Water Aid are complete cunts.
They have an ad that shows some poor cunt walking miles through the bush to fill a grungy plastic container with buffalo piss and liquid sewage because this is the ONLY water available. They point out the water is full of bacteria and, well, shit and kills umpteen little water carriers a day and then some cheerful, well fed, well hydrated Yorkshire cunt asks for three quid to send them a shiny bucket with a tight lid and a tap to keep their poisonous water in WHAT THE FUCK USE IS THAT?????
Any one supporting this nonsense is a cunt, instead you should ask what this kid’s cunt parents are doing and why the cunts don’t move either:
move nearer to the water, bad as it is, or
fuck off and live somewhere better (but not here), or
dig a fucking well at home
it’s not like these dumb cunts haven’t had a few hundred years to think it out
Nominated by Ragarse
By trying to save lives in the already grossly overpopulated (v resources) continent, this is only making a bad situation worse.
Have Water Aid by all means but set up Knackers Aid too – a charity dedicated to removing Umbongo’s gonads so he can no longer reproduce. If many countries in Africa were free of Africans, this would at least give the globe some respite.
I think that might be ISAC,s old mate M’TEBE doing the 8 mile trek to the watering hole…..
Apparently they just breed like fuck to qualify for more food than their neighbours.
Nobody should bring a child into a world like that, knowing it will starve to death. Their government should introduce a sterilisation plan after one child if the parents fail to feed & clothe the first.
Though that would end their pay check, as foreign aid wouldn’t be required. No new S Class for Umbungo ever again…
I’d buy that for a dollar….or £3.
As the saying goes – give a European a fish and he will eat for a day – give a wog a fishing rod and he will flog the cunt immediately.
Then steal it back that night and sell to some other cunt.
It has been estimated that over the past 30 years, Africa has received over 960 billion pounds in Aid money from Global sources Of that 960, approximately 20% has been given to various water projects. Year upon year, billions more are poured in, and still organizations like Water aid want more.
Each appeal is accompanied by some raggy arsed emaciated fly licked coon trekking 30 miles with a bucket. Why?
With all this free inward investment, Africa should be the global utopia, a paradise upon earth, with crystal clear and clean water, amazing medical technology, food a plenty, hygiene and lack of disease and so on.
Africa remains the universal shithole. So where in fuck is the money going?
Water aid was founded in 1981 ( 36 years ago ) and has had a series of well paid CEO,s It is also part funded ( would you believe ) by water companies within the UK who pour in YOUR money so it can disappear into the ether of foreign banking.
In truth, all charities are similarly bent, and relatively little of the cash is used for any benefit.
Now , what pisses me off, is that year by fucking year, water aid shows the same footage of some kid and a bucket, same country, same shit and the same flies absolutely fuck all has changed ! All this “giving” to charity is the biggest rip off on the planet,
A well warranted cunting ragarse!
Great post Asim – explains why I instinctively stopped giving to these scammers a few years ago. First smelt a massive rat when Save The Children gave Blair a ‘Global Legacy Award’ (using my monthly donations) in 2015.
Angry and mugged doesn’t begin to describe how I felt:
…… and when we tell you to move nearer to the water, we didn’t mean into an inflatable dingy on the med you cunts!
There’s a chugging going on at the moment saying every pound you give will be matched by the government. Let’s get this straight :
1. I give them a quid
2. The government gives them a quid from my taxes
3. The government gives my taxes away as foreign aid
4. The government gives my taxes to the EU who give it away a foreign aid
So I’ve paid 4 times, 3 without being asked so only once did I have a choice.
So when the chuggers come a chuggin’ explain that you already paid at least twice and don’t want to pay twice more.
I also like asking them how much commission they get for signing me to a direct debit. They love that one. Just watch them squirm!
I once refused to work on a project for Oxfam because I was appalled at their waste and hypocrisy. I’d never give those cunts the gry from my fingernails…
What else would you expect from an organisation that campaigns for Labour? Cunts.
