Dr. Barbara Greenberg

Nomination for: Barbara Greenberg

She is an american psychologist who has defended the trend of (yes this is real) schools banning children from having best friends, in the usnews health website.

Anyone who isn’t an utter cunt of the highest order knows this is ridiculous as to be beyond a joke, but being a complete and utter cunt, she defends it, saying (among other things) …

“The notion of choosing best friends is deeply embedded in our culture. Nonetheless, there is, in my opinion, merit to the movement to ban having best friends.”

Hmmkay …

“there is something dreadfully exclusionary occurring when a middle schooler tells the girl sitting next to her that she is best friends with the girl sitting in front of them”

Dude! …

“if kids have best friends, does that also imply that they have “worst friends?”

Did a grown up actually type that on the internet (she is serious, there is no hidden context here?!)

“The word “best” encourages judgment and promotes exclusion.”

Oh my fucking god is she even self aware?!

Yes this woman said these things. She is an absolute, and utter, fucking, cunt.

Nominated by Cunting Wank Rags.

37 thoughts on “Dr. Barbara Greenberg

  1. The last time I saw a dead behind the eyes false grin like that, it was the focus off attention in the crescendo of a bukkake circle.

    I think it was actually her.

    • Indeed. She is a TV ‘personality’.
      Two things are laughable.

      1. The way Jews do business is to keep it in the ‘family’ or use the network, AKA best friends of the same religion,

      2. It’s easy to find Non-PC targets to make money. Understand how the human brain works socially, then espouse the opposite as correct.

      In the meantime, get fucked. Go tell the chinese.

  2. Interesting cunting, and well deserved for the young ( shaggable ) psychologist.

    This stems from the loony brigade assertion, that to have a special friend is discriminatory against another, and less special friend, who may suffer harm due to social exclusion. This notion was put forward in a meeting of FME’s in Birmingham 2010. It was kicked into the rough round about coffee time , never to be mentioned again, until now.

    How sad that ANY person can reconsider that this statement op cit, is both relevant and appropriate in any sense of the word, and that it has any substansive validity in the field of human social and interactive behaviour.

    Said Dr would be better occupied taking a goodly length of Cock. Perhaps she would then find the need of a best friend to tell!

  3. Old Holborn on the money again.


    That is one fucked up tart.

  4. Is “Dr.” her first name?

    Can’t possibly be a professional qualification of any kind…

    Fucking scammer.

  5. I’ve heard of this dumb cunt on several trips to visit family in Texas. I sometimes wonder if the shit she comes out with sound more rational if I smoked crack. Since I have no intention of ever smoking though, I’ll never know. Has she ever considered how much it would fuck up a child, emotionally and psychologically, if you tell them that they can’t say a certain person is their best friend? No, I don’t suppose she has. Neither have the cunts who came up with this shit. It’ll end up making children think they’ve done something wrong, when they haven’t.

  6. I wonder if out there on the internet there’s a blog called ‘I’m a righteous cunt’ or similar, where all these fatuous snowflake cunts compete on a daily basis to out virtue each other.

    The more ridiculously inclusive the better.

    If so Dr Pissflaps has just gone straight to the top of the leader board.

    I’m sure she won’t be there for long though.

  7. Thanks CWR for highlighting this lump of dogwank jizz. I presume she shagged her way to a Doctorate becoz she certainly didn’t get there on intellect. Every cunt at school has a best friend. Where’s the line? Are we allowed to have best friends as adults? Maybe we should ban marriage in case someone gets upset.

    I do think that 16 year old girls shouldn’t have favourite boyfriends because Karen Roberts turned me down flat in 1972.

  8. Tweet from Lord Hardonis this morning.
    Spending morning drafting amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill for debate in the Lords. It is such a dreadful Bill – all power to the Government, trashing our entire system of trade & international relations, I constantly want to table just one amendment: ‘DELETE ALL’!
    Show me a more weasely spiteful little cock sucking dollop of pond life and I will gladly suck Flabbots toes ?

  9. I sometimes get jealous that I never made a comfortable living by spouting the nonsensical shite that goes on in my head.

    How do cunts gain employment and earn a wage when they think like this?
    I long for the day when these cunts get told to shurrupppp mid sentence and their logic never sees the light of day.

    Yeah, I am jealous…..

      • If all the posters got piad for what we posted on ISAC we’d be rich!

        Hell, if these cunts can get rich spouting a load of mindless bullshit why can’t we?

