On line vigilantes

I’d like to nominate so called “On line vigilantes” such as Dark Justice. These are members of the public who go on chat sites pretending to be a child and then try to inveigle men to meet them for underage sex. When the man turns up they film him and his arrest.

Now right from the start I’ll declare that I am not involved,or know anyone involved,in this kind of thing. I am however genuinely interested in Cunters’ thoughts. Would these men have committed the offence if not encouraged? I know that over the years my thoughts have contained just about every crime from murder down to parking in a handicapped bay. Would I have acted on any if given encouragement?

How do the police stand on these,dare I say,entrapment cases? Is such filming of an arrest even legal? There was a man I read about who committed suicide after being caught by one of these groups and the footage put up on the internet.He died before being convicted,should these people have anonymity until conviction?

I also wonder about the motivation of some of these vigilantes,I’m sure that some do it with the best intentions,but I also wonder if some do it for self-glorification or even some vicarious thrill?

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

53 thoughts on “On line vigilantes

  1. The thought of sex with a child is repellent and should be the same to right-thinking normal folk.

    My view is that any cunt trapped by this gets what they richly deserve. Had they not been trapped by this then in time it is likely that they would have committed a child sex crime if the temptation was there in the first place. At least this way plod can lift them without any child coming to harm.

    Fuck them, as you would say, Mr Fiddler.

    • Agreed Paul. Even thinking about shagging kids makes a normal person’s stomach churn. Particularly those with kids of their own.

      Actively grooming kids online, with the sole purpose of meeting up puts these scumbag cunts firmly in the crosshairs.

      They aren’t safe to have around kids and get everything they deserve when they get caught out and publicly humiliated.

      If they off themselves because of their actions, that is just fine by me.

      Removing pond scum from the gene pool can only be a good thing.

      • Agreed Norman.

        Abnormal thinking in anyone’s book.

        The police seemingly do not have the resources to cope with most serious crimes these days so as they frequently need help from the public and I see this falling under this remit.

        Ideally it would be preferable for those undertaking this type of work to liaise or register with the police but realise this is probably not going to happen.

        Of course there will be those opportunists who use this type of work for self gratification or sexual titilation however imagine this cannot easily be recognised.

        I personally do not have any problems with people doing this especially in light of recent child abuse revelations such as Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford. Realise these are slightly different scenarios however even if one child can be spared as a result of catching these online groomers Ivam all fior it.

        Those behaving individuals age appropriate and acting responsibly should have nothing to worry about, and those who are not deserve everything they get.

        I used to have a regional manager who several years after he was fired I read had been incarcerated for 18 months for online grooming. Creepy, dangerous bloke, and the young girls he was grooming (in chat rooms with him sending explicit photos of himself) needed protecting from him as he would have not stopped until he got what he wanted.

        If there is some collateral itbis unfortunate but probably only have themselves to blame with most decent law abiding people never dare to venture onto such sites.

  2. I wouldn’t know how the minutiae of this “inveigling” works, but any pervert who falls for it must be desperate for “the child’s” “inveigling” to be genuine, and is therefore a cunt who deserves whatever he gets.

  3. A subject close to my heart. The powers that be, have chosen over many decades to consiously overlook the crimes caused and perpetuated by paedophiles.

    I have witnessed at first hand the reluctance to persue these criminals, and indeed the efforts expended in justifying their actions and giving identifiable status to their persuance of their chosen target. There are many reasons for this.

    In truth, there are many cultures globally, where sex with children ( even of tender years ) is acceptable. It can be ritualistic, or it can be a process of self gratification. But. It is legal and accepted.

    We in the west, have a different view on these matters. It is a sad reflection on our useless Government and individual politicians that they were able to import in huge numbers, peoples with a conflicting culture, and to allow these foreign practices to perpetuate our culture. A blind eye to the cultural component empowers our home grown paedophiles, and they lie quietly unobserved by a Police Force intimidated by Political lunacy.

    There is within us all, an internal conflict of morality, from a time immorial , when things were different. But our society has evolved to disown and be reviled by such practices and a moral code and standard has pushed such practices to the fringe. In some , they are beyond civilized society.

    The question asked. Does Dark Justice exist as a necessary force that replaces a power that chooses to turn a blind eye? yes, I believe they do. And to that end I will support any such action they take.

    In 2004, Asylum seeking persons from New Guinea, continued the practice of “Manning” on 13 year old boys of their culture. To attain adulthood, each boy would in turn suck the cocks of their elders. The semen swallowed endowed them with wisdom and knowledge. They then became “men”

    This practice was known , and it was not discouraged, Indeed, In the safe guarding of the children, the cultural recognition and “respect” for such practices took precedence.

