The Beast from the East

How ironic. There’s a bit of snow about so the snowflakes go into meltdown!

100 years ago soldiers endured four months in the freezing cold during the battle of the Somme. Today the modern generation is taking time off work because there’s a half inch of melting slush on the pavement.

Trains have been cancelled because it might snow overnight and they’d be in the wrong place or might – might, mind you – get stuck in the snow and the passengers freeze to death before they get rescued.

Snowflake cunts up and down the country are panic buying milk and bread in preparation for the ensuing armageddon.

And the piece de resistance? A headmaster is banning his pupils from TOUCHING snow and told them that snowball fights in the playground will result in them being excluded! I can see it now – the new Injury Lawyers4U ad : poor little Johnny got a snowflake in his eye so we need to sue the local education authority. Ring 0800-GREEDYCUNT now. No win no fee. You know it makes sense.

Snowflakes breeding snowflakes getting worked up over a few snowflakes.

Here’s a message for you : It’s winter and there’s some snow about. Like it is every year in the north and Scotland. It’s not new. It’s not even unusual. It’s a bit of fucking snow!!! Get over it!


Nominated by Dioclese

58 thoughts on “The Beast from the East

  1. Load of fucking shite. Seen far far fucking worse than this in the past. And for those fucking retarded assholes of the deep south who are currently bunkered down receiving airdrops from humanitarian agencies ( might even be fucking Oxfam )

    Come and live outside the bubble, try the North, even Scotland. Move out of that shit infested craphole that was once London.

    Beast of the East my hairy arsehole!

    • Im in the south in a mobile home that has no heating and water frozen for 2 days in fact had no heating for 10yrs its not a problem put on more clothes. I do have to walk 100yds for water i may change my name to Manzabooboo and get on to water aid for a hand out. We not all soft down here.

      • Try contacting Gary Linekunt or Lilly the musical Mong, perhaps they can find a space amongst all the rapfugees and gimmegrants they’ve housed recently…just to keep you warm and dry for a day or two until this cold snap passes.

      • I would rather live under a skip than shack up with that big eared cunt and the singing spunk bunny. Horrible people.

  2. It is just fuckin snow, innit?
    Any cunt whinging about the snow should be knocked out and used as a ramp or buffer for sledgers.
    When I was a kid, my school was the oldest in the area and got shut down when it snowed while all the “modern” ones stayed open.
    Happy days…. Sledging in the morning and then ambushing the Cafflik kids as they left their own school.
    Feel sad about ambushing them now though …… now that I know what they poor boys were getting done to them…… (aye, rite!!!!)

    I love the snow and have missed it these last few years………but, I do get to make a lot of sandcastles in the summer.

    • Hey Birdman

      You might know the guy that make the sandcastles in our town centre?

      Wonder if he is there today? Also wonder why he does not get a proper fucking job. Immigrant cunt.

      • Mines are brilliant…….. Bridges, turrets, arches, the lot.
        The downside is that it attracts a lot of kids………

      • I think I’m getting there,Dick Fiddler.
        Been through a lot of tests and scans, but I seem to have stumped the medical profession.
        They ain’t got a clue what’s wrong with me.
        But I feel better today…… So hopefully I’m on the mend.

        Been over a month ffs….. And I’ve slept most of that, so if I can take any positives from it, it’s that I ain’t an insomniac anymore..

    • Maybe this snow can encourage our winter olympians to get their finger out and stop whinging about funding.
      I’ve paid very little attention to these professional slippers and sliders but what I have heard is what I always hear….. “more funding”….
      They can fuck off with their funding.
      Mica and Micha, who slide down an icy tube in some class of sledge where having a whinge about the lack of funding hampering their training.
      These cunts want funding for the summer months to practice……. PUSHING!!!!!!!

      Jeezo bambino, did I pick the wrong career.

      The cunts said it with a straight face too………

  3. I enjoy seeing the result of a bit of inclement weather on the 4×4 drivers who actually have fuck-all idea of how to drive them. We have a high proportion of 4×4’s where I live,it’s a rural area and people need them,but as we get more and more of the townie types who have no need to be off-road,so we see more Range Rovers and the like sticking out of ditches and stone walls.
    Most people would be better off with a decent front-wheel drive car on decent tyres than a 4×4 which lulls them into a false sense of security. If you don’t know how to drive a 4×4 stay well clear. Take Tarquin and Gemima to their prep school in an ordinary car…..fecking dick-heads.

    • Rear wheel drive Beamers and any Audi with ‘painted on’ low profile rubber best given a wide berth whilst the white stuff is around.

  4. What is forgotten here is that it has snowed in London and the Home Counties. Hence the panic and 24/7 news.

  5. A flyby cunting for Leigh McMillan (EDL) .

    A guy who I mistakenly thought was a good guy, and a good patriot, but turns out to be a fuckin beast, and is now giving the left and fascists a fuckin field day.
    I’ve had contact with this dirty evil scumbag cunt and I’m sick to my stomach thinking that I conversed with this cunt.

    Anyway, hope the cunt rots……. the fuckin scumbag cunt.

