Quora: The site that has the answers to everything fucking retarded.
With tens millions of repetitive emotional squirter’s and their questions about gun laws, white guilt, privilege, and racism that literally sucks the will to live right out of any intelligent person’s soul.
“If I collected five black friends and two of them turned out to be white (something that actually happens in America) and one of them was an “acting white” and the other two weren’t actually born on the African continent but were born in Walla Walla Washington – Should I still feel white guilt over something that happened over 150 fucking years ago?”
My answer: Just suck their dicks snowflake and get on with life.
“Who’s adopted (purchased) more black children Madonna or Sandra Bullock?” (Bullock who has two black children and uses them as bookends)
My answer: Jesus H Christ blacks aren’t collectible items you fucking bowls of vaginal discharge!
Quora: The place where pretentious narcissistic societal hanger-ons go to dress up their meaningless existences and literally waste every free second that they have in echo chambers of their own opinions. And then ask,
(real questions)
“Why am I stupid?”
“What does it feel like to be stupid?”
I don’t know you tell me.
Quora: The poster site for stupid cunts who love to hear themselves talk. (and everyone else wants to get away from at parties)
Nominated by BluntCunt
I thought that it was some foul bean paste that veggies ate.
Nah…orange squash for snowflakes, innit?
A portmanteau of Quosh and Kia Ora?
Solid cunting. Quora is the blind reading the blind…cheered on by the deaf and applauded by the dumb.
Speaking of which General here’s the latest craze we’re importing from your side of the pond, ‘drag clapping’
Wow. I first saw this on Ben shapiro’s Daily Wire and it was taking place at some Univerisity for the Terminally Stupid where there’s was only one deaf person in an audience of 500.
Fat fingers. I meant deaf clapping
Actually, this is a very old concept. American Indians had a version of sign language. Spanish conquistadors encountered it when the first ventured onto the Plains. And French fur traders and Mountain Men used it to communicate with the Indians they encountered as well.
This version…if I remember correctly was codified sometime in the middle of the 19th century to enable deaf people to communicate. (It’s base is English.). I have no problem with that.
Our fucking cunt politicians, ivory tower cunt educators and all the libtard cunt snowflakes have corrupted it’s original intent and now use it as one of the virtues needed to signal their inclusivity. I reply in the manner they promote.
So let me get this straight. The mutton fella sitting next to you can’t hear (clearly) but also can’t see when you open and close your arms in quick succession making your hands meet each time. But… he can see you better if you display some seriously questionable jazz hands that kinda looks like your signaling the guy in the bushes that it’s his turn in 5 minutes. And they find this respectable ? Why don’t you just pat the fucker on the head for good measure whilst doing a subterranean homesick blues get up where every card says ‘clap (I’m clapping if you couldn’t tell)’ . These people really do need shooting.
These people do need shooting. (Actually, they needed to be aborted but it’s too late for that.)
I think perhaps it would be more effective if we hooked both the mutton and the virtue signaler up to a mutual series of electric wires and they communicated by zapping each other.
⚡. ?. ?
I thought the Grauniad comments section was the place to go for white/male/straight/western self-loathing bedwetter’s looking to reinforce their victimhood status.
BBC six o’clock news was : Item 1 whites are racist, windrush darkies want compensation. Item 2 muzzies killing each other in Afghanistan. Item 3 ‘British’ muzzies dead in Mecca. To be honest I really couldn’t give a shit.
There is only one way to permanently cure these self-hating pussies. Send all of them to live in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or any other Stone-Age Muzzie shithole for a minimum period of 4 weeks. I call this Shock Therapy. Let them experience the life without freedoms of the West, booze, smartphones, internet, and Western technology.
Can’t speak for the Guardian Rag but Quora is vomit inducing.
Snowflake #1: If I’m a white male who identifies as a Black female, which one…black or trans…ranks higher in the New World Order’s hierarchy of victimhood?
Quora: If it’s raining in Milwaukee then Quinoa is on sale. But actually, none of the Smiths were left handed.
Snowflake 1: Thank you so much for your answer I shall retreat to my safe space and find comfort in my solitude.
Snowflake 2: Solitude.? You non-inclusive Islamophobe!
