I’ve just seen that Labour gimp Fabian Hamilton on sly news and surprise, surprise, he thinks that we should tell the leader of the free world, most powerful man on the planet and president of one of our closest and most important allies to basically go fuck himself.
His job is: Shadow Foreign Minister.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Such is the intelligence and competence of comrade compo’s cabinet, that the man responsible for foreign affairs, relations with our allies and diplomacy in sensitive situations thinks that we shouldn’t invite the president of our most powerful ally to our country.
Sly news and Fabian cunt face decided to discuss the 1.8 million (Ha ha) twats that signed a fraudulent petition to say that he’s not welcome.
Firstly, it was more like 18,000 that signed it 100 times each.
Secondly, no one gives a fuck about lefty, virtue signalling cunts that quite happily support Islamic grooming gangs and Harvey wankstain (or at least until it became trendy to condemn him) and then go for trump because he shagged some groupies and grabbed some (willing) pussy.
To be fair to the old cunt he did eventually say that Trump is welcome after all as he isn’t a terrorist, although, as we all know, being a lefty he’s totally cool with terrorists.
He says that we shouldn’t give trump a state visit though.
So what are we to do with him?
A Travelodge perhaps?
A night in a b&b?
A cup of tea with the PM or the queen?
No. None of these things.
Fabian cunt face suggested that trump should come to comrade compo’s constituency and, yes you’ve guessed it, VISIT A CUNTING MOSQUE to get a real view of Britain.
When asked if it’s worth falling out with America he stated that falling out with Trump is not the same as falling out with America.
“There are many extremists but many have liberal values like ours.”
Like YOURS you mean.
“We’re not going to fall out with America, were going to fall out with those that don’t agree with our values.”
Agree with YOUR values, you mean.
In other words he will alienate and insult all those (extremists) that voted for trump and cause damage to a very important relationship just so that he can virtue signal and jump on the “I love killary Cunton” bandwagon.
Why can’t these leftist cunts just accept that he is the democratically elected leader of the good ol’ US of A, and whether you agree with him or not, he deserves the respect that his position is due.
No matter what you think of trump (and I’m not a huge fan) at least he’s not Clinton, who was a crook, a cunt, and got a child rapist set free by attacking the victim and manipulating the evidence, then laughed about it.
But he’s totally cool about that.
You don’t give the state visit to the man, you give it as a show of respect to the leader of a country and I think Trump should have all the respect that should be given to our strongest ally.
I don’t know if any of you distinguished cunters are planning to go, but I will definitely be on the welcome Trump march at the end of Feb to welcome the president and hopefully trigger some lefties in the process.
What better way to spend an afternoon than melting snowflakes, triggering phoney feminists and upsetting cunts like the ones that get cunted daily on this site?
One being that cunt Fabian Hamilton.
Nominated by Deploy the Sausage
With you all the way there Deploy – fuckin’ awesome nomination! Roll on Feb…
Roll on Feb…..
Sorry, this first comment disappeared into the ether for a couple of hours.
FYI any comment less than 14 characters gets automatically dumped by the spam filter…
….roll on feb.
“Why can’t these leftist cunts just accept that he is the democratically elected leader of the good ol’ US of A, and whether you agree with him or not, he deserves the respect that his position is due”
Plenty of non-leftists believe that respect is earned, not automatically due by reason of status. And the fat, lying, orange cunt has done absolutely nothing to earn respect and has said and done plenty to deliberately alienate and offend – including the people and government of the UK. I’m sick of our MPs rolling over and sucking the cocks of corrupt cunts, at least this MP is objecting to everything Trump stands for (as are many Tories too, incidentally). Trump is a fucking thick-as-shit attention-seeking infant and the sooner the cunt is impeached the better.
Alternatively, one can live in hope that Badge Man and Umbrella Man are planning something along the route of some future visit to Dallas.
You’re entitled to your view fred and in many ways I know where you’re coming from. I’m not particularly fond of Trump but extending the courtesy of a state visit is a must for me as America is an important ally and to snub their president is not a good move. Especially when the Reich have all guns blazing for us and our weak and pathetic leaders are rolling over to apese them.
