Any and every police force in the United Kingdom.
First off the fucking truncheon – I do not give a solitary single shit if anyone here is affiliated with plod, and care not a fucking jot if anyone thus is offended.
But… but… it’s really CPS, senior officers, also Cressida Dick – no. Not in my opinion. Each and every fucker associated with the badge is a cunt of biblical proportions. Senior members are pure, crystalized cunt indeed but the fucking morons pounding the streets (when they can be arsed) show next to no sensitivity, empathy, critical-thinking or decency of judgement with their day-to-day duties.
Right, where do we fucking start… do we hit the ground running with topical matters such this truly unfortunate pensioner, who, through no fault of his own, finds himself in a total nightmare of fighting for his life against a now-deceased piece of shit intruder, with the double-whammy of Plod first treating him like a deliberate murderer (manslaughter should have been investigated instead, you fucking cunts), then has the shitboys in blue effectively hand the pikey scumcunt family of mudered burglar a free reign to trespass, intimidate and obstruct his own fucking home with tributes – then, to rub caustic soda into the wounds, some egg-headed tripe-munching cunt of a superintendent declares the death of the robbing scum valiantly warded off as a ‘tragedy’. Un-fucking believable, Jeff.
That my fellow cunters is merely a succint précis of British police.
What if we turn our attention to their recruitment policies? The British Transport Police hold minority-only workshops for recruitment, essentially a positive discrimination drive to make sure a set percentage of recruits HAVE to be ethnic or female. Reports on similar police drives can be found on a basic search.
Well-publicised on this site is the (in)famous police announcement in 2017 that we now can feel safe and snug from big bolshy bastards out to hurt us with nasty words and flamebaiting, thanks to a specialist division of 900+ officers dedicated to tackling ‘hate crime’, thereby prioritising the snowflakes and the amaziongly thin-skinned peacefuls amonst others.
Also reported in 2017 (Telegraph) was the fact that 9 out of 10 burglaries are closed without even identifying a suspect. I can tell you from first-hand experience how utterly uninterested the police are in these crimes, and not just burglary – thefts in general basically require the perpetrator to incriminate himself before Plod acts.
We could write an entire compendium of cuntitude against the police. Time is pressing so we can only skim over the shameful disgrace of last year’s participation in that fucking rainbow parade debacle, the dumb fucking rozzer who twerked with the disease-ridden Carribean cunt at last year’s Notting Hill, the sheer impotence in the face of London knife-crime, the woeful figures on catching paedophiles which has led to vigilante groups, rightly or wrongly, taking matters into their own hands to ensare nonces, and something that warrants a cunting all on its own – persecution of any and every man without evidence whenever the sexual assault whistle is blown. This includes cases where women have changed their minds on consent AFTER the fact, police themsleves ‘fiddling’ disclosure of phone evidence in an attempt to secure a conviction with no regard for the ruination of young lads’ lives and the frankly comical case last year where, some actress cried sexual assault on a man, I shit you not, who walked straight past her in a crowded Waterloo station
I fucking despise the bastard police with a passion – it is almost like these cunts are deliberately opting to frustrate the bulk of the genuine tax-paying public with their increased preference for political stances instead of tackling real victims of real crime. The only time I ever see Plod animated in numbers is to claim their 20% Nandos discount (yes, Nandos celebrate the discount they give the cunts), or when some homeless cunt is getting moved on, three officers to a man.
Useless, utterly fucking useless. My advice – if you are ever the victim of any crime, do not waste time whatsoever with fucking Plod – take matters directly into your own hands.
Nominated by. The Empire Cunts Back
Each and every fucker associated with the badge is a cunt of biblical proportions. ”
What a statement. So all the RUC officers killed in The Troubles were Cunts? So the two female officers killed by Dale Cregan were Cunts? So my local bobby who was killed in the line of duty,and who genuinely served his community was a Cunt?
Grow up. I can think of bigger Cunts than most Police Officers.You probably can too,if you put your mind to it.
I’ve noticed that a lot of these “All Coppers Are Bastards”type tend to be the kind who maybe got a speeding ticket,or got ticked off when they and their right-on friends at Uni were acting like pricks.
