Purdue University

Hot on the trail of Commonwealth Cunt of the Year – Justin Trudeau – who man-splained to an audience of snowflakes that the word “Man” was bad (while ignoring a question on keeping Canada safe from internal “peaceful” terrorist cunts); Purdue University looks to go one futher in the “emasculation of men” stakes, officially stating that the word “Man” should no longer be used, as a word, as a prefix or as a suffix.

A woman talking on Tucker Carlson Tonight from Fox’s Manhatton studio said that Purdue University was ahead of the curve in public perception on this subject.

Purdue – which prides itself on campaigning on many Human Rights issues – is not the first educational establishment in the states to infer that the male term is sexist (and no doubt racist too) but they are the first to proscribe it’s non-use/eradication in writing vocabulary on campus.

Well I hope they manage it and look forward to reading the many articles which may scan curiously but they will be on-message and well mannered.

Some people may think that manipulating language is folly but they are yesterday’s views where as Purdue is looking to the views of tomorrow, or mañana as our Spanish friends would say.

What a complete and utter bag of cunt!

Nominated by Rebel without a Cunt!

88 thoughts on “Purdue University

    • Actually Komodo – me auld reptilian sausage – I managed to strike-through all of the man references in the nomination quite successfully.

      Alas missing from the nomination but no doubt you can infer the madness from these neo-liberal facists.


  1. Good cunting Rebel and bang on target. This alleged centre of learning has become a talking point of late due to its ridiculous persuit of all things PC, right on and Anti-normal.
    I honestly believe that Universities should be closed down, the student acommodation used to house the homeless, and the many properties that the Universities own should be sold off, and invested in Colleges of Common sense for the indigenous population, who would have to qualify for admission by a) being normal b ) a citizen of the United Kingdom c) Committed to the culture of the UK

    Those who fail to meet the entry bar can just fuck right off.

    • Good thinking there, ASA. But we’ll need to keep a couple open for the swarms of foreign-funded students who come to study Management Studies with European Grand Tour and English As An Unrecognisably Mangled Foreign Language. At Yarl’s Wood, perhaps?

      Oh, and I guess there’d better be a University of Actually Doing Stuff As Opposed to Having Endless Pointless Meetings About It, although a snappier title would be preferred.

      • I thought long and hard about that Komodo. Which Universities would I keep open? The one I went to was full of cunts of the liberal and unwashed kind so that fucker would be first on my list for closure! Yarlswood? Hmmm I was at several IRC’s including Yarlswood ( before the twats burned it down ) That could as you suggest be the appropriate venue for our overseas “studens”

      • Anywhere teaching Creative Writing ( there is a minor element of self-sacrifice here, but my motives are noble), Media Studies, Management (it’s generally accepted that the methods taught don’t work, whatever the fashion of the day, and meetings need to be discouraged nationwide), and PPE – which disposes of Oxford, the most pretentious and elitist waste of mediaeval buildings on the planet. But I am aware of possible dissent, and propose a College of Student Policing Skills in their place.

  2. Personchester, Personsfield, Personningtree, Personitoba, etc.
    Personhandle, Huperson, etc.

    Fucking idiots – Orwell was only 34 years out.

    • Wow, and on “international wimmins day”. Fucking ace commentary as usual and very depressing as he rightly identifies how fucking pathetic we are! ( That will be pulled today ! )

    • It’s amazing how International Women’s Day always coincides with ‘Couldn’t Give a fuck Day’….

      • No doubt a highlight on the Saudi and Iranian calendar each year…

    • No, thank YOU. Have come across him before and was struck by his intelligence, articulacy and opinions, but had forgotten to bookmark him. Now remedied. Superb, thanks again.

      • He was talking about the infiltration of unacceptable alien cultural norms, and what can be done to resist it. If that was hate speech, we’re all fucked. (What do I mean, ‘if’?)

    • It’s already gone….
      I like his post EUROPE is Killing itself…. I’m surprised that’s still up…

    • Thanks for the introduction to Pat Connell.

      Not aware of his videos until now.

