Faith Schools

Jewish,Muslim,Christian etc….I care not. Ban all religious teaching in schools. There’s plenty of time when people get older for them to decide if religion suits them. As it is,most teachers at these places are raving maniacs or deviants. They should only be allowed to spout their gibberish to people sensible enough to tell them to “Fuck Off.”

God doesn’t belong in schools. He belongs in the minds of mentally ill degenerates. Keep him there.

Fuck them.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler

154 thoughts on “Faith Schools

  1. Pure common sense Dick, which probably means it will never catch on. Fuck them on steroids.

  2. An admirably topical and essential cunting. Keep all perversions in private and between consenting adults…I’m sure you’ll agree…additionally make it compulsory for devotees of ‘the one god’ to worship the same one instead of each having their own.

    But we certainly need to tighten up on teaching basic morals and ethics without invoking The Eyes In The Sky/ Nobodaddy. That aspect of infant learning is probably why there’s a demand for faith schools.

  3. Well said Dick, multiculturalism has done nothing for society but create division, a nation of tribes where secretive faith schools are a hot bed of indoctrination. There should only be one School where kids learn skills to get a career.

  4. Ah…I love you Old World moralists. You think all we need is more secular humanism and a stronger dose of moral relativism Like say…Marx…or Lenin…or Hitler…or Stalin…or Mao…or…whomever.

    Here’s an old fashioned view from the New World:

    To be continued…

    ? ? ?

  5. LOL! You made me laugh Dick. A Cunter without a sense of humor. It was an anthem the back in the day. LOL! You are so blinded by your secular self righteousness that you lost all sense of perspective. Love it!

    By the way…it was Linda Ronstadt. Back in the day I would have banged her like a screen door in a hurricane.

    But thanks…I needed a good laugh this morning. lololololololololol…

    As for being continued…I meant the debate. I know this will come as a shock to you…it did to me…but you (and I)…are not always right.

    ? ?

    • I just can’t keep up with your American sense of humour,General. It’s hilarious,as are you.
      LOL, LOL etc.

      • OK…been through this once…don’t want to go through it again.

        Dick…I read your posts all the time. I love them. I think you are great. I’m completely serious.

        However, I do not always agree with them or you. In this case I think a sweeping condemnation of all people who hold a ‘religious’ viewpoint is as extreme as those you condemn.

        It doesn’t mean your point is without merit. It has merit…in my view a lot of merit. But I don’t…and it is just my opinion…think that those of us brought up in western civilization can…(a) automatically condemn ALL the Judeo/Christian values that are so deeply ingrained in us and (b) issue a sweeping condemnation of those whose world/spiritual viewpoint is different than our own.

        That song…was a 1950’s reaction to what was perceived here in the states as a moral decline. Linda Ronstadt was a rebel in her early days. She was the first female rock super star here in the states. Despite being a rebel…she had a reverence for “traditional” music. Among those of us who were smoking dope dropping acid and marching for peace whilst chanting…”no nukes man”….that song was an anthem of rebellion.

        With that said…we have lived to see the moral bankruptcy of the evil regimes of Europe and Asia and their failed attempts to remake a “Godless” society and eliminate a mythical fountain of morality…Nobodaddy…and replace it with an earthly one…i.e. Hitler…Mao etc. To my mind…one is as bad as the other.

        As for the song…Ronstadt was a mega star and I assumed the irony and sarcasm of my post would be easily understood. Sorry.

        As for LOL…what can I say…I’m a techno dork.

      • ….”. In this case I think a sweeping condemnation of all people who hold a ‘religious’ viewpoint is as extreme as those you condemn.”
        It might well be as extreme, General,but I don’t spout my nonsense at young,impressionable minds. I have little doubt that I’d quickly be arrested if I took to trying to indoctrinate every child with my intolerant,malevolent bollocks,whereas “religion” seems to provide a licence for every deranged lunatic to preach whatever brand of lunacy that they follow,to impressionable children.

        I enjoy your posts,General,and must admit I’ve never heard this song. I honestly didn’t believe that Americans “did” irony.
        🙂 .

      • Oh yeah! Dramatic irony, metaphor, pathos, puns, parody, litotes and…satire. We’re vicious!

        Dinsdale? Dinnnnnnsdale?

      • 100% Dick.

        As far as I’m concerned religious indoctrination of the young amounts to nothing less than State sanctioned child abuse. No wonder the world is such a steaming pile of cuntage.

        And the same goes for all irrational belief systems too – Socialism, Communism, Nazism – humourless, brainwashing cunts running away from reality and themselves.

      • No one is knocking the values General (not ALL of them anyway); but who can take seriously any pious little cunt who peddles a fairy story?

      • I don’t know Francis…ask the roughly 1.2 Billion Catholics in the world if they take the Pope seriously.

    • I have to say Mr Fiddler you are, as ever, devastatingly accurate in your cunting.

      I have had the misfortune of a four by two free school opening up at the end of my road. In, what feels like a blink of an eye, my area is turning into a facsimile of the Warsaw ghetto.

      The thing that gets me though is that the CofE schools are open to all and are religious in name only thank fuck. All of the other religious shit is seriously extreme it seems. The place near me has the full on security guards, high fencing, ram raid protection and probably a nuclear lab inside – what the fuck are the little cunts attending the place being taught? A 4×2 cunt I used to work with called the Peacefuls ‘The Enemy’ as a matter of course (and long before it became obvious to everyone else that the cunts are) because it was taught to the fucker in the Synagogue.