I’m not proud to say that I’ve had dealings with the police on a few occasions. To say that they are all moronic cunts is wrong. Some are cunts,some aren’t …the same as any other group of people. What I do know is that the kind of people who are so childish as to think that all coppers are cunts would be the first to shit themselves and scream for the police to come and help them if thing got rough.
At least TECB’s local police force wont be bothered by him calling for help if he hears someone breaking into his house,h’s obviously more than capable of coping without a bunch of moronic cunts cramping his style as he dishes out justice to every wrong’un stupid enough to cross his path.
No need to get personal, Dick.
Oh,I’m so very,very sorry…honest.
No, lets not “get personal”, that just wouldn’t be the decent thing to do would it.. not like a blanket condemnation of 100,000 people as being all corrupt worthless scum. ( Does that include the ones you lot killed recently?? )
Not like the other 60 million corrupt weak like to moan but wont stand up for anything worthless scum in the nation perchance? Just asking….
It was my topic for cunting. If you don’t like it, then make your point and fuck off. I understood cunters weren’t supposed to turn on other cunters.
Besides, if you are so opposed to the idea of generalising against an entire body or organisation – which happens on ISAC on a daily basis – why exactly are on this of all fucking sites?
C’mon guys, Mr TECB makes a valid point. I sat on the bench for over 20 years, and I’ve known cases of the police lying on oath, attacking civilians, and arresting the wrong people. So some of them are definitely…
Interesting .. because you put the idea up , no one is to disagree with it? Ever thought of a career in the SS? And no one one is turning on anyone, this apparently is a discussion forum for alternate views, or maybe you missede that bit. possibly you should go and sit in an echo chamber?
I like your rationale that I’m somehow lacking because I dont allow for any kind of nuance or variation to an advanced view. Anyway, good look with it. Ever thought of joining the Specials? I reckon they would snap you up.
I’d just like to hear some rational reason for calling every copper a moronic cunt. Just because you say it,doesn’t make it
I think such a sweeping generalisation is bound to attract questioning. Perhaps you’re on the wrong site if you take every criticism personally.
Not what I said, is it? Disagree with the nom by all fucking means, go ahead and make your point – and you indeed have, to fucking death. I’ve clearly struck a nerve, eh?
I don’t give a flying fuck who criticises the nom, it doesn’t change my oinion on the slightest. No need to bring me into your rants though, is there. Like I said, I understood cunting each other was off limits.
I read topics I either don’t agree with or are close to home all the fucking time. Yet I don’t bother getting in a fucking state or flouncing off over it.
No problem francis.. then as an ex beak you will be aware that the fact that “some” are in the wrong is not the blanket coverage TECB suggests is it.. and of course we can all name corrupt civil officials in all walks of life, magistrates, the council, solicitors. etc etc
Selective hearing again.
Criticism of the nom all you like. Not sure why you need to add all the suppositions.
I never had a go at you directly when you cunted disabled people, I just consigned your nom as sheer bollocks and moved on.
Does every cunter now have to justify at length their every nom that generalises a group?
@TECB.. Well, at the risk of being a pedant and ranting, in response to your comment “Thats not what I said”, it sort of is. You said that “Each and everyone is a cunt of biblical proportions.” So actually it is what you said.No one is getting in a state other than you. If you want to make statements then make accurate statements. Just to be clear I am not interested in trying to alter your point of view. But when someone makes a total bollocks of a statement it deserves to be pointed out. Anyway, time to move on. I get the fact that you hate the police. I can understand this as I loathe firemen and can see where your coming from.
Heinz in defence of Empire your posting above about pedantics but you posted earlier …..
” not like a blanket condemnation of 100,000 people as being all corrupt worthless scum. ( Does that include the ones you lot killed recently?? )
Not like the other 60 million corrupt weak like to moan but wont stand up for anything worthless scum in the nation perchance? ”
Well isnt that lumping all us in as the 60million corrupt weak like to moan cunts? Or are ISAC lads part if the other 5million ?
@francis….that’s my whole point. You’ve known some who are cunts. According to TECB every single one of them is.