Oh and if you scan through that piece on Oxfam you’ll see the name of St Jo of the Cox. Her and her old man both worked for them and of course he had to leave for inappropriate sexual behaviour.
Not only does the government donate a quid from your taxes, it adds that to the current virtue-signalling total of humanitarian aid dispensed by the wonderful (insert current government party here)
And then it goes to a highly profitable intermediary, which after deducting 10% to cover its costs/directors’ fees may then redistribute it to a charity with actual boots on the actual ground (volunteers – they’re so cost-efficient) . Or it may hand it to the President of Bongonia’s (advised by the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair*) cousin, who runs the downstream side of international aid. He then launders it through his London properties and quickly offshores it as insurance against losing his job in the next coup.
It’s all very well organised, and sad kiddie on ground with bucket is unlikely to get anything, as has been remarked before.
A whole clanking gravytrain of cunts is involved in this scam.
*Formerly the Tony Blair Africa Governance Initiative, but the Charities Commission got wise to that one.
Her indoors wrapped in the Red Cross volunteering.
She never collected for funds once but not for the lack of trying to get her to.
It was like being first aid trained and a high level with experience in other life saving skills and being available should a disaster occur near to her wasn’t enough.
If they have given the Grenfellians the figures reported, I want to know how they are in hotels with us picking up the tab while they collect every coin as they would have before the fire.
The sums put them over the limit of allowed funds in the bank, therefore cancelling their entitlement to unemployment benefit, support allowances, tax credits, housing benefit, council tax benefit, universal credit, whateverthefuckitscalledtoday benefit.
Basically, everything other than disability benefit, PIP and a blue square badge for their unregistered, uninsured, untaxed, unmot’d stolen car they don’t have a licence to drive.
Take the accommodation offered you snivelling entitled to fuck all (as not insured home either) cunts.
Oh and I saw a bit if a charity feast organised by Gordon “fuck off” Ramsay, Gino DiCunto and Fred the cunt. This was for emergency services, hospital staff and other heroes involved in saving life’s in recent terror attacks.
Where was the Millwall Lion?
No, no sign if him but they managed to rustle up two homo’s who survived Grenfell.
What the actual fuck?
I just can’t believe in god anymore, when he failed to smoke a couple of fags in one night.
The Remainer elitists’ fury over blue passports is brilliant… It has given us the best insight yet into their seething contempt for what they view as the uncultured, unworldly, thick-as-shit public who voted Leave…
Also, the murdering cunt who killed that young lady in Aldi in Skipton is not a peaceful type… I wondered why the ABBC were giving it so much coverage… Had he been a sanddpade we’d still be waiting for him to be named, but they’d still refer to him as ‘British’…
The blue passport “ storm in a tea cup” is fuckin brilliant !!
The Not so independent did a piece yesterday that was full of more bile and toxic pus than a bite from a kimodo dragon!!
You could feel the writers pain and anguish as he wrote!!
Sky ran a poll? Unbelievably finding it was older people that wanted it?? , the younger generation didn’t care?? Boo fuckin hoo ya Cunts!!
Maybe we could have a referendum on the passport colour?? None binding of course.. ?
The water problem will soon be over in Africa. Why? Coz they’ll all be fucking over here!!
Ref Norman’s point about the poor lass stabbed in Skipton, Al Beeb lead this morning with name age etc of the accused, not a hate crime etc etc . Which is fine as the bastard should named but contrast that with the 5 drivers that ran over and didn’t stop to help the lady that was run over on a pedestrian crossing in London. Now I know the Met have nicked 2 of the drivers – but you can’t find their names anywhere in the press. My money is on them being peaceful types, can’t name them can we, bringing their life is cheap values to the streets of the UK. Not long until our capital will be like Islamabad methinks .
These adverts asking for money to buy food / water / buckets have been around since I was a kid. So it’s nothing new and the problem has been around for generations and its heart breaking. What I can’t understand is if you have no water, food or money, why bring children into that world? It just beggars belief, the mentality. I would never bring a child into that world.
