Andy Hornby

I would like to cunt Andy Hornby. Who he I hear you call?!

He is the bloke who brought HBOS to its knees causing many Lloyds HBOS employees to lose their jobs. He was also in charge when six employees at HBOS’ Reading branch were jailed for fraud.

After leaving HBOS he spent a short while as Chief Executive of Boots before being sacked while trousering a £2.4 million pay off. He then moved on to Ladbrokes Coral where he has accumulated share options of £10 million.

Lets not forget that LLoyds HBOS are paying him a pension £240,000 a year until the day he dies. Very very nice and I’m sure all thoroughly deserved !

Nominated by richard1

25 thoughts on “Andy Hornby

  1. Posh rich cunt , never heard of him but they all stick together, give each other jobs and look after each other. These cunts rule the world and always make sure they are at the head of the queue.
    Fuck the lot of them.

  2. Heard on news this morning Treeza is poised to add a third year to the transition period…are we surprised? That works out at about one year’s transition added for every six months since the Referendum. Which means we can expect another two years to be added before we ‘Leave’ in March 2019. That would bring the transition period up to five years…more than enough time for the government to wear the electorate down and fix it so Brexit means Remain by another name, similar to Labour’s trick of pledging to stop ‘Freedom of Movement’ but replace it with ‘Easy Movement’. Cunts.

    • Another year’s extension takes us nicely to the next General Election. Well, what a coincidence! Guess what happens then?

      • Until he realises that he is only a useful idiot and once served his purpose will find out the hard way that communists don’t like agitators, I think the phrase once an agitator always an agitator springs to mind.

    • This man speaks the truth.

      I just won’t bloody vote at all.

      They are all a load of cunts.

      The highly unlikely exception would be if the Tories could get JR-M in as leader, and given the fact they voted Might in, what are the odds ??

  3. Complete and utter Cunt!!
    Good cunting ?

    Off point
    Saw headline in politico this morning, apparently a second vote on brexit has a 16 percentage point lead over simply getting on with it? Wow!!
    Amazing stuff, who commissioned this poll? Ah yes the guardian! And ICM dutifully obliged, apparently it was an unusually large sample, 5000+ ( so it must be correct)
    I wonder where they got the participants from? Hmm guardian/ independent/ new statesman readers maybe? There’s been dozens of polls done in the last 12 months and a second brexit vote wasn’t high on the agenda, only a few weeks ago a writer in the guardian said people didn’t have the appetite to vote again as the polls had remained static ? ……..

    • Fake news.

      Naively I used to imagine the Grauniad basically honest if misguided. Never again.

      Deluded Remoaner propagandising cunts.

      • Absolutely right Shitcake

        When I first saw the article online did not believe a single word of it.

        Hate the fucking Guardian and everyone associated there with.

  4. I honestly don’t know how these cunts get away with being useless time and again. And who are the dozy cunts who keep employing them? Surely they are the bigger cunts??

    I work for myself, the business I’m in is very incestuous and you often meet the same cunts time and again. However if I was fucking useless I wouldn’t expect to be taken on or given contracts.

    With these “Masters of Industry” the bigger they fuck up the bigger their next role/salary/package will be! It’s complete and utter madness!

    Don’t get me wrong, I am a staunch believer in capitalism and do not begrudge anyone their wealth or chattels when it is born of hard work or real talent but these “…often knew the right people or attended the right school…” pricks really take the chocolate coated and gold foiled biscuit!

    These cunts get paid the big bucks to take on the big responsibilities, and if said business/organisation folds or performs badly then that’s on them. The buck stops with them.

    If under their watch this happens and that effects ordinary folk’s jobs or pensions then I would make it law that instead of a golden “fuck off” and a big ol’ locked in annuity those monies are used to help those who have lost their jobs/pensions through no fault of their own. I’d also prevent these cunts from taking on any role at or above board level for 5 years (minimum).

    Some would argue that that is a drop in the ocean compared to what might be needed in recompense ordinary folk but that wouldn’t be the point, not all of it anyway.

    The point would be that these useless cunts would think twice about taking on positions of high responsibility if the consequences of their ineptitude were real rather than: “Hey give me a high-five! I just got sacked and have been given £n million in recompense and already have the next suckers lined up for my talents!”

    O’course no such law would ever be passed, not while most senior members of the House of Cunts and the House of Old Cuntosauruses hold some elicit position in various companies/institutions as parliamentary wheel greasers!

    The Cunts!

    • There should have been a number of prosecutions and several high ranking banksters now in jail as a result of the banks crashing the economy. Of course in reality, was there fuck. The writing was on the wall all those years ago when Ernest thieving cunt Saunders was given a free pass by his fellow cunts in the establishment.

      • And let’s not forget that most of the upper echelons of that most morally bankrupt and economically corrupt institution – the EU – are former top bankers, or banking execs.

        That tells it’s own fucking story!

      • The clique of cunts at the top fix each other’s pay rates.

        It’s not how well you perform that counts, it’s who you know. Meritocracy is dead.

        Otherwise Corbyn & Co wouldn’t get a look in, they’d have stayed where they belong – firmly in the dustbin of history.

    • Right in everything you say.

      Remember many years ago a new top man was appointed by the Prudential. Was not there very long. Cost cutting was his remit and his speciality. Needless to say he sacked hundreds of staff, pocketed millions for his brief stay then moved on to his next cull and more millions.

      The banking crisis you referred to was staggering beyond belief. Utter stupidity, raw greed, uncontrolled risk taking with the inevitable results. Bailed out by the taxpayers, everyone keeps their ill gotten gains, no prosecutions, and by all accounts the same could happen again tomorrow.

      Lessons learnt? Absolutely not, those in power couldn’t care less.

      • There was also a fair degree of misleading shareholders going on which is a criminal offence. It wasn’t only bad judgement and greed or incompetence it also included criminality. They should be in jail.

  5. Just been reading that somebody, with a Bath postcode, has been sending Saint Gary Taxdodger a parcel of used bog paper once a month for the last 20 years!
    Fucking brilliant !
    It’s not one of you cunts is it ?

    • Whoever he/she/it is deserves a gong – that irritating jug eared cunt could not be sufficiently sent shit if it was delivered daily by a tractor at the gates of his mansion. If you fess up Freddie I wont tell 😉

      • Dopey cunt – would’ve thought he’d got wind of it by now!

        Wasn’t me, btw, but have considered delivering a tasty knuckle sandwich on occasion…

  6. Saunders is unique, he’s the only person that has ever recovered from Alzheimer’s disease. A thief, a liar, a conman and a cunt.

  7. It’s alarming how many incompetents are put in charge of huge organisations, fuck it up, and get millions in “compensation”. Ive always worked at grass roots level where incompetence can’t and won’t be tolerated, and quite right too. Yet thick cunts land huge jobs with huge pay, and, it seems, get sacked for being useless, and go on to another position. Must confess to being a bit jealous. I would take my IQ dropping a few points in exchange for a few squillion.

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