Have you noticed recently in the news talk of a second referendum? Not an in/out one like before but our gracious masters might allow the plebs to vote on the terms of the Brexit deal.
So here is the stitch up isn’t it. We all know the establishment, big business and the EU don’t want the UK to leave and give up the gravy train so what a prime opportunity to go back to the people and ramp up project fear mark 2.
So Maybot and here clowns in cahoots with the EU deliberately negotiate a total clusterfuck of a deal, or better still for them no deal at all, and announce a vote on it. There is no way a mutually beneficial deal will be reached as the spicks, wops, bubbles and flatheads will all be up in arms given all the shit they have had to swallow from Brussels. When will the flatheads learn anyway? After escaping a communist dictatorship then proceed to readily sign up to another, fucking morons.
So there we have it, project fear 2. And guess what, all the remoaning cunts, media, government swing into action telling us that we will face a nuclear winter that will last decades the UK beset by economic woes sending the towns and cities into chaos full of jobless emaciated people living on piles of rubble and having to queue up at soup kitchens as there is no food left. A future that will make Bartertown look like a Cotswold village fete.
Oh, and of course, summarise with all the really important things that really matter to people like your foreign holiday will cost a little more and you might have to queue at passport control in EU land for half an hour once or twice a year, you know the things that really matter to the common folk.
No mention of the possibilities for the UK to flourish outside of the EU straitjacket, of course not, it is not in their plan to tell us how good it could be.
I can see it coming, I never thought the UK will be allowed to leave and this second referendum is the perfect way to get project fear right and ensure a no vote to the deal and the UK stays in after all. Doubt if I would even get odds from Ladbrokes on the UK not leaving the EU, its a dead cert in my book.
Fucking cunts.
Nominated by Dick Byrne
If it was a choice between
1. Bad Deal.
2. No Deal (WTO).
I believe No Deal (WTO) would win by a mile. And the establishment wouldn’t risk that. Once bitten, twice shy.
Of course they’d like the ballot paper to read:
1. Bad Deal.
2. Remain.
But the Brexiteers would never let them get away with that. If they did, we’d deserve to go to hell anyway.
Nominated by Shitcake Baker
So – surprise surprise – we need a second Brexit referendum.
Not really a surprise as the Fourth Reich used this tactic in Norway and Sturgeon is trying it in Jockland. All referenda are reversible and can be subject to a further referendum unless you get the answer you want, in which can it’s irreversible.
Nominated by Jean Claude Drunker
If they call a second referendum it’ll be the last time I ever vote.
I bet that they extend the vote to 16 year olds too, just to make sure that the vote goes the way that they want.
Votes for 16 year olds would be a double edged sword for the Tories – 16 year olds would be more likely to vote Remain or whatever Remoaners wanted – good. But on the other hand they’d vote overwhelmingly for Labour at the next election – bad.
Tories are idiots, but are they lemmings? Could be, judged by their behaviour over the last 18 months.
My guess is for once they’ll have the common sense to resist, or better still raise the voting age to 40+.
Why not extend the vote to any Europeans who are thinking of coming to GB too, then if that fails, best out of five, seven, nine?
The votes happened, been counted and result announced. European Union have been told we are leaving. They have one last chance to offer terms of an amicable separation that cushions the blow for both parties and still they choose to laugh in our face and call our bluff?
I would be happy to hear talks ended and we leave now with no deal rather than waste more time getting the urine extracted.
If only Mrs Thatcher was still around she would know what to do with that fucking old woman Philip Hammond. He is like Keir Starmer that other oily little motherfucker who are scared on Brexit and scared of their own shadows. Kunt Starmer is going to read those economic profiles on Brexit, so it will be a brown trouser day in the Starmer household. As for Hammond he looks like one of those seedy old cunts who was a housemaster at a boarding school in the 1980s and is due to appear in court because of what he got up to with the boys back then. Mrs T would have sacked Hammond long ago
There wont be a second referendum. There’ll be no need. The country will have an ersatz version of Brexit imposed upon it. They’ll never risk giving the plebs a vote on anything important again,they’ve learned their lesson. We’ll swallow whatever spoonful of shite that our betters deign to dish out,and we’d better learn to love it.
Anyone who still believes that we’ll get a settlement that bears even a passing resemblance to what was promised is a naive innocent who is in for a rude awakening. Brexiteers may well have won the battle,but I fear that the war is a different matter. Let’s be honest,Brexit will go ahead, but it’s not going to be the panacea to the ills that afflict this country.