      And who the fuck knows what is going on Peaceful terrorist training camps – sorry, I mean schools?

      Cunts one and all.

  6. You don’t have to be “always right” to spot a crude , massive con when you see one. Any cunt who loves their primitive idol and the afterlife so much can go and join the fucker and leave the rest of us in peace.
    Bunch of thick, deluded cunts the lot of them.

  7. Faith schools worked so well in Northern Ireland didn’t they?
    And if you accept Christian faith schools you have to accept faith schools that push an agenda contrary to our values. So you have Islamic schools teaching that homosexuals and apostates should be killed. This was actually reported a couple of weeks ago. You have Haredi Jews insisting that the world is 6 000 years old so that’s geology, physics, biology etc gone. Then the is the denial of evolution from certain sects.
    Ban the lot. No exceptions.

    • Haredis…and about 1/3 of the USA’s ‘Christians’. Is the General a Southern Baptist, I wonder?

      • No Komodo I’m not. In fact the last time I was in a church was…?

        Even if I was…would it make me a bad person?
        Would it invalidate the cuntings I’ve done? Would your preconceived notion of American Southern Baptists suddenly render my opinions meaningless or suspect if you thought I was one?

        I happy to be here cunting those who need and deserve cunting. Something no self respecting “Southern Baptist” would ever do.

        And if I have to defend myself because I disagree with some of you…so be it.

      • Just wondered, General, and not very seriously. Your point is, I gather, that religion provides a moral and ethical basis which is not supplied by atheism. But in terms of simple and applicable morals, Charles Kingsley’s wet little book for very young children, “The Water Babies” supplies more in the way of a moral basis than the entire Bible, with the latter’s justification of murder and rapine in the name of God (OT) or the hilacking of some perfectly good moral teaching by the self-aggrandising Paul (much of the NT)
        1. Doasyouwouldbedoneby
        2. Bedonebyasyoudid.

        You ask:
        ‘Would your preconceived notion of American Southern Baptists suddenly render my opinions meaningless or suspect if you thought I was one?’

        Depends on your opinions, but no, not really. If you believe that the world is 6000 years old, based on the dodgy chronology of an Iron Age tribe, and that God made fossils embedded in apparently much older rock just for shits’n’giggles, I would consider that opinion worthless regardless of your religion, and would feel justified in taking what you had to say on other topics with a pinch of salt, also regardless of your religion.

        Not sure if I’ve met any US Southern Baptists, tbh. It may be that I’m doing them a wicked injustice – this is ISAC, and that’s allowed here – but I’ve lived amongst swivel-eyed creationist Scottish ‘Northern’ Baptists, and I imagine they’re similar.

      • @Komodo

        I tip my hat to you sir! I challenged you and you answered back in a straight forward manner. I appreciate and respect that.

        OK…truth be told…”my dander was up”. Now that my head is cooler let me reply in what I hope is an equally straight forward manner.

        Sorry for being so long winded.

        1. This is ISAC and while I’m kind of new here I understand that cunting anyone for any reason is allowed. I know a lot of Southern Baptists and many of them do indeed deserve cunting.

        2. I am not a Southern Baptist. I was raised a Methodist. But I do not attend services…actively practice …read the texts…unless I’m researching something…or accept a personal savior.

        3. I do consider myself a Christian because even though I don’t practice, I have lived in a country with Judeo/Christian traditions and by default I have many of those values and celebrate those traditions.

        4. I do not accept Biblical notions of history…although I am fascinated by the mythology…Adam and Eve…the Flood etc. And to be fair there is some historic value in the Bible. But taken literally as fact…No.

        As an aside I am extremely critical of scientists. Not from a religious point of view. What they know…what they think they know and what is actual fact is often 3 different things.

        5. My real argument isn’t that religion provides a superior moral foundation…although it can and sometimes does. But rather any other form of moral foundation is no better and in many cases worse.

        6. I do believe there is a higher power that governs the universe. The nature of that higher power…just exactly what it may be is beyond me…and right now beyond our scientific ability to understand.

        7. My Methodist upbringing taught me not to doubt the word of God. My secular education taught me to always doubt the mouth of man…especially when claiming to speak the word of God…or any other expression of ultimate truth. That goes for the Pope as well as Karl Marx. Billy Graham and Mao Tse Tung. Aristotle and Bertrand Russell.

        8. I often say “God bless America” and have said here at ISAC “God save the Queen.”. Those aren’t so much expressions of true beliefs as they are a traditional acknowledgement of good will…and a tip of the hat to what made our nations great. No apologies!

        An added benefit is a great big fuck you to all the ingrate savage bastards who would still be swinging from the fucking trees…wading through rice paddies or herding camels through the fucking desert if it wasn’t for us.

        Using mythological stories as a basis for moral behavior is not inherently bad in and of itself…although it can be. Any philosophical system regardless of it’s base can be good or evil. Any can be used or abused. Any can be subverted or perverted.

        When it all comes down to it…regardless of what or who you believe…it is ultimately man and man alone who deserves the cunting.

      • Actually, I’d agree with most of that, General, and thank you for making your position clear.