You could argue that giving money compounds the problem because it enables the children to survive, grow up and bring more of the cunts into the world and, here we go again.
Exactly CnR I’ve always said it keeping the dieing alive when nature is doing its best to level the playing field only speeds up the descent into disaster. We as the West are only treating the symptoms a sort of palliative care instead of cutting out the cancer ( mega population growth and insane levels of corruption)
Until the West realise Africa is past a band-aid and requires major surgery it’ll be an endless money pit for us and an unmitigated hell for the uneducated people that exist there apart from a few places that try to embrace a more western ideal.
I have not cunted for a very long time, as I’ve been working my fairly hairy arse to the bone for my massive cunt of an employer, an employer so massive a cunt that a few months ago I found a better paid job with a different company and subsequently handed my notice in like a good boy. Upon seeing this the “management” shit themselves as they realised they had lost, if I do say so myself, one of their best workers to a direct competitor.
This is where the “cunt” comes in. My employer calls me into an unofficial meeting and offers me a new job role, much more money and a change to my working pattern. Obviously intrigued I request HR to come in on this to make it slightly more official, have a contract drawn up and a full job description provided. They agree to this and I awkwardly have to go to my prospective new employer and say unfortunately I can not turn down the money I’m being offered so I wont be joining them, blah blah blah.
Roll forward 6 weeks, no contract, no job description, not the agreed change in pay and 4 days before Christmas I am called into a meeting to be told the job offer is being withdrawn. A meeting which my absolute fucking cunt of an employer did not attend because he knew I would have, quite simply, knocked the fat headed cunt out.
In conclusion, the world is full of cunts who are not only out for themselves but who are so self-absorbed they actively go out of their way to stop others from bettering their lives. Now I’m off to drink myself into a Christmas oblivion. Have a good one fellow cunters.
What a fucking Cunt’s trick,COMC. Wait your chance,eventually you’ll get the chance to fuck the Cunt over.
Feeling genuinely nauseous after reading your story COMC. You can’t trust ANYONE these days. Hope things work out better for you in the new year.
My late father always used to say that once you have decided to leave a company for another job and have told your employers you should never ever change your mind and should leave.
An increased/enhanced offer means they were clearly not paying your market value to start with.
They may feel resentful about being forced into having to do something and may fuck them off to the extent that they want some sort of revenge, either short or long term.
Possibly all is not lost, certainly contact the company that offered you the job initially and let them know you are still available should they be interested. Clearly you were the best candidate and they wanted you, and anyone they have taken on for the role in the meantime will be in some sort of probation so can easily dealt with.
In the meantime would look to persue some form of legal action against current employers if at all possible. Suspect the boss and HR will close ranks and suspect they have offered absolutely nothing on paper. Always get something in writing from people promising stuff in exchange for something.
My daughters boyfriend was promised the earth verbally by the letting agent he used in exchange for property management expenses. Little or no bookings but must still pay the hefty management fees, as nothing in writing.
After what has gone on feel you must get away from your current employer but wait until the right job comes along, not the first job offered.
What a fucking cunt of a boss, hopefully something bad will happen for him in his life to make up for his treatment towards you COMC.
Good luck.
Bide your time mate, the karma will come. Miserable cunt.
I hate to suggest this in a hotbed of rightwingery, but….union?
That’s exactly the sort of cunt trick they were formed to prevent…and now they’ve been effectively neutered, look forward to more Victorian employment practices.
Deeply sympathise, though, and hope you can get your own back.
Thanks for all the kind words and advice my friends. I’m writing this fairly the worse for wear, but you’ll be pleased to know that I’ve used my time today by finding alternative employment in the new year, with a good, decent business in a role offering good money and better hours. You may also be pleased to know that my current/ex employer will be expecting me to turn up at 3pm on Christmas day to run the shift and subsequently be on call for the following 24 hours, I can confirm that that will not be fucking happening and they will be having around an hours notice of that fact.
Fingers crossed my union can dig the wankers for some money and I can use funds to hire a truck to park out side their offices with the witty retort of “CUNTS” daubed across the side of it. Looks like Father Christmas has visited me early this year.