    • To late Skidmark, the cunts at Youtube have taken Pat’s video down. Try his website

  3. It may seem to some cunters to be rather irrelevant that some no mark 3rd grade university in some back of beyond nowhere country is banning the word “man”. But it isn’t. The post modernist fruitcakes who are running things these days may well be off their collective heads, but they are not stupid. They understand, just as every totalitarian regime has done before that to control descent you have to control the language. And it is a slow but ever evolving process and this is just the latest stage.

    The initial stage was political correct speech, like an Australian firm banning their kids Christmas party Santa from the refrain “Ho Ho Ho!” as it was derogatory to wiminz. He had to say “Ha Ha Ha!” instead. ( I shit you not ).

    Then came the doublespeak, common phrases which make absolutely fuck all sense but which are repeated ad nausium like some mantra for mongers. Perfect example, “Diversity is strength” No its isn’t, unity is strength. “We are united in our diversity” OH, for fucks sake! Just listen to yourselves.

    Now we have mandated speech, words you must say and words you are banned from saying. And this is now law in ever so progressive Canada where if you do not call a tranny by it’s preferred gender pronoun you can end up in jail. Once again, I shit you not. It is happening here and now and very few people are taking a stand against it despite it being obvious to all.

  4. We mock,but just look at the words that recent legislation has banned us from using even on this very site. My original thought was to write….”They can ban whatever word they want,but I’ll still call a ????? a ?????”…and then I realised. No,I won’t. It’s banned.

      • Rewrite of the above confused affair. You don’t actually know what the word is….

      • Quite often my imagination is much worse than reality, but were fiddler is concerned I doubt that very much.

      • Moderated to what end and on whose instruction? If there was no moderation, what would happen?


        What would happen? Free speech would be revived?

        “Our site, our rules”
        If you have a problem with that then feel free to fuck off elsewhere.

    • We will soon have to call a spade a shovel the way the snowflakes are gathering.

      Maybe time for some creative folks to generate some new words to replace the ones deemed no longer “unacceptable”.

      Either that or we could just roll over and welcome a ban on speaking all our native English words, when really we should be banning the peaceful religion worshipers from speaking their language in our public spaces. Body language speaks volumes and you can tell when they are talking about you to each other when you are in their proximity.

      If the moment arises where I need to communicate with one of these cunts, at least I deliver words to them that they know and understand. I don’t yibber yabber in Welsh or Gaelic that they wouldn’t understand like they do when insulting us.

      If they can’t pass a written & oral exam of our country’s language, they clearly are failing in adopting the two greatest methods required to communicate in Great Britain and therefore clearly displaying their lack of desire to “integrate” into our society.

      This only affirms what most of us know and realise already but our so called politicians are too scared to address and tackle.

      Peaceful Integration / assimilation is impossible and efforts are nothing more than a waste of time and money that could be better spent developing Great Britain instead of dragging us back into the knuckle dragging dark ages other countries choose to remain in.

      No one has yet shown and proven to me where this has been successful anywhere in Western Europe either.

      Countless hours are still spent in the House of Commons by MP’s pandering to these cunts and their plight, our legal system right from police level through the courts into the prison system is clogged up by them too, costing us dearly.

      They just want to cripple all our country’s systems and resources so why bother coming here at all?

      • Do you remember the beginning of Dads Army episodes with the map that showed the advance of the Hun across Europe replace old Jerry with the mussies and thats whats happening now,also where the swastika was pushed back at Blighty that would be gone, replaced with a bleeding heart liberal jelly back.

  5. The “main stream” universities are indeed bastions of cuntitude and no doubt are a breeding ground for some of the biggest idiots in society.
    However, there are quite a few universities that don’t do this kind of shit.

    You probably haven’t heard of them though as they’re all based above Chinese and Indian restaurants.

    Their students get taught the true value of work as they gain valuable experience in the food preparation industry. They learn about food hygiene by being taught how not to do it and witnessing first hand the various strains of food poisoning that can be provided to clientele so that they can take the lessons on board and apply it in their future careers.