Agreed Fiddler, no silver bullet for the hordes of barbarians at the gates, the greed corruption and anti democratic gravy train Euro trash from across the water. Just a thought but apart from a few die-hard Brexiteers did they think they would actually win? All this had a desperate plan B smoke and mirrors subterfuge look from the start, a claim mirrored by Trumps win in that he actually didn’t want the Presidency.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. Brexit is Remain. (George Orwell 1948)
Got it in one, Baker of Shitcakes.
Alastair Campbell on radio the other day said we should never have been given the choice (referendum) in the first place. What a cunt cunt cunt !
Shortly after the result I said ‘You can check out but you can never leave !’ – not original but true as fuck.
I ask what mega-power has ever managed to survive ? Egyptians – fucked, Romans – fucked, Mongols – fucked, Persians – fucked…. all of them thought they wielded vast power of many nations and they all spectacularly imploded. The writing is on the wall for the EU, that’s if they bother to open their tucking eyes and have a look.
Let’s take Africa for instance. One by one the liberated countries went down the toilet. Then we had the liberation of South Africa the once marvel of the world nicknamed the Rainbow Nation. Well that’s just about fucked too and if that surprised anyone they are fucking idiots.
So I suppose what I’m really saying is history repeats itself.
Great Britain – fucked.
If there’s a second referendum, I hope there will be blood. It will be the cuntiest thing in political history, and being as how 90% of political history is cunty, it’s massive.
One can only hope that now that we’ve seen the EU as nasty spiteful vindictive Merkel fourth Reich stasi shitheads that leave will garner even more votes.
If there is a second referendum “get the fuck out” won’t be one of the options. They can’t risk that. The end game will be some kind of fudge, some kind of snide con trick.
The cunts are determined to get their way and I see dark clouds on the horizon. Violence? Civil Disobedience? Who knows?
I think the politicunts realised that it would’ve kicked off immediately if they hadn’t pretended that they were going to implement the result.
Recon they’ll find some kind of half in, half out, worst of both worlds solution that keeps us in the EU but gives the electorate the illusion that their votes actually count.
Just enough to stop it kicking off.
I think you’re right about the second vote if they force one.
The options will be accept the shit deal, or stay in.
I think air strikes on the EU should be an option on the ballot paper. That’d definitely get my vote.
All these fucking leaks about negative Brexit forcasts have the distinct aroma of ‘MASC’ that is Morgan, Adonis, Soubry, Clarke. I have no doubt that they have been busy ferreting around Whitehall finding like minded ministers and orchestrating these doomsday prophecies. But worry not Cunters. Does this not only strengthen your resolve. I assume the answer would be a resounding YES. Therefore I would think that anyone who voted to leave would be the same as well. Not only that but after seeing the fucking antics of the Brussels cunts and the traitorous wankers of our establishment who put the Reich before the UK we would see many more tell them to go fuck themselves.
Spot on Kendo,
Our so called democratically elected politicians are behaving like latter day :Lord Haw Haws. It would be fitting they suffered the same fate. Cunts one and all.
The current US POTUS would have given it a month and told the EU cunts to fuck off.
Note how quiet the PIIGS repayment plans have gone all quiet? That’s a little drama to be played out but at the moment its being nicely bodyswerved by the EU cunts. No wonder project fear is ramping up. The frogs and krauts will end up bailing out the PIIGS and subsidising the new wave of goat bothering eastern Europeans – without our “contributions”.
Project Fear out in force again today: ‘leaked’ Treasury document ‘proves’ Brexit will be an economic disaster.
Labour demanded its publication in full, Government pretended to resist before capitulating.
Next step: suitably horrified electorate demands 2nd Referendum.
Bish, bash, bosch, job done.
I don’t care if we are worst off, I just want out. I actually hope the price of German fucking cars goes through the roof. We should start preaching protectionism. Fuck me, Trump does, and I’m becoming more and more impressed with what he is doing. We should print made in Britain in big fucking letters on everything we grow, produce, manufacture.
I realise there are basic essentials that we will still need to import. Fender Stratocasters and xhamsters American wives spring to mind.
Do we actually grow, produce or manufacture anything anymore, apart from Monopoly money and snowflakes?
I’ve often wondered about “made in”. Think about, say, a HiFi amplifier. If you buy the electronics from South Korea and the case from China, and the packaging from Italy. You put the electronics in the case, and the case in the box., in a factory in Horsham. Is it made in Britain? Kinda is.
The voting options will be:
1. In
2. A negotiated *out deal for the UK to remain in the Single Market and the Customs Union, whilst allowing free movement of people.
