Donald Tusk [3]

Following the visit of the Westminster La Gobs yesterday, that demented old fuckwit Donald Tusk has yet again said today we are welcome to change our minds about leaving. What the fuck do they take us for?. Very wealthy
men – Mandleson, Blair, Dick Branson, Gina Miller, Ken Clarke, Fukka Umunna are far too anxious to remain so it must be good for them, but not good for the rest of us.

Why don’t we just walk away from the EU and tell them to fuck themselves.

Tusk is like an old pikey who won’t accept no to his offer to sharpen our knives means no.

Nominated by W.C Boggs

72 thoughts on “Donald Tusk [3]

  1. Anyone dumb enough to name themselves after a bloated Fleetwood Mac album needs to get a fucking life.

      • Would have been better as a single album, imho…anyway time has not served Rumours well – agree Tusk is better, however bloated.

  2. “Our hearts are open” Tusk said. Well, Don, our wallets are fucking closed. We all know that the ONLY reason you want us to stay is financial. We are the second largest financial contributor to the EU, and our leaving will punch a massive hole in the EU’s economy. We are NOT changing our minds. We’ve had to fight too hard for this. We ARE leaving the EU. So FUCK you, fuck Juncker, Fuck Verhofstadt and Barnier and most definitely, Fuck the EU. We’re done with you.

      • You will, Shitcake, you will.

        “Unless there is a change of heart among our British friends, #Brexit will become a reality – with all its negative consequences – March next year. We, here on the continent, haven’t had a change of heart. Our hearts are still open for you”.

        What a crock of utter unbelievable shit.

        Seem to remember not all that long ago the total arrogance of the EU with threat that if we envoked article 50 it could not be reversed?

        Now it would seem they are saying fuck the democratic referndum result, fuck the rules that they drew up. Much better for us if we stay in. Please stay (we really want your money). No other fucking reason. Pretty please.

        Donald Tusk. Doesn’t really inspire confidence does he. Can’t even fucking talk properly.

        Fucking shortarse Polish cunt.

    • Yea its obvious theyre shitting it coz they need our money to fund their pensions and other schemes to syfen off taxpayers money for themselves.

      Shame our politicians don’t capitalise on it and be more aggressive in the shakedown … sorry “negotiations”.

    • Good post QDM – a little teaser that may have some bearing on the cunt Tusk and the rest of the treacherous traitorous bunch of frog eating garlic munching cowardly spick faced many faceted cunts of the corrupt club formerly known as the common market (more aligned with common purpose and if you have never heard of them you really should google “common purpose”).
      Did anyone think that the PIIGS (Portuguese, Irish, Italian, Greeks and Spanish) got all solvent overnight? Or that the majority of said club consisting of broke Northern Europeans and Eastern European goat botherers who draw out billions more than they deposit who are now voting as one to bin us off with no deal? No wonder the cunt Tusk is quietly imploring us to stay – err – like who is going to pick up le tab for a Romanian goat herder to have his barn converted into a fucking palace because it had a tap running to it and constitutes a habitable building – in need of complete modernisation courtesy of mugs inc (I.e. you and me) AKA the EU?
      That little drama is yet to be played out and the EU aren’t too keen on discussing the cost. Merkel and her plan to flood Germany with ill educated low skilled African sand jippos and integrate them to become the servants of the ageing fat krauts need paying for by someone and without our wedge it will be a bit tough considering that the largest conurbation of French outside of any French city is now London. The old smart money moved ages ago when the shit was going to hit the fan and hit it it will, not if, just when.
      So fuck Tusk and his dream of a centrally controlled federal Europe run by Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt – they have feasted on our tit for long enough. Time to pay for the miserable shit tip that the EU has become – let the migrants, welcomed by some in their millions, pay the piper – they called the tune. CUNTS

  3. What this country needs more than anything else is a new pro Brexit political party.

    Honest, passionate, decent, logical, straight talking, normal no nonsense fuckers. non PC, who call a spade a spade. People with no hidden agendas who care, want to get the job done and who want the best for this great country.

    Reckon we have enough to start the party with those posting on this great site.

    We have at least 52% of the population who will support us. We cannot be any worse than the current alternatives.

    How about it fellow counters, just imagine what we could achieve.

    • I’ll need a black hood, 1 000,000 metres of rope and about 1000 tonnes of wood.

