Today I am in “activist mode”, and I am going to cunt “designer dogs” and the people who buy/breed the fucking things.
I am by nature a dog lover (because I think humans are cunts) all of my dogs have been rejects, a failed pedigree (white spot on paw) black lab £25 RSPCA, and recently a Pedigree Racing Greyhound rescue £200 donation ( pulled tendon, due for euthanasia/ export to asian meat market)
As a Dog owner I end up talking to people about their precious fur babies, I am also regularly informed on how much said shit bag cost, £700 to £?000 in quite a few cases and I find myself thinking, its a fucking mongrel, a cavapoo is a spaniel poodle cross breed like wise a fucking labradoodle is a mongrel.
How can you justify spending that much money on a mutt? do you know that by doing so you are just encouraging shitty puppy farms and dog knapping,
What a bunch of cunts.
Nominated by. Common Sense.
Breed a mongrel, give it a wanky name. Sell it to a mug for a fortune.
Brilliant marketing.
Wish I’d thought of it.
Agreed JRC ,
It’s Uber fashionable at the moment, my local parks full of these crossbred dogs, my friends ahead of the game and has been trying to mate his cocker spaniel with a chicken?
in the vain hope of producing a cockadoodledo …. ?
Lived abroad in two cuntries, both seemed obsessed with “handbag” dogs – chihuahuahahahbloodyhas and Pomeranians.
I wonder if the poor dogs ever got the chance to stretch their legs, and have a really good crap on the pavements. I suppose, though, it’s a good way of discouraging theft from handbags, if you end up with old dogshit halfway up your arm…
Or better still rabies!
Ideally both of course…
I recently bought the wife a little bulldog puppy, and surprisingly, despite all the slobbering and pissing on the kitchen floor occasionally, the dog seems to quite like her….
Rather sadly, our dog became rather ill, the dog trust that we got her from were aware and they had a customer return ( the adoption policy states that although you own the dog you can not sell or dispose of the dog, it must be returned to the trust) The owner had died and the dog was returned to the trust on saturday and we collected her on sunday. the dog was free.
Ditto CS they are rescue greyhounds, sad thing we found out today was obviously the eldest dog must have been subject to severe doping in her career, it took 3 injections to put her to sleep, a killing dose for a 25kg dog just put her to sleep, the second dose did not do much but she died during the third dose, the vets had never seen anything like it, (she had cancer)
My actual condolences. Had to put my old girl down in March for cancer (plus an array of other probs, won’t bore with the morbid details) and it’s the absolute shits. Necessary, but gutting.
Sorry to hear that LB
Had dogs all my life and having them put to sleep is horrible…
Agree, I’ve had to put down nine dogs & cats, and have always felt worse about them than when any human I know has died. Maybe it’s cos animals are so dependant and innocent and trusting and rarely treat me like a cunt.
True RTC….
not only dependant on you but also so trusting of you, it’s the day every owner dreads…… ?
I would have put my ex-wife down well before my cat and with much less crying. Even with the animal’s best interests at heart it really is a massive shot to the heart.
We have 2 rescue dogs. Cant believe prices asked for mongrels – cockadoodloos etc. Mostly handbag yappers. Bought by cunts.
There are so many dogs needing good homes that I couldn’t buy one and deny a home to a needy dog.
Breeders and the Kennel Club are callous cunts who allow genetic faults to flourish so that the dog has the perfect flat face, bug eyes etc.
Apart from the agility section, which has proper dogs doing what they love, Crufts is a cuntfest.
Same here – two rescues (a third recently deceased) in my household- pit/black lab mix and a Aussie cattle dog mix. They give me faith in the shitworld we presently occupy. Yappy shit dogs of any variety are anathema, but designer dogs are the cream of the cunt. Actually, the humans who push the industry are, but cunt rolls downhill.
I’ve had cats all my life but never bought one. My current mog has been with us for over 10 years and she adopted us as a stray, a little underfed object in our garden who eventually came to me after 2 weeks of me putting food/drink out for her. My wife would sooner have me put down, and for good reaon.
Our cats have always come from animal sanctuaries /charities, and pleased to donate generously upon collection. Cannot imagine the sort of cunt who would buy from a puppy farm, or the cat equivalent, should be outlawed, turns my stomach.
Had a gorgeous rabbit , Erik (British Giant) , via the local RSPCA warden once; she got him off the livestock market, was about to have his neck snapped and be sold by the kilo for stewing… Pet shops are cunts. Totally unnecessary.
I like dogs.
People are Cunts.
Fuck them.
Put a pedigree of one breed to a pedigree of another breed and you get a mongrel pure and simple.
The best class of mongrel tends to be a colibridor/labollie (plus or minus something else you never did identify). You never see those being punted as a designer accessory, though. That’s because they’re proper dogs.
I’ll never own a dog.
It’s not so much that I hate dogs (even though they fuckin STINK), it’s that I don’t want to turn into a “dog person”.
