John Major [3]

And in yet another unwanted Brexit intervention from grey man and undoubtedly one of Britain’s worst prime ministers in living memory John ( sell out at Maastricht) Major telling anybody stupid enough to listen that Parliament should stop Brexit, or at least the people should have another vote on it..

Listen up you unpopular old cunt! You are no longer relevant! You sold us down the fuckin’ river in 92 so why don’t you shut the fuck up and crawl back under the rock from where you came….

Old John has a major lack of self awareness. Almost Blairesque…

Nominated by Quislings

102 thoughts on “John Major [3]

  1. This evening. The cunt who bullied his cabinet into allowing him to surrender the UK by signing the Maastricht treaty, has been on the news stating that 1/ We ( the people ) could not possibly have understood the issues at the time of the referendum . and 2/ We need to have a second referendum ( thus aligning himself with the cunty Liberal Party.) 3.We must at all costs stay tied to Europe as a full member.

    I have always hated this boring po faced miserable grey shit, and I hope a pox attacks every fucking sinew in his putrid carcass. Fucking bastard traitor!

    • John Fucking Major….sorry lads the piss is really boiling tonight, so much so I haven’t touched me pease pud stottie ( tops dipped )

      • I feel your piss pain Asimplearsehole, I came here here for some sort of therapy but see my fello Cunters are in a similar state of apoplexy over the cuntitude state of everything?

    • Major seemed to be arguing that those that voted Remain should be indulged. Well, by that measure those that voted Labour should have some nationalisation and some free tuition fees. Only fair.

      • Major, a failure of a cunt who always gets it wrong about the EU. He also has a piss poor taste in women.

        Why this cunt can’t do the right thing and STFU is beyond me.

      • In the same vein then I have to pay the tele tax under threat of jail, Can I have some white middle aged male working class representation on the Beeb then please John Major? Rather than the lefty right on history changing shite they keep pedalling?

    • In May of 2016, Major said there would be no second vote on the EU. Funny how he’s changed his tune. Couldn’t possibly be anything to do with him being on the losing side. One thing that the referendum has shown up over the past 20 months, is that politicians like Major, Blair, Heseltine, Soubrey etc, only believe in democracy when it’s in their favour. Well, Major and all the other traitors can fuck right off. We had a vote, the majority voted to leave EU. And by that, we meant a COMPLETE withdrawal. No staying in the Single Market, or the Customs Union. We want to be totally free of the Fourth Reich. The only job of MP’s now is to deliver that. Anything less is a betrayal of democracy and the British electorate.

      • I tell you this. If Brexit is thwarted I will never trust or participate in our corrupt political system again. They can all go a fuck themselves with their talk of democracy.

    • Didn’t he shag Edwina Currie ? The egg woman goo goo ga joob. She’s no catch but why shag that grey old cunt ?

  2. Just listened to both Major and Sourface. The cunts have the cheek to talk about democracy and they still belittle those that voted to Leave the EU. This country is riddled with cunts.

    • Major is proving himself a total cunt in all this. If it was up to him he would just reverse the thing. I don’t even think he would have a second referendum. His speech today was the verbal equivalent of a techno play list.

      • Some Cunt of a caller to LBC radio believed that Majors speech today was very ‘statesman like’, comparing it to Churchill’s ‘Darkest Hour’ speech … the Cunt ( of a caller ) then prattled on about how disastrous Brexit was … I’m listening, waiting for the punchline of .. ‘You see, my wife is from the European Union” … but no, the next best thing … ‘You see, my gardener is from Portugal’ …. There you fucking go, I thought, another Cunt that can’t bear to lose his cheap labour over the way his country is being treated by the Cunts in Brussels. Cunt ….

      • Yea that’s what it’s all about.
        All they care about is getting cheap labour, the working classes and low paid in society can spin on it.

      • If you take out the parts that were complete and utter bullshit, it was statesman like. Unfortunately for Major, once you do take out the parts that are complete and utter bullshit, all you’re left with is; “Ladies and Gentlemen”, and; “Thank You”.

