Enoch Powell denigraters

I’d like to cunt those who denigrate Enoch Powell, the most principled, honest and patriotic politician Britain has ever had since the second world war (only rivaled by Sir Nigel Farage).

The only politician to listen to the consensus of what people wanted rather than what the political establishment consensus decided the people should want. And that is why they hated him so much.

So here’s to you Enoch. And here’s a massive fuck you to the bastards who denigrate you.

Nominated by Toomanycuntstoomanymanycunts

58 thoughts on “Enoch Powell denigraters

  1. What is of concern is that both yesteryear politicians from the left and right, Michael Foot and Maggie Thatcher acknowleged that Enoch Powell’s speech did raise valid concerns.

    Wind the clock forward 30 years and no politician apart from Sir Nigel of Farage acknowledge Powell and his speech as anything other than ‘wacist’.

    Debate within this country is now so stifled by the point scoring career politicians, the Twatterati and Lily Mong, that Powell’s speech is declared by the above to be the Antichrist. Any politician that would have the temerity to acknowledge the merits of the speech would lose their job and be demonised.

    I suspect many people with a reasonably high IQ can see exactly where Powell’s concerns were coming from. Sadly it is now too late for this country.

  2. Fucking Treeza May caving in YET AGAIN – this time to Macron’s demand that we pay an extra £45million a year toward Frog’s lack of border control!

    FFS – WHY?! Answer: COS MAY IS A MUG. And, by implication, so are the British people.

    The Frogs choose to let ANYONE in (along with their bearded children) and we have to pay. I despair.

    Think I know what Enoch would have done…

    • What the fuck gives the hunchback the right to spunk £45m of taxpayers cash to the frogs who should be preventing 30 year old bearded peaceful children from entering their land in the first place?

      This feeble, hopeless, minority voted leader should fuck off now unless she is hell bent on handing the keys of no.10 to Corblimey.

      • I’m not usually one for conspiracy theories, but am increasingly convinced none of this could be happening without it being a massive stitch-up from day one after the referendum.

        Not one advantage have we so far secured above or beyond Remaining. We’re still paying £40billion, and for what? Guarantees on immigration control is FAR from being a given. Not one concession from the EU, all from UK. It’s all so fucking obvious. And now this.

        George Orwell warned us of it as long ago as 1948:

        THE BIG LIE…now it’s upon us.

      • Project fear still operating at full fucking tilt. One thing the people of the UK aren’t are-Greek, Italian or white flag waving frogs. The cunts didn’t take that into account.

      • And they’re so obviously using the ‘bad cop-good cop’ routine:

        One minute they say they’ll hammer us senseless if we choose to leave…next minute they say all will be forgiven and everything will be sweetness and light if we change our minds and stay… Ha!

        No we’re not Greeks, Italians, or cheese eating surrender monkeys. Though not at all convinced our millennials and snowflakes aren’t.

      • Any idea that the EU would ever reform if we stayed in just makes me laugh.

        Does anyone SERIOUSLY believe that this festering pile of shit would EVER change its ways?

        Of course not. It would just be full Cleveland Steamer ahead, business as usual for Verminhofstadt and Junckunt. They would brazenly claim it as a full mandate from the people, and, as usual, we would all be shat upon from a very great height.

        For the EU, reform is NOT an option. The only likely change would be to speed up their ludicrous game.

    • Once we get hold of 70 metres of the embroidery, just refuse to give it back. It was made in England anyway.

      • Be grateful for small mercies; at least Saggy Maggie didn’t agree to let any more 30 year old children in. £45 million sounds like a lot of money, and to you and me it is, but to put it in perspective it is less than 1/6 of the DAILY budget for the NHS.

      • for all i care Macron can wipe his filthy French arse on the Tapestry and his zombie Mrs can use it as a Jam rag. After all Its a symbol of how we got our arses kicked back in 1066 and the cunt wants to remind us of it.

    • Racist countries?
      Ireland. Israel. Any country in Africa or the Peaceful Middle East. Any Yugo country. Japan. China. Spain. Brazil. Scotland. Any tribal country.

  3. Enoch, like George Orwell before him, was a visionary that could see exactly the direction the country was heading in. It is scary how prescient they were.

  4. Powell was a cunt. He made the ‘rivers of blood ‘speech 50 years ago and we haven’t had the blood despite loads more of the buggers coming in.
    Farage is a cunt too for worshipping Powell. Talking this shit up is pointless because there is no living way any of them are going to be sent back, [to fucking where?] , and it breeds violence of itself.
    The only outcome of racial violence is misery to all of us. I wish we had never let so many in over the years but Farage couldn’t get a vote if he spent all day giving money away and hanging about the fringe right wing racehate parties wont improve his chances. Cunt.

    • The speech did not include the term “rivers of blood”. He also argued that anti-discrimination legislation would be used to discriminate against the indigenous population and that they would find themselves strangers in their own country. Sound familiar? He made the arguement that the majority of immigrants will not integrate – see Bradford and Rochdale. His arguement was not against colour, it was against mass immigration. Its too easy to tar him with the racial brush.

