I would like to nominate that fucking cunt ‘little shit’ Elton Welsby on behalf of my rather disabled and dribbling father. He may well be in a Nursing Home and bereft of pretty much all of his faculties but the one thing my Dad taught me was the difference between rational and irrational hatred. God bless you Dad.
Some of you may know Elton and some not but with a name like Elton you just knew he was going to be a cunt, anyway Elton Welsby was a regional TV news presenter who specialised in sport in north west England and of scouse origin. I had absolutely zero opinion on the bloke until one day in I’d say 1985 my Dad walked into the lounge and upon seeing Elton on the TV actually squared up to it with his knuckles clenched and said ‘you little shit, come on then’.
It was and remains the most irrational cunting I’ve ever witnessed. Elton Welsby you’re a cunt
Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface
You dad had great foresight …. Any one who dresses like that and is called Elton …. Hhhhhhhhmmmmm .. I wonder is he “one the them”….. As my Gran used to say….?
ALSO … Lily Mong is trying to grab the headlines again…. Christmas cancelled as her card has been declined …. So no presents……..GREAT…… Made my Christmas come early….
Now fuck off you cunt
Happy Christmas fellow cunters
Admiring the cut of your jib here Cuntflap!
Oh I remember Welsby. One afternoon in the late 80’s he was opening a shop in Grimsby and my mates dared me to go and rough him up, I went over shook his hand then held him in a head lock , I remember he had this nervous laugh and twitch, after about a minute I let go and did a runner.
Yeah, and that Jeremy Beadle was a right cunt ( brushes cobwebs from left shoulder and settles down to watch “Happy Days” ) Fuck me, have I woken up in a time warp?….a world where nobody has heard of Tony fucking Blair?
Oh joy!
No No No! how could they do this on the holidays? professor groypers account has been killed anybody with a twatter account message @jackdorsey and ask that donkey punching cock whistle why they murdered a innocent mans life on social media https://twitter.com/that_groyper/status/942244682481926144
Professor groyper was a genius who specialized in niggernomics and chicken tenders who sometimes held unpopular views if you care about free speech please speak out about this injustice
Is this a fucking wind up? Cunting innocuous anonymity? Ok, the cunt looks like a cunt, but who amongst us doesn’t? Apart from TECB, who reminds me of one of them swanky snooker celebrifuck cunts. Besides, not even all Eltons are cunts! Elton Dean wasn’t/isn’t a cunt (assuming the cunt’s still alive), unless great playing is a cunt. Theresa May is a cunt. COTY.
All the best for the New Year cunters! Couldn’t face it without you.
This is a waste of Christmas Eve cunting. Nobody’s heard of him.
Tumbleweed Connection is a good album.
Show some Christmas spirit….EVEN if you haven’t heard of him…
You got to admit … He does look a cunt…..
Baaahhhh humbug C n R
There’s loads of noms who we don’t know, take the Geordie comedian and the ASA the other week. I’d never ever ever heard of him.
I’ve cunted plenty of cunts on here simply because they look and sound like cunts, isnt that part of the fun.
Besides I don’t give s fuck really, this is my first nom written ages ago on behalf of my father who thought everyone was a cunt, even cunted himself.
And as Cuntflap points out he’s never heard of him either but will happily cunt him as any parent who can pass that on has achieved or words to that effect.
Anyway that’s just made my Xmas a little better and I know if my Dad could speak or understand he’d be sticking a Big to fingers up at all of ya and telling you to fuck off!
Merry cunting Christmas fellow cunters
I’ve heard of Welsby… He’s a little cunt…
Good on ya CC….
merry Xmas…..??
I’m prepared to admit that I’m as guilty as anyone,but I really do think that we should stop slating “Cuntings”. If we were to just stick to the same old collection it would be fucking repetitive. Personally I like this Cunting,I might not be too bothered about the subject,but the Cunting itself certainly made me smile.
There are currently 3 Cuntings a day.Either wait for the next one or go “off subject”and rant about something else. We need fresh meat to mince,it can’t just be Mr.Blair every other day (deserved or not.)
I discovered this great site via someone called Nicola Sturgeon.
An acquaintance, knowing how dangerously high my blood pressure shot when Wee Jimmy Krankie & the Scotch Nazi Party were hogging all the telly time a couple of years ago, sent me an ISAC link re said Sturgeon, and I ain’t been seen in Accident and Emergency since!
If he’d sent me the link for this Elton Watshisname cunt, I’d probably have punched said acquaintance in the face for wasting my precious, ever dwindling time, and Dick would have been deprived of my sycophantic gushings whenever he sees fit to grace us with his wondrous words of wit and wisdom.
Oh fuck, that nice new nurse with incredible pins and small but perfectly formed tits has just arrived to do her shift. Forgotten what I was cunting on about anyway, so catch you later suckers!
Here here.
Sorry I don’t want to come over like I’m trying to defend the cunting as it’s mine, I’m not, I loved how irrational it was and it’s stood the test of time of being one of the most irrational cuntings ever.
No need for sorrow McCuntface. Your cunting is like a stream of bat’s piss…
…It shines out like a shaft of gold where all around is dark!
Long may carry on cunting irrationally, Cunty me old mucka.
Irrational cuntings are some of the best!
Strange cunting indeed. I vaguely remember him when I lived in Manchester. That’s about it but if your old man says he’s a cunt then he’s a cunt.
Agree DF…..
