At the suggestion of that illustrious cunter, Cunstable Cuntbubble, I offer for your revulsion an Americunt. Not just any Americunt. But Africunt/Americunt extrordinaire, Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Ta-Nehisi Coates is the current darling of the snowflake/coaldust community here in the states. The sheer magnitude of his cuntishness is off the Sphincter Scale. It is deeply rooted in the best tradition of black American, militant victimology.
First, some background. Ta-Nehisi’s father Paul was a member of the Black Panthers. He fathered 7 children by 4 different women. He was the founder and publisher…in his basement…of Black Classic Press…an affiliate of the George Jackson Prison Movement.
George Jackson was the founder of the Maoist-Marxist Black Guerilla Family, who was shot to death during an escape attempt from San Quentin prison. He was serving a sentence there for armed robbery and was awaiting trial for murder. Five prison guards he took hostage during his attempted escape…and 2 white prisoners…were found dead in his cell afterwards.
Coates claims to have learned his family values…along with respect for one’s elders and contributing to one’s community from his father. So, it will come as no surprise to any of you that these perverted “virtues” make him the darling of the snowflake/coaldust/apologists/victimologist community. He is a regular fixture on their TV shows…and at speaking engagements and cocktail parties.
Coates believes all the evils of the world can be attributed to the white man. In fact he goes so far as to say, all of history can be explained by the white man’s continual attempts to keep the black man down. Accordingly, he expresses a dismal view of the future of race relations in America.
Despite this simplistic racist viewpoint, Coates, cannot be dismissed as simply another angry black voice of victimology, spouting off in the hood just to justify bad life choices. He is a “revered” author to the snowflake/coaldust community and has written for such libtard rags as The Village Voice, The Atlantic and Time magazine. He cuntishly repulsive works include such putrid diatribes as “My President was Black”, ” We Were Eight Years in Power” and (Donald Trump is) “The First White President”. Central to Coates’ narrative is his idiotic thesis that white Americans rejected Barack Obama because they have an innate fear of ” good negro government.”
Coates dismisses any criticism of his mythical notion of “good negro government” and the myriad examples of black politician who have gone to jail for graft, corruption, drugs or any one of a number of crimes…with just a wave of his hand. Just like he dismisses any and all criticism of himself. In point of fact, he is a shallow, simplistic, race baiting huckster and hate monger. His cuntish notions don’t stand up to serious inquiry.
This was illustrated when Harvard Professor Cornell West…himself a major league Marxist cunt…came forward with a series of damning criticisms. He called out Coates for going soft on Obama and pointed out that black Americans were no better off under him than any other President. He called Coates an apologist and wanted to know when the last time his coaldust ass was in the hood? He dismissed his view of history and said it amounted to fetishizing white racism. He called him…horror of horrors…the voice of neoliberal America and basically got all up in the “brothers” face.
The snowflake/coaldust community was aghast! Which cunt to support? Never fear! Whitey to the rescue! Alleged alt right villain Richard Spencer came out with a similar argument about the fetishism of racism and solved the problem. The sonwfalke/coaldust community rallied around Coates like a voters to a politician giving away government jobs.
Coates for his part behaved just like you’d expect him to. He refused to answer the criticism and in the best snowflake/coaldust tradition posted on Twatter that he “…didn’t sign up for this” and promptly closed his account.
But again…never fear…you can’t keep a vile cunt down. With the opening of that mega epic spectacle of Africunt values and virtues…The Black Panther…Coates has resurfaced. You see…this eloquent spokesman of the Neocunts and brilliant philosophical leader of the oppressed cuntish masses, is a writer of comic books…specifically…the Black Panther! And now that it has been acclaimed as the greatest film epic since “Scott of the Antarctic”* it has been announced that Coates will write…wait for it…Captain America!
I shit you not.
By the way…for those of you who are wondering…the name Ta-Nehisi is supposed to be an ancient Nubian hieroglyphic for…Cunt. Fuck, I don’t know. But if it isn’t it ought to be.
So with all of that said I proudly cunt…Ta-Nehisi Coates!
Nominated by General Cunster
Well General. You have unearthed an Americunt of epic proportions. Must be only a matter of time before the cunt is invited to address our great centres of learning.
I love the ‘good negro government’ bit. Can you say ‘negro’? Does it not invite a twatter storm of outrage?
