Banning pit girls

The latest banning by F1 bosses leads me to think we are really heading in the wrong direction. First it was darts, then boxing and now F1 It may not be important to some, but I for one actually fucking like to look at pretty woman, unashamedly so. I was born this way, can’t help it and I refuse to grovel and apologise for just being a man.

SkyNews have a poll on their website, 16% for the ban and 84% against the ban. But they will still ban it won’t they ? All because some bra-less hairy femanazi’s think it’s demeaning. Personally I think it’s just more minority appeasing/virtue signalling bollocks. I hate where we are heading with this – can’t do this – can’t do that bullshit. These girls do have a choice, take the money or fuck off and go earn a living another way. Just like I do everyday, take a job on if I like the deal or fuck it off if I don’t like the deal. Simple.

What happened to ‘Keep calmn and carry on’. It’s now all ‘Get hysterical and and send in the fun police’. For fucks sake is this the start of the Islamification of our society. Some say they are savages with a centuries old ideology, but it seems we are now aspiring to their levels of zero tolerance, perhaps they are centuries ahead of us because they have been behaving this way for hundreds of years.

People are losing their jobs because they touched a colleague on the knee, or made a pass at them, They call it unwanted sexual advances. Well how the fuck are you supposed to know if it’s wanted or unwanted until you try it on ? Some of you may have been to one of those Argintinean grills where you have a red/green place mat. Red side up means no more meat, green side up means more meat please. That way the waiter doesn’t have to keep asking you. Our woman could do the same to save us from being confused. At the moment they all look like empty plates to us.

Maybe in years to come girls around the world will be gagging for cock simply because men will be to afraid to even think of making the first move.

Nominated by Cunt Vader

42 thoughts on “Banning pit girls

  1. I’m not sure we can “make the first move”. Whichever way you look at it, absolutely anything can be deemed sexual harassment. Dangerous times. Glad I’m in my 60s and I can appreciate attractive women silently.

  2. The trouble is we live in an increasingly bitter, grey society where the po-faced minority hold sway. Led by a certain type of sour,man-hating women backed by the gullible Twitter mob, they seem determined to inflict their views on everyone….The Sisterhood know best.
    They don’t really care for their fellow women,who they consider too stupid and uneducated to know their own minds,,,anyhow some of these women may aspire to the unacceptable state of marriage to a man,children and being a housewife. “Fuck no”scream the harridans.”We know better,and we’ll impose our will for your own good,like it or not.”
    They accept any perversion,be it sexual or moral,just as long as it undermines the patriarchal system. In their mind all men are “beasts” apart from the ones who they dominate. They preach that men are responsible for everything bad, that the majority of women are unable to know their own minds,and that only they,The Sisterhood,are the future.
    Doesn’t matter now whether a man is guilty or not of whatever crime he happens to be accused of. Twitter and The Wimmin are judge,jury and executioner. Hell,it’s not even just men that they seek to dominate,it’s other women too.
    They are truly The Monstrous Regiment of Women and unless both normal men and women are prepared to say “Enough,No more.” they will continue on their relentless march to total takeover by a bunch of screaming,hysterical termagants..

    • The man haters have one thing in common -they are all mank. I haven’t seen one gorgeous liberal man hater.

      When I lived in Los Angeles, there was a fascinating documentary about NFL cheerleaders. They aren’t brain dead bimbos. They are usually professional. There were lawyers. accountants, graduates in all subjects, police officers etc. They aren’t paid (unless it’s changed). They just enjoy doing it. Good for them I say.

      • And it’s sickening to see how once attractive female celebritiies are dumbing down just to placate and hang with this baying feminazi mob… Kunty Perry ditched her femininity and adopted the dyke look, while Scarlett Johansson appeared in Playboy with a boy’s haircut and a duffle coat… She looked like something from Greenham Common instead of the sex symbol she once was… I’m not a big Kylie Minogue fan, but at least she still looks like a real woman…

      • Bandwagonism of the highest order!!
        To the best of my knowledge the girls doing the pit lane, boxing and darts were not sex slaves!, they were not young woman trafficked by Eastern European gangsters ! They were there Of their own free will to add a little colour to the occasion…….1
        Fuck the feminazi for this shit and the virtue signalling enablers!! Cunts one and all…

      • Bandwagonism of the highest order!!

        To the best of my knowledge the girls doing the pit lane, boxing and darts were not sex slaves!, they were not young woman trafficked by Eastern European gangsters ! They were there Of their own free will to add a little colour and glamour to the occasion…….
        Fuck the feminazi for this shit and the virtue signalling enablers!! Cunts one and all…

    • Fucking bang on!

      That femanzi bitch, Bev Turner on LBC wnats to ban pit girls and she is a model! Do as I say not do as I do…..