    They work on a semi voluntary / semi slavery basis and get paid in rice (they must eat it with their hands and NO toilet paper and NO soap), shared accommodation (10 to a room in Mr Patel’s *aherm* guesthouse), and a degree in Islamic studies.

    The graduation ceremony consists of a raid by immigration, a slap on the wrist, disappearing for a few weeks and then claiming asylum. … They don’t need to fill out the papers as all they have to do is claim that they can’t speak English and we’ll provide someone that speaks their native language to advise them on exactly what to say.
    Then we’ll provide advice on all kinds of issues such as avoiding tax, claiming benefits, becoming disabled (only at certain times of course), and having as many children as humanly possible.

    Then they can have a free house, a bucket of money each month, free healthcare, no council tax (or any other tax for that matter), a get out of jail free card (only if they’re of the peaceful persuasion of course), they can invite all 300 of their immediate family members, and a free pass to mug off the natives any time they like.

    …British education. Makes you proud don’t it!

    • Reading that DTS…you must have worked at some time in IRC’s ?
      Your knowledge is certainly very uncannily accurate. We may even know each other!!! ( No, I’m not chinese )

      • No i just know a lot of p@**s.

        West London is a very “diverse” area.
        Hence my desperation to get out of here.

      • I think I’m desperate to return to CH.

        Seeing what happened to Pat Condell’s youtube posting, I think the Swiss Embassy may soon be flooded with Brits claiming refugee status.

        Freedom of speech (sorry, as I said above) is on its last legs in this country. The Swiss still have some self-respect, they are trying to peg immigration levels, and also make considerable efforts to oblige the “usual” cunts to integrate. Of course, said cunts always whinge, pull the Waaaaycist card and the like, but the Swiss are tough. And people that don’t toe the lone might just get shot by unhappy neighbours.

    • I lived above one of those for a while. I think it was more of the nature of an outlying campus – the students would go to Leicester after a course lasting a week or two, and new ones would arrive.

      Pretty good curries, though, the lecturers must have been good.

  6. This is quite long (surprise surprise). You have been warned.

    The only reason these cunts can get away with this shite, is because so many so called ‘right’ wing politicians are nothing of the sort. They are, in fact, cowardly, vote chasing fuckwits, who are so scared of losing their seats, grossly inflated salaries and expenses, that they meekly go along with the increasingly insane BOLLOCKS that the far left keep throwing out. Banning the use of the word, ‘man’, is itself sexist. Does this mean that women must now be referred to as ‘wo’s’? Will Harriet Harman change her name to Harriet Har? And what about us men? What are supposed to be known as? ‘people of a non-feminine gender’? Of course, I’m sure the man hating dykes and the spineless, cuckolded, soft as jelly, pathetic excuses for men who go along with this crap will find a way of justifying it.

    They call themselves liberals, but they are nothing of the sort. They’re Hitler’s grandchildren. It’s about time politicians, and everyone at these “learning” establishments who consider themselves to either be in the centre, or to the right of these left wing dipshits, started to call them out on their cuntery. Why is it ok for the soft cunts who come up with this shit to be offended by words, or the beliefs and opinions of others, but it’s not ok for ME to be offended by theirs?

    Every time someone on the right, Rees Mogg excluded, either makes a comment that the left are offended, or claim to be offended by, or believes something contrary to the left, that person immediately backs down and makes a grovelling apology. A grovelling apology to immature, insecure, intolerant arseholes, who are going to hate them no matter what. If it were me, I would never apologise, and I would certainly NEVER back down. I would say to them;

