Pearly King’s and Queens

Pearly King’s and Queens are cunts.

‘Doing the Lambeth walk’ Fuck off you cunts,
‘My old man said follow the van’ yeah follow the van off the cliffs of Dover and do us a favour and return the pearls to the sea.

The cunts.

Nominated by Black and White Cunt

76 thoughts on “Pearly King’s and Queens

  1. What a splendidly random nomination, B&WC! I’d not considered their cuntiness before now, but must concur – attention-seeking cunts!

  2. Leave the pearlies alone you cunts! A fine old London tradition which should be preserved at all costs.
    It won’t be long before we have the raghead king and queen and the snowflake monarchs of indeterminate gender.
    Then you’ll be fucking sorry!

    • Persons who go out of their way to look ridiculous – and do it for charity – should be exempt from cunting unless they are Elton John.

      That said, the appearance of the pearly burqa can only be a matter of time

    • A nasty thought (on ALL levels…):

      Morris / Moorish dancing.

      My ex had a boss who was The Fool in his band. It was also a role he played to perfection in life a weapons-grade cunt if ever.

      • My brother in law once admitted to me after we had both consumed many beers that he had done some Morris dancing.

        Previously had always poked fun at such ridiculous antics however respected him being so brave in telling me I kept my comments to myself.

        Found out subsequently that he tried many, many things when younger, always wanting to keep himself busy and his mind active. To learn as much as he could about absolutely everything, even Morris dancing.

        He used to clean commercial aircraft when much younger, and was able to use this knowledge at an interview (not connected to the aviation industry) which landed him the job (excuse the pun).

        He is now on his mid 50’s and is worth well over US$250m.

      • All immigrants should be forced to learn Morris dancing, tiddlywinks, bog snorkelling and any other eccentric British tradition we can think of as a condition of entry.

        If nothing else it will make a hilarious Saturday night programme on the BBC.

    • Yeah, lots of these old traditions being well eroded away now in Londonistan. Had the discomfort of visiting twice last year and struggled to hear or see the white fella.

      Sand people, gimmegrants and acid throwers, the new traditions are so diverse.

    • My old man said “follow the van”, that’s because it was a Toyota hi-ace or Mazda b3000 with a couple of peacefuls in it who had just snatched a young white girl.

      Hands off our Pearlies!

  3. A bit like Morris Dancers. Makes me wonder why people want to make themselves look a bit daft. Having said that I back these traditions 1000000% and we should be encouraging it as much as we can. This land is being swamped by you know whats and what is more is that the younger generation are blindly and stupidly letting it happen in front of their very eyes. They are the real cunts. Cunts.

    • My Heating Engineer (plumber) thinks we British should all have MUG tattooed on our foreheads at birth.

    • In fact I would go as so far as to say we need to come up with a few new ones. Just to piss our overseas friends off.

      Suggestions on postcard.

  4. The BBC, again and again….This mornings peoples republic communist message service interviewed Harridan Harman on what it was like being a lone female politician back in 1982??
    Er, Margret Thatcher? What ever your opinion on this polarising woman ( and im sure fellow cunters will rush to tell me) she was to date the only female Prime Minister! Amazingly the Soviet broadcasting company completely failed to mention her once. I knew it was horrendously left biased but completely rewriting history to promote Labour woman as lone voices is as blatant and as biased as its possible to get.
    BBC you are utter, total, biased, unapologetic, history denying Cunts!!!!!

  5. My old man said follow the van…… then he reversed over me.

    I need a laugh as that poisonous old cunt Anna Soubray says she will leave the conservative party if the Brexiteers take over. I bet they see that more as a promise than a threat. What a self important old fucker she is.

    • Sourpuss says J R-M doesn’t belong in the Tory Party, demands he be expelled! Typical whining LibDem 5th columnist cunt.

      • He’s more Conservative than that pathetic old witch. Be true to your word and fuck off and go suck Barnacles garlic appendage followed bt Vercuntstat and Drunkers if he still has one. Ugly bitch.