      Vote “hang the cunts” party for a happier more prosperous Britain.

      • I’d like to take Secretary of Health & Social Insecurity, with Kravdarth as my right hand henchman. I promise:

        To treat ill cunts only.
        No more free comedy breast enlargements.
        No more free tattoo removals.
        All non-nationals will be charged full market rate.
        No more free IVF
        PFI & Carillion type contracts to be ‘renegotiated’.
        No more free gender reassignments.
        Basket case culture to be abolished.
        Waste to be tackled ‘Shitcake fashion’.
        Placebos to replace Homeopathy.
        Free recreational drugs for all.
        And lots lots more!

        You get the picture.

        Vote fucking ISAC! You know it makes sense…

      • Werminster to be used as high-security asylum, with most of its current crowd INSIDE.
        My friend Nurse Ratchett has decades of experience in keeping the mongs quiet…
        Muscle will be needed, but electricity is convenient.

    • Diocese financial background so perhaps Chancellor?

      Bagsy immigration. Please. Will do the job for nothing. Job satisfaction is all the incentive I require.

      Cuntflap as Minister for Justice

      Dick Fiddler could head up the Foreign Office.

      Basement Bob for Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

      Any other suggestions or nominations?

    • We are not going to appoint a Loneliness Minister though are we?. Christ on a crutch, I thought I was hearing things when it was mentioned on the radio. It’s like something from Monty Python. What a pile of mouldy old cunt.

      • I’ll do Minister for Sport.

        It’s a long time since I picked up a cricket bat, but when I see Tusk, I come over all “W G Grace-y”
        Likewise, it would do Linekunt some good to be on the receiving end as well.

        Stupid cunts. What a feckin pair.

  4. Fucking Donny Tuthk is a fucking traitor to his very own country. Poland are being shit on by the SS EU big time. I think that we should invade the Isle of Man, clear everyone off then round up all the traitorous cunts from here and the EU and let them fuck each other over to their hearts content on their own isle of Cunts. We could fly over now and then and drop some monopoly money on them so they can bathe and wallow in their riches. I don’t like them very much at all.

    • Hands off the Isle of Man … having been to the Manx road races I was pleasantly surprised on how, let’s say..’very early 1960’s Britain’ was in it’s population. It’s a little bit of heaven in these times …
      I’d rather go for Gruinard … aka Anthrax Island.

  5. While I’m here, I want to nominate snowflakes, but in particular, I want to nominate Elle Darby for a sound cunting. This is quite a long rant, but it’s something that really boils my piss. This YouTube vlogger has been in the Mail today, having gone full snowflake after being denied a free stay in a Dublin hotel. Showing how entitled many of today’s youth are, Darby, who is 22, had the audacity to write to Paul Stenson, the owner of the White Moose Café and Charleville Lodge Hotel in Dublin asking for free accommodation.

    Apparently she and her ‘partner’ were planning a trip to Dublin for the Valentine’s Day weekend. Unlike most people though, she didn’t fancy doing anything as annoying as paying for her stay, so in return for a free weekend, she offered to give his hotel “exposure” on her YouTube channel and on Instagram. Of course, Mr Stenson jumped at the chance of free publicity on the channel of such a well known and respected personality. Actually, he pretty much told her to fuck off. And rightly so in my opinion.

    He posted the exchange online, and told her that she lacked dignity and self-respect. He also asked who would pay the receptionist who checked her and her partner in, who would pay the staff who looked after her, the housekeepers who tidied her room and the waiters who serve her breakfast. He also asked who would pay for the light and heat that she would used during her stay and for the laundering of her sheets and towels during her stay, not to mention the water rates.

    The exchange drew mixed reactions, with Darby’s fellow snowflakes accusing Mr Stenson of bullying, while others called Darby a spoiled brat. I’m with the latter. Perplexed by Mr Stenson’s less than willing response to the offer of having a major YouTube celebrity deciding to grace his establishment with her presence, Darby went full snowflake and posted a video titled, “I Was Exposed (SO Embarrassing), in which she blamed everyone for her plight. Except of course for the one person who was actually responsible, herself.

