Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning is a cunt!

For my inaugural cunting I nominate (from across the big pond, from the land of the twats and the home of the cunts) Chelsea Manning. This despicable cunt has announced it’s intention to run for the U.S. Senate.

For those of you who don’t remember this cunt, Chelsea Manning was born Bradley Manning and is a convicted traitor as well as a freak/mistake of nature. While serving in the U.S. Army, this foul, vile, and loathsome creature released sensitive military intelligence to that bastion of free speech and unfiltered information, Wikileaks who of course published it in the name of humanity.

When caught, this maladjusted little cunt plead guilty to 10 felony counts and in the subsequent court martial proceedings was convicted of 17 others. It was sentenced to 35 years in a maximum security military prison where it applied for “gender reassignment” and of course expected the U.S. taxpayer to foot the bill.

In the U.S. Constitution treason is the only crime that is specifically punishable by death. We should have executed the cunt. And although cruel and unusual punishment is banned by our Constitution we should have taken up the best traditions of our English forbearers and hung, drawn and quartered the filthy cunt. (After all, if it wants “gender reassignment” and wants the taxpayers to pay for it, the least we could do is accommodate it by chopping off the balls this mistake of nature was born with.)

But noooooooo…what happens? After conviction it served only 7 years before it was pardoned and released by the Community Con Artist. And now not content with trying to destroy us by giving aid and comfort to the enemy, he wants to destroy from within by serving in the Senate.

Of course the libtard/Obamunist/snowflake community is hailing this mistake of nature as a victim and a hero instead of the traitorous little cunt that it is. I for one want to puke!

Don’t get me wrong, as a true libertarian I really don’t care how you live your life as long as you do no harm to others and leave me alone. If you want to dress like a Welsh Tart (it’s mother was Welsh) and play sword swallower that’s your business. I don’t have to like it and sure as hell don’t want to see it but hey…it’s your life and I have the right to ignore it and your degeneracy.

But a convicted, traitorous, felonious, mistake of nature serving in the U.S Senate…is an affront to all decent human beings everywhere…even if you do fit right in with the rest of the lecherous perverts already serving in the august body of shit.

So with that said I proudly cunt…Chelsea Fucking Manning!

Nominated by General Cunster

Chelsea Manning is indeed a cunt. A cunt of Mount St Helens proportions.

Because we are subjected to a Liberal media in U.K. this freak has had plenty of airtime.

It’s painted as a victim when in fact it’s a traitor.

There’s no room for niceties when it comes to espionage or national security, when your enemy engages in trench warfare you have to respond accordingly.

This freak along with the cunt Snowden set out Security Services many years. And for what?

You almost couldn’t make it up that not only did the traitor have ‘gender realignment surgery’ paid for by the American Taxpayer, then get a pardon from Obama Barak Cunt but then just to really rub your face in it now wants to stand for Congress.


Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface

39 thoughts on “Chelsea Manning

  1. That Chelsea smear of shite is just like that Bruce Jenner cunt… Acts as badly as possible, shits on may people, and behaves like a total cunt… But as soon as he says toodle-ooh to the old todger ‘she’ suddenly becomes acceptable and all it’s shitty scumbaggery is conveniently forgotten… As I’ve said before, wimmin (real or tranny freaks) are the new blacks: they get away with anything and you find fault in them at your peril… If Myra Hindley were arrested and tried today, she’d be out in a few month….

    And fuck Obama: the fried chicken eating libfuck twat….

    • Your not far wrong Norman, that cunt assisted that Huntley cunt in the murder of those two little girls in Soham is apparently out already with a new identity, home etc, etc at taxpayers cost (how the fugly cunt thinks they can hide, I do not know) and if that’s not bad enough that cunt Huntley is playing gender games.

      Those who commit crimes like these cunts should never see daylight.

      Manning’s behaviour should never have been pardoned, especially after bringing the organisation the cunt was meant to serve into disrepute.

      I’m sorry but I don’t agree with letting anyone other than straight male / females join the armed forces or police / security services. There is potentially too much at risk when the LGBGT, Gen Fluid cunts etc throw their toys out of the pram and have a hissy fit. Which most seem to do.