      • Like Thornberry and a few others in parliament she is a sour frustrated old cow. They need Nobber Blunkett back in parliament to give them a long hard brutal shag, then get them to sit on his face. The old cunts suffer from night starvation

      • My grandmother said giving women the vote would be the downfall of this country. How right she was!

      • No apology necessary Mr Baker, I know very few females who are well-adjusted and sensible so I understand the sentiment. It is all about emotions and feelings for most of ’em. The other half would tell you that I make Attila the Hun look like a fucking social worker in terms of empathy.

    • Sourberry. An anagram of utter gobshite. Who voted for it?

      Why doesn’t she just leave now and go join the ill liberal undemocratic party (I see smeggy cleggy was having a moan about Brexit again again again this week) or Steptoe Dustbins Liebour party. I’m no fan of JRM, he’s a private school educated politician after all, but from what I’ve seen, heard he appears to stand by his beliefs and background – and certainly pulls the lefties apart with his rationale and debating skills.

      Unlike Sourberry who just bleats from whatever platform she is afforded, normally the undemocratic Anti English Beebistan Broadcasting Corpartion. Funded under threat of prison by our taxes.

  6. Of all the remoaners Soubry is the one I would most like to punch in the face. Well, except for O’Shithead of course…..and Clegg….and Blair obviously……….0h and not forgetting those cunts Campbell and Cable and…… bollocks, why do I torture myself like this?

    • Soubry is absolutely right.

      Theresa May does need to “get a spine”.

      So that she can tell both Soubry and all anti democratic Remoaners and the cunts at the EU to FUCK OFF.

  7. Always loathed the eel munching, vowel churning, all-things-cockney-are-marvellous cunts.

    And an especial grammar based cunting for the redundant apostrophe in Kings.

    • I meant they should be in the graveyard digging graves you cuntflapping cunt!

      And preferably their own…or mine if you ever find out where I live, gulp.

  8. You have to remember that each and every button has to be hand stitched into their caps, bottoms and tops while whistling ” blue birds over the White cliffs of dover” and eating jellied eels.. fucking disgusting….

  9. Pearly kings and queens… slightly cuntish no doubt, but there are far worse alternatives in the streets of Laandan these days.

    Finding someone in the working class East end who can actually speak in an English dialect these days is becoming an increasingly frought challenge. Yes, cockney does count you cunts!

    Besides, I’d much prefer to do the Lambeth Walk than the Lambeth Bridge ‘leap for my life’ to avoid a crazed towelhead in a van.

    • Finding the working class East End is problematic, let alone someone in it who isn’t speaking creole, Somali, Urdu etc. on the one hand or being some kind of a ‘creative’ on the other. I get the impression that East End mutated into Essex before dilution with , like, Valley Girl, yeah? and is on the verge of extinction.

      I cunt the passing of English regional dialects in general. Except Scouse.

      • You’re not wrong pal. I was born and bred in Lewisham and when I left London in 2011 as ex Mrs mecha Rigsby was expecting our first child, probably 90% of my peers and friends had done the last choppers out of Saigon bit and escaped to Kent and Essex.

        You will seriously struggle to find many genuine working class in South or South East London now.

        All you’ve got is effniks and these clueless just-left-uni types, Tom and Chloe, that will fuck off back to Surrey after a few years of paying stupid money for some shitty yuppie kennel in Deptford and Chloes been shaken down for her phone and bag a few times and Tom just stands there bricking it whilst their assailants kiss their teeth and film their ordeal on their newly acquired mobile phone.

      • I left in 1969, for ever. I’d worked briefly in the KG5 Dock, before shipping was banned in favour of towers full of bank yuppies. THAT was the East End. And it was quite ethnic enough then…London seems to have been progressively fucked since 1975 or so.

        (Though it’s a bloody lie that you could leave your door unlocked during the Kray era..)

