Caroline Lucas [6]

Courtesy of Thursday’s Question Time, Caroline Lucas takes another inevitable step closer to claiming her place on the wall of cunt.

Speaking in Bury St Edmunds, Lucas said Brexit was not an adventure but a “nightmare” and there should be a “people’s vote” – which caused the audience to turn on her and boo. She added: “I don’t know why you are booing democracy.”

Well, Caroline dearie, it’s like this : Here’s the definition of democracy –

Democracy (Greek: δημοκρατία dēmokratía, literally “rule of the people”), in modern usage, is “rule of the majority”. Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes depend on what participants do, but no single force controls what occurs and its outcomes.

What happened in 2016 in the EU referendum was quite clearly “rule of the majority” by the biggest turnout in British political history and a majority of over 1,000,000 but what Ms Mucas fails to understand is that “no single force controls what occurs” – this means you, dear!

Of course, in darling Carrie’s book, democracy is defined as “What I think and the rest of you can just fuck off!”

Typical fucking tree hugger. No grasp of reality. No conflicting opinions allowed.

Nominated by Pedantic Cunt

54 thoughts on “Caroline Lucas [6]

  1. Another virtue signalling sanctimonius sprout jockey,loved it when she got a booing cos she usually plays to the gallery for claps, bet her farts stink the crazy tree monkey.

    • It’s the way the cunt laughs like it’s funny, that’s how stupid she is laughing at herself being clueless about general politics and democracy.

      Well laugh on bitch, we are leaving the EU. How funny is that?

      Now jog on bitch and find a purpose in life because GB doesn’t need any anchors holding us back from restoring law & control and starting the building of a Britain free of the EU’s evil clutches.

      • The cunt thinks that by smiling in a ridiculous patronising manner she can get away with spouting any old bollocks, well not with me she can’t. Saw another thick Green bitch awhile back on telly doing what appeared to be an impression of Lucarse smiley face, so it’s clearly a device they’ve been trained to use, like never answering a question or backing anything up with facts. That irritating cunt Jonathan Bartley does it too, time he had another full blown cunting the smug cunt.

    • Any relation to that other mouth like a letter box icon
      Cherie Blair? Are they kin folk? I think we should be told.

  2. This s stupid bitch looks like some character out of a Wallace & Grommet animation with her wide mouth and wonky teeth. She is the epitome of everything this country is becoming i.e a soft, yellow bellied take it up the arse stooge for the rest of the world to fuck us over. Fuck me 8am and my piss has evaporated already.

      • The only real achievement this professional ET lookalike can boast of is the installation of non gender specific bogs in Brighton.

        Mad as a box of frogs and a nasty, sanctimonious cunt to boot.

      • ET was a cunt for leaving her here, he obviously had a better looking model waiting back home with enough tits to feed the offspring.

  3. So a woman who has some power wants to control other people and justifies it by applying the rules differently in different circumstances to suit her own needs. Well supriiiiiise surfuckingpriiiiise. Oh and it’s not just women, it’s a whole sea of pathetic spoiled middle class morons.

    If you can’t follow the same rules as everyone else you you can go fuck yourself as far as I am concerned. This generation of cowardly self deceiving liars consigned themselves to the scrapheap the second they sided with the wilfully deluded. Unfortunately they are taking us all with them.

    Perhaps even cunt isn’t a strong enough word!

    Fucking grow up, grow some fucking balls, and be honest. Get the fuck out of your pram, pick up your toys, and get the fuck out of my sight!

    If there was a god, that’s what he would be saying.

  4. The people had a vote, they voted to leave. If Caroline Lucas or anyone else doesn’t like it then they are free to fuck off .

    • By her democratic reasoning she ought to fuck off as well as I don’t want her as an MP, regardless of the result.

    • No wonder that OAP had to kill that Pikey, he probably did ask him to leave but after the Pikey has been listening to cunts like Lucas, Sourbra, Malteser head, Cunt O’brien and Vince “I can smell shite” Cable, he thought leave actually by law really meant stay.