        Incidentally, I’ve lived in rural Michigan, close to the Indiana line and I have no beef whatever with the kindly, hospitable and mostly Christian* folks in the Midwest. Quite the reverse, I have very affectionate memories of the place.

        *Catholic and Protestant both

      • @Komodo

        Glad we have a clearer understanding and glad we have some common ground.

        I’m also glad to hear of your experience in my homeland! The Great Midwest (as some of us say) is culturally unique in the US. Salt of the earth…hard working…honest…decent…non pretentious…plain speaking folk…for the most part…

        except for me…

        and some of my friends…

        and a few women I know…

        ? ? ? ?

    • Ah yes, the beautiful harmony between Arabs Jews Catholics Protistents. Isn’t religion a wonderful thing ?

  8. Many faith schools are registered as charities, even thought the charitible aspect is often very hard to see. There are good tax breaks in this, and as we have learned recently with Oxfam , our Government is very quick to donate ( on our behalf of course ) huge sums of money.
    I have no time whatsoever for religion and fairy dust, and even less time for sponging kiddie diddlers. The fact that kiddie diddling can attract a government subsidy fucking appalls me!
    The sooner we are all a bunch of rabid aethiests the better, and in the meantime close down ALL faith schools.

    Well cunted Dick!

  9. I could teach RE.

    Christianity – Magic bloke in the sky made everything, including the earth. Probably had a torch because the sun came the following day, and what the earth was orbiting before the sun appeared is still a mystery but we’ll just ignore that.
    Sent down his son, always portrayed as a white fellow. Looked a bit like Robert Powell apparently. Long hair and beard, strutted round the desert in sandals telling people how to live.
    Had a few mates, one called Mathew, how many Mathews’ there were in the Middle East two thousand years ago we’re not sure, but fuck it, just go with it.
    Did a lecture tour, pissed off some Italians, got nailed to a cross.

    Islam – Subservient women wearing bin bags.Grooming gangs, no bacon sarnies…

    Front Wheels – Walked about bit.
    Settled in Stamford Hill and Israel.
    Good accountants.

    Others –

    A few crazies, like the mob who thought a space ship flying behind a comet was gonna take them to heaven.
    They topped themselves, so no loss there.

    Mormons – fuck me, one wife is more than enough.

    I could go on.

    Anyway class, next week we’ll be covering unicorns and faries…

    Religion….? do me a favour!…

    • And I could teach Secular humanism!

      Facists…Some bald headed fuck in a black shirt put people in political prisons…and caused a war…and used weapons of mass destruction.

      Nazi’s….magic nut with a mustache…looked a bit like John Cleese…put people in extermination camps…and caused a war…ate veggies

      Communists….Kindly Uncle Joe…the Friendly All Knowing Chairman…Uncle Ho…they put people in gulags…and sent them to killing fields…and reeducation camps..and caused war…and famine…

      Feminazis…they want to chop of men’s Weiner’s and kill babies

      LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ…they want to chop off their own weiners…and have babies

      And there are a few miscellaneous crazies like Antifa…I could go on…

      Anyway class next week we’ll be covering blue skies and ice cream for everyone.

      Secular humanism? Give me a break

      I’m just telling you my fellow cunters…that sword cuts both ways.

      • @francis

        “Don’t be a silly little General”?

        That’s what my orderly said just before I ordered the charge at the Little Big Horn!

    • Impressive stuff there JRC, but you forgot to mention who it was wot created the magic Cunt in the sky in the first place!

      Clue: He/she/It belongs to The Order Of The Flying Teapot….

    • Teacher: “Johnny, how many sweets have you got in your pocket?”

      Johnny: “Six sweets miss.”

      Teacher: “And Mohamed, how many sweets have you got in your pocket?”

      Mohamed: “No sweets miss.”

      Teacher: “So Johnny, if you were to share your sweets equally with Mohamed, how many sweets would you have left?”

      Johnny: “Six sweets miss.”

      • American public school version:

        Teacher: Who said ‘Four score and seven years ago?”

        Jose: Abraham Lincoln

        Teacher: Who said “Ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you?”

        Juan: John F. Kennedy

        From the back of the room: “Goddamn fucking Mexicans!”

        Teacher: Who said that!?!”

        Jimmy: “Davey Crocket at the Alamo.”

      • My real worry with this post is that Johnny is failing to miss a very important life lesson and will be a lesser man for it in later life, six sweets a day will fuck his teeth big time and probably turn him into a fat cunt…….

  10. In the header photo surely the Islam sign should show the boy leading the girl? I find that highly offensive.
    Die soon Infidels !!!

    • More likely a Rotherham taxi driver leading a working class white girl Fred, not enough room to show social services and the police with their thumb up their arse.

  11. The fuckers who need cunted on this , are the ploiticians. They are the cunts who demand that we “Respect” all faiths and religions, OR ELSE!
    They court all the dviants, crips , mongoloids, heathen, Muzzies etc, to attract the vote that keeps them in power.

    When I was a kid, you earned respect. It was never just “given”
    Any twat in our neighbourhood fiddling with kids was ( at worst ) done away with, and at best escaped the perils of being ostracized and punished. Nowadays, we have to tolerate and “respect” a religion that condones the marriage of an 8 yr old girl to some dirty diseased fucking old git who will fuck her to oblivion. We have to “respect” a religion that will throw gays off towers, and we have to respect these arrogant bastards just because they fucking exist.
    Respect for the clergy ended decades ago, when so many were fucking kids, and being protected by a Senior establishment that either participated, or condoned.these actions.
    To believe in a god is your choice, to expect, even demand that I respect you for it. FUCK OFF!

