I nominate Katsuyori Shibata for being a stupid daft cunt.
For the uninitiated, Shibata is a Japanese pro wrestler, in Japan they prefer to use a wrestling style that is more stiff (i.e they make their moves and strikes, etc hit a lot harder than they should in a worked environment) in order to make what they do look more realistic than what you would see in the WWE.
Now, there’s nothing wrong with working stiff to a degree, but alas, in Japan they have a tendency to go a bit overkill in these things, Japanese pro wrestling in the late 90s was notorious for often descending into flat out head-drop fests which inevitably took a horrendous toll on said pro wrestlers who were on the receiving end of these moves.
Now, in a match with an opponent a number of months ago, Shibata decided to do a spot where he attacks his foe with a series of unprotected headbutts. It ended disastrously. For Shibata that it is. For he collapsed after the match and ended up in hospital where it was revealed he suffered a subdural haematoma and was left temporarily paralyzed down his entire right side. The man nearly died from this. Now he has recovered somewhat but this brain injury has ended the man’s career.
So why, might my fellow cunters ask, am I cunting Katsuyori Shibata? My answer is this – nearly killing yourself in a worked, or if you like, fake, wrestling matching via One. Measly. Heabutt. Spot. is pretty fucking stupid in my opinion.
Was it worth it Shibata? Was it worth wrecking your health and ending your in ring career over one spot in a match you stupid daft cunt?!
Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister
Japanese wrestlers? Do they practise on emaciated prisoners of war?
Wrestling at Strawberry Place was always rigged in those days.
Why in fuck anyone wants to watch two grown men pantomime with each other is fucking beyond me.
Of the cunts in those days, Jackie Pallo, Mick McManus, Ricky Starr spring to mind, as they rarely if ever stuck to the rules.
Wrestlers today? Just Like Politicians. Fucking Fakes, all smoke and mirrors
Fuck em all
AS, wrestling has been a fix since the 1920s……..
My granddad would have stuck a bayonet up his jacksy….
They certainly do tend to get a bit overzealous. I remember once seeing a video of a “match” from their female division. It consisted pretty much of one massive butch-dyke looking cunt, kicking the absolute living shit out of some poor, normal sized woman.
After a little delve I see that match in question was Act Yasukawa vs. Yoshiko. It’s on Youtube, but be warned it’s not easy to watch. A bigger cunt than her you will be hard pressed to find though.
On another note, whats the deal with hyperlinking/embedding links here? Is it standard BBCode?
I’ve just watched it. Give her her due, she wanted to get back in the ring. It was brutal.
Just looked at the head butt. So fucking dangerous. Both of them may have died.
Even worse when you consider that his opponent ultimately comes off better from it.
Like I said, a real stupid daft cunt to even do this.
Off topic. In Sweden they’re opening a chain of stores to cater for the up and coming wanna be jihadist. They stock an extensive range of guns knives and bomb making equipment. You can even hire a van if you need one.
The stores are going to be called IKILLYA.
Studies have shown that repetitive head trauma can result in Alzheimers type symptoms.
Both of my parents were diagnosed with Alzheimers and I’m worried that I may get it in the future.
But thankfully, no-one in my family has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s before….
Very clever indeed.
By watching this kind of bollocks on telly and even worse, taking the slightest interest in Japanese, plus considering it would be of any interest here, well it proves you are a cunt. Explain why you ain’t.
Why are we cunts for pointing out other cunts? Please do explain that one.
Quite agree,PMS. I don’t agree with all the noms,but it doesn’t mean that I think that they shouldn’t be put up. I like the fact that there is so much diversity. Doesn’t stop me from saying that I couldn’t give a fuck about a particular Cunting, but I still enjoy them.
Exactly Fiddler, I too don’t care about some cuntings but I don’t bitch about it because the whole purpose of this site is for us to vent about anything and everything.
Oh, I bitch about them,but I still enjoy them….. In fact I’ve done a lot of learning about various Cunts who were unknown to me until they were Cunted on here. 🙂 .
Same, there’s a whole load of cunts who I’d never even heard of before ISAC.
Somebody with a name like Kit-e-Kat Shitstabba has got to be good for a few cheap laughs, particularly if he’s the sort that uses his head as a wrecking ball.
indeed, a truly daft cunt.
“EU migration to Britain might NOT fall under a Labour Brexit deal, Diane Abbott admits”……doesn’t look like it’s going to fall under a Tory Brexit deal either.
I’ve been reading the Telegraph for over 40 years but its increasingly becoming Sun like. Immigration and brexit should be the lead story, but no, they are leading with the news that Prince William may be able to attend the cup final after Harry’s wedding. Might switch to the Morning Star.
Where do you cunts find the time (not to mention motivation) to read newspapers? I can barely keep up with the wonderful stuff written here!
Btw, I’d like to nominate the fact that there have been too many silly cuntings recently. Quantity rather than quality seems to be the order of the day. Even when a strong nomination appears, within a couple of hours it gets lost behind a plethora of trivial noms – if you don’t log in every 5 mins you’re likely to miss some altogether! A couple of good cuntings every 24 hours would be about right imo.
With you on that one….I struggle to keep up!
To be fair, a number of months back some of the cuntings were clocking up 200-400 posts, and that is also a chore to try and keep up with!
Maybe a new nom should only be introduced once the previous one has reached the 100-120 posts mark?
100-120 posts, or if a current nom has been there for over 24 hours (if it fails to attract 100 posts)…
Hmmm, maybe you should take that one up with the admins?
How do you contact admins?