Now I must get back to my vast amounts of alcohol. Cheers you beautiful bastards.
Great news, thanks for the update.
Have a great Xmas and New Year and best of luck in your new job.
Exactly this happened to a mate of mine who had a senior role at an electrical retailer that sounds like Nixon’s, however they took on the wrong bloke and it cost them close to £100k and the cunt that they put in charge of cunting him ended up being cunted himself.
Every cloud mate….
I thought the Chinese were taking over Africa with huge infrastructure ( arms and slush funds ) investment in return for raw materials and cheap labour ?
And most of the wildlife, to be turned into nonsense medicines or aphrodisiacs. Like anyone from that neck of the woods needs help breeding…..
The Criminal Organization known as the United Nations ahs a complex budget system whereby its many cancerous appendages have “concealed” budgets. An American report came to light , and the UN collectively has a budget of nearly $19 billion. They say that a lot of their costs are in policing trouble spots around the globe.
Any cunter of this site who has ever served in the forces, will know that the UN provides fuck all excepting a blue beret and badge ( cost 900 million dollars !!!!! )
Member nations provide the soldiers and all of the equipment.
I recall one such “policing” in Bongo bongo land, UK army light armour painted white and blue UN flashes, having shortly before being deployed on the streets of Belfast.
The UN is a bastard waste of fucking money providing scumbags, criminals and fuckwits with handsome salaries, glorious expenses, to sit on their arseholes in a paid for UN building telling the rest of us how fucking unfair the world is.
Water Aid and the UN are simply ( like all charidees ) a funnel to move capital to international accounts that obscure the truth .
Fuck all ” charidees” fuck the UN, and, ( after the vote against Trump yeserday ) fuck all the lib mong fuckwit leftists who inhabit the shithole that is the UN building.
so endeth my festive and seasonal rant
Merry Xmas fellow cunters!!
The UN what a crock of cunts.
Trump “Jerusalem capital of Israel”
UN “Arrrrgh the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are coming”
Obama, Bush, Clinton “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel”
UN” sounds of tumbleweed ”
Bunch of cunts
Paul Joseph Watson points this out
Nice one goodwoodone! I had not seen that vid before. Puts it all very firmly in its place. The others brag, but Trump does!
Didn’t know the UN was still in existence!
If they put slightly less salt on their fried chiggun,they might not get quite so thirsty. I always have a can of cider with my chiggun wings,perhaps they could do the same?
“Let them drink Tesco cider!”
Fuckin genius DF!!
I’ve just sent them a box of taps.
I am sick to the back teeth of sitting down to watch a programme on the shitpump and every twenty minutes during the ads, some bullshit like water aid pops up to remind me of exactly how backwards the indigenous population of Africa and ‘The peaceful countries’ actually are.
I know that they like to try and wipe each other out by alternative means with civil wars, usually fought over a week old piece of KFC, some cheap bling or the latest pair of Nike air clown shoes. Oh, hang on. Thats Tottenham high street on a Saturday afternoon I’m thinking of. But aren’t they getting the message that mother nature doesn’t like them and it is way past time that they all shuffled off their mortal coil and left the continent of Africa to people who actually know what to do with it?
Surely the rape apes would have enough food and water if they stopped reproducing every nine months and filling the planet with useless mouths to feed. Nothing worthwhile has ever come out of Africa, apart from email scams, a new and improved variants of AIDS / Ebola and terrorism. If they were really that hungry, they would tuck into all of those yummy face flies they seem to surround themselves with. Too lazy to swat them away and too thick and smelly to employ any method of keeping them off. Just tuck in you useless, lazy cunts. It may just keep you alive without YT’s help!
Frankly they are not worth our time or money and should be left to their own devices until nature takes it’s inevitable course and purges them from the face of the earth. Its not like nature hasn’t been trying, it just that we keep trying to defy nature in terms of pouring aid in to keep these things alive. God alone knows why.