Good negro government is there for all to see:
Haiti, Liberia, DRC, Nigeria, my former home South Africa, Sudan, Eritrea, Uganda, Kenya, Ghana. I could carry on but what I really mean is all ‘negro’ states perhaps except one or possibly two. Well, Botswana anyway.
The good people of the USA do well to fear this. And Obama achieved so much didn’t he? Shame Hilary couldn’t carry on the good work.
I would like his view on why the African diaspora gravitate to the bottom of the heap wherever they settle. Slavery no doubt. Whitey no doubt. Their history not taught no doubt, although how you get history from the sub-Sahara which had no writing, technology, architecture (they hadn’t managed the 2 storey hut) wheels, coherent philosophy of beliefs, or vestige of civilisation.
Well observed cunting. Cant be long before we see him on the BBC.
Oh, and Nubian hieroglyphs originate much further north.
Did you say good Negro Government ???????
I think he did Fenton ….
Here’s a true story for you. I was working in a South West African country and had to train up some locals. Both the locals were science graduates and were hand picked as being the cream of the crop. I decided to start off with something pretty basic, essentially calculating the volume between cylinders of different diameter. After working through several examples with the duo it was time for them to work through some simple problems themselves and for me to drink tea and look on the internet. After a couple of hours ( for work that should take 10 minutes ) they come back with the answers. All complete bollocks. So, where had they gone wrong? One of the problems had tubing with an external diameter of 3 1/2 inches and they couldn’t work out that 3 1/2 was the same as 3.5 so they couldn’t input it into a calculator. I reiterate; these were science graduates and hand picked cream of the crop.
Good ni-grow arithmetic.
We took on 2 black engineering graduates (in S Africa) It became apparent that you couldn’t let them loose on any plant and machinery so we put them as trainers. Useless waste of space.
Mathematics is racist. Official.
Just ax Diane Abbott.
Good God man you used imperial measurements!!!!!
No wonder the poor bastards fucked up the answer when that sort of colonial stuff was staring them in the face.
My point about Negro Government is . There’s not a single Negro Government in the world that’s not corrupt. Please correct me if I’m wrong ???
To be fair, I can’t imagine that there is any government,negro,caucasian or mongol that isn’t corrupt. The whole fucking lot of them are riddled,it’s just that the blacks possibly aren’t as clever at hiding their tracks.(Mr. Blair,anyone?)
@Sir Richard the Money Minded
Your point it correct and as usual well taken. However, the cunt’s point is that “good negro government” is something that can happen naturally, if whitey stops wearing white robes, burning crosses and interfering with great leaders like Obama or well meaning groups like the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter or the Black Guerilla Family.
Of course we have only to look to the previously cunted City of Cape Town for a classic example of Good Negro Government…
I gather Jo’burg’s even more free from colonialism these days. Carry a gun if you go.
Blair? His occupation, when not remoaning at anyone not able to move quickly away, is advising African governments how to hide their tracks and maximise their bank accounts from letting foreigners in to loot their resources. Like the UAE’s investment fund, Egypt’s richest billionaire, JP Morgan, the Chinese, you know, not colonial at all.
You got me started on my specialist subject for 10. You have only yourself to blame because I will now play the victim card…
Fenton – I was being ironic. They are all rotten to the core.
@Mr. Fistula
I…and indeed Ta-Nehisi…did in fact say…”good negro government.”
I cannot even begin to tell you how fucked up this notion is here in the states. Let me try to illustrate just one example with this link about one of the most revered Africunt/Americunt political leaders in history. (That is not hyperbole. They fucking genuflect and the mere mention of this cunt.)
Whilst I am blissfully unaware as to who this cunt is, I wonder what could be kicking off in Salisbury???
Oh and “Come on the Iti’s!”
Yes, come on the Iti’s. Let the cunts at the EU know how you feel.
They won’t of course appear to give a fuck however their project is crumbling and the demise of the EU is certainly getting closer whether they like it or not.
You’ll never find out. The D Notices are already out. Probably Akbar and Ahmeds ‘vodka distillery’, or someone with mental health issues. Carry on rebel – nothing to see here.
As usual expect a “ reversal “ from the sons of Rome !!!!!
Corrupt beyond measure but decent ice cream !
Worked for the Italians for about 13 years.
Corrupt? Tell me about it.
Italy is ranked 54th out of 180 for corruption. To put that into perspective, Rwanda is 48th. But the crown for European Corruption Cunts of the year goes to Bulgaria ranked 71st. A magnificent effort, I’m sure you will all agree.