      • Of course – where in Londonistan or the Home cunties can you get cleaners / au pairs for a fiver an hour? Hypocritical cunts. In all the honesty of a member of this fine cunting club I couldn’t care less if I never saw another wop /slope /Asian / Africunt / eyetie / spick ever again – and if I did it would have to be either in chains or on holiday. Don’t mind visiting them in their own midden but that’s because I want to visit and experience their culture – what I don’t want is their imported culture at the cost of impeding or attempting to erase my culture / my race / my people. I am at a loss to understand what “multiculturalism” actually means apart from the Oxford dictionary explanation which doesn’t fly here in England. Gay? Come on in. Tranny? Come on in. Subversive cunt? Come on in. Low skilled goat bothering sheep farmer? Come on in. Uneducated low life scum from any shihole in Africunt? Come on in – its all free over here. “children” with beards unaccompanied looking for your Dad who is most likely your brother? Come on in – loads of room and money in good old Blighty after what we did to you in days of Empire. In fact, come one, come all – outbreed and outspend us – take what you want, after all we owe you. The white man always has and always will because the left will empower you and encourage you to make the Kalergi plan of mud coloured fuckwits owning Europe a reality within touching distance. What could we beg for in return? Curry, TB, diseases that were prevalent in Victorian times, violent drug dealing knife wielding cunts from Africunt invading what used to be our capital. As long as we don’t interfere with your “cultures” like slitting the throats of live animals and fucking around with our kids we should get along just fine. After all we owe you don’t we? Yes Bliar, Major, liebour et al we really are experiencing this whole multicultural thing you imposed on us. I blame the grey cunt Major for dropping the baton and letting Bliar and his crony new Liebour cuntish chums pick it up and subject us to the whole experience – innit blud? Know what ah mean?

  3. Who listens to the Major cunt anyway? This is the bloke who risked his entire political career to fuck Edwina Currie. ? What does that say about his judgement?
    Yesterday’s cunt.

    • Agreed Freddie,

      Along with Anthony BLiar, the mother of all cunts, who can’t keep his gob shut about Brexit, though I hope this actually does the cause good because he is so loathed and detested…

      The ‘Lord’ Adonis. No voter ever voted for this lizard, only achieved through being a stooge to the mother of all cunts, see above. Why is this cunts view more or less relevant than the man or woman in the street, why does he get so much airtime to preach his crap about overturning a democratic decision?

      Michael Heselcunt, truly the godfather of yesterday’s cunts who can’t keep his dribbling drooling mug out of the press or off the to screens whilst gibbering on and on about Brexit. Why isn’t he dead yet…

      Vince Cunt able… Arguable more relevant as he is an elected MP, but seems to have no view on anything else in the world apart from overturning Brexit. Now I met this fucker once when he was something in government to do with trade and industry investment, truly a brain dead thick cunt like a fish out of water once he’d left his protective Westminster bubble

      Alasdair Cuntblell, the spawn of satans shit who, I beleive would sell his own grandmother to the peacefulls if allah would grant him his wish of overturning Brexit. Another unelected spasmorg who seems to get unending airtime to spout his undemocratic bile.

    • If Major is yesterday’s cunt (and I am CERTAINLY not disputing the fact)…

      I just wonder what Edwina Currie’s smells like.

      Sweet dreams, my fellow cunters !!

  4. John Major is about due a cunting. Today, he’s given a speech on the issue of Brexit. I’m sure you can all guess what the speech contained. Yep, that’s right, complete and utter bullshit. He once again demanded that MP’s be given a free vote on Brexit, no doubt so they come up with some way to nullify the result of the referendum. Failing, that, the British people should be given a second referendum. Apparently, this is because we have the right to change our minds. Or in other words, we should be given as many referendums as necessary to make us vote to stay in the EU. The thing is, if we wanted the chance to change our minds, we would have fucking said so by now.

    Major also claimed that the UK economy would suffer after Brexit, a claim often made, and one that has often been proven to be bullshit. And that our relationship with the US would suffer. This is also complete bollocks. That claim was first made when Barry O’Bullshit was still President and was trying to influence the outcome of the referendum by saying that the UK would be at the back of the queue for a trade deal. The problem with making that claim now is that O”Bollocks left office well over year ago.

    Apparently, investments in the UK would also dry up. Unsurprisingly, this has also proven to be fantasy, since loads of big businesses have either invested heavily in the UK since the referendum, or pledged to invest. These companies include; IBM, google, Facebook and Adobe. The biggest bug bear for me though, is Major calling for either a free vote for MP’s or a second referendum. This is the man who forced the Maastricht treaty through parliament, without allowing MP’s a free vote on the issue. He is also the man who, on the 29th May 2016 said; “There will not be another referendum on Europe. This is it”. What a fucking hypocrite. And it shows that his idea of democracy is one in which democracy is only a good thing when it’s in his favour.

