Michael Omari aka Stormzy was born in a Croydon council house after his single parent mum emigrated from Ghana to Britain in the hope of giving herself and her family a better life.
Her son certainly got one when he scooped two Brit Awards last week. Accepting his awards he thanked God, his family — and then proceeded to attack the Tory Government.
He rapped: ‘Yo, Theresa May, where’s the money for Grenfell . . . and you got the cheek to call us savages, you should do some jail time . . . we should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.’
The PM has never called anyone ‘savages’ let alone the victims and survivors of Grenfell. Her government has committed £58 million to helping victims of the Grenfell tragedy and more will follow.
For all his life Stormzy has happily benefited from the health care, housing and education opportunities this country has provided and as he relaxes in his £2 million flat he repays our help and hospitality by inciting people to burn down the PMs house and calling the government murderers.
Well Stormzy, if thats’s how you feel feel free to fuck off back to shithole your mother rescued you from and see how long you last trashing their government.
And take your grime crap music with you because if that’s an example of the best in British music, then British music is well and truly fucked.
Nominated by Dioclese
Ungrateful untalented cunt.
End of.
So, dah Bitch shore’s up here,wiv a knockup, angitz dah dosh and dah howse ta bring dah shit stain upin.
An dah kunt gives the diss to the housekeepah,but not monkey tho.
What a fucking contribution to the nation, what eloquence, such dignity.
Good target cunting Dio.
That’s funny, good wigger talk
Fucking prick!!
Absolutely precision timing on this fucking cunt.
I have no love for Teresa May whatsoever. But to listen to this gibberish-speaking KFC-fuelled cunt use the incident for personal gain puts him firmly within the dizzy cunt heights reached by fellow pop grief-thieves Adele the fat bastard and Lily ‘mong in telepod A and cunt in telepod B’ Allen.
For an abominable fucking cunt like this to lecture on morality is par for the course level-11 hypocrisy from our minorities – pumping out lyrics glorifying violence and financial promotion of the self, whilst having a go at governments for not giving even more handouts to a group of largely illegal/immoral/sponging cunts is what we’ve come to expect. I guess old Shitsy savagecunt will be puttng up his homeless Grenfell homies in the spare wing of his crib, eh? Thought not.
Stormzy, keeping it real, blud. Now fuck off back to the ‘hood, me cuntfuck bredren.
Didn’t I read somewhere that this cunt, far from living in da ghetto, he had quite a cosseted upbringing. So, he’s only a dress up gangsta cunt, selling his stab friendly shit to real thieving scooter riding, kitchen knife wielding, brothers, and the feeble honky nerds who lap this shameless crap up.
It always befuddles me when acts are awarded for originality but who then spout the usual neo-liberal group-think bullshit which is expected of them.
Here’s an original thought: “Yes I (insert name here) escaped a dreadful existence of abject poverty in (insert shithole here) and came to the UK where I was welcomed, educated, cared for and thought of as an individual rather than a Government commodity to be exploited and abused by the corrupt system therein. For that I wI’ll be eternally grateful to the UK and the people who welcomed me and my family to be part of this noble and giving society.”
That statement above can be applied to most “ethnic” shit-stirers (Miller, Lammy, Sour-pong, Stormzy, etc.) and yet you’ll never hear one of the cunts say anything good about the UK (unless it is a new mosque opening – or something equally neo-liberal).
Honestly it beggars belief why anyone would want to stay here when every “ethnic” is so hard done to???
Well, you know what you can do, don’t you!
They won’t though .. he’ll just stick around and make 10 more cunts, or chain migrate his old neighborhood in as uncles / aunties / cousins who in turn will have more uncles / auntie / cousins who will in turn marry someone from the old neighbourhood who will also bring in the uncles / aunties / cousins… it’s the real problem 1 = 25, every decade.
This dumb cunt was resident at a place where I used to work.
The thick fuck was located right above the concierge office, flat paid for by record company.