    A deep subject Dick Fiddler, complex and offensive to standards of decency.And I still believe to this day, we are betrayed by Cunts.

    • @Simple

      My friend, I’m afraid I can’t go along with you on this one.

      I had family members who were abused by a creeper. I have seen the damage done first hand. I would never defend the abuser. But I cannot condone vigilante justice.

      • I agree General, but, in the absence of a Judiciary that acts, then the natural recourse is to act on behalf. Another point is that the “Vigilante” in this case does not seek to administer justice, but to ensure, coerce, force, the lawful authority to act.
        I would never condone a “Vigilante Style Justice System” where punishment is administered. We in the UK have experience of this in NI where many a knee capping occurred courtesy of some IRA and Paramilitary Cunts.

      • @Simple

        Perhaps as suggested a little further down this thread we are involved in that “…two peoples separated by a common language thing” I have discussed before.

        Never for one minute did I or do I believe you would be on the side of anyone other than the angels*.

        Warmest regards

        *American slang for someone who is on the correct and righteous side of the issue.

      • I read your posts General and we are both on the same wavelength. Our lives and what we believe are a product of our experiences and exposures. Dick started a great thread ( he usually does ) and the issues would require more space than we have to include all and in depth.
        Deep Regards General.!

  4. If I commit a crime against children. I go to jail ( rightly so )

    If I am a politician, I claim on expenses. ( I think you all know who )

  5. I take your point, Mr F…some of these vigilantes seem only a little less pathetic than the cunts they’re trying to ensnare. But…anyone who thinks of children in this way has been that way (psychologically) for ages and will continue to be so. These people cannot be cured. It’s only a shame that “Dark Justice” don’t tempt certain folk by enticing them in Urdu

  6. Apart from ISAC I have no online presence at all and these creepy/groomy/pee-dough types get no sympathy from me!

    However this is the slippery slope of big society being charged, prosecuted and convicted via FaceCunt (or TwitCunt or Googlecunts) without any need for a Judiciary System.

    There have been reams of incidents recently where folk have commented or liked a “honey trap” statement on one of these (anti)social-meejah sites and then said “trapper” has dobbed them in to their employer and/or family.

    The trapper will post up: “Can’t wait for that wall to go up!” – re: Trump’s wall. They’ll receive likes or supporting comments, join the dots to their employer/family and then re-post/tweet their comment – but under a different account, their SJW account stating: “Did you know you employ a racist bigot?”

    Or similarly post up a comment like: “That’s the best look for J-Law! Face full of jizz!” – wait for the likes, support post – then: “Do you know you employ a chauvinist who thinks it’s cool to objectify women as sex objects?”

    People are losing jobs for having opinions which differ to those of the online twitterati. Some have killed themselves because of it (following the loss of income, etc.).

    Now here’s the rub: because the virtue-signalling SJW cunts doing this have a notion of “virtue hierarchy” where “peacefuls” come top followed by Africunts, then the LGBTQXYZ mob and then the feminazis, 99.99% of people shunned and shamed in this way are – you guessed it – the hated middle-aged white man.

    Going for a job interview any time soon? Make sure you have no (anti)social-meejah presence because nowadays your CV is probably the 3rd or 4th thing they check about you before they even consider adding you to the “maybe” pile.

    No company will admit this and HR Guidance states that it is an “unfair” practice – I was told this by a HR bod who was looking at a Facebook profile of a potential candidate as they told me!?!

    Online vigilantes may think they’re noble for identifying folk who don’t share the socio-globo-libero group-think mantra of their ilk but the reality is that they’re just cowards hiding behind a keyboard where they cannot be touched. Cunts.

    • You’re damn right there, Rebel. All is not lost though (as long as you’re away from cities and/or big corporations). My boss has a policy (unofficial, of course) of not employing “darkies, lardos, benders or religious twats” (his words). With only 25 employees and no personnel dept, everyone gets along just fine. We even employ a couple of thoroughly decent women, for goodness’ sake! No wimminz though, thank fuck.

      • Quite right Rebel. That is the situation as it is , and one that fucks up our society. I think Thomas the Cunt Engine seems to work in the best of places. Non PC crap.