We need to keep our friends on side and showing disrespect to the potus is only going to push America away.
That’s just my opinion anyway.
And so relieved it wasn’t Killary…
FFS Fred! Get off yer fucking soap box!
We’re not inviting Trump. We’re inviting the President of the United States. Why can’t you understand the difference?
Impeached for what? No doubt you have a view?
You talk about respect and then rant on like this? If you would like some then I suggest you take a note out of your own book and earn some respect because you sure as hell don’t deserve any for insulting Trump like this. I don’t particularly like the man but this is way over the top.
As an admin you’d ban someone for these sort of views so where the hell do you get off? If you’re offended by this, tough shit!..
Amen brother,
post of the day
Fucking count me in.
Let me know when the March is. You’ll know me when you see me as I’ve got CUNT tattooed on my forehead.
Keep that between us, right!
Incidentally – there’s no firm date for this alleged visit. The media has been in overdrive simply because the new American Ambassador (a cunt with no diplomatic experience at all – he’s just the owner of some yank sports team) hopes Trump will come next year.
I think it more likely that the White House is waiting to see how long Theresa May survives and what happens afterwards. If there’s an election and a chance of Comrade Steptoe entering Downing Street, a chronic narcissist like Trump wouldn’t want to risk the very public humiliation of the invitation being withdrawn (as it surely would be). But then if he arrives early in the New Year, he’s going to provoke the biggest protests since the Poll Tax. It’s a lose-lose situation for a cunt who cares nothing for the office of President beyond the personal publicity it brings this moronic attention-whore.
Bring him on, can’t wait, we’re surely due a little light entertainment after what we’ve been through in the last couple of years!
Definitely signing up to see wor Donny Tee. We can have an ISAC day out. Few drinks and see the Orange One.
With you there TB, an ISAC Christmas pub crawl. I can see the local news headlines “reports of a ten fold increase of hate crimes and butt hurt feelings following a riotous gathering of cunters”.
This one splits me a bit. I agree that Trump is an infantile, ill mannered, narcissistic cunt. However the anti-Semitic, terrorist embracing left of this country make him look like F. D. Roosevelt.
From a purely pragmatic point of view we need the good will of this cunt so on balance I am pro Trump on this particular occasion.
Sounds like a great idea!
Not sure yet mate.
I think he’s coming to open the new embassy but the politicians are still wondering whether to roll out the red carpet or spit in his face.
Either way there’ll be an army of snowflakes there to give him a cunting so a counter cunting is being organised.
Heard about it on the make Britain great again channel, I’ll keep an eye out for the details.
Awesome cunting deploy!
Cheers mate….
HMMMMM. We seem to live in a world where we believe that only a politician can manage a country. We seem to think that the bigotry of political ideology, is more appropriate to good management than common sense and business principal.
It is political ideology and dogma, and the party first mentality that will ( even has ) destroyed this country.
Trump seems to be the catalyst for change. He is no politician. He is certainly no Diplomat, and he is certainly no role model. But, what you see is what you get.
Politicians are so fucking fake. Masters of double talk, born fucking liars, workshy, corrupt ideological feckless cunts of the first magnitude.
I would rather vote for a Trump, than some cunt on the doorstep promising me the fucking universe.
Fuck em all.
I agree.
Most people are sick to the back teeth of these fucking suck-up’s, worried only about their political careers and party ideology.
It’s all just about the reds vs the blues and it’s about time someone stepped in and said: “there’s no need to squabble. …You’re BOTH cunts”.
I Respect trump coz (even though he’s a bit of an idiot) he speaks his mind and doesn’t give a fuck what any cunt has to say about it.
Then I see treeza may hobbling around on those heels with that stupid, sucking up grin on her face.
She was in the Reich the other day with Tusk and Junker. Both had serious, stern looks on their faces. Ready for business.
She had that stupid “I’m so happy to be here” grin on her face and I just though “we’re fucked”.
We need a Churchill or a Thatcher.
Surely May can’t last till Xmas…can there be anyone left in the country who actually believes a single word she says any more? You’d have thought Friday would have taken the biscuit, but no!