    As Prime Minister back in the early nineties, he was as much use as a Jamaican flag at a KKK rally. This is the dick who presided over the WORST loss for the Tories in decades, and allowed that scumbag, Tony Blair into Downing Street. Along with Heseltine, Clarke and a number of others, Major was one of the Tory traitors who stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back over the issue of our ties with what would become the EU. This pea eating prick is as rabidly pro-EU as his mates, Heseltine and Clarke. To pretend that he is acting in the interests would be laughable if it wasn’t so pathetic. Like the other traitors, Major is trying to undermine the referendum result, and therefore, democracy. What we need is a leader with guts to stand up to these pro-EU nut jobs. All we’ve got is May.

    • And in the same breath Anna – cunt – Sour-berries said, and I quote: “It should be a free vote and if that’s what the people really want…”

      Anna luv, to put it in legal terms, the question has already been asked AND answered m’lud!

      And what then Anna?

      “…what the people really, really want…”

      And then?

      “…what the people really, really, really want…”

      Fuck off Anna no one is buying the “Spice Girls” approach to democracy unless the spice in question is mace and ordinary folk are spraying it into your anti-democratic face and EU “brown balloon knot” kissing gob!

      Another fucking cunt!

    • Here here. Well said quick draw.
      I was planning to cunt his speech this evening but I was waiting for my blood pressure to come back below boiling point first.
      I just knew his speech was going to be a load of bollocks when he came out of the blocks stating that he was neither a europhile, nor a eurosceptic.
      But he is however a “realist” which surprise, surprise, makes him a europhile, the cunt.

      “The will of the people can’t be ignored”
      …. but we should ignore it (basically what he said).
      Just like when someone says “I respect the decision of the British people” … “but” …

      A couple of times he spoke about poor people hurting themselves, they didn’t vote to be poorer, etc … yea the usual remoaners shite … and needing the elites of society to save us from ourselves. What heroes.

      He also tried the usual “only 37% voted to leave” crap.
      Someone needs to tell these cunts that if someone doesn’t bother to vote, then they don’t count. And the fact that remoaners keep assuming that EVERYONE that didn’t vote would’ve voted remain is comical.
      According to mr Major, even though we won the vote there isn’t a mandate from the people.
      Maybe someone needs to teach the cunt to count. 17.5 million is MORE than 16.5 million.

      He said the vote was “advisory” (they love getting that one in) even though Cameron put a fucking leaflet through everyone’s door stating that the result would be implemented.

      “Brexiteers have been wrong about everything so far.”
      Apparently brexiteers promised more hospitals, more schools, lower taxes, more money for transport… …I don’t remember any of that, do you?

      What is it with these cunts and that fucking bus? Always on about that fucking bus.

      “Once brexit is done we need to accept the result and heal the division” … finally some sense. So he’s going to accept the result and stop moaning?
      No, what he means is, when they’ve blocked brexit we need to accept it or we’re the cunts.
      As quick draw spoke about, he wants a final vote for parliament to decide if brexit should go through or be blocked and forgotten about.

      I wonder why he’d want that.

      I wonder what the result will be.

      Civil fucking war … that’s what the result will be.

      It’s just a very poorly veiled attempt to overturn the result and it’s got no chance of working.
      I’m getting so fucked of with these pathetic remoaners trying to justify their sneaky, backstabbing, cunty ways. They’re just anti democratic, sore losers, that thought their money and power would be enough to take away our rights and rule over us.
      I can’t work out why they still won’t accept that they lost the vote. Just give up.


      • Can’t get enough of the Mogg.

        A genuinely brilliant debater, his listening skills are second to none.

        He never or rarely buts in before the question is asked instead listening intently to every vowel, he’s gifted with a razor sharp mind that enables him to almost instantaneously assess every element of the question posed and systematically breaks it apart with indisputable facts.

        His star is rising and long may it continue.

        Every attack on the Mogg just reinforces how much of a threat the guy is.

        No wonder that post menopausal trout Soubary with her long list of over 50’s ‘ladies problems’ wants him thrown out of the party.

        Those constant yeast infections and the need to have a man size tube of Canesten at the ready make her one angry professor pissflaps incapable of reason.

      • Hear fucking hear Mr Sausage!

        We should get the above tattooed on Sour-berries, Millers, B.Liars, Major’s, Cuntosauras Rex Clarke’s – and any cunt else who anti-Brexit’s – eyeballs!