    “Look, I really couldn’t give a flying rat’s fuck if you’re offended by what I’ve said. You offend me merely by the fact you exist. You, the left, so called ‘liberals’, are an abomination. You are affront to everything and everyone that is decent, honourable and civilised. You demand to be heard, yet try to silence those you disagree with. You demand that YOUR rights are respected, whilst DISRESPECTING the rights of people who happen to believe differently to you. Go buy a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word, ‘liberal’. You will find that you do not fit that meaning. However, if you look up the meaning of the words, ‘Nazi’ and ‘hypocrite’, you will find they describe you perfectly. There is this thing called freedom of speech. That means I, and everyone else has the right to express their opinion, whether you like it or not. If you’re offended by what others say, tough. Plenty of people are offended by what YOU morons say. The world does NOT revolve around you. The world does NOT owe you a fucking thing. YOU’RE opinion is NOT the only one, and it certainly DOES NOT take priority over the opinions of others. And despite you clearly believing otherwise, you are NOT more important than anyone else on the planet. You are NOT more intelligent than anyone else on the planet. And you most definitely, despite what you think, are not morally superior to anyone else on the planet. In fact, the opposite is true. You are morally INFERIOR”.

    “And while we’re on the subject of taking offence, how is it you can all get so worked up about a relatively small number of young, ambitious actresses, who all dreamed of becoming multi-millionairesses, claiming to have been groped by rich, fat, white men, most of which are, as yet, UNPROVEN, yet say absolutely JACK FUCKING SHIT about your favourite group of retrograde cunts, muslims, raping underage non-muslim girls? #MeToo? How about #FUCK YOU? Some of you cunts called those girls liars. Those muslim paedophile gangs could have been stopped years ago, but they were allowed to get away with their sick crimes, because YOU refused to believe it could happen. Some of you colluded in covering up the crimes of these muslim perverts, who despite an increasing mountain of evidence to the contrary, YOU insist on claiming are peaceful. These crimes are STILL happening, because of YOU”.

    “And then there’s Jimmy Saville. Remember him? Of course you do. There were people among your numbers who KNEW that Saville was a serial sex offender, yet did NOTHING to stop him committing his crimes. In my view, that’s called aiding and abetting. How many of Saville’s victims could have been saved from becoming victims, if those left wing cunts at the BBC hadn’t stayed quiet? Some people DID express concerns about Saville’s behaviour, but were ignored or threatened into silence, by simpering, self-righteous, left wing twats, like YOU!”

    You have groups like Momentum and ANTIFA, who are known to harass, threaten and even use violence against anyone who is not left wing. Only this week, a group of black clad, face covered, left wing donkey penises disrupted a debate on free speech at Kings College London, because they don’t like the speakers. They used violence, against the minimal security that KCL provided, and against students who attended, and even broke at least window in a grade 1 listed building. KCL itself is accused of denying access to the event to non-students who had bought tickets for it”.

    “Your Messiah, Corbyn, Labour under his ‘leadership’ claims to be tolerant, inclusive, feminist, pro-gay, pro-transgender, blah, blah, blah. It’s certainly pro-transgender, because it’s about to make it an official rule to allow ANYONE who identifies as female to be included in all female selection lists for potential MP’s. And by the way, all female lists are sexist. This rule has caused a lot of women in the Labour party to threaten to tear up their membership cards and quit the party. And a large number of male Labour MP’s are accused of misogyny. Corbyn included. Only yesterday, at PMQ’s, Corbyn had his arse handed to him by May for ‘mansplaining’ to her on International Women’s Day (again, sexist). This is a man whose first wife divorced him because he devoted EVERY waking moment to left wing causes, and had little time for her. He had a LOT of time for the Abbottopotamus though. When he was shagging the Abbottopotamus, he is known to have paraded her naked (excuse me while I puke), before a group of his left wing mates. Very fucking feminist. You fuckers haven’t said word one about that. Yet you get upset by stupid jokes that Toby Young tweeted years ago. Corbyn’s deputy, Tom “Ten Big Mac Meals and a Diet Coke Please” Watson, AKA “The Nonce Finder General” made accusations of sexual impropriety against a number of Tory politicians, including the late Leon Britton (who turned out to be completely innocent). He is a mate of Max Mosely, the son of Fascist leader Oswald Mosely. He has accepted just over £500,000 to run his office. He knowingly, though he denies it, accepted HALF A MILLION QUID from a man who dressed up in a Nazi uniform and got whipped by prostitutes, and is now known to have been the publisher of a pamphlet in the sixties that was anti-immigrant, particularly anti-coloured immigrant. Yet you mongs are strangely silent about that”.