Are these cunt politicians & Media all on bad acid or something???
Crazy isn’t it!
She’s probably the shittest PM since … erm …. ok they’ve all been shit but she’s fucking useless.
Since the election manifesto everyone has realised what a cunt she is and has been calling for her head. …. and not the good kind.
She’s blatantly weak yet for some reason the cunts in the Tory party haven’t booted her out.
Indeed. Politicians are cunts. Full stop. I know, cos the cunts have sent me to war 5 times but wouldn’t have the bollocks to face down a slogan-chanting snowflake. Cunts.
The spineless dissembling cunts are waiting for any chance of Brexit to go away before popping their heads above the parapet and holding May to blame for disrespecting the will of the people and for EVERYTHING going seriously pear shaped.
I’m still not quite sure whether she’s going along with this tactic, or whether she’s simply terminally dim. Her anecdote about running thru the corn fields make me suspect the latter…
Btw – more well fed Africans (Congo) and their starving babies on the telly YET AGAIN right now. They’ve had 60+ years and £billions of aid to sort themselves out, and still no change. Nuke the fucking lot.
As long as we see a lot of Melania on TV , he can move in with the Queen as far as I’m concerned. You need to get your priorities right.
Seconded CNR ……
Maple leaf for a flag “Oh canada our home and colonial native land, true patriot hearts where all thy cunts command….” http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/248/661/318.png
Vote for whoever you want. It won’t make the slightest bit of difference to the important matters. Those things are decided by our “betters” who really don’t give a shiny shite about the Will of the People. If the “Brexit” sell-out doesn’t convince you that your vote is redundant,nothing will.
100% convinced here Dick. I will be scrawling CUNTS! in black permanent marker across my next ballot paper, which will probably mean Labour will get in (marginal constituency), but I’m past fucking caring now, they’ve taken my vote for granted one time too many – “Fuck Them”.
Mr Fiddlers’ opening statement sums it up which just affirms the old….
“How many voters does it take to change a lightbulb…?”
“Nobody knows because voters have never changed anything.”
Re:- Trump…why would he want this job..?
I don’t get it. He’s got more money than God, can live a life most can only dream of and yet gets greif from the moment the alarm goes off.
If I was Trump I just occasionally,
would like to be in the same room as Bill Clinton so I could say..
“We’re about the same age…let’s compare wives”…
“Why would he want this job…?”
It affords him the priceless opportunity to wind up libtard cunts worldwide, that’s why!
PS: Melania rules!
Its not the democratic vote dick fiddler old chap, its the (((democratic))) vote
Tony B.liar is making sure democracy wins by reversing brexit truly a evil an despicable cunt
surprised to see Russell Brand in the lead in the ‘home grown COTY ‘ section. yeh he’s a bit cunty but whats he done cunt wise recently ? or is just being him enough in and of itself?
He told the snowflakes not to vote. Should instead be man of the century!
Shame he won’t raise it cunt neutral.
I get the feeling there will be a lot of little cunt kids in the coming years all messed up by this gender neutral shite. Treating their kids like a fucking experiment because it’s the trend at the moment, gob shites.
The cunt breathes which means there’s less air for me the selfish ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly cunt.
For me the brand vintage years were 2015 or 2016…..
he’s been no more than an average Cunt this year, a tad disappointing if I’m being honest…..
Visit by the Saudi Government which has a horrific Human Rights record? ✔
Visit by the leader of China which has an appalling Human Rights record? ✔
Visit by Putin (and subsequent jig around in the Queen’s carriage) the leader of Russia which has a distasteful relationship to Human Rights? ✔
Visit by Hirohito’s son ((and subsequent jig around in the Queen’s carriage) from Japan which treated prisoners of war rather shabbily? ✔
Visit by Nicolae Ceausescu from Romania which had a cripplingly nauseous record of Human Rights? ✔
Visit by a USA President who the used the word “pussy” and the media dislike? No! Absolutely not!! Racist!! Wahhh!!
You just smashed the nail on the head!
Well said.