Fair points!
@TECB….”justify at length”? ….Justify at all would be a start.
I must have missed the part in the rules that said justification was expected with each nomination.
So you have absolutely no justification for the nom.? You just issue a sweeping edict and expect nobody to question it,or your justification?
Reasons why I think the police are cunts are in the write-up.
And as I’ve said three times now, I do not care who criticises the nomination. Criticise the all you want. I wouldn’t expect everyone to agree wth any nomination.
@TECB….but you obviously do care if someone criticises the nomination…..
Empire I feel your frustration burning through my phones gorilla glass!!!
Although im not there yet I agree totally with the cuntfuckery the brass has presided over the last decade. Looking at what’s left of your possessions as you wait for a locksmith to arrive is nothing compared to the pain the snowflakes feel when someone online calls them a cunt so the 900 hate speech police are very much in need.
Ive a couple of points. .. i think the rise In arrest and custodial deaths are due in part to the removal of entry criteria. Years ago 2 big burly bastards would hold you down and arrest you. ….now it takes 5 wee kids to kneel on your back and Keck while 2 cuff you…. queue increased deaths on street and in cell…just an opinion i have.
Another Is a chronic lack of local plod policing. I had my car done in adodgy part of town …. when plod showed up i asked “so who are the wee fuckers in the area who do this to flog my stuff round the pubs? ” cueue glazed confused look from him… dare i ask a local cop who the local wee cunts are. Unbelievable
Really? You think the rise in deaths of suspects being arrested and in custody has nothing to do with the rise in drug and alcohol use that the suspects themselves make themself vulnerable with. Maybe you should compare the rates with those of other countries, modern, fair minded, liberal countries like.. lets see, Jamaica or South Africa, both paragons of virtue according to currently accepted thought…
Heinz i agree with that
I was more talking about the cases where physical injury and compression injury resulted in death then or within hours. Ive oersonally seen 5 coppers just too wee to handle a suspect and it was over the top knee to the neck stuff.
Aye the drug and drink expkosion is the majority no argument there
Oh and something tells me your a shift worker in uniform who needs to deal with scum every day who may carry a tazer???
Not sure what I am any more. Interesting on the Taser… useful compliance tool or not as manly as 5 weedy coppers on one Ned… Depends on your point of view I guess. Given a choice, I would call in a helicopter and chain gun the Cunts.
Fair do’s theres more cunts to argue over than the polis argument was more about higher policy earlier ….stand by my view the local element has gone
You do have a point.. the local element has gone , and with it lots of local intelligence and goodwill. My view, which is no better than yours, is it is down to lack of staffing/ increased demand… and something else. The public dont like or trust the Police. Well, and I dont say this in a confrontational way, many Polis dont like and trust the public. They see themselves operating a what is nigh on a war zone. Criminals attack and abuse them, and the general public, on whose behalf they serve, are quick to assume the worst, to complain, to carp, to cause grief. So the copper does what any species under threat does. He withdraws inwards. He minimises contact with what he sees to be a hostile and uncaring public, and he ticks off his time till he can take his pension and get the Fuck out of Dodge. Is it ideal? No. But you can see how it happens. You stone the keepers of the gate enough, dont be too surprised when they stop talking to you. It’s just a view.
Well thats the realities i suppose and thats the biggest cunt of all
On a similar but far off parallell note which might not seem related ..supposedly Detroit resembles the actual fucking Detroit in 1980’s Robocop now….. jesus…is that what befalls us here? As your above point?
Fucking ED209’s giving us 15 seconds to comply?????
( trying to lighten the mood on this cunting….)
To be fair, you can’t blame the police for most of it because they’re being hamstrung by political correctness from politicians, damn silly laws laid down by politicians and courts, endless fucking paperwork, persecution from the politically driven IPCC, laws on racial and religious hated, etc etc. The list is fucking endless.
Be honest – would you really want the job?
Would be be prepared to deal on a daily basis with pissed up snowflakes spitting in your face and calling you all the cunts under the sun which, frankly, a lot of this post is doing as well.