  6. Londonistan and South East. Red alert for some snow, get in extra supplies and make sure you have made out your will
    People in the North and Scotland- put your big coat on.
    Soft southern cunts. I was at the hossy or as some call it th’ hospital today for some pain killing injections. Sat next to me was an old chap who was having similar. An ex tunneller for years, worked on most of the big jobs throughout the UK. Telling me about working with soft southerners. Casual slack cunts he called them. 😉 oh, speaking of cunts, that Monroe Bergdorf cunt was under some pain today from Andrew Neil. Liebour spokesman that intolerable foppish cunt Barry Gardiner was attempting to explain her being used as an advisor to liebour and the tosh about all white people are racist. Even the homeless on the street display white privilege. Cunt, cunt and thrice cunt

  7. The beast from the east?
    Who the fuck are they kidding?
    This weather fronts appears to be spring like to our Eastern European neighbours! The Cunt was walking his dog in the park wearing a Pullover yesterday!
    I’m not joking…..
    The BBC site is full of weather warnings for Hove, so far we’ve had about 4 “ of snow and a chilly wind, just got back from walking the dog on the beach, everyone appears to be dressed as if they are ascending the Matterhorn!! Daft Cunts…..

  8. It seems ridiculous when I was a kid our house had no central heating, the winters were a lot colder, and most days January and February there would be nice on the inside of my bedroom window. Brutal. The winter of 62, i think, was like an ice age. It may account for the fact that the cold doesnt bother me, I go around in
    t shirt and shorts and havent had a cold in over 30 years.

    On the news yesterday they said the train shit was due to the points freezing. What do they do in Canada?

    • I too was going to mention the early 1960s winters, but reckoned I’d be disbelieved. Or sound like the Monty Python “we lived in a hole in the ground” sketch.

      Days like this were commonplace, often for weeks at a time, as was frosting on the inside of the windows. Schools were very rarely closed, some hope!

      This fucking country is finished.

      • My nippers school text me earlier saying the county council has take then decision to close the school on Thursday.

        Now, we may indeed get some white stuff, and the current f’cast predicts it arriving around 1400 tomorrow, so ok it’s not nice to drive or get about in when it comes down, but they finish at 3pm anyhow so what’s wrong with the morning timetable as normal, and for fucks sake it’s not even snowed here yet, just a icing sugar sprinkle and a cold wind. Being this risk adverse, it’s no wonder this country is fucked.

        How would they have got on back in the 7Os and 8Os when we lived under constant threat of nuclear Armageddon..?

      • In January 1963 my granddad had to get a shovel and dig for the outside bog , as it was buried under about 12 feet of snow in his Collyhurst backyard… Now a snowflake fanny would die if their inside toilet froze a wee bit… The UK is frigged….

      • How I now forget the winter of 63, but it is true the snow stayed from Xmas to Easter and as I was at a boarding school had lessons every day – no skiving.

  9. Off topic a bit, but still about a soft southern cunt I suppose, anyone seen John Major’s comments sticking up for the EU on the day the EU have made a blatant attempt to break up the UK. These bastards will stop at nothing to see us on our knees, they sense blood and victory as we are led (!) by a complete set of twats at no 10 .
    John Major is a quisling fifth columnist, remember who signed the Maastricht treaty ?

  10. Great cunting and yes, I am a lazy southern cunt and off work today.
    I could’ve battled through the traffic, with the gimmegrants and soccer mums sliding about everywhere and playing bumper cars, but I’d much rather sit here in my chair and stuff my face with pasta and meatballs.

    Really can’t be arsed with snow. Fuckin hate it.
    I’m self employed so if I feel like a day off I just have one.

    Great to see you’re on the mend birdman! ?

    • We got about 10″, buses stopped running long before reaching that. and there was an outbreak of jackknifed wagons too. Really didn’t feel like taking the m/c in (I’ve used one with knobbly tyres in similar conditions, but these are sports) – so emailed the boss, obtained absolution and have been idling all day. Half the management couldn’t make it either, so might even get paid. I (heart) the beast from the east.

      I suspect that the ‘beast from the east’ meme is awakening subliminal fears of Romanian immigrants, so it’s not all bad…

  11. I often take a good look at the topics on ISAC and have to take in what is being cunted. How did we fucking come to this?? How did British society get so fucking lily-livered that a light dusting of snow halts civilisation as we know it?

    The media have done a sterling fuckig job talking this ‘beast from the East’ up; all but putting public transport on its marks to cancel anything and everything it can in the name of ‘safety’. Fuck off.

    I was at Waterloo Station today (sadly). Even at 7am, cunts were clamouring in panic by the tube entrances from the main station. Fitting in with the shitcunt social media zeitgeist, cunts on the upper walkways were also clamouring – not to travel but to get the best shitphonecam snap of the panicked hordes; praying no doubt that the Al-BBC or the Graunicunts retweet their subsequent shitpost.

    And let’s leave the coup de fucking grace cunting for that human-sized sex toy of a headmaster who banned kids from playing in the snow… I can’t help but wonder what would have happened at my school in my day in retaliation to such a command. I suspect Head Cunt would not only be dodging snowballs with a nice stone filling, but also carefully and skillfully sculpted ice dildos and, just for laughs, the odd house brick.