I don’t think you quite ‘wahhh’d enough to accurately represent the average snowflake twat… I mean come one – you didn’t even call someone a bigert or a zenowfobe. Also, I believe it’s actually pronounced waaysist waaahh (extra emphasis on, and faux disgusted look when saying waaah). You didn’t even point out that Trump was discriminating against ‘men’ with pussy’s, by only wanting to grab ‘her’ by the pussy. Everyone knows in this enlightened age there is absolutely no difference between a nice wet slit and one of those surgically reconfigured ballsacks, surrounding an inverted and butchered penile shaft that needs to be artificially kept from healing (and therefore closing) gracefully topped off with a pair of uneven, saline filled tits with rougher stubble on than a cats tongue. It’s just as good ‘if not better’ you waycist bigurt zenofobe… waaaaahhhh.
Choked on my drink reading your post, you scoundrel!?
Can’t argue with that!! CM ?
I only want him to come up to Scotland so we can see wee burnie aka jimmy krankie HAVING to be nice to him !!!!!!
Trumps a cunt but where i live not far from Turnberry Hotel and championship golf course ( trump turnberry now ) no one has a bad word to say about him – He spent £200 million redoing course as per the R&A and hotel , using where they could locals
Suppose its perspective really !!!!!!!
That would be funny.
Seeing wee Burney having to be nice him after repeatedly cunting him off and virtue signalling by mouthing off about trump ever chance she gets.
Unlike his predecessor at least Tangoman won’t be coming over here telling us how to vote, waving his finger and making threats……and, by the way, who paid for that bag of shit to come over here to order us about? The same muggy cunts who paid for the glossy propaganda that popped through every letterbox in the country. The same muggy cunts who, despite paying for our own brainwashing, said NO stick it up your arse ! The same muggy cunts who were then told you don’t count anyway so shut the fuck up. Long live British democracy!??
Well said.
O’bummer thought he could mug us off and got told in no uncertain term to fuck off.
Trump loves brexit and respects us for leaving the Reich. Nuff said.
The same muggy cunts who are working overtime to ensure Brexit will mean Remain.
Cameron really thought Obama was his ace in the pack!
Flying that fuckin bust of Churchill moving sack of shit over to tell us what to do!! The
back of the line Obama stunt backfired spectacularly……..
Sorry forgot to mention the excellent post DTS
Bonzer cunting, Deploy TS.
Don’t forget Blair’s warm embrace with Gadaffi; something the Blairite Guardinista shitcunts conveniently try to play down.
Besides, which genocides, illegal wars, slaughter of innocents or otherwise atrocities against humanity has Trump been responsible for? Does this excessive vitriol and anti-Trump rhetoric really just boil down to his pledges on tackling both illegal immigrant Mexicunts and religious intolerance, as well as a bit of locker-room jock talk?
Because I can’t see much else to complain about. Sure, he’s a capitalist cunt and crass in many respects; a sterotypical fat cat self-serving businesscunt. In the grand scheme of things, so what? That pales into comparison against the psychopathic, murderous tendencies of Tony Blair or the proven political and financial corruption of George W to name but two premier league omnicunts.
I am envious that the USA has a leader unafraid to call these matters as they are. Instead, we get the Maidenhead Hunchback flip-flopping and floundering in front of the world.
Couldn’t agree more ECB. How many crimes and disgraceful acts have been committed by the shameless cunts that now want to show how “diverse” and “tolerant” they are by mugging off a man that is fucking Jesus in comparison.
….I’m not comparing trump to Jesus by the way. I know he has many, many faults but it’s nothing compared to cunts like Blair and killary.
The only thing Trump is guilty of is being a bit of a lad. He would be welcome to ISAC with open arms. Imagine if he was PM. He would sort out the fucking M problem. And he would legalise all comments relating to shagging Rachel Riley and Julia H.
Both of them are definitely worth a prod!!
Personally I would rather do Riley whilst JHB whispered sweet brexit in my ears……….
Worst thing he’s done is nearly lift the ban on the import of elephant hunt trophies from Rhodesia and Zambia. The lifting of the ban is currently “on hold” pending a review…
Trump is a straight, white male aka public enemy #1 to these lefty cunts.
Damn right.
Out of all the cunts on the planet they choose us as the target.
