Emergency cunting for Virgin trains. They are refusing to sell the Daily Mail. Apparently the snowflakes who work there find the paper offensive! Boo hoo …..
Nominated by kravdarth.
Branson is a fucking cunt. He hoovers up taxpayers subsidies and then fucks off to avoid paying it himself. Now the cunt bans a newspaper from his trains because the staff object to it. What a load of fucking bollocks!!
Like they can object to anything.
“Excuse me Mr Branson I object to the slave wages you pay us.”
“ Oh yeah…..well there are plenty of Poles, Lithuanians and assorted Muzzies to take your place. Don’t like it then fuck off cunt.”
Cunt has banned the Mail because it’s not a pro EU toilet roll. Bastard fucking cunt.
Nominated by Freddie The Frog.
Daniella Westbrooks donut. Now there’s a shit hole ?
You could always use her nose if the ringpiece is a bit slack. Now there’s no septum there it makes for a handy 4th orifice for Mr Sausage.
In the 80’s “Sam Butcher” was well do-able until she got in with that goateed dwarf Brian Harvey. A cunt so thick he ran himself over with his own Range Rover!
I bet it was ‘im who got Ms Westbrook hooked on the auld Bolivian marching powder.
Fucking little talentless cunt!
Come on mods are you getting your thread blocking stuff from the Googlecunts liberatI?
Won’t be long before unless we’re talking about fluffy kittens or safe spaces that it’ll go through in one pass!
Nowt in the post (above – eventually) that’s inflammatory or hasn’t been in the (un)popular press already.
I don’t like to dis the powers that be but that’s utter shite filtering chaps! ?
I think it sometimes has a mind of its own.
I get moderated frequently yet there are no inflammatory trigger words in these posts.
It can be annoying and a pain when it doesn’t go thru until the thread is dead, but hey-ho.
I’m sure it is accidental as I’m familiar with your work and know that you keep it clean, Rebel Without a Cunt.
(hope you don’t mind me answering this query, but in my experience, questions to the men behind the ISAC curtain rarely get answered)
I used to answer them, even if the reply was ‘Fuck off’!
Moderation is handled two ways. WP-Spamshield is a plug in that filters out, well, spam but can make mistakes. Your comments may then disappear into a black hole without anyone knowing it was ever there but you.
The other method is in the WordPress discussion settings. That uses trigger words, email addresses and the like. It also occasionally gets things wrong in which case it joins the moderation queue.
Also if you use a different IP or have finger trouble with your spelling it will treat you as a first time comment and moderate you.
The moderation queue has to be manually checked by an administrator who can approve or delete the comment. It can also be edited then released. Libellous parts can be removed and the rest published.
Recently we’ve had one admin moving house, one with job worries, two away in business so the queue wasn’t getting cleared. Life does get in the way. My arsy comment was because I was getting loads of complaining emails about something I have no control over any more because I can’t access the queue these days.
There you go. Question answered…?
You did answer them Dioclese, even if it was fuck off…… but I don’t even get a “fuck off” when I ask the present admin questions.
Not once have they answered a query, and that is their right, but it’s a bit ignorant……
I have been busy clearing the backlog of 30 plus noms by scheduling them for future publication.
What is the question you would like answered for which you feel you have been ignored?
Read the header on the Nominations page. The post got queued. Unless of course you’d prefer 10 posts today and none for the next week..?
I remember getting on a virgin train a few years back, on a failed trip to Alnwick castle.
After getting on the train at Darlington, we were faced with the usual…..fuck all seats, so had to stand in the aisle near the toilets. The whole fucking carriage stank of piss and the carpet was soaked too (I assumed that was piss also), and I couldn’t even open a fucking window!
I haven’t used the fucking train since. In fact I don’t go any fucking where anymore because I fucking hate the human race. I can’t think of anything worse than being sandwiched with a bunch of the cunts on a train or in a traffic jam, mainly due to letting every cunt and his dog into this already overcrowded country. CUNTS!
Think I was on that train. Nine hour failed journey, pish flooding out the bogs and no seats. The bar ran dry too but not before I’d got a good share.
With you all the way on your journey A.R. Sole…
When is this party boys space rocket supposed to be fucking taking off. Is it delayed because of Brexit?
The sooner this cunt and his ilk all get launched into space the better.
I must cunt the current HSBC tv advert most grievously.
I have now had the misfortune to see it in its vile entirety, too many times.
What a total heap of cack.
I don’t know if the bloke is anyone famous, but he has got an exceptionally aggravating set of facial features, and makes me want to projectile-vomit copiously.
It is so fuckin globalist, I can almost hear Manilow-esque crescendos being pounded ponderously on the Soros-Rothschild piano…
Coincidentally the TVs advert I have hated most by far of all time is also courtesy of HSBC.
The one with the pretentious snotty girl child making and selling lemonade telling customers in a whiny American voice that she also accepts Hong Kong dollars. Hate it, hate it, hate it.
Also remember clearly taking a call on a Saturday morning from a HSBC representative asking to speak to my youngest daughter (who was not actually living here at the time). My daughter (who is usually very good managing her finances) told me when I asked why they would call on a Saturday morning, that she had just gone overdrawn by approximately £15 and that she had already received a letter and £25 charge for the oversight. They had also called her on her mobile about “the situation”.
My daughter transferred to Natwest the following week.
Hate fucking HSBC and everything the cunts stand for.
If Big Don did say ‘shitholes’ about… well… shitholes then he is a daft cunt… It’s nice to boil libfuck piss, but talk about making yourself a target for the snowflakes and the Trump hating media… That said though, All the snowflakes and libmongs who are blubbering in a fetal position because they heard profanity will next whine for a safe space… Yet these leftist scum say fuck all about the aggression, racism, sexism and general filth that is in most rap music… Cunts…
Think he is past caring.
Whatever big Don says these days is always guaranteed to upset someone. I like the fact that he speaks his mind and calls a spade a spade.
Sure were he to use even this phrase many people will take offence and deem it racist, sexist, islamaphobic, elitist, etc. The usual fucking professional snowflake whingers with nothing better to do with their pathetic lives.
Like him or hate him at least he has a backbone and is trying to change stuff. Unlike our own useless excuse of a prime minister. Stupid bitch.
Anyone have Bella Emberg in their Pool?
Fucking Krissake! No Daily Mail on Virgin? What are we going to wipe our arses on?
And a happy new year, Sir…
The Guardian for a start.
Perhaps Private Eye if out of the Guardian?
Just like his friend Tony Blair, he has a poofy voice and a moronic grin on his face all the time. Just like Blair he is money mad and has fuck all principles, and just like Blair he would be first to stick his tongue up the arse of Juncker.
This Cunt Branston, epitomises what is wrong with this world. A greedy money fleecing cunt, who has built his empire on the backs of tax payers, government funded loans. People are suggesting dates, for when he became a “Cunt”, this was obviously as he shot out of his fathers ball bag.
Even when his empire tax haven paradise, was battered by the storms, you can safely bet, he will grab UK money to facilitate repairs.
You joke about a Virgin undertakers, but if their was a way of tapping into tax payers / government funded cash, to do this, you can guarantee, this cut would be in there.
We can only hope this thieving bastard, is on the 1st fatal flight into space and some of his tax avoiding mates are with him.
A soulless, pious, annoying, tax-payers money thieving cunt, if ever there was one.