There used to be an option for that, dunno what happened to it……
May try thru ‘nominations’, if I can be arsed.
It’s the usual “establishment” panacea – mention a royal wedding / sprog, and they hope that we’ll all start slavering at the lips and go docile.
If it’s fartball and royal splice on the same day, it’ll be back to back vids of Wycliffe, and the most cuntiful cunty of Cornwall for me.
Here’s hoping both bottoms drop out of Camillaaah P-B. Clapped out old spunk-bucket.
I read in the Mail today that our favourite mongoloid, none other than Lilly Allen of Cunt, is releasing a ‘tell-all’ book next year. Oddly for a ‘sleb’ autobiography, it isn’t being ghost-written; meaning every shitty Estuary vowel will be delivered straight from the cunt’s mouth itself.
Expect maximum attention-seeking, champagne socialism turned up to 11, and a proper explanation as to why she hasn’t taken in any refugees, which she went on record in promising to do – opting instead to rent her home out to wealthy diplomats. And she was too much of a dumbfuck cunt to even cope with civilised tenants of high society, let alone goatfuckers and raving towelheads.
Methinks auld LilyMong will be spending much of 2018 scaling the rarified air of our prestigious Wall of Cunt…
TECB, PLEASE tell me it isn’t an audio-book !!
Maybe it’s large-print (to be read whilst window-licking), or scratch and sniff. I guess that’s the target readership.
Ahhhh… the poor cunt. The cunt.
Hope the cunt is dead before Xmas….
I just hope they put IZAL bog roll in his cell with the absorbancy of a plastic bag and the comfort factor of a roughly shod breeze block. It is “medicated” after all.
Not that the filthy cunts use bog roll! Progressive your “peaceful” lot, the Shadow Home Secretary says so anyway…
Remind me why he’s got two stumps for hands and a shot eye? Natural causes or bomb making, natural causes or bomb making…?
Septicaemia is too good for that cunt. And when he’s gone he’ll get all the tears of a glass eye from normal folk.
O’course the virtue-signalling, right-on mob will be crying buckets over the cunt right up until his cunt replacements (thar the ‘intelligence” services know about) cut their tweeting heads off! Cunts!
I’ll believe a lot of things about Muslims…but come on,
“Two showers a day?”
Laughed my fucking arse off…
My Gran would have him dip his stumps in heavily salted water for an hour, 4 times in every 24, that should sort it. Namby-pamby cunt doesn’t know he’s born!
Stake the cunt out in death valley and leave him for the vultures.
Dip the fucker’s stumps in boiling bleach. That’ll disinfect them…
Just heat his hook until it’s white hot; that should cure most infections.
Poor little goat fucker. Hope you die of septicemia you inbred cunt
Man City players singing “Park The Bus, Park The Bus Man United….”
Well, they have always had a liking for singing about modes of transport, haven’t they…They often sing about aeroplanes too…. Fucking Abu Dhabi sucking blue shitstick cunts….
Re Japanese wrestling my Giveafuckometer shows a big fucking zero. Doesn’t this cunt more properly belong in the Darwin files?
A deeply strange cunting but then the Japanese are just that.
Wrestling is either totally faked or slow and very sweaty boring. Boxing is real sport involving pain and blood ,the very ingredients of real men. Anyone who doesn’t like sport has a micropenis and takes large amounts of infected meat up the dungtrumpet.
A happy Xmas to you all.
I quite like watching sumo wrestling on NHK World. The next tournament starts on January 14th.
Fucking bastard, of course he wants to be in a British holiday camp. What the fuck has it got to do with us anyway? If the Yanks kick him out the ? goat fucker should go back to Egypt.
Please god don’t let Maybitch get hold of this or he’ll be strolling around Finsbury Park with a wad of compo in his pocket before Easter.
Doubt they will let him come here. If things get hot he will more likely be shifted to Guantanamo Bay. Hope his stumps get gangrene.
Surely not the hallowed Finsbury Park Mosque whose relationship with indigenous terrorists is as palpable as a curry fart in a lift!?!
Don’t you know that that cell making hive of villany was absolved of all crimes against the peoples of this country thanks to the cunt efforts of Darren “fucking” Osborne!
Bradley Lowery, the boy whose bravery touched the hearts of many people, will be honoured at Sunday’s BBC Sports Personality of the Year show…..
Errr… Why? I thought Sports awards were for sportsmen and women… Does every football fan with a terminal illness, or who has died from a terminal illness, get an award? And, in any case, what use is it to the little lad who has died anyway?
What mawkish, touchy feely virtue signaling shite… The ABBC are cunts….
It’s the only time a non-immo or non-“peaceful” gets the limelight – when they’re fucking terminally ill.
Which is just how the “right-on” ABBC like it.
No doubt we’ll be treat to “peaceful” Xmas family values again in the slot between this shite and the next shite: The Apprentice.
I ‘bravely’ pulled through a coma after two smelly black cunts attacked me from behind. I had three fucking great holes drilled in my head, and staples nailed in to hold my skull together.
I’ve asked my family, and not one of them remembers a lisping cunt from the bbc thrusting a microphone into their faces and asking them how they felt about my ordeal.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh yes, dopey me… I’m a white racist taxpayer, what a cunt I am.
(I’m on stronger painkillers today if any cunt is wondering why I’m blathering away so much)
How racist of you not to die!
I was lucky, b-liar had only been in control for about a year, had it been any longer I would have died as he had the Atkinson Morley hospital shut down because of costs. The cunt.
Have to say I totally agree Norman.