  3. I think we will find that it is not actual feminists that brought this about but the climate of cuntitude following Harver Cockwanker in the States and the infamous London charidee party where hostesses were allegedly abused, although no evidence was ever produced.
    It matters not what the majority think. The shrill storm of the professionally outraged wins every time.

    • Yes Professional Outrage, Virtue-Signalling and Grief-Jacking.

      All born of the modern phenomena of wishing to be “liked” via an app.

      The same cunts who Tweet: “OMG! Grenfell! You poor people. UKGOV do right by them! ❤?❤”

      And two-thousand likes later in a council meeting, to put some of the “you poor people” in gaffs in their area, this is met with: “They’re not coming here! My house is worth £950,000! It’ll be halved if those cunts move in!”

      O’course they don’t say THAT on Twatter do they! It’s the two-faced nature of it which is sickening. You only expected that shit from politicians but now every cunt on anti-social meejah is at it.

      Also as they can condemn/condone anonymously behind a tag and an avatar and there are no reprocussions associated with their statements.

      If their bullshit was associated with a real address, etc., I wonder how impressed they’d be if Philip Schofield turned up: “Hi, Jemimah? Jemimah Hendricks-Farquarharson?”


      “We we so impressed by the feeling and sentiment in your Tweet about Grenfell we thought we come and thank you in person!”

      “Er, yah, well it was the right thing to do yah! Those poor, poor, people!”

      “Yes and now meet Mustafa. He’ll be staying with you for the next 6 months to 12 years while his place gets sorted!”

      “I’m sorry but he’s a grown man! He must be in his 40’s and there’s no way…I mean…I have children for goodness sake!!!”

      “Oh, I see, so when you Tweeted that if they say they’re children because they have no documents that we should believe them you didn’t really mean it?”

      “Well, er, erm….Look Schofield just fuck off you grey-haired cunt! And take Ali fucking Baba with you! Now get the fuck off my property before I release the hounds!”

      That’s the reality right there. Two-face cunts with more sides than a thruppenny bit!

  4. The only cunts unhappy with pit girls are fat, ugly, self loathing bitches who hide their jealousy behind a cause, any cause…

  5. It also shows how thick and pig ignorant these cunts are… The Me Too movement was actually founded ten years ago to help genuine victims of sexual harassment and abuse from all professions and walks of life… But, of course, nobody gives a fuck (or even knows) about that little fact… But some self serving celebrislags like Mila Kuntis, Devil Streep, Natalie Polanski, sorry, I mean Portman and Skanklett Johansson hijack it with their ‘Time’s Up’ vanity project and these cunts on Twatter think it’s great and act like these Hollyweird slappers invented it, while the real founders and feminist fighters aren’t even acknowledged… As The Housemartins once sang, ‘It’s sheep we’re up against’….

  6. The feminist brigade want to destroy men and will gladly make other women unemployed depressed and lonely in pursuit of that goal.

  7. Oliver Cromwell had the same tyranical zeal. He banned Xmas, banned certain games, and any poor sod having a good time paid a hefty price. Cromwell lasted 10 years ruling the country much in the manner of Corby and his half wit cronies. The poor sods danced a right old jig when “Olly” popped his clogs, and “hello Charlie” was the toast of the land.

    So. We live in times of misery and cuntitude eh? Well something tells me that nature being as it is will take only so much. I look forward to a brighter future. And , as for those girls in the pits. I don’t give a fuck. Unemployment may be of some help.

  8. I used to think I had quite a progressive attitude towards women’s rights.

    However, these feminazi cunts have managed to turn me into the worst misogynist ever.

    See also homophobia and LGBT123CUNT or whatever they’re ‘identifying’ as today.

    All ties in with what I said in an earlier post – anyone unfortunate enough to be educated after Blair got into power is a fucking halfwit. More interested in the volume of their argument than the merit of it.

    I also note that Uma Thurman has put her head over the trenches and accused Harvey weinstein of the casting culture bolleaux. Unfortunately there are several pictures in the public domain of them together after this all took place, so, as a fellow that is not inclined towards giving the benefit of the doubt – she can’t have been that fucking upset.

    Do these idiots think we’re only just finding out about the casting couch?! Nope. Sorry. Bit too late to start giving it ‘I’m a lady!’

    • I think most men are purposefully mischaracterised as misogynist if the object to third wave feminism.Feminism used to be about a woman’s right to choose jobs and lifestyles and other rights such as voting and equal pay for equal work.Now it has become a movement that simply lumps any man that objects into the misogynist camp and every single woman to the victim camp.Feminist activists see themselves as priests or nuns and they indeed share the condemnation and blackmail techniques of organised religion.Modern day feminists would no doubt laugh at old footage of Mary Whitehouse yet they are the same in that they want everything they object to to be censored or even better banned.