A loaded choice it will be. Expect more fucking leaflets to be printed and stuffed through our letterboxes, imploring us to Vote Option 2 and have the best of all worlds. I have asterisked the word “out” in Option 2 as they will throw it in there to appear that the option is there to leave, even thought this option will be in name only. Some cunts will swallow it.
Maybitch is a fucking hopeless, rotting cadaver. “Brexit means Brexit” and “No deal is better than a bad deal”. She is all fucking piss and wind.
Corbyn will storm the next election and then we will all be royally fucked in the starfish.
Don’t forget, she’s “strong and stable” too!
She can’t sack any member of her cabinet coz she’s too weak and terrified that they’ll launch a leadership challenge.
The first PM in history to lose the country to communists. What a cunt.
cf. the excellent George Orwell quote above, for “Strong and stable” read “Weak and incontinent”
When the cunts finally sell us out we should refuse to pay stuff like council tax, road tax, tv licence etc. When it is due write to the cunts and tell them:
No representation no taxation!
They can’t lock us all up the bastards.
Watch till the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPKg-3KxJ00
Fuck all these cunts who think the world should look like the front cover of watchtower magazine. Freedom isn’t free. We paid a heavy price in lives for it 75 years ago, so a couple of billion quid is fuck all in the grand scheme of things. It’s about time cunts in the west began living within their means, cunts borrowing money for tat instead of saving for it, all underwritten by fuck knows who.
House of Lords? House of cunts more like…..
We should have a daily Brexit scare. For instance, the so called BBC devoted prime news time to the chaos that will ensue if we leave Europol. Now we were in Interpol for fucking years without being in the EU but now it is Europol and leaving the EU will expose us to terror and chaos.
Why the fuck this should be was not explained although I suspect layer upon layer of bureaucracy has taken over rather than coppers etc pooling info.
The remoaner interviewed was of course a Brit employed by Europol. He didn’t mention terrorists crossing borders with impunity but that was no surprise.
So, Brexit scare of the day – uncontrolled crime and terrorism.
Watch this space.
Spot on Cuntstable, We have participated in Interpol activities since the formation of interpol in Sept 1923. It was formed in Austria.
I posted on this but the site never posted it , musnt have met the requirements as it was my first one , but i fucking knew this was coming
what Id say is , if we have to , vote again to leave but EVERY election after that go , queue up at the station, and when you get in the booth write CUNT next to every candidates name
no matter what now , the elite have proven that democracy is a headache and they rule , fact. Voting every 4 years is an illusion so I plan to let my feelings be known from now on
Our fuckwit politicians will attach us to the EU, shackled by complex treaties, and saddle us with a continuation of debt.
None of this matters now. The EU boat is damaged, the Austrians and the Hungarians flexing their muscles. As for the USA, they will sit back and laugh at a treacherous mob of crooks as the mob scrabbles for the lifeboats.
In short, I honestly think that the EU is fucked no matter what happens. I am not forecasting a quick and easy demise, rather a terminal decline with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
We the people, can never win as long as we continue to play “The Election Game”.
And Macron has already conceded Frogs would vote Frexit given half the chance!
And there’s one cunt I’d like to see vanish in a puff of smoke!
Seconded, can’t stand the rancid cunt.
At this rate though, he’ll be another one termer – I do believe his approval rating has crashed even faster than Hollande’s!
I’d like to think the Italians will throw a big spanner in the works when they have their elections in March. However I do have my doubts knowing the I Ties propensity to favour the ‘little brown envelope under the door’ type of politics. Sell out cunts.
The stalling by the powers that be (May and her lot) is to guarantee that it happens post UK election but – and the real stitch up – is post US election.
Dummocrats and the 4th Reich are in cahoots such that they will do anything (sanctuary cities, giving 11 million illegals citizenship – all of whom will vote Dummocrat) such that the US citizens (who didn’t know who they were voting for in 2016) will never be able to outnumber the imported vote again.
This guarantees a Killary or Oprahsive Dummocrat President and they’re first order of business (after removing any wall or immigration policy put in place by this administration) will be to state once again (a’la Hussain Obama) that: “The UK is at the back of the list trade wise.”
Then whichever cunt is in power here (Corbyn) advises the UK to vote to stay in the EU because we have no trade options elsewhere (lies of course but who cares about the truth in politics eh) and that deluded Brexiters (who also didn’t know what they were voting for, or were racist, or both in 2016) should tow Frau Merkelcunt’s line.
Any impetus Brexit gave to other EU doubting nations has now disappeared after the utter shambles and weakness shown by our cunts in power, when, we had the upper hand trade wise purely on deficit alone.