It was asked to fuck off in the end, due to the ever present stench of ganja, all night parties with the kind of scum that aren’t welcome in Chelsea and the obvious fact that it has no cash of it’s own.
It used to scrounge fags off the local builders and try to look threatening on broody.
The east European labourers would have handed it it’s moronic arse on a plate if it got uppity.
Useless wannabe gangsta cunt.
Not Chelsea Harbour perchance?
Nope. That is reserved for people with actual money and talent. ?
Excellently cunted dio.
I’ve really had enough of all these cunts that seem to think its ok to mug off the natives in their adopted countries.
I used to try my hardest not to be racist and accept minorities as british.
The more I have to listen to cunts like this, the more I wish they’d leave the oppression and hardship that they have to suffer in Britain and fuck off back to their own side of the world.
If people are proud and happy to be British then that’s great but if they want to moan then they can fuck off.
I’m sure he’d have a great life back in Ghana and he wouldn’t have to put up with us cunty white people either.
Oh and if he’s that pissed off about grenfel, maybe he should speak to the cunt who’s fridge just “spontaneously combusted” (Yea right).
As a sparks I’ve seen some really bad things in the past. You’d be amazed how many cunts replace fuses with lumps of metal, cuttings of wire and even screws.
… I’m not saying anything ….
You can slow down the cooking on the disposable BBQ by putting it in your fridge. Gives you time to nip down to your car for the reggae reggae sauce you left in your glove box making sure your goat remains juicy & tender.
I no longer make any effort with immigrants. I don’t like em full stop.
I like the politicians and authorities who allowed them to come here even less.
If you haven’t seen this DTS I urge you to view it and share the fuck out of it. I am sure Terry is a closet cunter – from the episode No hiding place.
…every pub in England. Except with less swearing.
Speaking of orientals.
Crowder is fuckin awesome:
Wanna see me take off my shoe?
Ive gone firmly over to the racist side they are all cunts until i meet them and they prove to me they’re not, bunch of chippy twats most of em. The only black and asian blokes ive met and got on with a treat and think of them as top mates were ALL squaddies.
He said that? What a total and utter fucking cunt!
Thank the fucking goodness I’m not a teenager and have to pretend to like this dirge – the aural equivalent of drinking Cream of Dogshit & Vomit soup.
Fucking sick of hearing about grenell towers and stormzy is just another gobshite who will say anything to get some media attention eg_ Lilly the mong,Charlotte Church,Adele,Katy Price and countless other talentless fucks who need the headlines to keep their faces jammed in everyone’s minds,about as welcome as the tellytubbies theme tune……so fuck off stormzy you utter cunt…
Don’t remember Gene Kelly banging on about Grenfell.
Was hoping the cunt got electrocuted….
Can’t believe this shit is classed as “music”.
How taking shite into a microphone makes you an artist I don’t know.
George the poet has talent but it’s not quite the same thing. I’d hardly call stormzy a poet.
A cunt yes, not a poet or an artist.
If they signed up to put their life on the line ffor Queen and Country they cant be all bad
It is reported today that one of the biggest whiners about how hard done to the Grenfell lot are, is actually living in his adjacent flat ( not Grenfell, one of the ‘evacuated’ buildings) while being put up by the council in a hotel at £120/night. And this cunt is only the tip of the grasping, entitled, fraudulent iceberg.
He’s the same as most of his kind…ungrateful,stupid and malicious. They blame Whitey for anything and everything that doesn’t suit their entitled arses. They scream on about “Respect” but have no respect for the country or people who have taken them in and paid for their entire existence while,in the main,they lead a feckless existence of breeding without responsibility and criminal behaviour.
Stormzy is just another gutter-simian who got lucky…..hopefully one of his troop will soon feel disrespected at him not sharing his wealth and decide to teach him some manners. No doubt that it’ll be Wicked Whitey’s fault anyhow,so why not just withdraw the police and let the savages go at each other….certainly make me laugh,in much the same way as I laughed when I saw a troop of chimps set about one of their own with sticks on some wildlife show….in fact,why bother sending Attenborough to Africa for his next show,just send him in a stab-proof vest to certain areas of London.
