From the Socialist Broadcasting Company (aka BBC):
-Homeless tuck into Christmas dinner at Euston Station
-A theatre in Plymouth is opening its doors to offer homeless people a place to stay. Locals have decorated the foyer of the Palace Theatre and donated practical items like coats, shoes, blankets and jumpers.
-Westlode Fisheries in Spalding, Lincolnshire, is opening on Christmas Day between 13:00 GMT and 15:00 GMT offering free hot meals for the “homeless, elderly or people who are struggling this Christmas”.
-Burnley’s Muscle Factory gym is opening at lunchtime offering shelter, food and haircuts so that “no one should feel alone on Christmas Day”.
First of all, there are actually a lot of homeless people who want to be homeless, or just can’t live a stable life, for whatever reason, not all, but some, if not a lot.
Now that FACT (fucking sympathy junkies) is out of the way, what the hell good is it to feed someone for 1 day apart from to make yourself feel better.
In the above example from the British Broadcasting Communists: “Burnley’s Muscle Factory gym is opening at lunchtime offering shelter, food and haircuts so that “no one should feel alone on Christmas Day”.”, But they can get fucked every other day of the year right?
If these tossers actually want to help people (which they fucking don’t), how about letting them live in your house? How about not spending your whole life feverishly worrying about the housing ladder so the prices are fucked because, let’s face facts, you and your family come first right?
Yeah toss some losers you couldn’t give 2 fucks about a few crumbs – that will make up for a lifetime of middle class self-deluded greed and ignorance won’t it cunt-face.
Did I say cunts?
Nominated by Cunting Rank Wags
Serve the tosser dossers a complimentary Advocaat. They won’t be back.
Nor should we be churlish at Christmas. The dossers thank you for the kind thoughts and the good you do them:
Us Cunters should hire an open back truck and each be equipped with a high velocity rifle , then declare it culling season, I tell you what, we would run out of fucking ammunition here in Brighton there are so many of the cunts.
The Maybitch, answering a question in the House last week proudly announced that there were no homeless children sleeping on the streets. No, and we don’t send them up chimneys anymore either so let’s have a fucking party shall we? Fuck me, Charles Dickens has been dead quite a while you useless cow.
Of course if you suggested to these dogooder cunts that uncontrolled mass immigration might be somehow related to homelessness you would immediately be called a raaaay-sist and they would have to have a little lie down to recover from such an evil assault on their delicate sensibilities.
Great cunting.
I’d like to see more of this form of virtue signalling from the left and part of it should be that they actually have to take a ‘homeless’ in.
A bit like the Wilkinson family from Birmingham did with the cunt Aaron Barley.
I’m sure the now deceased Mrs Wilkinson meant well when she took pity on the cunt in some piss stained stair well, fuck they even gave him a job at Mr Wilkisnon’s business.
A truely grateful homeless he repaid them by stabbing Mrs Wilkinson and her son to death.
If they run out of homeless cunts to take in, I’d be willing to help out fulfilling their librard virtue signalling desires for a stabbing.
I would love to know the demographics of the homeless population. Like, what %age are white English males! Pretty fucking high, I would guess.
Can’t remember seeing a homeless person of colour, nor a peaceful, nor one that can’t speak fucking English, no homeless refugees heaven forbid. As usual white English is at the bottom of the priority list. Cunts.
From what I hear there’s a specific issue with ex squaddies who’ve been disgracefully let down by this cunt of a government.
Many of them having returned from the CUNT B Llar’s illegal macho wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering with PTSD and often turn to drugs and in particular alcohol to cope
This starts of a viscous circle that invariably ends up in either prison and or homelessness.
Thing is metro liberals don’t like squaddies because they invariably see them as savages whilst conveniently overlooking the fact it’s these very people who allow them to hold and express those very views and in their world of virtue signalling Top Trumps a squaddie is like picking a 1976 Morris Marina in a game of Top Trumps 1970’s supercars.