The kind of cunt that has no comprehension that their mutt is just vermin, like a big smelly rat, and that everyone else doesn’t share your delusion that your precious little cherub is a lovely cute baby substitute that isn’t even slightly disgusting or annoying.
I don’t hate all dog owners, I suspect many cunters here are dog lovers and will want me lynched for my views, but dogs and dog owners are all cunts (with varying degrees of severity) and they all stink like wet dog (a DISCUSTING smell that dog owners don’t seem to be able to detect. It’s on their clothes, in their houses and always wafting around their general vicinity, stinking the room out and making me want to chunder).
Sorry cunters, I’m in a bad mood today. 🙂
If it’s any consolation, I’m a cunt too. Just for different reasons.
Dog women in their 30’s are the worst:
Well that’s your invitation to Afternoon Tea at Fiddler Towers revoked. I was going to makes cucumber sandwiches and rock cakes and serve them on the patio…not now,you heathen.
Oh I was going to invite the flabboptomous as my date …. I wouldn’t want to make you jealous but the thought of having her on my arm is every man’s dream.
… the room would stop and look enviously at the wobbling mound of loveliness plodding along next to me.
I might even have let you have a go on her.
Does she have slot for 20p pieces?
You could get a bog seat up her slot…
Don’t bother coming to mine if you run out of sugar.
Maybe you prefer cats instead?
Hopefully you will retain good sight throughout your life and never need a guide dog…
Much enjoyed that rant Deploy, even though I like dogs and the way they just get on with it regardless of circumstances and rarely act like cunts, unlike their owners who are nearly all boner fide cunts. Dogs don’t whinge and feel entitled, their attitude to life reminds me of the way we were back in the 1950s/’60s… before cunts like Blair and Princess Died turned this country into an infantile gimmigrant lovin’ basket case.
I’m referring to proper dogs btw, not those small yappy fuckers.
PS: Brandon Lewis is a barefaced cunt.
Some nicely delivered perspective DTS. Dogs = stepping in dog shit and clearly not noticing until you are 4 steps inside your house.
Lots of school playing fields near me – signs saying Please No Dogs – do any of the dog owning cunts give one single fuck? Of course not – come on kids – play your rugby on dog turd city.
Ive had dogs most of my days and nothing pisses me off more when out a walk than standing on another dogs pile in the grass when going to pick up after your own dog.
Especially in winter when boots with chunky tread can collect a load easier than it parts with it. End up taken off at the door then put in garage until it dries then scrape out with designated shit removing screwdriver.
You get a dog knowing you lift it’s shit because it can’t bag it by itself. Cunts who leave it lying are cunts, especially the seasonal cunts that think they are exempt from picking up when the clocks go back at end of summer.
On the subject of designer dogs, half our fucking politicians fall into that category of bred to be, full of shite with wet noses. I see cunt Javidoo has been appointed to the rank of Gimmeegrant Chief in Charge, so you can expect many breeds to be shovelling his brown ringpiece for a bigger bone. Cunt.
They will be at him like a cockapoo bitch in heat at PMQ’s, lets hope he hasn’t forgot about some minority cunts ID papers down the back of the sofa like the last useless turd.
They are at him now on Al Beeb parliament channel covering house of commons / HoC.
My sides are bursting at the gimmiegrant lovers.
See that cunt Creasy is waiting to give us the cherry on top 😀
Crudd, Javid…fake Tories – superficially different on the outside – same empty identikit self serving cunts on the inside.
The son of an immigrant bus driver! Now, where have I heard that before….
Give me an S, Krav, give a me an A….
No, sorry. I can’t think of anyone.
Question:Does anyone know what Sadiq Khan’s Father did for a living?
…. something to do with curry?
An ingedient?
Wasn’t he just a gimmigrant sponger who skipped on & off buses all day talking to cunts he knew driving them?
I used to be a bus driver when I was about 6/7. Sat down the very front left seat, made all my own noises & everything. Never ever hit a fucking low bridge either like many silly cunts did.
The problem is the people who buy them are usually as gullible as they are thick and only want the dog as a fashion statement.
They don’t train them properly and let them run riot because of their ‘cute little faces’ couldn’t possibly do any harm.
My Rottweiler was attacked on at least three occasions by fucking Labradoodles, which seem to tick all the boxes for a dog that doesn’t respond to commands and can go from o-fucking mental in about 1.5 seconds.
My boy was trained not to react to provocation with one word, ‘ignore’. Which seemed unfair to use when some scatty cunt has just let ‘Foofykins’ try and chew lumps out of him, at least until I could administer a sharp boot to the ribs to make the little fucker back off. Personally I would have prefered to kick the owner for being a cunt, not the dog.
The dog licence should be bought back and no cunt allowed to buy a dog unless they had already re-homed one from the Dogs Trust, GAGAH, Battersea or other local dog saving charity. I like dogs, including wet ones, deploythesausage. Then again, I’ve always like wet, furry things that shudder when you rub them.