  2. Hope Big Don re-arrests the cunt and sends the sack of shit to a hard as fuck men’s prison in Arizona….

  3. In the picture on the right, the cunt looks like a blonde version of the child catcher from the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

    Pointy nosed, shark eyed freak of nature.

    • The joke about these transbender cunts is they always look so obvious and shit… Whether it’s Cuntlin Jenner, Buggerdoff Munroe, or Chelsea Minging, anyone with a half a brain can always tell it’s a freak ho looks like a road gang member in a dress… Fucking hell, Dick Emery was more convincing than these cunts…

      • That reminded me of the guy who went to a fancy dress party completely naked, with some sandpaper wrapped round his knob, as………………………………………..Dick Emery.

  4. Just heard something on the radio… Somebody asking ‘Why the Justin Timberlake backlash?’

    Could it be because he’s a little cunt?…

  5. In Victorian times you had to wait for the fair to roll up and pay good money to see the freak show and be horrified by these disgusting abominations of nature.
    Nowadays they pop up all over the place and we’re not supposed to be horrified but to stand up and give these cunts a round of applause. Oh, they’re so brave, so heroic ( is that a gender specific word on the banned list ? ) let’s cry a little tear for their stand against oppression.
    This kind of bollocks can only exist in a society of braindead cunts who haven’t got the basic intelligence to see beyond whatever shit they just watched on the idiot box. Arseholes.

  6. Timely nomination – I just yesterday watched a Netflix documentary on Wikileaks. Heavy focus of course on Bradley Manning’s role in passing on secure data to another supreme cunt, Julian Assange.

    From what I could tell in that documentary, Manning was largely motivated by being a ‘tortured victim’ of gender identity. He/she/it seemed to be so desperate for attention that using security clearance to download data was just the ticket for this fucking narcisst. There really didn’t appear to be this big moral reasoning behind it – just a petulant social fucking misfit.

    Funniest part of that documentary was tale of when he had a shit-fit episode as a private, and randomly punched some woman colleague in the face. This woman was a fucking hulk with 15” biceps, who then proceeded to choke the living shit out of Manning in retaliation. I’m sure a long and orderly fucking queue could be formed for some of that action.

    I despise how the fucking left praise cunts like this, and that Snowden cunt. For sure, US and UK government are cunts and certainly do play the ‘protection from terrorist’ card for a free pass on their snooper’s charter. Specifically leaked from Manning was that video of the US Air Force pilots gunning down towelheads and cheering about it. Nothing wrong with that as far as I am concerned.

    Obama pardoning this cunt was utterly fucking unbelievable. A last act of cuntishness from one of the top 5 all time cunts of the Earth.

    • Apropos Assange, I am delighted to say that the arrest warrant is still in force. Julian was pleading a bad tooth (easily extractable by the Ecuadoran Ambassador with a pipe wrench, if push came to shove) and what is pretty obviously posture-induced RSI to his shoulder, long hours at the keyboard being the likely cause…to claim his need for medical attention beyond what could be done in the embassy.

      Naturally, he’s still looking for attention, and has reframed his application…it will be heard on the 13th.

      If it wasn’t for cunts like Assange, Manning would probably still be in the military. I am not at all sure whether that would be a good thing, either…

  7. An excellent Cunting from Cunty McCuntface and our transatlantic friend General Cunster…
    However, my admiration for General Cunster’s Cunting can’t allow me to be deflected from stating the obvious. Most Americans have sexual “issues”. Chelsea Manning is not a “one-off”. Americans lead the world in perversion,,,poofs,lezzas,trannies, sexual serial-killers,Will,….Other countries may have invented the idea,but the good ol’US of A “picked up the ball and ran with it.” They did what they normally do,arrive late,steal someone else’s “glory(hole)” and then take things to extremes. I believe that Trannyism was a joke that just got out of hand due to the Americans’ failure to recognise when to call a halt to a jape.
    I also believe that a lot of America’s problems are due to the hormones in the vast amounts of beef that they choke down their maws. If they ingested slightly fewer chemicals,and greatly less beef,they might discover that their men don’t all have massive tits and their women overdeveloped clitorai (my source is Pornhub.)
    Chelsea Manning may well be a Cunt,but it is a product of the American system….I’m still,unfortunately,at a loss to explain the deviancy explosion in this country,but I suspect that the Rothschilds could be involved.
    Fuck them.