  12. My R.E teacher (this is back in the 80’s at a boys catholic school) had a bit of a problem with wandering hands. He was eventually sacked and used to turn up outside the school wearing a sandwich board, the silly cunt, protesting his innocence. Never tried it on with me, I’m an ugly cunt.

    I was absolutely elated to discover about 15 years ago that the cunt ended up topping himself.

  13. Any cunt that is going to the World Cup in Russia must be fucking mad ? You might as well get dropped off at Aleppo ! I’ve heard that some insurance companies will not touch you. The violence towards opposing fans is state sponsored .

  14. Well cunted and well culted, Dick. Astoundingly, its first one! Incredible.

    Of course these primitive Institutes of Fairy Tales should be closed down permanently, all of them. It doesn’t matter which Adventure Story you prefer or to which one you subscribe or into which one you were press-ganged, these Fantasy stories, the enemies of Reason and Intellect (ALL OF THEM) have no place anywhere near education.

    Let’s no travel down the ridiculously easy road of derision against any of these cults but having training centres to promote their own particular version of the ‘Reward-or-Punishment’ schemes is mindless.

    They have no place in schools. However, feel free to practise this dogmatic dogshit in your own time, whether it’s man-with-elephant’s-head, magic tricks with fish, flying horses, talking snakes, parting the ocean, killer locusts, turning people into salt, disguising yourself as a monkey, cutting the moon in half, avoiding “unclean” animals, snipping off bits of your toilet area or accidentally forgetting to include the entire Dinosaur period in your Stone Age pamphlet.


    • Sorry Captain, but no, no, and thrice no! It’s the ones who practice this shit in their own time who provide the milieu which fosters the growth of the other fuckers who want to force it on all of us.

  15. Part of the issue here may be cultural. My view from the states may be different from your view in UK.

    1. Religious schools here in the states…known as parochial schools are usually Christian and more particularly Catholic. Despite the name and orientation they are not…broadly speaking…centers of religious indoctrination.

    The state of our public schools…government run free education…sucks! No discipline…lax educational standards…and secular liberal teachers who do indeed indoctrinate our children by teaching them Obama songs and nursery rhymes. Multiculturalism…how to grow a green garden and the joys of diversity have replaced reading writing and arithmetic.

    The notion of white privilege is so deeply ingrained in our educational system that all children must be taught at the same pace. The “No Child Left Behind” policy means no one advances until even the slowest catches up.

    Given that…many well meaning and well intentioned parents send their children to parochial schools or homeschool them. The goal is not religious indoctrination but rather quality education.

    2. Many of us here in the states reject the notions of secular humanism. Not because of strong religious conviction…but rather because of the terror associated with the repressive utopian regimes of the past. Nazis…Communists etc.

    We have not had the history of religious wars here that you have had in Europe. To the contrary…freedom to worship…or not to worship…is also enshrined in our constitution. We are perhaps taught, a more tolerant view of religious differences than you are.

    We also recognize…and rightly or wrongly, we do so proudly…that we have been founded on and grounded in Judeo/Christian principles. We accept and (used to) respect those traditions as much as we do/did those of our English common law ancestors.

    Here in the states anti christian bigotry is almost always associated with the left. The far left here constantly belittles and demeans Christians whilst loudly extolling the virtues of Islam. Something many of us find revolting.

    So perhaps my fellow counters will forgive me if Intake a contrary point of view and in a bit of metaphoric irony…play Devil’s advocate. I understand your points and respect them I think I probably should have given some more thoughts to the cultural differences before I began posting. And I probably should have stayed out of this thread altogether.

    Given that you might ask if I’d rather be in a room full of mid-American Christian conservatives or a room full of Hollywood secular liberals? Regardless of the answer…being a dumbass is kind of a cunt.

    • Oh no General. All points of view, be they for or against and whatever the topic are important. It is the contributions of all on this site that is a cherished contribution to freedom ( in its broadest sense ) In a Britain where we fear to speak. and in a Britain where you can be imprisoned for a single word, hallowed places such as this need to exist.
      Long gone are the days when we could hold these conversations on street corners, or in the pub over a pint. That is why this country is a lesser place . A place where honesty in speech must be concealed.
      The Christian Church that I attend as a child no longer exists. The texts taught are rescinded, and the truth I was told is now openly admitted as a lie. I suffer what I was taught not to suffer, because of the rank hipocrasy of a man made , engineered religion, that serves only those who would wish control. This is Britain now, and youare so lucky to live in a land where you are still able to assert your belief, AND defended in law to hold that freedom of speech.

    • Cultural differences indeed General. I have travelled throughout the US ( about /
      25 states I think) and I know that religion, like gun ownership, is deep rooted in your history, culture and psyche. About the only time you will hit a traffic jam in small town America is on Sunday morning when the cunts are going to and from church. You drive past one church and all the cunts in the car park are black…… the next one they’re all white, and so on. You Yanks love your fellow Christians…… as long as they’re the same colour as you.
      Where do you live General? I might have been there although one American town looks very much like another to me.

      • Hey Freddie

        I’m from the Midwest…more specifically…Indiana…more specifically…Northwest Indiana…the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

        I live less than 10 miles from the Lake Michigan shore and the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.

