PC advertisers

I’m sure I’m not alone in this, I have ground my teeth down to fuckin stumps watching the endless procession of insulting PC adverts!! There are far too many to list so I will go on 3 that make me want to punch a hole thru my TV screen…….

1…. the Cadbury muzzie shop owner exchanging a bar of Britain’s favourite chocolate for some battered little girls toys!!, such is this Cunts generosity he even hands back her favourite one!! ??

2…. can’t think of the brand but the obviously Muslim family with their dog!! Seriously?? That’s utter bollocks ???

3….. the British army advert with the man taking off his helmet ( muzzie) and praying during manoeuvres!! ???

I’ve got an idea for these advertising Cunts , maybe they could do an advert for best of British pork, have a Muslim family all sitting around the dinner table troughing on pork whilst their dog sits licking his balls at the dinner table!!

Nominated by Quislings

99 thoughts on “PC advertisers

  1. Well well, our politically correct police have finally had to name 3 of the men arrested for the explosion at a polish delicatessen in Liecester. And guess what? They are all Parking Stanley,s.
    It’s deeply embarrassing for them to have to admit that such a peaceful community are in fact what we have all been saying for decades.

    Now all we need are the names of the other two, y’know, the ones from East Anglia.

    • From a post I made yesterday in the Syria thread when we were merely speculating who could be responsible…

      Sir Peter Soulby (Leicester Arabia Mayor) stated: “We can definitely say it was not terror related.”

      This was immediately after the incident and the appeasing cunt even had the audacity to ball-out Katie Hopkins for even suggesting it could be “peaceful” or terrorism related.

      The Mayor – without knowing any facts whatsoever about the incident – was far too quick to protect the precious feelings of the big majority of “peaceful” cunts in his mayoral catchment area.

      Will Sir Peter’s resignation will be handed in first thing in the morning (as it should be – the cunt)?

      Will it bollocks! Because he and the authorities will bend over backwards to portray this as a cultural incident between Poles and “peacefuls”. A random act of violence. Not terror related and nothing whatsoever to do with “peacefulness”.

      However, had the roles been reversed and some Poles had blown up a “peaceful” curry house I’m pretty sure Sir Peter (and the cunt authorities also too reticent to call a “peaceful” terrorist atrocity a “peaceful” terrorist atrocity) would have been more than happy to call it a racist attack by right-wing neo-Nazi terrorists.

      Fucking appeasing cunts!

    • Investigators have asked the public not to speculate about the incident Asimple because it will impede the investigation. Upsetting the peacefuls and their followers is a no-no…..but on the other hand if you are a white indigenous creature of this country you are a racist cunt and not to be trusted. All your details will be handed out to any media outlet and your photo will be issued to any cunt that wants one.

      • Rebel’s post of yesterday on this subject too, and you are spot on Gingers, if it were white on Brown it waould be blasted throughout the media. Soulsby should have his arse kicked out, but he won’t, because the mass of immigrants are very happy to support this honkey stooge.

      • One of the 3 arrested and charged is the owner of the shop, one Aram Kurd. Unless parking stanleys are now running pollack supermarkets I would assume he is actually a pollack. The other two definitely sound peaceful though. There is also speculation from local people that the men had been producing bath tub gin in the basement and that it was this that caused the explosion. It seems plausible as pollacks are well versed in producing bath tub hooche.

        In any event, non of them are British and if it was an accidental explosion caused by an illegal distillery then they were involved in criminal activity and should be deported to their country of origin.

        On the plus side, 4 of the 5 victims were diverse in origin so I guess every cloud has a silver lining after all.

      • I agree. but three are charged with “Conspiracy to cause explosions ” To conspire suggests it was a bomb under manufacture. Still, as you say. an excellent result.

  2. The media are utterly relentless in promoting this pro snackbar and mixed ethnicity relationship agenda. It’s on the news. It’s in the adverts. In the soaps.