    She also claimed that people over thirty “have no idea how social media works these days” and said she’d received hundreds of abusive messages. Here’s some advice for you love, if you have the cheek to expect a businessman to let you stay in his hotel free of charge, with only the offer of limited exposure on a channel that most people have never heard of and care even less about, expect people to call you out over it. She even had the nerve to say, “As a 22 year old girl, who’s running her own business from home (being a freeloader is a business now?), I don’t feel like I did anything wrong”. Really? You honestly don’t feel that asking someone to give you free food, drink and accommodation is wrong? You honestly can’t see WHY it’s fucking wrong? It’s because you expected someone to provide you with services that other people would have to pay for, and offering nothing of value in return. It’s because being a cheeky twat, is generally seen as being somewhat…assholeish.

    In her video, Darby claimed that she had been exposed with ‘malicious intent’. However, Mr Stenson did not identify her online. She did that herself by posting her self-pitying video on her channel. Had she not done so, nobody would have known her name, and nobody would have posted anything that could in way be considered malicious. Incidentally, Mr Stenson has now banned all bloggers from staying at his hotel. So, well done Darby. Thanks to your own selfishness, people who are more decent and far less entitled are now being lumped in with twats like you.

    Apparently, Darby’s “fans” have been posting negative reviews of the hotel, and sending him abuse, for no other reason than Mr Stenson having the temerity to expect Darby to pay for her stay, like everyone else. Yet according to Darby, SHE is the victim. Darby is the perfect example of the type of ignorant, selfish, entitled, arrogant, opinionated, snowflake cunt that is becoming increasingly common in Western countries. They think they deserve to have everything handed to them for free, without having to work or pay for it. And then they play victim, blaming everyone but themselves, when the real world jumps up and punches them in the face.

    These whingeing morons think they deserve a first in their chosen bullshit degree, simply because they’re at university. They demand the highest paid jobs, without bothering to do anything so tedious as working their way up the ladder. They think they deserve to be rich and famous, without having any discernible talent. And they get very upset when reality shows them that their view of things should be, is very wrong. And when that happens, they start crying and stamping their feet and posting videos on YouTube and other social media outlets, telling their fellow snowflakes how hard done by they are and how those of us who are over 30, and actually HAVE worked our up the ladder and earned our degrees, are evil bastards who should hurry up an die.

    These cunts are exactly they reason that the world is rapidly turning to shite. Why the fuck should they get ANYTHING for free, when the rest of us have to pay for it. Why should they get a top job when the rest of us have to work our up? If I’d gone into the Army careers office back in June of 1989 and told them that I wanted to be a Lieutenant Colonel, but wanted to get that rank immediately, without having to earn it, I would rightly, and literally, have flown out the front door with the imprint of an army assault boot on my arse.

    The world, and the people in it, do not owe us a fucking thing. Yet for some reason, people like Elle Darby seem to think that we do. She doesn’t want a real job, so she ‘vlogs’ instead, describing it as a business. From the article in the Mail though, I’m not entirely clear what her business actually does, aside from promote her and her selfishness. I am both angry and baffled that she would take such offence at being refused a free stay in a hotel. What’s she going to be offended by next? Mercedes turning down her offer of advertising on her channel in exchange for a free car? Chanel telling her to fuck off when she expects free perfume from them?

    Logan and Jake Paul are two more examples of this type of cunt. They behave in the most outrageous manner, as Logan recently did in Japan, and then put on a fake show of contrition when civilised people beat them up over it. Incidentally, that video in the forest isn’t the only one showing Logan being a dick in Japan. There’s another one, filmed in Tokyo, of him and his braindead hangers on showing a complete lack of respect for the Japanese people, their country, religion and culture.

    The worst snowflakes though, are those who are obsessed with ‘gender issues’ and those who ‘identify’ as something other than themselves. They declare themselves to be gender fluid or gender neutral and demand to addressed by pro-nouns that they’ve made up themselves. I’m a member of a couple of facebook groups that occasionally show the profiles of such demented asswipes. “I am a gender fluid, non-binary(?) automaton who identifies as a marshmallow”. One, from some ugly as fuck, super obese heffalump described herself as just that, non-binary and gender neutral. She added, “My preferred pro-noun is RX(WTF?), I identify as a centuar and I am a manic depressive(undiagnosed) with multiple personality disorder(undiagnosed) and severe Asperger syndrome(undiagnosed) with anger issues, so go easy on me, but I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like me”. She would give a fuck though, if you refused to play her game and referred to HER as…her. She’d definitely give a fuck if you told her that her “preferred pro-noun” was bullshit, and she was even more demented than she looked if she actually expected sane people to use it. She’d certainly give a fuck if you told her that simply telling people that she’s a manic depressive, with Asperger syndrome and multiple personality disorder without bothering to get a diagnosis, means that she does NOT, in fact have any of those disorders, and that what she really is, is an attention seeking cunt. I actually thought it was a wind up at first, but then I checked. Nope, this fucker is deadly serious. And I do mean deadly.