Once again this was no doubt a closed door meeting of cunts between our “negotiators” and the EU’s to agree how best to fuck up so’s not to fire up other nations pissed off with the EU.
And so the EU status quo continues, except in order to get back in (even though we’ve not left) it will likely cost us yet another £100bn to the EU to cover their expenses.
And if Comrade Corbyn is in power he’ll more than happily stump up because him and McDonnell will never tire of spending other people’s money – those that work that is cos the benefits scroungers and immos will be too busy celebrating their newfound CorbDonnell windfall to give two shits!
I fucking hate this cuntry and how fucking weak we’ve become. Just the other day I saw my Dad’s old atlas book he had as a kid. This is only going back 70yrs ago and most of the map was pink!
Nowadays not even most of the UK is pink! What a shithole we’ve become!
Fucking top post Rebel. Agree with every word – BZ that man 😉
Sad but utterly true. All of it deliberately engineered too.
I was surprised by the result but as many of you cunts allude to above, I have never thought for a second that it was remotely likely to happen.
To my mind, we are too fractured as a country. Plus, we have the fact that everyone that was educated after Blair came into power has been brainwashed from childhood into this socialist bollocks multiculti = good, empire = awful, foreign aid = kewl, indigenous = bad, EU = good, sovereignty = wayyyycist, cute furry little snackbars = good, anyone that disagrees with this dubious status quo = bad/islamaphobe. Et fucking cetera.
That might not sound like a lot of people but an 11 year old in 1997 will be 32, now. That actually is a lot of brainless young cunts. with more of them popping up every single year.
Proof positive on that MR is a few weeks ago on ALBBCQT – a raw snowflake about 18 or 19 attending one of those old Polys that became Unis overnight had a say on the liebour v tory debate. God bless her – she came out with the following verbatim
“What does the PM actually do apart from sitting down and signing papers all day”. Even Dimbelcunt had one of those moments where you wonder just how the fuck these voting age cunts manage to find their arses with both hands. Hence the reason why Emily Thornycuntbush gave all her 6 questions at PMQ today asking about lowering the voting age to 16. I think it should be raised to 40 judging by the youth that are falling out of womens wombs post 1990.
Agree Cunto, some of the young uns I have to deal with haven’t the brains they were born with. It’s apparent that if its not on faecesbook or Twatter then it doesn’t exist or never happened.
Sadly they are a product of 30 years of left wing ideology being taught at schools and universities. There is no debate, there are no discussions or dissenting voices allowed by the ruling left, it’s their way or the highway. Sadly for the rest of the us what they sowed is coming home to roost.
However when we reach the tipping point and the snowflakes safe spaces are no longer safe, I for one will be looking out for me and my own and the rest of em can go to hell.
Let’s see how brave they are when Uncle Mo’s hordes are practicing their unique cures for the gay, non believer and adulterous women for example… It will be interesting for sure.
More like 45 years left wing ideology – it was well under way in the ’70s when I was in higher education. Helped me hone my thinking and debating abilities such as they are, but many peers swallowed the libtards propaganda hook line and sinker.
Check out Malcolm Bradbury’s 1975 comic novel The History Man.
To rub salt in the wound the NUS head office (Really????- I thought being a student was a temporary thing) have had to send home all its officials due to the President and half her cohorts bullying the snowflakes in the office. I honestly cant be tittsed writing about this new NUS president and I will leave you to yo0ur own thoughts without clicking the link. Yep, everything you thought and more. Stop the world – I want to get off.
I think snopakery is why GB is increasingly short of scientists…
Because a lot of science exists as PROVEN FACTS, upon which research is based.
But a certain group of people have an enormous problem with proven facts… Snopakes would probably try to rubbish Newton’s Laws.
Fackin brainwashed cants.
M-R, you clearly know my son…
All these remoaniacs, all these traitors, all these scum, all these lying, two faced, double-crossing sacks of shit……… they all deserve one fate and one fate only……
We live in queer times., never certain where the truth lies or wether it even exists at all. Democracy is a fragile thing. One puff of wind and it can all vanish into the ether.
So many traitors with vested interests. As you rightly say. Delete!
WTF is #stopspeaksupport when it’s at home?
Yet another nod the the collective noun:
What….. what the fuck is this latest nonsense?
Is it wrong that I wish all these snowflake cunts would just melt?
There’s a song in that…
Worthy of Hugo Wolf, or Mahler !!
Allow me to elaborate further…..
