Today from the land of the progressives and the home of eugenics it’s time for an Emergency cunting for the “Dead Baby Mill” otherwise known as Planned Parenthood.
These (alledged) murdering cunts are (allegedly) coming for your children…more specifically (and allegedly) your little girls…and they’re (allegedly) coming now. In a supreme act of cuntishness…above and beyond the call of normal cuntitude…the (alleged) purveyors of extermination (allegedly) targeted your little girl for induction into the ranks of the Feminazis.
A Planned Parenthood Keystone branch…(so named because it is located in the “Keystone” state of Pennsylvania)…today called on the Disney Corporation…(note; NOT allegedly)…to get in line with their New World Order agenda by issuing the following tweet:
“We need a disney princess who’s had an abortion.
We need a disney princess who’s pro choice.
We need a disney princess who’s an undocumented immigrant.
We need a disney princess who’s actually a union worker.
We need a Disney princess who’s trans.”
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is an organization of (alleged) baby killers whose (alleged) real interest is in (allegedly) controlling and (allegedly) manipulating the lower classes by (allegedly) killing their offspring…(allegedly) for profit.
Although they claim to be a non profit, they crank out abortions faster than a Ford assembly line in the early 20th century. And they take all forms of insurance payments as well as government subsidies and presumably cash. Founded by that filthy cunt Margaret Sanger they are responsible (note; NOT allegedly) for millions of deaths and all in the name of “a woman’s right” to control her own body.
Not content with indoctrinating grown women and vulnerable teens they are now coming after your little girl through one of the most cherished of American institutions…Disney.
Although there is much to cunt on these despicable cunts…I will shorten this cunting by simply saying this…no matter how you feel about abortion…no matter how you feel about Disney…targeting little girls in this manner is beyond revolting. And you can see from the list of points…it’s a progressive, new world order agenda that they’re really pushing.
It’s got nothing to do with a “woman’s right to choose”. They are just the useful idiots needed to be their foot soldiers. Its really all about the progressives right to control your lives and the lives of everyone other than themselves.
Of course within hours of the tweet the outpouring from regular people was so immense that the cowardly progressive cunts at Planned Parenthood took down their post. However, diligent citizens captured it with screenshots and if/when this nomination gets posted I will add the link to the captured page for all to see.
I wish to God the parents of Planned Parenthood employees had followed the advice their progressive/feminazi children now so cowardly advocate. But since they didn’t and these cunts are out there trying to poison our children with their brave new world bullshit I proudly shout it to the stars above me…
Planned Parenthood is a cunt!
Nominated by General Cuntster
I don’t really understand just what aspect of their services it is that you are Cunting, General. I’ve just had a quick look and they seem to be an orginisation which facilitates abortion for women who choose to have an abortion. Can’t see any harm in that,so presumably there is more to it than I can see?
The way I read it they are pushing their agenda that abortion and transgender, eh,… people?should be seen as normal and are wanting to force Disney into being their tool because most kids lap up everything Disney and will get with the program.
Myself, I’m anti abortion.
If someone has an abortion, it’s nuffin to do with me but I ain’t gonna respect them for killing a life no matter how young it is.
There are many reasons for a female (?) to have an abortion and I know that the world is over populated but in my heart, I can’t condone the killing of any innocent life…… be they children or animals.
I don’t give a fuck about a lot of things, but life is all we’ve got and it shouldn’t be treated as something that can be flushed away.
Anyway…………. I’ll get my hard hat ?
I’d probably be best served keeping out of this.
Dick , I’d hazard a guess and say the aspect of his cunting is not the pro/cons of abortion but the fact 1 side is trying to influence the most impressionable people in society to grow up with their own held beliefs by using the stratospheric cuntery of Disney.
the other side sit outside these clinics and threaten attendees I think so ones more local scale the others more long term
might be wrong but that’s how I read it
one things correct for sure in that post , the left are not always the drivers of the social engineering that’s going on but the handy useful idiots who implement it as they think its their idea in the first place the daft cunts
I’ll stick my oar in and state that, in my somewhat unpleasant opinion, almost all people should be sterilised, especially those of an all-year-tan persuasion. African blacks first. Then middle-eastern muzzies. Not forgetting poor white scum too.
