Munroe Bergdorf is a transgender racist cunt with an enormous chip on his shoulder.
Bergdorf reckons that all white people were guilty of “racial violence” and that the white race was “the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth” ignoring, one presumes, those of the peaceful persuasion.
Which is a bit ironic given that its mother is white.
When sacked by L’Oreal, probably because he wasn’t ‘worth it’ he retorted “that it was ironic that they dropped her while retaining Cheryl Cole on the same campaign given that the latter had been “actively convicted for punching a black woman”. Actually Cole was acquitted after defending herself from a woman who happened to be black and could just easily been white. Bergdorf isn’t big on facts.
This week it was on the GMTV show debating Twitter’s freedom of speech restrictions with broadcaster and writer Edward Adoo and hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid. It was interesting to see a black man telling him he was talking bollocks.
His rant? “Absolutely this is about abuse. This is about racism and trying to stem the amount of racism, especially with young white men in modern Britain today. These are the groups that are upholding it. I think it’s very different with institutions when you’ve got businesses and agencies targeting individual people with abuse. I was called a “nigger”, I was called a “black bitch”, I was called a “tranny” constantly by these people.” Sounds accurate to me.
Piers pointed to her that black rappers use nigger and bitch all the time in their lyrics. This apparently is OK because they’re oppressed and white people aren’t. It’s not the first time Morgan and Bergdorf have clashed on air.
But what really pisses me off about people like Ian Bergdorf – to use the correct name – is that they get air time to spout their vile racist crap. And what baffles is why anybody gives a shit what they think…
Nominated by Dioclese
Thus cunt makes the late Joey Deacon look intelligent. He , yes HE, is a fucking brain dead race baiting moron.Needs to go fuck himself….
Actually, Joey Deacon was quite intelligent – he just couldn’t really talk very well so as far as we know Ernie could’ve been making it all up but using Joey as an excuse for anything shit he did! And also, a whole generation was gifted an instant insult, to wit – “shutup you fucking Joey” (add spaz noise with tongue in lower lip and hands in wierd position).
Aside from that, any cunt who dresses as a woman, cuts off his cock, has silicone implanted in his chest, wears makeup and acts like a “ho” (as I believe the blacks call women) shouldn’t be allowed outside a Thai “gogo bar” and certainly shouldn’t be given fucking airtime. I’m sure someone who has worked for 30 years, raised 2 kids, been to war 4 times etc etc might be better placed to comment on current affairs and society. That’d be me btw.
Bergdorf is indeed a cunt of the highest order, but surely any TV producer who thinks a fucking tranny (who’s done nothing more than dress as a bird and have photos taken) is qualified to comment on anything displays a level of cuntitude unparallelled below the levels of Blair, Clegg, etc.
We should now happily replace the joey classic with Munroe. I stepped in a massive Munroe earlier today. Works for Jack Munroe too. Like cod roe but actually made entirely of shit. I also wish it a peaceful Christmas. Of to complain to offcom about him inciting racial hatred. Shouldn’t be on TV. Should be in a Victorian institution , plugged in to the mains. Cuntus extremeus..
This is what happens when you take your boot off the Perverts’ throats. This particular degenerate also has a healthy dose of Coon blood. Both perverts and coons can get uppity if not kept in check. This is what has happened here. The only cure is the introduction of Draconian anti-pervert laws,allied to some anti -uppity coon legislation.
“…both perverts and coons can get uppity if not kept in check…”
Fucking genius DF.
Haha yeah nigs are definitely uppity and violent mouthy bastards too. Perverts and poofs especially act they have a chip on their shoulders
Below: a perfect example of the racist, anti Western cunt in action – you’ll need a strong stomach:
Fuckin ell; I did!
Fuck me I lasted about 10 seconds…..
sorry SB I couldn’t take anymore……
up until now I’ve have the good fortune to avoid this utter Cunt!
Looks like my luck eventually ran out….
You disappoint me Q. Thought you were made of sterner stuff. Never took you for a snowflake…
Guilty as charged!!
Listening to it bleating on wasn’t doing my blood pressure any good!! Mind you SB if everybody just ignored this cunt it would be denied the very thing it craves!! Our attention!!
Sorry to disappoint you SB but I’m afraid it’s a case of simply join the queue, starting with my wife and just about everyone who knows me…… ??
No worries Q, any time you need a break you’re welcome to join me here in the doghouse.
Agree re the attention craving freak – not only do the media give it airtime but also take it’s ridiculous utterances seriously!
Something very weird going on…at best they should be inviting the thing onto their breakfast sofas to be poked* (pun intended) and laughed at, not appeased and indulged!
Fuck knows what it’s doing to the impressionable pre-teen mind of tomorrow’s snowflake…
*by peacefuls
That’s the annoying thing SB, instead of ridiculing it and it’s wonky eyed views the meedjah give it a supportive platform to go forth spewing shite!!
The benefits system now caters for frock wearing unemployed pooftahs.