As for Greenfell,it was nothing but a Tower of Babel full of petty criminals,illegal immigrants and assorted benefit- fiddlers. I have yet to read of a single family from Greenfell who worked and led a lawful life,and I have little doubt that we’d have had them rammed down our throats if such a family had existed. Now,it’s not just the “survivors” milking the British sense of sympathy,as well as the benefit system,but any piece of shit who can claim some tenuous connection. The grabby Cunts know that their claims will never be questioned,so,like the scum that they are,they milk every penny they can out of the system that they have never,and will never contribute towards.
Fuck them.
Lammy knew someone who lived there. Not a lot of people know that.
Yea he’s hardly mentioned it.
Yes, like the true red cunt he is. I’ll never forget whatshername.
Gutter simian
Loved it!
Boss post that Dick – classy cunting as usual.
“we should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”
Isn’t that a hate crime? Or incitement to violence at the least? Ah yes, I forgot:
The law doesn’t apply to Corbyn worshipping, Labour /Momentum loving, champagne socialist luvvies, innit?
Best the police concentrate their fire on white cunts who dare to suggest things like bringing in new rules to ensure immigrant workers are “not taking jobs British people could do.”
If only these lefties cared about their own people as much as they care for foreigners.
If only these lefties cared about their own people more than despising anyone that has more than they do is much closer to the truth.
None of them give a fuck about the great unwashed, they are just bitter and resentful that others have more than they do.
Ah..the Police and Amber Rudd. Nice one shitcake……. Hoist by one’s own petard. Rudd of all people, how delicious.
As for the complainant…..just another university cunt, hiding away in academia to avoid a real fucking job!
Andrew Neil ripping the silly cunt to pieces on Daily Politics:
OOOOH that was painful to watch….Thick cunt!
What a dipshit that Joshua Silver is. The cunt must have either changed his name by deed poll to Professor or bought it at a car boot sale, fucking retarded cunt.
Some good news in recent days… spastic-mouthed, wok-bothering prime shitcunt-in-chief Jamie Oliver is having to close multiple restaurants of his bollocks Italian restaurant chain. It seems even us knuckle-dragging British gobshites aren’t dumb enough to pay premium dollar for Oliver’s piss pesto and bullshit bolognese.
My sympathies as ever in any such circumstances to regular workers losing their job as a result. But Oliver is pretty much the Jon Venebles of the cunt world – committing unforgivable crimes of cunt, being a repeat offender since the 90s. Hence this small bit of retribution is a legit reason for a fucking celebration.
Didn’t Oliver say he was leaving the UK after Brexit? Hopefully this will be the catalyst he needs to take his mockney arse over to the Dordogne. Fuck of Jamie you epochal cunt, and take your dildo-nosed shitcunt of an insipid wife with you.
Good work Empire, pucker cunting as the ox tonged Essex wanker would mangle in his “I’m just an ordinary geezer” way.
The naming of his poor bastard kids warrant a cunting in their own right ranging from the missing Teletubby to a Bangkok knocking shop.
‘dildo-nosed shitcunt of an insipid wife’
TECB:- you are a fucking legend mate.
fucking hell, you are on form Empire
“Jon Venebles of the cunt world” – class.
“Stop stabbin’ and a shootin”…Oh no,Mike. I’m all for it.
The more the merrier Dick. In fact if one of them had the brain cell that separates them from vegetables they could have organised fight clubs like the one on django. Fight to the death on pay per view. Now if Al BBC bought the rights to that I would consider paying the BBC tax again. Get the popcorn out – its blambo fight to the death night.
Girl at work got called a fucking dirty slag.I am passing myself.
