Staffordshire Bull Terriers

It would be petty, nay puerile, unfair and childishly cruel of me to cunt Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Therefore I will.

The forever badge of the shitty junkie, either forced to endure eight hours of shivering its leathery barrel of a body next to the repeated ,”Spare eny chainge, mate?”, or tied-up outside an Off Licence while he pops inside to spend his begging booty on four cans of Special Ace and a fistful of scratch-cards.

Is it at all possible to walk down any High Street in Britain without seeing these poor brutes straining at the end of a frayed bit of string attached to the grimy, pox-peppered hand of a pikey? I feel the contrasting emotions of Disgust and Sympathy when I see these snarling animals, teetering on the edge of hunger and no doubt enslaved in a world of shoddy food and gratuitous violence, all knackered teeth, odious breath and patchy skin. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to have them all put down, as quietly, as swiftly and as humanely as possible.

However, we should put their dogs into sanctuaries.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

51 thoughts on “Staffordshire Bull Terriers

  1. Like all dogs, Staffies are a product of their environment.

    Its the thick cunts that own them as status dogs that are the problem.

    Originally called ‘the nanny dog’ for their calm ability to look after the kids and be their protector. This image has been ruined by council estate scum who deliberately treat them like shit to make them ‘hard’ and to flip out at the drop of a jauntily angled baseball cap.

    All dogs have the ability to attack. It is the responsibility of the owner to provide an environment (and proper training) where this ability is not required and the animal feels at peace as part of the family unit.

    Failure to do this makes the dog unbalanced and a liability around other people and animals.

    So, lets rehabilitate the waggy tailed shit machines with love and an even hand and have a cull of the sub human vermin who treat them violently and then act surprised when the dog tears little Shaniqua’s face off.

    • As the old saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a bad dog… only bad owners.” Or cunts.

      • Agree entirely; a dog sanctuary, and a needle of carbolic acid into the cardiac muscle for the shitty little owners.

        When I have spare dosh, I’d buy a tin of dog food for the pooches. Sod the human filth.

      • I agree 100%

        Our Staffie lived to 16 and was a little Angel all her life with kids and other animals

    • last week in hannover CUNTS
      I had a staffie and lived on the council estate and the fella grew up with each kid we had 5 in all and lived in a flat until they gave us a house and that fella was a ghetto pony for my kids and he loved them
      My tinlids could take his bone off him no problem and the old fella would follow them around until they dropped it and scurry off into the garden
      and with our ghetto pony mrs used tie the lead on the pushchair and take the kids to school uphill
      Best and clever

  2. Staffies are guide dogs for the thick. I have 2 rescued from bad environments. My wife runs a Staffie rescue charity which provides funds for re-homing, vets bills etc. It’s not the dogs that are the problem but the stupid, thick fucking chavs who see them as status symbols.

    • Good for your mrs, Cuntstable. I knew someone who rescued Rotties – much the same problem, but Rotties don’t know the difference between playing and killing, the one morphs into the other without warning, so my impression is that they (and pit bulls) are genuine cunts.

  3. I had my dogs vaccinated against any disease that they might pick up…parvo,distemper etc.,but when I asked the vet about injections to guard against any disease that they might contract from being bitten by Pikeys,Coloureds or The Gays he called me….ME !!…a foul bigot and asked me to leave. It’ll be the last time that I use Mr. Patel and his partner’s veterinary practice.

    Fuck them.

  4. How do these begging cunts afford such a dog ? You can pay a £1000 for one ? Begging must be a very lucrative career.

      • Benefit payments are afforded to our “homeless” at the rate equal to 1 tin of food per day. I think the weekly rate was £4.
        Homeless and destitutes can claim some but not all benefits.

    • Quality avatar Mr Fistula.

      “Do you know what “nemesis” means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible cunt… me.”

      • The thing is Mecha -Rigsby, Now Brick Top is my Avatar every time i make a comment i become Brick Top.
        You are on thin Fuckin ice my Pedigree chums and i shall be under there when it breaks.

      • I kinda wish the snatch film was just 2hrs of bricktop talking he was the most likable cunt in the film

        Brad pitt as the pikey was alright sort of funny but it didn’t make me like pikeys anymore then i did before, I still hate pikeys

    • How do they afford one, Fenton? Well, in my town, after a hard day sitting outside a bank doing pish all, grafting a pretend tramp’s life, they take their hard-begged money, buy a wad of scratch cards then proceed to the park to scratch away for junk money. I assume the leftovers purchase the poor hounds.

