Online Gamers

Only interested in sporting pastimes in which YT can cheat and make some dishonest moola but it seems money can be made in a producing capacity in Gaming. More me cup orf tea. Doine me neck orf the woods titles like “Bugger yer neighbour’s Bull” and “Sheep Shag IV” would do the business.

In me book all gamers are cunts because orf the bandwidth they use up. Have a constant battle to connect to this site. Friday to Monday forget it. Just as bad if not worse in the small hours when the hard core are playing “Yank Wank III” with our colonial cousins.

Complain to BT (in India for FS) and Pradesh promises a big server upgrade scheduled for next week isnt’it. Come the big day even more fucking gamers playing ever bigger bandwidth hogging games so back to square one. Withoit gamers the whole fucking pathetic bandwidth situation in this once great nation would be a damn sight better.

Gamers (and film streamers) should all be coupled together with a fibre optic cable plugged up their arses in a dedicated network called a GAN (Gamers Anal Network). Leave the rest orf us cunts to doineload a spot orf porno in peace. “On the Game” ? Now that might be a title orf interest.

Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke

54 thoughts on “Online Gamers

  1. Online gamers are most definitely cunts, playing against some cunt in China is all good but the truth is games are just an escape from reality… That reality being your life is more than likely shit and your fed up. When I was a younger cunt the Megadrive and Super Nintendo were the ultimate consoles and Ghouls n Ghost’s was one of my favourites, I even had a Commodore 64 with the tape player for loading the cunt game up only for it to crash and then you have to load the cunt again. Games these day are too complicated, tried a few and as well as being able to do seven million different moves there is also tonnes of hidden shit. Fuck that life’s too short, and the cunts who watch another cunt playing a game on YouTube are a waste of time. The cunts.

    • I’ve never been into online gaming either, however, I did love playing Grand Theft Auto III on the PS2. Picking up trollops, dragging a peaceful from his cab, shooting him, and driving around knocking cunts over, what cunt on here wouldn’t enjoy doing that?

    • Had a Spectrum Plus way back, B&WC..loading up on tapes for up to half an hour, what a cunt! ‘Upgraded’ to a Nintendo for birthday and Christmas present and was a happy little cunt, Super Mario was a favourite, the mustasioed little fuckers as was the original Mortal Kombat, which today you would be referred to some phycologist as having ‘issues’ because of the violence even though compared to today is pretty powder puff stuff.

      • @liberal liquadater, I had a ZX Spectrum and it had 64k of ram… How things have changed.

      • I had a Psion palmtop about twenty years ago… 2MB of memory. There was plenty of room then, mind you it was b&w.

      • God, the SNES, those were the times.

        Good times with the N64 and PS2 as well.
        After that though, I couldn’t be arsed once I started work.

  2. The only game that interests me is the one where Blair ends up dangling from a lamp post.
    I’m only joking of course!??? No , I see the Great Satan is in the papers this morning telling us how vital it is to stop Brexit. Apparently it should be the Labour Party’s priority ahead of winning the next election.
    The remoaners must be fucking fuming. This bloke is our greatest asset…. I want him on the telly, on the radio, in the papers, I want his poxy face on billboards on the side of the road. I personally will stick pro-EU leaflets through letterboxes as long as they have his cunt face on them. Keep it up Tone…’re a fucking diamond!

    • The thing that Blair forgets is most people in the Labour Party and their supporters fuckin hate him!!
      How do I know this? Because my wife is involved with both the unions and Labour Party, one of her friends is a labour MP!!
      As most of you cunters can probably appreciate from my posts our opinions politicaly are virtually opposite ends of the scale! , but there’s a few things we agree on, firstly Blair is a Cunt without equal, and surprisingly the UK should fuck the EU off!! , I’m more than happy with that….
      Love can indeed conquer all….???