      • I’m still laughing at his claim that Brexiteers have been wrong about everything. He’s fucking talking about himself and his looney tunes mates in Remain. They repeatedly told us that our economy would fall off a cliff, that the banks and industries would all leave the UK and that nobody would invest in the UK. 20 months after the referendum, the OPPOSITE of what Major and the other cretins predicted has happened.

        As for that “the referendum was advisory” bollocks, it only became ‘advisory’ AFTER they lost the referendum. Before the referendum, not a single member of the remain camp said a fucking word about it being advisory. They gave the impression that the referendum would be binding. And that’s because they were convinced that they would win by a landslide. They were wrong, so now they’re sulking.

        And I’m sick to fucking death of them bringing up the NHS ‘promise’ on the side of the bus. NOBODY, NO FUCKING BODY in the leave campaign promised that the £350 million would be spent on the NHS. The word used was, COULD. That is not a promise. “I promise that we will spend the £350 million a day that the EU currently steals from us on the NHS”. THAT is a promise. You can tell, because it has the word, “PROMISE” in it. Could is merely a possibility.

        “Only 37% voted to leave”, really John? Did they really, John Major? The fuck did you get your numbers from? Diane Abbott? Try 52% voting to leave, you disingenuous four eyed, pea eating twat. ONLY 48% voted to remain. In other words, the minority, or to put it in simpler terms, the losing side. 37% is the percentage of young voters who couldn’t be arsed to go out and vote. And as DTS said, if you don’t turn out to vote, you don’t fucking count. It’s those lazy fuckers who lost remain the referendum, not “old” people.

        We didn’t steal “your future”, young people. Your fucking peers threw it down the shitter through laziness. And by the way, you ignorant snowflake cunts, NOBODY owes you a fucking thing. We all make our own way in life, quit being so fucking lazy.

        We don’t want to stay in the single market, or the customs union, because that means we wouldn’t be able to make our own trade deals, and we’d still be bound by EU rules and red tape. Fuck that shit! We voted for a complete withdrawal from the EU, and that is what we had better get. If we DON’T get the Brexit we voted for, there WILL be trouble. And it will be MP’s and snowflakes who suffer the most.

    • Another political lightweight, liar and cheat, who’s spitting image puppet had ten times more personality than the real thing.

    • A pity Mrs T didn’t have the referendum years ago. She would have made motherfuckers like Dominic Grieve and Soubry piss in their pants.

      • Vermin like Grieve and Sourbreath wouldn’t have even had any say because Mrs T would have had so many seats that a few traitor cunts like them would have been an irrelevance.

        Then again, she took far too much shit from that old cunt Hestletine.

      • Yes, I think Tarzan should have been renamed Brutus. It was her time but there are ways of going about stuff. As a proud right of centre I wasn’t proud of anything done on the removal of Maggie. It was a proper cunts trick the way she was stabbed front and back by her own cabinet. And what did we end up with? The grey cunt who sheepishly not only lost to Bliar with his cuntishness but signed Maastricht without explaining what Maastricht actually meant. Then the cunt tells us we didn’t grasp the vote on Brexit. At least we got one you corpse looking cunt which you wouldn’t give us on Maastricht and closer cooperation with the cunts across the channel.

  5. The only achievement of John Major was to successfully negotiate his way into Edwina Curry’s knickers. Whether he exercised his gonads to coat her eggs is another matter, I seem to recall she had an issue about eggs!

    Major really is a cunt. And as has already been stated, it was he who allowed cunt Blair into office ( and the knobheads of Sedgefield Co Durham )

  6. Christ on a bike, just read the EU’s interpretation of Zeldas December ‘deal’ with them.
    This is getting serious. They really are out for our nuts.
    We need to get shot of the old trout, put Rees Mogg or Boris in charge and tell Junker et al to do one .

  7. Major is the epitome of a cheeky cunt. He practically held the door to No.10 open in 1997 for ZaNulabour to enter and royally fuck this country irrevocably.

    I wish a pox on that muttering, clueless old cunt.

    • He also rendered the Tories so unelectable that we had to suffer that cunt Blair for. Ten. Fucking. Years.

  8. The EU are operating Major with their fingers up his rusty ring like a fuckng ventriloquists dummy. After all they’ve got the photos of him being done by Edwina. He’ll say whatever the fuck they want him to say. Cunt.