Forecasts for population growth are terrifying and its almost all poor, uneducated darkies that will be filling already overpopulated countries with their idle grasping hands.
Quite how there hasn’t been a global disease cataclysm that wipes out 90% of people is beyond me.
I seem to recall that you “had high hopes for AIDS”, Mr F? I chortled at the time, because I was planning to write almost exactly that, but you were a little quicker off the mark.
Something will come along though, I’m sure of it. I just worry for my kids about the colossal overpopulation problem (as well as all the other problems assailing the western world).
Spot on post Thomas, it’s partly why the wife and I decided not to pursue parenthood 25 years ago. Only regretted it occasionally, very slightly… the cash saved has been invested to pay for care if we can’t, or don’t end up topping ourselves first…
Sorry, that last bit should have read “if we can’t care for ourselves, or don’t end up topping ourselves first.”
It was me pinning my hopes on AIDS only to be bitterly disappointed with the final outcome. Anyway – there is always hope in genetic mutation……
As for deploying the Hoover up the uterus I have to say I am all for it – the more the better. All of these people are a bunch of cunts and, in any sensible regime, would have either have been terminated or sterilised.
Seeing as we missed the perfect solution then the fallback of sterilisation is the next best thing.
I’m staying the fuck away from this one too.
A nationwide cull specifically aimed at Cunts would appear to be the only sensible way forward now.
It’s not that they offer abortions that’s the issue, it’s that they actively promote abortion as a healthy lifestyle choice and as something to be admired. Plus they advocate for a variety of other loony left causes we’re all familiar with.
Planned Parenthood are a far more insidious organisation than assisting abortion, they have their fingers in all of the libtard pies and dole out monies towards those leftist causes like DACA, etc.
If they stuck to the agenda that their title indicates, ordinary folk wouldn’t consider them with the disdain that they do.
I am pro choice when it comes to this issue but Planned Parenthood goes way beyond that remit.
Abortion is a major fucking issue in the US. Clinics get bombed and medical staff have been assassinated. It’s all about religion of course.
We don’t feel like that over here General although perhaps we should. I think most blokes, at least, have very little idea of what actually happens in an abortion or the ethical issues involved.
I would recommend a film ( it’s on YouTube) called “The Silent Scream.” It might change your mind about abortion.
I should warn you that you need a strong stomach to see it through to the end.
Seen the type of thing Freddie and I haven’t the stomach to see it again. I remember a US clinic, a doctor doing an interview explaining on one floor they were trying like fuck to save early / premature babies less than the weight of a bag of sugar – and four floors up they were cutting older stage babies to bits with scissors on the termination floor.
Ok, for what its worth heres my take. A termination that takes place to save either the womans life or preventing a severely disabled child I can just about agree with. Using abortion as a contraception fall back is not on (IMHO). I would have every fucking dindoo and immigrant, parking stanleys in particular, gelded or knotted after 2 and no fucking more. I have watched and experienced the effects of first cousin marriages in my small mill town and the fucking money we pour into helping these cunts. Not content with having one on the spectrum I have seen 4 (regularly) with maladies that are consistent with inbreeding – its expensive to keep the cunts – its cradle to grave constant care. The reason why Africunts and Stanleys cant make any fucking progress and are forever hands out with the begging bowl. Either about to drop, just dropped or ripe for Abdul to empty his sack in. Westerners, by and large, excluding the sink estate skanks know their limit. Why should our taxes and resources go to pay for third world dindoos who breed like fucking rats expecting someone else to pick up their tab. Cunts.
Off topic,
Slight uncunting for Lord Sugar please. He has allegedly penned a little ditty to everyone’s favourite cunt, Jeremy Dustbin. It’s a wonderful little ode, slagging off the bearded allotment owning commie. Covering in verse such topics as his dress sense, shagging the flabbotopumus and his love of all things red, including the Arse.nal, now I’d post a link but I’m not that PC literate.
It’s on Twatter and SLY News if Cunters want to take a look. It made me chuckle.
For your pleasure…
???? bravo Mr sugar.
I may love West Ham when they give Palace a whacking but the following week they are the same bastards they always were and always will be.