      What message does this send to a rapist who’s victim screams No at him?

      Keep fucking me hard big boy, I’m loving this, don’t stop?

  5. Cazzer obviously misled the voters of Brighton and they didn’t know what they were voting for. The gays clearly thought she was a tranny and it turns out she is a real woman. Let’s run that election again (until we get the right result).
    That’s democracy Caroline.

    • I thought she was a fan of the fish mitten for years until recently too.

      Trying to cover too many bases the cunt…I’m for the all the gay varieties, ethnics and migrants especially the illegals…vote for me!

      Only in Brighton.

  6. She’s affectionately known in this house as ‘The Wide Mouthed Frog’. An endangered species but one less of them wouldn’t matter. Cunt.

  7. Green Party. Brighton. Says it all really.
    Greens are away with the fairies with their unrealistic policies.
    Brighton is a deviant’s paradise.
    Don’t give a fuck for either.

    • I bet if she volunteered for an “end of the pier” show, when she’s sawn in half, the word “CUNT” would be visible from John O’ Groats.

  8. I live in Hove so unfortunately have been Impacted with the decisions that her and her idiotic council Cunts made during their tenure.
    More traffic calming eyesores than you could wave a stick at, more signposts too, and one of the worst recycling records in England!! Not forgetting the ridiculous 20mph speed limit which was rolled out in 2013, even money grabbing radar camera loving plod disagreed with Lucas on that one and informed the council they wouldn’t be enforcing it!!
    She’s an utterly clueless 24 carat cunt who has only come to prominence thanks to the idiotic Uber trendy twats that Brighton is famous for…..
    Another fucking waste of space who for some unfathomable reason receives a massively disproportionate amount of TV exposure to her political relevance……

    • Driving at 20mph is likely to throw out more emissions as most will stay in 2nd gear to avoid chugging along the road and the engine rpm’s will be higher.

  9. Is anyone else having trouble with their comments going straight to mod? I’m not to sure what I’ve done to set it off,but my 3 comments on the last nom were all stopped,and I can’t work out what’s causing it.

    • Probably a word used. I just looked through the list of settings and found ‘Lawrence’ so if we were talking about SL Day that probably did it.
      I assume they were released?
      I’ve removed that particular setting. Not sure why it was there but a predecessor must have had a reason at the time.

      • Thinking about it, Krav and I had a discussion about “Lawrence” a while ago which may have caused the setting to be engaged.

  10. Zippy’s muzzie lovin’ idiot bastard half sister.

    Bungle has refused to enter the same building as her, unless it’s to throw her off the roof.

    She should do the decent thing, put her money where her vile letter-box mouth is and wear a fucking burka.

    “She’s a tranny and a grade A Green Talibanie cunt”, Zippy was reported last night as saying from his down at heel Brighton & Hove ‘Rainbow’ bedsit.

    • A description of Zippy from the Rainbow Wiki page:

      “Loud and domineering. Zippy’s mouth is a zip and when he becomes too bossy or irritating , this would be zipped shut to prevent him from continuing. He broadly represented childhood self-centredness”.

      • Eerily accurate!! It’s almost a Nostradamus moment, it’s as if rainbow forewarned the world about Lucas…….?

      • The surgeon who operated to remove her zip should be prosecuted for gross medical malpractice.

    • Her husband must be a closet woofter who is just really only one notch away from shagging a geezer.

      Just come out Bartley and get a better looking bloke!

  11. Lucas is straight out of a George Orwell novel. A marxist feminist passing herself off as a green ‘trendy’. I am sure she is going to the royal wedding. As a protestor. Allright Caroline – let’s have it your way – overturn Brexit, and ditch democracy too – people like us know what’s best for people don’t we. You ***t. 

  12. I don’t know much about Miss Lucas, but I bet she reads the fucking “New European”, wank fodder for Guardian readers once a week. This weeks sanctimonious bollocks has a front page article about how *cruel* we are to Johnny Foreigner. I think the *Independent* or was it Robert Maxwell who founded the original *European* but after the referendum some virtue signally cunt bought it back with *New* in front oof it.