Britain came 4th ?
Equal 8th with Canada, Luxembourg and Netherlands. But at least we beat Germany into 12th.
If you sell stuff on eBay, most sellers refuse to send to Italy, merchandise never gets there.
Thanks for focusing with laser accuracy this cunts cuntitude. I’d never heard of the cunt but from what you say he is your typical chippy negro cultural marxist.
The problem with talking about cunts of his ilk is the terminology one should use. It seems it’s perfectly OK for for these swarthy types to call each other n*gger but completely forbidden for us crackers to use the same word. That would seem to me to be discrimination based on race, which is the very definition of racist. However, the snowflakes will counter, they cannot be racist, only prejudiced as racism=privileged+prejudice. Well, I’m sorry, cunt but I don’t buy your nonsense calculus, you could say 2+2=5 but it doesn’t make it so.
Anyway, back to the problem at hand. What can you call them? When I went to school I was taught there were 3 races, caucasian, negro and mongol but apparently that’s all wrong now so you cant call the negro. Black is out too as it has connotations of evil. Afro-carabean/African American? Not really, my ex wife was African and as white milk so using African in any part of a descriptor isn’t really saying what you really mean. People of colour perhaps? No, not really because everyone is a person of some colour with the exception of maybe albinos ( and there are plenty of “African” albinos ). Now we have the increasingly popular but non the less nauseating “brown people”. Well, Indians are brown as are some far Eastern people so its a bit confusing what they mean by that term.
In the end it doesn’t really matter what you call them because there not going to like it whatever. Chippy fucking cunts.
BTW, didn’t America buy an African nation for all the chippy gollys so they could fuck off back to the motherland if they felt like it? Liberia I think they call it. They have a GDP per capita of $455 and rank 122 out of 180 for corruption. Another great example of good negro government.
Thanks for focusing with laser accuracy this cunts cuntitude. I’d never heard of the cunt but from what you say he is your typical chippy ni-grow cultural marxist.
The problem with talking about cunts of his ilk is the terminology one should use. It seems it’s perfectly OK for for these swarthy types to call each other n***a but completely forbidden for us crackers to use the same word. That would seem to me to be discrimination based on race, which is the very definition of racist. However, the snowflakes will counter, they cannot be racist, only prejudiced as racism=privileged+prejudice. Well, I’m sorry, cunt but I don’t buy your nonsense calculus, you could say 2+2=5 but it doesn’t make it so.
Anyway, back to the problem at hand. What can you call them? When I went to school I was taught there were 3 races, caucasian, ni-grow and mongol but apparently that’s all wrong now so you cant call them ni-grow. Black is out too as it has connotations of evil. Afro-carabean/African American? Not really, my ex wife was African and as white milk so using African in any part of a descriptor isn’t saying what you really mean. People of colour perhaps? No, not really because everyone is a person of some colour with the exception of maybe albinos ( and there are plenty of albinos in Africa ). Now we have the increasingly popular but non the less nauseating “brown people”. Well, Indians are brown as are some far Eastern people so its a bit confusing what they mean by that term.
In the end it doesn’t really matter what you call them because there not going to like it whatever. Chippy fucking cunts.
BTW, didn’t America buy an African nation for all the chippy cunts so they could fuck off back to the motherland if they felt like it? Liberia I think they call it. They have a GDP per capita of $455 and rank 122 out of 180 for corruption. Another great example of good ni-grow government.
PS. Have had to edit due to moderation.
The British Albino Society have said they hope this years parade to promote Albino awareness will go ahead, after last years’ parade was cancelled due to circumstances beyond their control.
The sun came out….
You on correct on 2 points. (Not sure how to phrase this without being moderated but I’ll try.).
1. During one snowflake talkshow Coates explained that he didn’t always have a problem with the “N” word. Using himself as an example, this sanctimonious cunt went on to explain that any time a black person says “Ta-Nehisi Coates is my n*****” that he takes it as a compliment. However, any time a white person uses that word…in any context…it is an insult.
2. Glad to see you know your history. Buried now by the descendants of the “New Deal” historians is the fact that there was a movement to send Africunts back to their homeland. This movement had both black and white supporters and to that end a colony was established on the West African coast…Liberia. The capital city…Monrovia…was named after American President James Monroe.
There is evidence that Abraham Lincoln supported the idea as well.
I would refer the dishonourable fucker to the glorious continent of Africa. How many countries there under black rule are leading the way in technological advancements, music, science, the arts, medicine, finance, automotive industry ?