    There was some drama bollocks on Al-Beebera a while back, a ‘retelling’ of Robin Hood. One of the characters was black. Obviously. Cos, of course – you could throw a stick down the street and hit ten black cockneys in Nottingham in the 16th fucking century!

    • Remember the Kevin Costner version where we had a crowbarred African (Morgan Freeman) walking around the 15th Century English countryside? Christ on a scooter, as if Costner’s pitiful non-accent wasn’t woeful enough.

      • It was when he got from the white cliffs of Dover to Nottingham via Hadrian’s wall,all in a day,that got me. I know that there wasn’t as much traffic about in those days, but really.

      • @Dick….Bit like that get Carter Bollocks….Quayside via Jarrow Slakes to Seaham in 10 minutes of running!
        Christ Caine was fit!

      • Dick, they might’ve taken the National Express or a train, or perhaps even a flying carpet. Why not if you’re going to bend the truth to accommodate the PC-obsessives.

        Thankfully the rest of the film was also gibberish dogshit.

      • Bettered only by Tony Robinson’s shitty “Maid Marian” kid’s TV show (BBC naturally) where Robin Hood and the Merry Men are all thick and gormless (apart from the one with dreadlocks obviously) and plucky Marian is the brains of the outfit.
        PC shite for the kiddies…

    • Tinder has now introduced that sign of modern relationships the mixed race couple in the form of an emoji as you can imagine they cover all the permutations of couples even surprisingly white chap and dusky maiden. People are more likely to be receptive of change if it wasn’t rubbed in our noses like a naughty carpet shitting puppy. I blame it all on the grand master of cunt tony blair the CUNT CUNT and double CUNT that he is,the man who registers 12 on the Cuntsmic scale,he is the mother load of cunt the source that all cunts spring from.

      • All us honkey’s have to do is boycott all the products that advertise positive diversity. When the tills go empty ???

      • Why the feckety fecking feck do Special K need to show 2 old tabbies kissing and McCain 2 blokes doing same are they putting secret ingredients in their products to turn us all ambidextrous, “children in Pakistan ” is needed for the creatives who thought this PC crap up.( youthinasia) like at Dignity.

  3. Well the ad with the Peaceful shopkeeper swapping chocolate for some kiddies toys is as blatant a case of grooming as I’ve ever seen. It’s quite obvious what Mo (surname Lester,perhaps?) has in mind for the child. Fuck me, if I went around offering little girls sweeties,I’d expect to have plod asking me some serious questions. Rightly so. Of course we all know that peaceful people have no history of that kind of behaviour,so it must just be my racist mind again. I shall report myself to the thought police and sign up for reeducation camp.

    If I’ve learned a few truths from ads it’s that all white,middle-aged men are thick and bumbling. All white women want black cock. All white children wish that they could be a B+W Cunt, like their brighter classmates. All black men are professional men living in the perfect “nuclear family unit.” All black women are jolly,go-getter,hip models. Peacefuls are generous,benevolent employers of thick white slags,and finally that June is after more than just life-assurance and actually wants the old fella to eskimo trebuchet her…the filthy old trout.

    Fuck them.

  4. Shitty Politically-Correct advertisement Idea:-

    Have someone walking around modern Britain pointing out all the gadgets that we use from around the World in a tepid dig at a pro-Britain patriotism and spoken with gentle incredulity by a modern, diverse comedian.

    Oh, it’s already been made. HSBC’s “Global Citizen” with Richard Ayeode and his sanctimonious whine, “We watch American movies on our Korean tablets!” So desperate to find adjectives from National countries they’ve used dogs to force in “French”, etc.

    Shit Off you PC cockroaches.

    • I despise the HSBC ad with every neurone in my pissed-off body, not least ‘cos they’re my bank. Thought of changing, but the cunts are all as bad as each other. Like politicos, really. We’re just stuck with them.

      Richard Ayeode ?? Never new the cunt had a name… perhaps Anode (changed from anus-node ?) would suite better. Comedian ? Well, fuck me. Twat ? Definitely. Laugh ? Thought I’d never start.
      More like E I Addio.