        I am currently on an extended vacation in the deep south…more specifically Alabama…more specifically southeast Alabama…near Georgia and Florida.

        I am now near another shore…the Gulf of Mexico. The Redneck Rivera as they call it. For the first time in my life I went south for the winter.

        I usually like your posts Freddie…even if your comments on my country are not exactly Alistair Cooke like nature.


      • Fuck Alistair Cooke General.
        No, I’ve never been to Indiana but I have been in Alabama. Birmingham must be the biggest shithole in America,
        Having said that i’ve seen poverty in America that we just don’t have over here. Barefoot Hillbilly children in the Kentucky mountains, cunts trying to sell rags at the side of the road, untold poor fuckers pushing trolleys full of plastic bottles in LA. Your average Brit tourist never sees that shit. They all think you lot live in massive apartments like in “Friends”. They can’t imagine a family living in an old yellow school bus in some field in Georgia.
        Poverty breeds religion and violence General…….two cheeks on the same arsehole…..or asshole, as you would say.

      • @Freddie

        With all due respect…there ain’t nuttin’ ’bout hillbilly’s you can tell me that I don’t already know. I come form a long line of backwoods…redneck…ridge running…one leg longer than t’other…tabacca chewing….spitting in the fire…god fearin’…white trash…shine drinking…hillbillies.

        On a different but related note…Arsehole…asshole…a rose by any other name…

        I think I said…I…usually…enjoy your posts…usually.


      • Clearly you have never met a hillbilly General or you wouldn’t come out with all that stereotypical shit. I’m beginning to doubt if you are a Yank at all. Mountain people, as you are supposed to call them, are not like the cunts in Deliverance you know. I’m bored with you now. But then you are a bible basher so no big surprise.

      • So…If we could take them out of poverty they would recover from their misguided ways and become peaceful?

        Kind of like the Arabs did when we found oil in the Middle East and they became filthy rich.


      • Well Freddie it was fun while it lasted. But I should have known I couldn’t fool you.

        You’re right. I’m not a Yank.

        You’re right. I haven’t got any hillbillies on my family.

        You’re right. I’m a Bible Basher.

        You’re right. They’re mountain people not hillbillies.

        You’re right. Blah blah blah…

        Moving on…now that you’re bored with me I can devote my time to answering serious posters and not some know-it-all wanker. So some good did come out of this.

        Well..chin chin…

      • Don’t want to spoil the General’s fun, but here’s a clue: why is the Liverpool docker called ‘Diesel’?

      • @Ruff

        News flash…you are!


        A fun historical question! I wonder how much trouble I’ll get in with this answer.

        OK…no one seems to know for sure and there are a few different explanations.

        When I was a boy…way back in the middle of the last century…the 1960s to be precise…we were taught this in public school:

        During the Revolutionary War the Indiana Territory was under British control. However, the British didn’t have enough troops to garrison the entire area let alone conduct military operations so they allied themselves with the Indians and had them do most of the fighting…led of course by a British officer.

        As a result…whenever the white settlers saw a white man they grabbed their musket and issued a challenge. “Who’s your party? Whig or Tory?”.

        Obviously, that’s a mouthful so in the vernacular of the day it became ” Who’s yer?”

        White trappers moving through the area thus began referring to the local settlers as Hoosiers.

    • You make a good point about secular liberals General. But the Hollywood ones are simply canting fucking hypocrites one and all.
      The UK problem with the fuckers is the fringe who decree that their views are the only valid ones. Anybody who doesn’t toe the line is howled down and no platformed. At present this is the LBGT or whatever nonsense. These are a vocal minority who are allowed to get away with their childish bullshit by the rest of the liberal establishment.
      I lived in South Africa and would rather be with Afrikaaners, who have more in common with Southern Baptists than Brit colonials. They are more honest and more fun.
      But I am implacably opposed to all religions because they all have the possibility to become as hateful and divisive as the religion of peace. They are illogical. Inclusive and exclusive. Science deniers. Mostly corrupt. Sexually deviant due to their obsessions with the female sex, always from the male viewpoint, and religions are all MAN made.
      So General – a beer with you or Hilary Clinton? I don’t think I need answer that.

      • I think you’d have to order Chablis with Hillary Cuntstable.

        Make sure to get a selfie and post it…so we can cunt you.

        ? ?

      • I don’t do Chablis or hypocrites General. Although I am overdue a cunting.

      • Actually, Cuntstable so am I. I surprised someone here hasn’t done yet. Might have to do it myself.

    • I think you’ve made some really thoughtful and considered comments General.

      We have a semi deregulated education system in the UK as a result of the Free Schools policy that has enabled interest groups to set up a multitude of Religious Schools that are only interested in indoctrinating pupils into extreme forms of compliance/control and it is they that muddy the water IMO

      I guess whether you have religion or not it’s an indisputable fact that all the best performing state schools in the UK are faith schools, why, because they all have discipline as a core principle.

      In the town I live in we have 5 secondary schools, the best performing school in terms of league tables is a CofE school that all 3 of my children have attended.

      The staff there by and large are a bunch of fun sucking mother fuckers who dish out detentions with the blink of an eye yet the school remains massively oversubscribed and the irony of it all is white middle class, sharp elbowed, pushy parents that you just know preach secularism at their dinner parties are the ones at the front of the queue when it comes to the next years intake.