Fuck Sugar. No uncunting in Freddie’s pond.
Fair snuff Freddie, I only said slight uncunting, I’ve no real time for the cockney barrow boy made good…
Had one of his AMSTRAD computers back in the late eighties and all the effing thing did was chew up the cassette tapes that had to be used to load games up. Spent more time un winding reams of magnetic tape from getting jammed in the mechanism than being able to play Daly Thompsons decathlon, Magic Miner or Horace goes Skii-ing.
I put most of my distrust in IT today down to the experiences with Sugars computer shit back then.
Found it thanks to ruff tuff v below. Ace cunting Leonardo – not much time for Sugar – I once sat in the directors box at Preston NE v Spurs in a cup match (Sol Campbell was the dirtiest cunt I saw for ages – never even picked up a yellow) – a mate got us a pair of tickets. I was sat a row behind Sugar and a ton of his hook nosed mates – he turned to me at half time (the cunt actually thought he knew me personally) and said “Hello me old mate – how are you”? Fine I said thank you. “Good, good, we will have a glass of something expensive and some nibbles after the match – see you later in the sponsors lounge” – sounds like a plan says I. I didn’t bother with the after match drinky poos but I was dying to know who the fuck he thought I was. The answer came after the match from one of his cronies – he thought I was Peter Jones (he of dragons den). Still a massive cunt for flogging me an Amstrad tower unit Hi fi thingy – it was fucking pony.
Many moons ago back when I followed the ‘beautiful’ game I watched Jurgen the diving German make his debut playing for the spuds in a pre-season friendly at Watfords vicarage road, when Sugar was the spuds chairman.
He did score and performed what became his trademark faux dive in celebration. Now I’m neither a Spud or Hornets fan, but my abiding memory of the game were the Watford crowd singing
Chimchiminee chimchiminee chim chim cheroo….oh klinsmanns a nazi and sugars a jew…..
So there is ZERO misunderstandijng…
I am absolutely opposed to abortion as a means of birth control. It is absolutely barbaric and mortally indefensible.
I support it if and only if the mother’s life, health or physical well being is in danger. And I don’t mean her self esteem is damaged because of the shame of being a single mother. The mother must always come first.
Regardless of whether you love Disney or loathe Disney…regardless of whether you revere Disney or revile them…they are adored by millions of impressionable children. The should not be used to enlist impressionable minds and promote social engineering in furtherance of the (evil) Progressive Agenda.
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of abortion…every cunter here can under stand the implications of a transgender Disney Princess or an illegal alien Disney Princess. But a union Disney Princess? WTF is that all about? Meghan fucking Markel needs a union?
This shit is right out of Hitler, Marx and Soros!
The above comment is a reply to Thomas the Cunt Engine’s comment.
That rapacious celebrislag, Scarlett Johansscunt, is a big planned parenthood cheerleader… Either they paid her what she wanted or -like her ‘commitment’ to Time’s Up – it’s to cover some possibly past dubious behaviour on her part… What a cunt…
Good Evening, Norman. Sorry to change the subject,but any thoughts on these half and half scarfs? Or “celebrity football supporters like Little Mix?
Perrie Edwards angers fans with her SCARF while supporting Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain at Liverpool match
Read more:
Evening, Dickie… Well, anyone in Knickerless Mix is a thick slag with a brain the size of a walnut… So such stupidity is to be expected… Perrie Edwards a Koppite? The daft bitch won’t even know who Steven Gerrard is, never mind Dalglish, Keegan, or Shanks… I am no LFC fan, but I know they don’t take kindly to nu-footie showbiz clueless cunts like her…
As for half/half scarves? Any cunt who wears one should be fucking hung with it…
Toby Anstiss once wore a half ‘n’ half Rangers /Ce+*×car shirt before the Scottish cup final.
Cunters are wondering who the fuck Toby Anstiss is……… And Toby Anstiss is celebrating a mention……
Why the fuck would anyone wear a half ‘n half? Surely if you’ve gone to the bother of going to a game you support one team or the other,not fucking both?
PS….. That little chubby one out of Little Minx/Mix would be welcome in my cage anytime.
