From America the Cuntiful it’s time for…Kids are Cunts Too. Starring none other than that 17 year old, shaved headed, bisexual, female, person of color, survivor of gun violence, leader of protests, media personality, gun control advocate…the gloriously righteous, crusader against hypocrisy and voice of the new morality…Emma Gonzalez.
Did we touch all the bases?
Amongst the multitude of disturbing trends in our society today is the libtard media’s efforts to hold up our children as arbiters of moral authority. This should come as no surprise to the socially aware cunters of “our” august forum as this has been a tactic used by everyone on the left from Hitler to Mao.
It has however, sunk to new depths in the aftermath of the two recent school shootings in Florida and Maryland. What? You didn’t know there was a second shooting in Maryland? Of course you didn’t…the libtard media doesn’t want you to know.
About a week or so after the Florida school shooting a 17 year old boy went into a school in Maryland. He opened fire and tragically killed 2 students before the armed school resource officer confronted him and shot him dead. Bra-fucking-vo for the good guys. Another demented, evil cunt is roasting in the fires of hell.
The bad news is 2 innocents were murdered in cold blood by this sick cunt. Only 2 you ask? Hey ONE is too many…but not in the eyes of the libtard media. They don’t want you to know about this story because they cannot scream; Another massacre of our children…stay tuned to CNN for all the latest developments.
They do however, want you to know all about Emma Gonzalez….the Florida high school student who is the recent darling of the far left. Since the shooting Miss Gonzalez…yeah…that’s right…Miss…not Ms…or Mz…or any other politically, correct handle…has been all over the media. Most recently the self described “bisexual”…(remember this is a 17 year old high school student)…captivated libtards and moved America to tears as she offered 6 minutes of silence in memory of fallen classmates at the ” March for our lives” rally.
OK…you guys think I’m being a cunt. After all the kid went through a traumatic experience. She’s simply reacting to a horrific tragedy. And up to a point you have a point…but you’re missing the point.
Emma Gonzalez is a child. She’s a teenager. She isn’t even an adult in the eyes of the law. However, in the spirit of the recently cunted, I am Jazz she has seen fit to announce to the world that she is bisexual. Maybe not the worst teen age violation ever but let’s look a little closer at this mentally disturbed little cunt.
She has shaved her head. Why? A statement of some kind? Bisexual identity?Current fashion? Teenage rebellion? No. This brilliant young woman claims that; “It’s Florida. Hair is just an extra sweater I’m forced to wear”. How’s that for the ultimate in victimology? Forced…FORCED…to wear hair in the oppressive Florida heat.
Needless to say the media can’t get enough of her. She strikes all the right chords with them and fits right in with their Nazi/Maoist agenda. The young lady has been in libtard rag journals such as Vogue…buzz…Mother Jones and Vox. Libtard media outlets such as CNN and CBS profile her as courageous and a righteous moral crusader. Ellen Degenerate, media non-personality and noted crotch cannibal has had her on her daily shitfest. She even has a Wikipedia page. Most recently she was lauded by The New Yorker magazine for calling BS on our politicians who support the 2nd Amendment. I’ll bet money this self absorbed little cunt has never had a civic class in high school and doesn’t know the first thing about how our government works. But she knows how to get attention and adoration.
She is lauded as an activist…a leader and a moral authority. And all at the ripe old age of 17. She is to the left a wet dream come true. A female survivor. A member of the LBGTQRSTUVWXYX community. A person of color…she’s not the Black Panther…but she is perhaps a Brown Kitten. A gun massacre survivor and anti gun crusader. We could go on and on but just refer to the opening of this cunting for a more complete list.
But what about the officer in Maryland who stopped a another psycho from mass murdering his classmate? What about the guy who risked his life to protect our innocents? Do you know his name. Do you know his sexual orientation? Do you know his race or ethnicity? Of course you don’t. Who wants to hold up a middle aged white man who risked his life confronting a killer as a hero. That doesn’t fit in with the agenda. But a shaved headed, 17 year old, bisexual, anti-gun, POC…Now there’s a story we can all support.
I realize this is likely to be a controversial nomination. And the issue isn’t so much about gun control…the merits of which can be legimitely debated. It isn’t even as much about Emma as it is the libtard media that glorifies her. She did witness something horrific and terrifying. But take a close look at her. Even before the shooting this kid clearly had “issues”. And now she is lapping up the attention like (the aforementioned) Ellen between her most recent lovers legs.
I will proudly salute a real hero…the Maryland Police officer who did his duty. And proudly share a link to the story you never heard of…from of all places…CNN..the Communist News Network. (Irony of ironies!)
