS in the 21st C.
    Defacing/pulling down statues is only the begining gambit of the newby cunts, worse will follow, next it will have to be fresh new Martyrs for the cause. Stephen Lawrence anyone?

  4. Ms Hisrch needs to go to an airport and jump on a plane. Destination: whogivesafuckastan.

  5. Actually I find your comment highly offensive. Ms Um Bongo Um Bongo (you get it in the Congo) would make an excellent holiday companion. As long as she didn’t speak….

  6. Sorry but you are clearly a RRRAAAAAAACCCCCCCIIIIIISSSSSSSSTTTTT. Diane Abbott is a mathematical genius as well as a pig ignorant thick race baiting cunt. And a salad dodger to boot.

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