Some wimmin, and I mean this kindly, are born blessed with the face of a whoooorrr!!!!!
Yup, right on Norman. Imagine walking down Warwick Road at the height of our infamy with a half n half hanging from your wrist (we were cunts;-)
Outside OT is full of made for the day scarves of whoever we are playing with slanty eyed fuckers lapping up the half United – half any cunt fiver a time scarves. Would be hung from the swing bridge in my day. Apologies for guessing you were around in those heady days of feather cuts, 24″ parallels, George, Denis and Sir Bobby 😉
If we’re going to talk about old Manchester United players, why not Gordon McQueen?
Or more importantly, his daughter Hayley.
She was on the radio last night and as I’m a seedy cunt I Googled her.
Jeezo bambino……. What a doll!!!!……. What an absolute stunner!!!!! ????
I made my parenthood plans at an early age and they were very simple – I wasn’t having any. I can’t stand children. If the nearest kid was a hundred miles away it’d be too damn close.
Presumably this organisation exists to oppose the anti-abortion nutters in the states. The ones who believe everyone’s got to think the same as they do. If they just kept their nose out of other people’s business there’d be no trouble.
The gun settles all this shit.
Just been to the supermarket.
Quiet evening, not many cunts to piss me off.
I enter an aisle and there he is…… the fuckin security guard.
The cunt is staring at me and I’m staring right fuckin back. We both start walking towards each other at a slow pace never taking an eye of each other. Then just as he’s passing me, he stops and he fuckin looks in my fuckin basket.
What a fuckin prick!!!!!
This happens often to me and this probably belongs in the ‘stop and search’ cunting.
Who the fuck do these security guards think they are?
Especially the twenty sumfins with the marine haircut and rolled up sleeves on a short sleeve shirt.
Did it read in his profiling class to look for a cunt trying to buy tomatoes and herbs?
Jobsworth cunt!!!!!!!!
Perhaps it was the pyjamas, beard and rucksack?
Fucking cardboard coppers…….
I’m very pro so will keep a low profile on this one.
Nowt wrong with that – its what makes this little oasis in a desert of despair what it is 😉
The Crafty Cockney has just left us with a 60 check-out. Man was an enormously arrogant cunt, but it made me like him all the more for it.
Circumstance is a cunt.
It’s circumstance that’s kept me and Kelly Brook apart all these years.
Just had a look at today’s Sun and she’s on page three.
Fuckin circumstance……
Alice Eve topless on page 11
I’m going to do myself a mischief.
(if yous can cover BBC, politics and Newsnight, I can cover delicious tarts)
Do yourself all the mischief you want Birdman, no one would begrudge you this.
RIP Eric Bristow.
Like him or loathe him, a fucking mint dart player.
Used to drink in his Crafty Cockney Pub in Burslem (Stoke) in my formative years. He and Maureen Flowers (who were an item at the time) were good people.
Tight as a fishes arse and hated losing on anything to anyone.
I’ll miss him if no other cunt does!
Hard to dislike Eric Bristow.
Shame that.
RIP Eric – in his day a fucking legend. Seen him a couple of times at Sportsmans dinners. Told some great dits, one about Jockey Wilson shitting himself at the okey.
Was it him or Jockey that had a condition where they couldn’t release the dart? It fucked one of them up for a while – unless my memory is as fucked as I think it might be.
Bristow had “dartitus” where he couldn’t release the dart properly. The nearest thing I can think of to this is the yips in golf.
Even so, it didn’t stop Eric from reaching the 1990 BDO Final against Phil Taylor (who Bristow had coached and sponsored to become a professional “arrow chucker”).
Taylor himself says that he owes Eric Bristow everything in his professional career – even though he stopped having to pay the percentage after his 2nd world title!
He came across as an arrogant cunt – and he was (not without merit) – but he was a generous cunt at the same time.
I’ll miss the fucker on the telly telling it “like it is” that’s for sure.
Along with Ray Wikins, another good sportsman gone… RIP Eric…
All we have now are sportscunts… Mo Somalicunt, Misery Andy Murray, Lewis Hamilton, those England ‘Lionesses’ bints, that Wiggins cunt, Pep Guardiola and his Gorton Globetrotters… What a load of cunts….