If by doing absolutely nothing, I can see the back of 4100 murder monkeys every day, I shall keep it up.
Fuck you water aid, fuck you Oxfam and fuck you Bob Geldof. You’re not getting a penny out of me to keep your pets alive.
Its high time we mined the Med and the English channel too, to keep them off our land and away from our welfare.
They should just go to Sainsbury. I’ve just bought two litres of Tonic water for 90p and I walked less than a mile!
Are you advocating Sainsbury’s open a few stores in Africa CM?
Parking wouldn’t be a problem ?
No need – Sainsbury’s offer free online home delivery service nowadays!
Maybe Sainsbury’s could open up an African food section??
French flies? Eu approved
And flavoured bottled water?
Instead of a lemon twist say buffalos piss?
Quis, they’ve already got a store in Brixton.
Ah fuck!! CM missed out again….
Hilarious. Very good.
How do you know when an Ethiopian’s going to be sick?
There are people surrounding him with bowls.
Apparently Lutons’ Social Services and Welfare dept. have issued an urgent appeal for a specialised interpreter, after somebody arrived at their office speaking English….
Don’t even joke about that mate, it is a cunt of a place. A very “peaceful” cunt of a place.
Off point….
Just saw channel 5,s festive line up for tonight, FFS!! It’s a double helping of cruise ship warbler Jane mc Donald!!! , apparently we’re off cruising with Jane at 9 followed by Jane and friends at 10?? The clips shows Jane telling the audience “ there’s a lingering aroma of mulled wine in here” que Concorde noise levels of canned laughter!!
Fuckin priceless………
Falls into the category of ‘a bit of a milf’, now US Conservative ballbreaker Ann Coulter is worth a look, she would eat our own Jezza Corbyn for breakfast and fart him out before lunch, also Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN.
Ann Coulter LL? Just checked her out and…no thanks, she looks like Ted Danson in a wig to me.
Nikki Haley though…..mmm.
Bono on stage at a gig pleading for more African aid…..”Every time I clap my hands a child in Africa dies!”
Audience member….”Well stop fucking clapping then!”.
I wonder what %age of my 3 quid goes towards armaments?
The more you do to help people means the less they have to do to help themselves. Right?
Surely this is common fucking sense.
I don’t see why this tiny island feels the necessity to or thinks it can afford to spend money it does not have on other people’s problems when we have enough problems here to worry about.
Wrong Willie – the more you do to help people, the less they feel the need to help themselves, and the more dependent they become on YOU.
Known in the trade as ‘Dependency Culture’ – the big charities thrive on it…
Off topic ‘coz it concerns not water to Africa but food. I checked to see what the population of Ethiopia might have been at the time Sir Bob (before his enoblement) of Geldof persuaded the public to divest itself of its money threatening that if we didn’t all those ghastly eighties pop groups would never go away. Well the money was given and now there are no eighties pop groups so that worked. I also checked to see what the current population of Ethiopia following all those deaths by starvation might now be. It is now at seventy eight million that is to say twice what it was in 1984. Clearly starvation encourages shagging so I’d like to volunteer for a hunger strike.
Time we took David Icke a bit more seriously…
My favourite David icke theory is the moons an ancient alien spaceship that controls our minds? I’ve often look up at it fully expecting a door to open and see an alien clocking off after doing his 12 hr shift of mind controlling……. ?
Icke isn’t quite the mental case I thought he was after that giant lizard nonsense. He has found a vast group of people who not only believe his absolute bollocks, they will pay to hear it. A fool and their money are easy parted. Wish I’d thought of it….
Icke didn’t think of it either, he just woke up one morning merged with the “Infinite Mind”, like you do.
My friends brother is one of those fools! , the pot smoking grammar school drop out spends hours a day researching Ickes many theories, often quoting the messiah when tanked up down the pub!..
He likes to tell people he lives off the grid and doesn’t work as he refuses to be a wage slave?
Pretty rich for a bloke that’s got a council flat ( err that’s on the grid) and for refusing to be a wage slave read LAZY CUNT!