  10. Basically I’m fed up of cunts telling me what and how to think.

    I’m 47 fucking years of age and know my own mind thank you very much.

    Sad thing is I never really had many views one way or another until the 2nd Dark Age of the Blairite years.

    I went to school with “Parking Stanley” “peacefuls” and thought nowt of it. Went to college with two cracking lads who were as camp as Christmas and thought nowt of it.

    There were a mixture of cunts where I lived (pre EU free movemovement) from Poland, Germany, France, Yugoslavia (as was), Spain and Italy, and thought nowt of it.

    Now I think about fuck all else! Why is that I wonder?

    Well it’s because since 1997 I’ve been told what to think, how to feel and what not so say.

    Well FUCK OFF!

    FUCK OFF!!!

    You (the Socio-globo-libero elite) cunts are NOT the thought police and I’m not Winston fucking Smith!

    So I will think what the fuck I like, feel what the fuck I like and SAY what the fuck I like, and if YOU don’t like it then that’s YOUR problem, not fucking MINE!

    Oh, and by the way, I have best friends. I can count them on the fingers of one hand, but at least I can count on them, and that’s the main thing isn’t it? Not like those 12,000 friends you snowflake cunts have on TwitBook eh! “Well no I can’t help you out but here’s a ‘Like’ for your pain.”

    Society is built on friendships, between people, between businesses and between nations.

    No, we DON’T have to love, or even like, every cunt on planet earth because most of them are CUNTS! Most of them think I am a cunt, which is fine because it’s mutual – cunts!

    Without best friends the world would be a far worse place to live. Best friends make this cunt existence tolerable. Take that away and YOU are the cunt not ME!

    • Nice rant Winston…you have best friends plural? Lucky!

      I can count ALL my friends – best, middling, and worst – on the fingers of one hand.

      • Some twat where I worked once wanted to do a ‘Secret Santa’ thing… So, I said, ‘So, I’ve got to give to or receive things from some cunt in here who I cannot fucking stand?!’
        I told them to sod off…

  11. I’d also like to cunt the latest virtue-signalling Cadbury’s ad for more positive discrimination bullshit.

    I’d write it up but I can’t be fucked on.

    When you see it, you’ll know what I mean.


    Further to the my post above: No Cadbury’s! A fucking “peaceful” shopkeeper would not gift a kid a giant block of Dairy Milk for a toy ring just because the cunt feels sorry for her. No, the only chocolate that cunt would really give her would be a nice piece of “Fruit & Rohypnol” before the rest of the taxi gang come around for a go!

    Fuck off you cunts!

    • Fuck me Rebel you’re on one today. Love it.

      You speak for me there, same age, similar experiences growing up, I’m originally from the Islamic Republic of Blackistan so grew up in a place where living amongst others was fairly routine.

      Yes there were issues but nothing insurmountable, I was as likely to have a friend at school called Abdul as I was Adrian.

      Then one day I recall vividly the TV was on and I saw an all male mob burning books in the street, then to my confused horror I recognised the setting so I listened to the report and it transpired a mob of Parking Stanleys were burning The Satanic Versus in the St as the world sat back.

      Soon after that, Iraq invaded Kuwait and I was shocked to see people driving ’round Blackistan openly sporting Iraqi flags despite the fact we stood in support of a ‘peaceful’ nation. Was it about oil? Probably but don’t fucking complain to me when the price of everything goes through the roof as some rogue aggressor state chokes off the supply of black gold and inflation means your wages are worthless.

      Inevitably tensions were increased and trouble flaired but it was by and large tit for tat.

      Then along came the cunt B Liar and his cabal of cunts desperate for a minority cause to champion.

      What better a cause than that of that of the oppressed minority who practice a ‘religion of peace’.

      Hey let’s introduce a Crime and Disorder Act that implicitly makes criticism of peacefuls illegal and just to show you they meant business any cunt who woe betide said anything remotely offensive would find themselves doing a stretch in Strangeways along with some of the most violent people in the UK.

      So you find yourself just a little put out by what you and pretty much everyone you know see as simply wrong.

      So you make a fucking stand and the cunts scream at you
      Raaaaaaccccciiiissstttt. So in the new climate of fear you shut the fuck up.

      Emboldened the Left with their new weapon of fear can’t believe their luck and continue to shut down any debate they don’t like, they bread a bunch of Snowflakes who supercharge the meaning of ‘Ists’ and who mistakenly believe they’ve closed down any debates they don’t like forever.