      • Powell’s argument not against colour?

        “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

        Am I missing something somewhere?


        “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’. That tragic and intractable phenomenon which we watch with horror on the other side of the Atlantic but which there is interwoven with the history and existence of the States itself, is coming upon us here by our own volition and our own neglect. Indeed, it has all but come. In numerical terms, it will be of American proportions long before the end of the century. Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.”

        Not saying he’s wrong. But not about colour?

      • He mentions colour because at the time the immigrants were coloured. If he were alive today he would be equally vociferous about East Europeans. I guess in his time he would never have dreampt that we would have to open our borders to any cunt that wants to come here.

      • We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

        Good Ole Enoch Quote

    • “…there is no living way any of them are going to be sent back, [to fucking where?]”

      Most of these peaceful types have dual citizenship, they have British and Pakistani passports for example. So it would be a simple matter of withdrawing their British passport and sending them back to their second passport country. Of course, you would have to have good reason to do this, you can’t just go deporting completely innocent people. But very many are not innocent, close to 13,000 inmates in UK prison are peaceful and a further 10,000 foreign born. So that’s 23,000 who can fuck off for a start.

      Of the remaining “innocent” peacefuls, just because they have not been found guilty of a crime doesn’t mean they have never committed one. Peacefuls should be thouroughly investigated and if any are found to have committed an inprisonable crime they can be deported too.

      That will still leave a fair few I’m sure, but the message will have been made.

      Further, it is a fundamental British principle that the law applies to everyone equally and we need to start enforcing that. No more of this sharia bollocks, if you don’t like our law feel free to fuck off.

      That also applies to the abomination of halal slaughter. How the fuck can these savages get away with that shit in a country that is supposed to love animals?

      Ban the burka, hijab and niqab in public on the grounds that they are a political uniform, i-slime being as much a political ideology as it is a religion.

      No more faith schools, non at all. Education should be completely secular.

      Maybe I should start a political party….

      Compulsory English lessons to be paid for by the student themselves out of their own funds which they must prove to have worked for, no gifts from uncle Moh or some peaceful loving charity. And if you don’t pass an exam at the end of the course you have to take the course again. Fail 3 times and you are out.

      Child benefit stops after the 3rd child, as does free schooling.

      Peacefulls on the dole should be offered jobs, preferably on a pig farm or sausage factory. Turn the job down and that’s your dole finished.

      This should drive the message home.

      Those who still want to stay should be “incentivised” to leave. A cash lump sum and a 1 way plane ticket should do the trick.

      • I’m in. Good manifesto. I would go rather and outlaw the production of halal food and compulsory orders on the mosques. Then turn off the benefits tap abruptly. They will soon fuck off for more snackbarish climes.

      • “… thoroughly investigated…”. Fuck off you libcunt. Kick these fuckers out. We don’t have (nor should we spend, even if we did have) the resources to “investigate” these sponging CUNTS! And why “incentivise” these bastards to leave? There’s the ferry/plane. Get on it. No dough? Tough shit… swim, or get shot. Your call you sponging foreign CUNT!!

    • We could have easily closed the borders after the initial waves of immigration, which majority opinion supported, the refusal to discuss it’s downsides meant that more immigration was accepted and in some cases encouraged.

      • All very laudable Eggfart, but if we can’t even manage a basic thing like stopping the cunts coming in, the rest of your programme is simply whistling in a force nine gale.

        Fuck the EU – if Hungary and Poland can do it, why not we?

      • Mr Baker, first things first. Get rid of the shower of shite in power and elect some one decent to run the country in accordance with the wishes of the people. Which means supporting Anne Marie Waters and her For Britain party.


        It really is that simple. I don’t expect For Britain to get any MPs, but then again UKIP only ever had one. But UKIP managed to bring about the biggest constitutional change in UK and a major change in European and possibly world history.

    • There was blood at the Manchester Arena, there was blood at Westminster Bridge, there was blood where Lee Rigby was butchered… All innocent people killed by migrants…

  5. I have often posted that it would take a massive revolt of the ethnic British people to effect change. The British people ( now ) are largely a breed of sheep. Gutless and impotent to act. Mutterings and verbal assault are about the best that can be raised and we continue to vote into power the same old useless twats we despise.

    What is needed is a mass vote for the independent, the non affiliated and the non pc.

    The age of voting should be increased to match the age of the “child migrants” ( about 35 ) and the votes of all ex-servicemen should have the equal value of the peaceful postal vote ( currently 20 votes per person ) and then, and only then , we may get the chance of some change in our lives.
    Powell should be elevated to the status of a God, statues of him should be in every town and village , and the useless spineless hobbit creature called May , should be forced to work in the food banks in the country that she has fucked over.

    Powell for king, May for the chop! ( Cunt )

    • Disagree ASH that the British are largely a breed of sheep, and gutless.

