John Major [3]

And in yet another unwanted Brexit intervention from grey man and undoubtedly one of Britain’s worst prime ministers in living memory John ( sell out at Maastricht) Major telling anybody stupid enough to listen that Parliament should stop Brexit, or at least the people should have another vote on it..

Listen up you unpopular old cunt! You are no longer relevant! You sold us down the fuckin’ river in 92 so why don’t you shut the fuck up and crawl back under the rock from where you came….

Old John has a major lack of self awareness. Almost Blairesque…

Nominated by Quislings

102 thoughts on “John Major [3]

  1. The sooner all the useless cunty,traitor politicians stop swaning around like rock stars the better. Who the fuck do they think they are? All the young kids think they are ‘nice’ and ‘caring’ and hold them in such regard it gives me the shivers. The young should be the most skeptical of us all, constantly questioning these shifty rat stains. Snakey, faux saintly mega cunts who have never had proper jobs, have 2 homes and can claim expenses on what ever they fucking fancy that day.They even have a subsidized canteen and bar, nice work if you can get it. They also support a whole building rammed to the brim with more useless old berks in Brussels. My mind boggles. Where the fuck has this trust come from? And Major cunt can go fuck himself, no one gives a fuck what you think you old wanker, along with Blair and Hesslecunt, the whole labour party and all the other joyless,beige,mumford and sons, sage green and fucking coffee shops!
    Where the fuck are the punks?

    • We seem to have a young generation that are so clueless and stupid, it’s no wonder Corbyn sees them as easy prey. It’s years of lefty brainwashing in schools that has left us with a generation of retards.

      • Yea they are cunts these days.

        As I mentioned at the time of cuntbyn’s speech, I never went to Glasto, it was becoming twatty so we have it a miss. Besides I was into heavier stuff. Went to the first ozzfest.
        But if a POLITICIAN had ever turned up at a festival .. especially given a speech on stage .. he would’ve been pelted with plastic cups full of piss and told in no uncertain terms to go and fuck himself.

        In the past older generations moaned about kids being unruly and being against the establishment.
        Now it’s the opposite.
        Or maybe it’s because the cunts run things now rather than being bullied and told to shut the fuck up.

        Either way the pussies seem to be in charge now.

  2. If you look into it , these has been Politicians have all got vested interests for staying in the eu. Weather it’s Pensions , bungs or nice commissioners jobs. There objectives are to stay on the eu Gravy Train. Don’t think for one minute the likes of Blair or Major have our best interest at heart, that’s just laughable.

  3. Perhaps y’all can educate a poor boy. Don’t your outgoing PM’s usually get rewarded with a Cuntage? Like Duke of Dimwitty or Baron of Gray Mattor or some such snobbery? This cunt is just Sir John…a measly knight…a silly English Kaaaniiiiigggggit.

    I mean he is a Knight of the Garter but still…no Cuntage? Why? He is…as far as I can tell…simply the Right Cunstable Sir John Major.

    • They usually get booted upstairs to the House of Lords, which is basically banana sandwiches, Kia-Ora, rubber nappies and cheap air-freshener to d/w smell of hopeless farts.

      • Unfortunately the House of Lords will never be reformed or abolished as it should be because in order for that to happen, it has to be passed by the House of Lords.

        Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas

      • Since he didn’t get a cuntage…maybe they just abolished him? ?

        Surely they could have made him the Viscunt of Vile? The Baron of Baloney? The Duke of Dogshit? Something…so he could sit with the his “kind” while soiling his pants, foaming at the mouth and drooling into a cup.

  4. Major and Blair have synchronised, and will shortly fuse into a single amorphous, narcissistic, opportunistic, principle-free, self-enriching, antidemocratic cunt spider thing. Blair is now urging the EU to reform, as a follow up to Major’s maunderings:


    He also described the UK as the lubricant in the Franco-German machine, a comment which his simpering acolyte the BBC speedily deleted from the news before giving him yet another Today interview, propelling the debate into the realm of high farce. Aye, Miranda. Would that be KY, by any chance?

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