The way we treat veterans is a fucking disgrace. Same thing in the US. They are expected to put their life on the line for months at a time, see things most of us couldn’t dream of, pick up the body parts of their friends, but hey, fuck it, let’s make sure all the immigrants have somewhere to live.
The only real voice for squaddies and Ex alike is the British Legion.
Obviously around October/ November time is when they’re most visible out selling the Poppy’s but I know through an ex squaddie mate they do a hell of a lot more than that all year round and are starting to become an accomplished lobbying group.
For years everyone pretty much down to the last man has never had an issue with the Poppy and I reckon most people willingly buy one as they understand that the Poppy is symbolic of sacrifices made in the name of freedom.
Then up pops that bastard cunt Jon Snow, I’d genuinely like 5 minutes in a locked room with that cunt although I reckon I’d only need half that time.
He makes me fucking puke with his ‘right to refuse to wear the Poppy’.
Genuinely I have a special type of loathing for that cunt that’s almost at the same level of B Liar.
A truely odious North London Metropolitan Elitist cunt.
Good cunting CMCF! The Legion and the poppy foundation are amazing. Wear your poppy for them. And if Jon Snow cant , well fuck him. Cunt.
Theodore Dalrymple does an excellent piece on a homeless chap he knew who simply didn’t want to be tied down in any way. Got a house and fucked it over in less than a week. Fair play to him if that’s what he wants! Can’t remember where this was written though.
When I was little I always wondered what “do gooder” meant as an insult. Well now I fucking know don’t I. Fucking leave them alone most of them don’t give a fuck about your utopian ideas!
Well I presume Lilly Mong and Linecunt took a fair few in this crimbo. No better time to show us as all their unfaltering humanity towards the most unfortunate members of society whilst berating us mindless uncaring fascists. I think I might have to punish myself with a five knuckle shuffle.
I suppose at this time of year most cunters are thinking about the 80% of Grenfell survivors who are still homeless. Think what they have to deal with.
They don’t pay rent
They don’t pay council tax.
They don’t pay utilities.
They don’t pay for food.
They get their clothes laundered.
A maid makes their bed every morning.
Breaks my heart.
Don’t forget that there was a Christmas dinner laid on for the Grenfell’s as well, I wonder how that went…. given that the majority are not christian and frankly don’t do Christmas or eat traditional Christmas fare.
I wish I was there to see the look on the volunteers face as their ‘customers’ complained about the food provided as it was not to their taste, with plates of the stuff uneaten. Better off giving them a KFC voucher, save a lot of effort and embarrassment.
Homelessness , a result of 380,000 hungry mouths allowed to enter the UK each year. Each will receive allowances, financial support, and at the very least, accommodation. Education, will be funded by the state. Mobility issues will be taken care of, and, in the event an asylum claim is made, £1800 will be allocated for their legal representation. Clothing and communications ( usually phones ) are supplied by the many charities that attract the support of the liberal and those of a bleeding heart disposition.
In my former role of FME, medical needs were fast tracked , and again, funded by the likes of you and I.
And what of our soldiers? What of our own kind?…..Fuck all.
It appalls me, that those who are appointed to govern this country, do so with a complete and callous disregard to the population that has historically fought their wars, settled their petty little squabbles, and have funded their catastrophic financial errors.
The Commons most often hears of the plight of the Syrian. The African , and people from far away places.
But a complete silence and disregard for those from, Walsall, Edinburgh, Exeter. In fact , little if anything is heard of the plight of the indigenous homeless of this once great country.
The Politicians are my friends, cunts. Simply that. Cunts. I despise and I hate the political class of this country. They deserve no less than an extinction, an event horizon that will end them.
Cunters of this site will support our military and our heritage, and I know by the many comments on this site, that if a genuine hardship was found worthy of support. Then members of this site would give it.
