A Cunting for disabled people who take advantage.
What set me off was watching a recording of the Calcutta Cup when they panned to the crowd to show a gentleman enthusiastically clapping a conversion from his wheelchair in the front row of the crowd….now nothing particularly wrong with that,you’d think,eh?… well apart from the fact that the old malingerer had his guide-dog next to him and was wearing dark glasses. If he was blind,why did he need one of the best seats in the house? If he was listening through an earpiece,well,they might as well have sat him at the back where it would have been easier to get him and his dog out in the event of an emergency.
I’ve since discovered that a lot of disabled people get into sporting events for free,not just free,but the best seats and a cheap pass for their carer. What a fucking disgrace. They’ll be getting their benefits and probably a free car too,so why should they get things on the cheap?
I’m aware that some disabled people have it hard,but if they can pluck up the vim to go sauntering into Murrayfield with their guide-dog,they can’t be taking a lot of harm…and if they can see enough to watch a game of rugby through dark glasses,I’d be questioning their need for a guide-dog,never mind subsidised admittance.
I also have quite strong views on the Mobility scheme that dishes out free cars to the disabled. Most of these cars seem to be used by family members,which they would be..I mean most disabled people don’t tend to go out for long country drives…unless they’re on the way to a free(for them) major sporting event,presumably. Even if they do need a car,why can’t they just pay for it out of their benefits,the same as most dole-wallahs use their benefits for tattoos,lottery-tickets and fast-food.?
Fuck them.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler.
The rule with a Mobility car is that there can be three named drivers, the three does not have to include the disabled person. However, to validate any insurance claim in the event of an accident the disabled person must be in the car if you drive a mobility car without the disabled person it was issued to in the car, you are not insured end off and you will invalidate the terms and conditions of your mobility contract.
95% of disabled people claiming a car do so because they qualify perhaps the 5% who con the system are cunts but not the 95%
Well said Dick. I have worked with disabled people and they are some of the most cantankerous ill mannered cunts with a huge sense of self entititlement. But its the organisations that shelter these cunts that are to blame, letting them believe they can have anything they want.
We had one bloke who was a vegetable window licker of the extreme kind. His care package was £56,000 one year.
Because their considered vulnerable they are fully protected by a Government Quango called the Care quality commission. What makes my piss boil is that they will pay out huge sums of tax payers money to keep them alive but if some little kid comes on day time TV needing Cancer treatment She or he has to get it through charity because the authorities wont fork out a few hundred pound a month so they can get better. Priorities are completely wrong when a veggie can be kept alive for a lifetime but someone with a chance gets told to fuck off.
Good post Fenton. A severely brain damaged guy, who was unable to function was kept alive by these sick fuckers who kept him alive ( only just ) to ensure his “quality of life”. The poor cunt had none. The cost? Fucking unbelievable!
For me the cunt that really takes the piss is Mike Betts, CEO of Motorbility.
That twat earns a basic salary of £570k pa and with bonuses he earned £1.7m last year for presiding over a ‘Charity’ (here we fucking go again) that is wholly funded by the Government, in other words you and I and has absolutely zero competition, otherwise known as a monopoly.
THAT is a fucking disgrace.
When in the fucking name of sanity can anyone be paid such a massive salary for running a Government funded monopoly.
And £1.2m in bonuses. Jesus fucking Christ you think you’ve heard it all…..
I’m not surprised people take the fucking piss out of Motorbility, in my experience the rot starts at the top of an organisation and cascades down and Mike Betts is the embodiment of so much of what is wrong in society today.
A self serving, shameless money grabbing fud that’s happy to suckle on the teat of the tax payer for as long as he can get away with it.
Don’t worry Cunty, the taxpayer is only £2Trillion pounds in debt, we can afford it. It’s not as if we need to spend all this ‘snouts in trough’ cash on a major council house building programme or anything…
I’ll sleep better tonight SB.
Only £2T in debt, I didn’t realise the national debt was so small, well bugger me sideways.
I’m not surprised Agent Corbyn says we can spend, spend, spend…..
He only wanted to add another £500billion at the last election…
£500bn, I shit that for breakfast.