Good fuckin luck. …You’ll need it.
I’ve posted this link before but I thought I’d post it again to show the utter racism and cuntitude of these twats. It’s funny too.
funny clip ??………………
Trump is a cunt, Killary is a cunt. I know which cunt I would prefer in the White House. From day one democrats and certain republicans have cried like babies since Trump took charge. If they had taken stock and had a look at what they had failed the American public at, then maybe they would have had someone else directing from Washington. Oh, but I forget, the Russians voted in Trump, if you believe that. I for one would welcome Trump to these shores, not because I like him, but as Dio and others on this site state….Trump is President of the USA.
This Fabian fucker will explode on Trumps visit here. Imagine, as Shadow Foreign Secretary him in the queue for a handshake. And to top it , I want to see how uncle fester deals with the situation.
Fuck em all
I think that utter, utter, cunt Emily Cuntberry is still shadow foreign secretary. Not entirely sure. Sky news just presented him as shadow foreign minister so he’s probably Thornberry’s biatch.
Fuck, she’s even worse.
Sorry, you were right…..he’s still a cunt!
I like any cunt what ruffles the feathers of the oh so sensible caring tolerant common sense pussy establishment fuckers. I know Trump is a childish petty cunt but I would have voted for him given the alternative. As for the Labour mongs their window of opportunity is narrowing all the time. They come out with more and more shite as their desperation grows and that shows them up for the cunts they are. Another example is this church service for Grenfell Towering Inferno where they are not inviting any Tory councillors. Trying to make political gain out of that is beyond contempt. Cunt fucking cunt fuckers.
It’s weird how labour used to be for the working class and now they represent only the upper middle class.
It’s a shame that there are so many working class out there that, as they say, would vote for a donkey if it wore a red rosette.
Labour haven’t given 2 shits about the working class since Blair (or probably before).
They’re now the communist party, engaging in simple divide and conquer tactics. I’d say they’d definitely fail but so many are falling for it and there’s no conservative party anymore. The Tories are now new labour (or trying to be) and anyone that doesn’t vote for lefties has no other choice that the “far right”.
A sad state of affairs.
Labour are George Orwell’s Animal Farm in embryo. “Some animals are more equal than others…”
Orwell summed it up in The Road to Wigan Pier that the problem with socialism was socialists and they are driven not by affinity with the working class and a genuine desire to raise their standard of living, but by a hatred and bitter resentment of anyone who has more than they, the socialist, do.
This was back in the pate 1930’s, not mush has changed has it?
If socialists genuinely cared for the ordinary working man than why in the UK is it that the shitty depressed areas that have been politically represented by the the socialists for 100 years or more are STILL shitty depressed areas?
Because the socialist cunts don’t care and keeping the area shitty and depressed means more budget. salary perks and benefits for the socialists and loads of customers to keep them in jobs. Fucking simple isn’t it.
Socialists are basically inadequate cunts who, from an early age, understood they could never expect to compete in the real world with their wealth creating tax paying peers who provide the funding for the envious, unproductive, socialist career politician cunts to piss down the shitter on behalf of us all.
Agreed. And I meant late not pate, what a drunken cunt I am.
I have to say, I am daily bolstered by my kids and their friends who would fit in quite comfortably in the 70s and 80s. And by the young guys who I work with. They’re not all snowflakes – only the ones who got bullied at school. And they probably deserved that, the weedy cunts.
As the saying goes, if I had a pound for every time socialism worked I’d have 0 pounds. Ironically if socialism did work I’d still have 0 pounds. ?
That one short sentence sums up socialism.
You could add that that under socialism not only would you have 0 pounds you would likely be in a prison camp or have starved to death. Or both.
This bearded skidmark is the Minister for Peace and Disarmament. A make-believe cabinet position made up by that other bearded lunatic cunt, Corblimey.
You really couldn’t make this up. Here we have a bearded loon in a made up peacenik job, who is being given column inches on his true belief that the UK should not participate in a state welcome for the POTUS. One of our biggest allies if we ever escape the clutches of the 4th Reich.