  9. John Major is a Major fucking quisling, Quislings.

    That picture makes me wonder what would happen if they brought back Spitting Image and targeted today’s easily offended MPs and cunts.

    Never forget the John Major ‘nice peas’ sketches’…!

    • Personally TECB I would love to see it, the pea sketch was an all time classic!!
      Majors yesterdays man with yesterday’s ideas!!

  10. They hang around on huge pensions , smelling of cabbage and piss. The other, far bigger cunt Blair was on the radio today. He can sort it all out apparently.
    Stay in with complete control of borders. Shame they told Cameron to fuck off when he grovelled to the cunts. Tone will sort it.

  11. Another hypocrite who’s all for democracy as long as the vote goes his way, when it doesn’t then the toys come out of the pram. This was the cunt who literally herded his MPs through the lobby’s to get the Maastricht vote through, with no thought of asking the electorate via a referendum what they thought. In other words a dictatorial cunt who has no regard for the democratic process. There’s a lot like him and the sooner they all fuck off and die the better, fuck the cunts.

  12. The best thing this shrivelled old cunt ever did was to pack his bag, and shuffle of to The Oval…or was it (The) Lords.
    Anyway, some institution where they watch cricket all day.
    And I never can forget the bolloxy bit of nostalgia he came out with…What was it ??
    Bicycling nuns in flat caps, warm beer, and the thwack of cane against bare flesh on the village green on a sunny Sunday afternoon in Summer.
    Or something like it.
    Silly old git. Wasn’t he also the cunt that sold of BR. OK, latter org far from perfect, but when we started having those big rail crashes, billions of pounds went into solicitors’ pockets, because there were literally hundreds of coys being sued for each accident…

    • Ah yes, jumpers for goal posts isn’t it. Edwina spread-eagled on the desk. Jonners on the radio. Norma banging on the door.
      Those were the days.

  13. NB While posting the above, my mobile rang ONCE.
    The number was + 224 78603173.
    Be advised, yet another scam. Seems to come from Ascension Island or Guinea ?
    Anyway, it apparently hooks you in to some premium-rate system.
    DON’T PICK UP !!

    grabby cunts.

  14. And now all the remoaners are crawling out of their burrows and praising their new messiah. The dumb cunt’s speech was shite. …and inaccurate.

    He’s just worried that he won’t be able to jump on the EU gravy train as a phoney consultant or something should he ever need to.

    What a useless, boring, annoying, back stabbing, traitorous, treasonous, pathetic, has-been, failure of a cunt he is.


  15. I don’t see why any cunt should listen to this back-stabbing, adulterous (and with Edwina Currie for fuck’s sake), grey piece of nothingness, failure of a Prime Minister!

    Tell you what – you circus fucking act – I treat the shite that comes out of your traitorous failure gob with the same disdain as that of Phoney B.Liar and with the same credence as utterings of Lily Allen and Linkunt!

    That’s how much respect *your* opinion is given by me, and folk like me, i.e., common sense cunts who you politicos – both failed has-beens and present – hate so much because we still have the audacity to exercise free will!

    Now fuck off you cunt! The next time I hear about you, or your name, it’ll hopefully be in the obituary colum!


  16. John Major’s father was a trapeze artist, music-hall entertainer and a purveyor of garden gnomes…!

    Is it any wonder the cunt turned out to be a snake oil salesman?

  17. Thank you Quislings, right on the money with this timely cunting of the wizened snot gobbling piece of piss stained detritus.
    Major was joined this morning with another twat faced piece of defunct spunk T Blair, echoing the EU right on message.
    Major ( as rightly said ) is the slimey piece of paid for shit, who signed away the UK in that abomination of treachery the Maastricht Treaty. Major had threatened the cabinet at the time and was therefore unchallenged when he went to the paymasters court to collect his 30 pieces of silver.
    As I said in another post, the only other achievement of this fuckwit munchkin with glasses, was the turgid shafting of Edwina Curry in a desperate attempt to coat HER eggs. ( no little lion on those fuckers eh ? )
    Major is a twat, and like Blair needs fed piecemeal up the arse of that Kraut bitch Merkel. Home to the roost. Cunt.

  18. Stupid old Cunt made an arse of himself first time around. Can’t see what he’s done since to dissuade us from thinking that he’s a loser, Hats off to him for fucking Edwina,though. It’s nearly as mighty a feat as Corbyn scuttling Big Diane…what a shame they never thought of having a foursome….nice.