    • Worth pointing out that all tablets everywhere use ARM processors, developed in Cambridge, the firm having been sold to the Japs last year due to its immense investment value.

  5. Perhaps the Muzzie family with the dog are fattening it up ready for breaking their fast after Ramadamadingdong?

    Chips with fido anyone?

      • If,instead of “Clear Off” in a Geordie accent,he’d said “Fuck Off” I’d have had my suspicions as to his identity.
        : ) .

      • I have to say that the face on the lady MP when he says that at the end is priceless!

        Pity the ABBC don’t get hip with the times and have those “Stop VT” followed by a rubber stamp graphic over the top with the caption “OWNED!” on it! ?

      • The stupid fucking bitch deserved every fucking word….and as foe fucking Dumbo Clarke, may his fucking grotesque Gonads turn square and fester at every fucking corner!! Cunt….fuck Off

      • What’s with the photo avatars these days? You won’t catch me doing any of this fancy smancy photo avatar malarkey, I’m an old school cunter. Besides, I don’t know how to do it.

      • Dick Fiddler showed me how. I wanted to show an obscene and offensive Avatar but WordPress wouldn’t let me.

    • Excellent. Concise, and good, straight delivery.

      But even in the closing second or so, I noticed a smug grin starting on the bitch’s face.

      If I get in power, there’s going to be a lot of cheap tins of pet food around… Or maybe donations to Save the Gay Whales…

  6. The two latest ones are the NHS promoted ad for people to use Pharmacies for minor medical injuries and enquiries, and the “right-on” Premier Inn one.

    In the pharmacy one the parent and her thick kid are idiot white folk, the pharmacist a caring, intelligent “peaceful” and the aid administer an Africunt.

    The thing is, we wouldn’t need to use pharmacies as satellite NHS off-shoots if there wasn’t a huge issue with Supply V Demand in the NHS because we’re over-fucking-populated, the cause of which relates directly to immigration including these beloved “peacefuls” and Africunts.

    Premier Inn goes for the virtue-signalling full house: eyes meet between two Indian guests attending a Hindi wedding over the “eat as much as you like” breakfast bar which then descends into a full ensemble bhangra dance-off romance with the only whitey in the ad being the receptionist called – I shit you not – “Melanie Dykes”, all narrated by Lenny Henry.

    The reality is that most Hindu and Sikh marriages – even in the UK – are still arranged and to have two “star crossed lovers” meet like this and fall in love is complete and utter bollocks!

    The Hindu and Sikh folk in this country are a noble people and (unlike their “peaceful” cunt cousins from the sub-continent) happily integrate into UK society while recognising their own cultural background.

    Even so, the Premier Inn advert is bang off the mark and panders purely to flake-think and the lame-stream media’s slant on all things ethnic.

    Fucking cunts!

    • I’m pretty sure there was a grey haired white woman in a sari at the end of the ad. I could be wrong with that though. I saw the ad while drinking with mates in the man cave. I’d already had a couple of ciders.

    • Fucking Premier Inn fucked up my families boxing day with my 93 year old father and mother in law and children and grand kids. We booked and paid for 4 rooms and 8 breakfasts and when we arrived to check in the stupid dark skinned american accented cunt behind the counter looked at my booking references and gave me two toom keys, so I said what about the other two rooms and he said” they are not on the system so no can do” and even though I actually showed him my Emails on my phone confirming I’ve paid for four rooms he wasn’t having any of it. After trying to reason with the stupid cunt and attempting to call customer service at his request WHO WERE SHUT. I had to call my daughter and tell her to cancel coming down with the grandkids as there is nowhere to stay.
      My missus was nuclear but I managed to calm her down I could see the “I’m only the night porter” dark one pulling the race card.
      To top it all after we left the counter to back to the car and sort the shit out. More people came to check in. Well Lenny cunting Henry I was there first so surely anyone that hasn’t checked in I should get their room.
      If I saw Henry or that fucking ad I’d throw the tv out the window.
      I blame Dawn French for not crushing the talent free cunt.