    It’s about time that we, those of who populate the real world, started fighting back, instead of just putting up with loons. They need a serious dose of reality. It’s time for some tough love. No more safe spaces, no more tolerating their anti-freedom of speech “no platforming” simply because they like what someone has to say. No more tolerating their tantrums and hissy fits. They need to be told their bullshit will no longer be accepted and that they are expected to start respecting other people, instead of simply demanding that other people respect them. And they definitely need to be told that if they want something, they must either work for and earn it, or fucking pay for it.

    • That should have read “simply because they DON’T like what someone has to say. I really need to learn how to type. And proof-read.

      • If she wants to drop round and suck my dick for free, I’ll give her a good review whatever the quality of said blow job….

        Freeloader ponce….

      • Only problem QDM – we may have the brains and the common sense, but they’ve got the numbers! And too many useful idiots and soppy cunts telling us we should be more tolerant…

        I’ve never suffered fools gladly anyway, so, by default, I’m with you all the way.

        Maybe the Russians really have been putting something in the water?

    • Couldn’t agree more quick draw.
      The culture these days is that everyone is owed something and if you don’t get it just stamp your feet and scream until you get it.

      Just look at the outpouring of cuntitude after the brexit vote.
      “The result isn’t valid coz I didn’t bother to vote.” …booo fuckin hooo.

      Saw some of those non binary cunts on YouTube the other day …. They all seem to be fat trogs. …. too feminine to be a bloke and too fat and ugly to be a woman.

      • The one I described was definitely a fat trog. Though I would hesitate to use the word ‘feminine’.

    • Wonderful cunting QDM!

      Should be required reading across all universities!

      Snowflake cunts!

    • No idea how Social Meejah works ??

      If you can’t stand the heat,…

      Let’s face it, if you went into a pub Fr / Sat pm and started kicking off, someone would probably deck you. And that’s what I like about pubs – PROPER interaction, not all this pretend – virtual – reality toss.

      Sounds like she needs a trip, not to Doblin, but B&Q, for mucho decking.

    • Great cunting QDM,
      If it wasn’t an offence to say it (I think) I would use the hashtag fuck you in answer to the snowflake / sleb / meedja hashtags floating around like the #metoo #nomore bollocks just to show I am a white middle aged conservative Royalist ex servicemen who has had enough of my country being taken over by socialist libtard overly quickly offended liebour cunts headed by the swivel eyed lunatic and his slavish adherents who believe the champagne swigging mushroom Stroganoff scoffing Islington tranny loving Londonistan fixated cunt is the next Messiah – heres my hashtag #fuckyou. Without having to even reply to a snowflake and getting all wound up that single # could represent what the silent majority actually think of you and your fucked up generation – just #fuckyou

    • If you ask me this site should be required reading for anybody from the age of 4. Since they appear to now be deemed capable of determining their sexuality/gender at that age, the little bastards should have no trouble understanding how the world used to work before a whole heap of shit was dumped on us in the form of the leftie young.

  6. Have just watched a couple of minutes of the aforementioned video clip.

    After a few “Oh my gods and “Whatever’s” found I could not stand any more.

    Stupid deluded bitch feels she is offering a service for people. Hotel absolutely right of course to tell her to fuck off, as should everyone else.

    Some people really do not have a fucking clue, and as you say are of the opinion that life owes them a living without having to give or do anything in return.

    Life can be a hard place, and hopefully she will experience that sooner rather than later instead of playing the victim and trying to solicit sympathy.

    Needs to grow up, and get a proper job.

    • Just Googled images of this daft female. She clearly is in love with herself. As synthetic as Barbie, with a comedy trout pout.

      Silly cunt.