Merry Xmas to all of this terrific site. And a big gigantic Fuck off to the cunts in parliament.
So what have I been up to this Boxing Day.
Well my old man who’s 80 and lives in a nursing home was coming over.
I went to pick him up and it was clear he had a urine infection as his symptoms were obvious, he does suffer from these.
Knowing how shit the services are I took him to the local A&E.
6 hours later and still no assessment.
I am fucking fuming.
I have watched piece of shit scum after scum take precedence over him a man who worked all his life and paid a shit load of tax and NI in his time.
What a fucking disgrace.
As you rightly say a fucking disgrace, and those respnsible should be ashamed of themselves. Cunts.
Just like my 94 year old neighbour, who sadly passed away last year CMCF.
An Ex D-Day vet and and was still compos mentis having survived the following: cancer twice, 4 strokes, brain tumour. He’d also had a pacemaker fitted.
That was until he went into the local care home. They just didn’t give a fuck! He was just left to die! Cunts!
I watched a programme on television where they featured three homeless people in Bristol. One was this bloke about sixty, he liked a drink and he probably had clinkers in his armpits but he looked like a decent enough fella. Anyway this charity found him a home in a small custom-built block of flats, just a couple of rooms but heaven compared with what he was used to. What did he do? The first day he was in, he had all his mates round for a party and they caused so much disruption that he got thrown out the very next day.
I’m all for helping people when they’re down and out through no fault of their own, but some people couldn’t even be bothered to help themselves.
Only so much you can do for some. I suspect many homeless due to poor life choices and inability to behave rationally or realise the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately unless you are an Eastern European or Praceful life owes you nothing in the U.K.
A friend of mine is a psychologist nurse. He’s told me about homeless. Some actually want to be homeless. Others, the majority, lack the cognitive function of actually getting to the same place every day. Then there’s the ones that life dealt a bad hand. He says the alcohol consumption is horrendous. Special Brew for breakfast, followed by two bottles of vodka….
It is a travesty that ex-servicemen end up like this. Most ex-servicemen are de-mobbed into earning jobs but there are countless who return deeply traumatised by their experiences who are basically “let go” by the system.
Look at “Grief-fell” Towers most of the cunts in there have never lifted a bat in their lives (and a lot would like nothing more than to see us all beheaded), are treated like British Ambassadors, and yet the average squaddie gets BFH – if that.
If HM Govt was truly interested in curing homelessness then the first thing they would do is to stop pissing away billions on aid to Africunts.
They would give no monies or benefits to EU slackers irrespective of what the EU says because we’re done with their bullshit and if the EU threatens the same against Brits in the EU then go right ahead and stop *their* benefits because I would guess that 100% of Brits abroad are working, self-sufficient, or both, so don’t need Pedro’s fucking benefits! The reverse is NOT the case.
I would extend this to every other interloper from any fucking back-woods shithole because any country with folk here who we’d want (US, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, etc.) will invariably be also working and keeping themselves and therefore it would only be Africunts and cunts – especially – from the “peaceful” North West Passage area that would be hit – good! Please feel free to fuck off if you don’t like it you cunts!
I would also like to see them prioritise any help or aid towards any veteran who finds themselves homeless rather than some fucking layabout too idle to fend for themselves!
Even those military families who are homed, many live in accommodation that the “Grief-fell” mob would balk at but because they’re squaddies and their families they’re just expected to suck it up eh!?!
Plenty of money around to piss away on undeserving cunts and yet no money to “look after OUR own!”
Fuck off May you cunt! Do the right thing and prioritise the lot of our armed forces over and above undeserving, would “like to kill us” bastard cunts just because it’s PC to do so. You cunt!