But I can’t find it in myself to salute this know-it-all teenaged cunt…who doesn’t even know her own sexuality. I feel for her…but she is being used…apparently willingly by the libtard media. As she has decided to be a willing accomplice I have no choice but to proudly cunt…
Emma Gonzalez
Nominated by General Cuntster
Eloquently put General 100% agree with you, when did you last hear a debate or cause argued from a neutral non- partisan perspective.
……..The hell kind of people do we have in this world now?
The fuckers are taking over, they are like lava slowly creeping onwards unstoppable and smothering
This emma thing was in the march for whatever alongside George Clooney and Harry Styles. Harry fucking Styles. Harry fucking plastic manufactured sugar pop nonentity to anyone whose musical tastes haven’t developed past TT and Boyzone Styles. Fucking Hell, that’s a reason to stop school shootings????????????
It’s been said on our hallowed forum of cunters many times before how the once abnormal has been not only normalised but actively promoted.
To me if you are attracted to a person of the same sex that’s your business and its now sensibly not illegal but as Kravdarth has said more than once the current LBGTWXYZ media driven agenda is a form of fascism. You can’t ignore it without being accused of racism or being a Nazi so you have to actively support it. Therefore normalising it. Drugs are high on some people’s list of the next thing yo normalise. Medical Marijuana for instance now I’m not getting in to that debate not qualified but normalising what is currently illegal opens the door for pushing for other drugs to be legalised for many and varied reasons none of which would be really sensible when considering heroin cocaine etc. Then of course another one is lowering the age of consent, France have gone down that road and if we let the weirdos have their way this shit us what we end up with
School shooters are very indiscriminate. Luckily Sir Andy Murray avoided the slaughter at his school in Dunblane,and now this fragrant creature has avoided the bullet at it’s school.
It’s a strange world.
Like the Schickelgrubers finally giving birth to a…normal, healthy baby boy, Adolf…
As for “touching all the bases”, this one is definitely the result of “touching cloth”
Off point. Did anyone notice that this year we had the Boat Race*S*? The wimmin’s one being rowed first and given extra time on the news? Is nothing sacred? Answer: no. Not any more.
I’ll bet that dreadful lezza, Claire Balding was sniffing about if there were young women involved. I once saw her interview an apprentice jockey,a bonny young thing, Balding was like a labrador drooling over a pork chop. The lassie looked terrified as the old bull-dyke inched ever nearer,obviously with deviancy foremost in her mind.
She’s a fucking disgrace.
‘Like a Labrador drooling over a pork chop’, no further explanation required!!?
I enjoyed TECB’s cunting of Claire ‘Bernard’ Balding recently, a monica so richly deserved I now simply call her Bernard.
No question she wears the strap on.
Having watched two coyote hunts. The abolishionist’s stand no fucking chance.
Hey Simple,
Great avatar by the way. I thought it was Biggles until I read your post. ?
Coyotes have become a real problem in some communities. I’ve seen and heard the in mine. Reintroduced by some fuckwad environmentalists and then given protected status, these 4 legged pests bred like Mexicans and invaded environs not native to them. Now have to be hunted to be controlled. ?
Speaking of Mexicans…the 2 legged coyotes (that’s slang for human traffickers who smuggle illegals across the border)…need to be hunted too. ?
Since this thread has to do with a school shooting would it be in poor taste if I asked my fellow cunters to join me in a chorus of “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition”. ?
Never mind. The Pagan whiners probably don’t know the words. ?
A worthy and thorough cunting General. You need to check out Malala Yousafzai to see the potential crusading, PC driven , right-on wankathon monsters these tragedies driven by the mainstream media can create.
You can kind of sympathise with the shooter – imagine being confronted everyday with cunts like that – I think I would elbow my way to the front at the next gun fair and buy up the entire stock.
6 mins of silence – well, that I could support if she could make it 6 years.
6 minutes of silence? Wtf!
Did the networks actually broadcast it unedited? Never in the field of human conflict would a commercial break have been more eagerly anticipated!
Great cunting btw General. 10/10!
They probably showed a Laurel & Hardy silent or something, to help combat the inevitable tedium.
I’m in a country park at the moment with my lad and there’s a kid here driving round in an electric Porsche battery car. No problem with that, but the kid is fat, ugly, bespectacled and a fucking carrot-top, for crying out loud. And his parents are fucking copper-tops too. I hope he rolls his spoilt cunt wagon and is pitched freckled face-first into some dog poo.
Fucking typical. I bet the Cunts got the toy car on some government funded scheme intended to help the disadvantaged. Fair enough,the child has serious problems,but I don’t think that my taxes should go to fund days out gallivanting for these shameless parents and the product of their unholy union.