  10. I’ve got no beef with the people of the pearly persuasion……
    off point…
    Did anybody see arch cunt and brexit blocking harpie Anna soubry on newsnight?
    She has told the hunchback that she needs to stop the brexiteers in the Conservative party or she’s leaving? I always thought to issue an ultimatum you had to be in a position to inflict damage or personal lose as a direct action of non compliance?
    What exactly is soubry offering?
    Can may rely on her in crunch votes? No!
    Has she backed her party? No
    Has she backed her constituents who voted in favour of leaving the EU? No
    Has she formed an unholy alliance with the biggest set of quislings seen since WW2? Yes!
    According to soubry Boris Johnson and JRM and not “ real” conservatives? That’s pretty rich coming from a former liberal party member!! Daft cunt!!
    I wish maybot would kick this back biting deceitful quisling into the long grass!! ……… in

    • It’s early doors Quislings, but Soubry is making a real case for COTY 2018.

      She seemingly can’t shut her cunty mouth for five seconds at the moment.

      • I don’t believe she ever got full credit on ISAC for her displays in 2017…… Agree 100% TECB she’s off to a flyer this year……
        The old nags really got the bit between her teeth……?

      • It was the triumvirate of Soubry, Gideon and Carnie that made my mind up. I wasn’t particularly committed to Leave until they motivated me.
        Soubry is a Remoaner who tells us that leaving is compatible with staying in the single market and customs union. No it fucking isn’t.

        So: Brexit scare day7. Courtesy of so called BBC.

        ‘Anna Soubry told BBC Newsnight she is willing to leave if the likes of Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees-Mogg take over.
        The MP, who was in David Cameron’s cabinet between 2015 and 2016, said the PM’s “red lines” to leave the EU single market and customs union are wrong.’

        That swings it for me. We must reverse the referendum decision. Losing Soubry would be too much to bear. This is a genuine deal breaker.

    • Why isn’t this quisling in the LibDems where she belongs? Because they’re irrelevant and she wouldn’t have got close to winning her seat without a Conservative rosette pinned to her tits.

      • Think she was for a few years Shitcake.

        This would totally explain her complete fucking delusion on just about everything Brexit related. Just like the ridiculous Clegg, Cable and Fallon.

  11. I’m no cockney, but at least the Pearly lot are British… I’m surprised there are any left though: amongst the peacefuls, bogo-bogos, and euromuck that infests the smoke these days,,,

    • Surprised the bogo bogo’s haven’t been seen sporting the pearls yet….

      C’mon ABBC, do fucking catch up! Cuuuuuuuuuuunts.

  12. Frank Field is as we speak chairing a meeting live on BBC Parliament channel between the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and Work and Pensions Committee and representatives from Carillion.

    Discussing the shortfall in the Carlllion pension fund. Talking about just tens of millions instead of the near billion. Everyone is very sorry for what happened.

    Complete deja by. BHS all over again.

    According to the government “The Pension Regulator (TPT) is the UK regulator of work-based pension schemes. It works with trustees, employers, pension specialists and business advisers, giving guidance on what is expected of them. TPR is an executive non-departmental body, sponsored by the Department for Work and Pensions.

    Annual budget £176 BILLION and approximately 84,000 Employees.

    Is the DWP fit for purpose?

    Government fucking clueless in giving/outsourcing so many contracts out to large companies such as this, supported by dodgy statistics provided by HIGHLY PAID major accounting firms.

    Carillion representative today admitted to having recently asked the government for a £190m pension payment from the government/taxpayer.

    Unbelievable bearing in mind that dividends had already been allocated for the company top earners/directors.

    Will anyone lose their jobs? Only the many, many Carillion workers. Those really responsible, ministerial appointments are regularly changed so that it is always someone else’s fault, and the most senior at the company have already made their millions.

    No one and the accountancy firms will lose their jobs for any dubious figures and as we know accounting firms always get paid.

    Will any Carollion pensioners be out of pocket? No, the taxpayers will of course pay, as they usually do.

    It is difficult to see anything changing if there are no serious repercussions for this type of behaviour.

    As with the most excellent album of the same name “Who’s Next”?

    • As the album cover shows the band waiting to piss up a wall, who’s pension fund will be pissed up the wall next?
      We will get fooled again.

      • Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

        A very profound lyric, sadly fitting to so many aspects of life.

      • Their ‘deaf dumb and blind boy’ from ‘Tommy’ also goes with the left, the snowflakes,the remainers, the femstapo, and any other PC cunts… They don’t hear, say, or see anything that doesn’t agree with or suit them and what they want…

        When one remembers how brilliant The Who were and now looks at that Ginger Gremlin cunt and Titless Swift, it shows just how very, very low popular music has sunk… The Who also got it spot on again when they sang ‘Rock is dead!’ Because it now is…

      • We always get fooled again, and always will be.

        Because we live in hope and want to believe. To imagine otherwise would be to fool ourselves.

    • Another Phillip Green at the helm of yet another pension fuck up. This time Carillion.


    • Nail on head, WS. Several nails, indeed.

      I must be bloody naif, but isn’t the employee’s pension subject to contract law? I mean, if he bunks off for a day, he can be fired, but if the co. pays his contractually agreed pension to its CEO and shareholders, that’s business, ho, hum?

  13. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    A very profound lyric, sadly fitting to so many aspects of life.

  14. Katie Price is really getting on my artificial, grossly enlarged, comedy tits right now.

    • Stuttering Pop Idol contestant Gareth Gates intends to release a record, albeit with a slight title change, to commemorate losing his virginity to Katie Price…

      “The First Cunt is the Deepest”….

    • Yes, Harvey says cunts – I think he said cunts anyway. Spend your life promoting yourself on every available meedja outlet then whine when you get some shit. The plastic titted cunt, by her over exposure of her cranked offspring, has brought the shit on herself. killing your parents then crying because you are an orphan. Fucking hell Katie -don’t type “Harvey memes” into google – you will either piss yourself laughing or have a fucking thrombie

  15. A special cunting for resident Sky Cunt Sarah Jane ME ME ME!!
    Earlier she was doing a piece on the suffragette movement interviewing amber dudd, she somehow managed to stick the boot into brexit by using Anna soubry,s name? Apparently we need people like soubry in Parliament!! Excuse me ME! , stop spouting your EU loving ideals and stick to the fuckin subject!! CUNT!! ??

      • After watching a four hour bore fest they probably needed to let off steam. England fans watch shit, Americans eat shit.

      • By complete accident happened to watch a bit of an American football match. At my sons high school.

        Not even sure what you call it, the one with the shoulder pads and helmets.l

        Probably endured about 20 minutes worth.

        In that time nothing fucking happened other than a number of unfit overweight blokes with beer guts and tits being taken off and being substituted with similar shaped guys.

        Without doubt the worst sport and biggest waste of time I have ever witnessed.

      • That and baseball
        Back in the day 79! My uncle was working in Michigan, we visited him and being a sports fan he took my brother and I to see the tigers play the Seattle mariners!!
        I was only 14 and was bored shitless within 3 hours!! , when the tedious shite had finished we made our way back to the car!!, without realising it was a double header!! The Cunts come back out and go again!! Blocked in we could only go back inside and suffer another game……
        Fuck baseball too!!

    • The best part of the “best ever Super Bowl of all time, ever”, was watching Tom Brady behaving like a three year old and sulking that the New England Patriots had lost. He could have gone down in history as the greatest player ever. But after “deflategate” and his refusal to shake the hands of the Eagles team, plus his petulant statement, he’ll now go down in history as the worst loser ever. What a twat. Nobody likes to lose, but fuck me, most of us have the decency to at least shake hands with the winner. Even if we actually want to rip off their heads and shit down their necks.

  16. Caught the first 5 minutes of O’Shithead this morning before I had to switch it off.
    Apparently some bloke who had a row with the demonstrators at Rees Mogg’s meeting the other day once went to a fancy dress party dressed as an SS officer.
    Meaningless drivel but, in good Nazi tradition, the oblique smear is all that’s needed.
    O’Shithead really is a nasty fucking cunt.

  17. Are there any Pearly Kings and Queens left? Their natural habitat has long since been taken over by followers of THE religion of peace.

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