A full-on primeval, red meat, Bear Grylls Born Survivor of a cunting for militant vegans.
First off the bat this is not a cunting for vegans per se, so any lettuce munching cunters out there don’t throw your lentil and mung bean stroganoff out of the pram. I’m all for free lifestyle choices, but the rub is as with many minority groups trying to convert the majority through guilt tripping,intimidation and even violence into their way of thinking.
A few examples have been in the news recently, the restaurant owner forced to quit after she jokingly ‘spiked’ a vegans meal, a dairy farmer in Ireland called a rapist and Nazi by militants. The soft headed cunt triggered by Jeremy Vines ham and cheese sandwich on his Radio 2 show and miniscule traces of animal fat in the new £5 notes had the green army on the march, nobody was going to make them fucking eat a plateful.
One group we can be assured to be untouchable by these cunts are the peacefuls with their barbaric and cruel halal practice.
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator
How do you know that the person you have just met it a vegan? Don’t worry they will tell you within 30 seconds.
My sister is a militant vegan, they are truly a right royal pain in the arse.
A Chinese visitor wanted to buy some lanolin, so on our way through a country town I asked at a likely looking natural store. “Lanolin? How dare you!” as if I’d just proposed to fuck her cat backwards on a bike. “We’re VEGAN here”.
For Fucks sake, it’s only the residue of sweat of a sheep’s fucking balls, it won’t miss it.
I’d better he careful here.
I’ve upset cunters in the past with my views on vegans and cyclists.
I think free high chairs and dribble bibs should be provided for vegans in all restaurants. (Sorry 🙂 only joking)
I don’t see how a plant (which is alive) is ok to eat whereas an egg (which isn’t alive) isn’t.
I thought they were against killing.
Maybe someone should remind them that everything that they consume is covered in millions of bacteria (except eggs, which are sterile), so when it comes down to it, they’re just a much a killer as the rest of us.
That £5 note debacle was an absolute joke and yes you’re right, if they really care about animal rights so much, maybe they should speak to the peacefuls.
Well cunted LL
A sound cunting for a group of people more akin to a cult than mere advocates of a lifestyle choice.
I’ve never met a moderate vegan. It seems to be part of their duty to preach and lecture on veganism. A few sportspeople have gone vegan and they’ve become right sanctimonious cunts.
Just eat your fucking kale and hemp stew and leave me to my fucking steak, alright mein khunt?
Can’t really get my head around vegans and eggs. Hens can lay infertile eggs – there are no embryonic chicks being sacrificed in the name of a boiled egg and soldiers.
My parents enjoy fresh eggs daily courtesy of the chickens in Crete. The chickens there have a life of Riley, strutting around the mountain and pecking at insects.
As TECB said, veganism is more akin to a cult and difficult to sustain in today’s society. Man has not evolved to live on vegetables alone – we don’t have canine teeth for ripping great chunks of orange or banana.
These cunts would be best placed to demonstrate against the barbaric halal method of slaughter, which is approved in the UK by cunts at Defra. But they wouldn’t, would they? Easier to pick on the indigenous omnivore instead.
I am vacationing in the deep south of the US of A. Yesterday we had fried chicken. Today we had spare ribs. Tomorrow we are having pork chops.
Take that you sanctamonious, weed eating, smoothie drinking cunts! And by the way…next time you go to the dentist ask him what those fucking pointy teeth are for. You ignorant twats.
Great cunting.
?. ?. ?. ? ?. ?
Hmmm Pork chops with maple syrup? Deeelish!
No…maple smoke! The weather here is positively balmy and I’m doing them in the smoker with maple chips.
You put maple syrup on your chips? Yuk.
Oh! You no speekie Engrish!
GC is Diane Abbott and I claim my free chiggun wing (if there are any left).
As I am wont to say to the illustrious Shitcake Baker; “we are two peoples separated by a common language.”
Being Pedantic I’m sure you will note that despite the fact that it is attributed to George Bernard Shaw…to the best of my knowledge…he didn’t say it…or write it.
And actually, I think it is a paraphrase. I believe the original is actually “two counties…”
But I digress. In the immortal words of Jerome Howard*; I am “moydering da Kings English.”
??. ??. ??. ??. ??
*Curly from The 3 Stooges. ?
@GC, maple smoke sounds fine, but try it also with syrup over the barbecue until it is caramelised. DEELISH!
I have used maple glaze before and you are correct. It works real well with pork.
