HGVs …. Ban the cunts! (at least in daylight hours, when all the other poor bastards are trying to move around the country.)

The problem of every-worsening traffic congestion is not going to be solved anytime soon by building more roads, but it could be partially solved literally overnight if we simply remove some of the slow-moving big shit.

Please don’t anyone tell me it would push up the price of food. Bullshit! If anything, it would mean that trucks could move around much more efficiently at night, not been hindered by a load of other cunts doing their school runs and other mundane shite.

My suggestion is to ban anything above 7.5 tonnes between 7am and 7pm.

What do we think to that one?!

Nominated by Mr Bastard

62 thoughts on “HGVs

  1. Get stuff back onto the railways for the longest parts of any journey, and then unload stuff onto slightly smaller road vehicles for final delivery.

    Having bloody great juggernauts going down anything except motorways and the widest A roads is indeed an accident waiting to happen.

    Relevantly, I seem to remember from my time in Switzerland that they have some lorry ban… Maybe Sundays only, but it’s a start.

    Btw, another transport issue…

    Night sleeper trains are dying out because of… that WONDERFUL organisation that is responsible for sunlight, oxygen and all other things bright and beautiful. Yes, you’ve guessed… the EU. Apparently, it all stems from their mania to PRIVATISE railways across Europe. Where once night trains ran freely, the companies now have to pay extortionate access fees to transit over other companies’ lines.

    Sounds like the EU are BUILDING borders in this case, not dismantling them.

    I wonder if the rail privatisation is anything to do with their deranged globalism and Sorearse cock-sucking ?

    No, of course…it can’t possibly be. What a dreadful old cynic am I.

    Verminhofstadt is a total fuckwit.

  2. “Ever worsening traffic congestion?” Ever worsening congestion everywhere. Too many fucking people in this country, many of whom have no business being here in the first place. I don’t know how many of them are HGV drivers but then neither does anybody else.
    They should have a COBRA meeting about it the useless cunts.

    • At 425 people per SQ/km England is by far the most densely populated country in Europe, and with only a fraction of your ROAD TAX !! Actually being spent on the roads we find ourselves in this invidious position.
      Making proper use of the roads at night may well worth a look at, but it’s gonna take an awful lot more to overhaul our creaking infrastructure….
      Maybe Ryanair could be used as a freight carrier? Oh I forgot the orish Cunt has threatened to ground his fleet! ?

  3. I have no idea why we do not rejuvinate the old cannal systems, they are good for shifting water to areas that dont have any and a nice eco friendly way of moving non perishables.
    where I work we have at least 3 hgvs a day delivering non perishables.
    (quick note if you look at any old builders merchant yards they were allways next to a rail head or a cannal, lets start using them again)

    • There was a project a few years back called Goole Intermodal or similar. The plan was to dredge Goole docks to take larger shipping and then link the cargos by rail, road and canal to the rest of the north. The canal was the Aire/Calder navigation which gives access to west Yorks. The rail could go anywhere and the road links (A1/M1/M62) are good. This would take the pressure off the Hull dock bottleneck and the roads of N Lincolnshire.
      However. It wouldn’t benefit London so it was shelved.

      • I suspect that is the overall problem with anything that happens here – if it doesn’t benefit London then it’s irrelevant to the whole country. I live in Leicester and they have been talking about electrifying the Midland Mainline for 40 years. A couple of years ago the go ahead was given then last year it was scrapped and the very next day Crossrail 2 was announced – I wish they’d just call London a separate country and fucking have done with it.

      • How about this? We force London to secede, after all it’s a foreign city owned almost entirely by foreigners. It could then stay in the EU and, because it takes up a vast area in southeast England, we make them pay whats left of the UK the sort of rent the rich bastards charge the poor cunts who have to live there. We can then use that money to update the infrastructure in the rest of the country and bring it into the 20th century.

      • Great idea moggie.

        I’d like to apply for asylum please.