      • Thanks CMcCf

        It’s the same here. The fucking libtard/obamunist/clintonista cunts all go on and on about the virtues of public education and then send their children to the most expensive private schools they can bully their way into.

        They all make speeches about the sacrifices public school teachers make then they send their children to a private school with highly paid private teachers.

        They all fawn all over the NEA (National Education Association) and the teachers union then send their children to private non unionized schools.

        They all start foaming at the mouth whenever there’s a school shooting in a public school then they send their children…with body guards…to a private school with security that rivals a supermax federal prison.

        They drone on and on about the wonders of diversity in the public school system then send their children to cost prohibitive minimally diverse private schools.

        It is a fact that the best performing schools in the US are all private.

    • The issues are not much different here – lots of Church of England primary schools (up to 12yrs) are the place to go but I have to say they don’t do too much of the god thing thank fuck.

      The general folk of the UK (apart from the increasing numbers of indoctrinated brain dead) are a cynical bunch and can usually tell a comforting but controlling fairy tale as the load of bollocks that it obviously is.

      The rancid shit faith schools that have been set up in the last few years are a whole other storey though – these places are properly extreme.

  16. Whatever happened to separation of church and state? Probably the 5 most sensible words constructed. When I lived in Los Angeles there was no ‘RE in the kids schools. My daughter turned into a ferocious atheist. My son has a Fender Stratocaster.

    • Hey CnR…in public or government run schools they are not allowed to teach religion.

      Our separation of church and state clause in our constitution is often misunderstood. What it means is that our government will never establish a religion. You have the Church of England. We will never have a Church of America.

      But the reality of that is quite nuanced. Our Founding Fathers did recognize religious beliefs. They referred to God given rights…and they were Christians. They just didn’t want the government telling them how to worship God.

      As far as I’m concerned…I don’t care if your daughter is a pedestrian.
      (That’s a joke). But I am concerned that your son has a strat. Strats are great…but so is the Les Paul…and the old Gretschs…and the Jazzmaster…


      • He’s going to music college in the fall. He doesn’t know it but I’m getting him a Les Paul traditional when he enrolled. And the strat is a deluxe in antique sunburst.

      • The Fall, man, can’t you read? You got eggplants or zuccini in yo head or somink? Yo better walk on down de sidewalk and do a left at the interrrsection mofo.

      • The Les Paul is indeed a fine instrument beloved of 60s blues players in the UK. Had one myself.

        When I went back to recording again I possessed an Admiral Christina, a fine instrument but acoustic. Big debate over Gibson or a Fender.

        In the end I bought a Clapton Signature Stratocaster. Like the model T Ford, you can have any colour as long as it’s black. In my view, sunburst looks best on the Gibson.

        If you can afford it, be a flash cunt and have both!

        And don’t forget “Clapton is God”

      • Still play the Beano album. Have even found a way to zip through the dreadful drum solo which preceded some great boogie guitar.

  17. Never be tempted to “Stay out of this thread altogether”,General. Wouldn’t be much point in the whole site if everyone just agreed,would there? We are a mixed bunch,but probably all fairly opinionated or we wouldn’t be on this site. We’d just suck up whatever bullshit we were told without question. I,personally,enjoy hearing other people’s opinion,and while I may disagree,would never disrespect another Cunter by expecting him/her not to contribute. Hell’s Bells…I even read Krav’s posts…and sometimes even enjoy them 🙂 .
    My own distaste for religion in school comes from a blessedly short stay at a school with a strong religious ethos. It did not endear me to religion or,more accurately, to it’s teachers.

    Fuck them.

    • What is so good about ISAC is we can agree to disagree to agree again and there is no abuse. If I went on to an Arsenal blog and posted that Aaron Ramsey is quite good, I’d probably get death threats.

      I think the only thing we all agree is techno is shit and Harry Kane is a cunt.

      • Don’t know who Ramsey is but agree. C&R must die. And all his books be burnt. The cunt.

      • You would suck Harry’s cock in the centre circle at half time to sign him you cunt.

        You would also enjoy it.

    • @Dick…Simple…CnR…and others…

      Thanks! I take back most…not all…but most of the rotten things I’ve ever said about you foreign cunts.

      ? ? ?? ??

      • And I take back my assertion that Yanks lack staying power. You have the tenacity of a bulldog suffering from lockjaw. Bravo, General.
        No retreat,baby,no surrender.

    • My 1ry school C of E headmaster told me not to believe everything that I read in print.

      Sadly, for him, the first to go for the chop was the bible…

  18. Why do religious people, particularly peacefuls go absolutely ape fucking shit if you take the piss out of their God. For fucks sake if God truly exists, which he,she,it, actually doesn’t, then surely your’re safe and I’m fucked to go spend the afterlife in hell so chill the fuck out. I suspect the reaction is because you know in your heart of hearts that the evidence of a Creator is as close to zero as the likelihood of
    Susan Boyle winning the next Miss World contest. Life is nothing special, take a look around, it’s fucking everywhere. It lasts no longer than a cosmological blink of an eye, things die off and new things emerge. Where is there a need for a God. I don’t need one to be moralistic. I know right from wrong, I’d never rob anyone except that miserable cunt of a builder I sometimes happen to work with cos he deserves it and I’d rather help someone than trip them up. If your belief makes you happy in your life that’s fucking great but keep it behind your front door and don’t let it interfere with me, our schools and politics. It’s fucking bollix and you knows it.

