Anna Soubry [2]

A quick emergency cunting for the poor post menopausal minging remaining cunt that is Anna Soubry.

Every fucking week she’s on the biased news that is BBC moaning and whinging about how to stop Brexit, I swear if she could she’d launch a terrorist attack against leavers, she’s such a world class cunt .

She always looks like she’s in need of commitment to a mental institution. She’s seriously fucked up .

Even today she’s back on the news with Cunty Ummana. Yep on the good old biased BBC again with her plan to stop Brexit .

Fuck off Anna we all hate you . Go live in Belgium or on the fucking asteroid that nearly just hit us .

Nominated by Cunt Care Less

86 thoughts on “Anna Soubry [2]

  1. Often described in the press as a ‘Tory traitor’ it is a little known fact that she was a founder member of the SDP so basically a TURNCOAT Tory traitor.

    Also co-chairs the APPG on EU Relations with aims to let the people have their say on Brexit – ignoring the fact that this is what happened in 2016.

    Thankfully she has a majority of 389 so we should be shot of her in a few years especially as her constituency voted Leave.

    • Not a founder member of the SDP, but like a lot of cunts torn between Snatcher and Foot, she had “a dalliance” with them for a while…

      Currently my favourite for COTY 2018.

      • You’re wrong –

        “LIBERAL SOCIALIST Anna Soubry a former Liberal Party and SDP member”

        “In the early 1980s, at the high point of Margaret Thatcher’s radicalism, Ms Soubry quit the party.

        She was then named as one of eight young Conservatives who sent a statement to The Times newspaper announcing that they were defecting to the Social Democratic Party (SDP), which had been formed by a breakaway group of Labour politicians. When asked about it last night, she denied joining the SDP.

        On Monday, she claimed the only way the Tories could avoid a mass exodus of members was by becoming what it once was – ‘One Nation, centrist, and socially liberal’.

        Her memory must be playing tricks. The Tory Party that Ms Soubry rejoined in 2002 was led by Iain Duncan Smith, whose policies were fiercely Right-wing and anti-Europe”

        Definitely SDP. Definitely a turncoat. Fact.

      • Can I nominate cunts who don’t know what the word ‘founder’ fucking means as opposed ‘member’. Christ almighty!!

    • Yes, and the majority of voters in her constituency voted to leave. Can’t imagine thee beimg too happy at her ignoring them.

  2. She has a narcissistic tendency and is clearly a sociopath.She I think genuinely believes she is logically and morally superior than pretty much everyone else.Brexit being the prime example but on every other issue she has the demeanour of a teacher who has been asked a stupid question.She questioned leavers mental health but I have met some genuine certifiable nutters in my time and she has dangerously similar traits.

  3. The reason that the old trout can get away with spouting her shite is down to the fact that the tories are a busted flush. May is a hopelessly weak leader who,whether by design or accident,is overseeing the betrayal of Brexit. If Cameron or May had signed Article 50 immediately,the ground would have been gone under Soubry and her supporters’ feet.
    Soubry might well be a Cunt,but at least she’s a pretty straightforward Cunt. She fights tooth and nail for what she apparently believes….What a shame the Brexit negotiators seem so loath to do the same.

    • Those same negotiators are currently in the process of throwing away another of our strongest cards (apart from the money one which we’ve already conceded):

      Co-operation re Intelligence /Security matters, for which we appear to be asking nothing in return.

      Name one concession we’ve ever had from the 4th Reich?


      • We haven’t got shit from the 4th Reich.

        For fuck sake, this level of intransigence from the EU is exactly why we all wanted out! Right? RIGHT?!

      • Surely this is a red herring?

        We are still privileged to information from Interpol which is International and not just EU countries. EU shares with Interpol who share with us, simple!

        Its not like the EU can tell interpol not to share who the names of EU scumbags with us can they and allow them to travel to GB without warning?

        That would be them classed as hiding and harbouring criminals / terrorists from us.

        It obviously goes both ways in there interests to access the information we give to interpol.

        Episodes of crimewatch and a read of news around GB on teletext will tell you we get more scum from them than we export and we being islands with the ultimate barrier can protect ourselves better from them than they can from us.

        Shore up coastal defenses and have an extreme vetting process sifting out those with something to hide and shutdown on migrants with no checkable history for a start.

        We coped fine before the EU and we will do so again, in fact despite the “sharing of information” you could argue it hasn’t been great for us. Also bear in mind many of the EU countries hasn’t got good enough Intel to protect themselves.

        If the English Channel didn’t exist and we were joined by land to France, we would be really fucked, big style!

      • Red herring or not (and most Brexit negotiations are admittedly red herrings), the point is the EU values and needs our Intelligence information and cooperation far more than we need the little we get from them, and we should be demanding substantial concessions, like the ability to decide who we let in and who we can boot out – why are we not making the most of such a strong card? Cunts.