If you get the chance, carjack the Cunt. If the child is fat,it’ll do him good to walk,get the beef off him. I bet the specs are paid for by the NHS too….and don’t forget to tell the parents that they’re a fucking disgrace.
Is the mother smart? I like a ginger minge, I do…but not if she’s fat or ugly,obviously.
DF, have you spent an enjoyable afternoon in the local park pissing in the sandpit, cutting skipping ropes in half and puncturing footballs? Or let the hounds loose to round up any tubbies.
Strangely enough, L.L …..
She was quite fit actually, Mr F. The husband was a lummox, however. Doubtless she looks at her partner and offspring and despairs. But fuck her anyway. I’m feeling even more spiteful and vindictive than usual on account of one monster of a hangover.
It seems so easy for the libs to find a completely fucked up individual to get up on the mike after a tragedy. If they find a normal one then nobody would watch would they?
Same fucking horseshit for that Malala with everybody falling at her feet just because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
As soon as I saw Gonzalez on a news clip, with the shaven head and the usual fuck up accoutrements, I knew it was a media set up.
Those media cunts don’t give a fuck about the issue , all they want to do is sell stuff
And just to think that bog trotting know all piece of shit St Bob of Geldof had his biggest hit off the back of a school shooting way back in 1979.
The irony is never lost on me that he’s made a career and a bucket load of dosh out of other peoples grief and lecturing his minions on the evils we do.
Come on Sir Bob maybe you could re-release ‘I don’t like Mondays’ in an effort to make America see how they’ve learnt nothing in 40 years and only if they’d listen to you salvation awaits, whilst you rake in a few gazillion quid to cover your expenses.
Anyway Emma whatever your name is, though it sounds like an STD, enjoy your 5 minutes of fame and then kindly F.U.C.K.O.F.F.
Well said General, I saw the this fucking Carnival this morning, The whole thing could have been done more eloquently dignified & respectful if perhaps the parents had spoken instead of this attention seeking thing that was quite frankly an embarrassment. They quite literally turned the whole thing into what resembled a bad Hollywood mini series with every cunt on it fighting for attention.
Interesting. From the colour of her, she’s descended from a black slave AND a white slavemaster. I’m white, and none of my ancestors had slaves. So she is EEEEEVIL – not me.
Perhaps that’s why she’s such a cunt.
How on earth can you deduce from her ‘colour’ (your words) that she is descended from a black slave AND a white slavemaster?
Isn’t it just as likely that she’s descended from a loving mixed race couple?
I’m white and I’ve been a slave to capatilism for the last 47 years.
Fucks sake.
Wonder if she’s related to the Elian Gonzalez family (although most of them are named Gonzalez)?
Now that was a media fuckfest to beat the band. You couldn’t switch on the TV or Radio without him being on. They made a hero out of a 7 year old boy back in 2000 and then when they’d milked it for every last moment they just forgot about it and moved onto the Exxon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Those fucking idiots at CNN had an inset video on, 24 hours a day, showing the valve leaking.
If they could’ve put Elian Gonzalez on top of the valve they would have done it!
What gets me about organisations like CNN is they put ordinary people through the fucking mill in interview processes for even the lowliest job , you know , like a two hour third degree for a job as a flunky.
Spot on Paul!
Those were a couple of shitshows if there ever was. That poor little kid Elian was used by the worthless fucking cunt and serial sexual predator Slick Willie Clinton and his hemaphrodite henchcunt Janet Reno for God only knows whatever nefarious reasons they had.
And that fucking oil spill…like you I sat there glued to the television watching the spill. Watching and looking…hoping and praying for some sign of a slow down. Pfffffffbbbbbbbttttttttt!
To the Brits CNN must be the STD of American cable news TV. Every time they watch it, their dicks burn with a stream of boiling piss.
Hear! Hear!
Why is it always the wrong American kids who get capped?
Dear Shooters,
Please forget about schools. Aim for Hollywood!
Start with the A-list and work your way down.
Who knows, maybe you’ll get a movie deal out of it.
who needs a movie? the raw footage is adiquate, (no kids were harmed in the onslaught potraid, and it really happened)
Jesus H. Christ Himself. A picture of this stupid little cunt at the rally shows her wearing a Cuban flag. Castro would have been proud!
Top cunting! She is one ugly leftard femstapo.
if I were foolish enough to hold to my Girlfriends son as a moral authoraty I think I would be knee deep in takeaway packets, budget larger tins and play xbox all day, because this is the life I am cruely trying to disabuse him of.