Actor Idris Elba took to Twitter saying his heart was heavy: “Rest in peace Mama Winnie. My heart is heavy right now. You lived a full and important life contributing to the liberation of a nation by force and ACTUAL ACTIVISM. You will never be forgotten.”
’nuff said. Bloke’s a cunt.
Nominated by Dioclese
Proper cunt now but give him his due, was good in the wire. Should have stayed dead though after Omar capped his black ass.
He went seriously doolally after Luther.
Yeah but he makes cracking ginger beer!
Had a can just this weekend.
Who is this cunt? Until a couple of years ago i’d never heard of him, now he’s everywhere. Obviously he fits nicely into the luvvie neoliberal agenda.
Like Jamie fucking Oliver a lucky fucking cunt who happened to be standing in the right place at the right time.
If someone ever puts one of Dunlop’s finest, filled with petrol round his neck he’ll know just how heavy a heart can get.
Meanwhile, South Africa goes from strength to strength.
If Idris is so keen on actual activism why doesn’t he go and dig a well for poor old Bogwana or whatever his fucking name is ? Save him some shoe leather, oh I forgot, he hasn’t got any.
Fuck off Idris, you cunt
I think the woman on the right has got a butt plug in, judging by the look on her face.
Good in the wire. I thought Luther was shite. However, sucking up to this repugnant creature makes him an utter cunt.
Cunt he undoubtedly is but at least he isn’t Lenny fucking Henry.
Anyone that goes from the wire to a sky advert deserves all the cunting brought forward.
Lenny Henry had a ten minute stint on breakfast TV last week and to be truthful, I laughed for the full ten minutes, after Susanna Reid described him as a comedian.
As for Idris, should’ve packed it in after the Halifax ads….
I wonder what his view (as a London native) is about all his fellow “bruvvas” knifing the shit out of each other and doing drive-bys. I’ll bet London now resembles a scene from ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’.
You know that Chelski player Victor Moses? I remember seeing a picture of him in the papers about a year or so back and the angle it was taken and with the hairdo that he had, he looked like a spitting image out of the original films. I’m not kidding, he had the exact same hairdo as them!
You’ve no idea.
There are places in London that resemble legit fucking zulu warzones – Harlesden, Rotherhithe, East Ham, Peckham to name a few. Every day for the last 10 years at least, the queue at Becket House immigration office in London Bridge has doubled in on itself, full of eager new recruits ready to enrich the capital with their all-encompassing and enlightened ways of living.
London’s streets are now paved with human shit, of all shades and backgrounds.
You’re not wrong Empire. I was born in Harlesden, Stonebridge Park to be exact. It’s hell on earth.
I wouldn’t go back there unless I was in a tank, with extensive air support.
For those unfamiliar with the area, Brixton is like St Tropez in comparison….
Just had a look on Google earth cuntley….the ” demographic ” is quite different from up here in scotchland. Slowly changing though…..
I’m originally from Lewisham/Catford way, or, ‘Little Mogadishu’ as it’s now known.
Harrow is another 3rd world shit hole now…… even more than it was when I left 18 years ago…..
People have the wrong impression of Harrow. There’s the public school and a few nice houses on the hill and people think it’s posh. It ain’t.
Taking into account all the London boroughs and Harrow is joint third with Newham in terms of non whites.
What was once, one of the more desirable London boroughs now resembles downtown Islamabad.
It’s a fucking shithole….
Idris! How could you? How could you go bigging up this evil POS just because of her skin colour?
Am I the only one who’s noticed that the truly class acts in Hollywood, or those who keep their cuntitude under wraps, are the ones who keep out of politics, don’t do any of the ‘Right on’ bollocks, or the virtual signalling or any of that shit?
Idris Elba? Sounds like a brand of sparkling fruit drink made from peaches and bananas.
If such a thing existed, you know that Diane Abbott would drink it by the quart.
Winniebago Mandelahouse was an evil fucking cuntbag. Apparently she was good buddies with Fred West and they shared many a DIY tip; one notable gem was how best to build a patio foundation when one had accidentally ordered too little a load of concrete.
And by the way Idris, it’s not a “box set”, it’s a BOXED set, you ignorant little arsewipe…
As I’ve said before, these egg and spoons overlook anything when it’s done by one of their own… The mob adulation and hero worship in Brixton of rapist, Mike Tyson, comes to mind… And this Idris cunt is no different with Winnie… But imagine if a white celebrity openly condoned kidnap. torture, and necklacing…. We would never hear the last of it… But Idris will get away with it… Why? ‘Cause he fuckin’ black! The fucking cunt…
Egg and spoons… never heard that one before!
I’ve generally gone for ‘gun triggers’.
Top selection for a cunting on this bastard-featured arch-cunt.
This fucker has become the champion for minorities to shoehorn race into any discussion on film, tv etc. Now gladly taking that mantle, there is an increased political slant to this fucker’s already unbearable posturing.
Here’s a handy rule-of-thumb for any wide-eyed rookie cunters who want to know how to separate the cunt wheat from the chaff. Any fucker who does not hold Winnie Mandela in utter contempt as nothing more than a deranged fucking terrorist is, automatically and without exception, an oak-smoked cured shitcunt of the very highest calibre. Idris neatly falls into that category; although to be fair he was already in exalted cunt company for a lifetime of being an insufferable fucking cunt.