I’m using a “chimney” type smoker with natural charcoal and wood chips. Smoke them with low heat for a few hours…”low and slow” as they say here in Dixie. But not too long…the smoke can make them a bit acrid if done too long.
Well said ECB. Vegans are all wierdos.
I have no problem with vegetarians. I do have a problem with vegetarians who tell me I must be a vegatarian.
I think that catargory are just cunts.
So how come they eat vegetables fertilized by animal waste?
Thats a fucking good question.
And there’s this gem
Thought we covered this subject within the last couple of weeks?
Actually that was vegetarians complaining about the meat content of plastic banknotes.
All vegans are vegetarians but not all vegetarians are vegans.
Not all vegans are militant.
Hope that clarifies?
Vegans seem to be so violent, invading farms, destroying property etc. I don’t want to be like these cunts so best I increase my meat intake so I don’t become an irrational narrow minded violent activist anaemic murderer of baby plants. Thick bits of shit that don’t see plants as worthwhile living things. At least I don’t deny that I live from taking the life of all living things. Bet a few of those vegans clap their laughing gear around the pork sword and swallow millions of tiny animals without a thought. Hypocritical cunts.
LL’s cunting – superb.
And as so reasonably asked, why don’t these psychos go after the halal torture mob? They’d earn a little bit of resoect. Possibly.
Halal – eaters should themselves die by the same method. Simples.
I really have a problem with a lot of Ropeys…
And kosher eaters? Same method, different hat.
I know one of these. Not exactly militant, but touches on the subject to often and gets the right hump when called a plastic vegan.
Leather shoes…..check.
Leather belt……..check.
Car with leather seats….check.
Would be a cunt even if he wasn’t a vegan……check.
According to the OED :
Definition of vegan – a person who does not eat or use animal products.
Definition of hypocrite – a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs
There you see, they’re all cunts really
Labour very much on the ball as usual
Says it will not accept any more money from privacy campaigner Max Mosley amid a row over a racist by-election leaflet he published in 1961.
The leaflet, backing a candidate for his father Sir Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement, said: “Coloured immigration threatens your children’s health.”
Mr Mosley says he doesn’t recall the leaflet and he is not a racist.
Only about half a century late Labour.
Useless fuckers.
Only to be expected with Monroe Bergdorf advising them!
Labour will not give back his recent gift, the ban starts after the next donation.
I don’t really have an issue with people who don’t want to eat meat. If lamb was the only meat available,I wouldn’t eat meat either. Stinking stuff. As long as they don’t try and convert me,they can eat whatever weeds and leaves they fancy. Although I must say,I’ve enjoyed the odd vegetarian dish,veggie curry is far better than a meat one,for me.
Militant veggies are a different matter. I believe that a lot of them just do it for effect. They just need something to give themselves a sense of moral superiority. This is because they are generally weak,pasty malodourous individuals who were a disappointment to their parents,a bully-magnet at school and failures as adults. They have no other way to vindicate their petty day-to-day lives,so they decide to do something which they think will put them on a higher level than the people who ignore and deride them. Scruffy social inadequates who should be mocked,bullied and taught that their opinion counts for nought in the real world.
Fuck them.
The only surprise with the new fiver is that the Bank of England didn’t cave in, in other news a range of new 10p’s have been launched depicting British life from A-Z. Had a quick look and seems suspiciously ott jingoism.
B-Bond…Wont he be transitioning into a black gender fluid woman soon?
E-English Breakfast….Where do you start? Racist cunts encouraging the obesity epidemic.
K-King Arthur…What about Queen Guinevere? The male patriarchy is alive and kicking.
GOOD!!!! About bloody time!
Took a little while, but I had the same idea and elaborated it further. Let’s see if it meets CQC – Cunting Quality Control
I might consider fucking a TASTY vegan, if one exists…
And rubber clothing instead of leather would be interesting for a change…
I bet you wouldn’t…they have an unfortunate habit of breaking wind when you least expect it. I don’t mind a bit of fanny farting,shows I’m doing the job right,but when you’ve got your tongue buried up her and she lets rip from the exhaust-pipe with something that smells like corpse gas it’s fucking off-putting. Believe me.
I’d assume that males do the same as females….I’d also imagine that a couple of vegans going at it would be considered a bio-hazard…as for a pair of The Gay vegans..well….
If the good lord wanted us to be vegans why did he put chops in sheep?
Indeed, if the good lord wanted us to be vegan then why are animals made out of food.
If you have chickens without a cockerel they only lay eggs for consumption. It’s nature. The eggs aren’t alive. I don’t think milk is alive either.