    “Your hypocrisy is endless. You claim to be feminists, to be pro-LGBT, to be tolerant, to be this, that and the fucking other. Yet you are fanatical supporters of Islam. An evil, backwards cult, that believes in treating women like shit and despises gay people to the point that they believe they should be killed. Preferably by throwing them off tall buildings. They believe that the entire human race should convert to Islam, or be killed or enslaved. Yet you insist on supporting them, and in perpetuating the lie that Islam is THE religion of peace. Every time one of these cunts commits an atrocity in the UK, you play it down as the act of a lone wolf. Yet on the rare occasion a white, British male attacks Muslims, it’s a cowardly act of terror. And you actually have the nerve to criticise Buddhism, the true religion of peace, because the Burmese have been, in your words, “engaging in a pogrom”, against the Rohingya Muslims. I notice though, that you conveniently fail to mention that the conflict was started by the Rohingya’s themselves. THEY started attacking peaceful Buddhists and destroying THEIR villages. But the Burmese are the guilty party here, because they’re not only fighting back, but winning. You also fail to mention that the current round of hostility started because in October last year, a group of Rohingya’s attacked a number of police stations AND an Army base. If Burma was a Muslim country, and the Burmese were on the receiving end, you pricks wouldn’t say a word. You also know that the conflict started about 70 years ago, when the Rohingya’s ,who the Burmese had allowed into their country as refugees, started demanding an autonomous state. Now, I’m not saying that the Burmese are right, but a little context and balance is required here”.

    “You’re guilty of all that. Yet YOU have the fucking nerve to be offended by something I’VE said that you disagree with. Go fuck a lit stick of dynamite. Failing that, buy a car battery and a set of jump leads. Connect one end of the leads to the battery and the other end to your ears, and see if you can jump start your fucking brain. Either way, FUCK YOU!! How DARE YOU, accuse ME of being a Fascist and a Nazi for having a different opinion to yours, when it’s YOU cunts who behave like Fascists and Nazi’s. You have the morals of Jack the Ripper and the IQ of a sea cucumber. You want an apology? I’m sorry you cunts were conceived. That’s the only apology you’ll get from me”.

    I should probably point out, that yes, a number of us here on ISAC, myself included have posted comments that were anti-immigrant. HOWEVER, we don’t don’t pretend to be something that we’re not. We stand by our comments and don’t try to pretend that our accounts were hacked. We posted those comments because the left have spent the past twenty years engaging in a policy of mass immigration with no questions asked, and without having the decency to ask for our permission to allow large numbers of immigrants come to OUR country. Like a lot of things, it was forced upon us. We are right to be concerned about this, because unlike lefties, who are generally middle or upper class trust funders, we’ve seen the damage that mass, unchecked immigration has done to our country. And that’s because we live, or HAVE lived in areas affected by it. In short, we are not ignorant, self-righteous, UK hating wankers. In the words of Elvis, “thanyavermuuch”.

    • QDM. Publish!!! and the fucker would be a best seller. Amazing post!! and so fucking spot on. ( Run for Office mate )

    • Go for it QDM. Get a blog out there. I am sure fellow cunters would ensure it gets well read and passed on. BZ QDM. Top stuff.

      • Top post QDM. Treeza, once you have found your backbone stick this fucker in your next manifesto.

    • Thanks everybody. A good spleen venting now and then is necessary for the sanity. I might actually start my own blog. It would certainly be interesting to see how many left wing cunts I could upset. I think I’ll stay away from google and YouTube though. They’ve been busy censoring people like Paul Joseph Watson and Pat Condell, just because they’re not lefties. And yet, moronic, disrespectful twats like Logan Paul get a free pass.

    • @Qweeksdraw

      Exceptional post. Utter fucking brilliance and completely applicable to this cunting. You nailed it.

      ?. ?. ?

      • Maybe once North & South Korea start working things out, Trump will tackle the real problems, the bigger problem we are all facing. They all hate him anyway so he won’t need to worry about upsetting them and the peacefuls they are shielding and championing.