    • History, science, biology, astronomy, all would have to conform to whatever the particular religion preaches, which is fucking nonsense. Any qualifications from these dunce academies can’t be worth any more than a dry fart.

  19. Ant McPartlin charged with drink driving

    Does anyone apart from his manager and family really give two hoots about this bloke?

    He is estimated to have about £60m plus in assets, is desperately trying to fuck his life up, and yet we are supposed to feel sorry for him?

    Must admit to taking a little enjoyment watching his downfall.

    Does that make me a bad person?

      • I was going to say they’ll at least be able to show films on it in the nick!

        Fucking Tefal cunt!

    • Not at all, WS.

      I have indeed been wondering over the past week just who the fuck this Art McPantliner is…

      Just some overpaid, over all-the-meejah, shiny-suited twat with a naff barnet.

  20. Trying to link Faith Brown, as in brown people attending Faith schools, but struggling for a punchline.

    Cue Mr Cuntley…

  21. Faith Brown had massive tits. Faith schools are full of massive tits.

    I’ll get me cassock.

      • What’s the difference between someone who does impressions for a living, and someone who, if you did impressions of, you wouldn’t be living?

        One’s Faith Brown and the other’s a brown faith.

        Try the salad.

  22. I’m all for religious schools.
    I grew up in the west of Scotland and from primary one I was educated in the art of battle…. against the wee fenian cunts across the stream.
    The council built these schools on opposite sides of a stream, one for everycunt and one for taigues, so playtime and hometime was spent chucking rocks over at each other.
    When secondary school came along, the caffliks were bussed out of town to there edifice of sleaze and we’d be waiting on their bus with rocks on their return.
    Happy days and probably not what this cunting was all about…….

    • No surrender Birdman????

      I’d rather be a parking Stanley than a Tim, sing along now…..

  23. Great debate on this thread. Freedom of speech at its finest.

    One point, I object to how our American friend General Cuntster keeps talking about ‘Judeo-Christian values’ as the basis of Western civilisation. This is simply not the case. Western civilisation is based on the values of Classical Greece and Rome. All the ‘best’ bits of Christianity were nicked from Greek philosophy. The Gospel of John was specifically written to appeal to the civilised people of the Eastern Mediterranean who were unfamiliar with the nightmare of the Old Testament.

    FYI, Hitler was a baptised Catholic not a secular humanist.

    Birdman’s post about rock fights at school was great – like something from an Irvine Welsh novel for primary years.

    • Hey CMC…dive right in…the water’s hot!

      …and Stalin was an Orthodox seminary student.

      Both Hitler and Stalin rejected the teachings of their early youth and adopted a secular religion.

      In the case of Hitler, National Socialism and the occult…with a bit of pagan Germanic Mythology.

      In the case of Stalin…Marxism.

      You could quarrel with ‘my’ notion of Judeo/Christian values. How much of an influence is a legit topic for debate. However, I don’t think it can be dismissed as simply not the case. After all…your ‘peacefuls’ don’t hate you because of your Aristotelian virtues.

      • The Founding Fathers were mostly deists not Christians. Thomas Paine and (almost certainly) Thomas Jefferson were out and out atheists. Jefferson must be spinning in his grave to see the words ‘In God We Trust’ on your currency.

        Treaty of Tripoli 1796, Article 11: “the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”

      • Nicely done CMC…ignore every point I make and switch to a Founding Fathers argument. When you can’t win with the facts…switch the subject. OK…I’ll score a point for me and answer your assertion.

        To say that our Founding Fathers were not Christian isn’t factual. To say that they were Deists has some basis in fact and is relevant to what they believed.

        To say that they would be spinning in their graves at “In God We Trust” on our money may or may not be true.

        If you have been following this thread and you listened to Linda Ronstadt you would have heard the song. That song came along in the 1950s. It was a reaction to a perceived decay of morality in the US and to the growth of “the heathen Godless commies” throughout the world. The ‘In God We Trust’ motto came about as a result of the same sentiment.

        Although…as a completely anecdotal story I remember the old timers of my youth saying it was done as an expression of our moneys worth ever since Roosevelt took the US off the gold standard (in 1933).

        OK…back to the Founding Fathers. Your argument is quite in vogue now with the Progressives and secular humanists. But it isn’t accepted by everyone and not entirely supported by the facts. Below is a link to a rather well thought out position that both supports and refutes your statement. ?


        A history professor of mine taught me something very important…(way back in the last century); ‘History is both multi causal and complex’.

      • General, we are more in agreement than disagreement. What we have here, I think, is the difference between European ‘freedom from religion’ and American ‘freedom of religion.’

        We in Europe have had centuries of religious people fighting wars over who has the best imaginary friend. We have state churches that we are forced to subsidise whether we choose to or not. In the UK, the head of state is also head of the established church. The French Revolutionaries went straight after the Church once they had finished with the aristocracy. The French Republic forbids state support for religion although this is crumbling in the face of a determined assault from followers of the Religion That Must Never Be Criticised.

        You Americans have no established church and the freedom to practice any religion and no religion. I am a great admirer of your First Amendment, wish we had something similar in the UK.