      • Dawn French is responsible for too much shit, too much shit.
        Always a fuckin airbrush photo of the lardarse on the front of Good Housekeeping, usually at Christmas. Ho ho ho…NOT.
        Same as other GH slags, Kirstie Allslop and Plastic-Bumley.
        They make my eyeballs puke bile.

      • Having worked as a night porter, I’d just like to uncunt the one you met slightly. Management never tells you anything, and you have to deal with unexpected situations as best you can. The assumption (not my fault, Sir, I’m just the night porter..) is that you arrive during office hours and get the same unsatisfactory excuses from the heavily made-up, utterly clueless bird at the counter…but management’s still around and will eventually be made to appear.

        I am no longer a night porter, btw – carry on cunting.

  7. Perhaps this deep-seated hatred of Whitey by all normal peace-loving black people of the world is due to them knowing they’re all coconuts? Or can our wonderful, over-staffed and magic NHS turn their inside pink (white) bits black? Cunts one and all with their pink cunts.

    • Nice one mingebiter. Incidentally, you triggered a thought. Going back a week or so, the 10.000 year old Briton was described as being black, and a model ( black of course ) was available in the press. As posted the “Red Lady” of Paviland was white ( 27,000 yrs )…so…whitey came first!

  8. As I’ve said before, the Army recruiting of the muzzie kneeling to pray while on patrol, whilst the rest stand stag is complete and utter bullshit. Neither on exercise nor on deployment would this be allowed to happen. It puts the entire patrol at risk of contact with the enemy, and presents a big muzzie shaped target to any sniper who may be watching. It’s sending out a false message to potential muzzrat recruits that you can pray anytime and anywhere they want. That is not true. And no squaddie I’ve ever served with would be happy to stand by wait while some cunt found which way was east and then knelt and fucking prayed. Not one.

    • Dear Mr QDM, I find more than a little worrying your implication that squaddies on manoeuvres don’t constantly orient themselves compass-point-wise. Are they all girls?

    • Fortunately, the Royal Navy and RAF recruitment ads still show the need for a degree of toughness, which is definitely required for all those in Britain’s (or any other country’s) armed forces. The Army idiots who chose the ad agency producing this bilge should be up against a wall, along with the ad agency cunts too. I think the RN and RAF adverts should take advantage of this stupid cuntiness by changing their ads to “Are you a poof, ‘a peaceful’ or a sensitive snowflake? Then join the Army!!! You won’t have to fight anyone if you think their feelings will be hurt”.
      It reminds me of the tale, after Jeremy Thorpe the senior Liberal politician was done for conspiracy after shagging pillow biting Norman Scott, that their next ad would be “Join the Liberal party and widen the circle of your friends”

      • Sadly, the RAF recruitment ads now are very multicultural, if you look very closely, you will see that the WHITE SAC salutes the BLACK FLT LT. If that ain’t telling us something then fuck knows what else is.

  9. Italy going to the polls tomorrow, lets hope they do the right thing. No love for the EU even on the left so could be a case of a Trump/Killery scenario and a vote for the lesser evil. Brussels no doubt shitting bricks, a case of chicken coming home to roost with letting a tide of illiterate, backward cultural enrichers flood in unchecked.

    • I think it’s today actually but the results will be out tomorrow. It’s likely to be a coalition but it could well be a coalition of euro sceptic parties. However I don’t think any of them are calling for a referendum to leave the EU.

  10. Just after Christmas me and the wife went watching a play, something we haven’t done for years but someone had booked it for us so off we went. It was A Christmas Carol by Dickens. So we settle down and the show starts, Scrooge appears but it’s difficult to see him in the gloom as he is as black as the fire back, his acting style is the hysterical eye rolling type. Things get worse ,Mrs Cratchit turns out to be black also, her accent is reminiscent of Warner Bros cartoons, I sit there in expectation of her shouting Thomaaaaas ! Where is dat no good cat ?
    The play was a fucking disaster, there are no black characters in A Christmas Carol, their inclusion was totally out of context. PC bollocks the lot of it

    • Lolz, that’s the second time in a week ‘mammy two shoes’ has been mentioned on this blog.