Farage had the right idea – build relations with the man. Saggy May is a fucking retarded dumpling in comparison. I suspect we have much to thank Sir Nigel for showing the POTUS that not all brain cells have left this island.
Think this arsehole and his comrades should invite Trump into some constructive bridge building negotiations with our new Peaceful friends. Understand they are extremely receptive to change.
Nice one Willie!
“Peace be upon you. Is this dough made with the breast milk of Wahhabi women, or with the milk of Aisha?”
Who sez Muslims have no sense of humour…?!
Would love to see British politicians losing it big time. It would liven up proceedings greatly.
With Brexit there would certainly appear to enough hatred there, just too fucking polite and full of British reserve to do anything even slightly controversial. Apart from Sor Nigel and Jacob RM where is the real genuine passion?
Far too accommodating and understanding of others and not wanting to cause a fuss or to offend anyone.
This attitude will be the death of this country, we need to fight fire with fire and fuck being reasonable and tolerant of those wishing to bring this nation down.
Nigel and JR-M are the epitome of British reserve and self restraint!
Trouble with the Muzzies, and primitive cultures in general, is they don’t have the ability to think rationally or the language to articulate their points clearly without resorting to punching each other’s lights out.
Mind you, the way education and everything else is being dumbed down here these days, uncouth behaviour will doubtless soon be coming to a Parliament near you.
Fun to watch, but hardly British old boy!
And….. he’s a thieving cunt too!
Just watching Newsnight. They are on about Grenfell, now it goes without saying the fire was horrific but they were interviewing a man who survived( foreign obviously. )He lived in Grenfell with his adult son. Now this is where it gets dodgy.guess what? They are demanding a house each. Is that taking the piss or am I heartless unfeeling bastard?
No, they are taking the piss.
There were 120 flats plus 30 from a neighbouring block which was evacuated. That’s ….. er…… 150 right?
But somehow they need 350…..yes……3 fucking 50!!!!
Statistics supplied courtesy of the Flabbopotamus book of Primary School Maths.
This is just typical of lefties. They constantly preach to others about the value and importance of tolerance, but they never practice it. The second that someone dares to express a view that deviates in even the tiniest way from theirs, they become a screaming mob of hatred and violence.
There’s a reason for this. It’s because in Leftie Land, tolerance means Kowtowing to the views of a few select, elite “intellectuals”, and “academics”. To all the other lefties, these people are placed higher than Christians place God. Their words are wise, their knowledge is infinite, their ideas are sacred. They are infallible. They speak down to their retarded followers, who unquestioningly take in every piece of bullshit that falls from their lips, and everything is right with the world. Until someone does dare to question them. Then all the peace and love, and all the tolerance and acceptance goes right out the window.
Anyone who dares to question these left wing elites, or worse still, point out the obvious flaws and contradictions in their philosophy, is immediately labelled a far right extremist and subjected to the most incredible and disgusting barrage of abuse, both verbal and physical. They will even turn up at your house, to damage your property and intimidate family, such is their hatred for you, and your opinion. So much for tolerance eh?
I used to live in an area that over the past twenty years has come more to resemble Bangladesh than it does the small, English market town it used to be. Burqas are everywhere, as are Muslim owned fast food outlets, which now outnumber shops that people actually want. There have only been TWO occasions in the past few years when the town has seemed like the town it was when I first arrived in the UK at the age of 9. In other words, predominantly white. One was in the week after a young teenage white boy was brutally attacked in an unprovoked assault by Bangladeshi youths. You didn’t see a single Bangladeshi face in the town for a full week after that. They were THAT scared of retribution. And did the local Labour council condemn that attack? NO! They urged restraint, tolerance and told us the oft told lie that “Islam is THE religion of peace”, and condemned “far right agitators”, who don’t even fucking exist.
The other was when a Battalion of the Mercian Regiment marched through, along with a section of Gurkha’s, about three years ago. Again not a single Bangladeshi face. Plenty of black people, Hindu’s, Sikh’s and even a couple of Hare Krishna’s (honestly). All cheering and waving the good old Red White and Blue.