      It’s lefty Utopia, they’ve forever banished to history a problem that didn’t really exist, of course there were problems, there always will be because with the greatest will in the world there’s this minor issue called ‘human nature’.

      However in the process of closing down debate about racial intolerance (which is a 2 way st btw) the Left is now left in search of a new cause célèbre.

      Bring on Gay Marriage, chuck in transbenderism, identify as a non binary UFO, smoke out and crucify any male who may have hit on you 20 years ago and reinforce this fucking bollocks through an alarmingly biased intolerant liberal media.

      So after 30 years or so of this pile of cunt where do we find ourselves…..?

      In the U.K. We have Brexit, 17.4m people saying ‘fuck you’ we’ve had enough of this, in the US we have the non politician Big Don running a coach and horses through the liberals agenda, in Germany, as a result of mass immigration that nobody was consulted on we have a Far Right party gaining multiple seats in the Bundestag, the first time since the 1930’s, in Austria we have a coalition government consisting of a far Right party, in Hungary we have a government point blank refusing to accept Merkel’s gimmegrants and in France we have an electorate so disholusioned that almost 10% of those eligible to vote (3m) actually went out to vote ‘blanc’.

      Now call me a cunt if you will but I can’t help but think (and see) ordinary folk may just be getting a little tired of this bollocks.

      Clearly that marks us all out as raaaaaacccciiiissssttttssss but if that’s the badge we’ve got to wear to fight this pile of cunt then l guess I’ll just have to wear it.


      Yeh and……..

      • Fuck “CuntyMcCuntface” you should call yourself “RightyMcRightface”!

        The more “tolerant” I’m expected to be (accept that “peaceful” terrorists are just “misguided”, not killers, and not to hurt their precious feelings under threat of arrest after – yet another – murder spree, and that some Hans Moretti looking cunt is a 5yr old girl, just cos he says so), the less tolerant I become.

      • ‘And that some Hans Moretti looking cunt is a 5 yr old girl just because he says so, the less tolerant I become.’

        Fucking nailed it there Rebel. That is exactly the point!

        Anyway I’m off to light a candle for all the victims of intolerance and sing ‘Come by are my lord’ in memory of the the ‘peaceful’ bloke that suffered a light stab wound just after the MEN attack.

        I’m hopeful I’ll find a few more peaceful victims but thus far I still looking.


    • A paki cunt would never do that. Money grabbing wankers. He’d probably try and groom the girl though.

  12. I think the answer to that is…

    “So, Cherry Seaborn, what exactly attracted you to the millionaire Ed Shearsn? “

  13. With so called ‘psychologists’ like this bint, is it any wonder John Worboys found it so easy to fool the parole board?

    • These hand wringing cunts make it so easy for scum like Worboys to get off lightly!

      • Yes but if there are any “peaceful” multiple racists then that’s no doubt “cultural” or just multiple/serial “misunderstandings”…

  14. I have Googled pics of her and you would need a fucking time machine to see her now, but as she appears at the top of this page.

    My spooge is safe.

  15. ‘The thing Brextremists really can’t compute is me being prepared to compromise my career for principles. I hated stepping down from Newsnight & could have stayed with simple changes to my modus operandi outside the Beeb. The decision makes me look decent so they claim I was axed.’

    Fucking hilarious statement from James O’ Bellend, and conclusive proof that he is a cunt for our times… Sacked! Sacked! Sackety-Sacked, you cunt!

  16. Any of you cunters have Kabul (again) in Spot the Jihadi?. They are getting like the Man City of terrorism.

    • Which merely goes to show the cunts (“peaceful” cunts) even of the same region cannot get on.

      And yet in this cuntry they are put on pedestals as beacons of grace and goodness, while the rest of us are treated as cunts and are proclaimed “wacist” if we dare moan about it (it’s NOT racist, it’s a fucking RELIGION for fuck’s sake)!

      So when we’re under Shariah Law how long will it be before shit kicks off between the caliphates of Londonistan and Lutonistan? Then Birmingdrabad. Then Bradford Arabia? Then Leedsdrabad?

      Answer: not very long.

      But hey so long as the cunts keep pouring in and voting Labour then that’s alright isn’t it.

      And on that jolly note I’m off to do a bacon butty. While I still fucking can! ?

  17. Her views transparently stem from a childhood neurosis – Barbinomates Syndrome – which forced her to bond with an imaginary friend. Now, of course, Barbinomates sufferers are given guidance, counselling and mentoring to become fully functional members of the cod-psychologist community – succeeding spectacularly in her case. And that of her imaginary friend, too.

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