      • This is the standard sequence of events:
        1, Blair (having temporarlily run out of billionaires and dictators to grease) offers to fill some of the Guardian’s permanent interest vacuum with his rehashed imaginings.
        2. Viber (not a typo) accepts on behalf of her harassed churnalists who have temporarily run out of vegetarian sandal transgender multicultural news and thinkpieces.
        3. Hack assigned to do ‘interview’ with pre-agreed ‘questions’. In this case, Deborah Aitkenhead, who doesn’t quite buy Blair’s self- image…
        “…two years after leaving office the former prime minister resembled nothing so much as Francis Maude done up as a drag queen. Plucked and buffed, caked in makeup, his whole face gurned and twitched, the eyebrows and teeth performing a bizarre kind of eightsome reel. The man’s discomfort in his own skin was disturbing to witness.”
        4. The Words Of Tony Blair now being on record, what normally happens is that the Tony Blair Institute for Tony Blair types the ensuing wisdom up and emails it to every local paper in the land, the Huffington Post, Reuters, AP, AFP, etc, etc, as a selfless service to the world’s churnalists.

        This time, however, Opinion of Tony Blair, didn’t find provincial buyers much beyond the Cambridge News, the Belfast Telegraph, Sputnik and Azerbaijan’s APA.

        Looks as if the comparison with Maude in drag did the trick…

  3. Want to run around a battlefield getting shot at? Join the Foreign Legion. I would have said the British Army but the way it’s being degraded by the Tory government means that Warmington-on -Sea Home Guard were probably better equipped than future British forces
    These sad people who play silly games really should try and get out and away from their virtual world. Fair enough,I’ve never played them, beyond Space Invaders, and fair enough if they keep it to a reasonable level,but too many of them seem to replace real life experiences with some computer simulation. Fuck only knows what it’s actually doing to their developing? brains,never mind the physical damage.
    Does anyone on here know if these games have a Run, Hide and Tell option? It’s the only way to deal with threats (real or imagined ) apparently and so every game should have this option to protect these brave gamers. I just hope that Generation Wanker finds out that reality trumps some computer simulation every time and pressing a controller button wont help you when someone actually threatens real violence.
    Fuck them.

    • Bang on Dicky Fiddler ( oops…sounds a bit rude )
      I hope you don’t mind if I nick that “Generation Wanker” label. Don’t worry about it, i’m nicking it anyway.

  4. Watching Dianne Abbot on Marr, what is it with these Labour and Conservative cunts. Totally in denial about freedom of movement etc, they showed the stupid cow and clip from Question Time with a Labour voter basically saying ‘We don’t want freedom of movement causing the working class misery with wages being driven down’. She watched it and said ‘What Labour voters are concerned about is the mess the Tories are making of everything’. What a cunt she is, Labour are miles away from their core support and the Labour Party of old. It wont stop these idiots in the traditional Labour areas voting for them though. What a pile of cunt both MP’s and voters.
    Ive solved the housing crisis by the way: Stop all immigration and we might have enough houses to house everyone in 20 years.
    How these cunts can’t see a population of 300,000 cunts coming here EVERY YEAR causing a housing problem is confusing me.

    • I also like the virtue-signalling rhetoric of Marr intimating that no one on benefits are scroungers, they’re all just unlucky individuals who have hit on a brief (30yr) period of misfortune (from the same hymn book as all immos are doctors, scientists and rich business people – hah).

      Marr should watch some channel 4/5 shitpot programming on “Benefits Britain” and the like to see the real work-shy, layabout fucking scroungers (all armed with 50″ HD TVs and latest iMong phones, etc.).

      The sad fact of the matter is that honest folk who have hit on hard times (usually through no fault of their own – through redundancy, etc.), who do want to get back into work are treat like shit because they’re *new* to the system.

      Wastrells who have been on the benefits gravy-train for years (especially the “peaceful” scroungers – which is 90% of them, especially the ones from that shithole which has Islamabad as its capital) are left well alone because they’ve been in the system for that long they know every dodge in the book, and its far easier for the un-civil service to fuck over someone coming into the system (even if for the briefest of time) than it is to force the perennial cunts – more than able to pull their weight and do an honest day’s graft – out of the system.

      It fucking stinks!

      Wanna find out genuine cases Vs scroungers? Make them all work for their money! If that’s litter picking, grass cutting, cleaning civil service buildings (as opposed to the extortionate rates local and national authorities pay the like of Mitie/Serco/et. al. for these contracts – no kick-backs there, eh), etc.