  7. Well deserved cunting of Tusk. I would however like to say how much I hate the French. A more devious, coniving, untrustworthy set of oily bastards as you will ever find. Today’s events have convinced me more than ever about what utter cunts they are. The icing on the cake being our agreeing to take in more ‘peaceful’ children from Calais. Give them a fucking big green light why don’t you ?
    My old man always said you should never trust the French, or the Germans, who he detested. He also maintained that this country would tread a similar path to the former Yugoslavia and be riven by factional civil war, this was fifteen years ago, I’m beginning to think he might just have been right. We’ve been governed by cunts for the last fifty years and boy does it show.

    • Let’s get one thing straight.

      The French are our enemies. Always have been, always will be.

      It’s like their prime directive seems to be ”how much and how many times can we screw the British over?”

  8. Fucking Transformation Street now on ITV. These men are clearly mentally ill to think they would ever pass as women.

    Hands like Pat fucking Jennings, Adams Apples like a ripe Granny Smith, voices like Vin Diesel and lower jaws like Ted fucking Rogers. Not to mention a five o’clock shadow like Homer Simpson.

    Bring back the asylums.

  9. This Darby bitch is obviously totally in love with herself. I’ve seen her photos and she looks like an Essex girl whore. I pity the dozy cunt who marries this scrubber…..she’ll take every penny he’s got before moving on to the next muggy cunt.
    A foul little up her own arse tart.

    • I don’t think she’s actually doing anything except filming herself shopping and sitting in front of a camera talking shit about herself.
      Can’t watch it as I don’t want my head to start throbbing this late at night or I won’t be able to sleep.
      If it looks like a cunt and acts like a cunt you can bet it’s a cunt.

  10. Tusk you cunt! I looked this bastard up and he gets €370,000 pa for sitting on his arse eating the best food and drinking “the finest wines available to humanity “, all paid for by you and me. No wonder cunts like Blair want a piece of the action. The Kinnock traitors are multi millionaires without lifting a fucking finger. Absolute cunts.

    • I loathe the Kinnocks nearly as much as I loathe the Blairs,
      Champagne, Socialis Welsh fucking Windbag cunts they’re fuck all else

  11. Just in case you didn’t think Tusk was a big enough cunt-bucket, in the above photograph he’s listening to Simply Red.

  12. I may be slow on the uptake sometimes, all the time, but listening today how Teresa May is going to work harder with France to sort out the refugees in Calais, especially the unaccompanied children, has got me thinking that France are a bunch of cunts for having homeless unaccompanied children in their country at all.
    And even more cunty for asking for our help.
    It makes no sense to this cunter, and it makes even less sense to me that Britain is getting slated by spineless left wing cunts for not doing enuff.
    This is Frances problem. Any unaccompanied child should be scooped up by French services, fed, and put on the next flight to be repatriated to whichever shitehole they came from.

    # notourproblem

    • It’s an EU problem because they failed to address the tide of fuckers pouring in over the Med. Years ago they should’ve stopped the boats, taken the cunts back to whence they came and torpedoed the empty boats at the harbour entrance blocking the exit.

      Muti Merkel should personally be emptying her purse to pay for the fucking mess at Calais. Bitch ! Britain pay into the EU to support refugees but it seems we have to contribute to an additional fund as well. It’s just Britain bending over and getting a jolly good arse fucking by the cunting EU again ………

      But hey ho, what’s another £45 mil

  13. Well it’s “Cunts Round a Table” time again!

    Fuck me, why does Andy Burnham always look like a 12yr old kid who’s been found with a soft porno mag in his bedroom by him Mam and is about to bust into tears?

    And what the fuck is an “Arts Advisor” (apart from ticking two boxes with one stone)?

    “And what do you think of this Turner my dear?”

    “It’s shit! Next!”

    “And the Ruben? ”

    “Fat cants! Shit!”

    “Oh and this visual dirge by some ruffian called Banksy??”

    “Well wicked in’it!!!”

    Fuck’s sake! ?

    • That Horse face yank is a cunt,
      Yeah, you didn’t vote on Brexit, so shut the fuck up you poncey cunt, its fuck all to do with you, you CUNT

  14. Question Time:

    It was your fault

    No it was your fault

    It was your fault cunt

    No it was your fault fuckwit

    I’m telling you it was your fault shithead, I said so at the time

    No you didn’t I fucking said so you arsehole

    On and fucking on….same shit , different day.
    Just a load of talking heads which should be adorning spikes on London Bridge, especially that Yank cunt. Another fucking foreigner telling us what to do.