    • Spot on QD, a great read and as others have said worthy of post of the week.

      Plenty of examples and facts that the snowflake cunt of today could not challenge, in fact it would see most of them do an “Owen Jones”, where they would rip off their microphone and scuttle away to their safe space for breath.

      I partially blame that Elton John cunt as he once sang along the lines about sorry being the hardest word to say and now it seems its the easiest for these cunts to say at every opportunity they can to say “look at me, I now agree seeing the error of my ways and I will work tirelessly to brainwash others of their errors”

      I’m quite fortunate not to have any of these cunts around me but its equally as painful watching and hearing about it going on. Makes me wish in a way that I did know some of these cunts so that I could rip their ideology to pieces and tell them to fuck off.

      This country needs to grow a pair and it needs a strong government who also won’t apologise for every mishap in the life of our country for a start. Leadership to “lead” the country back on track.

      The country is in disarray following announcement of EU departure and the snowflake cunts have seized the opportunity and went for the jugular, where instead we should have regrouped and strengthened ourselves and our country to fight and get the best terms to move forward and remain on good terms with our EU neighbours. These cunts send a signal of weakness to the outside world and will be one if not the greatest downfall of our country. Its like they are waving a white flag begging the EU to help them and that they support EU’s shit terms in hope that it will mean GB will u-turn and remain in the EU…”We are sorry on behalf of those who voted to leave”.

      Well I’m sorry, sorry that I hold these cunts responsible for sending out a signal to the world that we are weak and an open invitation to come in and kick us now that they have brought us down for them.

      People of Great Britain…grow a pair now!

  7. As I am an Americunt from the Great Midwest, I can speak with some authority on the subject of Purdue University.

    The reality of the “ban” is unclear largely because Purdue University as an entity refuses to comment on it. What is clear is that Purdue is run by a complete, total and utter fucking runt of a cunt…former Indiana Governor….Mitch Daniels.

    The cunting by the much esteemed Rebel without a Cunt is largely correct and much deserved. Purdue University…a previously respected school in the field of engineering…is not noted as a bastion of politically, correct liberal bullshit. In February it was reported that their on line writing lab…a writing guide available to students and the public…began issuing guidelines and explanations on acceptable writing and speech codes. These guidelines included suggestions for replacing “sexist language.”. One of the examples used mail carrier rather than mailman. (Our postal workers.). The explanation was, of course to avoid offending anyone with sexist language.

    After the story was picked up by the National News media the guidelines remained in place but the explanations were scrubbed from the website. As I said before, the University itself has not commented on the issue prompting people to wonder if this was an official policy or some rogue, libtard, SJW, Feminazis run amok.

    This next part is a bit tricky…

    Purdue President and former Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is not…to the best of my knowledge a Nazi. He is however, a puny, little, runt of a man and a gigantic, mammoth, cunt of a politician. A member of the Republicunt party and former member of George Bush Jr.’s administration…he is the most dangerous kind of political cunt there is…a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    A true American Progressive in the worst tradition of Wilson, Roosevelt et al….Daniels tried to ban the works of communist cunt Howard Zinn from Indiana institutions. Zinn, who authored “A People’s History of the United States” is a Marxist/Communist cunt well deserving of his own cunting. However, the right to free speech is enshrined in our 1st Amendment and despite the steady erosion by a stream of liberal court decisions it remains one of our most cherished rights.

    (Just as an aside after the vertically challenged cunt Daniels left office it was discovered that he kept an “enemies list” of people he wanted punished for not thinking like him.)

    While I despise communist cunts like Zinn…I defend his right to express his cuntish views. Americans do not ban books…Nazis do…and so does Mitch Daniels.
    Schools, including universities should be a place of free thinking. Mitch Daniels believes they should be a place of controlled thinking.

    So that brings us back to Purdue. Whether it was the Writing Lab, the University, or Mitch Daniels it’s hard to say since the cowardly little cunt won’t issue a statement. But I promise you…if the cunt didn’t implement it…he fully supports it…hence the official silence.