Anyway It’s not really £500bn, it’s just an IOU and that will ultimately be underwritten by forcing those bastard corporates to pay the corporation tax that they currently avoid.
HMRC estimates total tax evasion is around £34bn p/a so there you have it then, sorted.
That will also pay for 30,000 Police Officers, no no I meant 3,000,000….., yes 3,000,000 I said 3,000,000.
That could help with some of the £48billion we spend annually on National Debt interest payments ALONE.
Fuck knows what will happen when interest rates go up (apart from me getting an extra £10 squid a year from my Nationwide account, yea!)
That’s covered in their upcoming Manifesto which hasn’t been written yet.
However I understand by Nationalising and implementing a tax on oxygen they intend to create a sovereign wealth fund that will benefit the many and not just the few, except the bankers and the bastard bosses.
McDonnell has said nationalisation will be cost free cos he’ll be issuing bonds instead. Phew!
Have never understood why those awful battery powered mobility scooters cost many thousands of pounds, some of them more than the price of a car.
A car let’s face it is much better constructed and far more substantial than a mobility scooter
What a fucking rip off.
Mixed feelings about this one. I know the disability car scheme is much abused by feckless fuckers and some disabilities are scams. However, I think genuinely disabled people get a rough deal. Limited access, a lot of the cunts that run football don’t give them any thought and lazy, useless cunts take up disabled parking places.
I cant see how enjoying a rugby game is taking advantage, so not with you on this one Dick.
I, personally got sexual pleasure out of the Murrayfield match. And I aint even a Jock.
Rugby is a twattish game. No-one understands the offside rule, the referee just calls it every five minutes or so. You can put the ball over the sideline and sometimes you get the throw in and sometimes the other team get the throw in. The scrum is indelibly faggy and throwing a bloke up in the air to catch a ball is just a derivative of dwarf tossing.
What really gets me are country pubs that don’t show footfall but sjow Harlequins v Hull Kingston Rivers as a major sporting event.
Harlequins are posh boys playing Union. Hull KR are rough boys playing League. Such a match would be a surprising if not a major event.
It’s actually been twice before to the best of my knowledge, Wigan played bath in 2 games, one Union one league, with very predictable results…..
And later I think st Helen’s played sale, but normal it’s certainly not…..
now on this one I can tell you a funny story, My girlfriend is disabled she has a few issues going on and cant walk long distances, I also have a few problems going on but we get along fine.
Any way we went up to bath, stayed at the brunel hotel and had booked the theater, any way the best thing to do is get a wheelchair from shop mobility and I push her accross town.
so we got to the theater (with our full price tickets) I got her through the doors and we got bounced by some over caring staff who feried us accross to a lift and changed our seating to the disabled area (far right of the stage so you dont really get to see all the stage) any way saw the play (or 2/3 of it) went to leave and I pushed off down the ramps ect saying to her “for fucks sake dont get up”.
In fact as a wheel chair motor I am intolerable, at the christmas market next to the abbey she got up to look at one of the stalls and I could not help but shout “it’s a miricle” I am a bit of a bastard at times (like wise saying things like “look mum no hands as she is going down hill)
I shall elaborate..
I think that a lot of disabled people seem to believe that they should take precedence. I don’t see why they should. It’s not my fault that they’re disabled. While,in the main,I wish them no particular ill,I can’t see why they should expect to be favoured above the able-bodied. They often say that they want to be treated the same as everyone else…but they don’t,they want special treatment.
Sometimes disabled people should accept that not everything can be geared to suit the special needs of every disabled person with their own particular range of requirements.
I had to escort my girlfriend to PIPS (thats when the government shook up the benefit system) any way if you had of been in the waiting room you woould have seen the diference between the havs and the have nots, this would be the genuine ones who sat there and took the shit, and the have nots who had “pain” and various other hard to disproove ailments, also it was worth noting that the have nots were on warnings for non attendence at previous pips reviews, (aka a the fraudsters) so yes there is a diference in disabled, I have a friend who had his leg blown off and worked hard in rehab and the Gym and does not qualify as disabled because he can walk the distance, yet I have an able bodied 23 year old who is trying for disability due to stress (I shout at him ocasionaly).