World leaders at relying on white mans charity handouts though.
Last time I checked not one Mr Bob. Africa is the shit hole of the world. Must be the Weather surely not the people who inhabit Africa ???
FF absolutely none. I’d commented without reading previous comments but we seem to be covering the same ground lol dusty and fly blown
Never heard of the cunt but the cunting appears to be righteous and justified.
I have never heard of this cunt, and never wish to again. A meticulous cunting which has achieved its purpose in full.
Pedantic note 1: His forebears were most unlikely to have had any connection with Nubia, on the other side of Africa to where slaves bound for America came from
Pedantic note 2: The Meroitic language of ancient Nubia had three vowels, none of them ‘e’, and there is no ‘h’ among its consonants, either. ‘Ta-Nehisi’, then, is a load of old cunt. Thank you, Wikipedia.
There’s nothing worse than uppity antique farming equipment trying to give it Charlie big spuds.
More’s the pity that these militants don’t seem to get it through their thick skulls if they managed to perform and deliver in the working and social world then they would have nothing to whinge about.
Much of the world is a meritocracy. Black, white or yellow, if your IQ is such that you are stupid, lazy and incompetent then you will be rewarded as such. Even with low IQ’s, if many of these buggers worked got off their mardy arses and worked hard then many could make a better fist of life.
No, better for these chumps to bump their lilos about how ‘de whitey man’ continues to repress their development in the western world. If this really is the case, then no-one is stopping them from grabbing great opportunities in Africa or the far east.
Ta-Nehisi Coates is a copper-bottomed cunt.
I must take exception to your use of ‘copper bottomed’
Both racially insulting and culturally appropriating.
Are you the furry-faced, Chiswick chungnut James O’Brien?
Fucking right I am.
Not if a policeman had fucked him…
In the picture he looks identical to a fellow who was playing in the rugby sevens tournament at Hawick a couple of years ago. Very good he was too.I remember commenting from the touchline that it really wasn’t very sporting playing him against normal people. It’s like Serena Williams in the tennis…come to think of it he looks the spitting image of her too.
What would I know,they all look the same to me. They should be made to wear different coloured lion-skins and ostrich feathers so that people can tell them apart. Now that some of them claim to be professional people,it really is important that we can tell Winston the bus driver from Goodwill the surgeon. Imagine if you got on a bus driven by one of them who hadn’t actually passed his PSV test, but possessed a medical decree instead.It would be madness.
Fuck them.
Is Ta-Nehisi any relation to N’Tembi and does he walk for miles with a gallon jug of buffalo piss on his head?
It’s an anagram of ‘in a shite’ actually. So it’s the Nubian for tapeworm.
Does good Negro government include that of Robert Mugabe’s?
After all, the place had gone to rat shit until he booted all the white farmers out and turned Zimbabwe into paradise.
That is their paradise. They love living in shit.
And Sarf Africcca rapidly going the same way also. Give it 18 months it will be Zim Mk 2.
Good cunting by the way, I’d never heard of the fucker but it’s apparent he’s another one that would be still swinging from the vines and sat cross legged poking shit with a stick in the shade of the baobab tree if he’d not had fortunate relatives that were rescued from the tribal homelands all those years back.
Another cave ape that blames everyone but his own race for them being uneducated, violent, gun toting, rapist cunts.
Over 800,000 Zimbabwians fled Zimbabwe in fear of their lives for their political opposition to Mugabe ( allegedly ) They go home regularly for holidays, and always manage to return unscathed.
To be fair ASA,a lot of them like to come on holiday trips to the U.K. too. Normally when they’re heavily pregnant or in need of Aids drugs….It’s all free from the good old NHS,don’t ye know.
International Health Service…
I’ve got two repatriated ex-pats renting near me… Moved back to Blighty from the costa del pissed up after 27years of pissing it up and burning to a crisp, cos ‘the health ain’t what it was’ and we are going to need some looking after.
Not sure what tax or other financial contribution they’d made to the UK health service whilst in sunny Spain but I dint have the heart to tell him he’d be at the back of a long line of gimmegrants, rapfugees parking Stanley, poll axes and peaceful sand people…
What a stupid name….
Sounds like a grade A, racebaiting, fuckwit Marxist cunt.
Awesome cunting general.
Never heard of this cunt before but thanks for the introduction.
Indeed an utter utter cunt.