        You have railed against Nazism, Marxism and what you call ‘secular humanism.’ The trouble with the first two is that they have the same intolerance of dissent as most religions. And what you call ‘secular humanists’ in the USA have clearly the same problem – if you don’t agree with us, you are not just wrong but evil.

        In the UK, we have a real problem with identity politics, which some people follow with almost religious certainty. What I dislike, what I think you dislike and what I think Dick Fiddler was getting at in his nomination is dogmatism. I am right and you are so wrong that you are evil and must be destroyed.

        Sorry if you felt I was ignoring your points, I didn’t feel I was.

        I studied English History and American History as a joint major back in the 80’s. I loved the quote from your history professor. Too many people (religious and secular) think one cause is the be all and end all.

        I still reckon Jefferson was an atheist though.

      • CMC

        Bravo! Well said! I think you summed it up brilliantly and I have nothing relevant to add nor can I improve upon what you said. ? ?

        Sorry for any misunderstanding. Including yours about Mr. Jefferson. ?

        Besides…this of us who studied history…(me in the late 70s and early 80s…along with Political Science) must stick together.

      • Don’t forget that on the Nazi belt buckle had the phrase ‘Gott mit Uns’ proudly stamped on it. A quarter of SS troops were practicing catholic. And, don’t forget the rat run, the Vatican sponsored escape network, that saw many of the top Nazis safely smuggled to South America instead of being brought to justice. The Nazis religious intolerance only applied to the dustbin lids. The were quite happy to use ‘peaceful’ troops too.

      • Well Freddie it was fun while it lasted. But I should have known I couldn’t fool you.

        You’re right. I’m not a Yank.

        You’re right. I haven’t got any hillbillies on my family.

        You’re right. I’m a Bible Basher.

        You’re right. They’re mountain people not hillbillies.

        You’re right. Blah blah blah…

        Moving on…now that you’re bored with me I can devote my time to answering serious posters and not some know-it-all wanker. So some good did come out of this.

        Well..chin chin…

      • @Gutstick

        Sorry for the above post…that’s not for you. It’s duplication…from the Department of Redundancy Department. ?

        What is for you is that the SS also had the Death’s Head badge on their cap. One means as much as the other in this argument.

      • So too did the Tank Corps General. Their uniforms and insignia were often mistaken for the SS.

      • My point is that religion was compatible with the Nazis ideology. Men could lock a load of women and children in a barn (or a church), set it on fire, and make peace with their god later. Saying atheists or religious nutters are more likely to murder every fucker is a moot point. Humans are responsible for the evil they do, it’s just the reasons or excuses for it that are different, although atheists don’t have the scapegoat that is blaming the devil for making them evil.

      • Both Hitler and Stalin were demagogues who stole the clothes of any popular ideology going. To say Stalin was Marxist is facile. Did he put the means of production and distribution in the hands of the producers and distributors? He did not. He concentrated power in himself. Between Marx and Engels – social economists -and Lenin (handy aid to Germany’s destabilising Russia, tricky bastard, and rightly prioritising restoring order by any means at hand), then Stalin, there’s a whole chain of modifications to Marxism, whatever that actually means, to the point where Marx (and more especially, Engels) would have disowned it completely.

        “if Russia starts a war, then – forward against the Russians and their allies, whoever they may be!”

        Engels: letter to August Bebel – German, and a real Marxist – 1891

  24. I think the council built those schools on either side of Birdman’s stream to keep the religions apart. As always fucking kids found a way around the problem.
    Sadly I don’t think the snowflakes brats of today have the desire or initiative to conduct such daily battles. Too busy staring at screens the brainwashed little cunts.

  25. I went to a Proddy school in North Belfast and we fucking destroyed the fenian buses when they came past, as they did ours going past thiers. Getting to and from school was a riot. literally.

  26. What about this one?
    In Scotland and I’m sure N Ireland, when you meet someone like say in a new job, one of the first questions used to be ‘whit school didye go tae?’
    A girl tells her da that she has a new boyfriend and the da’s response would usually be ‘whit school didae go tae?’
    Yer going to a concert with yer pal and he says a bloke from work is coming an’all and my question to him when I met him would be ‘so, whit school didyae go tae?’…….
    True story…………

  27. When i meet a fellow countryman and say i’m from Belfast it’s generally asked “Which part” which of course sums up your religion in an instant.

  28. I notice the media cunts are playing the he’s got depression card for that Easter Island headed pisspot, McPartlin… Funny how they always do that for their own, eh?….

    • The cunt injured a three year old. By right he should be thrown in the clink. The likelihood is that some snakeskin shoe wearing lawyer will get him a suspended sentence…

      …then the book will be published chronicalling his ‘struggle’ and ‘demons’. Then the egg-headed fucktard will be even richer and in greater demand as the feeble minded take pity and hail him as a ‘national treasure’.

      A veritable cuntlord.

      • Did you notice how long it took to charge the Cunt. Accident, fail roadside test arrested down the station evidential machine fail that fucker charged with DD. About three hours max. For us normal cunts. For zlebs it’s if going into rehab and having a good lawyer can get me off. But of course social media in the 21st century cuts both ways and pictures of him falling out the car looking “tired” is pretty damning and of course there is the young girl injured in the accident.
        Prison should sort the Cunt out but of course celebs don’t go down that road.

    • “Easter Island headed” hahahahaha that’s cheered me up no end Norman
      Shame then two talentless cunts weren’t left buried on said island.

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