      • Its senseless time wasting, is the EU deliberately picking over simple things like this when surely there is more relevant things to be discussed.

        They wasted months in that process pre referendum where after “much discussion & negotiations”, Cameron came back with no offerings enough to sway the nation into voting remain. They really thought we were bluffing and those worthless titbits (GB can do this and that and the next thing, BUT we can overrule if we don’t like it) were supposed to be enough to tip us to remain?

        Its as if they are seeing how much they can get away with further bullying and dictating to us. Further bluffing & time wasting.

        I’d rather leave now and get trade deals set up with America before their next election. Unlike the EU, I think their stalling tactic is useless as Trump will get another term anyway.

        They want us to suffer and having no deals with USA is key to our punishment. Imagine if that Merkel arse kissing Obama was President now? We would be set for shit deals on their instruction.

        A point I’m trying to make is this remainder mentality is an anchor thats slowing us down when we should be in the driving seat hitting the accelerator pedal thriving forward. Not only silly & stupid, its like they are hell bent on trying to reprogram the Sat Nav for “a broken Britain”, broken both politically and financially.

        Remoaners have broke and divided every political party within the country, they just have to bring us to our kness financially and shout to the world that we are a wasted nation not worth the risk of any future deals. The world will then see a really fucked Britain where remain & leave are an irrelevant thing of the past.

      • The EU treat us like mugs because our politicians (aided by an EU sycophantic media) and Civil Service behave like mugs. And it doesn’t help that 80% of them are committed Remainers on top.

        Mugs ever since we joined the EEC in 1973.

        For example, if an EU law is passed that individual EU countries don’t like, they just ignore it. What does the UK do? Follow the cunt to the letter! As members, we’re our own worst enemy.

        At least IF we leave, our vacuous politicians won’t be able to blame anyone but themselves for the shithole this country is fast becoming.

      • It was always said ( of immigration ) If you can’t change the minds of the stubborn British people, change the British people.

        ( from a reported conversation between Blair & Brown )

    • It would make you think Scameron resigned, having planned to drag out the process to give the remoaners time to line up some ducks.

      Surely if he signed article 50 right away, we wouldn’t have had the Gina Millar nonsense happen in time.

      To the tower with the lot of them traitors or the least they can do is piss off to some EU state seeing they love being walked like a dog every day by Spunker & Co.

      Noticed that scrawny sewar rat Umuna is always hanging out Sourface’s arse these days.

      I think its time that the dirt was dug up on him and his family to give him something to occupy him.

      Remember, the dirt he wanted left so much he dropped out of the labour leadership two days after telling us how it was his dream job.

      Must be right dirty dirt.

    • This is the thing that really pisses me off, the squidgy bitch took her new position as PM the same day but it took a fucking year to invoke Article 50. Perhaps in future the ‘winners’ of a General Election can be told they have to wait a year before they take power.

      • I can’t even imagine how pissed I would have to be to go from one side to the other as JC does and I really don’t believe that cunt has any idea which arse to wipe!

      • I had something specific in mind when I wrote this, but I’m buggered if I can think what it was :>)

    • This is because May is a remainer. It’s not fucking rocket science to see what is going on and why.

  4. A fucking mental fucked up evil fucking revolting old bitch. This disgusting old fishwife has been remoaning like a cunt from day one onwards. The fucking whore just never shuts up about it….on and on and on. Imagine being shacked up with this cunt ? You’d go fucking mad and almost certainly turn gay. Unsurprisingly she loves the gays and the trannies. If the useless jelly masquerading as a Prime Minister hadn’t fucked up the election she would have enough of a majority to withdraw the whip from this traitorous scrubber.
    Speaking of the Hunchback did anyone see her yesterday, in Berlin, licking the Merkel bumhole? What a pathetic figure she struck. The EU fascists must be pissing themselves laughing the cunts.

    • May lost her majority on purpose. How else can you explain her refusal to actually do any electioneering and that policy announcement on Fox Hunting , for fucks sake !!!!!

  5. I think maybe we should step back from this cunting. She is fighting like mad for what she believes in. She has no monetary interest. It wouldn’t be democracy if we didn’t listen to all arguemennts.

    As an aside, The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys is fucking genius.

    • The whole album or just the track? I’ve always favoured the version from ‘On The Road’.

      Sometimes I feel so uninspired…

      • If I gave you everything that I owned?
        And asked for nothing in return
        Would you do the same for me as I would for you?
        Or take me for a ride
        And strip me of everything, including my pride
        But the spirit is something that no one destroys

        ? ? ?

    • An MP is elected to represent her constituents not to represent her personal beliefs.
      If she wants to do that, she should resign her seat and fight as an individual. Her constituency voted Leave. She is paid as an MP to represent that view so yes she does have a financial interest.