    Controlling what you read, what you say and what you think is a major part of the totalitarian agenda. Purdue University…their Writing Lab and President Mitch Daniels have taken a step towards doing that and thus so richly deserve this cunting.

    • An amazing expose’ and thoroughly interesting post as is usual General. Purdue came up so many times recently and for all the wrong reasons. ( Source: Cambridge Social Studies Unit ) and with ( I believe ) an unsavoury link to someone very recently at an awards ceremony. ( No further comment ( Ive learned my lesson )

      Interesting…..very interesting ( Citae. R Martin/ Atkinson )

      • Mitch Daniel’s has a multitude of cuntish acts to his disgrace. He is absolutely comtemptable

        Thank you Simple for the kind remarks…but Queeksdraw is the star of this cunting. I bow to the superior intellect.

      • Now that I would vote for and pay top dollar for on pay per view. To see those two cunts tortured with medieval tools of the witchfinder general variety would make my day. Get the popcorn on luv, the PPV death show is on after Corrie. I haven’t experienced piss boiling of the immediate variety since the run of Christmas blambos cooking turkey and exchanging socks, as dressed from head to toe like Black Dalek number one is the only fucking thing visible on the ugly cunts.
        What’s the difference between a mackerel and an Iraqi woman?
        One stinks, has eyes spread far apart, has had its guts shredded and is covered in an oily dark sticky substance and the other is a fish.

    • I had a look at TripAdvisor.
      Just a load of waffle about hotel and restaurant reviews.

      Acid?…shrooms?..not one fucking word.

  8. As it’s international wiminz day I have been celebrating by by filling my boots at XNXX cross referencing the terms “big naturals/anal/cum facial”.

    • Yarlswood ( and other IRC’s) are poulated with detainees who refuse to cooperate, refuse to leave the country and who use every trick in the book to avoid deportation. If released ( on T/A ) they would likely change identity, abscond etc and disappear into the approximate 4 million undocumented immigrants. The Legal Profession aid and abet, and cream billions over the years for representation of largely bogus people who have NO right to be in the UK

      Lammy is just another ideological cretin with a PD and why in fucks name he is in Parliament is beyond me.

      Google the Oakington Riots etc, the Yarlswood Arson and you will find that ALL, those guilty of the most serious crimes were silenced with the reward of Citizenship. Never charged, and always released.

      Lammy and the rest are a crock of pigeon arse shit!

      • If this is how they behave, their applications should get shredded and terminated, send the trouble making cunts home now before they commit the more serious crimes that often follow.

      • They rebel against the country’s process and burn the place to the ground that provides them shelter, then Harrow court finds them not guilty?


        I’ve been fined more for forgetting to put on my seatbelt?

        There is clearly something broken within our legal & justice systems.

        These people come equipped with this knowledge and must be gaining representation from grubby legal firms lining their pockets while getting scum off the hook.

      • This country is well and truly fucked Basement.

        Unfortunately now past the point of no return.

        Nobody in authority gives a fuck anymore.

      • Grubby legal firms it is. No immigrant population centre is without a couple. Highly profitable, I imagine, and I’ve yet to see any reports of over-regulation. Since the cunts who run them would have to speak a variety of languages natively, regulation would probably be racist…

      • Have worked at Yarlswood, Colnbrook and Harmondsworth: Full of lying, cheating vile scum cunts. A bunch of oxygen thieves……

      • At Oakington, we lost control of the centre for 3 days. The body of a deceased christian was held hostage by Muslims who used his body in an attempt to remain.in the UK. A Coroner was denied access to the body, and eventually the body was recovered following the use of a tactical Tornado Squad. The body was denied rights and due respect, and had it been a muslim body held by christians then no doubt it would have led to many deaths.

      • Do you know what happened to the Muslims who held the body Christian man, were they deported?