It’s always bothered me, who was the man who was the first to look at a cows udders and decided to pull them with his hands? Sounds pervy to me.
Animal suffering /cruelty should be the issue, not whether we eat them or not.
Unfortunately much egg & milk production not exempt in this regard.
Fucking typical Grenfell “survivor”:
Divorcee, 47, ‘filled a hotel room “to bursting” with donations after telling relief workers she was Grenfell Tower survivor just hours after moaning to Sky TV about her service’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5446437/Divorcee-accused-fraud-Grenfell-tower-claims.html#ixzz58UYCmm00
Freeloading cunt.
Makes you wonder just how much the genuine victims have received.
Bet they still fuckin moan though.
And another Cunt.
Grenfell Tower inferno survivor, 35, faces jail after fire investigators found the wreckage of his illegal cannabis oil factory in the building’s burned-out shell
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5446405/Grenfell-survivor-faces-jail-tower-cannabis-farm.html#ixzz58Ujvs1qQ
Somehow I don’t believe that he’ll actually do time.
He’ll probably be given a government grant to set up his own business. And as all the equipment was probably standard household kit, insurance will have coughed up already.
Bastard vermin scum.
Alas with that shower of Kyle shite I doubt if she’s in the minority of “try it on” cunts!
As a vegetarian for about 50 years totally agree with the nomination.
Brought up vegetarian in late 50’s/early 60’s by my mother and her parents (all vegetarians). When a teenager obviously rebelled against my parents and ate a limited amount of meat for a few years (mostly spam fritters at school. the occasional fish finger and a nice hot and spicy chicken madras after a few pints) however after a couple of bad dining experiences (with a large rubbery marble sized piece or gristle in a meat pie and with a pregnant fish) decided to revert back to vegetarianism.
My late wife decided become a veggie after first meeting me, and we brought our daughters up to be veggie until they made their own choices. Eldest 29 year old daughter still is, my youngest daughter at 26 started eating meat about 10 years ago. Even my late mother started to eat meat and fish after many years.
Both were worried as to my being told however reassured them why should I think any less of them if that’s what they want to do? None of my business.
I have never lectured anyone or try to take any moral high ground as I feel quite simply that I do not have the right to force my beliefs on others, even if I wanted to. Which I do not. So long as I am not causing a problem to others each to their own is my philosophy.
I can prepare fish or meat if asked to do so, I just do not want to eat it. I do consume cheese, eggs, milk etc but no dead animal products (such as gelatine). I so wear leather shoes and leather belts, this is the level I feel relatively at ease with.
In summary, I feel everyone is free to make their own life choices but should not seek to try and force your beliefs onto others.
Off again today and just saw that thick Pimlico plumbers cunt on sly news.
What a dick!
Apparently it was only 33% that voted for brexit now, we’re slamming the door on 500 million people and we should have a 2nd vote coz people have changed their minds now they’ve seen how poor they’re going to be.
Why does anyone listen to this cunt? He’s just a plumber (no offence to any plumbers), he’s only where he is coz he’s in Pimlico so charges the stupid rich cunts 5 times more than anyone else.
Fair play to him but he’s a thick cunt.
Go stick your head down someone’s shitter and leave political debate to those that can string a coherent sentence together.
I’m going back to work before I have an aneurysm.
He can send round a minion to unblock Juncker and the rest of the EU Mafioso , full of shite.
33% for Brexit? Makes Fabbott look Stephen Hawkings when it comes to maths.
Is the shit using that crooked trick of counting all the cunts who chose not to vote as ‘content to remain’?
Crooked thinking. Crooked thinking.
More likely they didn’t give a fuck one way or another, which means, if anything, their votes should be shared out equally between Leave & Remain.
Either way you slice it, Leave still win by over 1,200,000 votes. Cunt.
You do know he wants to run for mayor of London? What a bastard…
Well I guess he can’t be any worse than the cunt we’ve got now.
As mentioned in the cunting these fuckers like nowt more than to spit on folk leaving a MacD’s or Burger Kunt and scream and shout…except at folk leaving “family run” fried chicken outfits, Halal proclaiming eateries, or Halal butchers.
I also know that these cunts have had digs at Kosher butchers too (because Jewish people – like Christians – are fair game to these cunts because our beliefs and traditions no longer matter in OUR country anymore).
Alas in the hierarchy of virtue-signalling, “peacefulness” trumps everything and is untouchable.