    • Jeeez, the thought of those 4 twats conjoined in a heaving sweaty mass of sexual practices has stirred my recently digested Scotch Broth which is now threatening a re-appearance.

      • So it’s £10 grand to publish them and £100 grand to not publish them, right?

        Come on cunters, let’s get crowd funding, we need to make £100k in a week or Cunstable will do it!

        If we open it up to the wider world and tell them the horror to be inflicted on them we should top £100 grand in 20 minutes!

      • Crowdfunding was cunted yesterday. So no dice there. You mean Cuntfunding, and I cant see you getting much out of you lot of weirdos and misfits. I am the only sane one on this site.

      • You sure they weren’t just trying to get you out of there due to the abuse fiddler?

      • You appear to have become a bit two faced recently Dick? First it was Crowley, but don’t recognise the current one, Christopher Lee possibly? All very split personality type guff in my professional opinion.

        As long as you know you’re sane, that’s good enough for me.

  19. Major is a fine example of the Peter Principle at work. From a lowly insurance clerking papershuffler, this uncharismatic, droning, grey little man has slowly and quietly climbed the ranks, unnoticed, and somewhat accidentally, but eventually fell into the role of PM, partly as a result of an earlier promotion to Chancellor when Nigel Lawson resigned. The PM race in 1990 had Tarzan and Mr Whippy in it – so he was the marginal victor in a race of a very bad set of candidates.

    Major feels comfortable with letting EU run the UK, purely because he is not a leader and he is happy to take a natural back seat, whilst the likes of Barnier, Verhofstadt, Merkin and Tusk rattle our back box. Major is an insurance clerk – a middle manager at best. Few people make good leaders. Churchill and Thatcher were leaders. Blair had the charisma and credentials, but his principles were seriously fucked up.

    This country needs the intervention of Major’s divine ‘wisdom’ at this time like a goldfish needs a Harley Davidson. Good to see JRM tear Major’s flawed oratory a shiny new arsehole.

    Major is a middle-manager cunt who thinks he has leadership credentials; he is as much of a leader as I am a brain surgeon.

    Major is a solid gold cunt; you can depend upon him for that all day long.

    • It’s incredible to think that the race for the Conservative Leadership and UK PM was once contested by Major, Douglas Hurd and Michael fucking Heseltine. What a triumvirate of cunt.

      The single, solitary good thing which one can say about Major is that he wasn’t Heseltine. Imagine how the country would have devolved with that fucking neanderthal-looking cunt at the helm!!!

      • Good point.

        From Thatcher to hurd, major and Clarke.
        Then B.liar got in.

        What an era.

      • Several politicos with names that seem to rhyme with…turd.
        How very unfortunate. And Elmer / Amber Fudd / Rudd/ Dud

        Is there one that rhymes with c-u-n-t CUNT ??

  20. John Major…….the only cunt who ran away from the circus to join a bank!
    “Back to basics” was his slogan. Well here’s something basic John…….Fuck off CUNT.

  21. Economically, John Major was the best prime minister the UK ever had. However, PMs are meant to be leaders rather than managers. John Major was an amazing manager, but couldn’t lead a pencil!

  22. Most good comedy duos have the straight man and the funny man? Somebody needs to explain this to major and Blair!! after joker johns annoying EU intervention yesterday we have Britain’s biggest clown Blair shouting the odds today, according to this Cunt of the ages we need to change “ the historical mistake” of voting to leave the EU Ponzi scheme, if anybody who voted leave has had a second thought that maybe they got it wrong then the interventions of these two utter Cunts would have surly put their minds to rest.
    How delusional are these two unpopular relics from the past?
    The more they talk the less people tend listen….. CUNTS

  23. Major and BLiar. The gifts that keep on giving…to the support of Brexit every time they open their filthy pie-holes.


  24. Is this Irrelevant Old Cunts Day? Fucking Blair spitting his poison again ,now this grey old fucker, more life and political common sense in the cunts Spitting Image puppet.

  25. Heard that cunt Campbell on the radio this morning praising the Major cunt to the skies, forgetting, of course, that he spent years slagging him off and trying to make him look like a right prick.
    All pals together now though the dirty fucking traitors.

  26. Now there’s a face that should have a hook in it!
    He was just a fucking bank clerk before he got into politics, shows that you need no qualifications other than the ability to stand up and spout off in front of an audience.

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