Most Cunts who organise these “one-off” events are doing it for their own smug sense of self satisfaction. I’ll bet their twitter and facebook are full of their virtuous self congratulatory gushings. They’ll spend the rest of their miserable holidays trying to guilt trip anyone stupid enough not to tell them to Fuck Off when they start with their “Well,of course we just had to help those poor unfortunates etc”. Everybody’ll be meant to ooh and aah at just how much more caring and worthy they are than the rest of us. They’re the same kind of smug Cunts who’ll give their kids a certificate saying that they’ve sponsored ,in the kid’s name,some wog in Bongoland,instead of giving them the bike or whatever that they really wanted.
As for the homeless, I’m not so sure how much of it is a “homeless” problem as it is a mental health problem. I think a lot of ex-squaddies struggle when they come out because they’re used to structure in their lives. If you gave every ex-squaddie who is on the streets a home, I don’t think that a month later half of them would still be there. They miss the camaraderie and sense of belonging. Putting them in some tower-block flat wouldn’t help. I’m no expert,but believe that far more should be done for service personnel to prepare them for life outside the Forces. It’s just too easy to say “Give them a flat”. Some of them need,and I’m aware that this sounds provocative,the equivalent of a Probation Officer who can monitor the ones who are struggling. Some of them need tough love,not some soppy twat cooking them a dinner on Christmas Day. They are grown men who need to feel valued and useful,and if introducing a “Probation ” period on leaving is necessary for some,well,so be it.
Emergency cunting for Lewis Hamilton. Having quite rightly told his nephew that boys don’t wear princess dresses he backed down after a couple of tranny-loving trolls had a go at him.
The man is supposed to be a hard cunt F1 driver; remove the words “hard” “F1” and “driver” from that description and it’s about accurate.
Fucking weak, insincere apology issuing, grovelling, tax-dodging, bows-down-to-pressure-from-snowflake-keyboard-warriors cunt. And he wears earrings. Total cunt.
He’s probably jealous. I’ve always thought he had the look of a man who would enjoy a Michael Barrymore pool party.
I was an avid reader of the lewis hamilton sucks website that has sadly fallen into disrepair.
This asshole single handedly ruined F1 for me. They used tk be interesting personalities. But now all you hear is sycophants bigging up some wannabe gangsta who has lucked into the best car and who has always been so far up his own fucking arse that I can’t bear to hear the little shitstain speak. He is, and always will be, an utter cunt.
They don’t make them like James Hunt anymore.
Hunt used to, as he said ‘have an uncanny ability to attract star fuckers that he was only to willing to fuck!’
There’s a great story about him testing at I think it was Watkins Glen track in America.
He’d been partying all night then went straight to testing.
He’d done several laps and then the pit crew said everything went quiet so they sent out a car as they thought he’d crashed or broken down.
They see his car parked up by a barrier and assumed it had broken down but on arrival found him fast asleep
Top bloke, didn’t give a fuck.
Absolutely. What’s the point of being a racing driver if you don’t take advantage of the perks. Eddie Irvine was the last one who properly lived the life.
Sport’s so fucking boring without the likes of Hunt, Flintoff, Tufnell, Warne, Gascoigne etc.
Problem is the cars that Hunt was driving didn’t produce anything like the assault on the body that a modern F1 machine does. He was a man of his time, but probably wouldn’t get near F1 in this day and age with the way he lived.
I’ve recently finished Jenson Buttons book and I must say he comes across as a thoroughly decent fella. But then unlike Lewis he really had to knuckle down through years of shit cars and seems to appreciate the success he’s had in his career more.
Hamilton seems more interested in being a celebrity than a racing driver.
Never mind Hamilton in the emergency cunting stakes, that honour is justifiably deserved by Laura Plumber for smuggling 300 Tramadol into Egypt.
We’re supposed to believe that they were for the personal consumption of her “once a year” boyfriend with pain relief for his “back problem”.
No fucking way! Her boyfriend was obviously a fence (allegedly) for this illegal substance (in Egypt) and now she has to pay the piper for her indiscretions.
No sympathy from this qtr and 3.5yrs is pretty lenient from a “peaceful” country.