Ha ha ha ha ?
I don’t mind a growler … as long as I can get my hand back.
Sorry should’ve been “stroking a growler”.
…I can’t type and stuff my face at the same time.
Licensing would help prevent these cunts that get dangerous dogs destroyed buying another and training it to be an aggressive fucker like it’s predecessor.
I bet there were some back in the day who ‘qualified’ for waiving of their journeys fare prior to technology.
So the House of Lords has voted overwhelmingly for a meaningful vote on the final EU withdrawal deal. Lock the doors and fucking torch the joint. Traitorous fifth fucking columnists sponging off the taxpayer. The fucking enemy within. FUCK OFF FASCIST CUNTS.
If ISIS were any fucking good, they would do the snack bar routine on that House of Shit and in full session at that. ( PS. If you are reading this ISIS, Lord Greasy said that all Muslims need reamed and that big Mo is a cunt ) Just sayin.
Those cunts in the House of Cunts have done more damage to this country than ISIS could ever dream of achieving.
Utter Cunts!!! Abolish the fuckers!!
Too right, conflict of interests exist as many of the cunts have fingers in eu pies they fear could go down the pan.
Cunts are a bunch of oxygen thieves and hopefully a “Fawkes” minded cunt will sort the building proper during the refurb when in session.
I’ve mentioned it on these hallowed pages before, but it’s worthy of repeating: there’s a family of disgusting, arrogant peacefuls in the next road (who dress in the full-on cunt uniform) who I see occasionally when I’m out walking my dog (a big Schnauzer). He’s a very friendly and exubrant chap who I have to keep on a short lead when we see people or he’d give them a jolly good lick. They’re fucking terrified of him, especially when I cross the road toward them, obviously on purpose. They press themselves against walls, roadsigns etc when I walk past, giving him enough lead that he can enthusiastically investigate them. It’s fucking hilarious! I hope that one day, they’ll trip over a low wall and smash their temples on a kerbstone or something.
A lot of them seem frightened of dogs. Don’t know why, I’ve seen them pick their kids up and recoil in horror as I approach, wishing them a full throated good morning as my Borders Collie strains at the lead.
As an aside, our local newsagents is being sold and a peaceful person wants to buy it and turn it into a booze selling mini mart, probably to entice under age girls. Anyway there’s a lot of local opposition. If I was him I’d think twice, there’s an awful lot of baseball fanatics in the area.
Their book of lies tells them to abhor the canine as much as the non believer.
It’s not that they are necessarily scared of the animal, more that they see them as unclean, as prescribed by the prophet, piss be upon him, hence the recoil to avoid contact.
Black mutts are the worse according to Mo, they are satan incarnate he reactioned.
Correct ldc our peaceful friends see dogs as unclean, and they are also probably frightened of them because they are spineless Cunts ……. ?
You better watch yourself TTCE, using phrases like smash their temples. Big Brother may be watching and will always interpret that the wrong way. Has GCHQ been cunted yet?
We cunt engines on the Island of Sodor are pretty safe from GCHQ. The Fat Cuntroller’s computer network has the highest level of encryption in the Irish Sea. By the way, if any further proof were needed about just how cunty peacefuls are, here’s a clear explanation of why the pricks hate dogs:
Cheers TtCE, my piss was getting dangerously close to cooling down prior to clicking on your link… normal service has since been resumed.
I’m not exactly a fan of dogs but I wouldn’t kill them.
… so it’s ok to have sex with goats but not ok to own a dog.
Odd people.
Not ok to be civilised… think that should more or less cover it.
Mine have always hated cunts wearing the curtains and even the old supergran types with coats longer than knee length get a good growling at.
Gotta watch with the peacefuls, particularly the females as if your dog gets too close to their ankles then it may get caught up in the flea grand prix than figure eights around them.
That’s how Lammy knew bumping with dogs gets you fleas. I wonder if Catweazle got any from the walrus?
Piss be upon him indeed, you learn something new every day, cheers.
More cuntery from arch libflake celebrislag, Skaglett Johansscunt… Currently doing the US chat shows, plugging that PC and diverse Avengers shite… But hosts have been told they can’t ask any questions about Jimmy Franco, Woody Allen, or Roman Polanski… So, she does a hatchet job on a (still innocent) bloke, while cosying up to (real and alleged) Joe Ronces and nobody’s allowed to ask why? That’s like a dog that does multiple turds in the street and doesn’t have to clean up after itself… Instead, she dazzled some chatshow host about how she flashed her gash to some airline passenger… As Eric Idle once said, ‘Say no more!’…..
What is it with dogs in jackets? I’m sure the dog is thinking “I look a right cunt. Why does this fucking mong continue to dress me in this shite attire”. It’s a fucking animal for christ sake. It doesn’t want to be dressed up, nor does it need to. Get a fucking life.