It’s called ‘Knobseekers Allowance’…
I’m sure Mr/Mrs/Miss/ohIgiveup Bergdorf (who? I mean, who?) would be delighted to be called a cunt, as she was presumably grafted to one in the course of transgendering. So can we call him/her/it/whatevs an arse, please?
How about calling him a bellend? The ultimate insult for this cunt by your rationale, Komodo.
I see your point, if not its…
As with all the other cunts of all colours, shapes and sizes, who think that living in the west is an unbearable nightmare, they should be sent around the the world on a reality refresher course. Like the gap years’ evil twin, they can spend twelve months travelling the globe, spending time in places that might not be as tolerant of whatever bugbear they carry around. I’d love to know how they get on….
A year in Islamabad. Good title for a book.
Kate McCann: ‘I still buy a Christmas present for Madeleine 11 years after she went missing’
Fuck me.
Shame she wasn’t as willing to pay for a babysitter 11 years ago. Still,I guess if you’re struggling by on just 2 doctors’salaries it could be hard. I’d just give the kid a pill to knock her out,if it was me,and save my cash.
I hope you’d be responsible enough to leave all the doors and windows open while you went off and got pissed with your middle class mates – getting pissed while you leave your kids on their own is acceptable if you do it in a restaurant, don’t you know.
I bet the McCunts made sure the car was locked though.
£11m+ spent so far on the search.
Why, when the parents were clearly highly irresponsible does it become the taxpayers responsibility to fund the polices time wasted so far?
And will it ever end? Suppose Portugal has nicer weather than the U.K.
Because they weren’t from a council estate-if they had been they’d have been totally vilified by now.
The police don’t mind getting a free fucking holiday out of us every time some cunt thinks they’ve seen her! Just like Ben Needham
“The most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth?”. Read a fucking book cunt, Ottoman Empire, Genghis Khan and the Mongels, the Moors, Mao’s Great Terror, Pol Pot, Idi Amin…..the list goes on not including the various civil wars, insurgency and oppression in Africa and the Middle East going on this minute. This cunt is an ignorant waste of skin, but as Dio points out, the bigger cunts are the media who give it a platform.
I took that statement as a compliment!
You forgot the Fourth Reich (not many whites living there nowadays).
Ironic isn’t it? Hitler did more for non-europeans than anyone else in history.
I still maintain the view that anyone who isn’t English is (by default) a cunt. Is that wrong?
And if it’s wrong, hell I don’t wanna be right! ?
The media love this type of shit, if gives them stories to fill their shit sites and papers with until there is their mythical “100% equality of outcome” which will never arrive and even if it did, they will recategorise people to form a minority/majority relationship and carry on as normal (eg. trannys), all so that they can keep selling advertising space to earn money for people who live abroad or can insulate themselves from the consequences.
If white people are so racist. Go to Africa as a tranny and see what they do to you. You fucking bellend.
Presumably its white half is a Libtard that would feel guilty doing its duty and holding the whip hand over its black half. Don’t see either half making a bee-line for the peaceful African utopia any time soon, not while it’s attention seeking raison d’etre is being so thoroughly fulfilled by the white man’s culture it professes so ironically to hate.
As a goodwill gesture, we should give it to IS for Christmas.
Words fail me regarding the above “person”. Well, apart from CUNT obviously.
Bet the post colonial guilt brigade have him/her/it as a pinup though, maybe the Grauniad will offer he/she/it a page 3 photoshoot.
At least finally there’s a use for Piers Morgan, apart from as Clarkson’s punchbag…
A blue passport! Big fucking whoop!
Not bad for £40 billion
They really do think we’re a bunch of thick cunts.
O Briens entire show today was about blue passports. Does he try to be a collousal cunt or is it natural?
I’ve read that both Robbie Savage and Jeremy Clarkson act the cunt as it pays more.
Yea I occasionally have the misfortune of hearing that cunt when I get in the van if I’ve left the station on after listening to nick Ferrari on the way to work. Its always brexit, brexit, brexit.
…you’d think the cunt would’ve given up by now but maybe he’s trying to make a career out of it.
Turned on today just coz the thought popped into my head.
what a pathetic cunt.
The cunts over at Sky were running a poll on “ does the colour of your passport matter to you?” FFS! Surly there’s bigger issues to talk about??
I’d take a pink one with fuckin Gaylord written on it if they knocked £50.00 off the price!!
Idiotic Cunts!!
If O’Shithead is acting he is fucking brilliant at it.
The cunt should sweep the Oscars every year.
O’Cunt is Psychotic. I’ve known a few in my time, and his manic outpourings fit the my diagnosis like a glove. Sooner or later O’Shithead’s mania will become unsustainable, and he’ll plunge into a deep and horribly debilitating depression from which I hope he never recovers.
Fucking thick as pig ignorant black bender cunt….
Big Don, Poundland, blue passports, The League of Gentlemen… All boiling left wing and snowflake piss… What a great start to Christmas… Fucking splendid….