As for the favoring of disabled people, well unfortunatly there is a thing called the equal oppertunity act and if you dont take your quota you will be frowned upon or posibly prosicuted.
I recall a long time ago an amputee aplied to join the army (to be a clerk) but was refused on the grounds of being a monoped and threatened legal action against HMF if he wasnt given a chance, fair play to him he passed his BMT (broke his prosthetic 3 times in training) .
As an employer you are also required to make adaptions to the workplace for disabled staff (Ie I have guard rails around the back of my transit van to stop my twat of a driver fall off it) now the reason I know this shit is I live with a disabled person (who has a full time job and a fucking degree (poor taste in men though)).
I also have to do risk assesments for staff and other cretins and most anoyingly face a possible below the knee amputation for which I also will not get a disabled badge or any benefit (except the posibility of not dying of gangreen).
I do however concur there are a lot of malingering cunts out there I have seen quite a few myself, but not all are equal and to be honnest somethings out of bounds to disabled people are for their own good (I went on the dodgems with my mrs and really fucked her up)
On a pips assessment, a young Lieutenant, minus legs, balls and missing his fucking left hand was refused full disability status because of his right hand being intact. This story made the national press at the time .Fucking Shite system!!!!
I would agree, they canceled her car tax exemption upped her claim by £400 and then paid £180 for a taxi home!
Most excellent cunting Dick, and on a subject of which I have much experience. Firstly, my Sister in Law who has a significant concealed bank balance, receives benefits, AND a motobility package which gives her a brand spanking new top of the fucking range Ford every two fucking years.!!!!! Her problem? Multiple Sclerosis of 30 years standing. Now, MS ( like all illnesses ) can be mild in effect, or severe, and most sufferers are somewhere in between. SHE, is only critically disabled ( in fact an almost vegetive state ) the day before, the day of, and the day after assessment. The rest of the time, she is as fit as a fucking butchers dog!
As you well know the area that I come from, it is populated with scrounging workshy, fiddling feckless chav cunts all on benefits and with a considerable population of “Disabled” It is so fucking easy a con!
However, genuinely disabled people are NOT the problem ( as you rightly say ) It is the cunts who abuse the system
In Immigration you will find all the fucking imported disability scams in the book, with the Indian and Pakistani population consuming the most resources. Scandelous! Makes my fucking piss boil, and the words that send me crazy? “I’m entitled ”
Couple of things that really piss me off.
Why the disproportionate amount of disabled parking spaces in car parks pretty much where ever you go. At our local station, of the short stay (20 minutes maximum), 50% (yes, 50%) is reserved for disabled badge holders. Row after row at our Tesco Extra (another reason I do not shop there) are reserved for disabled badge holders.
I do not know the percentage of disabled badge holders but seems to me to be an excessively disproportionate number number. Get incredibly pissed off when able bodied people use them though, usually cunts in Range Rovers (like John Terry). Cunt.
Talking about disable taking precedence, Disneyworld, Disneyland for example alliow the fattest fuckers you have to ever seen in wheelchairs to bypass the queues totally and go straight to the front.
Perhaps some of these fuckers are disabled, perhaps some are not and just enjoy their fast food too much howeve see no reason why they are given priority and should not wait in line like everyone else.
actualy its more mother and baby at supermarkets.
Yea that superheats my piss too Willie.
I have to park half a mile away on the other side of the car park, then walk past scores of empty disabled spaces on my way into the store.
I once spent about 4 weeks on crutches and got a small insight into the world of the disabled. Most people get out of your way but there are plenty who don’t give a fuck. Cunts standing in the middle of the pavement at a bus stop……I was here first, go round me you fucking cripple.
The worst are young chav mothers with pushchairs. These tattooed sluts and their brats are the centre of the world so you better jump cunt.
In all that time the only person who offered me a seat on a train or bus was about 75 years old.
I suppose you could argue that this attitude is a result of the piss takers described by the OP but I think it’s because people are just cunts these days.
What are the chances that somewhere in the world, there is a butterfly with a tattoo of a fat chav benefits slag on its shoulder..?
Or a dolphin with an inking of some fat slapper’s ankle?
I like the cut of your jib JRC ?
I too found myself temporarily on crutches, for about 10 days, in London no less.