Uneasy about this cunting. It gives the cunt yet more publicity. And that’s the root of the problem. Cunts with silly names who shout about self-inflicted oppression (Q. why do the police stop 80% more blacks? A. Because blacks do 80% of the knife crime) to a computer generated percussion track, should be deprived of the oxygen of publicity. No. Scrub that. Deprived of oxygen, period. And prior to that charged with incitement to racial hatred. Which is what they’re doing.
And rather than assign them an individuality they don’t possess, can we simply have a cunt category of Rappers, to which their failings can be added without undignifying the thread with their moronic pseudonyms? We could have another one for Ghanaians, of course, and you can take your pick as to which this asshole is most suited.
The Back Snowflake- aka Stormzy – is a fucking joke…
All his ‘We’s got ta lives together! no shootins and no hate crimez innit!’ wouldn’t be so cringeworthy if he hadn’t took part in that sort of thing himself…. Of course, he has form (like most of them do) and will/has used the ‘society/wrong crowd/gang/nuffin to do coz I wuz black’ sob story (like most of them do)…. And hate crime? Well, his ‘views’ in the past of homosexuals and their community are very interesting, shall we say…. And again there’s more ‘I wuz young! Dat young ignorant aggressive black thug wozz’nt me innit! It wuz society! It woz de white man! etc’
And his Carry On Up De Jungle ‘music’ is fucking shite and all, the cunt…
How’s it going Norman, watched Man U v Chelsea and as you know im no Man U fan but Mourinho has them playing shite football.
I remember Man United under Fergie and the football they played for a long time was top quality.
Mourinho gets results but his Football is utter shite.
Played OK today, B&WC… But for every decent game Lukaku has, he has ten shit ones… And what is Pogba supposed to do when he is surrounded by (mostly) shite?… I can name half a dozen out of hundreds of United players from the last 40 years at random who were ‘United Players’… McIlroy, Pearson, McGrath, Hughes, Van Nistelrooy, Scholes… There were scores from Fergie’s era alone, but now it’s hard to pick three from the last five years…. Jones? Smalling? Lindeloff? They just aren’t and no amount of Mourinho bullsshit will alter that fact….
My beloved reds are not the team I went to see in the heady days of sir Mats second incarnation and not even as late as KrugerRon Atkinson. We had a shit team in the 80’s but we got the odd trip to Wembeerrlleee – not too much in Europe thanks to the bin dippers though. Gornik Zabrze and Waterford, RSC Anderlecht and AC Milan in the semis of 1969 was a Halcyon event for me – I was 10 and my Grandma let me travel on the local coach company’s bus to OT and watch my heroes. I cried like a baby the night George died, it was like I had lost a member of my family. Many a time I pitched up at the old Cliff and had a kickabout with the stars after training – yes, they let you too. Now you need binoculars’ to see the cunts at Carrington and that smell of oil / petrol round there cant be good for the system. Carlos Sartori, Johnny Fitzpatrick, Johnny Aston, Billy Foulkes, Nobby, Alex Stepney, careless hands Jimmy Rimmer – fuck I could go on. Even under KrugerRon we had the likes of Arthur Graham, Johnny Sivebeck, Alan Brazil, John Gidman, Arthur Albiston, Robbo, Hughsy, some right fucking shite – we even bought Peter Barnes off the magoos for fucks sake but one thing they all had in common – a desire to win. It pains me to watch some of them in a United shirt these days. United always had pots of money thanks to Edwards and his dodgy meat through to the united development association that built a team from the ground. Sad but I wouldn’t pay to watch them now however much I still love my beloved reds. sniff 😉
I wholeheartedly endorse this cunting. Whilst I am generally ambivalent in my feeling toward Teresa May, it is beyond cretinous to believe that she is in any way remotely responsible for Grenfell. And I have no desire whatsoeverto be lectured at by some talentless, shiftless ghetto lobster.
And what about the ‘exploding fridge’? That all went very quiet, very quickly. Perhaps because there was a crew of snackbars cooking up the next batch of explosives, that got their fingers burnt? (If you’ll excuse the pun)
Stormzy and Grenfell generally can both get tae fuck.