I am sick to death that the most meaningful referendum result with the highest turnout we’ve had (right?) has been systematically sabotaged whether by design or incompetence and the fuckwit political classes and their enablers continue to sneer at the normal people, who deal with more hardships than these worthless vermin ever will, just pat themselves on the back for being supposedly superior to us.
I am sick of seeing the miserable losers on both sides of the pond, remoaners here and Kilary and the Dumbocrats in Yank-land still act like a bunch of petulant wankers because their rotten status quo is in danger of dying the miserable death that it should have died years ago.
I am so very tired of all this ”Identity Politics” bullshit that pander to every oddity under the sun while the rest of us, the small little cogs who keep all these shit shows functioning, have to be told that we have to accept all these abnormalities and abominations while being told that we are everything evil thing under the sun if we don’t agree.
If all these cunts were to vanish, permanently, overnight I’d wake up a very happy man!
That’s the thing with the left PMS, at some point the double standards and hypocrisy of all the different liberal attitudes cannot co-exist. Can you be a feminist yet support gender fluidity and allow men in women toilets because they ‘identify’ as female on a particular day? Or support women rights yet fail to condemn Islamic attitudes, protest capitalism while living comfortably in a detached house in the burbs, extolling socialism while Venezuela goes bankrupt?
And last week McDonut was saying Venezuela got it right they just implemented it wrong…
McDonut is a delusional commie cunt, just like the rest of his miserable ilk.
I’m with you on that PMS.! The next fuckers to be “specialled” will be the grass munching fucking vegans!
Or necrophilliacs and cunts who are into bestiality…..
No Deal means WTO Rules which in turns means a hard border in NI, so No Deal is and always was a non-starter.
Have to say that Farage left the door ajar for this second referendum cuntery when he stated before the referendum that he would consider a narrow win for Remain as “unfinished business” and he would continue campaigning for a second referendum. Remoaners quite understandably point to this and say that if Farage thought a second referendum (in the event of a narrow win for the other side) was a perfectly democratic strategy, how come a second referendum is now being described “opposing the will of the people”…? If Farage had kept his gob shut, it would be easier to shut down a lot of this Remoaner whining.
Also – Cameron is a massive fucking cunt for failing to agree in Parliament and then publish the fact that the referendum outcome would be binding and that the government would be compelled to implement the result. The cocky cunt’s failure to do this (because he was so sure Remain would win) meant that the result was only advisory with no legal or moral obligation to implement it (as has been confirmed twice in the Courts). Had he thought ahead and had a little more political nous, the pigfucker wouldn’t have left uncertainty to linger around the binding/advisory question – and that would have prevented a lot of Remoaner whining too.
Agree – significant points Fred.
It’s hard to disagree with any of that really.
Why would WTO be a disaster? We’d make shedloads of extra taxes from it.
We had a border with Ireland before we joined the EU so what’s the problem?
Build the Wall of Cunts there – the mick’s would surely jump at the honour!
There’s plenty of New ammunition for leave with juncker and Co bleating on about Fiscal union happening in the near future , the dumping of the pound is hugely contentious for the Brits, throw in that all rebates are going out of the window as well, also juncker has said that in order to get his fiscal union th EU,s financial compliance requirements may have to be lowered to allow poorer members to qualify? Hmm we’ve been there before haven’t we Claude ? And how exactly did that work out?
Looks like the sickly EU PIGS (Portugal Italy Greece Spain) May soon be having some offspring ……….
The pound is only a point for proper brits.
The immos don’t give a fuck, neither do the benefits wallahs so long as they’re getting their bit FOC.
The flake generation and neo liberals (old fascists) consider the pound to be racist.
And the political powers (whatever they decry publicly) could not give two shits one way or the other providing their gravey-boat is full to brimming.
100yrs ago we ruled the planet (in effect) in 100yrs time – in Saudi Britanica – we’ll be lucky if there’s as much known about the history of this “green and pleasant land” as those poor cunts in Machu Picchu, and that’s with all of this era’s recording technology, etc., that the likes of Zuckerberg, et. al., are steadily deleting/rewriting just like in 1984.
Clever cunt that George Orwell fella!
It’s falling apart
Austria, Hungary pissed off with the EU.
Macron saying the French would vote Frexit
Greece would leave tomorrow if they weren’t in hock to the EU
Croatia is now talking Crexit…
Looks like everyone’s pissed off with being ruled by the Bundesbank…
I voted to leave at when I was 28, if we ever fucking leave the EU, which isn’t looking likey I’ll be 34. I did not join the military and see and suffer shitty fucking things so these twats is suits make a mockery of democracy. This country that I love is completely fucked.