      Genuine cases will be happy to do the work as they know “some” money is better than “no” money and they also know it’s just a stop-gap until they get a position elsewhere. Moreover – as they are working – their work history will reflect this rather than having a gap (which always makes employers raise there eyebrows).

      The scroungers will fight tooth and nail not to do a fucking thing. Great. Stop the money. They’ll soon fucking work!


      • I grew up with lads in Walker Newcastle who din’t get a job on leaving school. When I go back up home, I still see the same ones doing the same things and have never worked in their lives. One guy in particular. I asked “what are you doing now” His answer. “retired” As he had never fucking worked all his fucking life , I asked “from what” He didn’t like that Cunt

  5. I’m not a online gamer but I am a no life stoner who occasionally plays vidya games and listens to techno…. why not? the worlds gone to shit and is getting worse in hilarious and unbelievable unthinkable ways. Democracy being overwritten by the same thick cunt responsible for millions of islamo wogs being legally or illegally shipped here? AntiBritish Migrants are given priority housing in many parts of Europe Our governments are actively helping hostile invaders over their own citizens previously they want ISIS terrorists to come back and live amongst us forgive and forget their murdering innocent civilians and sponsoring terrorism wtf is happening to the world?! sweet fuck

    Fucking damn right video games are a escape from reality one I very much appreciate so no thanks to the noise outside think I’ll play some Metal Gear Solid or something like that instead

    • I see your point Titslapper, it’s a crazy fucked up world and it’s getting worse. I use drugs sometimes to escape from the bullshit but it doesn’t mean the bullshit goes away it’s still there when you check it. We need to go and sort it out, we need to overthrow the Government. I’ll be Prime Minister until a suitable candidate is found.

      • I think you’d be there long term B&WC… what’s the first thing on your agenda?

      • That’s not blood money LL, that’s 4 years net membership fees to keep the EU gravy train rolling smoothly till the next general election! Expect another hefty demand agreed to immediately after by Comrade Santa Cunt once he’s got his ‘principled’ mitts on our cash…

      • First item on the agenda would be to send all the Somalians to eastern europe, all the Eastern Europeans to Somalia, and declare war on the EU.

      • Great start… then make that big eared cunt b-liar a wanted war criminal with a reward of £10m. You could well afford it after getting rid of those cunts. The cunts.

  6. It is rather incredible that whenever the Housing Shortage is discussed the fact that we have another 300,000 every year to find homes for is very rarely mentioned. If you phoned up O’ Briern and brought that up he’d probably call you a racist and cut you off. The other day he said ‘ I am supremely relaxed about foreigners coming here’. Well I have nothing against foreigners either but I am against having 300, 000 more of them every year, year after fucking year. We have become so PC that although politicians may actually think that , they sure as Hell aren’t going to admit it.

    • Look at it over 5 years. That’s 1.5 million, which is the population of Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield combined.

      The housing crisis is a mainly a result of immigration.

    • ‘I am supremely relaxed about foreigners coming here’, well O’Shithead maybe because you don’t live in a neighbourhood full of cultural enrichers or there aren’t 100 boat jumpers fighting to do your job for half the money.

    • Question Time, Thursday night …Journalist, Isabel Oakeshott, pulled the Labour Cunt, Rebecca Long-Bailey, on immigration being a major contribution to the housing shortage … surely as plain as the nose on your fucking face … R L-B was having none of it, .. couldn’t (didn’t want to ) see it … she just blamed the Tories for not building enough houses …. Utter blinkered Cunt !!!!

      • Both labour and the conservatives have an extremely poor record on building social housing…… but only Cunts like hiliary Benn and co deny it’s anything to do with years of uncontrolled immigration……
        it’s jaw dropping stuff !! Anybody other than the most wonky eyed cunt can see they are talking out of their arses!! It’s basic mathematics for Christ sake…..