      Perhaps the time has come to adopt her as our mascot.

    • Just wait till you see what they did with “Hastings” in that BBC production, the only thing that was missing behind the shield wall was a kebab van.

      • Every time I see an ethnic actor on TV or film I know for a fact that a decision has been made at some level to put them there as a symbol of the directors’, producers’ or writers’ moral superiority. That is to say they appear as some ones’ ( probably white ) vanity project. If I were an ethnic actor I would be pissed off to fuck knowing that I was being put into roles not because of my talent but simply because of the colour of my skin.

    • You could do a marvellous uptake of that.

      Ebboneezer UmKuntye, after denying his loyal flunkey Bob FatShit (stupid and white, naturally) the day off for a Western holiday, is haunted by Marley’s ghost (whom he beheaded for being a heathen). Subsequently, Ebbo is visited by three spirits: the ghost of British Past (British), the ghost of British Present (East European), and the most terrifying of all, the ghost of Britain-yet-to-come (a horrifying spectre dressed in what looks like a bed sheet and round nightcap.

      Ebbo repents and makes amends by murdering the whole Fatshit family in a car explosion.

      It could be called “A Christmas Call-to-Arms.”

  11. I’d like to say all this PC bollocks is a uniquely western affliction but I’d be wrong. My squeeze on last years 6 month sabbatical to Thailand was university educated and worked for the tourist police as an interpreter, mostly Chinese but also Japanese, English and a little Ruskie. Clever girl. However, she had the exact same cultural marxist post modernist bullshit ideas that characterise generation snowflake in the West. We had one discussion about Black lives matter where she flatly refused to accept there was any such thing as the babary slave trade, even refusing to look when I googled it on my phone. Pure snowflake.

    • 120,000 taken from Deveon/Corwall over 200 years, Wales 30,000 taken, and an undisclosed number from Eire.

      In addition to the 250,000 taken overseas as slaves during the Roman occupation of Britain. ( 16% of the population at the time )

      • It’s estimated up to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved by the barbary pirates but this does not count those enslaved by Moroccan pirates. But still little Thai girl maintained the history of the world is one of white Christian domination of poor victimised brown people. Cognitive dissonance at its finest and something cultural marxism relies upon.

  12. Unfortunately had to go to town yesterday to the Post Office. The main post office in town which had about 6 customer windows and was always very busy is now situated in WHSmiths which now has 2 windows with inevitable resulting queues.

    Walked past a BrightHouse store, and could not help looking in their window. Focused on one specific item (a washing machine) which retailed at £142. No expert on washing machines but ours mid range well known German brand was £450 so fuck knows what quality you get for £142. Probably one of those which the manufacturers claim to be completely safe but probably best not to leave it when operating just in case. Anyway, the repayments for this item amounted to £445. Suspect this did not include insurance plus other extras they are known to add on which can increase the cost substantially more than the already ridiculous price indicated.

    Who in their right fucking mind would ever “buy” something which they knew is at the very least three times the recommended retail price?

    • Simply those who desperately want/need something but can’t get any sort of remotely standard credit, been there myself in the past.

      • Sorry to hear that Moggie63

        Hope that things are better for you now.

        Looked up BrightHouse, owned by Vision Capital, who in turn owned by a guy who came from Goldman Sachs.

        The rich taking every opportunity to fleece/fuck those less fortunate than themselves.

    • Was the £142 quid washing machine the new Grenfell 8kg 1000rpm model?

      No need for insurance as each purchase comes with a free handout and a stay in a luxury hotel.

    • Even the well-known German brands tend to be made in China. With the strong suspicion that the innards are the same as anyone else’s machine, and only the front panel is different.