Every time this faux-chirpy wisecracking cunt appears on TV, I am left comtemplating whether my fist could go clean through the LCD screen and emerge unscathed on the other side. The temptation gets ever stronger and now, all it will take is this fuck-faced cunt to appear, wanking geezer lyrical about Sky after I’ve had a really bad day, and the poor old Sony Bravia fill get an epic fisting; the like of which not seen since the halycon days of Michael Barrymore’s swimming pool.
I’ve got a Sony Bravia (circa 2007) and it’s fucking ace!
Get an HDD Recorder – you’ll never have to watch live TV again – skip thru or delete adverts, consigns screen fisting to the dustbin of history.
Those cunts at Google have posted a kindly-looking drawn image of the dead, murderous fucking hag on their home page as a tribute.
Well fuck right off Google and rot in hell Winniecunt. Fucking utter shitfucks.
I am checking myself on a minutely basis, just to make sure that I am really seeing this outpouring of grief for an evil fucking witch, and yes it is actually happening.
This cunt has been legally connected with death of Stompie Moeketsi, for one. Championing ‘necklacing’ for another. I honestly thought that the veneration of modern tyrants was limited to Bristol Uni students wearing pop-art Chairman Mao hoodies.
Are we that guilty in the West that we will laud blacks regardless of their fucking evils?
Except that it’s not Winnie Mandela. It’s Dr Maya Angelou. It’s her 90th birthday.
Confession time. I only found out when I clicked on the link as an afterthought. Unfortunately, I had already written a wrathful tirade directed at Google, but fortunately not sent it yet. Still, that’s an hour I’ll never get back.
Throws the saying, “they all look the same to me right out the fucking window”
Not sure they posted any link to the recent Easter Christian holiday though eh? ?
Benedict Cuntberbatch (although admittedly a cunt) says the word ‘coloured’ and he is hauled over the coals by the social media libfuck savages… Liam Neeson says that the Me Too slags are a knee-jerk misandrist mob and he gets more or less the same treatment… Yet Idris Arsehole openly condones a practice of summary execution and torture: carried out by forcing a rubber tyre, filled with petrol, around a victim’s chest and arms, and setting it on fire, and he victim may take up to 20 minutes to die, suffering severe burns in the process?!!
The libfuck snowflake scum pat him on the back and shout ‘Hallelujah. Brother! Right on!’
The liberal left are the scum of the earth…
I’m not surprised at all. Our society has been taken over by a religion that mandates the native whites must bow down before negro cock.
Mass immigration has changed almost everything; in the twenty-first century, London vibrates with murders, gang-rapes and acid-attacks.
If he’d carried on going to ‘kollij’ and not undermined Avon barksdale the chances are he would still be alive and a very wealthy fellow today.
I want to stick up for him cos he’s a Londoner and us cockney cunts stick up for each other but, gnashing and wailing over Winnie Mandela puts him firmly in the right side of my mental ‘cunt Venn diagram’
Google deserve a mega cunting in their own right for lauding that piece of shit.
Unusually I am lost for words so someone else will have write it up.
I’ve recovered my powers of speech and submitted my first nomination. Jesus H fucking Christ on a bike. This is obscene.
Nice one Pedantic. I was getting concerned for you there.
The only thing I’ve seen him in is Pacific Rim (not actually a porn flick but a sort of more stylish version of those godawful Transformers films) and that fucking Sky advert.
The dream James Bond for idiot snowflakes and cunts…
I think that was some Grauniad / al Beeba bollocks a few years ago.
Iris Elbow for James Bond (‘cos he is black. Er, no other reason sorry)
and the next Dr Who HAD to be a woman (‘cos she is a woman. Er, no other reason sorry).
Well, a decent James Bond would have shot Windbag Mandela right in the cunt, from a 1,000 yards/metres decades ago. Using a heavily disguised chair leg or some such load of wank.
“Now pay attention 007. Your new equipment. Looks just like a standard 14 inch vibrating monster, but actually it’s filled with high explosive. Just press the button, insert and run like fuck…”
“And James… good luck”
On the subject of Winnie Mandela. / Idris Irritant. Anyone who lauds the “acheivements” of this black whore is a cunt, an ignorant cunt, and a fucking useless cunt. Is he a good actor? I don’t give a fuck. The fact that the stupid cunt thinks that mass murder, barbarism and racial incitement are elements of a “good news story” is complicit in my books and needs rogered with a rusty tram line. Good cunting Dio,, so well deserved. He’s a cunt!
Cunts like Elba make a very comfortable living reciting the words of professional writers, pretending to be some other cunt, and doing what directors tell them to do in front of a camera.
Most do the job very well, but that’s all they do.
So why are their personal opinions afforded so much more weight than those of any other cunt randomly plucked off the street?
Celebricunts and their personal prejudices are a menace to society and should be made to fuck right off.
If I wish to see a genuinely great and intelligent actor I need look no further than your avatar. Excellent choice RTC.
We’re all “in The Village” now…
Be seeing you Mr B.
Like he’d have ever made it as James Bond?
Wasn’t/is he shagging Mad-dogga as well?
In “Pacific Rim” he has the privilege of being both the token black and token Brit…
Sometime ago , there were suggestions that Idris Elba should be the next James Bond. In that case, Timothy Spall should do the Shaft remake
Wow… actors actually using their status and influence to make a difference in the world. How dare he?
He should just go home and sit behind his computer and spew the word ‘cunt’ and horrifically racist insults at anyone he doesn’t like, like a true intellectual in the ‘political know’.