    • The government should cancel HS2 and use the touted £60 billion to initiate a huge social housing building programme. Like it or not,we need the houses and the private sector has little appetite for building “affordable” housing.
      The job boost would surely be massive and perhaps more young people would actually train or get an apprenticeship in a worthwhile trade and not some Micky-Mouse useless degree.
      I’ve never understood the need for HS2. As more people work from home,why do they need a train-system that might get them into London 5 minutes earlier? I genuinely don’t understand how the massive outlay can be justified. Spend the money on the housing stock which has been so thoroughly depleted while we allow in a flood of people who need social housing. As far as I can see,all we are doing now is paying inflated rates of housing benefit to buy-to-let landlords. I know that B+WC has an interest in property letting,I personally would be terrified that a government got in that ,by the back door,virtually nationalised the buy to let housing stock.

      • Totally agree. HS2 doesn’t bear any form of economic analysis. They are literally talking minutes as if getting to Birmingham 10 minutes early will lead us to a future of never ending prosperity. It makes no sense. (Not that I’d ever want to go to Birmingham. Although I did hear there was a white person spotted in the Bullring.)

      • They could save all that money if they changed the timetables so the trains left 15 minutes earlier. Or is that too easy?

      • The Govt needs HS2 mate – pointless or not – because it’s the only pot big enough to facilitate the necessary contract kick-backs to the establishment – now that their EU pension fund is disappearing up its own arse (well…we’ll have to wait and see on that one).

        It is the most pointless exercise this country is being forced to accept because if there was a referendum on that then it would get a big thumbs-up from The Shitty and a massive thumbs down from the rest of the country.

        Ok, so who benefits from this, London. I can’t see it being sold as a reduction in time to get from London to Leeds or Manchester only the other way around.

        Who will be travelling? Mainly white collar fuckwits in IT or those in the Financial Rapist sector.

        What happens to ordinary folk. Well by making Leeds/Manchester now commutable (allegedly) to The Shitty then that means that (already unaffordable for most) house prices rise as cunts from The Shitty sell their 1 room bedsit in Finchley for £1m and buy a 4 bedroom gaff “Oop North” for a peppercorn, are minted for life and *STILL* have all the benefits they enjoyed while living in The Shitty (i.e. still getting London salaries whilst also getting the double benefit of having a cost of living reduction).

        And – as you say Dick – most of the cunts who would benefit from this can work remotely anyway. So what’s the point?

        Also the folk who’ll be able to use the system (if it ever fucking works – which it won’t) again will be the rich, privileged, or recently relocated (who can now easily afford the ticket outlay). So that pretty much precludes the folk living in the North.

        At the end of the day HS2 will be built. It has nothing to do with transport (as the cunt will STILL be late every fucking day) and everything to do with kick-backs to the “right” people and making undeserving rich cunts in London even richer.

        Just like the “Northern Assembly” we (sensible northerners) resoundingly rejected for the very same reasons and are now having that waste of time shitfest forced upon us anyway but now branded as the “Northern Powerhouse”.

        HS2 + Northern Powerhouse = Load of old Cunt!

      • I’m still waiting for them to dual-carriageway the fucking A1 all the way up through to Scotland,never mind £60 billion being spent to get some bugger into London a bit quicker.
        Northern Powerhouse? They can stick that shite up their arses.

      • Affordable housing should be just that, but it will be free to the occupants, paid for by the taxpayer housing that gets the priority.

      • HS2 is all about London and fuck all to do with the rest of the UK. So chinless useless London cunts can get disagreeable trips to the unwashed natives over in time for their organic hummus and remoaning schedule. The rail infrastructure linking northern and midland cities is a fucking disgrace and will remain so because it does not benefit London.

    • According to labours hiliary Benn that has absolutely nothing to do with immigration!!
      Nothing whatsoever!!
      Andrew Neil buried the Cunt on that……..

  7. I’m extremely relaxed about O’Shithead shutting his cunting mouth and fucking off to his EU paradise the wanker.

  8. Excellent cunting, I had no idea of the scale of this problem to be fair as I don’t play online computer games… Computer games are shite nowadays anyway and have been for years, I long for the days of Sonic The Hedgehog and Cool Spot… Anyway, after reading this it’s obvious this bandwidth problem is ludicrous… I’d welcome any measures that make downloading faster… It took me over 2 hours to download a mint transfer of “Foxy Lady 10” from TubePornClassic last week… takes the piss!! Xhamster and VPorn downloads are pretty quick tho so maybe it’s just that other site…

    • Flabbott deserves everything she gets (apart from her salary)! She’s a fucking racist cunt who’ll use an entire pack of race cards at the slightest opportunity. What an incoherent, steaming heap of shit she was on the Marr Show this morning.