        London is a shithole and it’s full of cunts.
        I don’t want to be stuck on this side of the border, I don’t speak Somalian.

      • Add in the billion or so spent on London Bridge station and HS2 which is entirely for London’s benefit and we see the priorities. Northern electrifications have also been scrapped or downgraded.

      • Transfer the Capital and its Government to Teeside, then tell London to fuck off! Oh, and all its sandcunts and africunts too!

      • Having worked in London I can confirm that I was a minority and I cant see why we should benefit a city where the majority of the “workers” are on benefits, the actual labour seems to comute in.

    • I.m surprised that all the Mtembes haven’t drunk the canals dry.

      Or filled them up with shit.

  4. It would be a great idea but I don’t think it’s viable. I used to work in a distribution centre for a leading supermarket and lorries were arriving/departing and loading/unloading 24 hours a day. There simply is no practical way that work schedule could be concentrated into nighttime-only driving as there was also not the parking for loaded lorries to hang about till 7pm. Most centres like this have a strict schedule for arrivals and a lorry that turns up even a few minuted late may be turned away because there is simply no slot for them.

  5. As Moggie said above. Too much demand now as a result of too many people resulting in too much demand.
    I am surprised there is still sufficient fuel, food, water etc. given our population explosion.

    The Eternal Circle of Wankerdom that the UK now finds itself trapped within due to cojone-less governments.

    This is precisely why 17m people voted for Brexit.

  6. Re route all the cunts in trucks through Norwich…home of Welcome Wheels. Two problems…one solution.

    Hey…shit happens when 2 cultures collide.

    ?. ?. ?. ?. ?

    • Be ironic if some two wheeled peacefuls were sent to paradise by a Carlsberg delivery lorry…welcome to Britain!

    • I like the way you are thinking , General. They could also put scythes on the wheels.

    • You should run for office cuntster.

      Groundbreaking, visionary policies for a happy and prosperous Britain!

    Anyone else getting ISAC server problems this time of day, or is it just my network? Been happening for three, four days – very slow load or connection reset message. Just seems to be ISAC, other stuff is normal.

    • Yep me too Komodo, we need to have a whip round to pay for a better server.

    • Yea I’ve been having the same thing.
      Didn’t want to say anything in case admin thought I was moaning (which I’m not).

      • Anyway, how do you know it’s the server, some cunt may be running this site off an old 386 in his/her shed?

      • We are under cyber attack from the Remoaner Liberation Front. A crowdfunded group dedicated to closer union with economic migrants. Don’t panic.

    • Although hating to sound like some Hollywood slagcunt
      # me too
      # times up
      # absolutely anything else ?

  8. Slow as fuck ……………………………(dots just to lengthen message)

    • I thought it was just me. We are alright talking about easing congestion on our roads when we can’t even ease congestion on ISAC.

  9. Perhaps a better way of easing congestion would be to insist that cars capable of carrying 4 or more people be required to carry at least two, instituting a mandatory nationwide car-sharing scheme? Next time you’re near a commuter route, check the number of passengerless cars going past. More than half I’ll wager -imagine halving the traffic…the pollution…the number of cunts driving…

    More seriously, just-in-time deliveries must be a good part of the problem. That system is solely designed to improve a company’s efficiency, without the slightest consideration for the general public’s. Part of the general trend to reduce labour costs, prospects and pay while maximising the cash which is bled off into the foreign hedge cunt fund which owns the concern. Deliver to an offpeak schedule, you cunts, and make more storage space on site.

    And add to that doorstep deliveries by Tesco et al, couriered Ebay orders failing to find the right address/county, cunts on bicycles, roadworks scheduled for the rush hour and pedestrian crossing lights which assume the pedestrian is a slug with gout, and we have a prima facie case for completely reconstructing the economy and indeed the society.

    That said I have nothing against UK HGV drivers. From whom in my youth I have had many entertaining lifts, and who in general are the best drivers on UK roads. They have to be, given the rest.