LGBTQXYZ types vocalise about discrimination (but only from the hated middle-aged white man, most of whom don’t give two shits) and yet remain stony-silent as their ilk are thrown from buildings by their beloved “peaceful” cunts.
Feminist types vocalise about discrimination (but only from the hated middle-aged white man, most of whom treat women fairly and as equals) and yet remain stony-silent as their ilk are prevented from driving, have their beans clipped and are stoned for infidelity (after being raped) by their beloved “peaceful” cunts.
Vegan and animal rights types vocalise about meat consumption (but only by the hated middle-aged white man, simply going about his business) and yet remain stony-silent as animals are slaughtered in the most disgusting and painful manner possible, are abused, and – in some cases – fucked by their beloved “peaceful” cunts.
So all virtue-signallers alike, get in line and form and orderly queue behind your beloved “peaceful” cunts, and just pray they don’t have one of those ticking backpacks on!
You fucking cunts!
Bang on.
Well cunted, RWAC.
Ropeys have zero-tolerance for the BLTPDQACDC brigade – nitric acid baths and the NCP high jump if caught doing bum / rug – things
All you need to know about what the Al-BBC encapsulated in one current article entitled ‘It’s Snowing – Can I Refuse to Go to Work?’
Vapid, pandering, pathetic, public-funded puff-piece horsewank. You absolute fucking shitcunts.
Meat is murder don’t ya know cunters https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/87/Morrissey_crop_tie.jpg Eat meat in his presence and he’ll arserape your lil boypussy
On a more serious note cutting down fruits, leafs or vegetables is murder because a plant,tree or root is a living organism So basically a living breathing thing some trees live hundreds, thousands of years but you don’t hear vegans moaning about that right?!
And… Ole Flap-Ears talks to his plants. Must be like Guantanomo for the poor sods.
Of all the vegans I have met very few are anywhere near normal people so chill the fuck out if you are one of the few,however for the rest of you weird mal adjusted gobshite fucktards eat quorn you cunts,if its your life choice carry on but stop moaning to people who don’t give a flying fuck,its a problem you have saddled yourself with and no one else gives a shit so fuck off.
Also aside from fucking vegans I’m sick of hearing about Grendfall towers and associated scrounging cunts,now some dumbass has be done for a cannabis oil farm,i wonder what affect that has on a fire……tell them all to fuck off,get jobs and pay for your houses like most people and if your on benefits you take what you can get….so fuck of Grendfall tower scroungers and vegans ….fuck you all cunts
Did you read the article Fugly? Apparently, he had butane gas canisters as well.
As I understand it, veganism is based on the idea that benefiting from the suffering/captivity/slavery of sentient beings is wrong be it consumption of meat products, dairy or even the wearing of leather and fur.
It’s more of a lifestyle choice than a dietary preference but apparently acting like a prick is in the small print.
Either that or self righteous pricks naturally gravitate towards veganism.
Or they’re just already soy boys and just keep becoming more and more of a pussy.
Soy boys to vegan and vice versa seems a natural progression to me.
I just wish the government would tell the eurocunts to fuck off, negotiations are over and start building a wall on the Irish border. Let the fuckers stew.
Shit, previous comment should be on the John Major nom.
I worked for a while for an animal rights charity, not a calling, just a decent job. I am a vegetarian but don’t go nuts if someone notices salad dressing contains anchovies etc. Just a lifestyle choice. I don’t preach to anyone. Virtually all the people I worked with were vegans. I have worked in a lot of places, with a lot of cunts over the years, most workplaces seem to have more than their fair share, maybe its work that does it to people. To be fair, working with vegans was a breath of fresh air, if you pardon the obvious vegetarian fart pun. A lot of them were professional militant vegans, but as people they were alright. Decent, fair, level headed. If you believe that killing animals is wrong, that not eating animals is healthier, that dairy production is cruel, that cattle production is fucking up the environment then you probably have a good point. All of these are correct. That ‘plants have feelings’ and vegans are therefore hypocrites argument is pure cuntery. All you can do in life is try to be less of a cunt, nobody succeeds all of the time. Some people don’t want to die of bowel cancer, which is strongly linked to eating meat. That seems like a fairly good reason not to do it. Doesn’t make you a cunt. Personally if I could be assed I’d be a vegan, the moral and scientific arguments are heavily weighted in that direction. In 100 years, I suspect 50% will be vegan, and humanity will thank these moralistic cunts that seem to get on your tits. I suspect a part of you thinks they are right but don’t like to be told that.