The irony of the left, is that, if they hadn’t spent the past twenty years forcing their opinions on others, forcing people to accept mass, uncontrolled immigration, forcing people to accept shit like the smoking ban, making a mockery of Health and Safety laws, which should be driven by logic and common sense, forcing us to accept the rule of an undemocratic FOREIGN government that NOBODY outside parliament wanted, there would not even be any right wing groups. Certainly not ones with the prominence they have.
Because of their arrogance, they can’t even see that THEY are to blame for groups like the BNP and the EDL. Immigrants invariably end up moving into working class areas. They move in to them in such numbers that they change the area beyond recognition, and then they take over, pushing out the indigenous population and sparking resentment. Instead of listening to the people who have grown up in those areas and taken responsibility for what THEY have done, they dismiss those people with a wave of the hand and blast them as racists and xenophobes. Then they import even more foreigners.
The whole ideology of the left, is control. They want to control the entire planet. They want to control parliament, and all government institutions, they want to control local government, they want to control schools, they want to control US. The problem they have, is that the British people, true British people, have never been a people who would simply roll over and allow their lives to be dictated to. We tend to question the motives of people who would seek to tell us what to do. And if we don’t like the answers, we tend to resist. And because of that, we’re labelled “far” right.
You’re exactly right quick draw.
The biggest threat to Britain’s freedom, democracy and well being is the left.
You may call me a conspiracy theorist but I assure you I’m not. This is how I think it is:
Simple divide and conquer. Fragmented and divided societies are easier to control.
The reason they bring in so many unintergrated peoples is purely to subdue UNITY.
They champion diversity because the more “diverse” a society is, the more fragmented and unintegrared the peoples are.
That’s why they’ve invented black lives matter and words like “homophobic”.
Whites don’t hate blacks. People don’t hate gays. But if you can make each section of society look over the fence and say “I don’t trust them” you have a society that can be easily manipulated and controlled.
The left have purged politics, the media, the education system and the police.
If they completely control these institutions AND convince everyone that they’re on their own, the left have won.
Unity = strength.
The Reich have proved that (we knew it already) with the ass rape of our bickering politicians. …. see how easy it is for a dictatorship to rule a fragmented, squabbling bunch of confused cunts.
The nazi’s managed to turn a whole generation of germans into killers.
The lefties will turn a whole generation of brits into pussies.
Unless things change soon.
The left are the biggest threat to Britain since the nazi’s. If we continue to stand by and hope for a change, we can blame no one else for this oncoming disaster but ourselves.
“The rise of the far right.”
No. The rise of common sense and patriotism. ….NOT the same thing.
A spot on analysis of the UK’s death bed.
100% agree DTS…..
if the tories don’t offload the hunchback and soon I’m afraid we’re heading for the unthinkable at the next general election……. it’s a throughly depressing situation…….
You couldn’t be more right DTS, and “a throughly depressing situation” it is Q. I fear the Leftards have all but won, really can’t see any way back now, the snowflakes and upcoming generations have been comprehensively brainwashed.
Education at every level has resulted in an infantilised electorate – if you can’t read and write properly you’re easy meat for the Leftard establishment elite.
On a slight tangent, the schools don’t even bother to open these days if there’s a little snow – that would have been unheard of in the 1960s when snow really was an issue! Talk about snowflakery…
anyone with the name Fabian is clearly a massive shitcunt
Ha ha. Here here.
The only cunts named fabian are poofters and spanish hairdressers who are also gay
These sandwogs do struggle to control their emotions.
Nevertheless and notwithstanding, Trump is a complete and utter cunt. Yes, we have to put on a show of deference to the POTUS – he’s already opened negotiations for trade deals following Brexit in his usual charming style, by throwing up on Twitter – but I wouldn’t piss on the cunt if he was on fire if he was simply himself. Sorry, cunters. The enemy of your enemy is not your friend in this instance.
Komodo, We yank cunts don’t give a flying monkey fuck what you think or say. We just suffered 8 years of racist libtard carp from some fucked up retard potus. None of them are any good but this is the best it’s been for a long time. Worry about your own fucked up country.
Thankfully we Brits rejoice in the fact that however fucked up our country is, it’ll never be as fucked up as yours ?