  7. Before the interweb was look and learn suspect 18 stone mongoloid baby sitters or 22 year old men hanging around with 16 year olds playing kick the can
    who should have been supping ale in the pub with their mates
    Me and my mucker was in a supermarket years back and they had a kiddie carruosel and the fat contoller in his box looked like rab c nesbit from the toffee crisp ad and my mucker looked up and said take a look at that cunt hes wanking
    another was when i bought a newspaper after work and the gadgie in front of me had purchased a pile of kids mags and you could tell it was not for his kids(like a alky buying whisky) scruffy cunt pervert
    Sat in digs one time and a lad shows me some pics of his nephew in the garden in the swimmingpool naked weird cunt
    But the point is the interweb has put these sad lonely fucks to death

  8. It’s the question of the morality of encouraging these abusers that really interests me. Could these “hunters” be accused of encouraging someone to commit a crime?
    I also wonder about people who commit an offence when they meet an underage victim in say,a pub or nightclub and she says that she is 18 Is the man justified in believing that if she’s in a nightclub that she is,at least,18? I know from various acquaintances’ daughters that when they get all dressed up they certainly look a hell of a lot older than I know them to be. Should a man ask to see ID before propositioning a girl who me meets in a nightclub?
    Must say that there have already been some interesting posts on this subject. Thanks.

    • @Dick

      I’m still a relatively new member her but I must tip my hat to you. This cunting and your remarks above are among your best! Both are truly thought provoking and worthy. ?

      (Damn! It hurts to say that. I must be I’ll. ?)

      • Thank you, General.
        Perhaps you’d also like to hear some more of my views on religion and it’s followers? Another day, perhaps 🙂 .

      • You would be surprised at the complexity of Paedo’s and their dynamics Dick. They respond to subtle cues both subliminal and overt, and it is this that triggers their desire. Very few Paedophiles target specifically, but may deliberately place themselves in a place or situation that triggers desire. I once did an assessment on one such person. You would find the details of this on another site. As for those who hunt. They have the tendency to be motivated by a sense of need to fulfill an obligation to society in some way to improve their feeling of self worth and value. Few are solely motivated for other purposes.
        As for the “agent provocateur” element of underage attraction, this has deep roots in its history.!

      • You should write a book Dick.

        If nothing else, a compilation of your ISAC posts alone would surely be a guaranteed Xmas best seller!

        Hard to believe you’ve not yet been approached by an enterprising major book publisher…

        Maybe you have, but mistook them for Gurapta.*

        (* I read one of your previous posts under ‘Telesales 3’, tee-fucking-hee)

      • Damn!

        I was going to suggest:

        Fiddling With Dick; My Battle With Cunts and How I Licked Them

      • I was thinking of “The Cunting Postman Had Fucking Well Better Not Ring Twice If He Bloody Well Knows What’s Good For Him,Bastarding Wanker”….just a working title,of course.

      • Brilliant! Why use two words when twenty-one will do.

        Now if you’d just like to sign on the dotted line here…………..

    • on about that
      i came back to my home town and was sleeping in my car and eventuauly met up with a mate for a long weekend and so i had few pound in my pocket and a bmw 735 and we pull two young tarts in a club and we took them back to his house
      and i proceed to shag the guts out of young lady and on the vinegar stroke she said “im only 16” and since then young women do not intrest me and at 15 i shagged a pub slut 32 years old
      mrs brickbat is happy

    • The question of “entrapment / ensnaring / encouraging” has always been a bit of a legal hot potato.
      In the case of paedos, though, it would seem justifiable unless, of course, it leads them into their first proven offence… Tricky indeed.

  9. I do not like vigilantes of any sort. Regardless of the alleged offense. The issues of creepers and pervs is a emotional one so must people react to groups like Dark Vigilance in a supportive manner. Creepers and pervs deserve the harshest legal penalties our society deems fit. Because of this people support these kinds of vigilante groups and actions.

    But we are nations of due process with legal safeguards. We have duly elected and appointed law enforcement officers. Vigilantes are neither and we have only their word that they have acted with integrity.

    Who are they and why do they do what they do? (As Fiddler asked) Remember that idiot George Zimmerman? He was one. Self appointed Captain of the Neighborhood Watch who shot and killed Travon Martin? He was no less a vigilante then these people. He was a wannabe policeman who couldn’t make the grade. He was on his self appointed rounds…”fighting crime”…and BANG! He killed someone.

    I looked and objective information on Dark Justice is hard to find. Aside from their own website, an article in The Sun and some local newspaper stuff I really couldn’t find much. Nobody knows who they are. And while they make claims about convictions to be sure some people have walked free. They are however,…like Zimmerman…on their rounds fighting crime.

    One more issue needs to be addressed here. In this case, as we have said, the issue is that of creepers and pervs. But what if the issue was something else? What if the issue was decided by someone else? What if the issue was racism? Hate speech? Wrong thinking? Support for Brexit? Do you want to be set up…hunted and outed by Hope Not Hate?