  5. We call them ‘benefits bears’ round this way. You usually see long queues of them outside the local PDSA or sitting lovingly next to ‘master’ while he plays crack roulette down at one of the 19 betting shops on a 26 shop high street (with the rest being 2 parking chippies and 4 scope shops and a stolen goods converter). Lovely breed, loyal and largeky uncondiional. No different from children really. If raised in a nice home they become nice adult’s. If they are raised by vermin cunts whose moral compass needle was replaced with dental floss (both remaining unused) then it’s going to be a cunt of a mutt with a high chance of eating a baby or two before its unceremonious demise at the hands of a police vet. Cunts

  6. On an aside… I see the truck of peace has managed to evade the front of the Sunday papers (only exception is a slight side note in the telegraph). D notices all around again. Typical staged drip drip of shite without substance yesterday from the well worn anus of the state owned ‘news’ outlets (which I’m now convinced is pretty much all of them). When you consider the scope and scale… the amount of people that must actively collude in this censorship/misinformation machine is breathtaking. You must never be more than 10ft away from one of then at all times, they must literally be in competition with the rats for vermin per square mile. Was there a meeting when we left school that only those of us out the back having a smoke missed? Something along the lines of – all those that want to join the NWO and spend the next 40 years telling lies and deceiving people on the reality of the world to the left please… single file.

  7. A couple of years ago I spent 5 days in York. For the first couple of days I noticed this girl, aged about 17, near the hotel, sitting on the pavement, wrapped in a blanket and begging. I have never seen anyone with such a miserable look on their face and I gave her a couple of quid.
    On the third day I went to Leeds and on the way back I was bursting for a piss. I stopped at this pub in some village just outside York.
    I walked in and there she was, dressed to the nines, with about 5 or 6 other girls, laughing and pissing it up.
    The next day I went looking for the bitch to get my fucking cash back but I never saw her again.
    True fucking story, not an urban myth.

    • She obviously had a 1:1 degree in Mendicant Studies. And a permanent abode. There was one I used to see on the street, for some reason addicted to cups of tea, for which she didn’t at that moment have the money… her sterling silver earrings were a dead giveaway.

      Another daily beggar, male, different city, used to pack up looking desperate at 5 pm and take the bus back to his council house. It’s work, but not as we know it, Jim

  8. Off point…..
    here’s a little something to make you fellow cunters chuckle , I was standing at the checkout of my local Tesco listening to 2 young girls arguing who had the better degree? , the best bit is I had to wait for it to stop before one of them served me, I was struggling not to laugh, both of them have been there for a year or two!
    Fuckin priceless or what? ?

    • £9000 p/y for their Social Studies and Creative Writing courses will serve them well pricing up t-bags and pasta.

    • At least you’ve got two cashiers serving at your Tesco Metro, Quis.

      Last week I popped into mine and there was only one, very corpulent girl, working the till. Massive queue and obviously no-one using the stress-inducing self-checkout. Finally I was served and the chubster said to me, “Sorry about the wait.”

      I replied, “Have you considered going on a diet?”

      • My,my…what a little cutie…another of your Tinder LIKE swipes, Mr.Cunt-Engine?

      • Well, I do like an unusual-looking bird. I’ll bet, back in those days, there was a large contingent of weirdos who liked fucking these PT Barnum types, doubtless a result of generations of brother-sister incest. Nowadays of course, we have our peaceful cousins to carry on that tradition, cousin-marrying, unnecessarily mutant child producing, NHS resource wasting vermin that they are.

      • The only person who’d sexually harass this hypocritical, hyper-ego’d, horrible harpee is Stevie fucking Wonder after a decade of abstinence.

      • Oh Thomas , i thought i was going to see some Photo shop porn of Lily Allen

    • I may be an arsehole , but I swear in never touched the ugly cow. I’ll sue the bitch unless I get a retraction.

  9. I bet it was one of those refugees she’s got living in her house.
    Maybe she could do a swap with Gary Taxdodger?

  10. I like dogs most dog breeds but I just hate pitbulls and they should all be killed they are a violent dangerous animal with nigger-like faces that terrorise and rip the face off of toddlers

    Why are there so many pitbull defenders out there this is a toxic dog breed ffs thugs, pikeys and criminals love the pitbull enuff said

    • oooooooooooooooooooooooooh beg to differ the most gentle animals and with a temperament second to none and you go blame the pikeys for bad tarmac

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