Put yourself in their place for a minute before running off at the mouth. You don’t give a rat’s arse if you offend someone? Fair enough then. You won’t be offended if I tell you you’re talking bollocks.
You’re correct. He is talking Fucking Bollocks.
The Plis are only enacting the stratospheric degrees of cuntitude laid down by our “democratically elected representatives” (the fuckingcuntverminbastardlyinghypocritescum).
There are cunts in every line of work. I’ve met some decent plods, I’ve met one who, most recently, asked me why I didn’t answer somebody at the front door at half one on a Saturday morning. Given that it sounded like and, in fact, ended up being a demolition job, is it any bloody wonder ?
If I’d stabbed the cunt with his own weapon, no doubt I would have made the front page, and I’d be writing this from Cardiff clink.
It is not a job I would want to do – I’d be whacking crims over the head, spraying them with flit, making them lie down in the road the whole time and giving a good kicking. Cuntstable Savage is my second name.
Part of the problem re the flatfoots is that the recruitment bar has been well and truly lowered in the name of ensuring anyone wishing to join the police can do so without too much of a problem.
Also don’t forget that the mandate set for plod by the government is to quell civil unrest. They really couldn’t give two tugs on the Cressida’s Dick that nearing 50 non-reflectives have been stabbed in Londonistan or that the poor pensioner has had to flee his home with his dementia ridden wife whilst their estate is overrun by floral tribute-givers who have never seen a bar of Life Buoy.
There are some good coppers out there, many disillusioned by the heralding of the New Order. One thick as mince ex-employee of ours left to join the police and has ended up in a senior job. The mind boggles.
I think you’ll find that anybody who’s been rejected by every other job including cleaning the bogs in KFC can join the police without too much of a problem.
Especially if they’re
-not male (effeminate metrosexuals may be considered)
-not heterosexual
-a tranny/cross dresser/any other type of fucking weirdo
-any other sexual deviant
-not white
-an adherent of the religion of peace
-thick as fucking mince
-any combination of the above (the more ticks the better).
ECB was right, they’re all cunts.
Not their fault, they were born/programmed that way.
But cunts nonetheless.
Well if your happy in your own mind that the only people in the police are the dullard sweepings of society , then maybe you dont have much of a case to protest that they’re not very efficient, do you,
Powerful rant there TECB, have to say I’m with you all the way.
State of the Police Force today is hopelessly representative and symptomatic of the terminally sick society it currently professes to serve. Probably what the millennial /snowflake generation deserves though.
More like the thin blue dotted line……
Best you join up and have a go then my friend. I’m sure you’ll scythe through all difficulties like a combine harvester. Your correct though in saying a society gets a Police “Force” it deserves. So enjoy yours. Mind How You Go!!
Thanks. Not to worry though, I’m not of the millennial /snowflake generation, so my views are irrelevant by default and should be ignored.
In fact its because your not of that generation that your views are indeed important…
Kind of you to say so. “Important” is not a word I’m used to hearing my views described as. “Unacceptable” would be nearer the mark… except in that oasis of levelheaded rationality that is ISAC, of course…
I tend to feel sorry for them,
Unrelated, a customer came in to buy some stuff, we don’t do contactless here just push and poke, customer looks at me and says his marriage has evolved like that, it used to be push and poke, now its contactless!
Privatisation. That’s what it’s all about. The politicians hate public services, they hate anything where one of their mates isn’t coining it and filling their fat pockets.
State funded education, health and policing…….that’s for poor people and poor people don’t count. If you want the real thing you have to pay for it.
Christian Louboutin hasn’t done badly out of them…
Strange that you believe all the drivel the likes of the Cunt Like daily mail churn out.. ever for amoment considered that for every silly child who has just come out of training school who believes all the drivel that was spouted there are 10 that have had the Revelation and seen the Real World and think it is all total Wank.. Of course maybe they wear Louboutin’s too.. meanwhile, speaking of REAL CUNT organisations, let’s have a feature on, say, the RAF, in particular the RAF Regiment.. ( Fallen in a Bin Lately? Mental Health issues.. no problem, your in ) and the fire brigade aka Trumptoin aka. ” seen to be loitering on stairways rather than commit.. (ie scared bottleless Cunts – see the 7/7 bombing official report for a full breakdown on these selfless Gurning Fucking |Turds..). The truth isn.t always apparent. But it is entertaining.