    • I car share, actualy its my car and one of the guys here lives on my route in and Cycles! I made him an offer, accept free of charge lifts to and from work every day, or get run over for being a cunt on a bike.

  10. I just wish they’d hurry the fuck up and invent flying cars, then the lorries can do whatever the fuck they want.
    The amount of times I’ve been sat in a jam, looking up at all that room up there getting pissed off.
    How hard can it be to make a big drone with a couple of chairs attached?

    It’s outside my skill set but surely some “elite” cunt somewhere has a brain big enough.

    I’d need a flying van which may not be feasible, but at least it’d get lots of cunts off the road.

    • Hasn’t London shot itself in the foot with unused cycle lanes for 90% of the time outside of rush hour? Khan and probably BoJo to blame, complaining about pollution while traffic idling doing fuck all, road space going spare for the sake of DayGlo warriors and paying for the privilege with CC.

      • Yea we sit in hours of traffic next to empty bus and cycle lanes.

        Fucking boils my piss.

        I’m gonna move soon I think.

    • Given our current diverse population, am surprised we don’t have flying carpets.

      It would give 40 – 30 – 38 Squadron (ie Miss Piggy and flying friends) something to use for golden shower target practice.

    • Fucking beauty of a right hook, right on the button. I’m going to chip in to support Tommy now just on that punch alone.

      I can attest to the fact that the area around Rome central station is a no go area not only at night but most of the day too in some areas around the side of the station. It has always been dodgy, as most big train and bus stations are, attracting the dregs of society for some reason. But it’s now actually lethal to be there ate night. Hopefully now Italy has got some politicians with balls they will go in there with water cannon, horses and dogs and clean the streets of this vermin.

      • Here here. I’m considering slinging in a few quid now too.

        If that’s the quality of journalism we’ll get then I’m all in!

      • And the 2018 Pulitzer prize goes to….Tommy Robinson for chinning an gimmicunt.

    • “ I’m gonna kill “ BOOM !! Tommy’s right hander was definitely the right answer……
      excellent post ??

  11. As a wagon driver I prefer working nights, it means I don’t have to put up with people in a rush to get to work because they’re shit at time keeping, mums on the school run because the kids are too lazy to walk to school, middle aged male drivers of German saloons who are too busy concentrating on their phone call than indicating and checking their mirrors when they’re changing lanes.

    There is too much traffic on the roads but it isn’t our fault, it’s all you useless cunts driving fucking cars when you could quite easily walk to most of the places you go to. Why does a rep have to drive a big Audi to ferry him around? There’s only him in the cunting thing, why does one man need a 5 seater? Get a motorbike, it’s cheaper and takes up less cunting room.

    • He needs it for his massive dick…………….sorry, I meant to say it’s because he’s a massive dick.

    • I have never owned a car. I have always owned a motorbike. It’s a cunt in winter, but there’s always the bus if it’s icy. Great for getting round traffic, and if everyone had one, there’d be no traffic to get round.
      Heartily agree with you, Mr CP.

      • The girlfriend and I both have motorbikes, best machines in the world for getting around. Have a look at any 5 seater car driving around and tell me how many of them have got more than one person in them. There’s 3 fellas who live down my road who all work at the same place, yet they all go in their own cars instead of jumping in one, saying that the place they work is only a 20 minute walk away so just fuck the drive off altogether.

        When I were growing up the only vehicles we had at our were my dads work van and my mums motorbike and nobody on our street had two cars let alone the 3 or 4 you often see outside houses now, I’d say almost half the houses didn’t even have a car.

        The reason why the city centres and motorways are clogged up is because every cunt is trying to get to the same place at the same time because rather than leave early to get to work they all leave at the last possible minute.

        At the end of 2013 there were 293,204 HGV’s registered for use on UK roads, the same year there was over 30 million cars registered, so tell me who’s clogging up Britains roads now.