    • I have a whole new respect for CnR…Listen to to him…he’s gone all Locke and Mill on us…educated cunt that he is.

      ? ?

  6. When Sour-berries was clamouring for the sacking of several Tory MPs (in order to quell discourse in the ranks) if May had had any backbone she should have said to this glorified TV presenter: “Ok Anna, so you want harmony in the party eh? Well seeing how you’re biggest shit-stirrer of the lot, instead of sacking a load of MPs who aren’t traitorous cunts like you, I’ve decided to just sack you! Now fuck off before I let Mogg come in and tear you a new common sense arsehole!”

    Sour-berries is all for the EU gravy-train and Soros jizz because she sees it as a right for her to be a fucking useless member of parliament to then go on to some 6 figure EU salary for doing what she does now – which is fuck all!

  7. I looked at those hacked picture of Scarlett Johannson. If there are any of Soubry in the same style,I’ll look at them too.. Then I’ll judge her.

    • Is that the picture where Scar-Jo’s head has been photoshopped onto Rentaghost jester Timothy Claypole’s body?

      • Absolutely not…I wouldn’t be looking at any of that tranny porn where something with a female visage does the dirty and suddenly reveals it’s hidden “tickling-stick”….I’m no pervert,I’ll stick to private pictures of a girl with spunk dribbling down her chin.

      • Yes indeed. I seem to recall that you mentioned those pictures the other day. You mean the ones of Pop Idol behemoth Michelle McManus? I think you’ll find that’s liquefied lard dribbling down her chin, Mr F, not spunk.

      • “Liquefied lard?” I actually dated a larger lady who ran a burger van just off the M6. She was a slippery mare,which I put down to the grease from all the burgers she doled out…It was a brief romance,a passing fling,two ships in the night sort of affair…anyway to cut a long story short, I did her between the bacon-bap rush and the burger orders. She lowered the front flap of the burger van to protect her modesty from prying eyes. She was a lady with class.

      • An experience I can identify with. I had a quick dalliance with the bird from the kebab van. As a muzzie though, she kept her burka on and insisted that, because she didn’t want to get pregnant, I was to bend her over the chopped kebab vegetables and give her a back-scuttling. She had a really hairy arse too. And a rather deep voice.

      • One drop of a flap and it turned into a bugger van.

        Hope you got in early before the breakfast & lunch rush, it would have been like a pot of Hellman’s by the time she got home

      • I sometimes wish that I too could be slightly more cosmopolitan in my outlook.
        Did you have chilli or garlic sauce on your spicy meat?

      • Chilli sauce, naturally. Actually, considering the swarthy muzzie-ness of alot of these kebab shop/van Johnnys, I’m rather suprised there hasn’t been some sort of kebab “meat” bomb detonated simultaneously at various kebab establishments across the country at precisely 2am on a Sunday morning…they’d kill fucking hundreds.

      • Shit. Good point. How peaceful are the Turks though? I thought they were quite peaceful. As in “peaceful”, rather than peaceful “peaceful”. Swarthy sweaty cunts still, though.

      • “Giving them ideas” SB? You could be right…imagine an outbreak of hairy-arsed gay muslims hoodwinking poor innocents like Mr.Cunt-Engine. The mind boggles.
        🙂 .

      • Alas, my comment was wishful thinking and a total lie. In actual fact, I stole an elephants’ leg of raw kebab meat from the back of the van, got it home, shaped it with a knife and then dressed it like a muzzie woman (a ‘muzette’?). Then bummed the resulting abomination. Still more pleasant than fucking an actual Iraqi woman, I would imagine. Smelled better too.

      • The Turks are 99.8% Muzzies and therefore follow the religion of peace. Make of that what you will.

      • Dear me, Basement Bob…you’ve taken a couple of tender,romantic tales and sullied them with your coarse badinage a Cad and a Bounder,Sir.
        🙂 .

      • Please accept my alopogy in not seeing the romance and tenderness in your snack bar tucker challenge and for voicing my filthy thoughts of a quick “milky way”, the shag that you can have in between meaningful shags without ruining your sexual appetite.

        Was the name of this snack bar The Crusty Apron by chance?

  8. Anyone watching the Eubank Grove fight?
    That ring announcer looks a right creepy cunt with his fucking stupid dradlocked barnet, and fuck me, what did Naseem Hamed do with his last opponent, eat the fucker, he’s a right fat bastard.
    Back on topic though, Soubry is indeed a malignant ugly cunt, who needs kicking in her dried up smelly cunt, the cunt

  9. Does anybody here seriously believe that the Brexit, even as it was was voted for at the time, is going to happen in any shape or form?

    As pissed as I am, I reckon not.

    End of moggie tonight, snore.