    • Fuck, I can’t be dealing with Question Time, it’s a lefty cunt forum of the worst kind.

    • The funny thing is, while he’s bleating on QT, his husband is probably wanking for strangers on a web cam. Again. It takes all sorts I suppose….

  15. QT – could this simpering, sycophantic yank cunt suck the collective British cock any deeper?

    Always the same when they wheel in someone from overseas.

    • Oh, and as an aside, Shaun Murphy is on record as saying he wants to be the first Snooker player to be on Question Time.

      I think Alex Higgins would have done a decent job, myself.

  16. Working in Luton it will be no surprise that I encounter more than my fair share of Poles.

    Most of them decent people and a lot of them who I deal with speak English better than myself and are educated to degree level (or higher).

    After Tusk’s “We must take our fair share…” (re: Poland and the “peaceful” epidemic invading Europe courtesy of Frau Merkel) most Poles consider the cunt a traitor (to Poland) and disagree 100% with the cunt!

    The difference being that the Polish people don’t give a fuck what he says nor what their Govt think, they don’t want the cunts, keep the cunts out (of Poland).

    The difference being that the Polish Govt are actually afraid of their indigenous populace and therefore do what their people actually want because they know it was them who overthrew the totalitarian communist regime there and that’s still fresh in their politicians’ minds.

    Unlike here where the indigenous folk are treated with contempt in deference to any other fucker in the world especially if they’re a (undocumented, 40yr old) “peaceful” cunt!

  17. P.S. Why is it that all of the cunts who claim to be working in the NHS in the audience look the scruffiest in there? And I’m not being derogatory about their clothes/fashion more like they could do with a bloody good wesh and toothbrush!

    MRSA anyone! ?

    Oh and Burnham can fuck off as well: “Er, yeah, errr, we should just pay them more!” (Nurses)

    Nice virtue-signal Burnham but how do we pay for the extra pay? How do we pay for the extra ‘n’ thousand nurses?

    Answer is: you can’t.

    Throw as much money as you like at the NHS but while Demand outstrips Supply five fold (and getting exponentially worse all the time), you could throw money at it from now until we’re a Shariah state (where there’ll be a nice cull of infidels) and it wouldn’t even put a dent in the problem.

    Waste your energy on the Demand side of the argument you doss scouse cunt! Fucking prick!

  18. The thing with these remainiac cunts is they are such bad liars… I read in a paper that some nonentity from that Call The Midwife shite was going on about how ‘scary’ Brexit and Leave voters are… The silly cow said ‘It’s scary to see people in Tescos saying ‘Are you foreign? If you are then get to the back of the queue!; First off all, I have never seen anyone say that to any foreigner ever in any shop or establishment (even in ones teeming with foreign cunts)… Second of all, BBC actors (of any kind) do not shop in Tescos…. Like Lily Mong and her phantom cabbie and Smarmy Linekunt with his fairytale ‘racists’ this is just another ‘Brits are ignorant’ and ‘Brexiteers are racist’ bit of celebrity (admittedly D List celebrity in this case) fibbing and total bollocks…

    • D-listers or not, these drip-drip low level Project Fear lies are causing far more division than a few isolated racist incidents ever could.

      Libtards only principle: “the ends justify the means”.

      Never forget that.

      • Btw, how many Remoaners does it take to change a lightbulb?

        One – but they won’t do it cos they don’t like change!

        Boom fucking boom.

  19. The only reason that cunt Tusk doesn’t want us to leave and is getting all bitter and nasty about it is because the EU are throwing money at Poland at the moment. Tusk is obviously a big enough dumb arse cunt to think this will continue to happen, as once the EU have finished with Poland they will make them pay more, and use their fucking money to give to someone else to keep their little fucking Roman style empire going. Play one off against the other. As for that cunt Tusk, don’t say he hasn’t been warned. They were using Malta’s tax regime to avoid tax and blew up a journalist in her car for speaking out, and now announced a flat rate of tax across the EU block, and then told Malta they were going to cut investment/funding. I mean to say, what a loada cunts they truly are in Brussels. The wealthy EU elite will simply move their tax avoidance outside the EU, and make us all pay more. Loada bureaucratic cunts, bring them down? Bring them down? The freedom of movement is only about the wealthy and business having access to a mass cheap labour force as when and where ever they want and nothing else. Fuck em! Neo liberal nazi’s

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