As is your post.
Strange that you believe I “believe all the drivel the likes of the Cunt Like daily mail churn out..”
Anyway, sorry you didn’t like my jolly little quip, we try hard to please over the years…
Good Stuff.. although I personally found that when I stopped “trying hard to please” and adopted the philosophy of “You confuse me with someone who once gave a flying fuck” it was a revelation and the rest of life just fell into place..
I admire the cut of your jib Heinz!
I was a copper for 16 years , full time whilst maintaining my other role part time. Left last year. The MPS is FUCKED. Ultra left wing cultural marxist think tank. Senior managers talk crap, tweet shite and surrond themselves with sycophants.
So accepting the current state of society, police leadership and training, do you accept the deranged rant at the start of this thing.. that all front line cops are worthless filth, and presumably fit to be either murdered or driven insane.?? A similar sort of attitude directed at the Israeli Army doing a difficult job against an often murderous opponent..
PS.. Whats your part time role Krav…???
Now my full time role! Sorry, but due to where I work and what I do maybe best not to say (Diane Abbots personal maths tutor)
Well, I imagine your glad to be out… the bit that makes me smile is that the public profess to hate cops but when they meet one and say “Do you like your job” and they get back ^Fuck No, I hate it, its a total Fucking waste of time and I cant wait to get the whole bag of shit in my rear view mirror ” they very strangely look and act a bit hurt. Counter Intuitive I say. Enjoy your new role….
Kravdarth, saw a book in Waterstone’s today that might interest you (save that it’s published by…Virgin, so more moolah for BeardyCunt) –
“Blue: Keeping the peace and falling to pieces”, by John Sutherland.
Dipping in, it looked a sad story, and all too believable in these distracted, most cuntitudinous times.
Interesting Rant. The Basis being that not only is the modern Police “service” idiotically compromised by political correctness but each and every member of it , presumably including the cleaning lady, is also morally compromised and a worthless coward and worthy of being despised. Presumably including the ones that get murdered by the wonderful “british” public.. Hmmm.. where to start??
Well, lots of moral confliction here. Many have dual service in the military, including recent conflicts.. so should I occupy that position , am I brave old Tommy or Lurking Evil Plod??
You may think at this point I am some sort of apologist for the polizei, trust me , I am not. They can speak for themselves, and I am fully aware many of the “service” are fully paid up members of the PC brigade, many others have come through the training system and believe in the libtard drivel they are spoonfed and regard their older, more experienced colleagues with suspicion and dislike and await the magic moment when they can inform the nearest political officer of the “transgressions” they have witnessed, usually involving good practical police work. Despite this, there are many decent troops out there, who do the job at a risk you can barely imagine, not just physical risk, but professional risk of being denounced for not having drunk out of the flowing well of PC garbage.. and some of them die for it.
Lets not of course look at other organisations. I think you will find the modern armed forces wont bear close scrutiny. How about the fire brigade… they have skated by on a myth for years. The truth is just emerging via Manchester. But of course, the individual staff, according to current lore, are not to be pilloried, “Its just the managers”… strange that , sort of Double Standards. Strangely enough, one of the organisations I would flag up as worthy of praise are Paramedics, who, very strangely. also collar a bucket of shit whatever they do, although I cannot for the sake of fucking Christ think why.
Anyway, carry on the Hate. And just as an after thought, what effect do you think it has?? On the PC management… Nil. On the indoctrinated “Red Guard” new recruits.. Nil ( until they realise the true nature of the attritional Game they play ).. On the decent lads who soldier on dealing with incidents you can hardly imagine..I will tell you what I would think, were I ever to have been in that slot. I would think “Fuck It. They Hate Me and want to destroy me. I am going to keep my head down and my mouth shut and get the fuck out and take as much a pension I can and Fuck You All You Worthless Gurning Filth Cunts and Your Family Too.” Then I go and polish my medals you Cunts gave me when I was “one of our heroic Boys”.