    By the way Mr. Fiddler…whatever goes on in the conners of that mind of yours may very well be criminal in nature…(I shudder at the thought. ?)…but it isn’t a crime until acted out. At least it isn’t until the New World Order enacts the Orwellian crime of Wrong Thinking.

    As the saying goes…if you see something…say something…but DON’T manufacture it. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Middy need to mind their own business and leave the crime fighting to the professionals.

    • Legal safeguards, General? When a chap who teaches a dog to do a nazi salute for a joke might be facing prison? I’m not so sure… And UK vigilantes tend not to kill people…

      • @francis

        TI can’t believe I’m seriously debating the issue of legal safeguards… i.e. due process with you. “We” don’t live in a “State of Nature” where “…life is nasty, poor, brutish and short.”. Accordingly, “we” do not support or condone mob rule or mob justice. And that is what vigilantism is.

        And the guy in Scotland is getting the legal safeguard of due process It’s the law and not the legal safeguards that are fucked up.

        Those same (presumably enlightened) UK citizens who don’t tend to kill people apparently do try to imprison them for wrong thinking.

      • General, I’m not sure Hobbes is really in point.

        I think we may be “two people separated by a common language” here… I’m not advocating mob rule or mob justice; I’m simply giving a degree of support to a group which investigates certain people that appear to slip through the police net. Both activities can come under the heading of “vigilantism”.

        As for legal safeguards, due process or whatever you wish to call them, well, yes, we have them, but they’re FAR from perfect, and the defendant who places his faith in them is a mug. I speak as a retired magistrate with experience.

      • @francis

        I really like and admire the stuff you post. I’m going to assume you are correct and we as civilized gentlemen…well at any rate civilized…uh…allow me to rephrase…I’m going to assume that we as Cunters…are both on the side of right and are indeed “separated by our common language.”

    • We talked above, and due to everything I write ending up in moderation Im off thread in terms of continuity.

      Great material General! Dark Justice was born from a small number of people who were very internet savvy, and who communicated on line. They formed a physical contact system which is controlled by a coordinator. Their purpose was to collect and record data that at the time was beyond the reach of the Police ( a resource matter ) Dark Justice always assisted the police as informants , and were never actively in the field. The people who are now known as Dark Justice and who have a field presence, do so on a false flag. They are not of the original element , but are savvy crusaders who ( for a number of reasons ) work in smaller and more isolated groups. Almost splinter like in appearance.Graham Wallace who founded the original , has had no active part in any matter since at least 2012.

      • Goddamn Simple everything I do is in moderation too! Sometimes for only a brief period but it throws me off as well.

        We must have angered the Great Gods of Cunting. I suggest we perform a pagan ritual and sacrifice a ram…a Remainer…and 2 goat fuckers for redemption.

        ?. ?. ?. ?. ?

      • Excellent idea general!

        Let’s start with sadiq khan.

        If that doesn’t please the gods of cunting I don’t know what will.

      • @DPS…great idea…I couldn’t think of a better sacrafice..1 wait though….what about Keith Vaseline ?

      • Good choice asa.
        Vas would be a good sacrifice but someone else will have to do it. I’m not going near him.
        … I dread to think of what he caught from all those rent boys over the years.
        Give me a hazmat suit and a long range rifle and I’ll consider it. 🙂

      • Im on board with that General. My post to you is still in moderation I am retired now but formerly a forensic ME. having worked for H.O. and Immigration. Came across lots of these little kiddie fuckers ! Safegaurding….? a fucking joke. I read Francis’s post. he is bang on the money on this one.

  10. Great nom fiddler … a puzzler this one.

    On the one hand n@nces are cunts that deserve everything they get, but on the other hand power corrupts and once these vigilantes get a taste of power, where will it go next?
    It’s a shame that the politicians and police aren’t doing their jobs properly and that members of the public have to resort to these tactics to get arrests.

    Excellent point made by general about that cunt George Zimmerman. It starts with someone just wanting to look out for their community and ends up with people being shot.
    Just coz some inadequate idiot wants to be a hero.

    If someone doesn’t have the training and professionalism to do serve justice within the law and without infringing on people’s rights then they shouldn’t do it.

    It’s a tough one.
    All n@nces deserve to hang but allowing the public to enforce the law is very dangerous indeed, so on the whole I’m against vigilante justice.

    …. unless they don’t go through with brexit. Then fill yer boots.

    • Police too busy applying nail varnish and attending diversity seminars, cunts don’t even pay lip service to real crime anymore.

      I’m off into town to shoplift £99.99 worth of goods from every shop I go in, cos that’s legal now, apparently.