Treeza May is to blame for ending stop & search, not deporting illegals and reducing net immigration to 10s of 1000s.
Had she done a proper job as Home Secretary and PM, Grenfell would have been practically empty on that fateful night, no fuses replaced with paper clips, no fire, and the dead and surviving scum would have been back dancing hysterically in the cholera ridden streets of the shitholes from whence they originated.
Tonight on Match Of The Day:
Romelu Lukaku scores against Top 5 team and has a good game…
With commentary by Rod Serling….
Donkeykaku, what a pile of cunt he is, and he’s shit as well.
When you import foreign shit, then you must expect that they breed in the animalistic manner that is their way. When you allow shit to settle, then it festers and stinks. In short, we are burdened with several layers of imported goo, none of whom can abide in a stable, educated and ordered society. It is within the genes of centuries that they live this way. Few ( if any ) can change. Meatheads with attitude. And we were daft enough to empower them with special privileges.The Race Card.
Have you ever seen Stormzy and Lukaku in the same building?
Ha ha yea.
I bet someone got in trouble for that!
How could that have been racist ffs?! Oh yeah, I keep forgetting, everything whitey says or does is racist by default.
We can’t say if shit like this cunt and others from the shit hole country he come’s from continues we will be in a total mess. Its already happened. Nothing short of Civil war will sort it out now, some hard generals in the military who can’t stand to watch there dear old Green land go down the shitter any longer should start a rebellion not seen since Cromwell. John McDonnell, Owen Jones vanish after dawn raids on there lairs , The BBC shut down. The restoration of free speech, Comedians telling racist jokes again. Yes i know its all fantasy…
Blighty is fucked and i fear the next Government will be a Momentum Government.
There are lots of territorial centres around the UK that have armories.All we need to do is beat the ragheads to them come the day.
Are there any generals left who have not been re-educated or had their bollocks removed?
Never heard of this insignificant cunt before now. Obviously he’s worn his only brain cell out. I suppose Old Catweazle’ll be appearing on a stage with him somewhere near you soon. Gutless cunt.
I’ll pluck a somene out of the air. Let’s say Thom Yorke got a lifetime achievement award for releasing 2 good albums. Instead of singing, he just stood there and calmly said into the mic
“Theresa May, where’s the money for Grenfell . . . and you got the cheek to call us savages, you should do some jail time . . . we should burn your house down and see if you can manage this.”.
I doubt his feet would touch the fucking floor.
Grenfell Tower is in Grenfell Street which was named after Field Marshall Francis Grenfell who fought the Zulu and the fuzzy wuzzy in The Sudan. The Field Marshall spent most of his career killing foreign cunts – a bit ironic really.
PS Stormzy is a cunt.
They didn’t like it up em those Fuzzies. He’d have known how to treat this Stormy cunt.
And in other news (to relieve the tedium of this odious cunt who I have only heard about on ISAC)
‘Michael Wolff, the author of the controversial book about the Trump administration, has called Tony Blair an “complete liar” for denying he was trying to get a job with the White House.’
Blair, a liar? Now, who’d a thought it? And guess what the job was?
Advisor on middle east affairs. Yes, having achieved so much in the region he selflessly put himself forward.
Politicians in general are cunts but Blair seems to be without shame or self awareness. Truly a cunt for our times.
I suppose with a global population of 7.5 billion you are going to come across your fair share of cunts. I would vote for a system that divided the planet in two. The cunts could have the bottom half, Cuntland if you will, and the rest could inhabit the top half. Is not a Cuntland. Most good ideas are the simplest ones.
A job load of rubbers on the cargo planes (no, not for the Oxfam staff). Some earthquake victim in the paper bleating about living in a shack and unable to feed her five kids, ok very tragic until revealed two of those kids were born years AFTER the earthquake.
And ‘rapper’ fuck off cunt. Going down.