      • The Tornado Team took back the centre and the body was removed from site immediately. All ringleaders and the “gangs were removed and dispersed around the detention estate. This was the usual practice following riots and it meant that you would never find out what happened to the perpetrators. Deportation rarely if ever happened. In the 12 years of working in HMI I knew of only 203 deportations from my list of 47,000

    • Only black MP’s get voted into black areas coz black communities will only vote for other black people despite the fact that black people are notoriously bad at running countries and communities.
      That’s not racist. Just look at the evidence.
      Just look at Africa.
      Name 1 good, successful black leader that has improved the country they’ve run.
      Just look at lamy, ummuna and the abbopottomous.
      I rest my case.

    • Two points:
      1. Nottingham Trent
      2. Pissed-up teenagers.

      Hardly national news, is it?

      • Not in the fucking slightest.

        Dare to suggest that had the insults been the other way round the story would not have seen the light of day.

      • It was for the sly news app.
        It’s bollocks but just thought I’d mention it.

  9. “the word “Man” should no longer be used, as a word, as a prefix or as a suffix”

    I assume that goes for the plural too ?

    How the fuck are the female students going to get round MENstruating ?
    Or stop their Mothers going through the MENopause ?

    What a big bag of bollocks.

  10. Polly Tonbee at it again! On LBC said Margaret Thatcher did nothing for women and only had one woman in the cabinet.

    Newsflash you cunt: there were only 8 female Conservative MP’s at the time! Remind me how many female Labour prime ministers we have had?

    Utter fucking bitch cunt

  11. I just received this email from change . Org:

    “Sophie, refused to stay silent after experiencing sexual harassment at work. *you mean someone looked at you funny*

    Asma, wouldn’t take no for an answer when she was told that girls that wear the hijab aren’t allowed to play basketball. *basketball is haram. Probably*

    Rosie, couldn’t accept the unhealthy body images she was seeing as a model in the fashion industry. *So she’s concerned about the same thing with men? No. Didn’t think so*

    When some people think of superheroes they think of men in capes. *yea* I think of women like Sophie, Asma and Rosie who are courageously standing up against injustice they see in their day to day lives. *then you’re a dick. Starting a petition is NOT the same as flying half way round the world, beating up a baddie and saving a screaming (and no doubt ungrateful) woman from a burning building*

    What is amazing is that there are women and girls just like them all over the world *I think “unfortunate” is the word you were looking for* – they’re everywhere you look. *tell me about it* This year, perhaps more so than ever before, with movements like #MeToo and Times Up, we’re seeing women defying expectations, breaking silences, and demanding that change happens now. *and they’ll get what they want coz everyone’s already sick of their fuckin moaning*

    Celebrate these heroes

    They say there is a long way to go before we reach gender equality around the world, but the reason I love today, International Women’s Day, is that we get a chance to celebrate the millions of bold women and girls that are paving the way.”

    *What a festering, steaming pile of CUNT.

    Can I sign a petition AGAINST them please.*

  12. Was just at my local boozer and the new landlady is chastising people for saying fuck at the bar.Safe to say she won’t last a year especially as the said customer she chastised used to be drinking pals with Oliver Reed.

    • The guy puts over 50 quid a night seven days a week behind the bar and yet they complain he says fuck.Jeez!

  13. Why are so many of the Labour shadow cabinet very young women with absolutely no idea of life in the real world?

    Laura Pidcock on Question Time tonight is tipped as a future Labour Leader. Says it all really.

    Read a comment online tonight in which the poster stated that our politicians are totally to blame for giving this country away and turning it into a shithole. Has happened in a relatively short amount of time, no more than 25 years. Starting from about the time Tony Blair was elected, and continued by successive governments.

    Tonight on Question Time as per usual the politicians from opposing parties scoring cheap points off each other. As one audience member rightly said why can’t the political parties try to work together and sort things out.

    It won’t happen because policians are in the main fucking cunts, who continue to shaft this country for their own devices.

  14. I actually said to her than in my job you are called a fucking son of a whore a cunt a poofter nigger bastard and that my family should fucking die of cancer and that my mother and sister should be gang-raped every single day.

  15. I once had misfortune of metting a fat, butch, noisy and unbelievably brash yet dumbshit ignorant Yank slobess out of this place..she was a feminist…god knows why she was more masculine than a DDR shotputter on trenbolone. Looked like a rugby player in a dress.

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