  11. Mr Johnny Foeigner steps off the plane at Heathrow, having shortly before, boarded a plane in Islamabad with his two wives, one of whom is ten years of age. Mr Johnny Foreigner is accommodated in IRC to make his claim for asylum. He and his wives are released on T/A and are sent to NASS accommodation in Birmingham ( incidentally owned by his brother ) Johnny foreigner can claim benefits for his two wives and is quite happy to locate to Birmingham. The blind eye tells the Benefits Agency that wife No.1 ( the Elder ) is the Senior Claimant. Wife No2 is Second.Nothing is ever said about her age.

    Wife No 2 gives birth to a baby at age 13, no one takes any action. Baby is registered to wife number 1. Benefits increase. GP is Pakistani and is complicit.

    The whole system is corrupted by immigrants either 1,2,3 generation who have formed an enclave.and are employed within the system.

    • But it’s the gift that just keeps giving and makes our fine nation wealthier!

      Don’t you watch the ABBC? They’re all rich doctors, scientists and rich businessmen who wouldn’t dream of talking from our system! Obviously there are those that do take the piss but they’re in the 99.999% minority of all gimmegrant cases.

      Consider yourself told!

  12. Don’t know if this actually happened. Maybe the knowledgeable contributors to this informative site can enlighten me.
    On February 04, 2013, Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, addressed the Duma, (Russian Parliament), and gave a speech about the tensions with minorities in Russia :

    “In Russia live Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. If they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslims then we advise them to go to those places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell ‘discrimination’. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture. We had better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways of Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that the Muslim minorities are not Russians.

    The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation.

    • Great speech. But has the distinct whiff of fake news imho. Does the Russian Parliament have the equivalent of Hansard to refer to?

      • You may be right RTC, but am I being naive in thinking that it very much has the tone of what one would expect him to say? Apart from anything else, he doesn’t have to pander to muzzies for their votes; he just takes them into account when deciding how many fake votes to stuff in the boxes.

      • That is what I mean by “distinct whiff” – the speech is too pat. It appears to be precisely what pro Nationalist/anti Islam WESTERNERS would want us to hear, to seduce gullible Western fellow travellers into believing Putin is their champion, their saviour, the good guy… and not a narcissistic, kleptocratic, homicidal cunt.

        Probably not expressing myself very clearly tonight Francis, feel like a fucking washout to be honest.

        Happy Easter Cunters, try not to nail anyone to a tree tomorrow, or whenever… Jeez.

  13. I’m against vigilante justice in most cases because most of the time the vigilantes are fucked up in some other aspect of their lives ( See Metoo,Timesup etc)
    I don’t mind somebody getting the crap kicked out of him when he gets caught red-handed spray painting a building or nicking a car, or breaking into my house … in fact I encourage it!

    But I have big concerns with the entrapment tactics used by the online viggies.

    There’s been quite a few of them on the radio out here and there’s a common theme of disregard for due process, not only that but they all give me the same feeling of wariness that the Paeds themselves do .
    They don’t seem to care about ruining lives with flawed stings ( which the TV networks love to show). You know for sure that if it wasn’t this issue, they’d be banging on about something else like LGbtq or Fucking Syrian refugees. You just can’t shut this type of person up!
    Leave to to the cops is my philosophy, even though they’re not very good at it, they’re better than amateurs .
    My Mum and Dad taught me very early on how to pick up on anyone dodgy ( and there were quite a few in Birkenhead I can tell ya) so there’s got to be some family responsibilities in the picture.
    In my day you told your Mum or Dad and then they would get your big brother to search ’em out , make a street judgement once they found them and administer the appropriate beating if found guilty.It sure kept the neighbourhood clean!

  14. Besides the fact that groups like Dark Justice are a slippery slope to mob rule, there are a couple of other things that make me a bit uncomfortable.

    One: I recently saw a live stream on Facebook from a similar group door stepping some sick cunt who they had been setting up for a while. Most likely he deserved what he was getting, but my over-riding thought was that the guy has a mum… a dad…grandparents…brothers…sisters. Basically all innocent people whose lives would henceforth be shattered utterly and forever by this. All with no due process, no guarantee of probity. It is done with savagery and no forethought or consideration for anyone.

    Two: Some gay bashers actually turn out to be repressed homosexuals. And some prisoners often like to target nonces because it makes them feel superior despite being criminal scumfucks themselves. I can’t shake off the feeling there may be a little bit of something similar at play with this lot. Why does it mean so much to them? What are they trying to divert so much attention away from themselves? Have they never had an inappropriate thought or done anything risky or stupid in their own lives? I doubt it.

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