Most aid money goes in commissions, salaries (eye watering for the directors) incompetence and corruption which is endemic. So not worth giving. Oh and also arms, as was the case with the Band Aid bollocks. I was told a couple of tales when I was in Africa by someone who worked in aid projects further north, I forget which particular shithole.
1. Materials were provided (by us, of course) to line a well for the village. Villagers would only dig the well if paid.
2. Crocs were a problem for women washing clothes in the river. Solution (pointed out by whitey) sink wooden trunks into river forming a protective U with access from bank but stopping attacks from the water. Locals stood around watching while volunteers did work.
This is the norm from the fuckers. Anyone volunteering to go and help wants their bumps feeling and anyone who gives money is misguided, misled and doing no good at all. And the majority of aid projects are stripped and looted once whitey stops maintaining them.
The aid industry is worth billions and is perpetuated by vested interests. 99.9% of the money is wasted one way or another.
Well said CC…….
Because they haven’t evolved.
Left to their own devices they never invented the wheel, a reliable means of starting and maintaining fire, basic hygiene, any form of shelter other than a mud hut, any form of democracy, clothing, shovels, architecture, schools etc etc.
Basically, everything they have is what YT has given them and they hate us for it.
Now, lets shame the cunts.
See an African driving a car, wearing clothes, living in a council three bed semi, sending their future felon factories to school, using a computer, making a phone call.
All cultural appropriation.
Tell them to give it back to the people who invented it or they are racist.
Reminds me of a scene from In The Heat Of The Night where Rod Steiger meets Sidney Poitier (in a business suit) and asks “What you doin’ wearing white man’s clothes?”
Those aid cunts must get their supplies from the same place the NHS gets paracetamol from. If they bought all the shit from China, it would be ‘ text BLANKET to 6969 to donate 50p’
Either way, the west is fucked. If we cure all their ills, the population explodes, and millions migrate to escape the poverty, and if we leave them to nature, millions will migrate to escape the disease.
And if they’d got off their arses and built a viable, enterprising civilisation over the last 50 years, we’d probably be a colony of theirs by now.
I have been reticent to mention this previously because anyone who knows me will immediately know it’s me but fuck it, I’m up to here with paying for Africunts and – more importantly – filling the coffers of despot dictators with money meant to be channelled for aid, so here it goes…
In the 80’s my Uncle worked in Nigeria installing water/sewage treatment plants to provide fresh water to the masses. In African terms Nigeria is hardly one of the poorest countries in the dark continent. It was also just outside of Lagos so hardly the wilderness with respect to the capital.
This was on the back of Sir Pikey Geldof’s “give us yer money NOOOOIIII!!!” escapades (which that CUNT has lived off ever since)!
My Uncle was out there 6 months at a time and over a 3yr period and installed 3 fresh water and sewage treatment plants.
There was so much fresh (and clean water) to be had that you could leave taps running all day long and not run out.
He left and left instructions with the locals (who he came to love dearly) that every month or so to go round the treatment “rotational sprayer things” (no idea what they’re really called) to make sure there were no weeds and to give the main bearings and injection of grease. Bog std maintenance that we do here for our own units.
He went back a year later and the “rotational sprayer things” were overgrown with weeds, seized up and rusted to hell.
And so M’Tebe was back to his 8 mile fucking trip for a cup of bison piss!
Once the UK engineers had left the monies to look after them (also provided by “well meaning” charadee cunts) were annexed by the local powers that be (not that it costs fuck all to pull a weed or two out every month or so, if you’re that desperate for clean water – unless you’re a bunch of lazy useless cunts that is).
So as far as I’m concerned Africunts can go and fuck themselves. A continent so rich in resources from oil, to metals (including precious ones), to fertile farming land, there should be no famine, water deprivation, or any other need there.
The biggest issue is that most Africunts will not share. They are a grabby, selfish set of cunts who haven’t yet learned to trade amongst themselves for the betterment of their continent and therefore their combined people’s.
So if Africunts don’t give a shit about fellow Africunts then I don’t see why I should fucking care either.