      Despite Project Fear and lies being drip fed to us daily for many months up to the referendum 52% of the electorate voted to leave the corrupt dictatorship known as the EU.

      I and millions of others are incredibly disappointed and angry with the stance taken by MP’s and the House of Lords on allowing Brexit to get to the precarious position it now is.

      In my opinion these are the gutless spineless cunts who are totally responsible, and not the Brotish public. Those who keep telling us that they respect the result of the referendum but clearly don’t give a shit.

      The Remainers clearly are on the offensive, and disappointingly Leavers appear to be slow in reacting and with less impetus, vigour and purpose. Almost as though the Brexit victory is job done. Unfortunately not.

      I fear Shitcake is right as always about a conspiracy theory, and that the UK were never intending to leave. May has fucked up accidentally on purpose too many times for it to be just incompetence.

      The Leavers big guns/supporters need to get their act together PDQ to bring pressure to bear on those representing the 52% otherwise I fear all will be lost if not so already.

      Everything else ASH I agree with.

      • The best that can be hoped for is that Treesa Might is given the boot, and that a hard-line Brexiteer is put into No. 10.

        I increasingly feel that a swift, nay vicious attack on EU is the only way to avoid the whole process being watered down by the “We respect the result of the ref, but will do bloody everything to fuck it up” camp.

      • I too would love to see a positive result, and only this morning I was heartened to read of the Hungarian Prime Ministers stance on EU and Immigration. If only WE had a leader such as he.!

  6. Powell was actually quite mild in his predictions. If he had said that, as a direct and deliberate result of government policy in the future we will see 1000s of our women and young girls raped while the police turn a blind eye he would have been closer to the mark.

  7. Powell’s only mistake was to be an honest man. And maybe quoting Virgil to the masses wasn’t a terrific idea either. Incidentally, when the Tiber, as it must often have done, flowed ‘with much blood’ the blood was predominantly Caucasian. The context wasn’t racism, it was violence and civil disorder. Powell wasn’t a racist, and only superficial cunts who disregard his record (‘because he was, you know, a racist’) could say otherwise. Cracking constituency MP too…

    Good and long-overdue cunting.

    • Agree K, Virgil was a mistake, shame because people cant see beyond it. His speech should be compulsory reading for GCSE English, like that would ever happen. Amusing to think it might.

      • Agree C&R. But the quotation from Virgil was too intellectual for the thick cunts in the house of commons to understand.

      • If Powell was not being racist K, what was the point of standing up in front of the British people and stating:

        “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.”

        I don’t much care whether he was a racist or not, but…

        I mean, imagine if he’d said:

        “In this country in 15 or 20 years’ time the woman will have the whip hand over the man.”

        Would his words not rightly be interpreted as those of a misogynist?

        And a lot closer to the truth than his original quote, I would contend…

      • It is said that he was quoting one of his constituents. Be that as it may, he went on to acknowledge that it would be considered unacceptable, and explain why he had personally decided to mention it.

        I don’t think you’re a kneejerk wet liberal SB: perhaps you can bring yourself to look at this excellent analysis of the circumstances of the speech, which was very much a one-off event:


        For Powell’s ‘communalism’ you could read ‘multiculturalism’ today.

      • Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt K re: not being “a kneejerk wet liberal”. Either way, I do like to call a spade a spade.

        Appreciate your link, etc, will check it out, thanks.

  8. Apologies to the admins of this site, I had thought that my comments were being censored when they disappeared. I am glad that was not the case.

  9. I’d like to add that Enoch shouldn’t just be viewed through the lens of his “Rivers of Blood” speech but through his constant and vehement opposition to the UK joining the Common market / EU as well. I am sure Enoch would have enjoyed this site, as he knew a cunt when he saw one.

  10. Uncanny timing, Toomanycuntstoomanymanycunts…
    I am about to nominate/cunt a certain famous rock musician for finally capitulating to the snowflake fannies and baying PC mob… Coming soon…

  11. What fucking good is £44 million being spunked up the wall on CCTV, inferred technology and more fences going to do in Calais when the peaceful ‘children’ just need to make sure they have a close shave that morning and have a suitable sob story?. We are not the only cunts being conned, in Germany, health professionals declined to conduct age testing as it was not ‘morally of ethically right’.

  12. What in the name of fuck happened to my last post. I only said cunt, fuck and a few other things. Wait a minute, it wasn’t coz I said I fancied Diane Flabbott was it?

  13. Coming to this late so apologies if it’s already been stated.

    Say what you like about Enoch Powell, he was proved to be right though wasn’t he!

  14. Enoch powell could see into the future and this fucked up country run by cunts,half full of blood sucking imigrants, on its arse is what he saw……if only we could bring him back and make priminister now…….instead of May/May not….what a wonderfull country it could be again…..alas to late its gone to hell in a hand basket, all we need now is Boris the bafoons bridge to france to be built and then we are truly fucked….

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