ISAC,s a brilliant site!, we all regularly post of here, very cathartic!! It’s provided me with more laughs than almost everything else combined!!
Long may it continue……….
Great stuff… I have mentioned Welsby in passing on here before, and he was a little biased Scouse cunt who did the football for Granada Television… His name is actually Roger Welsby, but the pretentious little poove (yes, he is one) chose the stage name Elton (what it it about pooves being called Elton?)… Despised by United and City fans alike and I think the Youtube footage is still about where Welsby visibly squirms as the Stretford End bellows ‘Elton Welsby is a wanker! Is a wanker!’ It was against Montpellier in 1991 and I for one was proud to sing that on the night…. Last thing I heard, Welsby the Weasel was shagging Jimmy Corkhill off Brookie…
Found it… Starts at 1 minute 19 seconds… Those were the days…
An actual British starting eleven with ten white players, fuck me.
Yes, remember when footballers were called names like Kevin, Martin, Colin, Steve, John, Brian and “useless cunt can’t even walk let alone run!” back in the good old days?
Jimmy Corkhill? Fuck’s Sake,has the whole fucking world turned to poofery? I had no idea that either of them had The Gayness. They should all be tattooed and have to wear a visible badge,perhaps a pink Q? when out in public Fucking world’s getting swamped by Queers.
Jimmy Corkills former pillow biter was no other than Fred talbot, aka Fred the weatherman
Another cunt
Talking of wearing a visible badge for poofery, which is a great idea by the way, I was sitting here in a stupor last night and ” It was alright in the 1970’s” came on.
I know it’s been on loads of times before and the point of it is to tell those of us that were around then what complete racist, sexist, chauvanistic pigs all white men were, but it’s just such a amusing and compelling watch for me.
I left school at 16 in 1980 so it’s a great trip down memory lane. Best thing about it? It ain’t half hot mum. I used to nearly piss myself watching it then and still do now. Fucking hilarious. Google it if you haven’t seen it. The BBC haven’t shown it since 1984. Says it all really.
Fuck religion but:
Merry Christmas Cunters.
Have a great and peaceful (in the true sense of the word) time.
A happy and healthy 2018 to you and yours.
Same to you, Ian… All the beat…
Don’t really know him but he sounds a bit of a conference league cunt if I’m being honest..
Off point….
Glad to see the Cunts over at the Beeb have really rowed the boat out for Xmas eve TV offerings…..
7pm Mary Mel and Sue join forces to surprise a community ctr in the Rhondda valley? The best surprise is they got wind of these 3 Cunts coming and actually shut the place , who on earth would be happy to have these 3 fuckin inbeciles come charging thru their doors??
8pm eastenders…. Are we invited to join the cheerful gang down the east end for a Xmas knees up?? Yeh like fuck!! apparently max life is in pieces and somebody is stealing
mobile phones …..
And the cherry on this Xmas eve cake of cuntitude is an ISAC favourite
9pm Micheal mc intyre s Christmas special??
So expect and hour of unfunny observations sprinkled with some pathetic celebrities like alesha Dixon etc etc ……
Alesha Dixon.
Have you seen the size of her head? Its tiny.
Oh, and Alexandra Burke looks like John Fashanu in a wig.
The only thing smaller than Dixon’s head is her talent!!
Fuck her and her overly exaggerated laugh!!
Mind you back in the day she was hot!!
And at 5:30pm a legendary TV icon and boys hero finally meets his maker and will be replaced by a new show and character called Dyke-tor Who…
It’s a truly tragic moment!!
I hope this pile of liberal dog shit bombs!! And bombs big!!
Fuck the liberalratzi Cunts at the Beeb!!
There’ll be a massive rumbling noise as the credits roll… It will be the graves of Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Lambert, Newman, Letts, Courtney and Sladen spinning round simultaneously….
See them cunts that can’t handle not having an opinion on the cunting of the day?
Yeah, them newbie cunts.
It would be great if they respected other cunters or even better, fucked off.
Grown cunts spitting the dummy out coz the have no knowledge……. Yeah, them fuckin cunts.
I do recall Welsby from the day, but didn’t have an opinion on him back then. Happy to join in with this marvellous cunting in any case as he has the look of a smarmy shit about him.
His shiny suit was probably purchased from Mr Byrite in 1985, when Indepedent TV had regions with idents. Anglia had the silver knight, Westward had the ship etc. Bet this cunt was on Westward or Border TV or something similarly obscure. A more appropriate ident back then for Welsby would have been a great big pink dripping gash.
Merry Christmas cunters!
The little Scouse cunt was on Granada… Covering the whole of the north west… He thought he was a pretty big fish where footballt was concerned.. But after Sky and the Premier League in 92 he had fuck all to do and went into oblivion… There is more than a hint of Welsby in Alan Partridge….
Funny thing is Norman, when my old man squared up to the TV and offered Elton out, I thought he’d gone mad, however I am now of a similar age as he was then and I get it.
Merry Xmas FFS
Fuck the TV, got some cold beer, and the radio tuned to Planet Rock ! just had Slade no xmas song and now its belting out The sensational Alex Harvey Band and Boston tea party so fuck the telly.
Down South we had a pretty boy news reader called Chris Peacock , a very camp bum boy who probably was always in the receiving end . Anyone remember him
Occasionally on the same shows as Welsby, Granada has Sue Robbie… She looked and sounded well saucy…
Mmme…yum yum…much obliged to ya Norm, needed something fresh to whack one out to before beddy-byes. Will certainly sleep well tonight.