Snowflake 3: We need to shame this hater on Cuntbook…Twatter…Shitchat and all of social media.
Snowflake 4: You are correct. Zhe is a hater who shouldn’t be allowed to spout zher hate.
Snowflake 5: Who is that strange old Man in the blue Civil War uniform? He’s wearing a floppy hat and has a mustache. Why is he pointing a gun at us?
Snowflake 6: Run for your safe spaces and call your therapists while I write in to Quora and ask what to do.
A slice of genius General me auld sausage! ?
Pity it’s true. ?
Luckily I have no idea what this shite is.
First I thought it was some shaped fungi eating group.
Then I thought it must be some cunt “peaceful” group.
Alas no, it’s the neo-liberal group-think search/answers engine.
No doubt there are filters/scrubbers on there to avoid any kind of meaningful question like: “How many immigrants is too many?”
Or: “Why is Hillary Clinton such a fucking cunt?”
Or: “If CERN found the God particle how many Quora users would think it racist?”
It’s bad enough being force fed “right-on” bullshit by the existing online (anti)social meejah outlets without having one that cuts out the middle man and heads straight to cunt!
Amir Khan ? Fucking cunt or what? Apparently, last night he “made a statement”.
Yeah, …… I’ve just ripped you off you muggy cunts.
40 seconds? 40 cunting seconds? I could have done better than that. At least I would have moved around the ring , not stood there and let the cunt have a free pop.
Mind you, anything involving the Hearns has got to be bent. Would you buy a second hand car from that pair of cunts?
Pity Terry Marsh didn’t do a good job eh!
That was Frank Warren, another money grabbing bent cunt.
Mind you, if crooks like Warren and the Hearns had been born in different circumstances they would be in the House of Lords by now.
Frank Maloney would still be a filthy degenerate pervert though.
Ah yes, Frank Warren, now there is a cunt!
I would advise anyone seeking an answer to ANYTHING should just visit this site. A lot of helpful, well intentioned and straight to the point advice given for free. I was on the verge of stepping off a cliff when somebody gave me their phone with ISAC on to look at. All the medicine anyone needs.
I put on a film about Alexander the Great. Another one of The Gays apparently. I had no idea. Give Hollywood enough time and every man of note will either be one of The Gays or a dark gentleman… I wonder what poor Prince Philip will be when they get round to making a film about him? It’s to be hoped he croaks soon,before he has to attend the Royal Premier of a film portraying him as a coalman who uses the back entrance…I really can’t imagine that he’d approve.
I’ve put the telly off.That gay,Irish sounding,weedy-looking Alexander the Great can get fucked….Conquer the world? He’d get his head kicked in if he brought his mincing ways to my local.
I believe he really did have a boyfriend Dick.
Yes it was Anthony Hopkins.
I’m really not too suprised,the Greeks are a nation of lazy,greasy perverts. I’m just suprised that they ever summon up the energy to fuck anything….Greek food is nasty oily shite too.
Retsina’s pretty dire as well…
Have to disagree Dick. Proper Greek food is great but shouldn’t be confused with the shite that pauses for it in the UK. Ditto Indian food.
And the real problem with Greeks is that they’re a nation of tax dodgers. The ones I know – in Greece-work bloody hard. The lazy ones are the ones who come here to rape the benefits system like a hell of a lot of our EU cultural enrichment
True enough,D. My opinion of them is slightly clouded by a brush with their legal system,short incarceration and subsequent deportation from their fair land.
Is there any great name in history that wasn’t bent these days? There’s a bunch of “historians” in America who have “irrefutable evidence” that Mrs. Lincoln often had to go without because Old Abe was cruising the gay bars of war time Washington. ( there were a lot of soldiers in Washington at that time)
What next? Churchill taking it up the bumhole?
Why not? Seemed like a nice boy… bumming compulsory at Harrow.
My great/great grandad was with Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
……actually he was on a camping holiday, & just popped his head out of the
tent, to see what all the fucking noise was about, when some cunt shot him!
Just read that Verne “Mini Me” Troyer has sadly turned his tiny toes up.
Possibly from shame at having appeared in those fucking awful Austin Powers films…
He died after a short illness!
Q. What’s yellow and shoots Indians?
A. General Custard
I’ll get my coat…….