As a big burly cunt, the only people who offered me a seat on public transport were all men bar one exception – a young girl around 8 years old. Women never even fucking flinched.
That’s one small insight I had into what literal cunts most women are.
I once had to get a train from Temple Meads to Cardiff, waiting 45m.
The girl standing in front of me all that time was just GAZING at her mobile. When the train arrived, I had to move a foot or two, and saw that…she was using it as a bloody mirror.
I never even suspected this was possible. Public, electronic vanity.
And now I see fab pictures of people who died just after taking a selfie (fatal fart attack a la Mr. Hastings, brought on by consumption of Gregg’s pasty &c.)…just wish I’d thought of that famous French trick of “Le Push”…
Wimmin, indeed.
its mainly fat cunts on scooters, most disabled people do not want to be recognised.
There are “Disabled” and “enabled” the distinction being the ones that make the fuss and the ones who soldier on, I have a work mate dying of cancer he has one working year then, well as you know. he is working, he has my full support (he is a miserable cunt too) I will go to his funeral too (if he lets me).
Jaswinder in a wheelchair comes into IRC with his mother and father on an asylum ticket. His parents are not only husband and wife, but are first cousins. They are also the product of family interbreeding, and of course, they have medical issues.Every single fucking benefit is thrown at the fuckers, and Jaswinder gets a fucking Motobility car. His brother, then uses the car to set up his own Taxi business, and uses the car to get another income to swell out his benefits!
Ive seen it all, first hand. What a cunt this country is!
I have to be honest, cunting the disabled is a bit of a stretch even for a bitter bastard like me.
The only time I ever got inconvenienced by a flid was some cunt in a mobility scooter who ran in to the back of my legs trying to overtake me on Hammersmith Bridge. Wasn’t at speed, but an eagle-eyed rozzer came over and gave the old cunt a firm talking to.
Generally though, I don’t really begrudge any ironside a premium spot anywhere, given that I can walk and wank without major inconvenience. Well, most times anyway.
Anyone caught pretending to be disabled when they aren’t should be viciously beaten until they’re not lying anymore.
I do wonder why some disabled people claim they can’t work for not having legs or shit like that … answer the fucking phones for a living you lazy cunt!
But then even I’m not enough of a cunt to cunt the disabled.
Or maybe I’m just not drunk enough.
What about the able bodied sexually assaulting and harassing disabled people? Dick Fiddler I’m looking at you you sick fucker… just kidding M8 🙂
Seriously tho anyone willingly to go through all that pretending and acting just to get a better seat or parking spot deserves some sort of medal and probably a punch in the face for good measure.. just sayin
I am disabled; have been for sometime; physical and mental, what fun. I ask for nothing, expect nothing and most of the time get fuck all. Any perks that happen my way are far outweighed by the amount of painkillers and anti psychotics I am forced to consume when the shitfest that is my brain and body thinks lets fuck him up for a month or so. I have never used my problems to gain any favours whats the point? I have a sense of honour and a conscience; my problems are my own. Really I am twat because I could play the system every which way possible. The reason I do not is because I have some pride left and I am not a grabbing cunt. But so many are.
What is the answer?
Unfortunately there is something badly wrong with the current system as it stands, it is open to widespread abuse by those who want totake their chances.k
Where we live a woman (not mentioning her nationality as I will be accused of being a raacciiiisssst cunt) claimed £35,000 fraudulently and was tried in court. She lost the case however was not given a custodial sentence as she had a large young family, and instead was given a suspended sentence. She used the illicit money towards the purchase of a second house, close to the school she wanted her children to attend.
Although it was reported in the national opress that she would be forced to attend an illegal proceeds of crime court hearing, I have so far been able to find out whether this actually happened or not, and whether she would be forced to sell one of her houses to repay the money (plus interest) that she frauduleny claimed. I did write to my local MP but the cunt never even bothered responding.
The whole benefits system is an out of control joke ripe for exploitation and needs a complete overhaul. Something seriously wrong when people that really need it (like yourself) get fuck all, whilst chancers who have contributed little or nothing can easily seem to get everything they want, and more.