    Have any of you cunters been to a school recently? They fucking resemble farms, or even prisons. A bunch of cunt-reared kids increasingly hidden from all forms of exposure to real life, ready to hatch into first-class snow-scared snowflake cunts.

    • Farms sounds about right, battery snowflakes. My old school was knocked down and rebuilt a flagship Blair Cunt Academy only some bright twat designing it didn’t put in a playground. I will bet they have tablets, laptops , media rooms and a huge library but still know fuck all outside of the regurgitated pro Labour/leftie narrative.

    • You know I could just imagine myself standing next to you on the tube, a little smile on your face as strangers often do, just to acknowledge another human being and thinking to myself as you would be, what a cunt Always a pleasure to read your posts Empire.
      I wonder if the venerable ISAC met en masse one day would we know one another without saying a word? It would be some kind of “do”. You introduce yourself in one sentence of less than 10 words. I think I would sniff most of my fellow cunters out.

  12. Snowed all night and most of the day here – gave 10-12″ and stopped the buses running. I remember a couple of events like this in the soft south (many in Scotland) but it’s pretty exceptional. My absence from work was accepted, perhaps because half the management didn’t make it either.

    ‘Beast from the East’ has attractive overtones of apprehension re. migrant labour from the FSU, so I am not altogether agin it.

  13. Here Here Dioclese, Mrs Fistula being Polish is highly amused by the British Snowflake Generation and how they can’t possibly be expected to go to work or School in such horrid conditions. I am highly embarrassed when she refers to young British men as Pussies , What ever happened to your Men she exclaims , If there not Bum Fuckers they are simpering Pussies. How can you have any respect for them ?

    • From a land fit for heroes to a land fit only for snowflakes, peacefuls and wusses, in two generations. Regards to Mrs Fistula…

  14. Seems we’re in for another Ice Age… probably the one predicted in the 1970s… before Global Warming… followed by catch all Climate Change. Scientists are cunts.

  15. A special place in hell is reserved for those cunts who – at the first flake of snow – pillage every fucking commodity – from bread to milk to tampons – in every local shop like we’ve just entered a nuclear fucking winter!

    What the knee-jerk feckless cunts don’t realise is that a lot of elderly folk rely on those shops for their daily sustenance and yet – even after a £500 blow out at M&S (just in case it’s a whole TWO days of snow) – they decimate every fucking aisle (like piranhas had been at a carcass) in every local shop from Co-op to Harry Hindus in a 2 mile radius of Chelsea Tractor Towers!

    I was in my local Co-op after some beer (sorted on that front) and there was an old boy in there: “There’s no bread or buns or owt!?! It’s like Xmas Eve all over! What are these wraps like?”

    I told him they were ok and would do the job, but it’s not a stottie is it for fuck’s sake!

    I wouldn’t care, of the 6 loaves, 5 stotties and 40 buns each of the cunts bought I bet only one loaf and/or 4 buns get eaten out of the lot – just as they would on any normal day!

    Total fucking inconsiderate, selfish, wasteful, “ME! ME! ME!” cunts!


  16. As I am an Americunt from the great Midwest I grew up with blizzards and freezing cold. Two…three feet of snow…subzero temps and minus 30°(F) wind hills.

    However, Ahmed, Nandi and Rashneesh do not. And apparently Trevor and Jillian are concerned that if they go out in the snow…being snowflakes they will become indistinguishable from the landscape.

    Fucking cunts!

      • Better than that Chill Blane cunt you dumped on us!

        Oh wait, no, that was David Blane!

      • When we dump our cunts we try to dump them somewhere we can make a buck off of their cuntishness.

        Although he deserves it…dumping Blaine in Shitholeistan wouldn’t make us any money. The only money the Shitholies have is the money we give them in one of our “we’ll pay you to hate us” programs.

  17. As a child it was only if the snow was a few feet did the country stop. Now I’m shocked that 8 to 10cm is even considered news worthy.

    • That holds for here in the states too! Like SCB said it sounds like a Python skit but it’s so true.

      The big thing here in the states is to name the “storm”. Winter storm “Bradley” or “Melissa” or whatever snowflake name is in vogue.

  18. Wow, snow, like we’ve never had that before.

    I heard on the radio that dozens of crashes on the roads were reported, that is clearly down to the stupid daft cunt 4xFuck drivers (normally wimmin) who overestimated their driving skills or lack of. And the Audi cunts. And the cunt from our least favourite parts of the world……..

  19. Beast from the East? Yes please! A nice blonde Polish lad called Pavel please…….

  20. You guys able to skate on the Thames! Shit it must be cold, never thought the Thames would freeze over again. Wow must be sooo cold. At first glace at the head lines I thought it was about an Asian Feminist. History will judge them harshly. Media are a bunch of inward looking narrow minded uninformed thick bunch of echo chamber cunts.

  21. Oh I noticed there was a bit of snow on the car. I brushed it away the drove off. What was the problem again?

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