The Windrush Fiasco

Sir Limply Smells Fish

By all accounts this hoopla aboit packing back some orf the Windrush generation to their sun kissed homelands has been running at least five years if not longer. Now suddenly it has fed a media storm. Various ethnic minority representatives including MPs, Racial Equality Commission ect ect complain that ministers have refused to listen to their just complaints over the years. Not exactly new and unknown then.

It just so happens that after her usual May dither (will she, won’t she?) the old hunchback is due to meet members orf the Commonwealth at a critical time to discuss the issue and the future orf that august body after Her Majesty joins The Pool. IE will Charlie Big Ears get the gig as leader orf. Not a certainty and rather vital as Blighty repositions after Brexit.

Naturally all the cock-up is being blamed by the Traitor Brigade orn Brexxers and the despicable tide orf anti Johnny Foreigner sentiment stirred up by it. What a gift for Remainers to worry Johnny F and a last ditch attempt to put a Human Rights spoke in our progress oit orf it.

Cue undead bastard Verhofstadt rising from the grave to demand the laying orf extra Stingers in the road re European Citizens in the UK before Blighty can exit. Yet more time consuming legislation to be agreed and extortion to be paid before the Final Fuck Orf. Once again The Hunchback is left staggering aroinde in confusion. Sanctuary! Sanctuary!

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

19 thoughts on “The Windrush Fiasco

  1. If we can’t even get something as black and white (pun intended) and simple as Windrush right, what hope is there for our ability to handle and administer the EU Citizen’s right to permanent residence after Brexit?

    Guess we’ll just have to keep Freedom of Movement after all… along with the Customs Union, ECJ & Single Market…

    House Of Cunts knows best.

    B.R.I.N.O…. The stench of fish is deafening.

  2. The EU trying to use this Windrush fiasco as a way of trying to get points for their citizens rights Is bollocks. This mess up was done before the digitisation of documents etc, nowadays this shouldn’t happen (as easily anyways) so the the EU can fuck off.
    Whilst on the subject I hate the EU, Britain has a long historical link with ALL the Commonwealth nations and that should have come first before the EU. The EU actively encourage EU approved only trade and push Britain’s historical partners to the back of the queue.
    My Jamaican Grand Uncle fought with the Air Force in the second World War and lost his leg fighting the German cunts who run the EU.
    I’m sorry but Commonwealth should get priority over any EU cunts, so what I’m trying to say is that Dimitri and Pavlova can fuck right off. Old friends are better than new ones.

    • Remoaners /4th Reich Cunts don’t give a fuck about long historical links and decent law abiding citizens who fought in the 2nd WW, all they care about is remaining in their precious EU. And they don’t care how they achieve that aim – if it means bullying a few old blacks or stirring up a bit of race hatred, so be it. The end justifies the stinking means.

      Time to mow the lawn.

      • Exactly RTCP, Brexit will not be delivered due to these remoaning cunts. I can’t stand the cunts and as for David Lammy if he cares so much about the Commonwealth why is the daft cunt so pro EU.

  3. Is this a bit simple or can’t they just check how much tax and NI they have be paying over the last 60 fucking years. If they have they’re British. If not look a bit deeper. Shouldn’t send some cunt home after they’ve been here all those years. Tell Verhofftwat to go give himself a BJ through the filthy gap in his filthy teeth via his filthy face.

    • “Tell Verhofftwat to go give himself a BJ through the filthy gap in his filthy teeth via his filthy face.”

      Hohohahahho oh my sides are aching ???

  4. The picture I’m getting is slightly different. We’re covering our bets on the EU by a charm offensive aimed at the Commonwealth. Mineral resources, arms sales, tech, you name it. Once we’re out (if,,,yes…)we’ll need Africa and Oz. For that reason even as I pontificate, the disgusting Blair is schmoozing various Commonwealth leaders at the Heads of Government bash in London. He hasn’t even the courage of his demented convictions. Added to that, look forward to various ex-French and Port colonies being added to the Commonwealth roster. That too is being considered.

    It seems that having been a cunt to the Windrush lot – as well as sundry Indians who arrived at the same time – is liable to get in the way of our ferrety schemes, and consequently Something Must Belatedly Be Done.

    Hey, it’s a theory.

  5. I believe nearly all those affected have carribean passports.
    Also the have all had enough time to get their papers in order. Plus it was Jackie Smith who oversaw the landing card shredding.

    • No they don’t Kravdarth, some have no passport at all. I’m sure your grateful to all the black Commonwealth soldiers that fought in the war to help defeat Hitler which helped your tribe out big time aren’t you?

      • They do have carribean passports. Or are at least entitled to one. No good to them though if they go on holiday and try and get back in to the UK

      • Absolutely, yes. The issue is that others who came to the UK, the Poles etc, have regularised their stay. Yes this mess needs sorting ASAP but Lardy Lammy is trying to capitalise on the issue.

  6. The truth is , no cunt knows who is in this country or whether or not they are entitled to be here. It’s just a free for all, you plug up one hole and another opens up.
    Fuck me they don’t even know who, or how many cunts were in that Towering Inferno. Fucking council property and nobody knows who the fuck was living there. Er…..except the Lammy cunt…..he had a friend living there. You probably didn’t know that.

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