Until the penalties (usually only repayment of the money back plus a token fine) are significantly increased, things will continue as they do now. Talking deportation, prison sentence, withdraw any benefits for the invidual and all members of the family indefinitely, large fines (and I mean large).
Have the utmost respect for you Black biscuit, self pride, decency and honesty sadly lacking in the majority of people nowadays.
I am just going to call you racist just in case I am investigated myself by some fucktard. so I spit on you, burn your manuscript ect.
EMERGENCY CUNTING! that doszy geezer bird Berghdorff, or whatever HIS name is. LGBTQJFKFYGHFUH+++++++++++ advisor to colonial import and arch cunt Dawn Butler.
Bwyond belief. This deluded tranny fucktard is a sexist, racist nut job. Should fit in well with the Liebore party.
Sexist… racist… and above all: ANTI BRITISH!
Kravdarth, I read this earlier on today and held off from posting here because, even for the Labour Socialist cuntfuck party, that story seemed justtoo far-fatched. But I should have had more faith, because nothing is beyond the realms of distaste for these far-left fucking nutcases.
Employing a fucker famous for racial hate speech. But it’s the right kind of anti-white hate speech, eh guyse? Just think back a few weeks to the wall-to-wall coverage the Al-Beeb gave the whole Toby Young saga. Yet here Labour are in an almost identical situation, and to date, barely a mutter from the biased broadcasting corp; let alone the deluge of apopleptic shit-fits carried out on the Toby Young appointment.
Fuck the BBC right up the arse until it suffers irreversible anal prolapse.
Get a taste of the racist rancid cunt here:
ECB, I think you are a lexicographer! Indeed you have a way with words I could only dream of……
Dawn Butler is a vile UK hating White blaming biggot: they should get on well……
Ah, but if it’s still a bloke, would you deliver a comprehensive bumming to it, Krav?
I’ll match you and raise with this one,
EXCLUSIVE: Transgender activist jailed for killing her boyfriend and trying to rape shop assistant five days after being released from prison is invited to speak at HOUSE OF LORDS
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5440153/Trans-convict-invited-speak-House-Lords.html#ixzz58L9Vm0OR
Has it been appointed advisor to Diane Flabbott yet?
Fuck me sideways.
Just when you think things cannot get any more ridiculous.
Freaks rule. Ok.
Jerkdorf is simply a turd-on-a-rope, tedious whining racist.
How the fuck can a shadow government take advice from someone who is as confused by something as tangible as their own fucking toilet parts? The cunt.
Fuck ZaNulabour and fuck that cuntox, beret-wearing, communist, cocksucking ferret Corbyn.
Time to leave this island in the event that these fucking loons bust into no. 10. At that point we will know, beyond all doubt, that the country has become an internationally-renown farce.
Haha the tranny tried to rape her and stuffed a lemon in her mouth hahaha wtf
Munroe Bergdorf, or whatever his fucking name is.Tells the world all whites are racist and it becomes Labours equality nonce to that other racist cunt, Dawn Butler. Cunt, cunt, cunts the lot of them. This country is turning into a right fucking shithole and I can’t see it reversing anytime soon, maybe never or not even in my lifetime.
Yet another social media app for wankers to waste even more of their time
FFS. Aren’t there enough pointless apps already?
I’m a sufferer of PTSD after my stint in the armed forces. I had one of those assessments and apparently I was ok as I could walk up 3 steps. What the fuck has 3 steps got to do with PTSD? I now have a job and am semi sorted. These fucking cunts that lie about their apparent ailments boil my piss to high levels.
Mine was I was more of a danger to myself than anyone else….that’s fucking restraint for you!
I bet if I was a goat fondler I’d have got every benefit known to mankind.
That is true BobStokely. In IRC you witness some obscene handouts to the scum of the earth, yet fuck all for the military. But look what has been done to our military! In the 60’s, we had many Military Hospitals . We had dental . We even ( in those days ) had a large psychiatric Hospital. They have all gone nearly, and those that are left serve the civil population. Our armed services have been deserted by the mother fucking politicians to the point where nearly everyday there is a story of an ex being shit on on the streets. AS for wonder kid ( the new kid i/c MOD ) he is a complete wanker, making the right noises to further his own career. He doesn’t give a flying fuck.