    • A measured and reasonable critique as always Dick. Perhaps a tad lenient but everybody mellows with age.

    • Reading the kind remarks from an experienced cunter like Dick made my perverted American genitals swell with pride.

      Now, it’s off to Burger King!

  8. I wonder what his names sake .. Bernard would have to say…?????
    An endless supply of material
    From these soppy arseflaked cunts

    • ‘Welcome to the Embassy Club. We’ve had some shit in this club over the years but tonight it’s not only on stage. Ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together and arses to the wall for Chelsea Manning, my long lost thing. Please feel free to piss on it as the fancy takes you. Now, get drunk, enjoy the night and fuck off’

  9. “But a convicted, traitorous, felonious, mistake of nature serving in the U.S Senate…is an affront to all decent human beings everywhere…”

    This statment describes most polaticians in most parties and countries and is a basic qualification for the job (although I would add self serving)

  10. “A high risk of real harm to young children in the future”

    Following the horrific murder of Jamie Bulger and the second totally undeserved chance afforded to him by the cunts running the “justice” that they themselves keep telling us is “the the best in the world” (don’t make me fucking laugh) the vile low life piece of scum otherwise known as Jon Venables has been sent to prison for the third time.

    His identity was changed following the beating, torturing and killing of a two year old boy, so that he could have the luxury to lead a normal life without persecution. This means that this evil, sick and twisted dangerous cunt when released can again move next door to a family, perhaps with small children and nobody would ever know. That is until he offends the next time. And there will be a next time.

    Anyone who tried to reveal his new identity was prosecuted.

    With the crimes he has committed and the fact that reports state clearly he will ALWAYS be a danger to children, surely you would think that anyone in charge and in their right mind would say fuck him, enough is enough, he has fucked every chance given to him and insist he be locked for the remainder of his natural life.

    Or do they continue to stick by their initial incredibly warped decision that this piece of shit can be reformed and at the same time distespecting poor little Jamie Bulger and tortured broken parents?

    Purposely missed the programme earlier this week as it would have made me furious to watch it, the whole thing continues to be fucking disgrace and those involved should be totally ashamed of themselves.

    Fucking cunts.


  11. Does anyone else notice that out of those two pictures Chelsea looks more like a man than Bradley?

  12. Ha ha – that’s just Martin Shaw blacked up for his latest role in Inspector Suckdick Peaceful.

  13. He won’t be so pleased when he falls over the piles of horseshit on the carpet. Anyway, what’s the cunt doing here, going blind at our expense? Cunt.

  14. First name Mohammed.

    Mmmm now, their book of lies tells them to avoid the dog at all costs else they won’t get to paradise, virgins etc etc – it’s right up there with the swine.

    I suspect it’s just another example of our politically correct cunts appeasing the invader hordes…

    But I may be wrong.

  15. ? Woke up, it was a Chelsea morning
    And the first thing that I saw
    Was a man in women’s clothing
    A dirty tranny whore. ?

    courtesy J.Mitchell

  16. Likely an immigrant who turned up 7990 years too early (7990 BPC)and was dealt with by the community accordingly.

    I wonder as we’ve had stone age, bronze age etc in history, will future generations look back to the early 2000’s as the Snowflake age?

  17. Poor fucking horse being made to wear a nappy? Who’s going to change that then?

    I’d sooner put a nappy on him and leave him to it. Thinks its going to make him a local celebrity? It will once the locals hear the upkeep & adaptation costs met by the state.

    The next thing of course will be Digby growing bigger than expected, cunt then gets a farm with a fancy farmhouse then the cunt will awake one morning like Eddie Murphy on the skateboard at the beginning of Trading Places….”I can see……”. Country is a joke, enforced by shit like this.

    How would he have got around this in his country of origin I wonder?

    Maybe it would be therapeutic to give all the Grenfellians a horse? Maybe drag the cunts out of those “terrible hotels”.

    • I’m surprised the ‘save the horse’ brigade have not come out to claim it’s animal cruelty, I mean poor horse having to be attached to the dirty smelly beggar all day, and seeing where he lives, surrounded by the dirty stinking sand dwellers, rapfugees and gimmegrants.

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