  13. Off topic but:
    Has any noticed that the latest Brexit scare, coming from the EU and that cunt Blair is the Irish border and the Good Friday Agreement? I didn’t know the EU were so caring. And making NI part of the EU is a master stroke.
    We have had mixed relations with Eire over the years. They naturally wanted independence. NI catholics wanted some form of equality, which the Loyalists resisted. Hence the Troubles.
    However, Irish nationals served in the British forces for many years. I had 2 Irish uncles in the army, one of whom never came back. The Irish dug canals, built railways and buildings. Have we ever had a hard border with Eire? Passport control? (answers appreciated) If not, why should this suddenly be used as a threat to peace and stability? The loser here for the most part would be Eire and the EU.
    So this week’s Brexit scare – the Irish border and the armageddon that will surely ensue unless we either abandon Brexit or gift NI to the EU.

    • We have had an open borders common travel area agreement with the Republic of Ireland since 1923 i.e. basically as long as the ROI has existed. There is already a border between ROI and NI which have different currencies, tax and duties and everything seems to work just fine. There is no need for a hard border at all but if the EU want to go to the expense of installing one and patrolling it with wild tigers while simultaneously causing economic harm to the ROI that is entirely up to them.

  14. Some cunts can never take a joke.
    Was at a BBQ in the summer. Amongst those there, was a multi coloured hair, face full of piercings, lesbo social worker type.
    She was outlining some of her roles. One of which was giving talks to women living in some sort of battered womems’ shelter on how to get their lives back on track.
    I said “That sounds difficult”

    “Not really” she replied “Why would you think that?”

    And all I said was….

    “Well I was under the impression that listening wasn’t one of their strong points.”

    It was just a fucking joke…

    • In my growing experience JR, not only are women not able to listen, they also have little or no sense of humour.

    • My mate phoned to say his wife was in hospital. I said “Women’s trouble?”. He said “Yes, a broken jaw”.

    • Has anyone got Elton Johns dog, Arthur ? the fucking thing must be famous, its in the fucking news, cunts
      who gives a fuck besides that fat bloated cunt and his cocksocket David Furnish

  15. I was in my Bank on Friday – security alert* – and was sitting in the customer chair whilst directly opposite me on the wall – so one cannot avoid it was one of the Bank’s ads with of course a dark-skinned gentleman and a good looking Blond and their mulatto daughter living in the kind of house I can only dream of. I can’t complain because I am on probation from my previous homophobic outburst at the Bank.

    I might have told my sorry story to my neighbour but he is himself peaceful (though of a lighter shade than the gentleman in the Ad).

    * Curious that in my (false) alert the Bank were happy to slag off former Soviets with impunity.

    • My bank, Lloyds has 2 very diverse kids on their websites’ front page and once you have signed in there are 2 more for their loan application link. In fact there are no whities on their site at all!!

      • Which government? Kenya? Sudan? Congo? You would think so with all the gollys on their website.

    • Lend Lolly On Your Dodgy Security ??

      I still know mine (HSBC) as Millions In Deposit Loans Are Naturally Denied

  16. Watch too much of the BBC and you think every couple is bi-racial, a quarter of the population was homo and there are transBenders everywhere. One glance out of the window reminds you that it’s all been conceived in a Beeb backroom by Javinder, Mohammad, Serendipity and David (who used to be Michelle).

  17. Fun fact for today which you won’t find on the BBC.

    White British will be a minority by 2066 according to David Coleman. No, not that David Coleman, another one. This ones a professor at Oxford University so he should know.

      • Same in Lutonistan, it’s staggering. Mostly “peaceful” by some fucking margin!

        Still, you’re never pushed for a mini-cab there.

        It’s a bit of a pisser though as you go to get in and there’s some white bird passed out on the back seat! Fuckers should know how to hold their liquor at 10.30am in the morning…

      • I have a Sikh friend who lives in Leicester. She’s dead cool and a right laugh. Hates the muslim fuckers though, as do we all.

  18. That cunty McCains advert is the worst.
    They even have a radio version.

    “Love doesn’t see gender ….”

    Quite what getting fucked up the bum has to do with oven chips is anyone’s guess.
    I deliberately don’t but McCains now.
    Sjw cunts.

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