Most rank and file coppers I have met are decent, hard working and doing a fucking impossible job under intolerable pressure. They get fuck all thanks for it as has been proven by this worthless piece of ranting generalised shit posted above that labels them all as corrupt worthless cunts.
If this is what you really believe TECB then you’re just as bad as the people you’re vilifying. No – I withdraw that. You’re worse. I trust you won’t be calling on them in your hour of need.
Here’s some facts in the recent screwdriver death :
(1) A man is killed, the police must investigate
(2) The house is a crime scene that must be secured
(3) To secure the scene they arrest householder
(4) They can’t prejudge him or his motives. So they have to arrest him on a holding charge of murder. Not manslaughter because that is for the CPS to decide
(5) Evidence is collected. The CPS agree self defence. the crime scene is released and so is the householder
(6) They can’t stop the scum laying flowers because that’s a civil matter for the council, not a police matter
(7) The people destroying the ‘shrine’ are causing criminal damage and breaking the law. That’s a police matter.
So before you prejudge the police, maybe you should consider the facts of the matter and the courses of action open to the police. This is one example, but it demonstrates that it isn’t as simplistic as you paint it, is it?
And for the record, incitement to take the law into your own hands is an offence. And if you do take the matter into your own hands, then the police will be obliged to arrest you for that offence.
The law may be an ass, but that doesn’t make the police asses too.
Of course, you’ve stated you won’t care what my opinion is, so fuck you too!
Good Post, and contrary to all current trends of ripping coppers apart. The problem is the police were set up as fall guy in this thing from the word go.
I think your bullet point summary is spot on. In fact I think a 48 hour turn round on a case involving stabbing someone to death ( fully justified ) shows a proper sense of priorities in both Police and Cps.
I also think things were not helped by statements of a senior Police Officer describing the matter as “tragic”.
1) Its tragic for the home owner.
2) Its not tragic about Henry. Bye Bye.
3) Whether or not its “tragic” for the family/ travelling community is solely a matter for them. If they want to express it, they can, and have. It’s not a Polizei role to express it for them. Not sure that’s a Police role is it?? Maybe he should have kept his mouth well shut.
Not sure people moving abandoned flowers is a criminal matter either.
But admire your spirit. I always work on the premise that if shot at I fire back. Bon Chance.
“Laying flowers” is at least littering, and in the circumstances is probably “causing harassment alarm and distress” to nearby residents, which is a criminal offence.
Well, the leaving of tributes in these circumstances is indeed probably designed to intimidate, and back in 1986 might have warranted action… but how do you think the public would receive such arrests, and what reaction do you think the local bench would have. Personally, were I polizei for a day, I would cordon the area and anyone pushing the issue would get nicked. And the next day I would be suspended. The sort of point here is you ( society , the courts, the media ) get the police you deserve. For many years the police have been hobbled and humiliated by a liberal agenda to restrict their powers and isolate them. And now you have gotten what you wanted. So all must be well. Enjoy the future I say. Because it’s going to get worse. And you’ve neutered guardians of the gate.
As an ordinary member of the public, I for one would have applauded such arrests. Always assumed intimidation was a criminal offence up to recently, though accept it probably doesn’t apply to travellers, lefties or Muzzies.
Also, I doubt many posting here would have condoned or played any part in neutering the guardians of the gate, as you put it. Quite the opposite in fact.
But common sense rarer than hen’s teeth since 1997, so as DF would say, “Fuck Them”.
Spot on, Heinz.
Crap right from the top, plis are sadly just stuck with it – very little leeway for them, if any.
Amber Dudd MUST go. Someone like IDS would make more sense as HomeSec. Better looking too, and I is hetero !!
Indeed. Several neighbours interviewed said that they felt intimidated by the numerous heaps of stolen stalks that keep appearing.
But I applaud TECB’s focus on the conduct of those in public office. I share many such concerns with him.. for instance..
1) The 7/7 bombings . The fire “service” were heavily criticised in the post incident report. for being hesitant and failing to commit. “loitering on stairways.. ” was the damning phrase. At one stage they declined to enter the tube in case the power wasnt off. A copper stood on the power rail to make the point.