      Live by the racist sword – die by the racist sword!

  9. That’s not racist, just an observation that the the Shadow Home Secretary is a thick as pig shit cunt!

    So the truth is now racist is it!?!

    – 2 + 2 = 4 (racist!)
    – We have a single moon. (racist)
    – Diane Abbott is a cunt! (racist)

    I’m happy to say that I loathe Diane Abbott. It has nothing to with her colour I just think that she’s…

    a) Useless at her job.

    b) Has been promoted purely based on the boxes she ticks (apart from any intelligence related ones that is).

    c) Happy to play the race card when it suits (i.e. when someone points out that she’s a thick cunt – which is all of the time).

    d) She is herself one of the most racists cunts around and – as has been shown in media outlets across the country – there are well documented instances of it.

    These “ass hurt”, faux-offended cunts (on her unwarranted behalf) should be more concerned at the fact that dodgy stats was the inference to Abbott rather than colour! A fact, or truth if you like, which has been proved time and again.

    Diane Abbott you are indeed a thick cunt and no it has nowt to do with “cos you is black in’it!” Cunt!

    • Like that response Rebel. Apart that is from point B. Abbott was up against a mollusc and an amoeba in a pub quiz last year and she won following a recount on the only question asked.

      • The fucking useless cunt is now saying that today’s attitude to immigration is the same as 19th century immigration of Irish folk.

        Could not be any less like!

        One: the Irish (pretty much) share the same values and language.

        Two: the country wasn’t busting at the seams, with services and housing stretched beyond capacity.

        You issue avoiding, thick as pig shit, racist CUNT!

      • She reckons that schools and hospitals will be fucked if we stop immigration from Europe. Of course they will, I mean, what would they do with all those empty beds? All those large class sizes reduced, some not even requiring a translator? We would be ruined. Its always been the free movement of people, and not the free movement of workers that has been the problem. Robbing people at cash points is not a job. Also, this week, a couple of Eastern European rough sleepers successfully challenged the law against deporting them, thus leaving that policy in tatters.

      • Wanting to rid ourselves of foreign criminal scum is quite clearly racist and they deserve lots of compo because they are far more deserving than British soldiers who come back from some far flung “peaceful” shithole (only to return to one in the making here) after being maimed and who don’t get anywhere near the monies these fine upstanding rapists and murderous receive gratis courtesy of the cash cow that is the Court of Human Rights.

        I would imagine a lot of military families – still living in substandard accommodation due to “lack of funds” – are in total agreement of handing over millions to these scumbags when there’s never any money – a few grand even – to make their homes habitable (according to the MoD).

        A fine use of taxpayers money indeed. No doubt with the full endorsement of the Shadow Home Secretary. Cunt!

      • I think you’ll find the Shadow Home Secretary is more likely to disband the army and spend the defence budget on much needed nail polish for the police.

  10. Don’t play online games, but I did once engage a real jap on line in Pacific Theatre!

    ( Flight Sim ) In real time he flew a fucking Zero over Henderson field ( 1943 ) and engaged with me. I blew the fuck out of the cunt! Satisfying , very satisfying.

    All Japs are cunts ( then and now ) Fuck em all

  11. I’m not an online gamer and know nothing about the subject or related issues which entitles me to spout a wodge of shite about the matter. What a bunch of shithead wankers. Recently, for example, what about net neutrality that’s coming here soon. Tell you what boys and girls this site will be cuntomatically banned once it’s in place.
    MEANWHILE, Japanese wrestlers and commodore 64 nostalgia? FFS This used to be an inspiring rant platform for dragging true cunts out for an airing.

    • All sorts of things at all different levels deserve a cunting Haywood.
      Different things rub different people up the wrong way.
      Each to their own
      Carry on cunters.

  12. Got one in our house (online gamer)

    He’s a dirty gyppo cunt from the usual E European cuntry that supplies these oxygen thieves to the entire world. The bastard’s probably gaming right now at being “Gyppo in Outer Space”

    Probably planet Uranus; he certainly smells like one.

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