    The paper hardly sells and there are usually loads of copies gathering dust on the shelves of W H Smith. Too expensive to be bog roll but that is just about all it would be useful for.

    • I doubt that it’s soft, or absorbable. Plus, it’s comes already covered in shit.

      • And jizz-stains from “The 48-carat-CUUUUUNTS” that get their jollies from reading it.
        Campbellend (Malleus utriculorum), Mandelbumfiddler et al assorted globalist deviants and mental retards.

    • Have used an “acquired” bundle as a backstop in the past I suppose the amount of bollocks said paper contained had something to do with the lack of penetration displayed by target piles. Bone crusher (Tm) broadheads went straight through with a nice little shower of confetti on exit. Surprisingly when wetted the bundle displayed more resilience so we shot the bundle using a Winchester semi auto shot gun that was chambered for 3 inch magnum cartridges, we had three shots using cartridges loaded with no4 shot, exit bundle. Amazing how things come back. Happy days.

      • Please tell me that I am not the only one here that hasn’t a clue what any of this means.

      • I think Mr Biscuit may be referring to the use of the pile of media in his target practice shooting gallery and the different types of ammo used and their penetration ability.

  13. Perhaps Ms Prof Pissflaps inbetween appearing on the Cunt-a-thon that is QT subjecting us to a yet another tiresome virtue signalling performance Should stick to the knitting and get her own fucking house in order.

    If there’s one thing these bastards have managed to successfully force on the rest of the country it’s the need to recycle, to be sustainable, to nurture the gifts that Mother Nature has gifted us ‘for we art mere custodians’, really.

    Have a look at the latest SITA Council Recycling League tables.

    There’s 350 Councils listed and if you scroll down to line THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIX, yes that’s 326 you’ll see Brighton BC.

    Fuck a duck even Blackpool scores better. The only town in Britain where the signs into the city don’t say ‘Blackpool’ but McDonalds this way, it’s streets are plastered with fat fucking chav’s who drop litter as a pastime in between getting back scuttled up the nearest back alley.

    Why the fuck this one MP Party keeps getting such massive overexposure is a joke. Actually it’s a disgrace but it’s also the reason I no longer pay my fucking TV Poll Tax.

    Get to fucking fuck.

    • Somebody once described Blackpool as Britain’s Las Vegas.

      Not sure the local girls totally understood the chips for sex arrangement….

      • I once got thrown through a pub window in Blackpool about 10 minutes after getting off the train in the mid 90s. Later that evening I got noshed off by a mid 40s jock bird who in her words “ had the painters in”. The place needs to be given the simpsons dome treatment.

    • The practice of recycling and efficient use of resources long predates the Green ‘back to the Middle Ages’ cunts exploiting it for their own sanctimonious political purposes. Cunts.

    • That’s a bit unfair on Blackpool. I lived there for 3+ years this decade and for residents the recycling was relatively good. How happy would you be if your reclycling rate was based on the shit that passing pissed-up cunts threw into your dustbin or, more likely, your garden? That’s Blackpool for you.

  14. Time to recycle this spac.

    Six feet under, might work wonders for the giant hogweed…

  15. An unbelievable and ridiculous outburst/rant which was rightfully booed by the audience. This out of touch with reality reptile is insisting on democracy according to her rules as opposed to the votes and wishes of the voters. We had a vote dear, and you lost. Fuck off if you don’t like it.

  16. Fucking remainers, deceitful bunch of lying cunts who are all modelled on Tony Liar

  17. This supercilious wide mouthed cunt needs to be booed at every opportunity. She clearly doesnt understand just what democracy means. Typical EU fanatic.
    We had a vote to leave an undemocratic monolith yet this cunt can’t accept it and will do anything to overturn the outcome all because she doesn’t agree with it.
    The sooner we dump the EU and all the fanatical remainders the better. Do you reckon Lucas and Soubry are “an item” ?

  18. Totally agree ,
    Never could stand this horrible shit pile of an excuse for a human being .

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