The fact that this spearchucker in a dress has chosen to call itself Munroe shows what a colossal cunt he/she/it really is…
And wtf is Bergdorf?. Sounds like the aftermath of a bratwurst doppelbock combo on a messy night out.
So cunt called itself a scottish-german name? Cunt.
And it’s a male name at that.
Ive seen this cunt spouting his racist shit before on the beebistan of all places. I don’t watch the beebistan anymore but saw a YouTube vid.
The second most unconvincing woman I ever saw after “woman of the year” Bruce Jenner.
If these cunts hate the oppression of the white man so much how can they bear to live in the evil white man’s society?
Surely they’d be better off in the middle East or Africa or communist China.
…or maybe we should buy an island and let the cunts build their own society. No evil white man’s technology allowed. Yes, you have to wipe your arse with your hand and there’s no clean water, sanitation, medicine or safety but at least they won’t have to live under our terrible oppression.
Cunts to man. (If you can call them men. You certainally can’t call them a women).
Cunts to a .. thing.
Cunts like this fake SJW get air time because our media is now infected and run by cunts of the same affliction. Won’t be long before Parliament is taken over and we have our first Prime Person. Bit o luck I’ll be brown bread by then.
It wouldn’t surprise me if we already have a tranny in No 10.
It must be post-op because it’s got no balls and that’s for sure.
Indeed. Send the shitskin cunt and it’s fanny and tits fashioned from the leftovers to St Kilda.
On the barren St Kilda it will have an endless supply of seagulls and seagull shit. The freezing cold will give it something to occupy its limited brainpower aside from fretting about wacism.
If the dindus were less inclined to attempt cashpoint muggings and other monkeyshines, white people like me would perhaps be less inclined to tar them all with the same shitty brush.
Munroe…… Sounds like a black butler or house nigger
Name to me…?
Definitely CC
Maybe benson Munro?
Cunts like Brucie Jenner and Munroe Buggeredorf are an insult to real and decent women… Both these hulking freaks take all the glory and lap up the sympathy and publicity… If they actually had any affinity with women they would champion their causes (and, no, I don’t mean slags like Madogga and Kunty Perry blubbing about Big Don)…. But no, these monsters are all ‘Me! Me! Me!’ and it’s all about them… Cunts like them are an abomination and should be flushed down the bog…
Whatever happened to the genuine eccentric kwars like Quentn Crisp and Larry Grayson. Proper brarn atters them.
You’d need a fooking big bog to flush them down!
Since it has a white mother, its only half a racist then.
I use that statement on flakes all the time because their fear of anonymity far outweighs any hurt they’d feel from being called a cunt!
Actually I thought it was another dig at Mariah until I noticed an Adam’s apple the size of a Pukka Pie!
It’s always the Adams apple that’s the giveaway.
When a cock is banging against mine, I’m totally aware that it’s a tranny.
That “Crying Game” sensation eh! ?
Yeah a spell in the army with Provost Sergeant Weston would work wonders on these pussies.
One more time everybody, 1,2,3
“there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits “
The mark of a genuine LGBT supporter is the speed that they can spew out the acronym. I think about four fiths of a second proves your the real deal.
Fucking brilliant:
Spoilt only by the inevitable apology, of course…
This circus freak has the nerve to slag off white people when the horrendous cunt is half white itself…. Fake… Fake tits… Fake twat… Fake heritage… Fake beliefs… Fake fucking cunt…
And I guess we all know which half holds the whip hand…
Remainers going into meltdown over the colour of a passport…..Yeah, them cunts…
Its bad because its Pro british instead of Pro EU and because the EU will treat us like 2nd class citizens n(iggers) because we won’t import billions of scummy refugees from islamic hellhole countries like somalia and bangladesh
It pisses me off about polands hypocrisy While poland has millions of non english pollacks (cunts) coming here for higher paid jobs and stealing it from the average brit and they get all smug about nationalism while fucking supporting federalism in EU
Hats off to Poland for placing its own interests first. Perhaps if the UK took a similar stance we might just have a fractionally better country?
We wouldn’t be going thru all this fake Brexit crap if we’d had the balls to stand up for ourselves and act more like Poland.
Is a cunt princess of the week Liz thought Diana was bad, this one is going to make Diana look as modest and pleasant as Queen Victoria haha she basically reminded her that she is a nigger lol
Nevermind cunters she cucked herself and apologised haha,… seriously why bother apologising at this point?! unless mumsy promised her money in return to stop being mean to Prince Harrys future mixed race wife Meghan
Question is will they kill her before or after the Divorce?!
Merkel will undoubtedly attept to use her new status to promote diversity and racial equality, whereas I suspect the Royal machine will look to beat this temptation out of her.
I see trouble on the horizon.
Nah – Royal Family firmly in the hands of PC virtue signalling libtard generation now. Phil & Queenie will soon be buried in the rocks.