  10. Oh, forgot to say if this ugly bag is stuck for action she might get some from Cox the sex pest.

    The two sado desperate cases would be a good remoaning match.

    I knew he was a wrong ‘un and I’m betting his missus knew too. He was probably up to know good back then, hence her fucking off to foreign shores fighting the plight of the peacefuls.

    I hope his neighbours bombard his letterbox with copies of tomorrows papers for years to come so that his kids find out the truth about him, though I’d rather her family took them off the cunt instead and shielded them from him. Cunt!

  11. Nothing more to add except that she’s a despicable, anti-democratic harpee who looks like she gave birth to all three members of Hanson after Richard “Living on my island” dropped his man yoghurt on her witch-like face and let the flies do the rest.

    “? Mmm-bop, she’s a Mmm-cunt…?”

      • Saint Brendan of The Blessed Cunt had this to say:

        ‘I take responsibility for my actions and will hold myself to a higher standard in the future.’

        What a smear of fucking slime….

      • I knew it, he was at it in 2015 while his wife was still alive.

        I’m expecting a tsunami of metoo once the american women he pestered realise who the parasite was that pestered them.

        Clearly, he never expected to get put into the spotlight back then.

      • That Saint Jo cunt was obviously a right deluded mug. Fooled by the European Union AND a her scumbag misogynist husband to boot!

        Have to feel sorry for the kids though…or I would if I wasn’t such a callous cunt.

      • ‘I take responsibility for my actions and will hold myself to a higher standard in the future.’

        As opposed holding himself against a hapless female by the throat?

      • Norman, I wonder how he avoided looking in a mirror all his life until the day when he had his near moment.

        Didn’t realise the cunts bagged three wives over the years either.

      • “While I do not accept the allegations contained in the 2015 complaint to the police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I do acknowledge…”

        Why resign then? Perhaps now you’ll shut the fuck up, you hypocritical, “do-gooder” cunt.

    • He’s getting some constructive feedback on his twatter account.

      Will he stand the heat or delete his account and run from the kitchen I wonder.

      A few crawlers still feeling sorry for him telling him to hang in there as nobody can stop him being a great dad? Snowflake cunts!

      Think about this then…Was he being a great dad when he was out dining & touching up another woman while the kids were at home with their mother?

      The Sunday papers won’t hit delete.

      • Dead right, Bob…. The bloke is a total cunt, end of… As far as cashing on his dead wife is concerned he makes Juan Peron look like an amateur… And the brass nerve of the twat to lecture people when he’s a fucking sex pest and a philandering cunt?! What a fucker he really is…

        As for the social media mongs and snowflake libfucks who are ‘supporting’ him? These ethics-free vermin would stick up for him even if he killed someone, as long as he was against Brexit… These cunts would cheer Jack the fucking Ripper if he had a ‘Remain’ badge on… They are scum with no standards or principles whatsoever…

  12. “Higher standard in the future”
    That’s because the sneaky cunt knows he’ll get another highly paid cushy job somewhere these kind of cunts always do. Mandleson, Campbell, Bliar the three horse men of the Cuntopacalypse they aren’t fit to clean the sludge tanks at a sewage works but have all somehow got highly paid influencial positions.
    It was ever thus.
    We are all fucked.

  13. Ha Ha, Timothy Claypole. If I recall, the actor who played him was an arsehole astronaut and died from having too much clay around his pole?

  14. Fucking Brendan Sux-Cox has been found out. But don’t worry all the compassionate lefty wanks and your Sourberrys and Oo Oo Umunnas will be backing the slithery cunt. Let’s face it what he did was wrong but nowhere near as bad as some rich cunts giving millions to charity while looking at some birds in short skirts. They should be shot at dawn. No, poor old Brendan baby needs support and a nice little job in the ‘free money’ business. Cunt. Rumour has it that his mrs was done for by a hit man.

  15. I like this Soubry woman. Along with Blair, Soros, Clegg, Clarke and the rest they are Brexit’s strongest argument. She should have her own prime time TV show – ‘ Remoaning with Anna. You are all doomed and I know best.’

  16. Yeah…..he’s got that look about him. a sort of scruffy looking shoplifter look . looks devious.
    Not to help one of ‘their own’ when he’s in need watch out for him
    being appointed advisor to Oxfam, or foreign correspondant to the
    ‘Beano’ or maybe special advisor to Diane Abbott.

  17. I assume you cunts all read The Sun…


    Perhaps the aforementioned subject of this cunting should too…assuming of course the miserable cunt can in fact read.

  18. I’ve known some total and utter cunts in my time, but this gin-sodden old whore takes the fucking biscuit. And she’s got a face like fire-damaged lego. CUNT of the first magnitude.

  19. Shes at it again the cunt !! but i cant be arsed to do her cunting again .
    Id be at it every fucking week otherwise. KOTY without doubt .

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