Her sister gushing on the idiot lamp carries no water with me. She was caught red handed (after God knows how many previously undetected infringements) and therefore should serve the time, AND in fucking Egypt and not some bastard holiday camp in the UK.
Useless fucking cunt!
Piss taking cunt, thinks we were all born yesterday, bang to rights! Bitch deserves everything she gets and more, surprised they didn’t throw away the key.
Be interesting to hear more about her friend who gave her the pills. Presumably the NHS provided them originally.
Exactly! You can’t get those cunts in an Aldi can you!
Supposed to feel sorry for the brassy bitch (right out of the “Real Housewives of..” enter twat location here mould)?
No fucking way! Stone the fucking cunt for me!
Its only illegal spelt “tramadol” and you don’t have a prescription for it. Now wonder down to the old bazar in Cairo and ask for “tramadil” or any other of 5 brands exactly the same with a slightly different name and some towel headed cunt will give you all you want. The Egyptians are nothing but hypocritical islam loving white hating sandwogs who would slit your throat for a shekel. I have been all over the Persian Gulf in my mob days and Cairo was the one city that scared the fucking shits out of me. The kid wasn’t smuggling heroin for fucks sake and there is plenty of that on offer down the port side.
If it was a week/fortnight supply to cover her holiday for her own personal use then she could feel rightly aggrieved (and the Egyptians probably wouldn’t have batted an eyelid anyway).
300!?! No chance.
I’ve been to Cairo and away from the museums and touristy bits it is a shithole but no fucker wanted to arrest me or lock me up. I’m guessing that that had something to do with the fact that I wasn’t breaking the law?? Maybe?? Just sticking a finger in the air there??
No sympathy from this cunter. 300!?!
300 is a piddling amount. A couple of months worth. Docs won’t prescribe that amount in case you take em too fast… I hate these cunting countries that ban pain relief and are run by people who have 7 staff to help them raise their pinkie finger.
So piddling you can get them over the counter at Tesco’s then as you buy a sandwich meal deal?
Colour me simple, colour me stupid, but aren’t Tramadol on the upper end of prescriptive pain relief?
Ok maybe not in diamorphine league but pretty fucking strong??
I have no idea because – as I approach my 50th year – if I take more than 4 paracetamol in a year then it’s been a bad one for me.
No I’m not this super fit cunt either, I’m the size of a minor planet but – much to the chagrin of the quacks (who I avoid like the plague) who’d love to load me up with all kinds of shite that I don’t actually need – my blood pressure is normal (which amazes the cunts), my cholesterol is normal and I’m not a diabetic cunt.
I carry a couple of old (sporting) war wounds but when they flare up I use a TENS machine. It works for me and so no tablets.
There are blokes at work who can give me 15yrs, look fit as chips and yet fucking rattle as they walk about cos they’re on so many fucking tablets (sometimes I think GP’s prescribe unnecessary shit to folk cos there’s a kick back in it for them – just my thinking o’course).
The last time I saw a quack was when I was “invited” to a well-man check-up when I was 45. The doctor I was registered with (since 2002) hadn’t seen me prior to this, wrinkled her cunt nose at my weight, did all the tests mentioned above (which puzzled the cunt – as they were ok) and she took more blood to be tested than would have fed a small family of vampires!
A fortnight later she was equally disappointed in the fact there was nothing she could prescribe for cholesterol or diabetes or any fucking thing else.
“But I can see here that you do enjoy a drink Mr Cunt?” – with a condescending, knowing, semi-wrinkled half smile…
“Yes like a fish! And!?!”
So fuck you very much from me!
Even so, 300?? Nah, I don’t buy it for one moment. Guilty as charged m’lud.
Many homeless people, from working with them, are chronic addicts that no amount of help will ever solve. Also most are chronically mentally ill.They could not manage a bedsit, let alone a flat.
There always have been homeless people. It will never go away….