In fact, so long as the cunts don’t try and get in here as (pensionable) “children”, I genuinely couldn’t give a fuck about the cunts one way or another.
SA blacks talk about ‘Ubuntu’ which is a general feeling of goodwill and humanity towards each other. Yet Zulu clan feuds kill all in a family, grannies and babies. Officials steal from poor people in every way possible. Leaders never, ever give a fuck about their people. Extreme violence is the norm. Babies and children are hacked up while alive for ‘muti’ a magic potion.
Ubuntu – savagery in it’s purest, African form.
What I don’t get is why are all these darkies so keen on water that they’ll walk miles and miles for it?
With all the cash that’s been sent their way over the years, they must be able to afford beer.
The charity sector is corrupt at the core. They are businesses who sell the need to satisfy the sympathetic urge, it’s resources are those it supposes to help. I know people who work in charities, they operate as corporations, their internal practices are just the same.
They should all be abolished.
Spot on the money CRW.
Anyone who has any experience of the charity sector (i do) who isn’t seduced by the gravy train would confirm your assertion.
By and large charities are run by former public sector cunts who’ve either spied the opportunity to make some big bucks or former public sector cunts that have been pensioned off due to long term uselessness.
They are utterly self serving and experts in knowing how the system works insofar as gaining large government and Lottery grants, infact there’s a whole industry that’s sprung up around gaining lottery funding run by ‘experts’ from the public sector.
I’d like to say that’s a contradiction in terms but maybe finally we can say there genuinely is something the public sector excel in, other than sickness absence.
Here’s one for you. I knew someone that worked for probably the biggest and best known Cancer Charity in the U.K.
That person was diagnosed with cancer. You’d have thought the last thing that person needed to worry about was his work situation.
That person was effectively constructively dismissed but went to a tribunal and won £30k.
That person had to sign an NDA and is no longer with us.
For some time now I’ve wanted to expose this as I do have a dying persons testimony but have to respect how in doing so this would affect surviving relatives.
“For the love of money is the route of all evil” Timothy 6:10
Fucking despicable, but sadly not surprising.
My boss used to work at the WWF head office in Woking. Guess what all the top brass drive?
Range Rovers of course.
I used to work for a small local church, with a congregation of around 50 and about 7 leaders. Totally self-funding. While there I experience typical bullshit meeting mentality, the beginnings of corruption, and the pastor putting a stop to a rebuild because it didn’t contain a house for him.
It’s the mentality of people, they don’t really understand what “good” actually is.
I’m guessing they’ve never heard of boiling the water then?
The problem there is that the water is 8 miles away but the wood is 10 miles away.
I watched a documentary few months back about five African villages that had had wells dug and Hi-Tech water pumps and other equipment fitted about three years ago. They then when back to the villages to see how they were doing. In two villages, the wells were still working perfectly, because the villagers who had been shown how to maintain the Hi-Tech equipment had used the spare parts they’d given had kept them maintained and in good working order. In of the other villages, the well’s water purification system had broken down because, despite having been shown how to maintain it, as all the other villages had, they expected someone to come in and do it for them. Despite explicitly being told that it was THEIR job. In the last two villages, the wells were also back to their previous non-usable state. Why? Because the spare parts for the purification system that had been left, were traded for weapons and other shit that they didn’t need. They too expected someone to come in and keep their well working.
The charity bloke who went back to the villages expressed “disappointment” that the time, money and effort that had gone in to making those able to provide to clean water. Though he was pleased that two of the five villages had maintained their water. The soft cunt later arranged for the three neglected wells to be repaired. WHY? My reaction would have been one of furious anger. I would have been angry at the third village for being a bunch of lazy cunts, with absolutely NO respect for the people who had donated their money to give them a safe, clean source of water. And angry with the last two villages for THEIR utter contempt for anything other the desire to kill every living thing.
Want my money to help with water, Water Aid? Fuck off! If they won’t even help themselves, how the fuck can you expect me to even care about the twats?
That in a nutshell is Africa