2) Trumpton stood at a holding area and watched emergency crews struggle with casualties but refused to help as they werent sure it was “safe”. Paramedics personally asked for help but were given the “more than my jobs worth ” treatment.
3) 200 firemen and hundreds of thousands £ of kit stood by at Grenfell.. they didnt contain it, and they didnt “rescue”. The vast majority of people who got out walked out of their own accord. Many report being alerted by Police who were without any kit. There are reports of people phoning for help and being told to stay put and “wait for help”. Nearly a hundred dead, based on totally wrong, flawed “stay put ” advice that in their arrogance Trumpton could or would not rescind. Criminal. Cue much crying in public by said “heroes”.( Prompted by their left wing self serving belligerent bell end Union ) No, you Cunts, the public should be crying, Get it Now????” got a few more for anyone interested in incompetence and cowardice in public office… The army in Iraq for instance, and how they abandoned Basra to Iranian backed militia and fucked off back to the EFI at Basra airport… Makes You Proud, etc etc.. Yawn.
Well said. Go along with every word of that.
Note from Admin :
You don’t have to justify a nomination. Everyone is free to disagree with it as they wish just as we’re free not to post it.
If the nominator isn’t prepared to take some flack then it shouldn’t be put up in the first place. Clearly most comments suggest that this post overgeneralises or is even bollocks.
Would you’d rather we’d censored it out?
“Censor it out?”….not in my opinion.I enjoy a robust to-and-fro. It would get pretty dull if we all just agreed with each and only ever posted stuff that wouldn’t cause upset. We are all pretty opinionated people on here and all more than capable of putting our point,popular or not.
NO to Censor!
I think if TECB had said “most” coppers are so and so, instead of saying “all” coppers, there would have been less tension among fellow cunters.
A certain cunter who has entirely dominated this cunting with his over-the-top comments should know that there is a difference between decent disagreement/criticism and vitriol.
A fellow cunter
Christ sakes.
No to censor.
Cunt the nomination to the hilt. I merely wanted to prevent personal inter-cunter cuntings. Unless they are allowed?
In strong agreement with all the above comments.
No, leave it, its good to vent… and exchange views!
That’s what it’s for. A bastion of honesty in a surging tide of cunt. No surrender. Etc.
I’d like to nominate the nuclear fallout from the recent cunting of the modern plod ….for a cunting
Alright it hit a nerve…. I get that and respect the nominees right to post it and the ISAC cunters right to comment on it.
I love this site because we generally can stick together in a pot of fucking glue unlke our elected leaders and general betters ….be it fire, police ambulance, local authority , government etc……
Bigger shitstorms are a coming lads
“Nuclear fallout”? Tonight’s disagreement was a fart in a thunderstorm. We are capable of much better.
“Sticking together”….we should not be a mutual admiration society,disagreements are healthy and interesting.
Agree wholeheartedly Mr Fiddler. The last thing we need is for ISAC to become an echo chamber. Hey…wait a minute.
It was a disagreement. I’m clearly missing what made it ‘seismic’. Even Admin’s waded in, now.
Unless someone’s complained about the content in the posts, I’m not sure why it’s become ‘serious’.
An exchange of views I would suggest. No dramas, so Endex I think….
Excellent Cunting
Aye Admin
I cunted this whole response to this cunting because we all like a good fucking go i just agreed with Empire that it didnt need to get into “you cunt ” “me cunt “jibes
you can delete my nomination of this debate for a cunting looks like the piss has cooled down
A fart in a thunderstorm it is then Fiddler / Empire/Ruff
dont want an echo chamber either , and I’m not saying it got serious but one or two’s piss is boiling right now and not because of the usual suspects..(cunts of the world)
Nah dont want a mutual admiration society either Dick but that shit wound up a few cunters good and proper, i want our energy saved for the commons/lords great betrayal coming our way 2019.
Admin ,dont post the above nomination , its already dead !
Still the first site i visit every day, after checking into of course
Think you could trust Admin to step in if piss got boiled for the wrong reasons.