I was lucky, many of my friend were killed in fucking shitholes like Enniskillen. But we were looked after in those days, not only by the military, but by a coutry that respected and cared also.
Nowadays, the enemy is within.Good luck BS!
Ok. Confession. I have chronic depression, personality disorder and total insomnia. I walk the edge every day., have spent years in hospital, and how the fuck I’m still alive is beyond me. Multiple suicide bids. I spent 6 months in hospital last year and finally, I am on a combination of medication that works. Trouble is, my insomnia is only overcome by getting hammered, which is okay because I like getting hammered.
And ISAC is a fucking godsend, thanks for the laughter. Although having the best musical taste on the site, heavy lies the crown.
Life can be extremely hard sometimes and things do not always go according to plan.
As you say ISAC really is a godsend, not only for the humour and wit shared with fellow cunters, but also to help make you realise that there are other relatively sane and likeminded invidials in the ever increasingly ridiculous world in which we live.
Hope we have the pleasure of your contributions for some time to come CNR.
Regarding your comment about having the best musical taste, reckon Shitcake Baker may have something to say about that.
Take care.
I may indeed. But wouldn’t want to be responsible for pushing an esteemed fellow cunter over the edge.
All the best CnR.
Despite me being a consummate cunt, I do have some restraint and therefore I struggle to align myself with this cunting.
My wife is disabled through Type 1 diabetes, which she has suffered for 34 years. It is an autoimmune disorder and not as a result of being a fat ferker.
She has brittle foot bones and has spent the last 4 years in casts and orthotic footwear due to fractures. She has a blue badge but told me she feels a fraud. She does need to limit her walking mileage until her bones strengthen, which is a slow process in T1 sufferers and can take years. T1 needs its own cunting; it causes blindness, kidney failure and places sufferers at risk of heart attacks. The poor girl has certainly suffered with this gift from Hades.
Granted there are cunts who are self inflicted disabled due to their inability to ‘disable’ themselves from gorging or just the feeble minded seeking sympathy. That said it is a cunt’s trick to tar the genuinely disabled with the same, shit-logged brush.
Why does your wife consider herself to be a fraud?
From what you have described there is absolutely no justification or reason
for her to feel that way.
I have much sympathy for those people who are genuinely suffering with life changing illnesses and who should be offered help, however it is clear to me from the posts on this site today that they almost feel guilty in accepting any assistance.
Disappointing then when those less deserving steam in and take full advantage of the system that allows them to do so.
Best wishes to the wife Paul.
Thanks Willie.
I understand she feels a fraud because she can walk with what appears to be a perfectly normal gait and doesn’t need a stick for assistance.
Also, partly, she feels conspicuous as someone who outwardly would appear to have no disability. She tells me she awaits the day when she parks in a disabled space, only for some busybody helmet to stroll up to her and accuse her of being able bodied and therefore illegally occupying a disabled space.
Paul, made me feel v sad when I read your good lady feels like a fraud when she uses her blue badge. My old man rest his soul took a lot of convincing to apply and then use a blue badge his reason for not wanting the badge was “ I can walk” oh yes he could walk; about four yards then wait at least 5 mins for the nausea caused by the hip pain to subside. He took six years to apply for attendance allowance cos he wanted no handouts we basically forced him to apply. He was living in an area filled to the brim with every kind of waster imaginable, almost all collecting benefits, two for being massively obese, hordes of peacefuls and God knows what with notability cars free housing free school dinners and so on. Tell your wife she is no fraud most of the above are.
Any person who is genuinely in need of help should have it. Simple as that. I am genuinely sad to hear of your wife’s problems Paul, and I suspect we have fellow cunters with medical issues too! In Dick Fiddlers cunting, he specifically targets the disingenuous ( and there are many ) not the genuine. ISAC is a great place. You need never be alone here.
I’d sooner cunt rugby than the disabled, fucking peanut hugging posh arse bandit cunts.
This is great and absolutely true…
I embrace this one totally.
Tried it on my bank about 5 weeks ago. After 3 weeks got a blabla “no apology we understand your concerns…responsible lending policies…and have noted your comments”
Which was principally that they FO&D.
I hope they oblige soonest…