      • They used the same argument in Beijing about push bikes. That worked well didn’t it?

      • True but there’s far too many people using cars who don’t need to, unless you need your car to carry out your job you should be walking to work if it takes no longer than 30 minutes and if it does get a train or a bus.

    • Saying too much traffic is on the roads is racist because – as with any Supply Vs Demand argument – if you mention a million more “PL”, “RO” and minicab plates on the roads every 3 yrs you get told: “That has nothing to do with it!”

      Ask the same question on homes, NHS service, school places, the answer is always the same too.

      Except now – for even asking it – you’re consigned to the “wacist” naughty step.

      Have a fucking argument or point you “shout wacist at everything” cunts!

  12. Nothing the matter with HGVs,or their drivers. As long as they continue to squelch the occasional MAMIL on his pushbike,harass creeping old Cunts dawdling along at 30mph and provide light relief by butchering the odd diseased brass,I’m all for them.
    Although I must admit that I felt let down when I read about the wagon-driver who realised that he had illegals in his freezer unit and didn’t crank the thermometer to it’s lowest setting before driving for 6 hours without stopping anywhere where they could have attracted attention.

    Fuck them.

  13. In France HGVs are banned on the weekend. I was working in Bordeaux one summer, I know it’s a fucking hard life, and we needed some heavy equipment moving onto the site but this was late Friday night and the cunts wouldn’t allow a HGV to haul over the weekend so the job was shut down for 48 hours at a cost of over $50,000 in lost time. That’s how serious they are over there.

    It’s one of the reason I’ve always been against fracking, apart from the fact that’s its all a smoke and mirrors scam. I wouldn’t like to see HGVs hauling fucking huge heavy plant around the countryside at any time of the day or week.

    HGVs should be kept on the motorways and multi carriage way A roads and even then they should be kept to the inside lane only. Allowing them only to run at night might be a safety issue though and would certainly be a noise pollution issue.

  14. Neutral but i reckon when a delivery of concrete drivers and wagon drivers delivering pallets of bricks should have a stamp on the door of a pushbike! cunts they have squashed so the cunts know

  15. One cunt was whipping up a spag bol and another had a stir fry going if I remember correctly. The cops mouths were watering when they opened the cab of one of them.

    The idea was brought about by an ex hauler who turned cop who in his haulage days was renowned for driving his unrestricted souped up tractor unit (minus trailer) around local back roads at high speed. He ended up on quite a few of those motorway cop shows.

    The only plus to banning HGV would be one less route for the peaceful religion worshipers to sneak in.

    I agree the ones overtaking each other 1 mph faster than other is a cunt but why govern them to 56mph when the max speed limit is 70mph? If they let the trucks reach 70 but made them use the inside lane at 60mph it would allow them to pass the slower heavily laden ones.

    Getting more use of the roads at night and better use of railways and waterways would surely ease daytime congestion.

    London needs to make better use of the Thames in my opinion.

  16. It was corrupt MEGACUNT Earnest Marples who, when Minister for Transport and in the pay of comstruction firms , promoted road transport and deliberately destroyed canal, river and rail transport. There are still too many corrupt cunts in government to reverse this destructive folly. There should be fewer lorries on the road, and they should be restricted to nightime motorway use only. Any increase in drivers’ wages would be offset by savings in fuel costs and delays. The fuckwitted cunts in parliament are too dim and greedy to realise these glaringly obvious facts; cunts until the crack of doom.

  17. I’d just prefer it if they didn’t try to overtake one another on the motorway then clog up the middle lane at the same speed for fucking miles. Silly cunts.

  18. HGVs are restricted to 100kph (62mph) by law and are prevented from going faster by limiters. so why do lorry drivers insist on playing “my prick is bigger than your prick” clogging up 2 lane motorways by trying to overtake other lorries limited to the same maximum speed?

    Lorries should be banned from using the outside lane on two lane dual carriageways and backing up cars for miles behind them. Fucking idiots boil my piss!

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