  9. Fuck pit girls, the ban is just another symptom of the fact we’ve reached the end of the road.

    I mean, have we as a nation produced anything of beauty or lasting value in the last 20 years? What’s happening now is Nature’s way of euthanising a decadent and unproductive cunt culture, simples.

    And a well deserved end it is too. Russians, peacefuls, or whoever else fancies taking over soon need do nothing more than sit back, enjoy the show, and wait.

  10. More to the point, from right to left

    1. Oh yes
    2. Oh yes, just look at them thighs
    3. Oh yes, sweet looking girl
    4. Flat as board but hey, we’re here now
    5. Looks drunk already, up for anything
    6. Tanned chipmunk, not my cup of tea
    7. Filthy slapper, however I wouldn’t crawl over her to get to any of you cunts
    8. Let’s oil up and have a wrestle baby! That one I would enjoy.

    • No.4 flat as a board will do for me Dick – though an extra mouthful of tit would have been nice…but slim over chunky wins me over every time. Unless it’s excessively ginger or ugly, of course.

      Besides, it’s a fairly safe bet Fiddler won’t have been up her.

      • Really?

        I like a girl with a bit of meat on her bones, not too much mind, healthy rather than fat. Skinny birds, well you are welcome to them.

        But yes, ginger is a serious no-no. How gingers procreate is a mystery to me.

      • Likewise Shitcake

        Used to go for the fuller figure however give me a skinny girl every time.

        Think they try harder.

  11. No pit girls at Silverstone? I want a refund even though I haven’t bought my ticket yet. The cunts.

  12. Off point….
    it’s been reported in the guardian that
    ISAC favourite and ironically the named lord “ADONIS “ is launching a nation wide tour designed to change the electorates views and reverse brexit?
    Well good luck you fuckin bald headed wanker!!

    Adonis has obviously attended the same university as Blair and passed out with a 1.1 in lack of self awareness!
    The guardian reported that even some staunch remainers aren’t keen on the idea………

    Like chuka , Clegg and Blair Adonis proports to represent the people? Although judging by the publics reaction it appears to be very much a minority of the minority!!

    • Roll up! Roll up! – Come see the weedy democracy hating shaved rat.

      Goodnight Q, sleep well.

  13. There’s a brilliant picture of the late great Shagger of Formula 1 James Hunt, sat in his car pre race.

    There’s a pit girl standing next to him with an ass to die for, Hunts eyes are firmly fixed on the subject, no words accompany the picture and they weren’t needed!

    As far as I’m aware the BTCC haven’t yet announced a ban on pit girls and as that’s my preferred motor sport I shall continue to enjoy my mysogyinistic, stick that one in the wank bank narrow mindedness that apparently helps to oppress those very women who willingly use their beauty as a tradeable asset to make a living that gives them independence.

    How ironic that the Feminazi should seek to deny these women the very thing they campaign for.

  14. My boss makes flirty banter and slightly dirty comments to women.Most love it.They know he is a bit of a comedian and a terrible flirt.Most women are jokingly told about him before they start.The ones who don’t like his banter just say “fuck off cunt”.No issue with him.He is a top bloke just Un PC and unashamedly fancies attractive women.

  15. Dawn Butler on Sky News is she Diane Abbotts marginally less retarded little sister?

    • Dawn Butler is a bigger cunt tgan maths genius Diane Flabbot. Her behaviour during PMQ’s is fucking disgusting.I have written to her in this regard.

      • Foul overgrown slugs like Butler should not be allowed in the chamber – her very existence is a fucking outrage, plus the fact she shamelessly exploits the goodwill associated with the name of a much loved British comedy star from ‘On The. Buses’.

  16. Be interesting to see if they try it with the Brolly Girls in British Superbikes given that around half of them are the riders wives/girlfriends.

  17. Looking on the bright side. When the grid girl gig goes south, a lot of these young stunners may have to turn to porn to make ends meet.

    I can’t wait.

    • Very true… So another own goal for the feminazis, putting sisters’ jobs at risk.

      They’ve chosen to do this, rather than be paid the minimum wage for shelf-filling, check-outing &c.

      Isn’t feminazism supposed to be about wimmin choosing their own paths ??

      Wot a naive cunt I obviously am.

  18. Off topic: Show on radio 4 last night about drugs..Mother of dead junkie demands to know why her sons heorin had animal grade fentanyl in it as this killed him. Amswer: Who cares? Also: mother of Somali scumbag topped in Wormwood Scrubs: “I want answers! My son should have been safe in prison!” If you fuck off back home I will send you a copy of the investigation outcome by 2nd class post…

    • Couldn’t agree more, Kravdarth. Bunch of bastards shouldn’t be here in the first place. As for the junkie, to fucking bad, the deluded cunt.

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